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5.1 For the reaction N2(g) + 3H2(g) = 2NH3(g), K = 1.60 x 10-4 at 400 °C. Calculate
(a) ~rGo and (b) ~rG when the pressures of N2 and H2 are maintained at 10 and 30
bar, respectively, and NH3 is removed at a partial pressure of 3 bar. (c) Is the
reaction spontaneous under the latter conditions?


(a) ~rGO = -RTln K

= -(8.314 J K-l mol-l)(673 K) In 1.60 x 10-4 = 48.9 kJ mol-l


(c) Yes
5.2 At 1:3 mixture of nitrogen and hydrogen was passed over a catalyst at 450 °C. It
was found that 2.04% by volllme of ammonia was fonned when the total pressure
was maintained at 10.13 bar. Calculate the value ofKfor~ H2(g) + ~N2(g) =

NH3(g) at this temperature.


At equilibrium PH2 + PN2 + PNH3 =10.13 bar

PNH3 = (10.13 bar)(0.0204) = 0.207 bar

PH2 + PN2 = 10.13 bar -0.207 bar = 9.923 bar

PH2 = 3PN2 because this initial ratio is not changed by reaction

66 Chapter 5/Chemical Equilibrium

5.3 At 55 °C and 1 bar the averagemolar massof partially dissociatedN2O4 is 61.2 9

mol-l. Calculate (a) ~ and (b) Kfor the reaction N2O4(g) = 2NO2(g). (c) Calculate
~ at 55 °C if the total pressureis reduced to 0.1 bar.


1= -MI -M2 - 92.0- 61.2 = 0.503

~ -M2 -
(a) 61.2
K= = 4(0.503)2
1 -0.5032 = 1.36

-- f;2 K 1.36
1 -f;2 -4(PlPO) =~
C;= 0.879

(Note that C;is the dimensionless extent of reaction.)

5.4 A 11iter reaction vessel containing 0.233 mol of N2 and 0.341 mol of PCl5 is heated
to 250 °C. The total pressure at equilibrium is 29.33 bar. Assuming that all the
gases are ideal, calculate K for the only reaction that occurs.
PCI5(g) = PCI3(g) + Cl2(g)


PC1S = PCl3 + Cl2

initial 0.341 0 0

total = 0.341 + 9
eq. 0.341 -~ 9 9

Chapter 5/Chemical Equilibrium 67

p = 29.33 bar -(0.233 mol)(0.08314 ~ ~ar K-lmol-l )(52

(0.341 + ~(0.08314)(523)
= 19.20 bar = 1

~ = 0.1005

K = 0.3412-
0.10052 = 1 . 83

An evacuated tube containing 5.96 x 10-3 mol L -I of solid iodine is heated to 973 K.
The experimentally determined pressure is 0.496 bar. Assuming ideal gas behavior,
calculate K for 12(g) = 21(g).



= 0.0288

K= = 4(0.0288)2(0.496)
1 -0.02872 = 1.64 x 10-3


5.6 Nitrogen trioxide dissociates according to the reaction

N203(g) = NO2(g) + NO(g)
When one mole of N203(g) is held at 25 °C and 1 bar total pressure until
equilibrium is reached, the extent of reaction is 0.30. What is LlrGo for this reaction
at 25 °C?


N203(g) = NO2(g) + NO(g)

init. 1 0 0
total = 1 + ~
eq. 1-~ 9 ~

mole fr .
68 Chapter 5/Chemical Equilibrium

*5.7 For the reaction

2lfl(g) = lI2(g) + 12(g)
at 698.6 K, K = 1.83 x 10-2. (a) lIow many grams of hydrogen iodide will be
formed when 10 9 of iodine and 0.2 9 of hydrogen are heated to this temperature in
a 3 L vessel ? (b) What will be the partial pressures of lI2, Iz, and lII?


(a) Pressures due to reactants prior to reaction:

(10 g)(0.08314 Lbar K-l mol-l)(698.6 K) = 0.762 bar

PI2 = (254 9 mol-l)(3 L)

(0.2)(0.08314 L bar K-l mol-l)(698.6 K) = 1.936 bar

PH2= 2x3
-(0.762 -x)(1.936 -x) = 1.83 x 10-2
K- (2x)2

x = 0.730 bar

(b) PH2 = 1.936- 0.730 = 1.206 bar

Pl2 = 0.762 -0.730 = 0.032 bar

PHI = 1.460 bar

5.8 Express K for the reaction

CO(g) + 3H2(g) = ClI4(g) + H2O(g)
in tenns of the equilibrium extent of reaction ~ when one mole of CO is mixed with
one mole of hydrogen.


co + 3H2 = CH4 + H2O

initial 1 1 0 0

equilibrium l-C; 1-3~ ; ~ total = 2 -2~

'2 -2C;" , PO"
( ~ )(~)3( ~ )4
2-2C; 2-2C; po
Chapter 5/Chemical Equilibrium 69

What are the percentage dissociations of H2(g), O2(g), and h(g) at 2000 K and a
total pressure of 1 bar?


H2(g) = 2H(g)
/lrGo = 2(106,760 J mol-l)
= -RT In K
= -(8.3145 J K-l mol-l)(2000 K) In K

K = 2.65 x 10-6 =

K 1/2 ) = (~) 1/2
= 0.000814 or 0.0814%
g= K+4 4
02(g) = 20(g)
~rGo = 2(121,552 J mol-l)
K = 4.48 x 10-7 9 = 0.0335%
h(g) = 2I(g)
~rGo = 2(- 29,410 J mol-l)
K = 34.37 ~ = 94.6%

In order to produce more hydrogen from "synthesis gas" (CO + H2) the water gas
shift reaction is used.

