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The Tamil Nadu Civil Courts Act, 1873

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The Tamil Nadu Civil Courts Act, 1873

Act 3 of 1873

Consolidate and Amend the Law relating to Civil Courts, District Court,
Pendency of Cases

Amendments appended: 34 of 1980, 28 of 1995, 18 of 1996, 1 of 2004

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OidZ Court8 [I878 : Cen, Act UI
ACT No. TI1 OF 1873 I .
[2lst January 1873.1
An Act to consolidate and amend the law
relating to the Civil Courts of the 3(State
of Tamil Nadu) subordinah to the High
WHEREAS it is expedient to consolidate end
amend the law relating to the Civil Courts of the
SCState of Tamil Nadu] subordinate to the High
Court ; It is hereby enacted as follows :-

- - -

Short titla.
1. This Act may be called " The 2(Tamil Nadu)
Local extent,
Civil Courts Act, 1873 ".
4[It extends to the whole of the State of Tamil
1 For Statement of Objects and Reasons, see Gazette of In&,
1873, t&
ra' V, page 173 ; for Report of the Select Committee ree
ibid, page 696 ; for Proceedings in Council relating to the Bill, see
ibid, supplement, 1870, page 900 and ibid, 1878, pages 3, 16 and
Ttlis Act wttx oxtonded to the merged Stato of Pud~lrkottoiby
section 3 of, and the First Schedule to, the Tamil Nadu Merged
States (Laws) Act, 1949 (Tamil Nadu Act XXXV of 1949).
This Act was extended to the ganyakumari district and the
Shencottah taluk of the Tirunelveli district by adotion 3 of, and the
Schedule to, the Tamil Nadu (Transferred Territory) Extension of
Lawn Act, 1957 (Tamil Nadu Act XXII of 1967), repealing the
corresponding low in force in that territory.
This Act was extended to the added territories by section 3 of,
and the First Schedule to, the Tamil Nadu (Added Territories)
Extension of Laws Act, 1962 (Tamil Nedu Aot 14 of 1962), which
came into force on the 1st day of Deo-ber 1962.
2 These words were substituted for the word uMadras " by the
Tamil Nadu Adaptation of Lewa Order, 1969, as amended by the
Tamil Nadu Adaptation of Lawe (Seoond Amendment) Order,
1969, which oame into foroe on the 14th January 1969.
a This expression was substituted for the expression " Madra#
Presidency " by the Tamil Nedu Adsptation of Lewe Ordw,
1970, which ww deemed to have come into foroe on the 14th
January 1969.
4 This paragraph was substituted for the original reoond
paragraph by {bid.
I 1873 : Cen. Act 1111 Civil Courts 129


And it shall come into force on the 1st day of commenoe.
March 1873.
2. [Repeal of certain enactmenk. Repealed by the
Repealing Act, 1873 ((hztral Act X I 1 of 1h'i3j.I

PART 11.

8. The number of District (heretofore designated ~~~b~~ ,,f

Zila) Courts to be established or continued under Dietriot
this Aot, ehall be fixed, and may from time to
time be altered, by the l[State Government :]

3[3-A. When in the opinion of the High Court, A pointment

the state of business pending before the Judge of
any District Court (hereinafter called the ' District Judges.
J &
Judge ') so requires, the l(State Government) may
appoint one or more Additional Distriot Judges to
that Court for such period as they may deem
The Additional District Judges so appointed
shall disoharge all or any of the functions of the
District Judge under this Act or any other law for
the time being in force which the District Judge may
assign to them, and, in the discharge of those
functions, they shall exercise the same powers as the
District Judge.]
-.. -
1 The words " Provincial G o v e F n t " were substituted for
the words " Local Govertment by the Adaptation Order qf
1937 and the word State was substituted for '' Provincial
by the Adaptation Order of 1950.
2 The words "Provided that no incream to the number of
such Courts shall be made by such Government, withzut the
previous sanotion of the Ctov~nor-Cknerali n Council were
repealed by the Deoentralization Act, 1914 (Central Act IV of
IQlP), Soh., Pt. I.
section 2 of the Madras Oivil
3 Secttion 3-A wae inserted
Courts (Amendment)Act, 1981 ( drsa Bot 11 of 1931).
I 126-1G9
130 Cr'vil Court8 [I873 : Cen. Act 111

Number ot 4. The number of Subordinate Judges and

subordinate District i\lunsifs Co be ap pojntecl under this Aot for
Tudges c~nd
District each district, shall be fixed, slid may from time
h1unsifs. to tilllo be altered, by the l[State Governn~ent].

2r * * * *I
3[Tb.e (State Government) may after consultation
with the High Court, fix and from time to time vary
by notification the number of Subordinate Judges to
be appointed for a Subordinate Judge's Court or the
number of Distriot Munsifs to be appointed for a
District Munsif's Court .]
'[4-A. When more than one Subordirlste Judge is
appointed to a Subordinate Judge's Coiirt or more
than one Distriot Munsif to a District Munsif'a Court,
one of t,he Subordinate Judges or the District Munsifs
shall be appointed the Principal Subordinate Judge
or Principal District Munaif and the others ~ d d i i i o n a l
Subordinate Judges or Additional Distriot Munsifs,
ar the case may be.

