Pud Elementay y Media
Pud Elementay y Media
Pud Elementay y Media
Teacher: Area: Grade/ course Class
One English A1.1 Hello! O.EFL 2.2 Assess and appreciate English as an international
language, as well as the five aspects of English that contribute
to communicative competence.
Communication and Cultural Awareness CE.EFL.2.1. Differentiate between different living situations in a
EFL 2.1.1 Exchange basic introductions and limited variety of surroundings and express curiosity about the world
personal information in class using simple present tense through simple questions.
in order to get to know their peers. (Example: where one
lives or goes to school, etc.)
Oral Communication: (Listening and Speaking) CE.EFL.2.6. Listening for Meaning: Understand the main ideas in
EFL 2.2.1 Understand meanings expressed in short short simple spoken texts that include familiar vocabulary and
dialogues on familiar topics, as well as basic spoken are set in everyday contexts.
instructions and simple questions about self, people,
animals or things, especially when spoken slowly and
clearly. (Example: greetings, short phrases, And basic
range of classroom instructions, common personal
information questions: What’s your name? How old are
you? Where do you
live? etc.)
Language through the Arts CE.EFL.2.22. Describe and write about emotions and responses
to literary texts through words and images, or other media
(video, audio) on class or school bulletin boards and expand on
EFL 2.5.2 Express emotions and feelings using basic ideas and responses to texts read/seen/heard in by
adjectives and related images through written work participating in songs/chants, TPR activities and playground
on the school or class bulletin board. games.
• Drawing different ▪ New Curriculum I.EFL.2.2.1. Learners can and other simple everyday phrases to
houses and labeling EFL for Subnivel classify everyday objects and facilitate interpersonal
different rooms and EGB ELEMENTAL familiar places. Learners can interaction, to introduce others, and to
objects in a house. compare objects from name things.
• Using question words ▪ Teacher’s Guide different cultural contexts. • Understand meanings expressed in short
(who, what, where) to English A1.1 Learners can say and dialogues on
ask about places. (including recognize ways to take care familiar topics, as well as basic spoken
• Reflecting on interactive version) of the environment and one’s instructions and simple
differences between a surroundings. (J.3, questions about self, people, animals or
house and an apartment. ▪ Audio CD S.1) things, especially
• Creating a diorama of when spoken slowly and clearly.
▪ Teacher’s Guide Oral Communication
urban and rural aspects. • Exchange basic introductions and limited
I.EFL.2.6.1. Learners can
• Drawing a map of a personal
▪ Posters and understand the main ideas in
neighborhood. information in class using simple present
short simple spoken texts
• Asking and answering pictures about the tense in order to get
and infer who is speaking and to know their peers.
questions about where topic
what the situation is, without
you and others live. • Produce simple, mainly isolated
▪ Photocopiable decoding every word. (I.3)
Oral Communication: utterances using very short
(Listening and - worksheets (TG) phrases and sometimes individual words,
Speaking) possibly with slow
▪ Quiz Time (SB) I.EFL.2.11.1. Learners can and/or hesitant delivery.
understand familiar words,
• Listening to a very • Demonstrate basic reading
short and simple story comprehension skills by
and short simple sentences
and ordering the identifying the meaning of individual
and can successfully
pictures showing what words, phrases, and
complete the simple
happens. (Example: Jane sentences, including simple written
accompanying task. (I.4)
is taking her dog for a instructions.
walk. They see some • Create picture books and/or other
birds. The birds fly away, graphic expressions in
etc.) pairs in class by varying scenes, characters,
or other elements
• Reading a simple
sentence, looking at the
accompanying picture,
and ticking yes/no.
(Example: This is a
house. Yes,
• Completing a gap in a
sentence (print or
online). (Example:
Words: go, sleep.
Sentence: Every day I ---
to school, etc.)
• Locating specific
words on the page and
writing them in a list.
(Example: all the words
beginning with the
sound /k/
or all the words that
contain the long /a:/
sound, etc.)
• Matching words to
pictures. (Example:
under the picture of a
chair, learners write the
word chair with the five
character in a story as it
is read aloud.
• Discussing things
learners have done that
are similar to those the
characters in the story
have done. (Example:
on vacation to the beach,
got into a fight with a
parent or friend, etc.)
• Moving to the rhythm
of a song or chant.
Specification of Educational Needs Specification of the adapted material to be applied
• Students´ with Learning Disabilities. Use of visual materials and music, as well as short tasks.
• Emotional/ Behavior Disorders. In the case of assessment, only focusing on those skills students
• Physical Impairments have developed.
Classroom strategies to be implemented include: listing
objectives and goals per lesson; differentiating instruction by
tiers or learning styles / multiple intelligences; presenting
information in multiple formats; using review games to make
learning fun.
Teacher: Area: Grade/ course Class
2nd EGB
Two English A1.1 What do you O.EFL 2.1 Identify some main ideas and details of written
see? texts, in order to develop an approach of critical inquiry to
written and oral texts.
O.EFL 2.3 Independently read level-appropriate texts in
English for pure enjoyment/ entertainment and to access
O.EFL 2.5 Use in-class library resources and explore the use
of ICT to enrich competencies in the four skills.
PERIODS: 18, 3 class periods per lesson STARTING WEEK:
Communication and Cultural Awareness CE.EFL.2.1. Differentiate between different living situations in a
EFL 2.1.6 Understand and use common expressions of variety of surroundings and express curiosity about the world
politeness in class while working in pairs or groups on through simple questions.
projects. (Example: please, sorry, thank you, etc.)
EFL 2.1.7 Collaborate in a friendly manner by sharing
classroom materials and personal objects while
birds. The birds fly away, Instruments for oral and written
etc.) I.EFL.2.17.1. Learners can evaluation
• Listening to a short write words, phrases, and ▪ Rubrics
and simple conversation short ▪ Portfolio
between 2 speakers and simple sentences using the ▪ Oral interviews individual/ in pairs
deciding who is correct conventions (spelling, ▪ Essay Tests
speaking, where they punctuation, capitalization, ▪ Practical Exams.
are, and how they feel. and handwriting or ▪ Writing Tests
(Example: a boy and his typography, ▪ Training Test
Dad, at a soccer game, etc.), for making simple
happy, etc.) learning resources. (I.3)
• Watching a video clip
and selecting the best
title for it. (Example: Language through the Arts
Funny monkeys at the I.EFL.2.22.1. Learners can
zoo, etc.) report emotions and
Reading compose
short responses to literary
Reading a text and texts through words and
answering information images,
questions. or other media (video, audio).
Choosing from a list of Learners can generate
words to complete gaps and expand on personal
from a reading. opinions and responses to
Reading a short story oral
from the Internet and and written texts through
highlighting interesting TPR, playground games, and
facts, then comparing songs. (I.3, S.3)
them with those of a
• Locating specific
words on the page and
writing them in a list.
(Example: all the words
beginning with the
sound /k/ or all the
words that contain the
long /a:/ sound, etc.)
• Matching words to
pictures. (Example:
under the picture of a
chair, learners write the
word chair with the five
letters of the word on
the five lines provided,
• Unscrambling words
or sentences and writing
them out correctly.
(Example: Word: veleen
= eleven. Sentence:
There’s – under – the
chair. – a backpack, etc.)
• Finding hidden
questions in a box and
writing them down with
the correct punctuation
and capitalization.
(Example: does it live on
• Students´ with Learning Disabilities. Use of visual materials and music, as well as short tasks.
• Emotional/ Behavior Disorders. In the case of assessment, only focusing on those skills students
• Physical Impairments have developed.
Classroom strategies to be implemented include: listing
objectives and goals per lesson; differentiating instruction by
tiers or learning styles / multiple intelligences; presenting
information in multiple formats; using review games to make
learning fun.
TEACHER: Lcda: Susana Padilla NAME: Lcda. Susana Padilla NAME: Leonardo Ampam
Teacher: Area: Grade/ course Class
2nd EGB
Three English A1.1 Who do you O.EFL 2.2 Assess and appreciate English as an international
see? language, as well as the five aspects of English that
contribute to communicative competence.
O.EFL 2.3 Independently read level-appropriate texts in
English for pure enjoyment/ entertainment and to access
O.EFL 2.5 Use in-class library resources and explore the use
of ICT to enrich competencies in the four skills.
PERIODS: 18, 3 class periods per lesson STARTING WEEK:
Communication and Cultural Awareness CE.EFL.2.1. Differentiate between different living situations in a
variety of surroundings and express curiosity about the world
EFL 2.1.4 Express curiosity about the world and other through simple questions.
cultures by asking simple WH- questions in class after
reading and/or participating in presentations or other
group work.
Oral Communication: (Listening and Speaking) CE.EFL.2.10. Interaction – Interpersonal: Participate effectively
EFL 2.2.6 Enjoy extensive listening in English. (Example: in basic interpersonal interactions in everyday contexts,
listen to stories, watch short movies, experience song provided the interlocutor speaks slowly and clearly. (Example:
lyrics or poetry, etc.) requesting, introducing, responding, etc.)
Reading CE.EFL.2.11. Identify and understand individual every-day
EFL 2.3.4 Understand the content in simple short written words, phrases, and sentences, including instructions.
environmental print text types, using artwork, symbols
and layout for support. (Example: price tags, signs, notices
(No eating, etc.), candy wrappers, etc.)
Language through the Arts CE.EFL.2.21. Distinguish key information in stories and other
EFL 2.5.6 Generate and expand ideas by age-appropriate literary texts, both oral and written.
responding in a fun and playful manner to oral and
written texts in order to increase enjoyment of the
language through TPR, playground games, and
songs and chants.
Communication and Communication and ACTIVITIES
Cultural Awareness ▪ New Curriculum Cultural Awareness • Imitate individual English language
EFL for Subnivel I.EFL.2.1.1. Learners can sounds, especially those phonemes which
• Drawing different EGB ELEMENTAL recognize differences do not exist in the student’s own L1, both
houses and labeling between in isolation and within key vocabulary
different rooms and ▪ Teacher’s Guide where people live and write items.
objects in a house. English A1.1 or talk about their own • Identify key information such as events,
• Using question words (including surroundings, as well as ask characters, and objects in stories and other
(who, what, where) to interactive version) questions about how other age-appropriate literary texts if there is
ask about places. people live. (I.2, S.2) visual support.
• Reflecting on ▪ Audio CD Oral Communication • Clap, move, chant or sing along with
differences between a I.EFL.2.10.1. Learners can short authentic English
house and an apartment. ▪ Teacher’s Guide interact effectively using a language rhymes or songs, approximating
• Creating a diorama of range English rhythm and intonation once
urban and rural aspects. ▪ Posters and of basic functional exponents familiar with the text.
• Drawing a map of a pictures about the for interpersonal • Demonstrate basic reading
neighborhood. topic conversations comprehension skills by
• Asking and answering in everyday contexts, identifying the meaning of individual
questions about where ▪ Photocopiable providing speech is slow and words, phrases, and sentences, including
you and others live. - worksheets (TG) clear. Learners can request simple written instructions.
repetition or clarification, • Listen to and read short narratives
▪ Quiz Time (SB) and and/or other oral and
Oral Communication: can react appropriately to written literary texts in class (with a
(Listening and responses received. (I.3) preference for authentic
Speaking) Reading texts) in order
I.EFL.2.11.1. Learners can TECHNIQUES
• Conducting a understand familiar words, ▪ Peer Observation.
conversation with the phrases, ▪ Checklist.
teacher and learner and short simple sentences ▪ Concept maps.
playing two characters and can successfully ▪ Questionnaires.
using masks or hand complete the simple ▪ Interviews.
puppets. The learner accompanying task. (I.4) ▪ Dossiers.
may be given the Writing ▪ Project Assignment.
character’s details or I.EFL.2.17.1. Learners can ▪ Unit Game
invent them. (Example: write words, phrases, and ▪ Glossary activities.
name, age, favorite color, short Instruments for oral and written
etc.) The student’s simple sentences using the evaluation
character could correct conventions (spelling, ▪ Rubrics
introduce other puppets punctuation, capitalization, ▪ Portfolio
or request permission to and handwriting or ▪ Oral interviews individual/ in pairs
do something. (Example: typography, ▪ Essay Tests
This is Sebastian. He’s etc.), for making simple ▪ Practical Exams.
