Acrylic Painting Material List
Acrylic Painting Material List
Acrylic Painting Material List
Foundations of Acrylics
Stay wet palette’s come in a small and large size, I always prefer the larger size so
you have more space to work in.
Pre-primed cotton canvas or canvas board - For all the demonstrations I use a
pre-primed cotton canvas.
Mediums - In Chapter 2 I demonstrate with various mediums and have listed them
below, however, throughout the demonstrations on this course I use water to dilute
my paints.
• Acrylic Glazing Liquid (Gloss) - perfect for thin glazes of paint and holds an even
paint film
• Clear Tar Gel - for more decorative dripping effects and has a tar-like flow to it.
• Regular Gel (Gloss) - most similar to the binder used in Heavy Body Paints, can
be mixed with your paints to make them go further.
• Soft Gel (Gloss) - similar to the Regular Gel but softer in consistency.
• Extra Heavy Gel (Matte) - holds firm peaks, great for raised textural work.
• Course Pumice Gel - contains a sand-like pumice stone quality adds a gritty
texture to your paints.
N.B. The only mediums I demonstrate with are Extra Heavy Gel (Matte) in Chapter
6 and Soft Gel (Gloss) on the Final Project Chapter 7 when I use it as an isolation
coat for protection.
This is the list for all 4 acrylic demonstrations.
You don't have to use the brands I use but just be aware that all paint
manufacturers differ slightly in intensity and hue, as I demonstrate in the course.