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note 6

PLEA Passive and Low Energy Architecture International


Pablo La Roche, Carlos Quiros, Gaudy Bravo, Eduardo Gonzalez, Maria Machado



©. Pablo La Roche, Carlos Quir6s, Gaudy Bravo, Eduardo Gonzalez and Maria Machado
all rights reserved

edited by S V Szokolay

first published 2001

PLEA : Passive and Low Energy Architecture International

in association with
Research, Consulting and Communications (RC&C)
P 0 Box 97 Kangaroo Valley, NSW, 2577 Australia

The authors are all

professors in Architecture
at the University of Zulia, Venezuela

The illustrations have been prepared by David Sanchez and Eduardo Abreu

The manuscript of this publication has been refereed by

Dr Z. Bromberek, lecturer in architecture
The University of Queensland
Simos Yannas. Director,Environment and Energy Studies Programme
Architectural Association, Graduate School, London

printed by Bomaderry Printing Company, NSW

ISBN 0 9578832 0 X


It is more than a year since the last PLEA Note (Note 5: Climate analysis) has
been published. The new tax regulations in Australia prevent us (and the
University of Queensland) in continuing the publication as we did .
Fortunately Professor Ballinger, through his company: Research, Consulting
and Communication was able and willing to take over the role of publisher
(and found the new printer), while I am carrying on as editor.

It seems that there is an abundance of literature on bioclimatic or passive

design and energy conservation for temperate climates (Europe and North
America), but not so for warm and hot climates. For t his reason we intend to
devote the next few Notes to the problems of warm and hot climates.

In order to keep continuity, I repeat my invitation to readers to

1) suggest topics which could and should be tackled by future
PLEA Notes
2) volunteer and offer to contribute such further material, which I will be
glad to edit and arrange for publication.

The five Notes published so far, when looked at together, seem to constit ute
quite a respectable reference or learning set. Let us hope that we can keep
up the good work and possibly improve on the relevance and quality of
future such Notes.

Steven V. Szokolay
February 200 1

fax: 617 3378 1051

e-mail: s.szokolay@mailbox.uq.edu.au

Introduction 5

1 Thermal equilibrium in buildings 7

2 Reduction of solar gains 11

2.1 Solar radiation on opaque elements 11
2.1.1 Reducing solar radiation impact on opaque elements 13
2.2 Solar radiation on transparent elements 19
2.2.1 Reducing solar radiation impact: transparent elements 21

3 Reduction of conduction through the envelope 27

3.1 Heat conduction 27
3.1.1 thermal conductivity and conductance 27
3.1.2 thermal transmittance 28
3.2 Design strategies to reduce conduction heat flow 29
3.2.1 increasing thermal resistance of the element 30
3.2.2 mass (capacitance) to regulate indoor temperature 33
3.2.3 other strategies to reduce heat flow by conduction 40

4 Control of ventilation and infiltration heat flow 41

4.1 If overheated: seal the building when To > Ti 42
4.2 If overheated: open the building when To <Ti 43
4.2. 1 the building and internal space ventilation 44
4.2.2 building shape and internal ventilation induction 46
4.2.3 surroundings of the building and ventilation 47
4.3 Estimation of indoor air flow rate 48

5 Reduction of internal gains 49

5.1 minimise heat gain from occupants 49
5.2 minimise heat gain from equipment 50
5.3 minimise heat gain from lighting 52

6 Control of heat gains from surroundings 53

6.1 Use of built elements 53
6.1.1 increase of ground surface reflectance 53
6.1.2 use of pavements with low thermal capacity 54
6.1.3 use of pavements with high long wave emittance 54
6.1.4 use of built-in shade generating elements 54
6.1.5 consider heat discharges to exterior air 54
6.2 Use of vegetation 55
6.2.1 trees 55
6.2.2 vines 56
6.2.3 shrubs 56
6.2.4 ground covers 56

References 58

Index 60



In low latitude warm regions the prevention of heating of habitable

spaces constitutes the first step towards achieving comfort conditions
and energy economy.

High intensity solar radiation in tropical zones. in addition to high

temperatures frequently causes discomfort and high energy use. This is
why it is very important to minimize heat gain in buildings in warm
climates or warm seasons of temperate climates.