11. Can I borrow a pencil, learning resources. (I.3) ▪ Writing Tests
please?, etc.) ▪ Training Test
Reading Language through the Arts
• Drawing a line from
individual words to a
picture or a scene. I.EFL.2.21.1. Learners can
(Example: learners read recognize, through pictures
a list of farm animals and or other
draw media such as ICT, key
aspects of a story or literary
• Matching words to
pictures. (Example:
under the picture of a
chair, learners write the
word chair with the five
of the word on the five
lines provided, etc.)
• Unscrambling words or
sentences and writing
them out correctly.
(Example: Word: veleen
= eleven. Sentence:
– under – the chair. – a
backpack, etc.)
• Finding hidden
questions in a box and
writing them down with
the correct punctuation
and capitalization.
does it live on a farm /
does it have two legs,
• Writing new words in a
picture dictionary and
adding a sticker or
Language through the
• Listening to or reading
stories and drawing the
main characters.
• Choosing pictures of or
drawing the scenes of a
literary text.
• Standing up every time
they hear the name of a
• Explaining through
pictures or charts (ICT)
the relationships
between characters.
mom/daughter, friends,
Specification of Educational Needs Specification of the adapted material to be applied
• Students´ with Learning Disabilities. Use of visual materials and music, as well as short tasks.
• Emotional/ Behavior Disorders. In the case of assessment, only focusing on those skills students
• Physical Impairments have developed.
Classroom strategies to be implemented include: listing
objectives and goals per lesson; differentiating instruction by
tiers or learning styles / multiple intelligences; presenting
information in multiple formats; using review games to make
learning fun.
TEACHER: Lcda: Susana Padilla NAME: Lcda Susana Padilla NAME: Mgs. Leonardo Ampam
Teacher: Area: Grade/ course Class
2nd EGB
Four English A1.1 What O.EFL 2.4 Develop creative and critical thinking skills to
day is it foster problem-solving and independent learning using both
today? spoken and written English.
O.EFL 2.5 Use in-class library resources and explore the use
of ICT to enrich competencies in the four skills.
O.EFL 2.6 Write short descriptive and informative texts and
use them as a means of communication and written
expression of thought.
PERIODS: 18, 3 class periods per lesson STARTING WEEK: 13-02-2017
Communication and Cultural Awareness CE.EFL.2.2. Catalog everyday objects and places in different
cultures and recognize ways to act responsibly towards one’s
EFL 2.1.9 Communicate to peers and teacher when environment and surroundings.
something is not understood in class through the use of
simple basic questions.
Oral Communication: (Listening and Speaking) CE.EFL.2.6. Listening for Meaning: Understand the main ideas in
EFL 2.2.10 Clap, move, chant or sing along with short short simple spoken texts that include familiar vocabulary and
authentic English language rhymes or songs, are set in everyday contexts.
approximating English rhythm and intonation once
familiar with the text.
(Example: jump or clap in time to jump-rope rhymes, do
actions to action songs or short rhythmic poems,
some of words in time with the rhythm, etc.
Language through the Arts CE.EFL.2.22. Describe and write about emotions and responses
EFL 2.5.4 Listen to and read short narratives and/or to literary texts through words and images, or other media
other oral and written literary texts in class (with a (video, audio) on class or school bulletin boards and expand on
preference for authentic texts) in order to stimulate ideas and responses to texts read/seen/heard in by
imagination, curiosity, and a love for literature. participating in songs/chants, TPR activities and playground
EFL 2.5.5 Apply ICT and/or other resources to games.
communicate simple thoughts in small groups.
EFL 2.5.6 Generate and expand ideas by responding
in a fun and playful manner to oral and written texts
in order to increase enjoyment of the language
through TPR, playground games, and songs and
Communication and Communication and ACTIVITIES
Cultural Awareness ▪ New Curriculum Cultural Awareness • Recognize familiar names, words, and
EFL for Subnivel I.EFL.2.2.1. Learners can short phrases about
• Labeling pictures with EGB ELEMENTAL classify everyday objects and simple everyday topics whether heard in
correct names. familiar places. Learners can isolation or within short, simple spoken
• Creating a poster of ▪ Teacher’s Guide compare objects from texts describing people and objects.
things that can be English A1.1 different cultural contexts. • Identify items of specific information
recycled. Learners can say and within simple messages
• Matching objects with (including recognize ways to take care or from short and simple descriptions
the places where they interactive version) of the environment and one’s about familiar contexts, especially if visual
can be found. (Example: surroundings. (J.3, support is provided.
stove in kitchen, bed in ▪ Audio CD S.1) • Express curiosity about the world and
bedroom, etc.) other cultures by asking simple WH-
▪ Teacher’s Guide Oral Communication
• Simulating actions questions in class after reading and/or
I.EFL.2.6.1. Learners can
through TPR activities participating in presentations or other
▪ Posters and understand the main ideas in group work.
where learners follow
short simple spoken texts
basic commands. pictures about the • Clap, move, chant or sing along with short
and infer who is speaking and
(Example: Put away topic authentic English
what the situation is, without
your book, etc.). language rhymes or songs, approximating
▪ Photocopiable decoding every word. (I.3)
• Choosing pictures that English rhythm and
demonstrate - worksheets (TG) intonation once familiar with the text.
responsibility (cleaning • Understand the content in simple short
▪ Quiz Time (SB) I.EFL.2.13.1. Learners can
room, watering the written environmental print text types,
understand a short simple
flowers). using artwork, symbols and layout for
print text type and
Oral Communication: • Write simple words, phrases and
successfully complete a
(Listening and sentences with correct use of standard
simple task. (Example: a sign, writing mechanics.
notice, menu, etc.) (I.3) • Generate and expand ideas by responding
Listening to a very short in a fun and
I.EFL.2.17.1. Learners can
and simple story and playful manner to oral and written texts in
write words, phrases, and
ordering the pictures order to increase
showing what happens. enjoyment of the language through TPR,
simple sentences using the
(Example: Jane is taking playground games, and songs and chants.
correct conventions (spelling,
her dog for a walk. They TECHNIQUES
punctuation, capitalization,
see some birds. The birds ▪ Peer Observation.
and handwriting or
fly away, etc.) ▪ Checklist.
• Listening to a short ▪ Concept maps.
and simple conversation ▪ Questionnaires.
Teacher: Area: Grade/ course Class
2nd EGB
Five English A1.1 Can you O.EFL 2. Appreciate the use of English language through
swim? spoken and written literary texts such as poems, rhymes,
chants, riddles and songs, in order to foster imagination,
curiosity and memory, while developing a taste for literature.
Communication and Cultural Awareness CE.EFL.2.3. Make use of basic personal information and
EFL 2.1.9 Communicate to peers and teacher when expressions of politeness in order to introduce oneself and
something is not understood in class through the use of participate in a short conversation.
simple basic questions.
EFL 2.1.10 Recognize when to speak and when to listen
while working in pairs or small groups in class by
following classroom instructions and simple commands.
Oral Communication: (Listening and Speaking) CE.EFL.2.6. Listening for Meaning: Understand the main ideas in
EFL 2.2.10 Clap, move, chant or sing along with short short simple spoken texts that include familiar vocabulary and
authentic English language rhymes or songs, are set in everyday contexts.
approximating English rhythm and intonation once
familiar with the text.
(Example: jump or clap in time to jump-rope rhymes, do
actions to action songs or short rhythmic poems,
some of words in time with the rhythm, etc.
Language through the Arts CE.EFL.2.22. Describe and write about emotions and responses
to literary texts through words and images, or other media
EFL 2.5.5 Apply ICT and/or other resources to (video, audio) on class or school bulletin boards and expand on
communicate simple thoughts in small groups. ideas and responses to texts read/seen/heard in by
EFL 2.5.6 Generate and expand ideas by responding participating in songs/chants, TPR activities and playground
in a fun and playful manner to oral and written texts games.
in order to increase enjoyment of the language
through TPR, playground games, and songs and
Communication and Communication and ACTIVITIES
Cultural Awareness ▪ New Curriculum Cultural Awareness • Ask and answer basic personal
• Participating in short EFL for Subnivel I.EFL.2.3.1. Learners can use information questions, as
dialogues using EGB ELEMENTAL basic personal information well as simple questions about other
greetings and leave- and expressions of politeness people, animals, and Possessions, provided
taking. ▪ Teacher’s Guide in short dialogues or the interaction is slow and clear.
• Listening to or reading English A1.1 conversations. • Exchange basic introductions and limited
short dialogues and (including (J.2, J.3) personal information in class using simple
answering questions interactive version) present tense in order to get to know their
about the speakers’ Oral Communication peers.
names, grades, schools, ▪ Audio CD • Respond to simple questions in quite a
etc. I.EFL.2.6.1. Learners can short time and initiate basic interaction
• Practicing the use of ▪ Teacher’s Guide understand the main ideas in spontaneously when there are
expressions of short simple spoken texts opportunities to speak. Speech is produced
politeness during ▪ Posters and and infer who is speaking and a little less slowly and hesitantly.
collaborative pair and pictures about the what the situation is, without • Complete a basic survey or a
small group work. topic decoding every word. (I.3) questionnaire by providing personal
• Adding expressions of details.
politeness to dialogues. ▪ Photocopiable Reading • Use creative thinking skills to learn how
• Completing a short - worksheets (TG) to share and respect
questionnaire or form all ideas through brainstorming activities
about one’s basic ▪ Quiz Time (SB) and pair work in class.
• Matching common
signs to their meanings.
(Example: a simple
classroom sign or a
notice in the park,
Silence please,
No eating, etc.)
• Studying an
environmental print text
type and drawing a line
from the word to the
artwork. (Example: from
the word cloud to a
cloud weather symbol,
or from the word stop to
a “red” stop light, etc.)
• Circling an emoticon to
match to a picture.
(Example: Amy feels sick
/ Amy is happy /, etc.)
• Comparing and
contrasting information.
(Example: learners read
simple price tags and
Teacher: Area: Grade/ course Class
Six English A1.1 Can you sing? O.EFL 2.5 Use in-class library resources and explore the use
of ICT to enrich competencies in the four skills.
Language through the Arts CE.EFL.2.24. Communicate ideas and experiences and create
EFL 2.5.5 Apply ICT and/or other resources to short original texts through a range of resources and other
communicate simple thoughts in small groups. media, including ICT.
EFL 2.5.6 Generate and expand ideas by responding
in a fun and playful manner to oral and written texts
in order to increase enjoyment of the language
through TPR, playground games, and songs and
Communication and Communication and ACTIVITIES
Cultural Awareness ▪ New Curriculum Cultural Awareness • Understand meanings expressed in short
• Completing a very EFL for Subnivel dialogues on familiar
short, picture-based EGB ELEMENTAL I.EFL.2.4.1. Learners can topics, as well as basic spoken instructions
self-evaluation or peer select pictures and/or short and simple questions
evaluation form. ▪ Teacher’s Guide phrases about self, people, animals or things,
• Playing games in English A1.1 that relate to collaborating especially when spoken slowly and clearly.
which learners must (including and sharing and express • Ask and answer basic personal
pass objects around the interactive version) personal preferences. (J.2, J.3, information questions, as well as simple
room. (Example: hot S.4) questions about other people, animals, and
potato, etc.) ▪ Audio CD possessions, provided the interaction is
• Practicing helpful slow and clear.
▪ Teacher’s Guide Oral Communication
classroom language in • Recognize when to speak and when to
I.EFL.2.12.1. Learners can
mini dialogues and/or listen while working
▪ Posters and understand a short simple
chants (Example: Can I in pairs or small groups in class by
borrow your eraser? Do pictures about the following classroom instructions and
on an everyday topic and
you have a pencil? etc.) topic simple commands.
successfully complete a
• Completing a short • Say when they do not understand and ask
▪ Photocopiable simple task to show that they
survey about favorites for slower or clearer repetition where
or likes/dislikes and - worksheets (TG) required.
then sharing ideas with have understood most or • Read a short simple text (online or print)
a partner. ▪ Quiz Time (SB) some of it. (I.4) and demonstrate understanding of the gist
• Making a pie chart and some basic details of the content.
about the things that are Reading • Write simple words, phrases and
most liked in the class. I.EFL.2.17.1. Learners can sentences for controlled practice of
Oral Communication: write words, phrases, and language items.
