English PT
English PT
English PT
A. Identify the compound word found in the sentence.
______1. The timezone in the Philippines differs from that of Japan.
A. the Philippines B. timezone C. of Japan D. from that
______2. My brother’s mother-in-law has just arrived from Cebu.
A. from Cebu B. just arrived C. mother-in-law D. has just
______3. There is no place so sweet like one’s own motherland.
A. no place B. sweet like C. motherland D. so sweet
______4. My classmate stayed in our classroom.
A. classmate and classroom B. our and classroom
C. my classmate D. from that
______5. My grandmother toothbrush is new.
A. grandmother and toothbrush B. is new C. Japan D. from that
______6. We arrived late in the afternoon.
A. arrived B. arrived late C. afternoon D. from that
B. Identify from among the words in the sentence the synonym of the underlined compound
______7. The airfield which is located between two mountains was too small to serve as a
landing strip for the jet plane.
A. landing strip B. located C. mountains D. between
______8. The schedule of flights to the city is as tight as the timetable of sea trips.
A. city B. schedule C. tight D. trips
______9. Mario has a new wristwatch which is similar to my two-year old timepiece.
A. similar B. new C. timepiece D. has
______10. Travelling in the countryside is much enjoyable, I fell in love with the rural area
which I often visited.
A. often B. enjoyable C. rural area D. travelling
______11. Wendy became disheartened when she saw how the low-spirited employees did
their jobs after the typhoon.
A. became B. jobs C. typhoon D. disheartened
Modal Verbs in Context Worksheet Directions: Complete each sentence below with a modal
verb from the word bank above.
A modal verb is a type of auxiliary verb that is used to indicate modality- that is likelihood,
ability, permission, and obligation.
can couldn’t
may ought to
must might
should will
1. You __________________________ tell me the truth for your own good.
2. I _________________________ find my shoes anywhere.
3. We _____________________ arrive on time or else we will be in trouble.
4. He _____________________ shoot the basketball at the rim.
5. ______________________ you let me know the time?
6. They _________________________ not be trustworthy enough.
7. _______________________ you please pass the salt?
8. We ______________________ prepare for the big exam.
Directions: Identify the verb in each sentence. Underline the modal adverbs once and the
action verbs twice.
1. Preview 5. Graceful
Prefix: Suffix:
2. Disappear 6. Lightness
Prefix: Suffix:
3. Autograph 7. Reopened
Prefix: Prefix:
4. Teacher Suffix:
Root word:
8. Overlooking 9. Unreachable
Prefix: Prefix:
Suffix: Suffix:
10. Unfairness
Root word:
Below are sentences. Some have formal words, some use informal words. For the formal
sentences, write formal in the blank. For the informal sentences, write informal in the blank.