which was used for UHF radio communications between ships, submarines, airplanes and
ground stations of the U.S. Navy.
Most of the transponders on these satellites are simple repeaters with no authentication or
control over what they retransmit. This characteristic led to a subculture of radio pirates
in Brazil using modified ham radio equipment making use of the satellites without
Altogether eight satellites were launched in the years from 1978 to 1989 by Atlas-
Centaur rockets into geostationary orbit. The system became operational in 1981. The
satellites were manufactured by TRW. The solar arrays of the satellites had a span of over
13.2 m. A special characteristic was an UHF transmit antenna reflector 4.9 m in diameter.
The satellites had 12 transponders, which worked in the UHF range from 240 - 400
megahertz. Additionally FLTSATCOM 7 and 8 had an experimental EHF transponder
built by Lincoln Laboratory intended to test the MILSTAR ground terminals. The first
seven satellites had a launch mass of 1884 kg and the remaining two were 2310 kg, with
the additional mass due to the EHF payload module.
The fifth satellite reached geosynchronous orbit, but was unusable due to damage to the
solar arrays and antennas. The failure was attributed to explosive delamination of the
fiberglass honeycomb fairing during flight. The inside wall of the fairing extensively
damaged one of the solar arrays, and bent the transmit antenna mast which prevented the
antenna from deploying fully.
Flight 7 was launched out of sequence after a launch failure of a Delta mission carrying
the GOES-G weather satellite grounded the entire US launch fleet weeks prior to the
scheduled launch of F-6. By the time the Delta mishap investigation concluded there was
no risk to the Atlas-Centaur system, F-7 was ready to launch & the system managers
elected to swap missions to avoid delaying EHF system testing.
Flight 6 was destroyed when a lightning strike caused a memory upset in the Atlas-
Centaur guidance computer, causing the booster to veer off-course 51 sec into flight.
In the late 1990s FLTSATCOM satellites were gradually replaced by the UFO satellites.
FLTSAT flights 7 and 8 continue to provide UHF communications.
VHF (Very high frequency) is the radio frequency range from 30 MHz to 300 MHz.
Frequencies immediately below VHF are denoted High frequency (HF), and the next
higher frequencies are known as Ultra high frequency (UHF). The frequency allocation is
done by ITU.
These names referring to high-end frequency usage originate from mid-20th century,
when regular radio service used MF, Medium Frequencies, better known as "AM" in
USA, below the HF. Currently VHF is at the low-end of practical frequency usage, new
systems tending to use frequencies in SHF and EHF above the UHF range. See Radio
spectrum for full picture.
Common uses for VHF are FM radio broadcast, television broadcast, land mobile stations
(emergency, business, and military), long range data communication with radio modems,
Amateur Radio, marine communications, air traffic control communications and air
navigation systems (e.g. VOR, DME & ILS).
Propogation characteristics
The digital output may use different coding schemes. Typically the digital output will be
a two's complement binary number that is proportional to the input, but there are other
possibilities. An encoder, for example, might output a Gray code.
An ADC might be used to make an isolated measurement. ADCs are also used to
quantize time-varying signals by turning them into a sequence of digital samples. The
result is quantized in both time and value.
ADCs are integral to current music reproduction technology. Since much music
production is done on computers, when an analog recording is used, an ADC is needed to
create the PCM data stream that goes onto a compact disc or digital music file.
The current crop of AD converters utilized in music can sample at rates up to 192
kilohertz. High bandwidth headroom allows the use of cheaper or faster anti-aliasing
filters of less severe filtering slopes. The proponents of oversampling assert that such
shallower anti-aliasing filters produce less deleterious effects on sound quality, exactly
because of their gentler slopes. Others prefer entirely filterless AD conversion, arguing
that aliasing is less detrimental to sound perception than pre-conversion brickwall
filtering. Considerable literature exists on these matters, but commercial considerations
often play a significant role. Most[citation needed] high-profile recording studios record in 24-
bit/192-176.4 kHz PCM or in DSD formats, and then downsample or decimate the signal
for Red-Book CD production (44.1 kHz or at 48 kHz for commonly used for radio/TV
broadcast applications).
AD converters are used virtually everywhere where an analog signal has to be processed,
stored, or transported in digital form. Fast video ADCs are used, for example, in TV tuner
cards. Slow on-chip 8, 10, 12, or 16 bit ADCs are common in microcontrollers. Very fast
ADCs are needed in digital oscilloscopes, and are crucial for new applications like
software defined radio
• Clock
and phase of the TFTs must be synchronized with the analog signal to avoid pixel
jitter, which is a relatively complex issue
• Cables sensitive to external influences
• High cost of signal conversion inside the display
• Upgrade to digital interface not possible
Because digital signals consist of binary code, they can travel through digital lines
much more quickly. This allows more data to be transferred, which results in a
sharper, clearer signal. Digital signals also lack the distortion and "hiss" of analog
signals, which further enhances the clarity (though some would argue at the cost of
nuance). In terms of phone signals, the 1s and 0s make it much harder for
eavesdroppers to listen in, as well as increasing the range of cordless phones and
cell phones.
