Garcia-Quiazon vs. Belen G.R. No. 189121 July 31, 2013 Facts
Garcia-Quiazon vs. Belen G.R. No. 189121 July 31, 2013 Facts
Garcia-Quiazon vs. Belen G.R. No. 189121 July 31, 2013 Facts
Section 6, Rule 78 of the Revised Rules of Court lays down the In the instant case, Elise, as a compulsory heir who stands to be
preferred persons who are entitled to the issuance of letters of benefited by the distribution of Eliseo’s estate, is deemed to be an
administration, thus: interested party. With the overwhelming evidence on record produced
by Elise to prove her filiation to Eliseo, the petitioners’ pounding on her
lack of interest in the administration of the decedent’s estate, is just a
Sec. 6. When and to whom letters of administration granted. — If no
desperate attempt to sway this Court to reverse the findings of the
executor is named in the will, or the executor or executors are
Court of Appeals. Certainly, the right of Elise to be appointed
incompetent, refuse the trust, or fail to give bond, or a person dies
administratix of the estate of Eliseo is on good grounds. It is founded
intestate, administration shall be granted:
on her right as a compulsory heir, who, under the law, is entitled to her
legitimate after the debts of the estate are satisfied.Having a vested
(a) To the surviving husband or wife, as the case right in the distribution of Eliseo’s estate as one of his natural children,
may be, or next of kin, or both, in the discretion of Elise can rightfully be considered as an interested party within the
the court, or to such person as such surviving purview of the law.