Support For Education and Learning Deep Vein Thrombosis: Clinical Case Scenarios
Support For Education and Learning Deep Vein Thrombosis: Clinical Case Scenarios
Support For Education and Learning Deep Vein Thrombosis: Clinical Case Scenarios
June 2012
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Failure to diagnose and treat VTE correctly can result in fatal PE. However,
diagnosis of VTE is not always straightforward. The NICE clinical guideline on
Venous thromboembolic diseases includes advice on the Wells score, D-dimer
measurement, ultrasound and radiological imaging. It also offers guidance on
the management of VTE, investigations for cancer in patients with VTE and
thrombophilia testing. The guideline covers adults with suspected or confirmed
DVT or PE. It does not cover children or young people aged under 18, or
women who are pregnant.
Proximal DVT DVT in the popliteal vein or above. Proximal DVT is sometimes
referred to as ‘above-knee DVT’.
no antecedent major clinical risk factor for VTE (see ‘Provoked deep vein
thrombosis or pulmonary embolism’ above) who is not having hormonal
therapy (oral contraceptive or hormone replacement therapy) or
active cancer, thrombophilia or a family history of VTE, because these are
underlying risks that remain constant in the patient.
Wells scores Clinical prediction rules for estimating the probability of DVT and
PE. There are a number of versions of Wells scores available. This guideline
recommends the two-level DVT Wells score and the two-level PE Wells score.
These clinical case scenarios are an essential component of the workshop set
out in the Deep Vein Thrombosis training plan. They have been put together to
improve your knowledge of ‘Venous thromboembolic diseases: the
management of venous thromboembolic diseases and the role of thrombophilia
testing’ (NICE clinical guideline CG144) and its application in practice. They
illustrate how the DVT-related recommendations from the NICE guideline can
be applied to the care of adults presenting to the acute care setting. These
cases assume that you are the lead clinician throughout the patient’s acute
phase. Although it is acknowledged that in reality this is not likely, they have
been developed in this way to facilitate learning and understanding of the whole
diagnosis and management pathway. They may also be informative for those in
primary care who may be the initial point of contact for a person with signs and
symptoms of VTE diseases and who may be involved in the care of their VTE
disease after discharge from the acute setting.
You will need to refer to the NICE guideline to help you decide what steps you
would need to follow to diagnose and manage each case, so make sure that
users have access to a copy (either online at
or as a printout). You may also want to refer to the VTE NICE pathway
( and the topic
page on NHS Evidence (
Each case scenario includes details of the person’s initial presentation. The
clinical decisions about recognition, referral, diagnosis and management are
then examined using a question and answer approach. Relevant
recommendations from the NICE guideline are quoted in the text (after the
answer), with corresponding recommendation numbers.
John is a 75-year-old man with a recent (4 weeks ago) admission to hospital for
hip replacement. The procedure was performed under general anaesthetic.
During admission John received the following VTE prophylaxis (to be continued
until John no longer had significantly reduced mobility):
antiembolism stockings
pharmacological VTE prophylaxis.
John reports that his right leg has been swollen for over 2 weeks. He thought it
was healing after the operation, which is why he has not told anyone sooner. He
presented to his GP and the GP has referred him to your accident and
emergency (A&E) department.
1.1 Question
You believe John has symptoms of DVT. What would you do next?
Relevant recommendations
If a patient presents with signs or symptoms of deep vein thrombosis (DVT),
carry out an assessment of their general medical history and a physical
examination to exclude other causes. [KPI 1.1.1]
See Venous thromboembolism: reducing the risk (NICE clinical guideline
92) for VTE prophylaxis recommendations.
1.2 Question
John reports that he had a DVT 20 years ago and that he has osteoarthritis.
On admission he is apyrexial with a temperature of 37oc and his right calf and
ankle are red, blotchy and swollen with pitting oedema. His heart rate is 80
beats per minute, respiratory rate 15 breaths per minute, blood pressure is
136/80 mmHg and SpO2 96% in air.
Relevant recommendation
If DVT is suspected, use the two-level DVT Wells score (see appendix 1 or
table 1 in the NICE clinical guideline) to estimate the clinical probability of
DVT. [1.1.2]
1.3 Question
John’s two-level DVT Wells score is 3 (DVT likely):
1.3 Answer
Organise a proximal leg vein ultrasound scan. Unfortunately in your
organisation this scan is not available within 4 hours of being requested.
Therefore, you offer a D-dimer test, an interim 24-hour dose of a parenteral
anticoagulant and a proximal leg vein ultrasound scan carried out within
24 hours of being requested.
The D-dimer test is positive and the proximal leg vein ultrasound scan is also
1.4 Question
What would you do next?
Also start VKA within 24 hours of diagnosing DVT and arrange for John to
return to the outpatient clinic in 3 months to assess whether to continue VKA.
Relevant recommendations
Diagnose DVT and treat (see section 1.2 of the NICE guideline) patients
with a positive proximal leg vein ultrasound scan. [1.1.5]
Offer a choice of low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) or fondaparinux to
patients with confirmed proximal DVT or PE, taking into account
comorbidities, contraindications and drug costs, with the following
– For patients with severe renal impairment (estimated glomerular filtration
rate [eGFR] < 30 ml/minute/1.73 m2) offer unfractionated heparin (UFH)
with dose adjustments based on the APTT (activated partial
thromboplastin time) or LMWH with dose adjustments based on an anti-
Xa assay.
