Crimcases184 189
Crimcases184 189
Crimcases184 189
Facts: Balondo was charged with murder. The trial court provided that the crime was committed with the
aggravating circumstance of relationship, the victim being the niece of the accused. (she was a niece of
the accused from a second degree cousin)
Held: No, Under Article 15 of the Revised Penal Code, the alternative circumstance of relationship shall
be taken into consideration only when the offended party is the spouse, ascendant, descendant,
legitimate, natural or adopted brother or sister, or relative by affinity in the same degree of the offended
Facts: Marcos was charged with the crime of murder. Accused-appellant Cesar Marcos (Cesar) and the
victim Virgilio Marcos (Virgilio) are brothers and they live in the same house at Bayambang, Infanta
Pangasinan. The Solicitor General insists that since accused is a brother of the victim, the alternative
circumstance of relationship must be considered in determining the imposable penalty.
Held: Yes, In order that the alternative circumstance of relationship may be taken into consideration in
the imposition of the proper penalty, the offended party must either be the (a) spouse, (b) ascendant, (c)
descendant, (d) legitimate, natural or adopted brother or sister, or (e) relative by affinity in the same
degree, of the offender.6 In the case at bar, prosecution eyewitness Fernando Marcos, Jr. testified that
Cesar and Virgilio Marcos are brothers.7 Accused likewise declared that Virgilio is his brother.8 That the
victim is the elder brother of Cesar is likewise alleged in the Information. The rule is that relationship is
aggravating in crimes against persons as when the offender and the offended party are relatives of the
same level such as killing a brother.9 Thus, relationship was correctly appreciated as an aggravating
Facts: Conrado Lucas was charged by his natural daughter of attempted rape.
Held: Yes, The alternative circumstance of relationship provided for in Article 15 of the Revised Penal Code
should be appreciated against the accused considering that the offended party, Chanda, is his descendant.
In crimes against chastity, such as rape, relationship is aggravating.
188. People vs Diamonon
Facts: Jerberto Diamonon, Ely Calicdan, Jr. and the latter's brother arrived at the Tito Amor's Furniture
Shop, located at No. 15-A Matatag St., Pinahan Quezon City. Jerberto Diamonon and Ely Calicdan, Jr.
already drunk. Mars saw Diamonon pull out a "patalim," so that he told Macasinag: "Faster, they might
overcome us. They might overtake us. But, Macasinag did not believe him. Diamonon overtook Macasinag
at the foot of the stairs of the latter's house and immediately stabbed him with a 'patalim," "at the left
side lower or below the armpit."
Issue: Whether or not the accused be entitled to mitigation circumstance due to intoxication
Held: Yes, Since the intoxication of the accused was not habitual nor intentional intoxication should be
appreciated as a mitigating circumstance. He is entitled to the mitigating circumstance of intoxication.
Reynaldo Mars declared that Jerberto Diamonon and Ely Calicdan, Jr. were already drunk when they
entered the furniture shop and continued drinking the two bottles of gin they had brought along with
them. He further declared that during the time he had known Diamonon, he had not seen him drunk in
any other occasion.
Since the intoxication of the accused was not habitual nor intentional intoxication should be appreciated
as a mitigating circumstance.
Facts: Félix Semañada, joined the Hukbalahap organization, apparently, he was unhappy and
discontented and oftenly scolded by his parents, so he easily yielded to the propaganda of the Hukbalahap
organization, for he did not have the opportunity to obtain any academic schooling except up to Grade II.
Félix Semañada, then 19 years of age, and in company of 2 Huks, all armed, arrived at the house of the
spouses Serapio Villate and Nieves Magtibay, where they had a store. The couple were taking their supper
when Félix Semañada ordered Serapio Villate to go down and, apparently because the latter resisted the
order, he was brought down to a distance of about an arm’s length from his house. Once there he was
seized and hogtied by Commanders Wennie and Heling with a string used for fishing. As his companions
held the victim Semañada stabbed Villate several times with a sharp pointed bolo measuring about a
palm’s length (dangkal).
After the killing of Serapio Villate, Félix Semañada and his companions went up the victim’s house. There
Semañada pushed Nieves Magtibay to a corner, threatened to kill her and demanded from her the
shotgun of the deceased. The three also ransacked the couple’s wardrobe, after which they left with the
shotgun valued at P250.00 and other merchandise and money of a total value of P900.
Held: No, he is not entitled to mitigating circumstance of lack of instruction. As to the circumstance of lack
of instruction, the Solicitor General states that the test for the mitigating circumstance is not illiteracy
alone, but rather lack of sufficient intelligence (People v. Ripas, Et. Al. * G. R. No. L-6246, promulgated
May 28, 1954), and the record discloses that far from his claim that he suffers from lack of instruction, he
possesses an intelligence worthy of a lawyer considering his ability, for one unschooled, to distinguish
between implications and innuendos. At any rate, lack of instruction is not mitigating in cases of robbery