CO(g) + H20(g) = CO2(g) + H2(g)

Calculate K at 1000 K and the equilibrium extent of reaction starting with an

equimolar mixture of CO and H2O.


~GO = -395,886- 1- 200,275) -(- 192,590) = -3021 J mol-l

= -(8.314 J K-l mol-l)(1000 K) In K

PH2PCO2 f}
K=1.44= p p =
CO H20 ( 1 -~2
~ = 0.545
(Note that this reaction is exothermic so that there will be a larger extent of reaction
at lower temperatures. In practice this reaction is usually carried out at about 700

Calculate the extent of reaction 9 of 1 mol of H2O(g) to form H2(g) and O2(g) at
5.11 (
2000 K and 1 bar. (Since the extent of reaction is small, the calculation may be

simplified by assuming that PH20 = 1 bar.)

70 Chapter 5/Chemical Equilibrium

fl2()(g) = fl2(g) + ~2(g)

init. 1 0 0

eq. 1- 9 ~
L\rGO = 135,528 J mol-l

= -(8.1315 J K-1 moI-1)(2000 K) In K

K = 2.887 x 10-4

( ~ ) ( ~ ) 112
Po Po PO2 PH2
K -(~) , Po -2PO

( ~ ) ( ~ ) 112= 1- (~ ) 312
Po 2PO .v2 Po

~ = (~ ) = (.v2 K)213 = 0.0055

5.12 At 500 K CH30H, ClI4 and other hydrocarbons can be formed from CO and H2.
Until recently the main source of the CO mixture for the synthesis of CH30H was

CH4(g) + H20(g) = CO(g) + 3H2(g)

When coal is used as the source, the "synthesis gas" has a different composition.

C(graphite) + H20(g) = CO(g) + H2(g)

Suppose we have a catalyst that catalyzes only the foImation of CH3OH. (a) What
pressure is required to convert 25% of the CO to CH3OH at 500 K if the "synthesis
gas" comes from ClI4? (b) If the synthesis gas comes from coal?


(a) CO + 2H2 = CH30H

Chapter 5/Chemical Equilibrium 71

L\rGO= -134.27- (- 155.41) = 22.14 kJ mol-

K= 6.188 x 10-3

p = [ -~(4 -2/:;)2--
] 112
K(l -/:;)(3 -2/:;)2
[ (0.25)(3.5)2 ] 112
= 6.188 ~ 10-3(0.75)(2.5)2 = 10.3 bar

CO + 2H2 = CH30H

Initial 1 1 0

1- 9 Total = 2 -2~
Equil. 1-2~ ~

] 1/2
p = [ (0.25)(1.5)2 = 22.0 bar


Many equilibrium constants in the literature were calculated with a standard state
pressure of 1 atm (1.01325 bar). Show that the corresponding equilibrium constant
with a standard pressure of 1 bar can be calculated using

K(bar) = K(atm)(1.01325)~Vi

where the Vi are the stoichiometric numbers of the gaseous reactants.


K(atm) = O [Pi/(1 atm)) vi


~- n (~ ) Vi
- (~ ) LVi

K(atm) -; 1 bar -Ibar

= 1.01325Lvi

Older tables of chemical thennodynamic properties are based on a standard state

pressure of 1 atm. Show that the corresponding L\fG~ with a standard state pressure
of 1 bar can be calculated using
o o
L\tGj (bar) = L\tGj (atm) -(0.109 x 10-3 kJ K-l mol-l) TLvi
72 Chapter 5/Chemical Equilibrium

where the Vi are the stoichiometric numbers of the gaseous reactants and products in
the formation reaction.


5.15 Show that the equilibrium mole fractions of n-butane and iso-butane are given by

e-6.tGnoIRT + e-6.tGisooIRT

Yiso =


4C(graphite) + SH2(g) = C4HlO(g,n)

K - p /p S --J1.fGnoIRT
n -n H2 -e

4C(graphite) + SH2(g) = C4HlO(g,iso)


*5.16 Calculate the molar Gibbs energy of butane isomers for extents of reaction ofO.2,
0.4, 0.6, and 0.8 for the reaction

Chapter 5/Chemical Equilibrium 73

n-butane = iso-butane

at 1000 K and I bar. At 1000 K,

L\tG° (n-butane) = 270 kJ mol-l
L\tG° (iso-butane) = 276.6 kJ mol-l
Make a plot and show that the minimum co1Tesponds with the equilibrium extent of


n-butane = iso-butane

1 0 moles at t = 0

moles at equilibrium; nT = 1 mol

1-~ 9
G = nn'Un + nj'Uj = nn'UnO + nnRT In(xn) + nj'UjO + njRT In(xj)

o o
= (1 -~) ~fGn + (1 -f;)RT In(l -g) + g~tGi + gRT In(f;)

= 270 + (276.6- 270) 9 + RT[(l -f;)ln(l -f;) + gln(f;)]

G(~) = 270 + 6.6~ + 8.314[(1 -~)ln(l -~) + ~ln(~)] kJ mol-l

G(0.2) = 267.2 G(0.6) = 268.4

G(0.4) = 267.0 G(0.8) = 271.1 in kJ/mol
~Go = ~tG. o -~tG o = 6.6 kJ mol- 1 = -RT In K
1 n
K=-=exp9 [ RT
-~rGO ] =0.4521 (T= 103K)

9 = 0.311

G(0.311) = 266.9 kJ/mol corresponds to the minimum of the following graph of

G(f;) versus extent of reaction






extent of rx
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
74 Chapter 5/Chemical Equilibrium

5.17 In the synthesis of methanol by CO(g) + 2H2(g) = CH3OH(g) at 500 K, calculate

the total pressure required for a 90% conversion to methanol if CO and H2 are
initially in a 1:2 ratio. Given: K= 6.09 x 10-3.