(Listening and short • Listen to and read short narratives
Speaking) simple sentences using the and/or other oral and
correct conventions (spelling, written literary texts in class (with a
• Reading a short text punctuation, capitalization, preference for authentic texts) in order to
and showing and handwriting or stimulate imagination, curiosity, and a love
comprehension by typography, for literature.
completing the etc.), for making simple TECHNIQUES
accompanying graphic learning resources. (I.3) ▪ Peer Observation.
organizer. (Example: ▪ Checklist.
learners read about the Writing ▪ Concept maps.
location of a house and ▪ Questionnaires.
mark the point X on a I.EFL.2.23.1. Learners can ▪ Interviews.
map.) demonstrate an affinity for a ▪ Dossiers.
• Reading a short simple variety ▪ Project Assignment.
story of just a few lines of literary texts by ▪ Unit Game
and ordering simple responding within a range of ▪ Glossary activities.
pictures of familiar physical, Instruments for oral and written
objects. cognitive, and attitudinal evaluation
• Reading a short simple manners and adapt elements ▪ Rubrics
text and coloring a of a literary text to create a ▪ Portfolio
picture. (Example: This new text. (I.1, I.4) ▪ Oral interviews individual/ in pairs
is Ben’s room. His bed is ▪ Essay Tests
green. Learners draw a ▪ Practical Exams.
green bed, etc.) Language through the Arts ▪ Writing Tests
▪ Training Test
• Locating specific
words on the page and
writing them in a list.
(Example: all the words
beginning with the
sound /k/
or all the words that
contain the long /a:/
sound, etc.)
• Matching words to
pictures. (Example:
under the picture of a
chair, learners write the
word chair with the five
of the word on the five
lines provided, etc.)
• Unscrambling words
or sentences and writing
them out correctly.
(Example: Word: veleen
= eleven. Sentence:
– under – the chair. – a
backpack, etc.)
• Finding hidden
questions in a box and
writing them down with
the correct punctuation
and capitalization.
(Example: does it live on
a farm / does it have two
legs, etc.)
• Writing new words in
a picture dictionary and
adding a sticker or
• Doing extended
reading, in which
learners get to choose
what they read and are
not evaluated or tested
on it.
• Sharing in small
groups or pairs the
learners’ favorite
stories, songs, poems,
etc., and saying why.
• Responding to a poem
by drawing how it
makes the learner feel.
• Physical Impairments In the case of assessment, only focusing on those skills students
have developed.
Classroom strategies to be implemented include: listing
objectives and goals per lesson; differentiating instruction by
tiers or learning styles / multiple intelligences; presenting
information in multiple formats; using review games to make
learning fun.
Teacher: Area: Grade/ course Class A
One English Pre A1.2 Welcome to O.EFL 3.2 Assess and appreciate English as an international
starship language, as well as the skills and subskills that contribute to
communicative and pragmatic competence.
O.EFL 3.5 Use print and digital tools and resources to investigate
real-world issues, answer questions or solve problems.
O.EFL 3.10 Demonstrate an ability to use English as a means to
interact socially and work cooperatively in pairs and groups.
Oral Communication: (Listening and Speaking) CE.EFL.3.6. Listening for Meaning: Demonstrate an understanding of
EFL 3.2.2 Be comfortable taking meaning from spoken texts the main idea, speaker and situation in spoken texts set in familiar
containing words or sections which are not understood. Be everyday contexts without having to decode every word.
aware that understanding spoken texts does not require
decoding every single word.
Language through the Arts CE.EFL.3.21. Elaborate personal responses to both oral and written
EFL 3.5.1 Use audio, video and pictures to respond to a literary texts through pictures, audio/video or ICT in order to
variety of literary texts through online or in-class ICT evaluate literary texts using pre-established criteria, individually or
activities. in groups.
Listening to a simple, ▪ Posters and set in familiar everyday • Clap, move, chant or sing along with short
straightforward story and pictures about the contexts and infer changes in authentic
ordering the pictures topic the topic of discussion as well English language rhymes or songs,
showing what happens. as who is speaking and what approximating English rhythm and intonation
(Example: Tom and Mike ▪ Photocopiable the situation is, without having once familiar with the text.
are playing soccer, the - worksheets (TG) to decode every word. (I.3, I.4) • Demonstrate basic reading comprehension
ball goes into the water, skills by identifying the meaning of individual
Tom’s dog gets the ball, ▪ Quiz Time (SB) Reading words, phrases, and sentences, including
etc.) I.EFL.3.11.1. Learners can simple written instructions.
understand most details in a • Generate and expand ideas by responding in
Reading short simple online or print a fun
text and can follow short and playful manner to oral and written texts in
instructions in simple order
Reading a text and experiments and projects if to increase enjoyment of the language
answering information step-by-step visuals are through TPR , playground games, and songs
questions. provided. (I.3, I.4) and chants.
Completing gaps from a TECHNIQUES
reading using words from Writing ▪ Peer Observation.
a box. I.EFL.3.16.1. Learners can make ▪ Checklist.
Reading a short story a simple learning resource in ▪ Concept maps.
from a class blog and order to record and practice ▪ Questionnaires.
underlining the main new words. (Example: a picture ▪ Interviews.
details, then checking dictionary, a word list, a set of ▪ Dossiers.
answers with a partner. flashcards, etc.) (I.1, J.4) ▪ Project Assignment.
▪ Unit Game
Writing ▪ Glossary activities.
Instruments for oral and written evaluation
Creating a class picture ▪ Rubrics
Language through the Arts
dictionary and adding ▪ Portfolio
Listening to or reading
stories and drawing the
setting or explaining
relationships between
main characters.
Specification of Educational Needs Specification of the adapted material to be applied
• Students´ with Learning Disabilities. Use of visual materials and music, as well as short tasks.
• Emotional/ Behavior Disorders. In the case of assessment, only focusing on those skills students
• Physical Impairments have developed.
Classroom strategies to be implemented include: listing objectives
and goals per lesson; differentiating instruction by tiers or learning
styles / multiple intelligences; presenting information in multiple
formats; using review games to make learning fun.
Teacher: Area: Grade/ course Class A
3rd EGB
Two English Pre A1.2 Is she happy? O.EFL 3.1 Identify the main ideas and some details of written and
oral texts, in order to interact with and to develop an approach of
critical inquiry to a variety of texts.
O.EFL 3.6 Read and write short descriptive and informative texts
related to personal information or familiar topics and use them as
a means of communication and written expression of thought.
O.EFL 3.7 Appreciate the use of English language through spoken
and written literary texts such as poems, rhymes, chants, songs,
games and graphic short stories in order to foster imagination,
curiosity and memory, while developing a taste for oral and written
literary texts.
O.EFL 3.10 Demonstrate an ability to use English as a means to
interact socially and work cooperatively in pairs and groups.
Communication and Cultural Awareness CE.EFL.3.2. Recognize and exhibit responsible behaviors at home, at
EFL 3.1.5 Describe, read about, participate in or school and towards the environment.
recommend a favorite activity, book, song or other interest
to various audiences. (Example: peers, other classes,
teachers, other adults, etc.)
Oral Communication: (Listening and Speaking) CE.EFL.3.6. Listening for Meaning: Demonstrate an understanding of
EFL 3.2.2 Be comfortable taking meaning from spoken texts the main idea, speaker and situation in spoken texts set in familiar
containing words or sections which are not understood. Be everyday contexts without having to decode every word.
aware that understanding spoken texts does not require
decoding every single word.
Language through the Arts CE.EFL.3.21. Elaborate personal responses to both oral and written
EFL 3.5.1 Use audio, video and pictures to respond to a literary texts through pictures, audio/video or ICT in order to evaluate
variety of literary texts through online or in-class ICT literary texts using pre-established criteria, individually or in groups.
are playing soccer, the ball - worksheets (TG) speaking and what the situa- other people, animals, and possessions, provided
goes into the water, Tom’s tion is, without having to the interaction is slow and clear.
dog gets the ball, etc.) ▪ Quiz Time (SB) decode every word. (I.3, I.4) • Demonstrate basic reading comprehension
skills by identifying the meaning of individual
Reading Reading words, phrases, and sentences, including simple
I.EFL.3.11.1. Learners can written instructions.
understand most details in a • Understand the content of a simple graphic
Reading a text and short simple online or print organizer.
answering information text and can follow short • Write simple sentences on familiar topics to
questions. instructions in simple communicate basic ideas.
Completing gaps from a experiments and projects if • Express emotions and feelings using basic
reading using words from step-by-step visuals are adjectives and related images through written
a box. provided. (I.3, I.4) work on the school or class bulletin board.
Reading a short story from TECHNIQUES
a class blog and Writing ▪ Peer Observation.
underlining the main I.EFL.3.16.1. Learners can ▪ Checklist.
details, then checking make a simple learning ▪ Concept maps.
answers with a partner. resource in order to record ▪ Questionnaires.
and practice new words. ▪ Interviews.
Writing (Example: a picture ▪ Dossiers.
dictionary, a word list, a set ▪ Project Assignment.
Creating a class picture of flashcards, etc.) (I.1, J.4) ▪ Unit Game
dictionary and adding ▪ Glossary activities.
entries by writing Instruments for oral and written evaluation
definitions of new words ▪ Rubrics
or drawing a picture to ▪ Portfolio
Language through the Arts
illustrate the meaning. ▪ Oral interviews individual/ in pairs
I.EFL.3.21.1. Learners can
▪ Essay Tests
employ audio, video,
pictures and ICT to respond ▪ Practical Exams.
Making flashcards for new to oral and written texts and ▪ Writing Tests
words and using them to use pre-established criteria ▪ Training Test
quiz a partner. to evaluate literary texts
Making a list of new words individually or in groups. (I.2,
and then comparing the I.3, I.4)
lists in pairs. If one of the
members of the pair
knows the word, he/she
teaches the other person.
Writing new words and
phrases in a vocabulary
Listening to or reading
stories and drawing the
setting or explaining
relationships between
main characters.
Specification of Educational Needs Specification of the adapted material to be applied
• Students´ with Learning Disabilities. Use of visual materials and music, as well as short tasks.
• Emotional/ Behavior Disorders. In the case of assessment, only focusing on those skills students have
• Physical Impairments developed.
Classroom strategies to be implemented include: listing objectives and
goals per lesson; differentiating instruction by tiers or learning styles /
TEACHER: Lcda: Susana Padilla NAME: Lcda: Susana Padilla NAME: Leonardo Ampam
Teacher: Area: Grade/ course Class
Three English Pre A1.2 I want juice, O.EFL 3.3 Independently read level-appropriate texts in English
please. for pure enjoyment/entertainment and to access information.
O.EFL 3.7 Appreciate the use of English language through spoken
and written literary texts such as poems, rhymes, chants, songs,
games and graphic short stories in order to foster imagination,
curiosity and memory, while developing a taste for oral and
written literary texts.
O.EFL 3.8 Demonstrate an ability to interact with written and
spoken texts, in order to explore creative writing as an outlet to
personal expression and intercultural competence.
PERIODS: 18, 3 class periods per lesson STARTING WEEK:
Communication and Cultural Awareness CE.EFL.3.1. Cultivate an awareness of different cultures and identify
EFL 3.1.3 Exchange basic personal preferences with peers in similarities and differences between them through oral and written
order to express likes and dislikes. literary texts.
Oral Communication: (Listening and Speaking) CE.EFL.3.6. Listening for Meaning: Demonstrate an understanding of
EFL 3.3.4 Distinguish between fact and opinion and relevant the main idea, speaker and situation in spoken texts set in familiar
and irrelevant information in an informational text through everyday contexts without having to decode every word.
the use of mind maps/charts.
Language through the Arts CE.EFL.3.24. Organize ideas and relevant information from literary
EFL 3.5.5 Evaluate literary texts (both written and oral, texts using group or class brainstorms and/or mind maps in order to
online, in video or in print) according to pre-established enhance collaborative responses to literature.
criteria. (Example: completing a checklist, a chart, a
personal response, etc.)