Overheating (human thermal discomfort) is caused by high ambient air

temperature and high internal building surface temperatures. This is the
problem in non-a ir-conditioned buildings. In a ir conditioned buildings the
heat gain may not cause overheating. but comfort can be achieved
only at the expense of using large amounts of non-renewable energy.
Heat gain can be reduced. thermal comfort ensured or efficiency of the
cooling system can be improved by applying design principles. such as
those presented in this Note.

This Note aims to contribute to the selection and application of design

strategies and details which will prevent overheating of 'free running'
buildings. conditioned by natural m eans.

Lac k of consideration of the appropriate principles in the design may

result in uncomfortable buildings, due to high interior temperatures.
even in temperate climate loc ations. Inappropriate orientalion,
undesirable greenhouse effects. or strong interna l heat generation.
among others. may cause overheating and discomfort in locations
where the maximum day temperature reaches the upper limit of

Treatment of the problem of overheating in buildings requires first of all,

the c lear identification of its causes. The methodology employed in this
note is
to analyse the variables which affect heat flows in building,
to establish principles of design to prevent overheating.
the main tool in this analysis is the thermal balance of the
building. ie. the consideration of heat and mass exchanges
b etween the building and its environment.



and their representative icons
beam (direct) solar radiation

This is discussed on p.11 in general terms. Its effect on opaque elements

is treated on p.11-13. Methods of protection (I.e. shading) are presented
on p. 15-18.

diffuse solar radiation

Definition is given on p.11. The sections listed above also deal with
diffuse, together with beam (direct) solar radiation

reflected solar radiation
This is also mentioned on p. 11, but its main discussion is in chapter 4

envelope conduction

Heat conduction through the building envelope is analysed on p. 27-28.

Section 3.2 (p.29-40) is devoted to the control of such heat flow by
insulation and thermal capacitance.


This is the subject of chapter 4 (p.41-48), including the strategies for

opening and closing the building and the provisions for cross-ventilation ·' ' ..
(sensible velocities to provide physiological cooling)

solar radiation through windows

The discussion of solar radiation through windows is included in chapter

2. especially in section 2.2 (p. 19-26), which includes the techniques for
reducing solar effects by shading and special glasses.


ground heat conduction

This topic is included in chapter 3, but -as the main interest of this Note
is warm-humid climates, where "earth coupling" is not very effective- it
is not treated in depth .

windows heat conduction

Windows are the most vulnerable elements of the envelope. This topic is
included in chapter 3, especially p. 32-33 (Fig . 3.6), whilst insulating
glasses are discussed on p. 25-26 of chapter 2.

long wave radiation to sky

This is discussed on p. 12 (in conjunction with sol-air temperature) and

also on p. 16-17, in conjunction with roof shading.

internal gain: occupants

This is the main subject of chapter 5, but it is also mentioned on p. 8-9

internal gain: electric light + appliances
Electric lighting and various appliances can be a large source of intemal
heat gain and are discussed in chapter 5 (p. 49-52) .

evaporative cooling

This is not very effective in warm-humid climates, but it is mentioned on

p. 7-9 for the sake of completeness. The evaporative cooling effect of
vegetation is discussed in chapter 6 (p. 55-57).



