Hydraulic Cutting Machine
Hydraulic Cutting Machine
Hydraulic Cutting Machine
In all enterprises sheet cutting procedure is the most significant piece of tasks.
Ordinarily for little scale enterprises and medium scale ventures sheet metal cutting
machines are hand worked. In our task is “ANALYSIS OF HYDRAULIC SHEET
In all enterprises the sheet metal cutting procedure is fundamental. In little
scale ventures the sheet cutting machine are physically worked. The sheet metal
cutting procedure is dedicated and tedious and furthermore work charges are high,
henceforth the procedure is expensive. In our undertaking we are making using
pressurized water powerised machine which is utilized for cutting, twisting ,
squeezing activities. As an advancement part it will be of a little limit and
straightforward however work appropriately. The metal of most extreme 0 to 3 mm
width can slice effectively and 20 to 30mm length of sheet . So every time the bar
needs to nourish up to plug physically is the exertion and additional work to
administrator. The machine is fit for filling in as a water driven press, sheet metal
brake, shear for slim sheet metal, and tubing drinking spree is perfect for use in a
home Workshop, where space might be constrained. The essential working guideline
of water driven press is relies upon the Pascal's law i.e." it utilizes the weight applied
on liquid used to pound something".
Water driven frameworks are utilized to move vitality by changing over
mechanical vitality to liquid vitality, and after that back to mechanical vitality. The
rule explanation behind changing over to liquid vitality is the accommodation of
moving vitality to another area. Water driven drives have numerous focal points over
different advancements. The proportion of weight, volume and latency to accessible
power is essentially lower than in electromechanical drives, particularly for straight
movement. Pressure driven frameworks are particularly appropriate for those tasks
portrayed by sudden stacking, visit stops and begins, turning around and speed
varieties that reason sharp crest, cyclic and fluctuating force requests. Numerous
gadget of mechanical depend on pressure driven power. Pressure driven gadget
utilizes standards of liquid static and liquid kinematics are utilized for either putting
away the water powered vitality or then transmitting when required or keeping up the
water driven vitality a few times and transmitting the equivalent. In every such
machine, control is transmitted with the assistance of a liquid, which might be water
or oil. Our system is utilized in modern fitting and looking after division, in vehicle
carport or in mechanical workshop.
In our venture water power assumes a significant job in the advancement of pressure
driven innovation for robotization. Power through pressure implies the fluids which
acts in tanks and pipes manages their properties investigates approaches to exploit
these properties. Water driven frameworks work on an inventory of compacted oil
which is accessible in adequate amount and at a strain to suit the limit of the
framework. At the point when the water powered framework is being embraced just
because, anyway it wills surely the important to manage the subject of compacted oil
supply. The key piece of any office for stock of packed oil is by methods utilizing
responding blower. A blower is a machine that takes in oil, gas at a specific weight
and conveyed the oil at a high weight. Blower limit is the real amount of oil packed
and conveyed and the volume communicated is that of the oil at admission conditions
specifically at environment weight and typical encompassing temperature. The
compressibility of the oil was first examined by Robert Boyle in 1962 and that found
that the result of weight and volume of a specific amount of gas.
Determination OF HYDRAULICS : Motorization is extensively characterized as the
substitution of manual exertion by mechanical power. Pressure driven is an alluring
vehicle for minimal effort automation especially for successive (or) dreary tasks.
Numerous production lines and plants as of now have packed oil framework, which is
equipped for giving the power (or) vitality prerequisites and the control framework
(albeit similarly pressure driven control frameworks might be monetary and can be
favorably applied to different types of intensity). The primary preferred position of an
all water powered framework are normally monetary and straightforwardness the last
diminishing upkeep to a low level. It can likewise have exceptional points of interest
as far as security.
Water driven frameworks work on an inventory of compacted oil, which must be
made accessible. In adequate amount and at a strain to suit the limit of the framework.