Each of the Judges appointed t o a Subordinate

Judge's Court or a District Munsif's Court may
exercise all or any of the powers oonferred on the
Court hy this Aot or any other law for the time being
i n force.

Subject to the general or special orders of the

District Judge, the Principal Suborclinato Judge or
the Principal Diatrict Munsif may, from time t o time,

1 The words "Provinoial Government " were substituted for the

words fi Looal Government " by the Ad-ptation Ordor of 1937 and
the word "State" was substituted for "Provinciel" by the Adap-
tation Order of 1950.
The words " Provided that no addition to the number of such
of8cers shall be made by snch Government witpout the previous
sanotion of the " Governor-General in Council were repealed by
the Decentralization Act, 1914 (Central Act IV of 1914), Sch.,
Pt. I.
8 This paragraph was added by section 2 of the Medrae Civil
Conrtm (Amendment) Acf. 1925 (Madras Aat 1x1 of 1926).
4 Sootion 4.A wan inserted by eeotion 3, &id.
' 1873 : Cen. Act 1113 CivJ Courts 131
make such arrangements 8s he thinks fit for the
distribution of the business of the Court among the
, various Judges thereof.]

5. The place a t which any Court under this Act court's

ohall be held may be fixed, and may from time to looJity*
time be altered,
in the case of a District Court or a Subordinate
Judge's Court, by the l[State Government],
I in the oase of a District Nunsif's Court, by the
High Court.

I 2[Theplaoes fixed for any Court under this section

shll be deemed to be within the local jurisdiction
of that Court.]

8. The present Zila Court,s, Principal Sadr Aminrr, ~ i & , i , ~

and District Munsifs, shall be respectively the first Courts,
" Distriat Courts," " Subordinate Judgea," and Judges SubordinaM and
"Distriat Mmsifa" under this Act, Distriot

9. Every Court under this Act shall use a seal of sealof C-L
such form and dimensions as are, for the time being,
prescribed by the l[State Government].

1 The words "Provincial Govsrnment" were substituted for the

, word8 "Local Government" by the Adn tation Order of 1937 and
the word "Eltnt,.a*'wna nubtituted for "%rovinoiall'by the Adrp-
1 htion Order of 1950.
I 2 This sentence was added by motion 2 of the Msdl-s Civil

/ C-8 Aob, 1885 (Central Aot XX11885).

8 Them sectiom were omitted by the Adaptation Onbr of

126-1 9 - 9 ~
132 ..
C.*vil Courts (1873 : Cen. Act 'I1

. . I PART 111.
- *-
~ooel 10. The [State Government] shdl fix, and may
limits of from time tc, time vary, the looal limits of the
jurisdiction of any a [Distnct Court or Subordiosto
c o u r t or Judge's Court] under this Act ;
Judgs . s* * * *
The present local limits of the jurisdiction of
every Civil Court (other than the High Court) shall
be deemed to have been fixed under this Aot.

Local 11. The High Court shall fix, and may from time
jurisdiction t o time modify, the local jurisdictim of District
of Distrio t Munsifa.
[* * * *I.
of 12. The juriediction of a District Judge or a
Distriat Judge Subordinate Judge extends, subject to the rulea
or Subordinah contained in the Code of Civil Procedure,* to all
:: _its. original suits snd proaeedings of a oivil nature.

Jurisdiotion The jurisdict.ion of a Distriot Munsif extends to

of District a11 like suits and prooeedings, not otherwise exemp-
Munsif. ted from his cognizance, of whioh the amount or
value of the subjeot-matter does not exceed '[five
thousand rupees].

1 The words "Provincial h v e r n m e n t " were substituted for

t h e words "Local Government" by tha Adaptation Order of 1937
and the word "State" was substituted for "Provinoiccl" by the
Adaptation Order of 1060.
2 These words were substituted for the words "District Judge
or Subordinate Judge" by seotion 4 (a)of t h e Medrag Civil Courts
(Amendment) Aot, 1925 (Msdras Act 111 of 1925).
3 The proviso t o seation 10 was omitted by section 4 (b),
The second paragraph of s'eotion 11, which waa added b
seotion 3 of the Madras Civil Courts p o t , 1888 (Central Act X&
of 1585),wm omitted by section 6 dad.
5 Thew worda were substituted for the words ''three thou-d
rupees" by section 2 (i) of the Tamil Nadu Civil and Village Cov*
(Amendment) Act, I951 (Tamil Nadu Act X V I of 1961), Lsn
oeme into force on the 19th May 19ui
* See now Central Aot V of 1908.
878 : Cen. Act JII] Civil Courts 135

13, Regular or special appeals, I [ ...