– For patients with an increased risk of bleeding consider UFH.
– For patients with PE and haemodynamic instability, offer UFH and
consider thrombolytic therapy (see recommendations 1.2.7 and 1.2.8 in
the NICE guideline).
Start the LMWH, fondaparinux or UFH as soon as possible and continue it
for at least 5 days or until the international normalised ratio (INR) (adjusted
by a vitamin K antagonist [VKA]; see recommendation 1.2.3) is 2 or above
for at least 24 hours, whichever is longer. [KPI 1.2.1]
Offer a VKA to patients with confirmed proximal DVT or PE within 24 hours
of diagnosis and continue the VKA for 3 months. At 3 months, assess the
risks and benefits of continuing VKA treatment (see recommendations 1.2.4
and 1.2.5). [1.2.3]
Related recommendations
Offer a VKA beyond 3 months to patients with an unprovoked PE, taking
Additional information
When offering a choice of low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) or
fondaparinux to patients with confirmed proximal DVT or PE (recommendation
1.2.1) the guidance developers noted that it is very important to consider the
individual patient circumstances, such as comorbidities and contraindications in
order to offer the most suitable agent for the patient. Important considerations
1.5 Question
Would you consider catheter-directed thrombolytic therapy and/or an inferior
vena caval filter for John?
Do not offer John an inferior vena caval filter because he is able to have
anticoagulation treatment and does not have recurrent PE or DVT.
Relevant recommendations
Consider catheter-directed thrombolytic therapy for patients with
symptomatic iliofemoral DVT who have:
– symptoms of less than 14 days’ duration and
– good functional status and
– a life expectancy of 1 year or more and
– a low risk of bleeding. [KPI 1.2.6]
Offer temporary inferior vena caval filters to patients with proximal DVT or
PE who cannot have anticoagulation treatment, and remove the inferior
vena caval filter when the patient becomes eligible for anticoagulation
treatment. [1.2.10]
Consider inferior vena caval filters for patients with recurrent proximal DVT
or PE despite adequate anticoagulation treatment only after considering
alternative treatments such as:
– increasing target INR to 3–4 for long-term high-intensity oral
anticoagulant therapy or
– switching treatment to LMWH. [1.2.11]
Related recommendation
Ensure that a strategy for removing the inferior vena caval filter at the
earliest possible opportunity is planned and documented when the filter is
placed, and that the strategy is reviewed regularly. [1.2.12]
1.6 Question
In addition to the pharmacological treatment you have started, what other
treatment should be offered to John to treat the DVT?
By this point it is likely that John will have left the acute setting, so to ensure he
receives this treatment refer him at the time of diagnosis to the relevant
healthcare professional/department responsible for providing stockings (this
may be his GP or the orthotic department).
Also ask his GP to ensure that the stockings are worn for at least 2 years and
are replaced two or three times a year or in line with the manufacturer’s
Relevant recommendation
Offer below-knee graduated compression stockings with an ankle pressure
greater than 23 mmHg to patients with proximal DVT a week after diagnosis
or when swelling is reduced sufficiently and if there are no
contraindications1, and:
– advise patients to continue wearing the stockings for at least 2 years
– ensure that the stockings are replaced two or three times per year or
according to the manufacturer’s instructions
– advise patients that the stockings need to be worn only on the affected
leg or legs. [KPI 1.2.9]
1.7 Question
What information would you give John about his treatment? Would you offer
John self-management of his INR?
Prescribers should refer to specific product information and contraindications before offering
graduated compression stockings.
Relevant recommendations
Give patients having anticoagulation treatment verbal and written
information about:
– how to use anticoagulants
– duration of anticoagulation treatment
– possible side effects of anticoagulant treatment and what to do if these
– the effects of other medications, foods and alcohol on oral
anticoagulation treatment
– monitoring their anticoagulant treatment
– how anticoagulants may affect their dental treatment
– taking anticoagulants if they are planning pregnancy or become pregnant
– how anticoagulants may affect activities such as sports and travel
– when and how to seek medical help. [1.3.1]
Provide patients who are having anticoagulation treatment with an
‘anticoagulant information booklet’ and an ‘anticoagulant alert card’ and
advise them to carry the ‘anticoagulant alert card’ at all times. [1.3.2]
Be aware that heparins are of animal origin and this may be of concern to
some patients (see Religion or belief: a practical guide for the NHS). For
patients who have concerns about using animal products, consider offering
synthetic alternatives based on clinical judgement after discussing their
suitability, advantages and disadvantages with the patient. [This
recommendation is from Venous thromboembolism: reducing the risk (NICE
clinical guideline 92).] [1.3.3]
Advise patients about the correct application and use of below-knee
graduated compression stockings, how long they should be worn and when
1.8 Question
Are there any further tests or investigations you would organise in relation to
John’s diagnosis of DVT?
Relevant recommendation
Do not offer thrombophilia testing to patients who have had provoked DVT
or PE. [1.6.4]
Related recommendations
Offer all patients diagnosed with unprovoked DVT or PE who are not
already known to have cancer the following investigations for cancer:
– a physical examination (guided by the patient’s full history) and
– a chest X-ray and
– blood tests (full blood count, serum calcium and liver function tests) and
– urinalysis. [1.5.1]
Consider further investigations for cancer with an abdomino-pelvic CT scan
(and a mammogram for women) in all patients aged over 40 years with a
first unprovoked DVT or PE who do not have signs or symptoms of cancer
based on initial investigation (see recommendation 1.5.1 above). [KPI
Do not offer thrombophilia testing to patients who are continuing
anticoagulation treatment. [1.6.1]
Consider testing for antiphospholipid antibodies in patients who have had
unprovoked DVT or PE if it is planned to stop anticoagulation treatment.
