When Is A CES Function Concave?
When Is A CES Function Concave?
When Is A CES Function Concave?
λi ρ(ρ − 1)xρ−2 .
When 0 < ρ ≤ 1, these terms are all non-positive. Therefore f (x) is a mono-
tone increasing function of a concave function g(x) and hence f is concave.
Suppose that ρ < 0. Then it must be that f (x) = g(x)1/ρ is a monotone
decreasing function of g(x). But if it is a monotone decreasing function of
g(x), it is a monotone increasing function of −g(x). Now when ρ < 0, the
Hessian matrix of −g(x) is a diagonal matrix with entries of the form
When ρ < 0, these terms are all non-positive and hence −g is a concave
function. Then f (x) is a monotone increasing function of −g(x), it must be
that f is quasi-concave.
Step 2-Show that f is concave
We know that f is quasi-concave, but a quasi-concave function that is
homogeneous of degree 1 must be concave. You will find a proof of this
proposition in the notes on “useful properties of quasi-concave and homoge-
neous functions” appearing in week 5.
Step 3- Generalize to CES functions that are homogeneous of
degree less than 1
Where f (x) is the constant returns to scale function defined in Equation
1, the CES functions that are of degree k less than 1 take the form f (x)k
where 0 < k < 1. Now if we have a concave function f : <n → <, and
an increasing concave function g → < → <, then if we define the function
h : <b → < so that h(x) = g(f (x)), then h must be a concave function. (This
has an easy proof that you should be able to supply.)