1 shall, Appeals
Ey;ig;;; c 8
Ii when such appeals are all owed by law, lie from the
decrees a d orders of a District Court to the High
Appeals from the decrees and orders of Subordi- Appellate
nate Judges and District Munsifs shall, when mch jurisdiction
appealr are allowed by law, lin to tho Distri~.tCourt, Conrt.
except when the amount or value of tho snbject-
matter of the suit exceeds 2[rupees &enthousand]
in which case the appeal shall lie to the High
Court :

Provided that, whenever a Subordinate Judge's A ~ ~

Court is established in any district at a place remote judadiction
from the station of the Distriot Court, the High $' :?dinate
Court may, with the previous sanction of the S[State
Government], direct that appeals from th0 decrees or
orders of District Munsifs within the local limits of
the jurisdiction of auch Subordinate Judge be pre-
ferred in the Court of the latter :

Provided also, that the District Judge may re- Disposal of

move to his own Court, from time to time, appeals El'???
so preferred, and dispose of them himself, or may, Judge.
subject to the orders of the High Court, refer any
appeals from the decrees and orders of Distriot
Munsifs, preferred in the District Court, to any Subor-
dinate Judge within the distriot:

1 The word8 and figures "or appeals under Madras Regulation

XI of 1888, section 9," were repealed by the R e p d i n g and
Amending Aot, 1891 (Central Act XI1 of 1891).
a These worda were substit,uted for the words "rupees five
thomend" by section 2 of the Tairlil Nadu Civil Courts (Amend.
ment) Act, 1956 (Tamil Nadu Act -11 of 1966), which WM
brought into force on the 1st April 1957.
3 The words "Provincial Government" were substituted for
t h e worde "Local Government" by the AdepL vto~ou
Order of 1937,
a n d the word "State" was substituted for "Provincial" by t h e
Adaptation Order of 1960.
184 Civll Courts [I873 : Cen. Act

'[Provided further that 'when the Distriot Court or

the Subordinate Judge's Court to which appeal8 lie ie
adjourned under 2[sub-section (1) of section 301, the
High Court shall have power to receive such appeals.]

Power to 15. Every Court under this Act may require a

-quire witness or party to any suit or other proceeding pen-
witness or ding i n suoh Court to make euch oath or affirmation
party to
make oath or as is prescribed by the law for the time being in
affirmation. foroe.
Law admi- 416. Where, in any suit or proceeding, it is
nistered by neoweary for any Court under this Act to decide m y
Courts t o question regarding succession, inheritance, mrriage,
or caste, or any religious usage or institution,
(a)the Muhammadan bw in omea where the
parties are Muhammadans and the Hindu law in
cases where the partiee are Hindus, or,
(b) my custom (if suoh there be) having the
force of law and governing the parties or property
shall form the rule of decision, unless such law
or custom has, by legielative enactment, been altered
or abolished,
(c) in oases where no specific rule exists, the
Court shall aot according to justice, equity, and good
1 mi ~rovisowas added by section 2 of tho M a w Civil
Courte (Amendment) Act, 1946 (Madraa Act XXLI of 1945). This
wra permanently re-enacted by section 2 of, and the First Schedule
to, the Tamil Nadu Re-enacting and Repealing (No. 1) Aot, 1948
(Tamil Nadu Act VII of 1948).
8 These words, brackets and figurea werr subtitut.:d for
the word and figurea "seotion 30" by section 2 of the T-il -
Nadu Civil Courts (Amendment.) Aot, 1959 (Tamil Nadu Act 17 of
8 This section wcla repealed by oection 84 of the Tamil Nadu
Court-Fees and Suit8 Valuation Act, 1966 (Tamil Natlu Act X N
of 1955), which c a ~ ainto fome on the 19th Mny 1956.
4 The provirions of )hie seation in 60 f ~ i aa
r they arz inconeistent
with the provision8 of the Mu8lim P ~ r s o w lLaw ($%miat)Appli.
cation Act, 1937 (Central Aot XXVx of 1937), have been repcaled
-Sea Motion 6 of that Act,

1878 : Gen. Aet Ill] ChiZ ~0~9%?8 136

17. l[No District Judge, Vacation Civil Judge, Judges not t o
Subordinate Judge or District Munsif] shall try any try suits
in which
suit t o or in which he is a party or personally interes- they are
ted, or shall adjudicate upon any proceeding c onnec- intlemated;
not to try
ted with, or arising out of, such suit. appeals from
2@o District Judge, Vacation Civil Judge or paseed by
Subordinate JudgeJ shall try any appeal against a in
deoree or order passed by himself in another caprr- p~pnci+j,,s.
When any auch suit, proceeding or appeal comes Mode of
before any such officer, he shell report the oircums- cli+p.~.b?s
tances to the Court to which he is immediately such and apF.alr.
The superior Court shall thereupon dispose ~f the
case in the mannor prescribed by tho Code of Civil
Procedure, saction
Nothing in the last preceding clause of this
section shall be deernod to affect the extraordinary
original civil jurisdiction of the High Court.