Consider testing for hereditary thrombophilia in patients who have had
unprovoked DVT or PE and who have a first-degree relative who has had
DVT or PE if it is planned to stop anticoagulation treatment. [1.6.3]
Do not routinely offer thrombophilia testing to first-degree relatives of people
with a history of DVT or PE and thrombophilia. [1.6.5]
Susan is a 50-year-old woman who presents to your A&E department following
GP referral. Susan complains of pain in her left calf, which has been present for
a week. Three weeks ago she had acute appendicitis with hospital admission.
For the last day her left thigh has been painful.
2.1 Question
You believe Susan has symptoms of a suspected DVT. What would you do
Relevant recommendation
If a patient presents with signs or symptoms of deep vein thrombosis (DVT),
carry out an assessment of their general medical history and a physical
examination to exclude other causes. [KPI 1.1.1]
2.2 Question
You have noted Susan’s presentation and recent medical history. Her medical
records do not indicate that she received VTE prophylaxis while in hospital. She
has no significant past medical history.
On examination her entire left leg is swollen. Left calf 38 cm, right calf 34 cm,
left thigh 56 cm, right thigh 52 cm. Her heart rate is 70 beats per minute,
respiratory rate 14 breaths per minute, blood pressure 120/80 mmHg,
temperature 36oc and SpO2 99% in air.
Relevant recommendations
If DVT is suspected, use the two-level DVT Wells score (see appendix 1) to
estimate the clinical probability of DVT. [1.1.2]
See Venous thromboembolism: reducing the risk (NICE clinical guideline
92) for VTE prophylaxis recommendations.
2.3 Question
Susan’s two-level DVT Wells score is 3 (DVT likely):
You suspect deep vein thrombosis . With a ‘DVT likely’ score, what would you
do next?
Relevant recommendation
Offer patients in whom DVT is suspected and with a likely two-level DVT
Wells score either:
– a proximal leg vein ultrasound scan carried out within 4 hours of being
requested and, if the result is negative, a D-dimer test or
– a D-dimer test and an interim 24-hour dose of a parenteral anticoagulant
(if a proximal leg vein ultrasound scan cannot be carried out within
4 hours) and a proximal leg vein ultrasound scan carried out within
24 hours of being requested.
Repeat the proximal leg vein ultrasound scan 6–8 days later for all patients
with a positive D-dimer test and a negative proximal leg vein ultrasound
scan. [KPI 1.1.3]
2.4 Question
The proximal leg vein ultrasound scan identifies an occlusive clot in the
common femoral vein. What would you do next?
You would also start VKA within 24 hours of diagnosing DVT and arrange for
Susan to return to the outpatient clinic in 3 months to assess whether to
continue VKA.
Relevant recommendations
Diagnose DVT and treat (see section 1.2 of the NICE guideline) patients
with a positive proximal leg vein ultrasound scan. [1.1.5]
Offer a choice of low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) or fondaparinux to
patients with confirmed proximal DVT or PE, taking into account
comorbidities, contraindications and drug costs, with the following
– For patients with severe renal impairment (estimated glomerular filtration
rate [eGFR] < 30 ml/minute/1.73 m2) offer unfractionated heparin (UFH)
with dose adjustments based on the APTT (activated partial
thromboplastin time) or LMWH with dose adjustments based on an anti-
Xa assay.
– For patients with an increased risk of bleeding consider UFH.
– For patients with PE and haemodynamic instability, offer UFH and
consider thrombolytic therapy (see recommendations 1.2.7 and 1.2.8 in
the NICE guideline).
Start the LMWH, fondaparinux or UFH as soon as possible and continue it
Related recommendations
Offer a VKA beyond 3 months to patients with an unprovoked PE, taking
into account the patient’s risk of VTE recurrence and whether they are at
increased risk of bleeding. Discuss with the patient the benefits and risks of
extending their VKA treatment. [KPI 1.2.4]
Consider extending the VKA beyond 3 months for patients with unprovoked
proximal DVT if their risk of VTE recurrence is high and there is no
additional risk of major bleeding. Discuss with the patient the benefits and
risks of extending their VKA treatment. [KPI 1.2.5]
Consider pharmacological systemic thrombolytic therapy for patients with PE
and haemodynamic instability (see also recommendation 1.2.1 on
pharmacological interventions for DVT and PE). [1.2.7]
Do not offer pharmacological systemic thrombolytic therapy to patients with
PE and haemodynamic stability (see also recommendation 1.2.1 on
pharmacological interventions for DVT and PE). [1.2.8]
2.5 Question
Would you offer Susan an inferior vena caval filter?
Relevant recommendations
Offer temporary inferior vena caval filters to patients with proximal DVT or
PE who cannot have anticoagulation treatment, and remove the inferior
vena caval filter when the patient becomes eligible for anticoagulation
treatment. [1.2.10]
Consider inferior vena caval filters for patients with recurrent proximal DVT
or PE despite adequate anticoagulation treatment only after considering
alternative treatments such as:
– increasing target INR to 3–4 for long-term high-intensity oral
anticoagulant therapy or
– switching treatment to LMWH. [1.2.11]
Related recommendation
Ensure that a strategy for removing the inferior vena caval filter at the
earliest possible opportunity is planned and documented when the filter is
placed, and that the strategy is reviewed regularly. [1.2.12]
2.6 Question
In addition to the pharmacological treatment you have started, what other
treatment should be offered to Susan to treat the DVT?