CO(g) + 2H2(g) = CH30H(g)

initial moles 1 2 0

equil. moles 0.1 0.2 0.9 total 1.2

K = (PCH30H/ PO)
(PCdPO)(PH2/PO)2= 6.09 x 10-3

0.9 p
1.2 po

-QlE- (~ E- )2
1.2po 1.2 po

p -I (0.9)(1.2)2
:iJ()= -\' (0.1)(0:04)(6.09 x 10-3) = 231

p = 231 bar = total pressure for 90% conversion to CH30H

).l~ At 1273 K and at a total pressure of 30.4 bar the equilibrium in the reaction CO2(g)
+ C(s) = 2CO(g) is such that 17 mole % of the gas is CO2. (a) What percentage
would be CO2 if the total pressure were 20.3 bar? (b) What would be the effect on
the equilibrium of adding N2 to the reaction mixture in a close" vessel until the
partial pressure of N2 is 10 bar? (c) At what pressure of the reactants wi1125% of
the gas be CO2 ?


(a) PCO2 = (30.4 bar)(0.17) = 5.2 bar

PCO = (30.4 bar)(0.83) = 25.2 bar

K=~= 122

Let x = mole fraction CO2

K -[20.3(1
-20.3x -x)]2 -- 122

x = 0.127

Percentage CO2 at equilibrium= 12.7%

(b) No effect for ideal gases because the partial pressures of the
reactants are not affected.

~ .
Chapter 5/Chemical Equilibrium 75

K = [0.75(P/PO)]2
P = 54 bar

When alkanes are heated up, they lose hydrogen and alkenes are produced. For
C:2lI6(g) = C:2lI4(g) + lI2(g) K = 0.36 at 1000 K

If this is the only reaction that occurs when ethane is heated to 1000 K, at what total
pressure will ethane be (a) 10% dissociated and (b) 90% dissociated to ethylene and



C2H6 = C2H4 + H2

Init. 1 0 0

total = 1+ ~
Equil, 1-~ ~ ~

= [}-(P/po)
(I + ~)(I -~ 1-[}-



At 2000 °C water is 2% dissociated into oxygen and hydrogen at a total pressure of

1 bar.
(a) Calculate K for H2O(g) = H2(g) + 21 O2(g)
(b) Will the extent of reaction increase or decrease if the pressure is reduced? (c)
Will the extent of reaction increase or decrease if argon gas is added, holding the
total pressure equal to 1 bar? (d) Will the extent of reaction change if the pressure
is raised by addition of argon at constant volume to the closed system containing
partially dissociated water vapor? (e) Will the extent of reaction increase or
decrease if oxygen is added while holding the total pressure constant at 1 bar?
76 Chapter 5/Chemical Equilibrium


H20(g) ==
H2(g) + 2 02(g)

initial 1 0 O

PO2= 9


-{2(1 + f)2)1/2(1 -~

1 + Cj2 po
11/:l = 2.03 x 10-3
~ (1.01)1/2
(1.01 )1/2 (0.98)

If the total pressure is reduced, the extent of reaction will increase because
the reaction will produce more molecules to fill the volume.

If argon is added at constant pressure, the extent of reaction will increase

because the partial pressure due to the reactants will decrease.

If argon is added at constant volume, the extent of reaction will not be

(d) changed because the partial pressure due to the reactants will not change.

If oxygen is added at constant total pressure, the extent of reaction of H20

will decrease because the reaction will be pushed to the left.

At 250 °C PCIS is 80% dissociated at a pressure of 1.013 bar, and so K= 1.80.

What is the extent of reaction at equilibrium after sufficient nitrogen has been added
at constant pressure to produce a nitrogen partial pressure of 0.9 bar? The total
pressure is maintained at 1 bar.


OA-1 -!:;2

9 = 0.973 or 97.3% dissociated.

5.22 The following exothermic reaction is at equilibrium at 500 K and 10 bar.

CO(g) + 2H2(g) = CH30H(g)
Assuming the gases are ideal, what will happen to the amount of methanol at
equilibrium when (a) the temperature is raised, (b) the pressure is increased, (c) an
Chapter 5/Chemical Equilibrium 77

inert gas is pumped in at constant volume, (d) an inert gas is pumped in at constant
pressure, and (e) hydrogen gas is added at constant pressure?


n(CH30H) decreases because heat is involved.

n(CH30H) increases because there are fewer molecules of gas in the

(c) No effect.
n(CH30H) decreases because the volume increases.
n(CH30H) increases because there is more of a reactant. Note: the effect of
the addition of CO is more complicated.

The following reaction is nonspontaneous at room temperature and endothermic.

3C(graphite) + 2H2O(g) = CH4(g) + 2CO(g)
As the temperature is raised, the equilibrium constant will become equal to unity at
some point. Estimate this temperature using data from Appendix C.3.


