Water Well Series
Water Well Series
Water Well Series
Hammerhead and Tipsa have combined resources to offer a turn key ground water
extraction system that is far superior to other types of water well units. This system has
been used with tremendous success for over 19 years, with original components still in
place and continuing to provide the same flawless service that began 19 years ago. Our
polyurethane hose construction and stainless steel fittings eliminate concerns and failures
associated with corrosion and scaling.. This proven system meets the needs of a broad
range of ground water extraction uses including residential wells, agricultural, mining, and
water utility applications. Ease of handling immediately reduces labor cost, and is a key
benefit, allowing one man to deploy and retrieve submersible pumps and pipeline quickly
and efficiently. Our compact lay-flat hose significantly reduces storage and transportation
cost and is constructed of polyurethane with polyester textile internal reinforcement. This
flexible pipeline can easily be cut to length on-site at any depth up to 1640’. Long term
benefits include energy savings, and extended pipeline life. Our wide range of couplings
and accessories ensures that the entire system is readily available for immediate
use. Stainless steel couplings and durable hose assures that pumps remain
safely connected, and electrical cables are easily installed. OROFLEX well
is fully certified for all potable water applications. Including NFS 61.
LF = Limited Flow