By this point it is likely that Susan will have left the acute setting, so to ensure
she receives this treatment refer her at the time of diagnosis to the relevant
healthcare professional/department responsible providing stockings (this may
be his GP or the orthotic department).
Also ask her GP to ensure that the stockings are worn for at least 2 years, are
replaced two or three times a year and are worn in line with the manufacturer’s
Relevant recommendation
Offer below-knee graduated compression stockings with an ankle pressure
greater than 23 mmHg to patients with proximal DVT a week after diagnosis
or when swelling is reduced sufficiently and if there are no
contraindications2, and:
– advise patients to continue wearing the stockings for at least 2 years
– ensure that the stockings are replaced two or three times per year or
according to the manufacturer’s instructions
– advise patients that the stockings need to be worn only on the affected
leg or legs. [KPI 1.2.9]
2.7 Question
What information would you give Susan about her treatment? Would you offer
Susan self-management of her INR?
Prescribers should refer to specific product information and contraindications before offering
graduated compression stockings.
Relevant recommendations
Give patients having anticoagulation treatment verbal and written
information about:
– how to use anticoagulants
– duration of anticoagulation treatment
– possible side effects of anticoagulant treatment and what to do if these
– the effects of other medications, foods and alcohol on oral
anticoagulation treatment
– monitoring their anticoagulant treatment
– how anticoagulants may affect their dental treatment
– taking anticoagulants if they are planning pregnancy or become pregnant
– how anticoagulants may affect activities such as sports and travel
– when and how to seek medical help. [1.3.1]
Provide patients who are having anticoagulation treatment with an
‘anticoagulant information booklet’ and an ‘anticoagulant alert card’ and
advise them to carry the ‘anticoagulant alert card’ at all times. [1.3.2]
Be aware that heparins are of animal origin and this may be of concern to
some patients (see Religion or belief: a practical guide for the NHS). For
patients who have concerns about using animal products, consider offering
synthetic alternatives based on clinical judgement after discussing their
suitability, advantages and disadvantages with the patient. [This
recommendation is from Venous thromboembolism: reducing the risk (NICE
clinical guideline 92).] [1.3.3]
Advise patients about the correct application and use of below-knee
graduated compression stockings, how long they should be worn and when
2.8 Question
Are there any further tests or investigations you would organise in relation to
Susan’s diagnosis of DVT?
Relevant recommendation
Do not offer thrombophilia testing to patients who have had provoked DVT
or PE. [1.6.4]
Related recommendations
Offer all patients diagnosed with unprovoked DVT or PE who are not
already known to have cancer the following investigations for cancer:
– a physical examination (guided by the patient’s full history) and
– a chest X-ray and
– blood tests (full blood count, serum calcium and liver function tests) and
– urinalysis. [1.5.1]
Consider further investigations for cancer with an abdomino-pelvic CT scan
(and a mammogram for women) in all patients aged over 40 years with a
first unprovoked DVT or PE who do not have signs or symptoms of cancer
based on initial investigation (see recommendation 1.5.1 above). [KPI
Do not offer thrombophilia testing to patients who are continuing
anticoagulation treatment. [1.6.1]
Consider testing for antiphospholipid antibodies in patients who have had
unprovoked DVT or PE if it is planned to stop anticoagulation treatment.
Consider testing for hereditary thrombophilia in patients who have had
unprovoked DVT or PE and who have a first-degree relative who has had
DVT or PE if it is planned to stop anticoagulation treatment. [1.6.3]
Do not routinely offer thrombophilia testing to first-degree relatives of people
with a history of DVT or PE and thrombophilia. [1.6.5]
Nita is a 31-year-old woman who presents to your A&E department with pain
and swelling in her right leg. She also reports that the back of her calf appears
red. She plays regular sport and says this pain feels different from previous
muscle injuries.
3.1 Question
You believe Nita has symptoms of a suspected DVT. What would you do next?
Relevant recommendation
If a patient presents with signs or symptoms of deep vein thrombosis (DVT),
carry out an assessment of their general medical history and a physical
examination to exclude other causes. [KPI 1.1.1]
3.2 Question
You have noted Nita’s presentation. She has no significant past medical history,
but reports she has taken a combined oral contraceptive pill for the past
10 years. On examination her lower right leg is swollen. Left calf 34 cm, right
calf 37 cm, left thigh 50 cm, right thigh 50 cm. Heart rate 60 beats per minute,
respiratory rate 11 breaths per minute, blood pressure 122/75 mmHg,
temperature 370c and SpO2 99% in air.
Relevant recommendation
If DVT is suspected, use the two-level DVT Wells score (see appendix 1 or
table 1 in the NICE clinical guideline) to estimate the clinical probability of
DVT. [1.1.2]
3.3 Question
Nita’s two-level DVT Wells score is 0 (DVT unlikely):
Relevant recommendation
Offer patients in whom DVT is suspected and with an unlikely two-level
DVT Wells score a D-dimer test and if the result is positive offer either:
– a proximal leg vein ultrasound scan carried out within 4 hours of being
requested or
– an interim 24-hour dose of a parenteral anticoagulant (if a proximal leg
vein ultrasound scan cannot be carried out within 4 hours) and a proximal
leg vein ultrasound scan carried out within 24 hours of being requested.