At 1000 K
/).rGo = 19.492 + 2(- 200.275) -2(- 192.590) = 4.122 kJ mol-l

= -(8.3145 x 10-3 kJ K-l moI-l)(1000 K) In K

The measured density of an equilibrium mixture of N2O4 and NO2 at 15 °C and

1.013 bar is 3.62 9 L -I, and the density at 75 °C and 1.013 bar is 1.84 9 L -I. What
is the enthalpy change of the reaction N2O4(g) = 2NO2(g)?


78 Chapter 5/Chemical Equilibrium

K= = 4(0.0753)2(1.013) = 0.0231
1 -0.07532

At 75 °C
M -(0.08314)(348)(1.84)
-1.013 --.952 55 mo 1-1

~=~=0.751 K=5.24

A H -(T2
-RTIT2 -Tl) 1n ~-(8.314)(288)(348)
~r Kl -60 1n 0.0231

= 75 kJ mol-l

5.25 Ca]cu]ate Kc for the reaction in prob]em 5.19 at 1000 K and describe what it is equa]


Kc = Kp( ~ ) ~Vi
6 1 bar
1 bar
= 0.36 1 1 1
(1 L mol-
(1 )(0.08314
mol-l)(O.O8314 L bar
bar K-
K-l mol-
mol )(238 K)
= 0.0145

- (~)(~)


where [ ] indicates concentrations in moles per liter and CO= 1 mol L -I

*5.26 The equilibrium constant for the reaction

~2(g) + 3II2(g) = 2~II3(g)
is 35.0 at 400 K when partial pressures are expressed in bars. Assume the gases are
ideal. (a) What is the equilibrium volume when 0.25 mol ~2 is mixed with 0.75 mol
II2 at a temperature of 400 K and a pressure of 1 bar? (b) What is the equilibrium
composition and equilibrium pressure if this mixture is held at a constant volume of
33.26 L at 400 K?


(a) N2 + 3H2 = 2NH3

initial 0.25 0.75 0

equil. 0.25 -9 0.75- 3g ~

total = 1 -2~

Chapter 5/Chemical Equilibrium 79

The method of successive approximations or the use of an equation solver

yields 9 = 0.1652.
P(Nv/PO = (0.25- g)/(1 -2g) = 0.1266
P(Hv/PO = 3(0.1266) = 0.3798
P(NH3)/PO = 2l:j(1 -2g) = 0.493
Since the total pressure is 1 bar, these numbers also give the equilibrium
mole fractions.
V = (1 -2g)RT/P
= (0.6696 mol)(0.8314 L bar K-l mol-l)(400 K)/(l bar)
= 22.27 L
When MathematicaTM is used to calculate the extent of reaction, four
solutions are obtained; two of them are not satisfactory because they are
imaginary and one is 0.334 mol, which is impossible because the extent of
reaction has to be less than 0.25 mol. The fourth solution is correct.

In order to calculate the equilibrium composition at constant volume, it is

convenient to use Kc.
Kc = (PO/cDR1)~Vi Kp
= [ 1 bar .
(1 mol L -1)(0.08314 L bar K-l mol-l)(400 K) ] -2350.
= 3.871 x 104
Kc = [C(NH3)/cD]2/[c(Nv/cD][c(H2)/cDr
= (2~2 33.262/(0.25 -~(0.75 -3~3

= 3.871 x 104
The method of successive approximation or the use of an equation solver
yields ~ = 0.151.
n(N2) = 0.25 -~ = 0.0990
n(H2) = 0.75- 3~ = 0.2970
n(NH3) = 2~ = 0.302

n(total) = 0.698
p -(0.698
-.ar0 698 b

5.27 Show that to a first approximation the equation of state of a gas that dimerizes to a
small extent is given by
PV -
RT = 1 -KdV


2A(g) = A2(g)
Kc = [A2]/[A]2 = nA2 V/nA 2
80 Chapter 5/Chemical Equilibrium

assuming an ideal gas mixture.

nO = Total number of moles of A = nA + 2nA2 = nA + 2KcnA/V
This can be solved for nA using the quadratic formula for ax2 + bx + c = 0:
-b .t (b2 -4ac)1/2
x= 2a

This yields
nA = no(1 -2Kcn0/V) (b)
when the approximation (I + x)1/2 = I + x/2 -x2/8 + ...is used.
The gas law indicates that
PV 2
Rt = nA + nA2 = nA + Kcn A/V = nA(1 + KcnNV) (c)

Substituting equation b in equation c yields

Rt= nO(1 -2Kcn0/V)(1 + KcnA/V) (d)
Since nA is just a little smaller than no, it can be replaced by no in a term that is small
compared to unity. Thus equation d can be written as
PV --
Rt= no(1 -2Kc/V)(1 + Kc/V) (e)
When this is multiplied out ignoring higher order terms and the no is moved to the
left-hand side of the equation, we obtain

PV ,- "'
~ = 1 -KdV

5.28 Water vapor is passed over coal (assumed to be pure graphite in this problem) at
1000 K. Assuming that the only reaction occurring is the water gas reaction
C(graphite) + H2O(g) = CO(g) + H2(g) K = 2.52
calculate the equilibrium pressures of H2O, CO, and H2 at a total pressure of 1 bar.
[Actually the water gas shift reaction
CO(g) + H2O(g) = CO2(g) + H2(g)
occurs in addition, but it is considerably more complicated to take this additional
reaction into account.]


