Forecasting and Management of Load For Rural Areas: Anil Kumar Sahu, Dr. Arun M. Shandilya, Dr. S. K. Bhardwaj
Forecasting and Management of Load For Rural Areas: Anil Kumar Sahu, Dr. Arun M. Shandilya, Dr. S. K. Bhardwaj
Forecasting and Management of Load For Rural Areas: Anil Kumar Sahu, Dr. Arun M. Shandilya, Dr. S. K. Bhardwaj
ISSN 2250-3153
Abstract- In a remote areas supply of energy from national grid an urgent search for alternative energy sources to fulfill the
is insufficient for a sustainable development. Integration and demand of present day. New and renewable energy sources are
optimization of local alternative renewable energy sources is an economically suitable for the remote areas. These alternative
optional solution of the problem. The needs of rural electricity is energy sources such as solar, wind, biomass, small hydro etc.
met by conventional approaches is limited. In economic have attracted energy sectors to generate power on large scale.
perspective, non-conventional forms of rural electrification may But the above renewable energy sources alone cannot provide
least-cost, particularly where villages are some distance from continuous supply of energy due to seasonal and periodic
each others. In this paper the renewable energy reduces the variations. The effort of doing in this direction, so that the result
burden on electricity supply shortfalls and the urgency of costly in a high cost of the system. In this situation, the possible
grid extension. In this paper we will bring in some new concepts solution is hybrid energy systems. These systems combine two or
associates with renewable energy forecasting. more renewable sources along with a back-up source as per the
Energy plays a significant role in the economic and availability of resources and load demand in those remote areas
technological advancement of modern society and plays crucial [3].
role in human life standard. In hilly regions energy situation in In India a very large proportion of Indian citizens continue
terms of availability and demand is very different from that in the to live with no access to electricity and other forms of
urban areas. Large parts of hilly and remotely located regions commercial energy. More than 50 percent of the population has
remain un-electrified. little or no commercial energy access in their daily lives. So the
The studies are carried out for load management during a daily life is affected of that peoples of remote areas are shifted
typical rainy, winter and a summer seasons. The results with from remote to the urban areas for their employment
using matlab for the rainy, winter and summer seasons scenarios opportunities, education, and health problem etc. Renewable
are present in this paper. This paper presents a how manage the energy can make a substantial contribution in each area. It is only
load forecasting of rural areas. the solution of Renewable energy to the nations for satisfying
their energy needs. In terms of all renewable energy categories,
Index Terms- Load Management, Load forecasting, Renewable India is currently ranked fifth in the world with 15,691.4 MW
Energy and Hybrid System grid-connected and 367.9 MW off-grid renewable-energy based
power capacity. As on March 31, 2012, installed capacity of
renewable energy based power generation was 24,503 MW,
I. INTRODUCTION which is about 12 percent of the total installed capacity of
199,626 MW. That is possible only by major renewable energy
E nergy flows from many sources, exists in a variety of
interchangeable forms, and drives all systems. It is
fundamental to the quality of our lives and today, we are
sources and integration of these sources [12].
Many alternative energy sources including wind, PV, diesel
dependent on an abundant and uninterrupted supply of energy for system, and biogas, small hydro can be used to build a hybrid
living and working [2]. Due to their geographical location and energy system. The major renewable energy sources used and
the lack of critical mass, rural areas are mainly suitable for reported are Wind, solar and biogas power generation in any
renewable energy off grid application, systems which are remote areas. Due to the intermittent nature of wind and solar
connected to a battery via a charge controller, which stores the energy, stand-alone wind and PV energy systems normally
electricity generated and acts as the main power supply [6]. require energy storage devices or some other generation sources
Access to electricity is still a dream for 20% of the world’s to form a hybrid system. The storage device can be a battery
population. Most of them are about 85%, live in rural areas bank, super capacitor bank [7]. A battery bank is also used in the
where the extension of utility grid is either complex or very system for short-time backup to supply transient power. The
expensive. This is due to the features of rural populations, which different energy/storage sources in the proposed system are
are remote and disperse, have small incomes and whose electric integrated through an ac link bus. Simulation studies have been
consumption is low. The International Energy Agency (IEA) carried out to analysis of load management under seasons of
foresees that if current policies do not change by 2030 there will rainy, winter and summer using practical load curve [7].