Communication and Communication and Cultural ACTIVITIES
Cultural Awareness ▪ New Curriculum Awareness • Express curiosity about the world and other
EFL for Subnivel EGB I.EFL.3.1.1. Learners can show an cultures by asking simple WH- questions in
Finding recipes from other MEDIA awareness of different cultures and class after reading and/ or participating in
identify similarities and differences
cultures and making them between them through oral and
presentations or other group work.
share in class. ▪ Teacher’s Guide written literary texts. (I.2, S.2, J.1) • Understand and use common expressions
Writing a short descriptive English PreA1.2 of politeness in class while working in pairs or
paragraph about a country (including interactive groups on projects.
of the learner’s choosing. version) • Exchange basic personal preferences with
Oral Communication peers in order to express likes and dislikes.
Oral Communication: ▪ Audio CD I.EFL.3.6.1. Learners can grasp • Recognize familiar names, words, and short
(Listening and Speaking) the main idea of spoken texts phrases about simple everyday topics
▪ Teacher’s Guide set in familiar everyday whether heard in isolation or within short,
Listening to a simple, contexts and infer changes in simple spoken texts describing people and
straightforward story and ▪ Posters and the topic of discussion as well objects.
ordering the pictures pictures about the as who is speaking and what • Understand and use basic greetings, leave-
showing what happens. topic the situation is, without having taking expressions, and other simple
(Example: Tom and Mike to decode every word. (I.3, I.4) everyday phrases to facilitate interpersonal
are playing soccer, the ball ▪ Photocopiable interaction, to introduce others, and to name
goes into the water, Tom’s - worksheets (TG) Reading things.
dog gets the ball, etc.) I.EFL.3.11.1. Learners can • Show the ability to use a simple learning
Listening to a short ▪ Quiz Time (SB) understand most details in a resource.
conversation between two short simple online or print • Make a simple learning resource, in order
speakers and deciding text and can follow short to record and practice new words.
who is speaking, where instructions in simple • Complete a basic survey or a questionnaire
they are and how they experiments and projects if by providing personal details.
feel. (Example: two step-by-step visuals are
friends, at the library provided. (I.3, I.4)
doing homework, confused Writing • Use audio, video, and pictures to respond
because they don’t I.EFL.3.17.1. Learners can write to a variety of literary texts through online or
understand the short simple paragraphs to in-class ICT activities. TECHNIQUES
assignment, etc.) describe people, places, ▪ Peer Observation.
animals, things and feelings, ▪ Checklist.
Reading with limited support, while ▪ Concept maps.
demonstrating an ability to ▪ Questionnaires.
effectively influence an audi- ▪ Interviews.
Following the steps in a ence and to express everyday ▪ Dossiers.
simple science activities. (I.3, S.1) ▪ Project Assignment.
experiment. (Example: ▪ Unit Game
making yogurt cheese, ▪ Glossary activities.
growing a bean plant, etc.) Instruments for oral and written evaluation
Putting steps in a recipe in Language through the Arts ▪ Rubrics
the correct order. ▪ Portfolio
I.EFL.3.24.1. Learners can work in ▪ Oral interviews individual/ in pairs
Writing groups to create brainstorms ▪ Essay Tests
and/ or draw mind maps to ▪ Practical Exams.
Sequencing sentences by describe and organize ideas or ▪ Writing Tests
adding words. (Example: I useful information from literary ▪ Training Test
wake up. I eat breakfast. texts and create collaborative
→ First I wake up. Then I responses to literature through
eat breakfast, etc.) process writing groups or
Using question prompts to literature circles. (I.4, S.4, J.3)
write sentences about a
classmate. (Example:
Where does he live? What
food does he like?, etc.)
Specification of Educational Needs Specification of the adapted material to be applied
• Students´ with Learning Disabilities. Use of visual materials and music, as well as short tasks.
• Emotional/ Behavior Disorders. In the case of assessment, only focusing on those skills students
• Physical Impairments have developed.
Classroom strategies to be implemented include: listing objectives
and goals per lesson; differentiating instruction by tiers or learning
styles / multiple intelligences; presenting information in multiple
formats; using review games to make learning fun.
TEACHER: Lcda: Susana Padilla NAME: Lcda: Susana Padilla NAME: Leonardo Ampam
Teacher: Area: Grade/ course Class
3rdEGB A
Four English Pre A1.2 How many O.EFL 3.3 Independently read level-appropriate texts in English for
robots pure enjoyment/entertainment and to access information.
do you have?
O.EFL 3.4 Develop creative and critical thinking skills to foster
problem-solving and independent learning using both spoken and
written English.
Communication and Cultural Awareness CE.EFL.3.3. Interact with others using a variety of both verbal and
EFL 3.1.5 Describe, read about, participate in or nonverbal communication features and express likes and dislikes
recommend a favorite activity, book, song or other interest while giving recommendations in basic yet effective terms.
to various audiences. (Example: peers, other classes,
teachers, other adults, etc.
Oral Communication: (Listening and Speaking) CE.EFL.3.6. Listening for Meaning: Demonstrate an understanding of
EFL 3.2.3 Record key items of specific information from a the main idea, speaker and situation in spoken texts set in familiar
heard message or description, either in written form or by everyday contexts without having to decode every word.
drawing a picture. (Example: letters of the alphabet,
numbers, quantities, prices and times, days, dates and
months, etc.)
are playing soccer, the ball ▪ Quiz Time (SB) speaking and what the situa- • Ask and answer basic personal information
goes into the water, Tom’s tion is, without having to questions, as well as simple questions about
dog gets the ball, etc.) decode every word. (I.3, I.4) other people, animals, and possessions,
Listening to a short provided the interaction is slow and clear.
conversation between two Reading • Exchange specific information with another
speakers and deciding I.EFL.4.11.1. Learners can person, provided they talk slowly and clearly
who is speaking, where understand main ideas and some and are prepared to help.
details in short simple online or
they are and how they print texts on familiar subjects, us-
• Demonstrate basic reading comprehension
feel. (Example: two ing contextual clues to help identify skills by identifying the meaning of individual
friends, at the library doing the most relevant information. words, phrases, and sentences, including simple
homework, confused (Example: title, illustrations, written instructions.
because they don’t organization, etc.) (I.2, I.4) • Make a simple learning resource, in order to
understand the record and practice new words.
assignment, etc.) Writing • Write a short simple paragraph to convey
I.EFL.3.16.1. Learners can some simple facts about people, animals, places,
make a simple learning things, yourself or others, with the support of a
Reading resource in order to record model text.
and practice new words. • Write a short simple paragraph to describe
Reading a text and (Example: a picture yourself or other people, animals, places and
answering information dictionary, a word list, a set things, with limited support.
questions. of flashcards, etc.) (I.1, J.4) • Complete a basic survey or a questionnaire by
Choosing from a list of providing personal details.
words to complete gaps • Express emotions and feelings using basic
from a reading. Language through the Arts adjectives and related images through written
Reading a short story from I.EFL.3.21.1. Learners can work on the school or class bulletin board.
the Internet and employ audio, video, pictures TECHNIQUES
highlighting interesting and ICT to respond to oral ▪ Peer Observation.
facts, then comparing and written texts and use ▪ Checklist.
pre-established criteria to ▪ Concept maps.
evaluate literary texts
Specification of Educational Needs Specification of the adapted material to be applied
• Students´ with Learning Disabilities. Use of visual materials and music, as well as short tasks.
• Emotional/ Behavior Disorders. In the case of assessment, only focusing on those skills students have
• Physical Impairments developed.
Classroom strategies to be implemented include: listing objectives and
goals per lesson; differentiating instruction by tiers or learning styles /
multiple intelligences; presenting information in multiple formats;
using review games to make learning fun.
Teacher: Area: Grade/ course 3rd EGB Class A
Five English Pre A1.2 What time is it, O.EFL 3.3 Independently read level-appropriate texts in English for
please? pure enjoyment/entertainment and to access information.
curiosity and memory, while developing a taste for oral and written
literary texts.
Oral Communication: (Listening and Speaking) CE.EFL.3.6. Listening for Meaning: Demonstrate an understanding of
EFL 3.2.3 Record key items of specific information from a the main idea, speaker and situation in spoken texts set in familiar
heard message or description, either in written form or by everyday contexts without having to decode every word.
drawing a picture. (Example: letters of the alphabet,
numbers, quantities, prices and times, days, dates and
months, etc.)
Listening to a simple, ▪ Posters and everyday contexts and infer • Produce simple, mainly isolated utterances
straightforward story and pictures about the changes in the topic of using very short phrases and sometimes
ordering the pictures topic discussion as well as who is individual words, possibly with slow and/or
showing what happens. speaking and what the situa- hesitant delivery.
(Example: Tom and Mike ▪ Photocopiable tion is, without having to • Ask and answer basic personal information
are playing soccer, the ball - worksheets (TG) decode every word. (I.3, I.4) questions, as well as simple questions about
goes into the water, Tom’s other people, animals, and possessions, provided
dog gets the ball, etc.) ▪ Quiz Time (SB) Reading the interaction is slow and clear.
Listening to a short I.EFL.4.11.1. Learners can • Exchange specific information with another
conversation between two understand main ideas and some person, provided they talk slowly and clearly and
details in short simple online or
speakers and deciding who print texts on familiar subjects, us-
are prepared to help.
is speaking, where they ing contextual clues to help • Demonstrate basic reading comprehension
are and how they feel. identify the most relevant skills by identifying the meaning of individual
(Example: two friends, at information. (Example: title, words, phrases, and sentences, including simple
the library doing illustrations, organization, etc.) written instructions.
(I.2, I.4)
homework, confused • Make a simple learning resource, in order to
because they don’t record and practice new words.
understand the • Write a short simple paragraph to convey some
I.EFL.3.16.1. Learners can
assignment, etc.) simple facts about people, animals, places,
make a simple learning
things, yourself or others, with the support of a
resource in order to record
model text.
and practice new words.
Reading • Write a short simple paragraph to describe
(Example: a picture
yourself or other people, animals, places and
dictionary, a word list, a set
Reading a text and things, with limited support.
of flashcards, etc.) (I.1, J.4)
answering information • Complete a basic survey or a questionnaire by
questions. providing personal details.
Choosing from a list of • Express emotions and feelings using basic
Language through the Arts
words to complete gaps adjectives and related images through written
I.EFL.3.21.1. Learners can
from a reading. work on the school or class bulletin board.
employ audio, video,
Specification of Educational Needs Specification of the adapted material to be applied
• Students´ with Learning Disabilities. Use of visual materials and music, as well as short tasks.
• Emotional/ Behavior Disorders. In the case of assessment, only focusing on those skills students have
• Physical Impairments developed.
Classroom strategies to be implemented include: listing objectives and
goals per lesson; differentiating instruction by tiers or learning styles /
multiple intelligences; presenting information in multiple formats;
using review games to make learning fun.
Teacher: Area: Grade/ course 3rd EGB Class
Six English Pre A1.2 What’s your O.EFL 3.1 Identify the main ideas and some details of written and
favorite oral texts, in order to interact with and to develop an approach of
season? critical inquiry to a variety of texts.
O.EFL 3.3 Independently read level-appropriate texts in English for
pure enjoyment/entertainment and to access information.
O.EFL 3.5 Use print and digital tools and resources to investigate
real-world issues, answer questions or solve problems.
Oral Communication: (Listening and Speaking) CE.EFL.3.1. Cultivate an awareness of different cultures and identify
EFL 3.1.2 Recognize ways to relate responsibly to one’s similarities and differences between them through oral and written
surroundings at home and at school by exhibiting responsible literary texts.
behaviors towards the environment.
(Example: chores at home, recycling, etc.)
Language through the Arts E.EFL.4.18. Use main ideas in order to understand, predict, infer and
EFL 3.5.1 C Use audio, video and pictures to respond to deduce literal and implied meanings in short, simple, everyday
a variety of literary texts through online or in-class ICT literary texts (online, oral or in print).
them to the corresponding I.EFL.3.16.1. Learners can • Read and understand the main ideas in a short
picture. make a simple learning simple text on a cross-curricular topic.
Listening to and following resource in order to record • Write a short simple paragraph to convey
class commands. and practice new words. some simple facts about people, animals, places,
(Example: a picture things, yourself or others, with the support of a
Reading dictionary, a word list, a set model text.
of flashcards, etc.) (I.1, J.4) • Complete a basic survey or a questionnaire by
providing personal details.