(PColPO)(PH2/PO) -~ -~ = 2.52
K= (PH2o1PO) -y -1- 2x

2x+y= 1 X2 = 2.52- 5.04x

X2 + 5.04x -2.52 = 0

x = -5.04 .:t "V'5.~42 + 4(2.52) = 0.458



Chapter 5/Chemical Equilibrium 81

1 -2t=O.O84=~

PH20 = 0.084 bar Pco = 0.458 bar PH2 = 0.458 bar

5.29 What
WI is the standard change in entropy for the dissociation of molecular oxygen at
298.15 K and 1000 K? Use Appendix C.3.


= 2 O(g)
LlrS(298.15 K) = 2(161.058) -205.147
= 116.969 J K-l mol-l
LlrS(1000 K) = 2(186.790) -243.578
= 130.002 J K-l mol-l

5.30 Using molar entropies from Appendix C.2, calculate I1.rS°for the following
reactions at 25 °C.
(a) H2(g) + -02(g) = H20(!)
(b) H2(g) + tl2(g) = 2HCl(g)
(c) Methane (g) + 21 02(g) = methanol(!)


~rSO = 69.91- 130.68- ~ (205.13) = -163.34 J K-l mol-l

~rSo = 2(186.908) -130.681- 223.066 = 20.066 J K-l mol-l

(c) ~rSo = 126.8- 186.264- ~(205.138) = -162.0 J K-l mol-l

What is L\rSO(298 K) for

H20(1) = H+(ao) + OH-(ao)
Why is this change negative and not positive?


IlrSO = -10.75- 69.92 = -80.67 J K-l mol-l

The ions polarize neighboring water molecules and attract them. For this reason the
product state is more ordered than the reactant state.

Mercuric oxide dissociates according to the reaction 2HgO(s) = 2Hg(g) + O2(g).

At 420 °C the dissociation pressure is 5.16 x 104 Pa, and at 450 °C it is 10.8 x 104
Pa. Calculate (a) the equilibrium constants, and (b) the enthalpy of dissociation per
mole of HgO.

82 Chapter 5/Chemical Equilibrium


(b) L\Ho
r =!I&ln~
T2- Tl Kl

(8.314 J K-l mol-l)(693 K)(723 K) 1 0.1794

= -30K n 0.0196

= 308 kJ mol-l for the reaction as written

= 154 kJ mol-l of HgO(s)

The decomposition of silver oxide is represented by

2Ag20(s) = 4Ag(s) + 02(g)
Using data from Appendix C.2 and assuming ~rCp = 0 calculate the temperature at
which the equilibrium pressure of 02 is 0.2 bar. This temperature is of interest
because Ag20 will decompose to yield Ag at temperatures above this value if it is in
contact with air.


The dissociation of ammonium carbamate takes place according to the reaction

(NH2)CO(ONH4)(S) = 2NH3(g) + CO2(g)
When an excess of ammonium carbamate is placed in a previously evacuated vessel,
the partial pressure generated by NH3 is twice the partial pressure of the CO2, and
the partial pressure of (NH2)CO(ONH4) is negligible in comparison. Show that

where p is the total pressure.
Chapter 5/Chemical Equilibrium 83


P = PNH3 + PCO2 = 3PCO2 since PNH3 =2PCO2

P 2
PCO2 = 3 PNH3 = 3P

K= (~)2(~) = (~~)2(~~) =~(~)3

5.35 At 1000 K methane at 1 bar is in the presence of hydrogen. In the presence of a

sufficiently high partial pressure of hydrogen, methane does not decompose to form
graphite and hydrogen. What is this partial pressure?


ClI4(g) = C(graphite) + 2H2(g)

L\Go = -RT In K = -19.46 kJ mol-l

K= 10.39 =
PH = PO[(10.39)(1)]1/2 = 3.2 bar

5.36 For the reaction

Fe203(s) + 3CO(g) = 2Fe(s) + 3CO2(g)

the following values of K are known.

t/OC 250 1000

K 100 0.0721

At 1120 °C for the reaction 2C02(g) = 2CO(g) + 02(g), K = 1.4 x 10-12. What
equilibrium partial pressure of 02 would have to be supplied to a vessel at 1120 °C
containing solid Fe203 just to prevent the formation of Fe?


( KlK2 ) =

L\ H o -(8.314)(523)(1273) In (0.0721/100)
r -(750)

= -53.4 k J mol-l
1n Kim )= (53400)(120)
8.314 (1393)(1273)
Chapter 5/Chemical Equilibrium 83


P = PNH3 + PCO2 = 3PCO2 since PNH3 =2PCO2

P 2
PCO2 = 3 PNH3 = 3P

K= (~)2(~) = (~~)2(~~) =~(~)3

At 1000 K methane at 1 bar is in the presence of hydrogen. In the presence of a

sufficiently high partial pressure of hydrogen, methane does not decompose to form
graphite and hydrogen. What is this partial pressure?


ClI4(g) = C(graphite) + 2H2(g)

L\Go = -RT In K = -19.46 kJ mol-l

K= 10.39 =
PH = PO[(10.39)(1)]1/2 = 3.2 bar

For the reaction

Fe203(s) + 3CO(g) = 2Fe(s) + 3CO2(g)

the following values of K are known.

t/OC 250 1000

K 100 0.0721

At 1120 °C for the reaction 2C02(g) = 2CO(g) + 02(g), K = 1.4 x 10-12. What
equilibrium partial pressure of 02 would have to be supplied to a vessel at 1120 °C
containing solid Fe203 just to prevent the formation of Fe?