At the point when pressure driven framework is being received just because, anyway
it wills to be sure the important to manage the topic of packed oil supply. The key
piece of any office for stockpile of compacted oil is by methods utilizing responding
blower. A blower is a machine that takes in oil, gas at a specific weight and conveyed
the oil at a high weight. Blower limit is the genuine amount of oil compacted and
conveyed and the volume communicated is that of the oil at admission conditions to
be specific at environment weight and typical surrounding temperature. Clean state of
the suction oil is one of the variables, which chooses the life of a blower. Warm and
wet suction oil will bring about expanded precipitation of consolidate from the
compacted oil. Blower might be arranged in two general sorts.
1. Positive uprooting blower.
2. Turbo blower
Positive removal blowers are most every now and again utilized for packed oil plant
and have demonstrated exceptionally fruitful and supply oil for pressure driven
control application.
The kinds of positive blower
1.Reciprocating type blower
2. Rotary sort blower
Turbo blowers are utilized where enormous limit of oil required at low release
weights. They can't accomplish weight fundamental for water driven control
application except if worked in multistage structures and are only from time to time
experienced in pressure driven administration.
The investigation of the working procedures of water driven press with
arrangement and apparatuses and break down dependent on the accessible writing
have been examined in this segment.
creation works and engineering work . To twist these funnels and sheets in different is
hard by physically. Utilizing a specific machine to build up the sheets and pipes will
be helpful. Planning of machine is done in programming CATIA and examination of
work piece are done to discover strain, stress, misshapening with the assistance of
ANSYS programming.
3.3 Bhushan v. Golechha, Prashant S. Kulkarni (2017) clarifies the power press
machine working. It is a modest less assembling procedure. The of this procedure to
diminish the expense and weight of pneumatic press without lessening the nature of
yield. For the investigation of task ANSYS programming utilized. Power press is
helpful for huge amounts of articles rapidly, precisely and financially. there are three
kinds of intensity press : mechanical, water powered and pneumatic . A few highlights
of this press are normal.
3.4 Mustafa Telwala, Anand Parikh, Vaja Hitesh, Hardikbhai Dabhi,
Rajdipsingh G.Vaghela, Hardik N. Chauhan (2015) clarifies that power press
working machine is a modest less assembling procedure. Press has a bed, outline
which applies power upon work material through unique device. For the examination
of power and burden strong works programming has been utilized. The principle point
of the edge is to withstand the power created by smash. C-type casing is for the most
part utilized edge.
3.5 Malachy Sumaila and Akii Okonigbon Akaehomen Ibhadode (2011) clarifies
that 30 ton pressure driven press was developed, structured and tried utilizing
accessible sourced materials. The fundamental preferred position of water powered
presses over that they give progressively positive reaction to changes in info weight.
The sheet metal cutting process is a main part of the all industries. Normally
the sheet metal cutting machine is manually hand operated one for medium and small
scale industries. Automation in the modern world is inevitable. Any automatic
machine aimed at the economical use of man, machine, and material worth the most
This is an era of automation where it is broadly defined as replacement of manual
effort by mechanical power in all degrees of automation. The operation remains an
essential part of the system although with changing demands on physical input as the
degree of mechanization is increased.
In our project we are going to improve the sheet metal cutting process by
automatically. Using the automation it increases the working efficiency at low cost
and in less time. With the help of hydraulic jack sheet metal cutting process takes the
less time and work efficiently .
Automation plays an important role in mass production.
1. Reduction of lab our and material cost
2. Reduction of overall cost
3. Increased production
4. Increased storage capacity
5. Increased safety
6. Reduction in fatigue
7. Improved personnel comfort
Now a days there are lots of cutting machines available in market for cutting,
bending, pressing operations but due to high cost and high maintenance, for small
scale industries this machines are not ideal. Also we have found that during the
research there are difficulties while maintaining this machines . But problem lies in
the actual process of forming these shapes from sheets of metals. various large and
heavy machinery are required and are also available in manufacturing sector for this
purpose. But for a small scale industry these heavy machinery are not ideal due to
high cost and floor space as well as expertise needed to operate these machines. also
considering the growing need of automation in the industries these robust and large
machines can not fit in the to serve the purpose of automation.
