Hvac Abbreviations
Hvac Abbreviations
Hvac Abbreviations
HVAC Abbreviations
The list of abbreviations used in a set of engineering drawings varies from office to office. Be sure to
check the front section of the drawing set for the abbreviations used within.
AC Air Conditioning
AD Access Door
AF Air Foil
AMP Ampere
AP Access Panel
AS Air Stream
ATM Atmosphere
BI Backwards Inclined
CF Cubic Feet
CH Chilled or Chiller
CO Carbon Monoxide
CONN Connection
CT Cooling Tower
D Drain
DIA Diameter
DIM Dimension
DP Differential Pressure
EF Exhaust Fan
EMER Emergency
ET Expansion Tank
EXH or EX Exhaust
EXT External
EXP Expansion
F Fahrenheit
FC Flexible Connection
FLEX Flexible
FS Flow Switch
FT Feet
G Gas
GA Gauge
GAL Gallons
GALV Galvanized
GFU Glycol Feed Unit
GR Grade
HD Head
HR Hour
HTG Heating
ID Inside Diameter
IN Inches
KW Kilowatt
LB Pound
LF Linear Feet
LD Linear Diffuser
LP Low Point
LVG Leaving
MAX Maximum
MD Motorized Damper
MECH Mechanical
MIN Minimum
MU Make-Up Water
NOM Nominal
OA Outside Air
OC On Center
OD Outside Diameter
OV Outlet Velocity
PD Pressure Drop
PH Phase
R Radius
RA Return Air
RET Return
RH Relative Humidity
RLF Relief
SA Supply Air
SCR Screen
SE Smoke Exhaust
SEN Sensible
SP Static Pressure
SF Square Feet
SS Stainless Steel
SUP Supply
T Temperature or Thermostat
TEMP Temperature
TSTAT Thermostat
TYP Typical
UC Undercut (Door)
V Volts
VD Volume Damper
VEL Velocity
WC Water Column
WG Water Gauge