( KlK2 ) =

L\ H o -(8.314)(523)(1273) In (0.0721/100)
r -(750)

= -53.4 k J mol-l
1n Kim )= (53400)(120)
8.314 (1393)(1273)
Chapter 5/Chemical Equilibrium 85

Calculate the partial pressure of CO2(g) over CaCO3(calcite) -CaO(s) at 500 °C

using the equation in Example 5.11 and data in Appendix C.3.


CaCO3(calcite) = CaO(s) + CO2(g)

L\rHo = -635.09 + (- 393.51) -(- 1206.92) = 178.32 kJ mol-l

L\r~ = 42.80 + 37.11- 81.88 = -1.97 J K-l mol-l

L\rSo= 39.75 + 213.74- 92.9 = 160.6 J K-l mol-l

Substituting in the equation in Example 5.11,

In K773 = -(8.314)(773.15) 160.6 + 8:314
+ 8:314 1.97 (1 - 298.15--1 ~
773.15 n 298.15 )

K773 = --1 = 20 x 10-5

The NBS Tables contain the following data at 298 K:

~fHo/kJ mol-l /1tG°1kJ mol-l

CUSO4(S) -771.36 -661.8
CuSO4oH20(S) -1085.83 -918.11
CuSO4o3H20(S) -1684.31 -1399.96
H20(g) -241.818 -228.572

(a) What is the equilibrium partial pressure of H20 over a mixture of CUSO4(S) and
CuSO4'H20(S) at 25 °C?
(b) What is the equilibrium partial pressure of H20 over a mixture of
CuSO4'H20(S) and CuSO4'3H20(S) at 25 °C?
(c) What are the answers to (a) and (b) if the temperature is 100 °C and LlC~ is
assumed to be zero?


(a) CuSO4.H20(S) = CUSO4(S) + H20(g)

L\Go = -228.572- 661.8 + 918.11
= 27.7 kJ mol-l
K= exp ( RT
-L\GO ) = 1.4 x 10-5 = PH
-j!;- o

PH2o= 1.4 x 10-5 bar

86 Chapter 5/Chemical Equilibrium

CuSO4.3H20(S) = CuSO4.H20(S) + 2H20(g)

LlGo = 2(- 228.572) -918.11 + 1399.46

= -24.71 kJ mol-l

PH20 = exp
[ -24 710
(2)(8.314)(298) ]
= 6.83 x 10-3 bar

(c) For the first reaction

ln 1.4K1OO 72650(75)
x 10-5 = 8.314(298)(373)

Mlo = -241.818- 771.36 + 1085.83 = 72.65 kJ mol-l

ln 1.4K1OO
x 10-5 = 5.896

K1OO= 363.6(1.4 x 10-5) = 0.0051 bar

For the second reaction

MJO = 2(- 241.818) -1085.83 + 1684.31
= 114.84 kJ mol-l
ln 4.7K1OO 114840(75)
x 10-5 = 8.314(298)(373) = 9.32

K 100 = 0.52 bar2 = PH20
PH20 = 0.72 bar

One micromole of CuO(s) and 0.1 ~mole of Cu(s) are placed in a 1 L container at
1000 K. Determine the identity and quantity of each phasepresentat equilibrium if
tltG° of CuO is -66.66 kJ mol-l and that of CU2O is -77 .94 kJ mol-l at 1000 K.
(From H. F. Franzen, I. Chem.Ed. 65, 146 (1988).)


Cu(s) + CuO(s) = CU20(S)

~rGo = -77.94- (- 66.66) = -11.28 kJ mol-l
Therefore, this reaction goes to completion to the right. The two solids are in

equilibrium with 02(g).

2CuO(s) = CU20(S) + 2 02(g)

~rGo = -77.94- 2(-66.66) = 55.38 kJ mol-l = -RTln p~~

PO2 = exp [ 2(55 380)

-(8.314)(1000) ] = 1.64 x 10-6

The amount of 02(g) at equilibrium is

PV (1.64 x 10-6)(1) 8
no2 = RT = (O.08314)(1000) = 1.97 x 10- mol

Thus the amounts at equilibrium are essentially

Chapter 5/Chemical Equilibrium 87

ncuo = 0.9 -4(0.02) = 0.82 J.!mol

ncu2o = 0.1 + 2(0.02) = 0.14 J.!mol

no2 = 0.02 J.!mol

For the heterogeneousreaction

CH4(g) = C(s) + 2H2(g)

derive the expression for the extent of reaction in tenns of the equilibrium constant
and the applied pressure, where the extent of reaction when graphite is in
equilibrium with the gas mixture. Is this the same expression (equation 5.33) that
was obtained for the reaction N204(g) = 2NO2(g)?


CH4(g) = C(s) + 2H2(g)

1-~ ~ ~


This is the same as equation 5.33, but it only applies when graphite is in equilibrium
with the gas.

Calculate the equilibrium extent of the reaction N204(g) = 2NO2(g) at 298.15 K

and a total pressure of 1 bar if the N204(g) is mixed with an equal volume of N2(g)
before the reaction occurs. As shown by Example 5.3, K = 0.143. Do you expect
the same equilibrium extent of reaction as in example? If not do you expect a larger
or smaller equilibrium extent of reaction?