still be 1.2 billion people without access to electricity [11]. Renewable energy technologies avoid greenhouse
The most of the population in India lives in villages and a emissions, have low operation and maintenance costs, generate
large number of villages are not served by the national grid due employment and allow decentralized production of the rural
to the high cost involved in erection and maintenance of areas. In rural areas, they are capable of electrify homes, villages,
transmission lines in comparison to low power consumption in farms and small industries as well as being used for
such areas. Rapid depletion of fossil fuel resources necessitated telecommunication, water supply and irrigation. The use of these
technologies in rural areas reduces the need for candles, kerosene
International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 3, Issue 1, January 2013 2
ISSN 2250-3153
and battery charging and higher quality of lamps than kerosene variation, these problems can be solved by integrating the
and also improving the standard of life in the rural areas. [6] The possible renewable energy sources [1].Based on the availability
basic objectives of the development of renewable energy is and potential of renewable energies in the remote areas cluster of
ensuring energy security and reducing emissions. [6] The village consisting of a hybrid energy system wind, solar PV and
sustainable energy production is to be found in renewable energy biogas system along with a DG back-up, battery storage and
sources that are clean, cheap and green [2]. power conditioning equipment [3].
For electrification of remote areas/rural electrification The main advantages of hybrid systems as reduced
started shecheme of the government like Kutir Jyoti Program operational cost due to lower fuel consumption and low PV
(KJP) , Pradhan Mantri Gramodaya Yojna (PMGY), Rajiv maintenance, improved reliability through diversifying power
Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojna, Jawaharlal Nehru sources and continuous power supply, as well as increased
National Solar Mission scheme [13]. Rajiv Gandhi Gramin operational life due to fewer generator operating hours. The
Vidyutikaran Yojana (RGGVY)-The basic purpose of the Rajiv system is environmentally friendly due to reduced emissions and
Gandhi Gramin Vidyutikaran Yojana (RGGVY) Programme is to noise pollution, and smoothes out seasonal weather fluctuations,
provide 100% electrification of all villages and habitations in the resulting in improved energy services, and extended battery life
country, electricity access to all households , free of cost [4]. The role of integrating renewable energy in hybrid energy
electricity connection to BPL (Below Poverty Line) households system is primarily to save diesel fuel. The renewable energy
through renewable energy sources in those unelectrified remote sources commonly used in hybrid configurations are small wind
census villages, unelectrified hamlets of electrified census turbines, photovoltaic systems and biogas. The integrated
villages where grid connectivity is either not feasible or not cost approach makes a hybrid system to be the most appropriate for
effective & and electrified villages/hamlets where power isolated communities of a rural remote area [8]. For systems
availability is less than 6 hours per day averaged over the year. employing totally clean renewable energy, high capital cost is an
Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission- the National Solar important barrier. We can produce green power by adding
Mission is a major initiative of the Government of India and different renewable energy sources to diesel generator and
State Governments to promote ecologically sustainable growth battery, which is also called a hybrid system. This kind of system
while addressing India’s energy security challenge. The basic can compromise investment cost, diesel fuel usage cost and also
purpose of the National Solar Mission is to establish India as a operation and maintenance costs [8].
global leader in solar energy by creating the policy conditions for The diesel generators have been the solution for
its diffusion across the country as quickly as possible [13]. decentralised electricity supply because of their low initial capital
These schemes are used for rural electrification but not cost. Apart from environmental concerns, the diesel generator
sufficient to provide electricity for 24 hours. So that the solution has high operating costs as a result of high consumption of fuel
is how to manage the load, according to demand of rural areas. and high maintenance costs. The amount of power produced by
This paper presents how to manage the load and forecasting of renewable energy devices such as photovoltaic cells and wind
remote areas according to rainy, winter and summer seasons in turbines varies significantly on an hourly, daily and seasonal
yearly on the basis of data collection of remote areas. For basis due to the variation in the availability of sunshine, wind and
sustainable development of rural electrification the integration of other renewable resources. This variation means that sometimes
renewable energy sources (hybrid system) is needed. The results power is not available when it is required and on other occasions
for load management are shown in this paper for remote area. there is excess power [4].