[KPI 1.1.4]
3.4 Question
Nita’s D-dimer test is negative: what would you do next?
Relevant recommendation
Take into consideration alternative diagnoses in patients with:
– an unlikely two-level DVT Wells score and
◊ a negative D-dimer test or
◊ a positive D-dimer test and a negative proximal leg vein ultrasound
– a likely two-level DVT Wells score and
◊ a negative proximal leg vein ultrasound scan and a negative
D-dimer test or
◊ a repeat negative proximal leg vein ultrasound scan.
Advise patients in these two groups that it is not likely they have DVT, and
discuss with them the signs and symptoms of DVT and when and where to
seek further medical help. [1.1.6]
This action is beyond the scope of the NICE guideline but has been added to replicate the
usual diagnosis process.
Gary is a 52-year-old man who is an endurance cyclist. He presents to your
A&E department following referral from his GP. He reports shortness of breath
at rest and chest pain. On direct questioning he admits to pain in the right calf
for a month, which he put down to muscle sprain.
4.1 Question
You believe Gary has symptoms of a suspected PE and DVT. Which diagnostic
route should you take?
Because of Gary’s chest pain and shortness of breath, you decide to carry out
initial diagnostic investigations for PE.
Relevant recommendation
If a patient presents with signs or symptoms of both DVT (for example a
swollen and/or painful leg) and PE (for example chest pain, shortness of
breath or haemoptysis), carry out initial diagnostic investigations for either
DVT or PE, basing the choice of diagnostic investigations on clinical
judgement. [1.1.14]
Additional information
When developing the guideline the developers discussed the advantages and
disadvantages to the patient in following each pathway (either DVT or PE):
The ultrasound scan used in the DVT algorithm avoids radiation exposure
and the administration of contrast compared with CTPA which is used in the
PE diagnostic algorithm. A CTPA is approximately equivalent to 3.6 years of
natural background radiation (UK average 2.2 mSv per year taken from
referral guideline from the Royal College of Radiologists)
One advantage of CTPA is that it also looks at all of the other structures
within the chest including whether there is evidence of right ventricular
dilatation which has prognostic implications and can identify other causes
for the patient’s symptoms.
The DVT diagnosis algorithm may be chosen for a patient with a possible
provoked DVT and PE because there will be no change to the
pharmacological treatment as a result of diagnosis and they would be
exposed to no radiation or intravenous contrast.
4.2 Question
What would you do next to diagnose PE?
Relevant recommendation
If a patient presents with signs or symptoms of PE, carry out an assessment
of their general medical history, a physical examination and a chest X-ray to
exclude other causes. [1.1.7]
4.3 Question
On admission Gary’s SpO2 is 93% in air, heart rate is 102 beats per minute,
respiratory rate 17 breaths per minute, blood pressure 110/70 mmHg,
temperature 370c. You still suspect PE: what would you do next?
Relevant recommendation
If PE is suspected, use the two-level PE Wells score (see appendix 2 or
table 2) to estimate the clinical probability of PE. [1.1.8]
4.4 Question
You calculate the two-level PE Wells score to be 7.5 (PE likely)4:
You suspect PE. With this Wells score result, what would you do next?
It is acknowledged that the implementation of recommendations 1.1.7 and 1.1.8 are likely to happen
simultaneously. For example, it is not likely that in reality the clinician would wait for the chest X-ray
result before commencing a Wells score. The cases have been presented in this manner in order to
illustrate implementation of each of the recommendations
Relevant recommendation
Offer patients in whom PE is suspected and with a likely two-level PE Wells
score either:
– an immediate computed tomography pulmonary angiogram (CTPA) or
– immediate interim parenteral anticoagulant therapy followed by a CTPA,
if a CTPA cannot be carried out immediately.
Consider a proximal leg vein ultrasound scan if the CTPA is negative and
DVT is suspected. [1.1.9]
Related recommendation
For patients who have an allergy to contrast media, or who have renal
impairment, or whose risk from irradiation is high:
– Assess the suitability of a ventilation/perfusion single photon emission
computed tomography (V/Q SPECT) scan or, if a V/Q SPECT scan is
not available, a V/Q planar scan, as an alternative to CTPA.
If offering a V/Q SPECT or planar scan that will not be available
immediately, offer interim parenteral anticoagulant therapy. [1.1.11]
4.5 Question
The CTPA is positive showing several pulmonary emboli. What would you do
Based on your clinical decision you offer LMWH immediately and continue this
for at least 5 days or until the INR is 2 or above for at least 24 hours (whichever
is longer). You also start VKA within 24 hours of diagnosis of the PE and
continue this for 3 months. You also ensure an outpatient appointment is
booked for Gary in 3 months’ time to assess benefits and risks of continuing the
Relevant recommendations
Diagnose PE and treat (see section 1.2 of the NICE guideline) patients with
a positive CTPA or in whom PE is identified with a V/Q SPECT or planar
scan. [1.1.12]
Offer a choice of low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) or fondaparinux to
patients with confirmed proximal DVT or PE, taking into account
comorbidities, contraindications and drug costs, with the following
– For patients with severe renal impairment (estimated glomerular filtration
rate [eGFR] < 30 ml/minute/1.73 m2) offer unfractionated heparin (UFH)
with dose adjustments based on the APTT (activated partial
thromboplastin time) or LMWH with dose adjustments based on an anti-
Xa assay.