If there is initially 1 mol of N2O4, the total amount of gas at equilibrium is 2 + ~.

Thus the expression for the equilibrium constant is


where p is the total pressure. When the total pressure is 1 bar, the equilibrium
extent of reaction obtained by solving this quadratic equation with the fonnula

~ = ::E;t(b2 -4ac)1/2

88 Chapter 5/Chemical Equilibrium

is 0.249.
This equilibrium extent of reaction is smaller than that in Example 5.3
because the partial pressure of N204(g) plus NO2(g) is larger than 0.5 bar. The
partial pressure of N2(g) was initially 0.5 bar, but it is less than this in the
equilibrium mixture because of the expansion of the reaction mixture during the
reaction at a constant pressure of 1 bar .

(a) A system contains CO(g), CO2(g), H2(g), and H20(g). How many chemical
reactions are required to describe chemical changes in this system? Give an
example. (b) If solid carbon is present in the system in addition, how many
independent chemical reactions are there? Give a suitable set.


(a) CO CO2 H2 H20

C 1 1 0 0
O 1 2 0 2
H 0 0 2 2
To perform a Gaussian elimination, subtract the first row from the second,
and divide the third row by 2.
1 1 0 0
0 1 0 1
0 0 1 1
Subtract the second row from the first.
1 0 0 -1
0 1 O 1
0 O 1 1
The rank of the A matrix is 3, and so the number of independent reactions is
R = N -rank A = 4 -3 = 1
where N is the number of species.
The stoichiometric numbers for a suitable reaction is obtained by changing
the sign of the numbers in the last column, and extending the vector with a
1; that is, 1, -1, -1,1. These are the stoichiometric numbers for the species
across the top of A .
CO -CO2 -H2 + H20 = 0
CO2 + H2 = CO + H20

CO CO2 H2 H20 C
C 1 1 0 0 1
O 1 2 O 1 O
H O O 2 2 O
Subtract the first row from the second and divide the third row
by 2.

1 1 O 0 1
0 1 0 1 -1
0 0 1 1 0
Subtract the second row from the first
1 0 0 -1 2
0 1 0 1 -1
0 0 1 1 0
Rank A = 3 and R = N- rank A = 5 -3 = 2. To obtain a suitable set of
reactions, change the signs in the last two columns and put an identity
Chapter 5/Chemical Equilibrium 89

matrix at the bottom.

1 -2
-1 1
-1 O
1 O
O 1
These two independent reactions are
CO -CO2 -H2 + H20 = O
-2CO + CO2 + C = O
CO2 + H2 = CO + H20
2CO = CO2 + C

*5.45 For a closed system containing C2H2, H2, C6ll6, and CIOH8, use a Gaussian
elimination to obtain a set of independent chemical reactions. Perform the matrix
multiplication to verify A V = 0.


C2H2 H2 C6H6 CIOH8

C 2 0 6 10
H 2 2 6 8

1 O 3 5
1 1 3 4

1 O 3 5
O 1 O -1

v= C2H2 -3 -5

H2 O 1
C6ll6 1 O

3C2H2 = C6ll6

5C2H2 = CIOH8 + H2

8 ) [ 0
-3 =
1 g]
0 ~]
5.46 The reaction A + B = C is at equilibrium at a specified Tand P. Derive the
fundamental equation for G in terms of components by eliminating .uc.


The fundamental equation for G is

dG = -SdT + VdP + .uAdnA + .uBdnB + .ucdnc (I)
When the reaction is at equilibrium,
.uA + .uB = .uc (2)
Eliminating .uc from equation 1 yields

90 Chapter 5/Chemical Equilibrium

dG = -SdT+ VdP + JlA(dnA + dnC) + JlB(dnB + dnc) (3)

This equation is written in terms of 2 components rather than 3 species because C =
N- R = 3 -1 = 2. The two components can be referred to as the A,C pseudoisomer
group with amount
m' = n A + nc (4)
and the B component with amount
nB'=nB+nc (5)
Thus at chemical equilibrium the fundamental equation can be written as
dG = -SdT + VdP + JlAdnl' + JlBdnB' (6)
Note that the chemical potentials of the components are the same as the chemical
potentials of two of the species.

*5.47 The article C. A. L. Figueiras, J. of Chem. Educ., 69,276 (1992) illustrates an

interesting problem you can get into in trying to balance a chemical equation.
Consider the following reaction without stoichiometric numbers:
C1O3- + Cl- + H+ = C1O2 + C12 + H20
There is actually an infinite number of ways to balance this equation. The following
steps in unraveling this puzzle can be carried out using a personal computer with a
program like Mathematica TM, which can do matrix operations. Write the
conservation matrix A and determine the number of components. How many
independent reactions are there for this system of six species? What are the
stoichiometric numbers for a set of independent reactions? These steps show that
chemical change in this system is represented by two chemical reactions, not one.