International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 3, Issue 1, January 2013 3
ISSN 2250-3153
The load survey of the rural areas is achieved by taking the An overall control strategy for power management among
interview of sarpanch, school teachers, members of rural area etc. different energy sources in a multi-source energy system is
The following constraints are considered during the load survey needed.
of nearby villages up to 5 to 12 km distance from each other in
the district of Sehore (MP). The load survey of rural area
depends on-
Wind AC/DC
(1) Number of villages of rural area C
(2) Number of houses of rural area I U
(3) Population of rural area S
(4) Demand of domestic load N T
(5) Demand of street lighting load PV Array DC/DC O
(6) Demand of commercial load V M
(7) Demand of agriculture load E
(8) Average energy consumptions E R
(9) Others demand. AC/DC Charge
Biomass Controller R A
The electrical loads of the area are classified as domestic, Battery DC/DC L
agricultural, commercial and street light. The domestic sector E O
needs electricity for electrical appliances such as TV, fan, Tube A
light, washing machine, mixer, fridge, water heater and motor for R D
pumping.. The agricultural load includes irrigation and motor for AC Diesel AC/DC S
water pumping. The commercial load includes schools, shops, Fig. 1
flour mill, small scale industries, and village panchayat office
buildings [1].
The connected load determination of the average connected The block diagram of overall control strategy for the
load of households in the hilly rural area, which is not yet proposed hybrid alternative energy system.
electrified, has been made feasible by the estimation method. The
expected consumption pattern of the area throughout the year has The power difference between the generation sources and
been estimated, keeping in mind demographic characteristics of the load demand is calculated as-
the local population, land features, density of population in each
village, prevailing climate and social requirements of inhabitants. Pnet = Pwind + Ppv + Pbiogas + Pload --- (1)
For load estimation in that rural area has been a great help in
determining the load requirement for this rural hilly area [3]. Where -
Pwind is the power generated by the WECS,
Ppv is the power generated by the PV energy conversion
International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 3, Issue 1, January 2013 4
ISSN 2250-3153
Pbiogas, is the power generated by the biogas energy Load Curve of Summer Season
conversion system 240
Load in KW
In order to analysis of the load performance under different 120
situations, the studies have been carried out using practical load 100
A typical hourly load demand for a house in the rural areas 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Time (Hour of Day)
reported with survey of rural areas and study of that area. The
total hourly load demand profile of 100 houses over 24 h is Fig. 4
shown in the form of load curve of rainy, winter and summer
season. The studies are carried out for load management during a
The studies are carried out for load management during a typical rainy, winter and a summer season after adjustment of the
typical rainy, winter day and a summer day. The results with the load. The results with the help of matlab for the rainy, winter and
help of matlab for the rainy, winter and summer season’s summer season are shown in the fig. 5, fig. 6, fig. 7.
scenarios are shown in the fig. 2, fig. 3, fig. 4
Load Curve of Rainy Season
Load Curve of Rainy Season 50
25 30
Load in KW
Load in KW
20 25
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Time (Hour of Day)
Time (Hour of Day)
Fig. 2 Fig. 5
Load Curve of Winter Season
Load in KW
60 90
40 70
20 50
0 30
0 5 10 15 20 25
Time (Hour of Day)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Time (Hour of day)
Fig. 3
Fig. 6
International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 3, Issue 1, January 2013 5
ISSN 2250-3153
110 50
Load in KW
100 45
80 40
70 35
50 30
40 25
10 15
0 10
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Time (Hour of Day) 5
Fig. 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Time (Hour of Day)
45 25
40 20
35 15
30 10
15 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
10 Tme (Hour of Day)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Time (Hour of Day) Fig. 11
Fig. 8
Load Curve of Winter Season In this paper, an ac-linked stand-alone Wind/PV/Biogas
75 alternative energy system is proposed. The wind, PV generation
70 and biogas systems are the main power generation devices in any
rural areas.
55 The model of the hybrid system has been discussed in this
paper. The studies have been carried out to verify the load
Load in KW
40 performance under different scenarios using matlab the practical
35 load curve profile in the remote areas. The results, with the help
of matlab to given for a rainy, winter and a summer seasons
20 scenario, show the effectiveness of the overall load management
strategy and the feasibility of the proposed hybrid alternative
5 energy system.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Time (Hour of Day)
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