– For patients with an increased risk of bleeding consider UFH.
– For patients with PE and haemodynamic instability, offer UFH and
consider thrombolytic therapy (see recommendations 1.2.7 and 1.2.8
Start the LMWH, fondaparinux or UFH as soon as possible and continue it
for at least 5 days or until the international normalised ratio (INR) (adjusted
by a vitamin K antagonist [VKA]; see recommendation 1.2.3) is 2 or above
for at least 24 hours, whichever is longer. [KPI 1.2.1]
Offer a VKA to patients with confirmed proximal DVT or PE within 24 hours
of diagnosis and continue the VKA for 3 months. At 3 months, assess the
risks and benefits of continuing VKA treatment (see recommendations 1.2.4
Related recommendations
Offer a VKA beyond 3 months to patients with an unprovoked PE, taking
into account the patient’s risk of VTE recurrence and whether they are at
increased risk of bleeding. Discuss with the patient the benefits and risks of
extending their VKA treatment. [KPI 1.2.4]
Consider extending the VKA beyond 3 months for patients with unprovoked
proximal DVT if their risk of VTE recurrence is high and there is no
additional risk of major bleeding. Discuss with the patient the benefits and
risks of extending their VKA treatment. [KPI 1.2.5]
Consider pharmacological systemic thrombolytic therapy for patients with PE
and haemodynamic instability (see also recommendation 1.2.1 on
pharmacological interventions for DVT and PE). [1.2.7]
Do not offer pharmacological systemic thrombolytic therapy to patients with
PE and haemodynamic stability (see also recommendation 1.2.1 on
pharmacological interventions for DVT and PE). [1.2.8]
Additional information
When offering a choice of low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) or
fondaparinux to patients with confirmed proximal DVT or PE (recommendation
1.2.1) the guidance developers noted that it is very important to consider the
individual patient circumstances, such as comorbidities and contraindications in
order to offer the most suitable agent for the patient. Important considerations
4.6 Question
Would you offer Gary systemic thrombolytic therapy, catheter-directed
thrombolytic therapy or an inferior vena caval filter to treat his PE and DVT?
Do not offer an inferior vena caval filter because Gary is able to have
anticoagulation treatment.
Relevant recommendations
Consider catheter-directed thrombolytic therapy for patients with
symptomatic iliofemoral DVT who have:
– symptoms of less than 14 days’ duration and
– good functional status and
– a life expectancy of 1 year or more and
– a low risk of bleeding. [KPI 1.2.6]
Do not offer pharmacological systemic thrombolytic therapy to patients with
PE and haemodynamic stability (see also recommendation 1.2.1 in the
NICE guideline). [1.2.8]
Offer temporary inferior vena caval filters to patients with proximal DVT or
PE who cannot have anticoagulation treatment, and remove the inferior
vena caval filter when the patient becomes eligible for anticoagulation
treatment. [1.2.10]
Consider inferior vena caval filters for patients with recurrent proximal DVT
or PE despite adequate anticoagulation treatment only after considering
alternative treatments such as:
– increasing target INR to 3–4 for long-term high-intensity oral
anticoagulant therapy or
– switching treatment to LMWH. [1.2.11]
Related recommendations
Ensure that a strategy for removing the inferior vena caval filter at the
earliest possible opportunity is planned and documented when the filter is
placed, and that the strategy is reviewed regularly. [1.2.12]
Consider pharmacological systemic thrombolytic therapy for patients with PE
and haemodynamic instability (see also recommendation 1.2.1 on
pharmacological interventions for DVT and PE). [1.2.7]
4.7 Question
A few days after Gary’s admission the acute PE phase has been managed and
Gary is stable. You noted on admission that Gary complained of a sore leg. You
now note that his entire leg is swollen, he has calf swelling of more than 3 cm
on his sore leg. You are still concerned about DVT: what would you do next?
Relevant recommendation
Offer patients in whom DVT is suspected and with a likely two-level DVT
Wells score either:
– a proximal leg vein ultrasound scan carried out within 4 hours of being
requested and, if the result is negative, a D-dimer test or
– a D-dimer test and an interim 24-hour dose of a parenteral anticoagulant
(if a proximal leg vein ultrasound scan cannot be carried out within
4 hours) and a proximal leg vein ultrasound scan carried out within
24 hours of being requested.
Repeat the proximal leg vein ultrasound scan 6–8 days later for all patients
with a positive D-dimer test and a negative proximal leg vein ultrasound
scan. [KPI 1.1.3]
4.8 Question
The proximal leg vein ultrasound scan shows a proximal DVT. What would you
do next? Would you consider catheter-directed thrombolytic therapy?
In addition to the LMWH and VKA (see answer 4.5), a week after diagnosis or
when swelling is reduced sufficiently Gary should be offered below-knee
graduated compression stockings with an ankle pressure greater than
23 mmHg, if there are no contraindications.
By this point it is likely that Gary will have left the acute setting, so to ensure he
receives this treatment refer him at the time of diagnosis to the relevant
healthcare professional/department responsible for providing stockings (this
may be his GP or the orthotic department).