Completing gaps from a • Listen to and read short narratives and/or
reading using words from Language through the Arts other oral and written literary texts in class in
a box. order to stimulate imagination, curiosity, and a
Reading a short story from I.EFL.3.21.1. Learners can love for literature.
a class blog and employ audio, video, pictures • Use creative thinking skills to learn how to
underlining the main and ICT to respond to oral share an respect all ideas through brainstorming
details, then checking and written texts and use activities and pair work in class.
answers with a partner. pre-established criteria to TECHNIQUES
evaluate literary texts ▪ Peer Observation.
Writing individually or in groups. (I.2, ▪ Checklist.
I.3, I.4) ▪ Concept maps.
Creating a class picture ▪ Questionnaires.
dictionary and adding ▪ Interviews.
entries by writing ▪ Dossiers.
definitions of new words ▪ Project Assignment.
or drawing a picture to ▪ Unit Game
illustrate the meaning. ▪ Glossary activities.
Making flashcards for new Instruments for oral and written evaluation
words and using them to ▪ Rubrics
quiz a partner. ▪ Portfolio
▪ Oral interviews individual/ in pairs
Listening to or reading
stories and drawing the
setting or explaining
relationships between
main characters.
Using a checklist to mark
off items present in a text.
(Example: setting, main
character, title, etc.)
Specification of Educational Needs Specification of the adapted material to be applied
• Students´ with Learning Disabilities. Use of visual materials and music, as well as short tasks.
• Emotional/ Behavior Disorders. In the case of assessment, only focusing on those skills students have
• Physical Impairments developed.
Classroom strategies to be implemented include: listing objectives and
goals per lesson; differentiating instruction by tiers or learning styles /
multiple intelligences; presenting information in multiple formats;
using review games to make learning fun.
Teacher: Area: Grade/ course Class A
One English Pre A1.1 WHAT IS YOUR O.EFL 3.2 Assess and appreciate English as an international
FAVORITE language, as well as the skills and subskills that contribute to
CLASS? communicative and pragmatic competence.
O.EFL 3.5 Use print and digital tools and resources to investigate
WHERE IS THE real-world issues, answer questions or solve problems.
GYM? O.EFL 3.10 Demonstrate an ability to use English as a means to
interact socially and work cooperatively in pairs and groups.
Oral Communication: (Listening and Speaking) CE.EFL.3.6. Listening for Meaning: Demonstrate an understanding of
EFL 3.2.2 Be comfortable taking meaning from spoken texts the main idea, speaker and situation in spoken texts set in familiar
containing words or sections which are not understood. Be everyday contexts without having to decode every word.
aware that understanding spoken texts does not require
decoding every single word.
Language through the Arts CE.EFL.3.21. Elaborate personal responses to both oral and written
literary texts through pictures, audio/video or ICT in order to
EFL 3.5.1 Use audio, video and pictures to respond to a evaluate literary texts using pre-established criteria, individually or
variety of literary texts through online or in-class ICT in groups.
Listening to a simple, ▪ Posters and contexts and infer changes in English language rhymes or songs,
straightforward story and pictures about the the topic of discussion as well approximating English rhythm and intonation
ordering the pictures topic as who is speaking and what once familiar with the text.
showing what happens. the situation is, without having • Demonstrate basic reading comprehension
(Example: Tom and Mike ▪ Photocopiable to decode every word. (I.3, I.4) skills by identifying the meaning of individual
are playing soccer, the - worksheets (TG) words, phrases, and sentences, including
ball goes into the water, Reading simple written instructions.
Tom’s dog gets the ball, ▪ Quiz Time (SB) I.EFL.3.11.1. Learners can • Generate and expand ideas by responding in
etc.) understand most details in a a fun
short simple online or print and playful manner to oral and written texts in
Reading text and can follow short order
instructions in simple to increase enjoyment of the language
experiments and projects if through TPR , playground games, and songs
Reading a text and step-by-step visuals are and chants.
answering information provided. (I.3, I.4) TECHNIQUES
questions. ▪ Peer Observation.
Completing gaps from a Writing ▪ Checklist.
reading using words from I.EFL.3.16.1. Learners can make ▪ Concept maps.
a box. a simple learning resource in ▪ Questionnaires.
Reading a short story order to record and practice ▪ Interviews.
from a class blog and new words. (Example: a picture ▪ Dossiers.
underlining the main dictionary, a word list, a set of ▪ Project Assignment.
details, then checking flashcards, etc.) (I.1, J.4) ▪ Unit Game
answers with a partner. ▪ Glossary activities.
Instruments for oral and written evaluation
Writing ▪ Rubrics
▪ Portfolio
Language through the Arts
Creating a class picture ▪ Oral interviews individual/ in pairs
I.EFL.3.21.1. Learners can
dictionary and adding employ audio, video, pictures ▪ Essay Tests
Listening to or reading
stories and drawing the
setting or explaining
relationships between
main characters.
Specification of Educational Needs Specification of the adapted material to be applied
• Students´ with Learning Disabilities. Use of visual materials and music, as well as short tasks.
• Emotional/ Behavior Disorders. In the case of assessment, only focusing on those skills students
• Physical Impairments have developed.
Classroom strategies to be implemented include: listing objectives
and goals per lesson; differentiating instruction by tiers or learning
styles / multiple intelligences; presenting information in multiple
formats; using review games to make learning fun.
Teacher: Area: Grade/ course Class A
4th EGB
Two English Pre A1.2 What do you O.EFL 3.1 Identify the main ideas and some details of written and
do in the oral texts, in order to interact with and to develop an approach of
library? critical inquiry to a variety of texts.
O.EFL 3.6 Read and write short descriptive and informative texts
related to personal information or familiar topics and use them as
a means of communication and written expression of thought.
O.EFL 3.7 Appreciate the use of English language through spoken
and written literary texts such as poems, rhymes, chants, songs,
games and graphic short stories in order to foster imagination,
curiosity and memory, while developing a taste for oral and
written literary texts.
O.EFL 3.10 Demonstrate an ability to use English as a means to
interact socially and work cooperatively in pairs and groups.
Communication and Cultural Awareness CE.EFL.3.2. Recognize and exhibit responsible behaviors at home, at
EFL 3.1.5 Describe, read about, participate in or school and towards the environment.
recommend a favorite activity, book, song or other interest
to various audiences. (Example: peers, other classes,
teachers, other adults, etc.)
Oral Communication: (Listening and Speaking) CE.EFL.3.6. Listening for Meaning: Demonstrate an understanding of
EFL 3.2.2 Be comfortable taking meaning from spoken texts the main idea, speaker and situation in spoken texts set in familiar
containing words or sections which are not understood. Be everyday contexts without having to decode every word.
aware that understanding spoken texts does not require
decoding every single word.
Language through the Arts CE.EFL.3.21. Elaborate personal responses to both oral and written
EFL 3.5.1 Use audio, video and pictures to respond to a literary texts through pictures, audio/video or ICT in order to evaluate
variety of literary texts through online or in-class ICT literary texts using pre-established criteria, individually or in groups.
goes into the water, Tom’s - worksheets (TG) speaking and what the situa- other people, animals, and possessions, provided
dog gets the ball, etc.) tion is, without having to the interaction is slow and clear.
▪ Quiz Time (SB) decode every word. (I.3, I.4) • Demonstrate basic reading comprehension
Reading skills by identifying the meaning of individual
Reading words, phrases, and sentences, including simple
I.EFL.3.11.1. Learners can written instructions.
Reading a text and understand most details in a • Understand the content of a simple graphic
answering information short simple online or print organizer.
questions. text and can follow short • Write simple sentences on familiar topics to
Completing gaps from a instructions in simple communicate basic ideas.
reading using words from a experiments and projects if • Express emotions and feelings using basic
box. step-by-step visuals are adjectives and related images through written
Reading a short story from provided. (I.3, I.4) work on the school or class bulletin board.
a class blog and TECHNIQUES
underlining the main Writing ▪ Peer Observation.
details, then checking I.EFL.3.16.1. Learners can ▪ Checklist.
answers with a partner. make a simple learning ▪ Concept maps.
resource in order to record ▪ Questionnaires.
Writing and practice new words. ▪ Interviews.
(Example: a picture ▪ Dossiers.
Creating a class picture dictionary, a word list, a set ▪ Project Assignment.
dictionary and adding of flashcards, etc.) (I.1, J.4) ▪ Unit Game
entries by writing ▪ Glossary activities.
definitions of new words Instruments for oral and written evaluation
or drawing a picture to ▪ Rubrics
illustrate the meaning. ▪ Portfolio
Language through the Arts
Making flashcards for new ▪ Oral interviews individual/ in pairs
I.EFL.3.21.1. Learners can
words and using them to ▪ Essay Tests
employ audio, video,
quiz a partner. pictures and ICT to respond ▪ Practical Exams.
Making a list of new words to oral and written texts and ▪ Writing Tests
and then comparing the use pre-established criteria ▪ Training Test
lists in pairs. If one of the to evaluate literary texts
members of the pair individually or in groups. (I.2,
knows the word, he/she I.3, I.4)
teaches the other person.
Writing new words and
phrases in a vocabulary
Listening to or reading
stories and drawing the
setting or explaining
relationships between
main characters.
Specification of Educational Needs Specification of the adapted material to be applied
• Students´ with Learning Disabilities. Use of visual materials and music, as well as short tasks.
• Emotional/ Behavior Disorders. In the case of assessment, only focusing on those skills students have
• Physical Impairments developed.
Classroom strategies to be implemented include: listing objectives and
goals per lesson; differentiating instruction by tiers or learning styles /
multiple intelligences; presenting information in multiple formats;
using review games to make learning fun.
TEACHER: Lcda: Susana Padilla NAME: Lcda: Susana Padilla NAME: Leonardo Ampam
Teacher: Area: Grade/ course Class
Three English Pre A1.2 Let’s Paint. O.EFL 3.3 Independently read level-appropriate texts in English
for pure enjoyment/entertainment and to access information.
O.EFL 3.7 Appreciate the use of English language through spoken
and written literary texts such as poems, rhymes, chants, songs,
games and graphic short stories in order to foster imagination,
curiosity and memory, while developing a taste for oral and
written literary texts.
O.EFL 3.8 Demonstrate an ability to interact with written and
spoken texts, in order to explore creative writing as an outlet to
personal expression and intercultural competence.
PERIODS: 18, 3 class periods per lesson STARTING WEEK:
Communication and Cultural Awareness CE.EFL.3.1. Cultivate an awareness of different cultures and identify
EFL 3.1.3 Exchange basic personal preferences with peers in similarities and differences between them through oral and written
order to express likes and dislikes. literary texts.
Oral Communication: (Listening and Speaking) CE.EFL.3.6. Listening for Meaning: Demonstrate an understanding of
EFL 3.3.4 Distinguish between fact and opinion and relevant the main idea, speaker and situation in spoken texts set in familiar
and irrelevant information in an informational text through everyday contexts without having to decode every word.
the use of mind maps/charts.
Language through the Arts CE.EFL.3.24. Organize ideas and relevant information from literary
EFL 3.5.5 Evaluate literary texts (both written and oral, texts using group or class brainstorms and/or mind maps in order to
online, in video or in print) according to pre-established enhance collaborative responses to literature.
criteria. (Example: completing a checklist, a chart, a
personal response, etc.)
Communication and Communication and Cultural ACTIVITIES
Cultural Awareness ▪ New Curriculum Awareness • Express curiosity about the world and other
EFL for Subnivel EGB I.EFL.3.1.1. Learners can show an cultures by asking simple WH- questions in
Finding recipes from other MEDIA awareness of different cultures and class after reading and/ or participating in
identify similarities and differences
cultures and making them between them through oral and
presentations or other group work.
share in class. ▪ Teacher’s Guide written literary texts. (I.2, S.2, J.1) • Understand and use common expressions
Writing a short descriptive English PreA1.2 of politeness in class while working in pairs or
paragraph about a country (including interactive groups on projects.
of the learner’s choosing. version) • Exchange basic personal preferences with
Oral Communication peers in order to express likes and dislikes.