The conservation matrix A for this system is

CIO3- Cl- H+ H2Q CIO2 Cl2

H 0 0 1 2 0 0
O 3 0 0 1 2 0
Cl 1 1 O 0 1 2
charge -3 -I +1 O 0 0

Row reduction of this matrix yields

CIO3- Cl- H+ H2O CIO2 Cl2

CIO3- 1 O 0 0 5/6 1/3
Cl- O 1 0 0 1/6 5/3
H+ O O 1 0 1 2
H20 O O 0 1 -1/2 -1

This indicates that there are 4 components. Thus R = Ns -C = 6- 4 = 2. The last

two columns with changed signs and augmented by a 2x2 unit matrix at the bottom
give the stoichiometric numbers of two independent reactions. Another way to
obtain a set of independent reactions is to calculate the null space of the A matlix.
The null space V is
Chapter 5/Chemical Equilibrium 91

CIO3- Cl- H+ H2O CIO2 C12

rx 1 -1 -5 -6 3 O 3
rx 2 -5 -1 -5 3 6 O

A chemical reaction system contains three species: C2H4 (ethylene), C3B6

(propene), and C4H8 (butene). (a) Write the A matrix. (b) Row reduce the A
matrix, (c) How many components are there? (d) Derive a set of independent
reactions from the A matrix.


(a) C2H4 C3H6 C4H8

A= 2 3 4
4 6 8

(b) Multiplying the first row by 2 and subtracting it from the second row, and
dividing by 2 yields
A = 1 3/2 2
0 0 0

(c) There is one component because there is one independent row.

(d) Taking the last two columns, changing the sign, and appending a 2x2
matrix below it yields
rxl rx2
v= C2~ -3/2 -2
C3H6 1 O
C4H8 O 1
Thus two independent reactions are
rx 1: 1.5C2~ = C3H6
rx 2: 2C2H4= C4H8
If the columns in the A matrix are put in another order, a different set
of independent reactions will be obtained, but they will also be suitable.

How many degrees of freedom are there for the following systems, and how might
they be chosen ?

(a) CuSO4.5H20(cr) in equilibrium with CuSO4(Cr) and H20(g).

(b) N2O4 in equilibrium with NO2 in the gas phase.

(c) CO2, CO, H2O, and H2 in chemical equilibrium in the gas phase.

(d) The system described in (c) is made up with stoichiometric amounts of CO and


(a) c = Ns -R = 3 -1 = 2
92 Chapter 5/Chemical Equilibrium

Only the temperatureor pressuremay be fixed.

c = Ns -R = 2 -1 = 1

Temperature and pressure may be fixed.

C = Ns -R = 4 -1 = 3

Temperature, pressure, and two mole fractions may be fixed.

C = Ns -R -s = 4- 1 -2 = 1

Only temperature and pressure may be fixed if nc(C)/nc(H) and nc(C)/nc(O)
are both fixed.
Graphite is in equilibrium with gaseousH2O, CO, CO2, H2, and CFl4. How many
5.50 degrees of freedom are there? What degrees of freedom might be chosen for an
equilibrium calculation?

c = Ns -R = 6 -3 = 3

The degrees of freedom chosen might be T, P, nc(H)/nc(O).

A gaseous system contains CO, CO2, H2, H2O, and C6H6 in chemical equilibrium.
(a) How many components are there? (b) How many independent reactions? (c)
How many degrees of freedom are there?


(a) co CO2 H2 H2O C6H6

c 1 1 0 0 6

0 1 2 0 1 0

H 0 0 2 2 6
Subtract the first row from the second and divide the third row by 2 to obtain

1 1 0 0 6

0 1 0 1 -6

0 0 1 1 3

Subtract the second row from the first to obtain

Chapter 5/Chemical Equilibrium 93

1 0 0 -1 12

0 1 0 1 -6
0 0 1 1 3

The rank of this matrix is 3, and so there are 3 independent components.

(b) The stoichiometric numbers of 2 independent reactions are given by the last 2

CO2 + H2 = H2O + co
12CO + 3H2 = C6H6 + 6CO2
If the species are arranged in a different order in the matrix, a different pair of
independent equations will be obtained.

(c) F = c -p + 2 = 3- 1 + 2 = 4

These four degrees of freedom can be taken to be T, P, nc(C)/nc(O) and

nc(C)/nc(H). Alternatively, the mole fractions of 2 species and the temperature and
pressure may be specified. The two equilibrium constant expressions provide two
relations between 5 mole fractions, 4 of which are independent since Lyj = 1. If 2
mole fractions are known, the other two can be calculated from the two simultaneous

5.52 0.696

5.53 0.0166

5.54 0.351 bar

3.74 bar

5.56 0.803,1.84
5.57 K = (2~2(4 -2~2/(1 -~(3 -2~3(p/po)2

5.58 26.3

5.59 (a) 3.81 x 10-2, (b) 0.348

5.60 (a) 0.0788, (b) 0.0565

5.61 0.0273, 0.0861

5.62 0.465,0.494,0.041. The pressurehas no effect.
5.65 (a) 16.69 kJ mol-l, (b) 0.787 bar

5.66 1.84x 106


5.67 30.1 bar

5.68 (a) 0.5000, 0.4363, 0.0637

(b) 0.5481, 0.3946, 0.0574

(c) When additional N2 is added, the equilibrium shifts so that the mole fraction of
N2 is reduced below what it otherwise would have been.

(a) Yield of CH4 will increase. (b) Yield of CH4 will decrease. (c) Mole fraction
CH4 computed without including N2 will increase.

(a) No, (b) 0.286

(a) 0.0050 bar , (b) 0.0220 bar

225.1 kJ mol-l

Kp = 0.0024, Kc = 4.15

5.77 -5.082,0.070 J K-l mol-l



5.80 56.6 J K-l mol-l

Hydrogen dissolves as atoms.


5.82 Fe203

5.83 7.56 bar

5.84 16.06 kJ mol-



5.87 -14.8 kJmol-l




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