Also ask his GP to ensure that the stockings are worn for at least 2 years, are
replaced two or three times a year and are worn in line with the manufacturer’s
Relevant recommendations
Consider catheter-directed thrombolytic therapy for patients with
symptomatic iliofemoral DVT who have:
– symptoms of less than 14 days’ duration and
– good functional status and
– a life expectancy of 1 year or more and
– a low risk of bleeding. [KPI 1.2.6]
Offer below-knee graduated compression stockings with an ankle pressure
greater than 23 mmHg to patients with proximal DVT a week after diagnosis
or when swelling is reduced sufficiently and if there are no
contraindications5, and:
– advise patients to continue wearing the stockings for at least 2 years
– ensure that the stockings are replaced two or three times per year or
according to the manufacturer’s instructions
Prescribers should refer to specific product information and contraindications before offering graduated
compression stockings.
4.9 Question
What information would you give to Gary about his treatment? Would you offer
him self-management of his INR?
Relevant recommendations
Give patients having anticoagulation treatment verbal and written
information about:
– how to use anticoagulants
– duration of anticoagulation treatment
– possible side effects of anticoagulant treatment and what to do if these
– the effects of other medications, foods and alcohol on oral
anticoagulation treatment
– monitoring their anticoagulant treatment
– how anticoagulants may affect their dental treatment
– taking anticoagulants if they are planning pregnancy or become pregnant
– how anticoagulants may affect activities such as sports and travel
– when and how to seek medical help. [1.3.1]
Provide patients who are having anticoagulation treatment with an
‘anticoagulant information booklet’ and an ‘anticoagulant alert card’ and
advise them to carry the ‘anticoagulant alert card’ at all times. [1.3.2]
Be aware that heparins are of animal origin and this may be of concern to
some patients (see Religion or belief: a practical guide for the NHS). For
patients who have concerns about using animal products, consider offering
synthetic alternatives based on clinical judgement after discussing their
suitability, advantages and disadvantages with the patient. [This
recommendation is from Venous thromboembolism: reducing the risk (NICE
clinical guideline 92).] [1.3.3]
Advise patients about the correct application and use of below-knee
graduated compression stockings, how long they should be worn and when
4.10 Question
Following this recent episode of unprovoked PE and DVT, are there any further
tests you would offer Gary?
If these tests do not identify signs and symptoms of cancer in Gary, consider
further investigation with an abdomino-pelvic CT scan for cancer.
Relevant recommendations
Offer all patients diagnosed with unprovoked DVT or PE who are not
already known to have cancer the following investigations for cancer:
– a physical examination (guided by the patient’s full history) and
– a chest X-ray and
– blood tests (full blood count, serum calcium and liver function tests) and
– urinalysis. [1.5.1]
Consider further investigations for cancer with an abdomino-pelvic CT scan
(and a mammogram for women) in all patients aged over 40 years with a
first unprovoked DVT or PE who do not have signs or symptoms of cancer
based on initial investigation (see recommendation 1.5.1 above). [KPI
Do not offer thrombophilia testing to patients who are continuing
anticoagulation treatment. [1.6.1]
Consider testing for antiphospholipid antibodies in patients who have had
unprovoked DVT or PE if it is planned to stop anticoagulation treatment.
Consider testing for hereditary thrombophilia in patients who have had
unprovoked DVT or PE and who have a first-degree relative who has had
DVT or PE if it is planned to stop anticoagulation treatment. [1.6.3]
At the time of publication (June 2012) some types of LMWH do not have a UK marketing authorisation
for 6 months of treatment of DVT or PE in patients with cancer. Prescribers should consult the summary
of product characteristics for the individual LMWH and make appropriate adjustments for renal
impairment. Informed consent for off-label use should be obtained and documented.
Although this use is common in UK clinical practice, at the time of publication (June 2012) none of the
anticoagulants has a UK marketing authorisation for the treatment of DVT or PE beyond 6 months in
patients with cancer. Informed consent for off-label use should be obtained and documented.
Jane is a 65-year-old woman with inoperable ovarian cancer and poor
functional status. She presents to your A&E department following a referral from
the oncology outpatient clinic. She complains of pain along the length of her left
leg with her left calf feeling particularly painful. She also reports that her left calf
feels hot.
5.1 Question
You believe Jane has symptoms of a suspected DVT. What would you do next?
Relevant recommendation
If a patient presents with signs or symptoms of deep vein thrombosis (DVT),
carry out an assessment of their general medical history and a physical
examination to exclude other causes. [KPI 1.1.1]
5.2 Question
You have noted Jane’s presentation and recent medical history. She has no
other significant past medical history. Her heart rate is 90 beats per minute,
respiratory rate 13 breaths per minute, blood pressure 135/60 mmHg,
temperature 37.50c, SpO2 96% in air.
Relevant recommendation
If DVT is suspected, use the two-level DVT Wells score (see appendix 1) to
estimate the clinical probability of DVT. [1.1.2]
5.3 Question
Jane’s two-level DVT Wells score is 2 (DVT likely):
Active cancer = 1.
Localised tenderness along the distribution of the deep
venous system = 1
Relevant recommendation
Offer patients in whom DVT is suspected and with a likely two-level DVT
Wells score either:
– a proximal leg vein ultrasound scan carried out within 4 hours of being
requested and, if the result is negative, a D-dimer test or
– a D-dimer test and an interim 24-hour dose of a parenteral anticoagulant
(if a proximal leg vein ultrasound scan cannot be carried out within
4 hours) and a proximal leg vein ultrasound scan carried out within
24 hours of being requested.