'23. [* * * * *I-
1 These word8 were eubstitated for tho words "No District
Tudge, Subordinate Judge or District Munsit" by section 3 of the
Tamil Nsdn Civil Courts (Amendment) Act, 1989 (Tamil Nadu
Bot 17 of 1959).
These worde wort substituted for the words c'No Distrio*
Jndge or Subordinate Judge" by ibid.
8 Ser now the Cod0 of Civil. Prooeclure, 1908 (Central Act V
of \908), amtion 24.
4 The whole of Part IT: which contained mctim i8 b 21 was
by the Adaptation Order of 1937.
These eections wore o d t t e d by ibid.
136 Citd Courts - [I873 :Cen. Aot 111

Dutius of l/24.The Ministerial Officers of a Court shall !.

perform such duties as may from time to tinlo be
imposed upon them by the presiding officer of the
224-A. [* * * * $1 I


Appointment S[24-A. (1) Notwithsta~ding anything c ontsined

of Subordinabe in Ohis Act, a Subordinat;e Judge may, where the
Judge for two '[State] Government so direot, be appointed for the
or more
distriota. area comprised within the local limits of tho jurisdio-
tion of two or more District Courts.
(2) A Subordinate Judge BO appointed shall
hold hie Court a t such place within the jurisdiction
of each of the saicl District Courts and for such
period aa the High Court may from time to time
(3) The local limits of the jurisdiotion of the
Subordinate Judge's Court, when it is held at any .
such place, shall be the same as those of the District
Court concerned, but the Subordinate Judge's Court
shell not entertain any original suit or proceeding
and shall try or dispose of only such suits, appeals
and other proceedings as may be transferred to it
by the District Court under thie Aot or any other
(4) Appeals from the decrees and orders of the
Subordinate Judge in suits or prooeedings so tram-
ferred shall, where they lie to a District Court, lie to
the District Court which transferred the suits or
1 This saction wns substituted for the original section -bg
the Ada~tstionOrder of 1837.
2 T ~ aection
L w a omitted
~ by $bid.
8 This section was inabrted by section 2 of the Madras Civil
Courts (bendmen t) Act, 1048 ( W r r s Act X of 1948).
4 Thiswerd war substituted for the word "Pr~vin~isl"by the
Adaptation Order of 1960.
1873 : Con. Act III) Civil Courts 137

25. I n the event of the death of the Distriot T e w q c e r y

Judge, dimhar~l of
l u t i w of
or of his being incapacitated by illneas or otherwise y$tE
for the performance of his duties,
or of his absence from the station in which hia
Court is held,

l[the senior Additional Distriot Judge or the

Additional District Judge as the case may be or if
there is no Additional Distriot Judge], the senior
Subordina;te Judge of the District ghall, without
interruption to his ordinary duties, assume charge of
the Distriot Judge's office, and shall discharge suoh
of the current duties thereof as are conneoted- with
the fling of suite, and appeals, the execution of
processes and the like,
end shall oontinue in charge of the office until the
same is resumed or assumed by an officer duly
appointed thereto.

27. Subjeot to the other proviaions of this Aot and District

to the rules for the time being in force and presoribed ~ ~ f ~ , ~ i r
by the High Court in this behalf, the general control Courts of
over all the Civil Courts under this Act in any district District-
is vested in the District Judge.

8 28. The 4[High Court] may, by notification e F g:t",$t

the offioial Gazette, invest within such local limits aa 8ubordinafo
it shall from time to time appoint, J u d p with
b a l l Caure

1 These words were inserted by section 6 of the Medrw Civil

Courtr (Amendment) Act, 19a1 (Madrrr Act I1 ef 1931).
This section war omitted by the Atlaptation Order of
a See roction 2 (2) of the Temil Nadu Civil and Villrgo Ceurtr
(Amendment) Act, 1061 (Tamil Nadu Act XVI of 1951), which
crme into force on the 19th &lay 1965.
4 These words were substituted for the worcia ''Locrl Govern-
gent'' by the Decentralization Act, 1914 (Cenbal Act IV of
141, Soh., Pt. I.
13s Civil Coztrts ti873 : Cen. Act 111
any l[District or] Subordinate Judge with the
jurisdiction of a Judge of a Court of Small Causes for
the trial of suits cognizeblo by such Courts upto the
amount of a[two thousand rupees],
ancl any District M~insifwit11 tho sarlle jurisdiotion
of District
Munsif with
upto the amount of 3[. .. . .
, . . , . .] '[five hundred

similar rupees],
and may, by like notification, whenever i t thinks fit,
withdraw such jurisdiction from the l[Distriot or] '

Subordinate Judge or Mundf so invested.

