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Hvac Abbreviations

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Source: https://www.archtoolbox.com/representation/abbreviations/hvacabbrev.


HVAC Abbreviations

The list of abbreviations used in a set of engineering drawings varies from office to office. Be sure to
check the front section of the drawing set for the abbreviations used within.

A Air or Compressed Air

AC Air Conditioning

ACD Automatic Control Damper

AD Access Door

AF Air Foil

AHU Air Handling Unit

AMP Ampere

AP Access Panel

APD Air Pressure Drop

AS Air Stream

ATC Automatic Temperature Control

ATM Atmosphere

BDD Back-Draft Damper

BHP Brake Horsepower

BI Backwards Inclined

BOD Bottom of Duct

BTU British Thermal Unit

BTUH BTU per Hour

CENT Center or Centrifugal

CF Cubic Feet

CFM Cubic Feet per Minute

CH Chilled or Chiller

CHW Chilled Water

CHWR Chilled Water Return

CHWS Chilled Water Supply

CO Carbon Monoxide

CONN Connection

CT Cooling Tower

CTBD Cooling Tower Blow Down

CUH Cabinet Unit Heater

CWR Condenser Water Return

CWS Condenser Water Supply

D Drain

DB Dry Bulb (Temperature)

DEG Degree

DDC Direct Digital Control

DIA Diameter

DIM Dimension

DP Differential Pressure

EA Each or Exhaust Air

EAHU Exhaust Air Handling Unit

EAT Entering Air Temperature

EF Exhaust Fan

EMER Emergency

EMS Energy Management System

ESP External Static Pressure

ET Expansion Tank

EUH Electrical Unit Heater

EWT Entering Water Temperature

EXH or EX Exhaust

EXT External

EXP Expansion
F Fahrenheit

FA Free Area or Fire Alarm

FC Flexible Connection

FCU Fan Coil Unit

FD Floor Drain, Fire Damper, or Fire Department

FLA Full Load Amps

FLEX Flexible

FLRDR Floor Drain

FPM Feet per Minute

FPS Feet per Second

FRP Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic

FS Flow Switch

FT Feet

FTR Fin Tube Radiation

G Gas

GA Gauge

GAL Gallons

GALV Galvanized
GFU Glycol Feed Unit

GPH Gallons per Hour

GPM Gallons per Minute

GR Grade

HB Hose Bib (Connection)

HD Head

HP Horsepower or High Point

HR Hour

HRU Heat Recovery Unit

HTG Heating

HWR Hot Water Return

HWS Hot Water Supply

HZ Hertz (Cycles per Second)

ID Inside Diameter

IN Inches

KW Kilowatt

LAT Leaving Air Temperature

LB Pound
LF Linear Feet

LD Linear Diffuser

LP Low Point

LPS Low Pressure Steam

LRA Locked Rotor Amps

LUVR or LVR Louver

LVDR Louvered Door

LVG Leaving

LWT Leaving Water Temperature

MAX Maximum


MCA Minimum Circuit Amps

MD Motorized Damper

MECH Mechanical

MIN Minimum

MU Make-Up Water

MUA Make-Up Air

NC Noise Criteria or Normally Closed

NO Normally Open

NOM Nominal

OA Outside Air

OAI Outside Air Intake

OC On Center

OD Outside Diameter

ODP Open Drip Proof

OV Outlet Velocity

PCF Pounds per Cubic Foot

PD Pressure Drop

PH Phase

PRV Pressure Reducing Valve

PSI Pounds per Square Inch

PSIA Pounds per Square Inch - Absolute

PSID Pounds per Square Inch - Differential

PSIG Pounds per Square Inch - Gauge

PVC Polyvinyl Chloride

R Radius
RA Return Air

RET Return

RH Relative Humidity

RLA Running Load Amps

RLF Relief

RPM Revolutions per Minute

RTU Roof-Top Unit

SA Supply Air

SCR Screen

SCT Saturated Condensing Temperature

SD Smoke Detector or Smoke Damper

SE Smoke Exhaust

SEN Sensible

SFD Combination Smoke / Fire Damper

SHC Sensible Heat Capacity

SP Static Pressure

SF Square Feet

SS Stainless Steel
SUP Supply

T Temperature or Thermostat

TEFC Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled

TEMP Temperature

TON 12,000 BTUH (Cooling Capacity)

TSP Total Static Pressure

TSTAT Thermostat

TYP Typical

UC Undercut (Door)

V Volts

VAV Variable Air Volume

VD Volume Damper

VEL Velocity

VFD Variable Frequency Drive

WB Wet Bulb Temperature

WC Water Column

WG Water Gauge

WPD Water Pressure Drop

WTD Water Temperature Difference

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