To overcome this problem research has been conducted to find a solution on how to
design hydraulic cutting machine serving all the above problems and satisfy the need
of low cost small size, medium skill requirement and which is fit for future needs and
that is what we have tried to achieve in this project.
5. AIM
In this work our aim is to study the working processes of hydraulic press with
setup and fixtures and analyses this by using FEA. During this process we are going
to analyze and study the load acting on the sheet.
The sheet metal cutting process is a main part of the all industries. Normally
the sheet metal cutting machine is manually hand operated one for medium and small
scale industries. Automation in the modern world is inevitable. Any automatic
machine aimed at the economical use of man, machine, and material worth the most.
In our project is solenoid valve and control timing unit is used for automation. It is
used to cut the small size of sheet metal. The machine is portable in size, so easy
transportable. This is an era of automation where it is broadly defined as replacement
of manual effort by mechanical power in all degrees of automation. The operation
remains an essential part of the system although with changing demands on physical
input as the degree of mechanization is increased.
Degrees of automation are of two types, viz.
Full automation.
Semi automation.
In semi automation a combination of manual effort and mechanical power is required
whereas in full automation human participation is very negligible.
Need For Automation Automation can be achieved through computers, hydraulics,
pneumatics, robotics, etc., of these sources, pneumatics form an attractive medium for
low cost automation. The main advantages of all pneumatic systems are economy and
simplicity. Automation plays an important role in mass production.
The primary goal of this task is to break down the investigation of pressure
driven press activities like cutting, twisting, squeezing, punching. Likewise perform
occupation holding process successfully with less human endeavors by utilizing
machine with water driven power. This machine utilized in little scale and medium
scale ventures. The sheet cutting procedure is principle part of all kind of enterprises.
Mechanization is need of the ventures. In our undertaking semi computerization is
utilized. Any programmed machine went for the practical utilization of man, machine,
and material worth the most. The sheet metal cutting machine works with pressure
driven siphon chamber. The machine is utilized to cut little estimate of sheet metal.
The machine is compact in size and simple to transportable. Bunches of time in
enterprises for a little bit of work they have a huge size of apparatus so the evaluated
activity cost of work is high so we are build up a machine such a way, that it satisfies
the little scale work in huge scale ventures.
This is a time of mechanization where it is extensively characterized as substitution of
manual exertion by mechanical power in all degrees of robotization. The activity stays
a basic piece of the framework despite the fact that with changing requests on
physical contribution as the level of automation is expanded. Mechanization can be
accomplished through PCs, hydrodynamics, pneumatics, apply autonomy, and so
forth., of these sources, pneumatics structure an appealing vehicle for minimal effort
robotization. The primary focal points of every single pneumatic framework are
economy and effortlessness. Robotization assumes a significant job in large scale
Decrease of in general cost
Expanded creation
Expanded capacity limit
Expanded security
Improved item quality
Each press has certain fundamental units. They are bed outline, sliding ram, drive for
the smash and power source. Base or bed is the lower some portion of the press
outline. A thick plate called reinforce plate is put on the highest point of the bed. A
pass on is fitted on the highest point of the reinforce plate. The driving component is
mounted on the casing. The casing has got manage ways for the sliding development
of the slam. The driving system is associated with the smash. The punch is fitted at
the base of the slam. The bite the dust and punch are accurately adjusted. The work
piece is as sheet metal. It is sustained over the bite the dust. At the point when the
smash descends, the punch presses the sheet metal. The required activity is completed.
As said before the power from the press is utilized to do a specific activity. This is
finished by two fundamental parts bite the dust and punch.
Bite the dust: Kick the bucket is the lower some portion of the press device. It is
guaranteed on to the reinforce plate of the press. It stays stationary during the activity.
The pass on has a limit reasonable or individual profile to get the punch. The pit may
or without a freedom.
PUNCH: Punch is the upper piece of the press apparatus. It is joined to the lower part
of the bargain of the press. It slides with the press slam during the activity and is
constrained in the pass on depression. The kick the bucket and punch must be in ideal
arrangement for legitimate activity. Materials utilized for punch and kick the bucket
rapid steel, Twilight or established carbide.