Exercise by 6[29. (1) The High Court may, by general or

Subordinatp special order, authorize any Subordinate Judge to
Judge of take cognizance of, or any Distriot Judge to transfer
of Dietriot to any Subordinate Judge under his control, any
Judge i n proceedings under the Indian Succession Act, 1926, Central
eertain which cannot be disposed of by Distriot Delegates. A O ~
proceedings. 2cxzI.x
(2) The District Judge may withdraw ally suoh of 1926,
proceedings taken cognizance of by, or transferred to,
a, Subordinate Judge, and may either himself dispose
of them or transfer them to a Court under his control
oompefent t o dispose of them.
(3) Notwithstanding anything contained in aec-
tion 13, proceedings taken cognizance of by,or t r w f e r -
red to a Subordinate Judge under the provisions of this
section shall be disposed of by him subject to the
law applicable to like proceedings when disposed of
by the District Judge.]
1 These words wore inserted by aeotion 5 ot' the Ma&&s Civil
Courts Aot, 1880 (Central Act XXZ of 1885).
4 Thew worda were substituted for the morde "rupees ono
thousand" by section 2 (2) of the Tamil Nodu Civil and Villege
Courts (Amendment) Act, 1951 (Tamil Nadu Act XI-1 of 1951),
whioh QMme into for- on t h e 19th May 1956.
8 The words "rupees fifty or on t h e rocommendutioa of the
High Court upto any amount not exooeding'* were repealed by
the Deaentraliestion Aot, 1914 (Central Act IV of 1914), Soh.,
- -. I-..
4 These worda were aubstitutecl for the words "rupees throe
hundred" by aeotion 2 (2) ef fhe Tamil Nadu Civil and Village
Uourtu (Amendment) Act, 1931 (Tamil Nadu Aot XVI of 1961).
whi& came into force on the 19th May 1965.
6 Thin s e c l ~ o n
was inserted by sootion 2. of the M d m s Cirfi
Oourts (Amendment) Act, 1926 (Contra1 Act xIV of 1926).
1878 : Can. Aot III] Civit Coatria . 3 9

80. l[(l)] The High Court may permit the Givil v&cion.
Courts under ita control to adjourn from time to time "" " "

for periods not exceeding in tho rtggregate two

months in e zch gear.
a[(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in
Q:tp:f this Act or i n the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908,
Isos. the State Government msy, in consultrttion with the
High Court, for the duration of the adjournment of
any District Court in summer, appoint for such Din-
trict Court a Subordinate Jndge to be deesignzted
the Vacation Civil Judge,
(3) (a) The local limits of the jurisdiction"of
the Vamtion Civil Judge shall be tho mame 88 thore
of the District Court concerned.
(b) The jurisdiction of the Vacation Civil
Judge ah11 extenti to dl suits, appeals and other
proceedings pending in, or cognimble by, any Civil
Court (whether a District Court, a Pubordinate
Judge's @urt or a Distriot Munrif's Court) in the
district concerned when such Court is adjourned for
summer vacation.
(4)The plwe, a t whioh the Courl of the vacation
' Civil Judge shall be held, shall be the same a r the
place a t which the District Court concernsd may be
held. The Vacation Civil Judge shdl have nuch
administrative control over the staff of the several
Civil Courts in the district, as the High Court may,
by general or special order, determine.
( 5 ) Notwithstanding the appointment of the Vacnt'on
Civil Judge, every Civil Court in thc district shall,
during the period i t is adjourned for summer vacation,
Central be deemed to be closed for the purposes of section 4
AOt* of the *h&n Limitation Act, 1908.
1 The ori 'nal rection 10 wss renumbered sr sub motion (1) ef
that aeotionty .eation 4 of the Tamil Xadu Civil C o w (hml,d.
ment) Aot, 1969 (Tamil Nedu Aot 17 of 1969).
a Sub-seotioum (2) to (7)were added by aid.
8 sm now the Limitation Act, 1963 (Central Aot 36 or
140 Civil Courts [I873 : Cen. Aot IIl

(6) On the reopening of the District Court. a

Subordinate Judge's Court or a District Munsif's
Court after the summer vacation, dl suits, appeals
and other proceedings pending in tho Court of tha Vaca-
tion Civil Judge which, but for this seotion, would have
- been instituted or pending in such District Court,
Subordinate Judge's Court or District Munsif's Court,
as the case may be, shall stand troderred to such
District Court, Subordinate Judge's Court or District
Munsif's Court and any decree, order or proceeding
passed by the Vacation Civil Judge shdl, after such
transfer, be deemed to be a decree, orler or prooeed-
ing passed by the Court concerned.
(7) Notwithstanding the provisions of sub-section
(6), any appsal from the decree or order of the Court
of the Vacation Civil Judge sball, when such appeal
is allowed by law, lie to the High Court.]