The Parallel Port is the most commonly used port for interfacing home made
projects. This port will allow the input of up to 9 bits or the output of 12 bits at any
one given time, thus requiring minimal external circuitry to implement many
simpler tasks. The port is composed of 4 control lines, 5 status lines and 8 data
lines. It's found commonly on the back of your PC as a D-Type 25 Pin female
connector. There may also be a D-Type 25 pin male connector. This will be a
serial RS-232 port and thus, is a totally incompatible port.
Newer Parallel Port’s are standardized under the IEEE 1284 standard first released
in 1994. This standard defines 5 modes of operation which are as follows,
1. Compatibility Mode.
2. Nibble Mode. (Protocol not Described in this Document)
3. Byte Mode. (Protocol not Described in this Document)
4. EPP Mode (Enhanced Parallel Port).
5. ECP Mode (Extended Capabilities Mode).
The aim was to design new drivers and devices which were compatible with each
other and also backwards compatible with the Standard Parallel Port (SPP).
Compatibility, Nibble & Byte modes use just the standard hardware available on
the original Parallel Port cards while EPP & ECP modes require additional
hardware which can run at faster speeds, while still being downwards compatible
with the Standard Parallel Port.
Extended and Enhanced Parallel Ports use additional hardware to generate and
manage handshaking. To output a byte to a printer (or anything in that matter)
using compatibility mode, the software must,
1. Write the byte to the Data Port.
2. Check to see is the printer is busy. If the printer is busy, it will not
accept any data, thus any data which is written will be lost.
3. Take the Strobe (Pin 1) low. This tells the printer that there is the
correct data on the data lines. (Pins 2-9)
4. Put the strobe high again after waiting approximately 5 microseconds
after putting the strobe low. (Step 3)
This limits the speed at which the port can run at. The EPP & ECP ports get
around this by letting the hardware check to see if the printer is busy and generate
a strobe and /or appropriate handshaking. This means only one I/O instruction
need to be performed, thus increasing the speed. These ports can output at around
1-2 megabytes per second. The ECP port also has the advantage of using DMA
channels and FIFO buffers, thus data can be shifted around without using I/O
Below is a table of the "Pin Outs" of the D-Type 25 Pin connector and the. The D-
Type 25 pin connector is the most common connector found on the Parallel Port of
the computer, while the Centronics Connector is commonly found on printers. The
IEEE 1284 standard however specifies 3 different connectors for use with the
Parallel Port. The first one, 1284 Type A is the D-Type 25 connector found on the
back of most computers. The 2nd is the 1284 Type B which is the 36 pin
Centronics Connector found on most printers.
As there names specifies, Data register is connected to Data lines, Control register
is connected to control lines and Status register is connected to Status lines. (Here the
word connection does not mean that there is some physical connection between
data/control/status lines. The registers are virtually connected to the corresponding
lines.). So what ever you write to these registers , will appear in corresponding lines as
voltages, Of course, you can measure it with a multimeter. And What ever you give to
Parallel port as voltages can be read from these registers(with some restrictions). For
example , if we write '1' to Data register , the line Data0 will be driven to +5v. Just like
this ,we can programmatically turn on and off any of the data lines and Control lines.
The transistor (or other device) is used as one half of a potential divider to control the
output voltage, and a feedback circuit compares the output voltage to a reference voltage
in order to adjust the input to the transistor, thus keeping the output voltage reasonably
constant. This is inefficient: since the transistor is acting like a resistor, it will waste
electrical energy by converting it to heat. In fact, the power loss due to heating in the
transistor is the current times the voltage dropped across the transistor. The same function
can be performed more efficiently by a switched-mode power supply (SMPS), but it is
more complex and the switching currents in it tend to produce electromagnetic
interference. A SMPS can easily provide more than 30A of current at voltages as low as
3V, while for the same voltage and current, a linear regulator would be very bulky and
Linear regulators exist in two basic forms: series regulators and shunt regulators.
• Series regulators are the more common form. The series regulator works by
providing a path from the supply voltage to the load through a variable resistance
(the main transistor is in the "top half" of the voltage divider). The power
dissipated by the regulating device is equal to the power supply output current
times the voltage drop in the regulating device.
• The shunt regulator works by providing a path from the supply voltage to ground
through a variable resistance (the main transistor is in the "bottom half" of the
voltage divider). The current through the shunt regulator is diverted away from
the load and flows uselessly to ground, making this form even less efficient than
the series regulator. It is, however, simpler, sometimes consisting of just a
voltage-reference diode, and is used in very low-powered circuits where the
wasted current is too small to be of concern. This form is very common for
voltage reference circuits.
All linear regulators require an input voltage at least some minimum amount higher than
the desired output voltage. That minimum amount is called the dropout voltage. For
example, a common regulator such as the 7805 has an output voltage of 5V, but can only
maintain this if the input voltage remains above about 7V, before the output voltage
begins sagging below the rated output. Its dropout voltage is therefore 7V - 5V = 2V.
When the supply voltage is less than about 2V above the desired output voltage, as is the
case in low-voltage microprocessor power supplies, so-called low dropout regulators
(LDOs) must be used.
When one wants an output voltage higher than the available input voltage, no linear
regulator will work (not even an LDO). In this situation, a switching regulator must be