a admittance W/m2K 37-38

b breadth, thickness m 27
c specific heat capacity J/kg.K 41
gr glazing ratio 22
h surface conductance W/m 2K 12
ho surface conductance, outside W/m 2 K 12
hi surface conductance, inside W/m 2 K 12
i angle of incidence o
or rad 11
Q building conductance W/K 9
QC envelope conductance W/K 9
qv ventilation conductance W/K 9,41
sTi swing in indoor temperature K 9
vr ventilation (volume flow) rate m3/s 8,9
A area m2 9
c conductance W/m2K 27
D thermal inertia index 38
E emitted energy density W/m2 12
G global solar irradiance W/m 2 1
Gb beam (direct) solar irradiance W/m 2 I
Gbn beam (direct) normal irradiance W/m 2 ~ 11
Gd diffuse solar irradiance W/m 2 I
Gr reflected irradiance W/m2 J
GG volumetric heat loss coefficient W/m3K 14
H irradiation Wh/m2or J/ m2 1
Hb beam irradiation Wh/m2or J/ m2 I
Hd diffuse irradiation Wh/m2or J/ m2 ~ 11
Hr reflected irradiation Wh/m2or J/ m2 J
N number of air changes per hour 41
Q density of heat flow rate w 1
Qc conduction heat flow rate w I
Qcv convection heat flow rate w I
Qev evaporation heat flow rate w ~ 7
Qi internal heat gain w I
Qir infrared radiation heat flow w I
Qsw solar heat flow: windows w I
Qso solar heat flow: opaque elements w J
Qst heat flow into/out of storage W 36
R thermal resistance m2KIW 27
Ra-a air-to-air resistance m 2 KIW 29
Rso surface resistance, outside m 2KIW 29
Rsi surface resistance, inside m 2KIW 29
SC shading coefficient 23
SHGC solar heat gain coefficient 24
SHGF solar heat gain factor 13
Sg glazed surface area m2 22
St total wall surface area m2 22
SN surface to volume ratio 13
To temperature outdoors oc 9
Ti temperature indoors oc 9
Tsa sol-air temperature oc 12
u thermal transmittance W/m 2K 29
v volume m3 14,41
a absorptance 18
a thermal diffusivity m2/s or m2/h 34
~ specific admittance (effusivity) 37
E emittance 18
TJ efficiency 50
ell time-lag hour 34
A. thermal conductivity W/m.K 27
I! decrement factor 34
9 solar gain factor 19
p density kg/m3 34
p reflectance 18,25
1: transmittance (optical) 19
(J) angular velocity 35



The climate of a location is characterized by a set of meteorological

variables that change in time and are interdependent. Buildings are
exposed to these natural conditions and at the same time heat is
generated in its interior. as a result of the metabolism of users. artificial
lighting. electrical appliances. etc. Consequently, buildings are
subject to dynamic thermal effects where heat transfer phenomena:
radiation. conduction. convection. and mass transfer occur .

._ ......ci'!tt

---=:.-- ----
r. r\\~.~ :~--:--~~
. ' 1 ·,, I _. /"~


Te '"

Fig. 1.1. Thermal exchanges between a building and the environment

1 Beam (direct) solar radiation

2 Diffuse solar radiation Analysis of the different heat flows affecting the thermal balance of a
3 Ground reflected solar radiation building permits the identification of components that can be modified
4 Envelope heat conduction to prevent overheating and improve thermal quality and energy
5 Ventilation heat transfer efficiency of the building. Fig.1.1 shows the different flows of heat and
6 Window solar radiation the most important thermal phenomena that contribute to such
7 Ground heat conduction balance .
8 Window heat conduction
9 Sky long wave radiation From the energy and environmental point of view the ideal situation is
10 Occupants heat contribution when any need for artificial cooling is eliminated. For this case the heat
11 Electric lights and appliances balance equation. in a simplified form. (based on the 'superposition of
12 Evaporative cooling steady and periodic thermal phenomena' - Lavigne. 1994) can be
expressed as follows:

Qsw + Qso + Qi ± Qc ± Qcv - Qir - Qev = 0 ... eq. 1.1)


where (all terms are In units of W):

Qsw =solar heat flow transferred through windows (solar gain)
Qso = solar heat flow transferred through opaque surfaces
Qi = heat generated inside the building (internal gain)
Qc = conduction heat flow through envelope elements
Qcv = mass transfer heat flow: ventilation, infiltration
Qir = net long wave radiation heat flow
Qev = heat flow due to evaporation

In this equation all heat flows may be instantaneous, but are often considered
as average values for a period (eg. 24 hours), in which case heat gains and
losses represent the daily heating and cooling of the building. Conduction
heat flow through the envelope (Qc) is the sum of the product of the
transmittance (U-value) ar~d area ·(A) of all envelope elements (often
referred to as the envelope conductance of the building (qc =L(UA) in
units of W/1\) and the outdoor- indoor temperature difference (To- Ti).
Heat transfer due to air mass exchange (Qcv) is the result of natural (or
mechanical) ventilation, or air infiltration: vr · c · (To - Tl). that is, the
product of air flow (vr = ventilation rate in m3/s) and the volumetric
specific heat of air (Jfm31\), often denoted qv, or ventilation
conductance and the temperature difference, as above (note that if n
>To, then To-Ti gives a negative result ie a heat loss, whereas if Ti<To
then the result is a heat gain.)