[Repeded by the Repealing Act, 1873 (Central Act

XII of lS73).]
94 CivN Courts and the Madras [ 1980 : T.N. Act 34
City Civil C w t (Amerahefit)
34 of 1980,*
ACT, 1980.
[&cei ved the assent of the President on the 16th October
1980, first published ih the Tamil Nadu Government
Gazette Extraordimry OH the 23rd October 1980
(Aippasi 7, Rowthiri-2011- Thiruvahvar A a d ) . ]
An AC t further ,to amend the Tamil Nadu Civtl Colirtr
Ae t, 1873 and the Madras City Civil Court Act,
1892. I

BE it enacted by the Legislature 'of the Sthte of Tamil

Nadu in the Thirty-first year of the Republic of India as
fcllows :-
short title and 1. (1) This Act may be called the Tamil Nadu Civil
comwnsc Coults and the Madras City Civil Court (Amendment)
mmt. Act, 1980.
(2) It shall come into fcrce on such date as thc
State Government may, by notification, appoint.

Amendment of 2. In the Tamil Nadu Civil Courts Act, 1873 (Central

Central ~~t Act I11 of 1873)p~
111of 1873..
(1) in section 12, in the second paragraph, for the
words "five thousand rupeesW,thewords " fifteen th~usand
rupees" shall be substituted ;
(2) in. section 13, for the second paragraph, the
following paragraph shall be substituted, namely:-
"Appeals from the decrees and orders of Sub-
ordinate Judges and District Munsifs sball, when such
appeals ale allowed by law, lie to the 'Distiict Court if
(i) before tfic daf e of the commencement of the
Tamil Nadu Civil courts and the Madras City Civil Court
(Amendment) Act, 1980,except wher the amount or value
ofthe subject rn<ctta of the suit exceeds rupees ten thousand
in which case the appeal shall lie tc the High Court j and
*For Statement of Objects and Rcuons, see Tamil j~duGovern-
ment Gazette Extraordinary, dated the 6th August 1980, Part IV
-%$ion 1, pagas 251-252.
1986: 1 8 . Act 341 Civil Courts and the Madras 93
City Civil Corer t (Arneizdment )
'i (ii) on or after the date of the commencement
of the said Act except when the amount cr value of the
subject matter of the suit exceeds Iupees tllirty thousand
in wbich case the appeal shall lie to the High Colrlt ;".
3. In the Madtr s City Civil Court Act, 1892 (Centr-' Amendm,lt of
Act VII of 1892),- central Act
VII of 1892.
(I) in section 3-A, for the words "fifty thc usand
rupees", the words "one lakh of rupees" shall be substi-
tuted ;
(2) in section 15,-
(a) in sub-section (I), for the wotds "ten thousand
rupees", the words ''thirty thousand rupees" shall be
ru bstituted i
(h) nftcr sukscction (21, the following sub-
aect io 11 shall bc inserted, namely:-
"(2-A) An appeal shall lie to the Principal
Judge from a n y decree or order appealabl,: u,nc'er the
pxovisions of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 (Cential
Act V of 1908) passed in any suit 01 proceeding by a
judge other than the Principal Judge or En Additional
Judge on 01 after the date of the commencement of the
Tamil Nadu Civil Courts and the Madras City Civil
Court (Amendment) Act, 1980, where the amount or
value of the subject matter does not :xcetd thirty
thousand rupees."
4. (1) All suits pending in the High Court on the
date of the commencement of this Act and which would provision,
be within the cognizance of the Madras City Civil Court
under the provisions of the Madras City Civil Court
Act, 1892 (Central Aot VII of 1892) as amended by
this Act shall stand. transferred to the Madras City Civil
(2) All suits and proceedings of which the amount
or value of the subject matter exceeds Iupees five thousand
but does not exceed rupees flfteen thousand pending in
any Sub-Court,or District Court, as the case may be,
on the date of the commencement of this Act, shall stand
transferred to the Court ofthe District Munsif having
jurisdiction over the matter.
.- -
. -.



Tamil Nadu Acts and Ordinances.

Tbr fcllo, ~ i a gAct of the Tamil N-idtr Legislativ: Assembly receiv:d the asseilt
of the President cn the 27th SeptemSer 1395 and is her .by publishec, for ge~eral
info1 rnation :-
ACT No. 28 OF L995.

An Act .furtfter to ntttelztl the Tdnlil IVLE(/Z~

Civil COIII./S
&I, 1873 and ihe
Madras City Civil Cozrrt Act, 1892.
BA it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Tamil N.idu i n the Forty-sixth
Year of the Republic of India as follo\vs :--
I. (I) This Act may be called the Tamil Nadu Civil Courts and the Madras City Short title
Civil Court (Amendment) Act, 1995. and
(2) It shall come into force on such date as the State bovernmenf may, t y men*.
notification, appoint.
Amendment ot
Cent~al A , a
U1 of 1873.

(I) in section 12, in the second paragraph, for the words "fifteen thousand
rupees", the words "thirty thousand rupees" shall be substituted ;
(2) in section 13, for the second paragraph, the follo\ving paragraph shall
be substituted, namely :-

( 103 )
(ii) on or after the date of the
commenceme~lt of the said Amendment
Act except when the amount or value of the subject matter of the suit exceeds
rupees one lakh in which case the appeal shall lie to the High Court.".