Freedom : It is the space between the mating individuals from a bite the dust set.
Appropriate freedom between forefronts empowers the breaks to meet and the broke
situation of the mutual edge has a reasonable appearance. For ideal completion of cut
edge, legitimate freedom is essential and is a component of the sort thickness and
temper of the work material.
PUNCH Leeway: For complete freedom of the metal is important that the punch
ought to go into the hole of the bite the dust square. The space between each face of
the kick the bucket square and the relating face of the punch square and the
comparing face on the pass on is called punch leeway. The measure of leeway relies
on the kind of the material and the thickness of the clear being should share. The
typical estimation of the punch freedom is 5% to 8% of the plate thickness. On the off
chance that the punch freedom is not exactly the proper leeway, the break neglects to
meet at the middle. On the off chance that the punch leeway is excessively incredible,
at that point the punch and pass on will work like a drawing bite the dust.
Pass on Leeway: The working of the pass on is marginally cone shaped reaching out
from the bleeding edge. The metal is upheld off all around the front line to give
alleviation. The leeway is typically ¼ degree which might be pretty much as indicated
by the kind of material being punched. The kick the bucket leeway is likewise serves
to give alleviation to punched metal to fall through without getting struck up in the
pass on hole.
Precise Leeway: This is characterized as the freedom underneath the straight segment
of kick the bucket surface presented to empower the clear or the slug (penetrating
activity) to clear beyond words. Rakish freedom is generally ground from ¼ degree to
4 degree for each side depending chiefly on stock thickness and the recurrence of
Switches: A switch is an unbending bar or bar equipped for turning about a fixed point
called support. Switch is utilized as a machine to apply or lift a heap with less
exertion. The power applied by the switch might be parallel or slanted to each other.
Water driven DRIVE: This sort of drive is a power worked drive. In this framework
the drive is gotten with the utilization of pressurized oil. This framework comprises of
a water driven chamber, cylinder, cylinder pole and adornments.
The water driven chamber might be a solitary acting chamber or twofold acting
chamber. The cylinder pole is associated with the cylinder. The cylinder alongside the
cylinder pole moves inside the chamber to the pole. The appropriate valves and
different embellishments are associated with the chamber with the utilization of
funnels. The siphon sends the pressurized oil into the chamber. At the point when the
high weight oil is siphoned through the top side of the chamber the smash descends in
this manner moving the slam down consequently moving the smash downwards.
Toward the part of the arrangement, the oil is siphoned through the base side of the
cylinder. The smash climbs. The water powered drive is utilized when an
exceptionally high weight is required on the slam. Water driven drive gives a quiet
and smooth activity. The weight is applied consistently and can be shifted. It moves at
uniform speed. It is utilized where more power is required on the slam.
Power through pressure: Water power has for some significant time between utilized
for doing the most straightforward mechanical assignments in later occasions has
assumed an increasingly significant job in the advancement of water driven
innovation for mechanization. Water powered frameworks work on a stock of packed
oil which must be made accessible in adequate amount and at a strain to suit the limit
of the framework. At the point when the pressure driven framework is being embraced
just because, anyway it wills to be sure the important to manage the subject of packed
oil supply. The key piece of any office for stockpile of compacted oil is by methods
utilizing responding blower. A blower is a machine that takes in oil, gas at a specific
weight and conveyed the oil at a high weight. Blower limit is the genuine amount of
oil compacted and conveyed and the volume communicated is that of the oil at
admission conditions to be specific at climate weight and ordinary encompassing
temperature. The compressibility of the oil was first examined by Robert Boyle in
1962 and that found that the result of weight and volume of a specific amount of gas.
The typically composed as
In this condition the weight is the supreme constrained which for nothing is about
14.7 Psi and is of fortitude fit for keeping up a segment of mercury, almost 30 inches
high in a customary indicator. Any gas can be utilized in water powered framework
however oil is the for the most part utilized framework now a days.