Radiant energy flow originating from the sun, can arrive at ground level
In two forms: beam (or direct), (Gb) and diffuse (Gd) radiation, and a
third component may be the radiation reflected by surrounding
surfaces (Gr) . As surfaces exposed to suc h radiation behave differently,
for the purposes of analysis w e distinguish heat gain due to solar
radiation through opaque surfaces (Qso) and radiation transmitted
through windows (Qsw).

As a result of solar radiation and Interior he at generation, the Indoor

average temperature of a building (without cooling systems) is higher
than the average outdoor temperature. This is why, conduction heat
flow through sun-protected elements can represent cooling or heat
losses. As it will be further explained, a positive flow or heat gain results
through surfaces exposed to the sun .

Heat flows Qir and Qev, which represent radiant long wave (infra-red)
cooling and evaporative cooling, are not considered in this Note. They
wilL however, be the subject for study in further Notes of this series.

Table 1.1. shows a summary of the different heat flows present in a

.•' ...
building, and the contributions or heat flows that should be prevented.
controlled or promoted. in order to limit overheating of the interior of
This heat flow matrix of Table 1.1 and the general thermal balance
equation (1 .1) are the points of departure for the development of this
Note. Each heat flow, as well as the principles for controlling these
flows, are documented in the following chapters.

Considering temperatures, mass and heat flows as mean values of a 24

hour period, the average temperature difference between the interior
and the exterior of a building (ATm, where 'm' indicates 'mean') can
be expressed a ccording to (eq . 1.1) as:


Table 1.1 Relations matrix of heat flows: principles to prevent overheating

Strategies Heat contributions Heat Contributions I Heat losses tc

/Heat Flows to be prevented Losses to be controlled be promoted

Qsw ~
Qso .P~Q,
Qi ~~
Qc ~~~
Qcv ~
Qir ~
: "-" •.
"'f (
Qev ~

. Qswm+Qsom+ Qim+Qirm+Oevm
T Tom - T lm = - -- - - - - - - - - - ... eq. 1.2)

where: Tim= Tom+ 11T ... eq. 1.3)

qc = L(A•U) = envelope conductance 0N /K)

A = surface area of each envelope element (m2)
U = transmittance of each element (WJm2K)
qv = vr • c =ventilation conductance 0/11/K)
vr =ventilation rate (m3/s)
c = volumetric specific heat of air (usually taken as 1200 J/m3 K)
Tim =mean indoor air temperature CCC)
Tom = mean outdoor air temperature CCC)
q = qc + qv = building conductance 0N /K)

Indoor building temperature varies around Tim with a 11Tim/2 value;

where 11Tim = Tim ax - Tim in; then, interior temperature (Ti) in any given
moment. can be expressed as:

. T Qswm + Qsom + Qim + Qirm + Qevm + T'

T 1 = om + _s 1 ... e q. 1.4)

where sTi = 'swing' of indoor temperature from the mean: Tim

!1Tim/2 is often referred to as 'swing' or amplitude (Tiampl) of indoor



Accordingly. maximum and minimum temperatures can be expressed

Ti (max)= Tom+~ Tm + 1/2 ~Tim ... eq. 1.5)
Ti (min)= Tom + ~ Tm- 1/2 ~Tim .. . eq. 1.6)

Note that Mm is taken between indoor and outdoor temperatures. but

~Timis the daily variation of indoor temperature.

In warm climates. under normal conditions. the building thermal balance

is positive. due to internal and solar gains. The interior temperature is
higher than the exterior. then ~T = To-Ti < 0 (possibly also in daily
average terms: Mm = Tom-Tim < 0). Obviously, In warm climate
conditions the absolute value of M (or ~Tm) should be reduced. the
indoo.r.temperature should not be much higher than the outdoor.

However. depending on the type of climate. it is possible to promote

heat losses (Qir. Qev, Qv) and obtain a certain cooling with respect to
the exterior environment. Then. an ideal situation where mean indoor
temperature is lower than outdoor mean temperature, can be achieved
through natural means. that is: Mm > 0. On the other hand, it is also
recommended to reduce internal temperature variation (~Tim). which
specifically depends on:

- building thermal inertia (thermal mass)

- outdoor temperature amplitude
- solar energy received and transmitted to the interior and
-the building ventilation regime.