(3) In soction 28, -

(i) FOI. the word; " t ~ o thousand rupees", the words "twenty thousand
rupees" shall be substituted ;
(ii) for the words "fivc Izuilcired rupces , ihe words "five iho.bsand
rure;sW shall be substituted.
meadment 3. In the Madras Cily Civil Court Act, 1892,-
Central Act
G' of 1892.
(I) in soction 3-A, for the words "one lakh of rupees", the words "ten lakhs
of rupees" sI1;111 bc sl~h\!i!~tciI;
(2) in soction 15, -
(i) in sub-scction (I), for tllc words "tliirly tliousand rupccs", thc words
"one la], h of rupees" shall be substituted ;
11i) for sub-section (2-A), the following sub-section shall be substituted,
namely :--
"(2-A) An appeaI shall lie to the Principal Judge from any decree or
order appealable under the provisicns of tkc Ccde of Civil Prccedure, 1908
( Central Act V of 1908), passed in any si~itor proceeding by a Judge other than
the Principal Judge or an Additional Judge,--
(a) before ;he date of the commencement of the Tamil Nadu Civil
Courts and the Madras C i ~ y Civil Court (Amendment) Act, 1995, where the
amount or value of the subject-matter does not exceed thirty thousand rupees ;
(b) on or aflcr thc datc of thc c o ~ ~ ~ m c n c c ~ of
n c nthc
t said Amcndmcnt
Act, where the amount or value of the subject-matter does not exceed one lakh
of rupees.".
.., --
ransitory , 4. (1) All suits pending in the High Court on the date of the commencement
revision, of this Act and w h i c ! ~w>uld bz wit11111he cognizance of the Madras City Civil
Court under the provisio~zs of thc Madras City Civil Court Act, 1892 (Central
.. Act VII of 1892) as alneildcd by this Act shall stand transferred to the Madras
\ . City Civil Court.
(2) AII suits and pioccedings of which the anloullt or value of the subject-
matter exceeds rupees fifteen thousand but does not exceed rupees thirty thousand
and pending in a-iy Sub-court or District Court, as the case may be, on the date
of the commonconlent of this Act, shall stand transferred to the Court of the
Distrkt Munsif having jurisdiction over the matter.

Serretary to Governnzen:,
row Department.



," . n '5 ,& l-w;,

.&I 322] MAGRAS, WEDNESDAY, JULY 3, 1996

The following Act of the Tamil Nabn Legislative Assembly received the
assent of the President on the 28th June 1996 and is hereby published for
r ran:-
general informet'
ACT NO. 18 OF 1996.
An Act further to amend the Tamil Nadu Civil C a r t s Act, 1873.
BEit enactad bythc L,cgisl~tivcAsscmby ofthe StataofTamil Nadu in the Forty-sixth
Year of the Republic of India as follows :-
I 1. (1) This Act may b~ cslled the Tamil Nad 1 Civil CO-L-~S
(Amendment) Act, 1995. Short title
and corn-
(2) l t shsll be d % m d to hqve (;> ne into forw on the 1 st day of Decembzr 1995.
menccmcnt .
-1 Act 2. In t h ~ T a n i N9.1.1
l Civil C9lrts Ad, 1873 (h5rcinafter refcrrd t o as the Amend meat
a of. princip4 Act), in seotion 13, in the secmd paragraph, for d?ose (ii), the following of section
1373. olause shdl b~ substituted, namely :- 13.
"(ii) on or aRcr the 1st day of Deosmber 1995 except when the amount or mlue
of the subiect mtitter (ofthe suit axoeeds rupees three takhs in which case the appeal
shall lie to the High (2ourt.".
3. All suits pending in High Court on the date of the publication of this Act and Trarz~i$torgr
wnich would be within the cognizance of the civil courts under the provisions of the provisionr.
principal Act, asamended by thisAct, shall stand transferred to the civil courts
having jllrisdiction.
(By order of the Governor)
Additional Secretary t o Govern menr ,
b w Department.
m a ,


:,E%!::.IE~~T OF TAMIL NAIIU [Regd. No. TNlPMG (CCR)-2 i712003-05. ,
2004 ... "
[ Price : Re. 0.80 Paise. - I lr CK* i-.n

- -- .-.----



Margazhi 24, Subhanu, Thiruvalluvar Aandu-2034
-- -.--- -

Part IV-Section
Tamil Nadu Acts and Ordinances.

The following Act of the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly received the assent
of the President on the 29th December 2003 and IS hereby published for general
ACT No. 1 OF 2004.

