What If..
What If..
What If..
= What if a brother and sister, fighting over who gets to play Fortnite, were sucked into the game?
= What if an earthquake unleashed a series of underground monsters?
= What if someone woke up in a strange spaceship with no recollection of how they got there?
=What if someone kept waking up from dream after dream with no end and no way to determine
what was real and what was a dream?
= What if the late night layover in a deserted airport was actually the gateway to heaven or hell?
=You are born with the ability to stop time. One day, you see something else moving when you have
already stopped time.
=A forgotten object is found.
=A story where your character obtains what they have desired for a long time and at the end of the
story they realize they don’t need it anymore.
=While on a leisurely stroll through the forest ,you found footprints. Do you follow them.
=You find a blank book. Everything you write there becomes real.
=Write about the way the sunset looks like from the perspective from two characters.One is happy
and the other one isn’t.
=You find an antique object from your grandparents/parents and you want to solve the mystery of
=At night every door in your house leads into a new world.
=Turn one of your parents/grandparents stories into fiction.
=Write a story based on someone you think is awesome and turn their lives into fiction.
=Write a story based on your childhood.