.' . . .



Solar radiation can be measured as irradiance. G (or intensity, ie.

power density) in W/m2, or as irradiation. H (or incident energy density
· · ~· over a specified period. eg. a day) in Wh/m2day (or MJ/m2day).

~L;~.:~~'~t. --~~~.~-:~_:.: :· ·. . ~l~b~~ ~~::~~e~~i~~~~~·r;~~~~e~~~~~:~o:~~~ ~~~~~~~~~

..··, :\~
\ t .: /·.. the solar disc. diffuse sky radiation and the reflected radiation from
.....- ··,,. ~ / ··... nearby surfaces (Figs. 2.1 and 2 .2). The beam irradiance of any
// ' / -.. . . . surface is the product of the normal beam irradiance. Gbn and the
/ "-·-......... ...--_.../ \ cosine of the angle of incidence. i.
_ _ _ _.......-_....,_ _ _ _ G = Gb + Gd + Gr or
H = Hb t- Hd + Hr .. . eq. 2.1)
Fig. 2.1 Diffuse and direct components Gb = Gbn • cos i ... eq. 2.2)
of radiation received by a building G = Gbn • cos I + Gd + Gr ... eq. 2.3)
G = global irradiance H = global irradiation

-~;: \
Gb = beam (direct) irradiance Hb = beam irradiation
Gd = diffuse irradiance
Gr = reflected irradiance
Hd = diffuse irradiation
Hr = reflec ted irradiation

~ \ Gbn = beam irrad iance on a plane normal to its direction

= angle of incidence

\ \ The effect of solor radiation on the building constitutes the lorgest

· single source of thermal gain, that is w hy a natural way to reduce
~ .- ~- heat gain is to control and minimize the solar radiation falling upon its
_ _ _......._...,._ _..__.___ envelope or entering through its transparent elements. The building
Fig. 2.2 Short wave radiation reflected envelope is the boundary b etween the variable exterior environment
rom the surrounding area and from and the controlled interior environment. in whic h it is desirable to
neighbouring buildings create conditions of comfort suitable for human activities. The
building envelope consists of opaque (walls and roofs) and
transparent e lements (windows). which react differently to solar
radiation. Transparent ones will allow solar radiation to enter. Opaque
ones will block it. but will absorb part of this radiation. Part of this
absorbed heat may be re-emitted towards cooler surfaces or .the sky
and part of it may be conducted towards the inside of the building.

2. 1 Solar radiation on opaque elements

longo~~ave When solar radiation is incident on opaque walls or roof surfaces the
convective following thermal processes will occ ur:
ga1ns 1) part of the inc ident solar energy is reflected, that is. returned to the
outside in the form of radiation. the rest is absorbed by the surface:
2) the surfa ce temperature increases. exceeding air temperature:
Fig. 2.3 Response of external opaque 3) part of the energy is dissipated to the exterior by convection and
surfaces to solar radiation lo ng wave radiation, or transmitted towards the interior by
conduction through the e lement.


Fig. 2.3 shows solar radiation incident on an opaque surface and the
resulting heat transfer processes.

Sol-air temperature. For design purposes it is useful to combine the

thermal effect of the incident radiation falling upon a building with
the effect of air temperature. This can be done by using the concept
of sol-air temperature. This is the notional temperature which would
produce the same heat flow as the incident radiation and air
temperature jointly. This notional surface temperature is estimated
with the following equation:

Tsa = To + (G • a- E) I ho .. . eq. 2 .4)

and as Rso = 1 I ho ... eq. 2.5)
Tsa = To + (G • a - E) • Rso ... eq. 2.6)
Tsa = sol-air temperature (°C)
To =outdoor air temperature (°C)
a = absorptance
G = global irradiance of the surface (:N 1m2)
Rso = outside surface resistance (m2KIW)
ho =outside surface (heat transfer) coefficient (radiant+ convective)
E =long wave radiant emission to sky or cooler surfaces (:N 1m2)
[The UK BRE suggests E=20 W/m2 for an overcast sky and up to 95 W/m2
for a clear sky for horizontal surfaces. Vertical surfaces face other surfaces
at a similar temperature, so E is ignored]