Oral Communication: ▪ Audio CD I.EFL.3.6.1. Learners can grasp • Recognize familiar names, words, and short
(Listening and Speaking) the main idea of spoken texts phrases about simple everyday topics
▪ Teacher’s Guide set in familiar everyday whether heard in isolation or within short,
Listening to a simple, contexts and infer changes in simple spoken texts describing people and
straightforward story and ▪ Posters and the topic of discussion as well objects.
ordering the pictures pictures about the as who is speaking and what • Understand and use basic greetings, leave-
showing what happens. topic the situation is, without having taking expressions, and other simple
(Example: Tom and Mike to decode every word. (I.3, I.4) everyday phrases to facilitate interpersonal
are playing soccer, the ball ▪ Photocopiable interaction, to introduce others, and to name
goes into the water, Tom’s - worksheets (TG) Reading things.
dog gets the ball, etc.) I.EFL.3.11.1. Learners can • Show the ability to use a simple learning
Listening to a short ▪ Quiz Time (SB) understand most details in a resource.
conversation between two short simple online or print • Make a simple learning resource, in order
speakers and deciding text and can follow short to record and practice new words.
who is speaking, where instructions in simple • Complete a basic survey or a questionnaire
they are and how they experiments and projects if by providing personal details.
feel. (Example: two step-by-step visuals are
friends, at the library provided. (I.3, I.4)
doing homework, confused Writing • Use audio, video, and pictures to respond
because they don’t I.EFL.3.17.1. Learners can write to a variety of literary texts through online or
understand the short simple paragraphs to in-class ICT activities. TECHNIQUES
assignment, etc.) describe people, places, ▪ Peer Observation.
animals, things and feelings, ▪ Checklist.
Reading with limited support, while ▪ Concept maps.
demonstrating an ability to ▪ Questionnaires.
effectively influence an audi- ▪ Interviews.
Following the steps in a ence and to express everyday ▪ Dossiers.
simple science activities. (I.3, S.1) ▪ Project Assignment.
experiment. (Example: ▪ Unit Game
making yogurt cheese, ▪ Glossary activities.
growing a bean plant, etc.) Instruments for oral and written evaluation
Putting steps in a recipe in Language through the Arts ▪ Rubrics
the correct order. ▪ Portfolio
I.EFL.3.24.1. Learners can work in ▪ Oral interviews individual/ in pairs
Writing groups to create brainstorms ▪ Essay Tests
and/ or draw mind maps to ▪ Practical Exams.
Sequencing sentences by describe and organize ideas or ▪ Writing Tests
adding words. (Example: I useful information from literary ▪ Training Test
wake up. I eat breakfast. texts and create collaborative
→ First I wake up. Then I responses to literature through
eat breakfast, etc.) process writing groups or
Using question prompts to literature circles. (I.4, S.4, J.3)
write sentences about a
classmate. (Example:
Where does he live? What
food does he like?, etc.)
Specification of Educational Needs Specification of the adapted material to be applied
• Students´ with Learning Disabilities. Use of visual materials and music, as well as short tasks.
• Emotional/ Behavior Disorders. In the case of assessment, only focusing on those skills students
• Physical Impairments have developed.
Classroom strategies to be implemented include: listing objectives
and goals per lesson; differentiating instruction by tiers or learning
styles / multiple intelligences; presenting information in multiple
formats; using review games to make learning fun.
TEACHER: Lcda: Susana Padilla NAME: Lcda: Susana Padilla NAME: Leonardo Ampam
Teacher: Area: Grade/ course Class
4thEGB A
Four English Pre A1.2 Can you play O.EFL 3.3 Independently read level-appropriate texts in English for
the piano? pure enjoyment/entertainment and to access information.
Communication and Cultural Awareness CE.EFL.3.3. Interact with others using a variety of both verbal and
EFL 3.1.5 Describe, read about, participate in or nonverbal communication features and express likes and dislikes
recommend a favorite activity, book, song or other interest while giving recommendations in basic yet effective terms.
to various audiences. (Example: peers, other classes,
teachers, other adults, etc.
Oral Communication: (Listening and Speaking) CE.EFL.3.6. Listening for Meaning: Demonstrate an understanding of
EFL 3.2.3 Record key items of specific information from a the main idea, speaker and situation in spoken texts set in familiar
heard message or description, either in written form or by everyday contexts without having to decode every word.
drawing a picture. (Example: letters of the alphabet,
numbers, quantities, prices and times, days, dates and
months, etc.)
are playing soccer, the ball ▪ Quiz Time (SB) speaking and what the situa- • Ask and answer basic personal information
goes into the water, Tom’s tion is, without having to questions, as well as simple questions about
dog gets the ball, etc.) decode every word. (I.3, I.4) other people, animals, and possessions,
Listening to a short provided the interaction is slow and clear.
conversation between two Reading • Exchange specific information with another
speakers and deciding I.EFL.4.11.1. Learners can person, provided they talk slowly and clearly
who is speaking, where understand main ideas and some and are prepared to help.
details in short simple online or
they are and how they print texts on familiar subjects, us-
• Demonstrate basic reading comprehension
feel. (Example: two ing contextual clues to help identify skills by identifying the meaning of individual
friends, at the library doing the most relevant information. words, phrases, and sentences, including simple
homework, confused (Example: title, illustrations, written instructions.
because they don’t organization, etc.) (I.2, I.4) • Make a simple learning resource, in order to
understand the record and practice new words.
assignment, etc.) Writing • Write a short simple paragraph to convey
I.EFL.3.16.1. Learners can some simple facts about people, animals, places,
make a simple learning things, yourself or others, with the support of a
Reading resource in order to record model text.
and practice new words. • Write a short simple paragraph to describe
Reading a text and (Example: a picture yourself or other people, animals, places and
answering information dictionary, a word list, a set things, with limited support.
questions. of flashcards, etc.) (I.1, J.4) • Complete a basic survey or a questionnaire by
Choosing from a list of providing personal details.
words to complete gaps • Express emotions and feelings using basic
from a reading. Language through the Arts adjectives and related images through written
Reading a short story from I.EFL.3.21.1. Learners can work on the school or class bulletin board.
the Internet and employ audio, video, pictures TECHNIQUES
highlighting interesting and ICT to respond to oral ▪ Peer Observation.
facts, then comparing and written texts and use ▪ Checklist.
pre-established criteria to ▪ Concept maps.
evaluate literary texts
Specification of Educational Needs Specification of the adapted material to be applied
• Students´ with Learning Disabilities. Use of visual materials and music, as well as short tasks.
• Emotional/ Behavior Disorders. In the case of assessment, only focusing on those skills students have
• Physical Impairments developed.
Classroom strategies to be implemented include: listing objectives and
goals per lesson; differentiating instruction by tiers or learning styles /
multiple intelligences; presenting information in multiple formats;
using review games to make learning fun.
Teacher: Area: Grade/ course 4th EGB Class A
Five English Pre A1.2 I like to jump. O.EFL 3.3 Independently read level-appropriate texts in English for
pure enjoyment/entertainment and to access information.
curiosity and memory, while developing a taste for oral and written
literary texts.
Oral Communication: (Listening and Speaking) CE.EFL.3.6. Listening for Meaning: Demonstrate an understanding of
EFL 3.2.3 Record key items of specific information from a the main idea, speaker and situation in spoken texts set in familiar
heard message or description, either in written form or by everyday contexts without having to decode every word.
drawing a picture. (Example: letters of the alphabet,
numbers, quantities, prices and times, days, dates and
months, etc.)
Listening to a simple, ▪ Posters and everyday contexts and infer • Produce simple, mainly isolated utterances
straightforward story and pictures about the changes in the topic of using very short phrases and sometimes
ordering the pictures topic discussion as well as who is individual words, possibly with slow and/or
showing what happens. speaking and what the situa- hesitant delivery.
(Example: Tom and Mike ▪ Photocopiable tion is, without having to • Ask and answer basic personal information
are playing soccer, the ball - worksheets (TG) decode every word. (I.3, I.4) questions, as well as simple questions about
goes into the water, Tom’s other people, animals, and possessions, provided
dog gets the ball, etc.) ▪ Quiz Time (SB) Reading the interaction is slow and clear.
Listening to a short I.EFL.4.11.1. Learners can • Exchange specific information with another
conversation between two understand main ideas and some person, provided they talk slowly and clearly and
details in short simple online or
speakers and deciding who print texts on familiar subjects, us-
are prepared to help.
is speaking, where they ing contextual clues to help • Demonstrate basic reading comprehension
are and how they feel. identify the most relevant skills by identifying the meaning of individual
(Example: two friends, at information. (Example: title, words, phrases, and sentences, including simple
the library doing illustrations, organization, etc.) written instructions.
(I.2, I.4)
homework, confused • Make a simple learning resource, in order to
because they don’t record and practice new words.
understand the • Write a short simple paragraph to convey some
I.EFL.3.16.1. Learners can
assignment, etc.) simple facts about people, animals, places,
make a simple learning
things, yourself or others, with the support of a
resource in order to record
model text.
and practice new words.
Reading • Write a short simple paragraph to describe
(Example: a picture
yourself or other people, animals, places and
dictionary, a word list, a set
Reading a text and things, with limited support.
of flashcards, etc.) (I.1, J.4)
answering information • Complete a basic survey or a questionnaire by
questions. providing personal details.
Choosing from a list of • Express emotions and feelings using basic
Language through the Arts
words to complete gaps adjectives and related images through written
I.EFL.3.21.1. Learners can
from a reading. work on the school or class bulletin board.
employ audio, video,
Specification of Educational Needs Specification of the adapted material to be applied
• Students´ with Learning Disabilities. Use of visual materials and music, as well as short tasks.
• Emotional/ Behavior Disorders. In the case of assessment, only focusing on those skills students have
• Physical Impairments developed.
Classroom strategies to be implemented include: listing objectives and
goals per lesson; differentiating instruction by tiers or learning styles /
multiple intelligences; presenting information in multiple formats;
using review games to make learning fun.
Teacher: Area: Grade/ course 4th EGB Class
Six English Pre A1.2 Let’s clean up. O.EFL 3.1 Identify the main ideas and some details of written and
oral texts, in order to interact with and to develop an approach of
critical inquiry to a variety of texts.
O.EFL 3.3 Independently read level-appropriate texts in English for
pure enjoyment/entertainment and to access information.
O.EFL 3.5 Use print and digital tools and resources to investigate
real-world issues, answer questions or solve problems.
Oral Communication: (Listening and Speaking) CE.EFL.3.1. Cultivate an awareness of different cultures and identify
EFL 3.1.2 Recognize ways to relate responsibly to one’s similarities and differences between them through oral and written
surroundings at home and at school by exhibiting responsible literary texts.
behaviors towards the environment.
(Example: chores at home, recycling, etc.)
Language through the Arts E.EFL.4.18. Use main ideas in order to understand, predict, infer and
EFL 3.5.1 C Use audio, video and pictures to respond to deduce literal and implied meanings in short, simple, everyday
a variety of literary texts through online or in-class ICT literary texts (online, oral or in print).
them to the corresponding I.EFL.3.16.1. Learners can • Read and understand the main ideas in a short
picture. make a simple learning simple text on a cross-curricular topic.
Listening to and following resource in order to record • Write a short simple paragraph to convey
class commands. and practice new words. some simple facts about people, animals, places,
(Example: a picture things, yourself or others, with the support of a
Reading dictionary, a word list, a set model text.
of flashcards, etc.) (I.1, J.4) • Complete a basic survey or a questionnaire by
providing personal details.
Completing gaps from a • Listen to and read short narratives and/or
reading using words from Language through the Arts other oral and written literary texts in class in
a box. order to stimulate imagination, curiosity, and a
Reading a short story from I.EFL.3.21.1. Learners can love for literature.
a class blog and employ audio, video, pictures • Use creative thinking skills to learn how to
underlining the main and ICT to respond to oral share an respect all ideas through brainstorming
details, then checking and written texts and use activities and pair work in class.
answers with a partner. pre-established criteria to TECHNIQUES
evaluate literary texts ▪ Peer Observation.
Writing individually or in groups. (I.2, ▪ Checklist.
I.3, I.4) ▪ Concept maps.
Creating a class picture ▪ Questionnaires.
dictionary and adding ▪ Interviews.
entries by writing ▪ Dossiers.
definitions of new words ▪ Project Assignment.
or drawing a picture to ▪ Unit Game
illustrate the meaning. ▪ Glossary activities.