We develop a hydraulic machine in such a way that it reduced the high capacity ton
age machine used also reduces the human efforts. such kind of machine works on less
power work used in a industry such as shearing/cutting, pressing, bending, press-fit
component remove an assembly.
Comparative advantages of hydraulic power Hydraulic systems possess numerous
advantages over other systems of power operation. They are light in weight; they are
simple and extremely reliable, requiring a minimum of attention and maintenance.
Hydraulic controls are sensitive, and afford precise controllability. Because of the low
inertia of moving parts, they start and stop in complete obedience to the desires of the
operator, and their operation is positive. Hydraulic systems are self-lubricated;
consequently there is little wear or corrosion. Their operation is not apt to be
interrupted by salt spray or water. Finally, hydraulic units are relatively quiet in
operation, an important consideration when detection by the enemy must be
prevented. Therefore, in spite of the presence of the two power sources just described,
hydraulic power makes its appearance on the submarine because of the fact that its
operational advantages, when weighed against the disadvantages enumerated for
electricity and oil in the preceding paragraphs, fully justify the addition of this third
source of power to those available in the modern submarine.
Hydraulic cylinder
Technical Data
Stroke length : Cylinder stoker length 116mm = 0.116 m
Piston rod : 25 mm = 25 x 10ˉ³ m
Seals : Nitride (Buna-N) Elastomer
End cones : Cast iron
Piston : EN – 8
Media : Oil
Temperature : 0-80 º C
Pressure Range : 8 N/m²
Max pressure range : 0-10 x 10 ⁵ N/m²
Quantity : 1
Hydraulic cylinder:
Design of Piston rod:
Load due to oil Pressure.
Diameter of the Piston (d) = 40 mm
Pressure acting (p) = 6 kgf/cm²
Material used for rod = C 45
Yield stress (σy) = 36 kgf/mm²
Assuming factor of safety = 2
Force acting on the rod (P) = Pressure x Area
= p x (Πd² / 4)
= 6 x {( Π x 4² )/4}
P = 73.36 Kgf
Design Stress(σy) = σy / F0 S
= 36 / 2 = 8 Kgf/mm²
= P / (Π d² / 4 )
∴ d = √ 4 p / Π [ σy ]
=√ 4 x 75.36 / {Π x 18}
= √ 5.33 = 2.3 mm
∴ Minimum diameter required for the load = 2.3 mm
We assume diameter of the rod = 15 mm
PASCAL’S LAW: “It states that the intensity of pressure at any point in a fluid at rest
is the same in all direction”.
Before operating the cylinders first insert the notched end of the handle into the
release valve, turn the operating handle clock wise until release valve is closed. Do
not one tighten the valve.
Insert proper operating handle into the socket and the ram is steadily raised by the
load is thus raised; the ram will stop rising when the required height is reached.
Lower the ram by turning the release valve. Counter-clockwise with the notched end
slacken it slowly when a load is applied or accidents would occur.
Select point of action according to the gravitational centre place the cylinder on the
hardness ground If necessary, place a hard plank under the cylinders so as to avoid
tottering or falling during operation.
When more than one cylinder are used at the same time it is important to operate the
different cylinders at an equal speed with equal load. Otherwise, there is danger of
falling of the entire fixture.
For best results use specifically blended cylinder oil. If such oil is not readily
obtainable, the equivalent international oil specification is SAE 10
It can cut a maximum size of metal foil
No. of pieces is cut in a less time.
Productivity is more.
No more power loss as there is any setting for each piece to be cut.
Maintenance is less.
Anyone can operate.
Can be used to cut metal shit having Ø less than 8mm.
Overall cost is less compared to other heavy machines.
The clamping of shit is manually hence take some fraction of time.
One operator must.
In small manufacturing shop section.
It can be used in workshop.
Production of different types of manufacturing industries.
From above scenario it clearly shows that implemented hydraulic machine have an capacity
to cut the strip of sheet metal up to 3mm thickness and 20mm width.
It is concluded at such kind of machine are very much of importance in industries for sharing
purpose also with this machine we can remove press fit assemblies of shafts and gear and for
light pressing work.
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