Repeat the proximal leg vein ultrasound scan 6–8 days later for all patients
with a positive D-dimer test and a negative proximal leg vein ultrasound
scan. [KPI 1.1.3]
5.4 Question
The proximal leg vein ultrasound scan identifies a DVT. What would you do
Relevant recommendations
Diagnose DVT and treat (see section 1.2 of the NICE guideline) patients
with a positive proximal leg vein ultrasound scan. [1.1.5]
Offer LMWH to patients with active cancer and confirmed proximal DVT or
PE, and continue the LMWH for 6 months8. At 6 months, assess the risks
and benefits of continuing anticoagulation9. [KPI 1.2.2]
Additional information
The evidence suggested that using LMWH instead of VKAs offered an overall
benefit, for patients with proximal DVT or PE and active cancer
(recommendation 1.2.2). However, this means that patients will be having daily
subcutaneous injections instead of taking oral tablets. Therefore, patient
preference and practicalities, such as whether patients can reliably self-inject or
have a carer (such as a relative or district nurse) to help to administer the
injection needs to be taken into account. The ability of patients to adhere to the
treatment plan is important for its success.
At the time of publication (June 2012) some types of LMWH do not have a UK marketing
authorisation for 6 months of treatment of DVT or PE in patients with cancer. Prescribers should
consult the summary of product characteristics for the individual LMWH and make appropriate
adjustments for renal impairment. Informed consent for off-label use should be obtained and
Although this use is common in UK clinical practice, at the time of publication (June 2012)
none of the anticoagulants has a UK marketing authorisation for the treatment of DVT or PE
beyond 6 months in patients with cancer. Informed consent for off-label use should be obtained
and documented.
5.5 Question
Would you offer catheter-directed thrombolytic therapy or an inferior vena caval
filter to Jane?
Do not offer an inferior vena caval filter because Jane is able to have
anticoagulation treatment.
Relevant recommendation
Consider catheter-directed thrombolytic therapy for patients with
symptomatic iliofemoral DVT who have:
– symptoms of less than 14 days’ duration and
– good functional status and
– a life expectancy of 1 year or more and
– a low risk of bleeding. [KPI 1.2.6]
Related recommendations
Offer temporary inferior vena caval filters to patients with proximal DVT or
PE who cannot have anticoagulation treatment, and remove the inferior
vena caval filter when the patient becomes eligible for anticoagulation
treatment. [1.2.10]
Consider inferior vena caval filters for patients with recurrent proximal DVT
or PE despite adequate anticoagulation treatment only after considering
alternative treatments such as:
– increasing target INR to 3–4 for long-term high-intensity oral
anticoagulant therapy or
– switching treatment to LMWH. [1.2.11]
Ensure that a strategy for removing the inferior vena caval filter at the
earliest possible opportunity is planned and documented when the filter is
placed, and that the strategy is reviewed regularly. [1.2.12]
5.6 Question
What information would you give Jane about her treatment?
Relevant recommendations
Give patients having anticoagulation treatment verbal and written
information about:
– how to use anticoagulants
– duration of anticoagulation treatment
– possible side effects of anticoagulant treatment and what to do if these
– the effects of other medications, foods and alcohol on oral
anticoagulation treatment
– monitoring their anticoagulant treatment
– how anticoagulants may affect their dental treatment
– taking anticoagulants if they are planning pregnancy or become pregnant
– how anticoagulants may affect activities such as sports and travel
– when and how to seek medical help. [1.3.1]
Provide patients who are having anticoagulation treatment with an
‘anticoagulant information booklet’ and an ‘anticoagulant alert card’ and
advise them to carry the ‘anticoagulant alert card’ at all times. [1.3.2]
Be aware that heparins are of animal origin and this may be of concern to
some patients (see Religion or belief: a practical guide for the NHS). For
patients who have concerns about using animal products, consider offering
synthetic alternatives based on clinical judgement after discussing their
suitability, advantages and disadvantages with the patient. [This
recommendation is from Venous thromboembolism: reducing the risk (NICE
clinical guideline 92).] [1.3.3]
5.7 Question
Jane’s DVT is considered to be unprovoked. Bearing this in mind, are there any
other further investigations and tests you would organise?
Relevant recommendations
Offer all patients diagnosed with unprovoked DVT or PE who are not
already known to have cancer the following investigations for cancer:
– a physical examination (guided by the patient’s full history) and
– a chest X-ray and
– blood tests (full blood count, serum calcium and liver function tests) and
– urinalysis. [1.5.1]
Consider further investigations for cancer with an abdomino-pelvic CT scan
(and a mammogram for women) in all patients aged over 40 years with a
first unprovoked DVT or PE who do not have signs or symptoms of cancer
based on initial investigation (see recommendation 1.5.1 above). [KPI
Do not offer thrombophilia testing to patients who are continuing
anticoagulation treatment. [1.6.1]
Consider testing for antiphospholipid antibodies in patients who have had
unprovoked DVT or PE if it is planned to stop anticoagulation treatment.
Consider testing for hereditary thrombophilia in patients who have had
unprovoked DVT or PE and who have a first-degree relative who has had
DVT or PE if it is planned to stop anticoagulation treatment. [1.6.3]
Related recommendation
Do not routinely offer thrombophilia testing to first-degree relatives of people
with a history of DVT or PE and thrombophilia. [1.6.5]
NICE would like to thank the National Clinical Guideline Centre and the
Guideline Development Group, especially
A template patient record Two-level PE Wells score which you can print,
complete and then add to patient records can be downloaded from the NICE
A template patient record Two-level PE Wells score which you can print,
complete and then add to patient records can be downloaded from the NICE