Making flashcards for new Instruments for oral and written evaluation
words and using them to ▪ Rubrics
quiz a partner. ▪ Portfolio
▪ Oral interviews individual/ in pairs
Listening to or reading
stories and drawing the
setting or explaining
relationships between
main characters.
Using a checklist to mark
off items present in a text.
(Example: setting, main
character, title, etc.)
Specification of Educational Needs Specification of the adapted material to be applied
• Students´ with Learning Disabilities. Use of visual materials and music, as well as short tasks.
• Emotional/ Behavior Disorders. In the case of assessment, only focusing on those skills students have
• Physical Impairments developed.
Classroom strategies to be implemented include: listing objectives and
goals per lesson; differentiating instruction by tiers or learning styles /
multiple intelligences; presenting information in multiple formats;
using review games to make learning fun.
Teacher: Area: Grade/ course Class A
5 and 6th
One English Pre A1.1 WHAT IS YOUR O.EFL 3.2 Assess and appreciate English as an international
FAVORITE language, as well as the skills and subskills that contribute to
CLASS? communicative and pragmatic competence.
O.EFL 3.5 Use print and digital tools and resources to investigate
real-world issues, answer questions or solve problems.
O.EFL 3.10 Demonstrate an ability to use English as a means to
interact socially and work cooperatively in pairs and groups.
Oral Communication: (Listening and Speaking) CE.EFL.3.6. Listening for Meaning: Demonstrate an understanding of
EFL 3.2.2 Be comfortable taking meaning from spoken texts the main idea, speaker and situation in spoken texts set in familiar
containing words or sections which are not understood. Be everyday contexts without having to decode every word.
aware that understanding spoken texts does not require
decoding every single word.
Language through the Arts CE.EFL.3.21. Elaborate personal responses to both oral and written
literary texts through pictures, audio/video or ICT in order to
EFL 3.5.1 Use audio, video and pictures to respond to a evaluate literary texts using pre-established criteria, individually or
variety of literary texts through online or in-class ICT in groups.
Listening to a simple, ▪ Posters and contexts and infer changes in English language rhymes or songs,
straightforward story and pictures about the the topic of discussion as well approximating English rhythm and intonation
ordering the pictures topic as who is speaking and what once familiar with the text.
showing what happens. the situation is, without having • Demonstrate basic reading comprehension
(Example: Tom and Mike ▪ Photocopiable to decode every word. (I.3, I.4) skills by identifying the meaning of individual
are playing soccer, the - worksheets (TG) words, phrases, and sentences, including
ball goes into the water, Reading simple written instructions.
Tom’s dog gets the ball, ▪ Quiz Time (SB) I.EFL.3.11.1. Learners can • Generate and expand ideas by responding in
etc.) understand most details in a a fun
short simple online or print and playful manner to oral and written texts in
Reading text and can follow short order
instructions in simple to increase enjoyment of the language
experiments and projects if through TPR , playground games, and songs
Reading a text and step-by-step visuals are and chants.
answering information provided. (I.3, I.4) TECHNIQUES
questions. ▪ Peer Observation.
Completing gaps from a Writing ▪ Checklist.
reading using words from I.EFL.3.16.1. Learners can make ▪ Concept maps.
a box. a simple learning resource in ▪ Questionnaires.
Reading a short story order to record and practice ▪ Interviews.
from a class blog and new words. (Example: a picture ▪ Dossiers.
underlining the main dictionary, a word list, a set of ▪ Project Assignment.
details, then checking flashcards, etc.) (I.1, J.4) ▪ Unit Game
answers with a partner. ▪ Glossary activities.
Instruments for oral and written evaluation
Writing ▪ Rubrics
▪ Portfolio
Language through the Arts
Creating a class picture ▪ Oral interviews individual/ in pairs
I.EFL.3.21.1. Learners can
dictionary and adding employ audio, video, pictures ▪ Essay Tests
Listening to or reading
stories and drawing the
setting or explaining
relationships between
main characters.
Specification of Educational Needs Specification of the adapted material to be applied
• Students´ with Learning Disabilities. Use of visual materials and music, as well as short tasks.
• Emotional/ Behavior Disorders. In the case of assessment, only focusing on those skills students
• Physical Impairments have developed.
Classroom strategies to be implemented include: listing objectives
and goals per lesson; differentiating instruction by tiers or learning
styles / multiple intelligences; presenting information in multiple
formats; using review games to make learning fun.
Teacher: Area: Grade/ course Class A
5 and 6th EGB
Two English Pre A1.1 What do you O.EFL 3.1 Identify the main ideas and some details of written and
do in the oral texts, in order to interact with and to develop an approach of
library? critical inquiry to a variety of texts.
O.EFL 3.6 Read and write short descriptive and informative texts
related to personal information or familiar topics and use them as
a means of communication and written expression of thought.
O.EFL 3.7 Appreciate the use of English language through spoken
and written literary texts such as poems, rhymes, chants, songs,
games and graphic short stories in order to foster imagination,
curiosity and memory, while developing a taste for oral and
written literary texts.
O.EFL 3.10 Demonstrate an ability to use English as a means to
interact socially and work cooperatively in pairs and groups.
Communication and Cultural Awareness CE.EFL.3.2. Recognize and exhibit responsible behaviors at home, at
EFL 3.1.5 Describe, read about, participate in or school and towards the environment.
recommend a favorite activity, book, song or other interest
to various audiences. (Example: peers, other classes,
teachers, other adults, etc.)
Oral Communication: (Listening and Speaking) CE.EFL.3.6. Listening for Meaning: Demonstrate an understanding of
EFL 3.2.2 Be comfortable taking meaning from spoken texts the main idea, speaker and situation in spoken texts set in familiar
containing words or sections which are not understood. Be everyday contexts without having to decode every word.
aware that understanding spoken texts does not require
decoding every single word.
Language through the Arts CE.EFL.3.21. Elaborate personal responses to both oral and written
EFL 3.5.1 Use audio, video and pictures to respond to a literary texts through pictures, audio/video or ICT in order to evaluate
variety of literary texts through online or in-class ICT literary texts using pre-established criteria, individually or in groups.
goes into the water, Tom’s - worksheets (TG) speaking and what the situa- other people, animals, and possessions, provided
dog gets the ball, etc.) tion is, without having to the interaction is slow and clear.
▪ Quiz Time (SB) decode every word. (I.3, I.4) • Demonstrate basic reading comprehension
Reading skills by identifying the meaning of individual
Reading words, phrases, and sentences, including simple
I.EFL.3.11.1. Learners can written instructions.
Reading a text and understand most details in a • Understand the content of a simple graphic
answering information short simple online or print organizer.
questions. text and can follow short • Write simple sentences on familiar topics to
Completing gaps from a instructions in simple communicate basic ideas.
reading using words from a experiments and projects if • Express emotions and feelings using basic
box. step-by-step visuals are adjectives and related images through written
Reading a short story from provided. (I.3, I.4) work on the school or class bulletin board.
a class blog and TECHNIQUES
underlining the main Writing ▪ Peer Observation.
details, then checking I.EFL.3.16.1. Learners can ▪ Checklist.
answers with a partner. make a simple learning ▪ Concept maps.
resource in order to record ▪ Questionnaires.
Writing and practice new words. ▪ Interviews.
(Example: a picture ▪ Dossiers.
Creating a class picture dictionary, a word list, a set ▪ Project Assignment.
dictionary and adding of flashcards, etc.) (I.1, J.4) ▪ Unit Game
entries by writing ▪ Glossary activities.
definitions of new words Instruments for oral and written evaluation
or drawing a picture to ▪ Rubrics
illustrate the meaning. ▪ Portfolio
Language through the Arts
Making flashcards for new ▪ Oral interviews individual/ in pairs
I.EFL.3.21.1. Learners can
words and using them to ▪ Essay Tests
employ audio, video,
quiz a partner. pictures and ICT to respond ▪ Practical Exams.
Making a list of new words to oral and written texts and ▪ Writing Tests
and then comparing the use pre-established criteria ▪ Training Test
lists in pairs. If one of the to evaluate literary texts
members of the pair individually or in groups. (I.2,
knows the word, he/she I.3, I.4)
teaches the other person.
Writing new words and
phrases in a vocabulary
Listening to or reading
stories and drawing the
setting or explaining
relationships between
main characters.
Specification of Educational Needs Specification of the adapted material to be applied
• Students´ with Learning Disabilities. Use of visual materials and music, as well as short tasks.
• Emotional/ Behavior Disorders. In the case of assessment, only focusing on those skills students have
• Physical Impairments developed.
Classroom strategies to be implemented include: listing objectives and
goals per lesson; differentiating instruction by tiers or learning styles /
multiple intelligences; presenting information in multiple formats;
using review games to make learning fun.
TEACHER: Lcda: Susana Padilla NAME: Lcda: Susana Padilla NAME: Leonardo Ampam
Teacher: Area: Grade/ course Class
5 and 6 th
Three English Pre A1.1 Let’s Paint. O.EFL 3.3 Independently read level-appropriate texts in English
for pure enjoyment/entertainment and to access information.
O.EFL 3.7 Appreciate the use of English language through spoken
and written literary texts such as poems, rhymes, chants, songs,
games and graphic short stories in order to foster imagination,
curiosity and memory, while developing a taste for oral and
written literary texts.
O.EFL 3.8 Demonstrate an ability to interact with written and
spoken texts, in order to explore creative writing as an outlet to
personal expression and intercultural competence.
PERIODS: 18, 3 class periods per lesson STARTING WEEK:
Communication and Cultural Awareness CE.EFL.3.1. Cultivate an awareness of different cultures and identify
EFL 3.1.3 Exchange basic personal preferences with peers in similarities and differences between them through oral and written
order to express likes and dislikes. literary texts.
Oral Communication: (Listening and Speaking) CE.EFL.3.6. Listening for Meaning: Demonstrate an understanding of
EFL 3.3.4 Distinguish between fact and opinion and relevant the main idea, speaker and situation in spoken texts set in familiar
and irrelevant information in an informational text through everyday contexts without having to decode every word.
the use of mind maps/charts.
Language through the Arts CE.EFL.3.24. Organize ideas and relevant information from literary
EFL 3.5.5 Evaluate literary texts (both written and oral, texts using group or class brainstorms and/or mind maps in order to
online, in video or in print) according to pre-established enhance collaborative responses to literature.
criteria. (Example: completing a checklist, a chart, a
personal response, etc.)
Communication and Communication and Cultural ACTIVITIES
Cultural Awareness ▪ New Curriculum Awareness • Express curiosity about the world and other
EFL for Subnivel EGB I.EFL.3.1.1. Learners can show an cultures by asking simple WH- questions in
Finding recipes from other MEDIA awareness of different cultures and class after reading and/ or participating in
identify similarities and differences
cultures and making them between them through oral and
presentations or other group work.
share in class. ▪ Teacher’s Guide written literary texts. (I.2, S.2, J.1) • Understand and use common expressions
Writing a short descriptive English PreA1.2 of politeness in class while working in pairs or
paragraph about a country (including interactive groups on projects.
of the learner’s choosing. version) • Exchange basic personal preferences with
Oral Communication peers in order to express likes and dislikes.
Oral Communication: ▪ Audio CD I.EFL.3.6.1. Learners can grasp • Recognize familiar names, words, and short
(Listening and Speaking) the main idea of spoken texts phrases about simple everyday topics
▪ Teacher’s Guide set in familiar everyday whether heard in isolation or within short,
Listening to a simple, contexts and infer changes in simple spoken texts describing people and
straightforward story and ▪ Posters and the topic of discussion as well objects.
ordering the pictures pictures about the as who is speaking and what • Understand and use basic greetings, leave-
showing what happens. topic the situation is, without having taking expressions, and other simple
(Example: Tom and Mike to decode every word. (I.3, I.4) everyday phrases to facilitate interpersonal
are playing soccer, the ball ▪ Photocopiable interaction, to introduce others, and to name
goes into the water, Tom’s - worksheets (TG) Reading things.
dog gets the ball, etc.) I.EFL.3.11.1. Learners can • Show the ability to use a simple learning
Listening to a short ▪ Quiz Time (SB) understand most details in a resource.
conversation between two short simple online or print • Make a simple learning resource, in order
speakers and deciding text and can follow short to record and practice new words.
who is speaking, where instructions in simple • Complete a basic survey or a questionnaire
they are and how they experiments and projects if by providing personal details.
feel. (Example: two step-by-step visuals are
friends, at the library provided. (I.3, I.4)
doing homework, confused Writing • Use audio, video, and pictures to respond
because they don’t I.EFL.3.17.1. Learners can write to a variety of literary texts through online or
understand the short simple paragraphs to in-class ICT activities. TECHNIQUES
assignment, etc.) describe people, places, ▪ Peer Observation.
animals, things and feelings, ▪ Checklist.