An Act further to amend the Tamil Nadu Civrl Coi~rtsAct. 1873 and the Chennai City
C i v ~ Court
l Act; 1892.
BE ~t enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Tamil Nadu in the
Fifty-fourth Year of the Republic of India as follows.-
1. (1)This Act may be called the Tamil Nadu Civil Courts and the Chennai City Short title and
Civil Court (Amendment) Act, 2003. commence-
(2) It shall come into force at once.
Centrat Act Ill 2. In the Tamil Nadu Civil Courts Act, 1873,- Amendment of
Central Act
(1) in section 12,-- Ill of 1873

(a) for the first paragraph, the following parayraph shall be substituted,

"The jurrsdictron of e District Judge extends, subject to the rules - .

contarned In the Code of Clvrl Procedure, to all orrg~nnlsuits and proceedrngs of a
crvd nature, of whrch the amount or value of the s u b j e ~ tmatter exceeds five lakh
rupees The jurrsdrctrorl of a Subordrnate Judqe extends, subject to the rules
contarned In the Code of CIVII Procedure, to all lrke orlcj~nalsurts and proceedlnys
of whlch the alr~ountor value of tho subject matter uxcecds one Idktl rupees but does
not exceed f ~ v elakh rupees ,

( b ) in the secorid iidr,lgraph, for the cxpres~rori"!hrrty tllvusand rupees'

tho expresscon 'one lakh rtrpt?tbs' sh;tll be sul~s!rlu!t-.d
- -- -- - -- --.- -.- - - - . - - --- -- -- -- -- -- -- --- - -

(2) after sectlor1 13, t110 following section shall be insortrd namely:--
"13-A Appeals frorrr decrees of S u b o ~ d i ~ ~ aCourts
fe --Appeals from the
decrees and orders of Subord~natoJudges, ~f passed on or after the date of tbe
cornmencement of ttie Tarn11 Nadu CIVII Courts and the Chennat C ~ t yClvll Court
(Amendment) Act. 2003, shall, when such appeals are allowed by law, Ile to the
I Dlstr~ctCourt.

Appeals frorn tiecrtlc s ol Drstrrct b![~rtsrf---Appeals fror~)the decrees and

orders of D ~ s t r ~ rMuris~fs'
-t ~f p,rsscd on or after the date of the comn~encementof
the Tamil Nadu CIVII Courts <111d the Chenna~C ~ t yCIVII Court (Amendment) Act. 2003,

- shall, when s t ~ c happeals art? alloweti by law. Ile to tho Suhorrllnate C o u r t "

A~nendrr~ent 3 In the Chennal C ~ t yClvll Court Act. 1892,--- central A C VII.

~ NC

of Central of 1892
Act VII of ( 1 ) l n s e c t ~ o n 4 , for sub-section (2), thr: following sub-sect~onshall be -
1892 subst~tuted, namely -

"(2) The jurisdiction of an Asslstant Judge extends to all suits and

proceedings of :I civil nature not otherwise exempted from his cognizance, of which
tho amount nr value of the sc~hject matter docs not exceed frve lakh rupees. The
jurisdiction of t?~.P r ~ r ~ c i p Jucige
al and Additional Judge extends to all like suits and
proceedings. of wt11c11the amount or value of the'subject matter exceeds five lakh
rupees but does not exceed ten lakh rupees.";

(2) in section 15.--

(a) in sub-section ( I ) , the expression "where the amount or value of the

subject matter exceeds three lakh of rupees or" shall be omitted;

(b) after sub-sectlon (2-0).

the follow~ng sub-sectlon shall be ~nserted,
namely -
"(2-C) An appeal shall Ire to the Prrnc~palJudge from any decree or
order, appealable under the provlslons of the Code of CIVII Procedure, 1908
(Central Act V of 1908), ~f passed In any s u ~ tor proceed~ngby an Asslstant Judge
on or after the date of the commencement of the Tam11 Nadu CIVII Courts and
Chennal Clty CIVII Court (Amendment) Act, 2003 ".

Trans~tory 4. ( 1 ) A l l sults pend~ng~n a Subordinate Court or D ~ s t r ~ Court

ct on the date of
plovlsion the commencernont of t h ~ sAct and whlch would be w ~ t h ~the n cognlzance of the
D ~ s t r ~ cMtu n s ~ f s Court. Subord~nateCourt or D~strlctCou,'t, under tha provlslons of
the Tam11 Nadu Clvll Courts Act, 1873 (Central Act Ill of 1873). as amended by thls CE
Act, shall stand transferred to the C ~ u r having
t jurisd~ct~on over the subject matter

(2) All s u ~ t spending before an Ass~stant Judge, an A d d ~ t ~ o n aJudge

l or a
Principal Judge or In the H ~ g hCourt on the date of the commencement of this Act,
n cognlzance of the Chennal C ~y CIVII Court under the
and w h ~ c hwould be w ~ t h ~the
provlslons of the Chennal C ~ t yClvll Court Act. 1892 (Central Act VII of 1892). as
amended by thls Act, shall stand transferred to the Assrstant Judge, Add~tronalJudge
or the Princ~palJudge, h.3v1ny lurisdictlon over the subject matter
(By order of the Governor)

Secretary to Government,
Law Departmerit.

-- .___ ~-

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