Reading with limited support, while ▪ Concept maps.
demonstrating an ability to ▪ Questionnaires.
effectively influence an audi- ▪ Interviews.
Following the steps in a ence and to express everyday ▪ Dossiers.
simple science activities. (I.3, S.1) ▪ Project Assignment.
experiment. (Example: ▪ Unit Game
making yogurt cheese, ▪ Glossary activities.
growing a bean plant, etc.) Instruments for oral and written evaluation
Putting steps in a recipe in Language through the Arts ▪ Rubrics
the correct order. ▪ Portfolio
I.EFL.3.24.1. Learners can work in ▪ Oral interviews individual/ in pairs
Writing groups to create brainstorms ▪ Essay Tests
and/ or draw mind maps to ▪ Practical Exams.
Sequencing sentences by describe and organize ideas or ▪ Writing Tests
adding words. (Example: I useful information from literary ▪ Training Test
wake up. I eat breakfast. texts and create collaborative
→ First I wake up. Then I responses to literature through
eat breakfast, etc.) process writing groups or
Using question prompts to literature circles. (I.4, S.4, J.3)
write sentences about a
classmate. (Example:
Where does he live? What
food does he like?, etc.)
Specification of Educational Needs Specification of the adapted material to be applied
• Students´ with Learning Disabilities. Use of visual materials and music, as well as short tasks.
• Emotional/ Behavior Disorders. In the case of assessment, only focusing on those skills students
• Physical Impairments have developed.
Classroom strategies to be implemented include: listing objectives
and goals per lesson; differentiating instruction by tiers or learning
styles / multiple intelligences; presenting information in multiple
formats; using review games to make learning fun.
TEACHER: Lcda: Susana Padilla NAME: Lcda: Gabriela Urdiales NAME: Leonardo Ampam
Teacher: Area: Grade/ course Class
5and 6th
Four English Pre A1.2 Can you play O.EFL 3.3 Independently read level-appropriate texts in English for
the piano? pure enjoyment/entertainment and to access information.
Communication and Cultural Awareness CE.EFL.3.3. Interact with others using a variety of both verbal and
EFL 3.1.5 Describe, read about, participate in or nonverbal communication features and express likes and dislikes
recommend a favorite activity, book, song or other interest while giving recommendations in basic yet effective terms.
to various audiences. (Example: peers, other classes,
teachers, other adults, etc.
Oral Communication: (Listening and Speaking) CE.EFL.3.6. Listening for Meaning: Demonstrate an understanding of
EFL 3.2.3 Record key items of specific information from a the main idea, speaker and situation in spoken texts set in familiar
heard message or description, either in written form or by everyday contexts without having to decode every word.
drawing a picture. (Example: letters of the alphabet,
numbers, quantities, prices and times, days, dates and
months, etc.)
are playing soccer, the ball ▪ Quiz Time (SB) speaking and what the situa- • Ask and answer basic personal information
goes into the water, Tom’s tion is, without having to questions, as well as simple questions about
dog gets the ball, etc.) decode every word. (I.3, I.4) other people, animals, and possessions,
Listening to a short provided the interaction is slow and clear.
conversation between two Reading • Exchange specific information with another
speakers and deciding I.EFL.4.11.1. Learners can person, provided they talk slowly and clearly
who is speaking, where understand main ideas and some and are prepared to help.
details in short simple online or
they are and how they print texts on familiar subjects, us-
• Demonstrate basic reading comprehension
feel. (Example: two ing contextual clues to help identify skills by identifying the meaning of individual
friends, at the library doing the most relevant information. words, phrases, and sentences, including simple
homework, confused (Example: title, illustrations, written instructions.
because they don’t organization, etc.) (I.2, I.4) • Make a simple learning resource, in order to
understand the record and practice new words.
assignment, etc.) Writing • Write a short simple paragraph to convey
I.EFL.3.16.1. Learners can some simple facts about people, animals, places,
make a simple learning things, yourself or others, with the support of a
Reading resource in order to record model text.
and practice new words. • Write a short simple paragraph to describe
Reading a text and (Example: a picture yourself or other people, animals, places and
answering information dictionary, a word list, a set things, with limited support.
questions. of flashcards, etc.) (I.1, J.4) • Complete a basic survey or a questionnaire by
Choosing from a list of providing personal details.
words to complete gaps • Express emotions and feelings using basic
from a reading. Language through the Arts adjectives and related images through written
Reading a short story from I.EFL.3.21.1. Learners can work on the school or class bulletin board.
the Internet and employ audio, video, pictures TECHNIQUES
highlighting interesting and ICT to respond to oral ▪ Peer Observation.
facts, then comparing and written texts and use ▪ Checklist.
pre-established criteria to ▪ Concept maps.
evaluate literary texts
Specification of Educational Needs Specification of the adapted material to be applied
• Students´ with Learning Disabilities. Use of visual materials and music, as well as short tasks.
• Emotional/ Behavior Disorders. In the case of assessment, only focusing on those skills students have
• Physical Impairments developed.
Classroom strategies to be implemented include: listing objectives and
goals per lesson; differentiating instruction by tiers or learning styles /
multiple intelligences; presenting information in multiple formats;
using review games to make learning fun.
Teacher: Area: Grade/ course 5and 6th EGB Class A
Five English Pre A1.2 I like to jump. O.EFL 3.3 Independently read level-appropriate texts in English for
pure enjoyment/entertainment and to access information.
curiosity and memory, while developing a taste for oral and written
literary texts.
Oral Communication: (Listening and Speaking) CE.EFL.3.6. Listening for Meaning: Demonstrate an understanding of
EFL 3.2.3 Record key items of specific information from a the main idea, speaker and situation in spoken texts set in familiar
heard message or description, either in written form or by everyday contexts without having to decode every word.
drawing a picture. (Example: letters of the alphabet,
numbers, quantities, prices and times, days, dates and
months, etc.)
Listening to a simple, ▪ Posters and everyday contexts and infer • Produce simple, mainly isolated utterances
straightforward story and pictures about the changes in the topic of using very short phrases and sometimes
ordering the pictures topic discussion as well as who is individual words, possibly with slow and/or
showing what happens. speaking and what the situa- hesitant delivery.
(Example: Tom and Mike ▪ Photocopiable tion is, without having to • Ask and answer basic personal information
are playing soccer, the ball - worksheets (TG) decode every word. (I.3, I.4) questions, as well as simple questions about
goes into the water, Tom’s other people, animals, and possessions, provided
dog gets the ball, etc.) ▪ Quiz Time (SB) Reading the interaction is slow and clear.
Listening to a short I.EFL.4.11.1. Learners can • Exchange specific information with another
conversation between two understand main ideas and some person, provided they talk slowly and clearly and
details in short simple online or
speakers and deciding who print texts on familiar subjects, us-
are prepared to help.
is speaking, where they ing contextual clues to help • Demonstrate basic reading comprehension
are and how they feel. identify the most relevant skills by identifying the meaning of individual
(Example: two friends, at information. (Example: title, words, phrases, and sentences, including simple
the library doing illustrations, organization, etc.) written instructions.
(I.2, I.4)
homework, confused • Make a simple learning resource, in order to
because they don’t record and practice new words.
understand the • Write a short simple paragraph to convey some
I.EFL.3.16.1. Learners can
assignment, etc.) simple facts about people, animals, places,
make a simple learning
things, yourself or others, with the support of a
resource in order to record
model text.
and practice new words.
Reading • Write a short simple paragraph to describe
(Example: a picture
yourself or other people, animals, places and
dictionary, a word list, a set
Reading a text and things, with limited support.
of flashcards, etc.) (I.1, J.4)
answering information • Complete a basic survey or a questionnaire by
questions. providing personal details.
Choosing from a list of • Express emotions and feelings using basic
Language through the Arts
words to complete gaps adjectives and related images through written
I.EFL.3.21.1. Learners can
from a reading. work on the school or class bulletin board.
employ audio, video,
Specification of Educational Needs Specification of the adapted material to be applied
• Students´ with Learning Disabilities. Use of visual materials and music, as well as short tasks.
• Emotional/ Behavior Disorders. In the case of assessment, only focusing on those skills students have
• Physical Impairments developed.
Classroom strategies to be implemented include: listing objectives and
goals per lesson; differentiating instruction by tiers or learning styles /
multiple intelligences; presenting information in multiple formats;
using review games to make learning fun.
Teacher: Area: Grade/ course 5 and 6th Class
Six English Pre A1.2 Let’s clean up. O.EFL 3.1 Identify the main ideas and some details of written and
oral texts, in order to interact with and to develop an approach of
critical inquiry to a variety of texts.
O.EFL 3.3 Independently read level-appropriate texts in English for
pure enjoyment/entertainment and to access information.
O.EFL 3.5 Use print and digital tools and resources to investigate
real-world issues, answer questions or solve problems.
Oral Communication: (Listening and Speaking) CE.EFL.3.1. Cultivate an awareness of different cultures and identify
EFL 3.1.2 Recognize ways to relate responsibly to one’s similarities and differences between them through oral and written
surroundings at home and at school by exhibiting responsible literary texts.
behaviors towards the environment.
(Example: chores at home, recycling, etc.)
Language through the Arts E.EFL.4.18. Use main ideas in order to understand, predict, infer and
EFL 3.5.1 C Use audio, video and pictures to respond to deduce literal and implied meanings in short, simple, everyday
a variety of literary texts through online or in-class ICT literary texts (online, oral or in print).
them to the corresponding I.EFL.3.16.1. Learners can • Read and understand the main ideas in a short
picture. make a simple learning simple text on a cross-curricular topic.
Listening to and following resource in order to record • Write a short simple paragraph to convey
class commands. and practice new words. some simple facts about people, animals, places,
(Example: a picture things, yourself or others, with the support of a
Reading dictionary, a word list, a set model text.
of flashcards, etc.) (I.1, J.4) • Complete a basic survey or a questionnaire by
providing personal details.
Completing gaps from a • Listen to and read short narratives and/or
reading using words from Language through the Arts other oral and written literary texts in class in
a box. order to stimulate imagination, curiosity, and a
Reading a short story from I.EFL.3.21.1. Learners can love for literature.
a class blog and employ audio, video, pictures • Use creative thinking skills to learn how to
underlining the main and ICT to respond to oral share an respect all ideas through brainstorming
details, then checking and written texts and use activities and pair work in class.
answers with a partner. pre-established criteria to TECHNIQUES
evaluate literary texts ▪ Peer Observation.
Writing individually or in groups. (I.2, ▪ Checklist.
I.3, I.4) ▪ Concept maps.
Creating a class picture ▪ Questionnaires.
dictionary and adding ▪ Interviews.
entries by writing ▪ Dossiers.
definitions of new words ▪ Project Assignment.
or drawing a picture to ▪ Unit Game
illustrate the meaning. ▪ Glossary activities.
Making flashcards for new Instruments for oral and written evaluation
words and using them to ▪ Rubrics
quiz a partner. ▪ Portfolio
▪ Oral interviews individual/ in pairs
Listening to or reading
stories and drawing the
setting or explaining
relationships between
main characters.
Using a checklist to mark
off items present in a text.
(Example: setting, main
character, title, etc.)
Specification of Educational Needs Specification of the adapted material to be applied
• Students´ with Learning Disabilities. Use of visual materials and music, as well as short tasks.
• Emotional/ Behavior Disorders. In the case of assessment, only focusing on those skills students have
• Physical Impairments developed.
Classroom strategies to be implemented include: listing objectives and
goals per lesson; differentiating instruction by tiers or learning styles /
multiple intelligences; presenting information in multiple formats;
using review games to make learning fun.