Gertis and Hauser (1975) proposed the use of an adjustment factor (De) in
terms of temperature (K) but in this case eq. 2.6 would be different:
Tsa =To + G · a· Rso - De
where the value of De would be 3 K for vertical and 5 K for horizontal
4 2 10.8 06 04 03 0.25 02
A concept used by some authors in the past is the solar heat gain
factor (SHGF). It is d efined as the fraction of incident solar radiation
that is transmitted through an element when air temperature is the II II I I I I~
same in both sides of the element. In this case heat flow is caused .25 .5 11.25 4 4 5
only by the inc ident solar radiation and not air temperature (Evans 1/R
1980). (Not to be confused with the 'Solar Heat Gain Coefficient, SHGC,
used for windows,- as discussed on p.24).

= U • a • Rso ... eq. 2.7)
where: II
SHGF =solar heat gain factor . .. 0.9

ET =transmitted solar energy =G • a • Rso • U (:N 1m2) 1\1\ 0.8

G = global solar irradiance (:N1m2) \ 0.7
1\ \
\ 0.6
SHGF is expressed as a decimal fraction (or percentage) and its \ I\ \
magnitude depends both on the surface properties and on the U- 0.5
value of the element. In warm climates any limits set to the
magnitude of SHGF are based on a compromise between what is
' 1\1'
'\ 5'/c
,, 0.4

desirable and what is affordable. Koenigsberger et al, (1974)

[\ '"'lc r-- 0.3
suggested that the SHGF should not exceed 0.04 (or 4%) and Evans ~i'- '~
r--. ~'~"-or- 02
(1995) proposed a limit of 0.03 (or 3%), to avoid an increase of the
-...:g: r---r-.
exterior surface temperature of over 4.5 K beyond air temperature
(Bansal 1994).
Fig. 2.4 Solar heat gain factor calculator


Table 2.1 shows various constructional elements and their respective

SHGF. time-lag and transmittance. Fig. 2.4 shows a graphic calculator
which gives the SHGF as a function of absorptance and thermal
transmittance (U-value) or air-to-air resistance.

If the building is well ventilated. and the walls are protected from solar
radiation (exterior surface temperature = air temperature). thermal
insulation will not be necessary. as the temperature difference M will
tend to zero and conduction heat flow will also tend to zero. Therefore
the SHGF is indicative of the insulation requirement to restrict solar heat
gain. In air-conditioned buildings, where outdoor temperatures
significantly exceed indoors (~T>8K) more insulation will be imperative.

Table 2.1 Solar heat gain factors of various constructions

construction U-val~e SHGF time-lag

W/m K % hours

1 aluminium sheet (new) 8.7 10.2 0.5
2 galvanized iron (GI) sheet (new) 8.5 20 0.5
3 as 2, but rusty 8.5 34 0.5
4 alum.sheet, cavity, fibrous cement ceiling 1.9 4.4 1
5 as 4 + 50 mm fiberglass in cavity 1.3 3 1
6 rusty Gl, cavity, fibrous cement ceiling 1.9 7.6 1
7 as 6 + 50 mm fiberglass in cavity 1.3 5.2 1
8 150 mm concrete slab 3.3 9.1 4
9 as 8 +50 mm woodwool slab internally 1.13 3.1 4.5
10 as 9, but woodwool slab externally 1.13 3.1 13
11 as 8, but both external and internal insulation 0.75 2.1 13.5
12 as 8, but externally whitewashed 3.3 4.1 4
13 as 9, but whitewashed externally 1.13 1.4 4.5
14 as 10, but whitewashed externally 1.13 1.4 13
15 as 11, but whitewashed externally 0.75 0.9 13.5
16 300 mm concrete slab 2.46 6.7 9.2
17 250 hollow concr.blocks, rendered both sides 1.7 4.7 11
18 as 17 + external whitewash 1.7 2.1 11
19 230 mm brick wall 2.7 9.5 8
20 as 21 +external whitewash 2.7 3.4 8
21 280 mm brick wall with 50 mm cavity 1.7 6 10.5
22 as 23 + external whitewash 1.7 2.1 10.5
23 corrugated fibrous-cement sheet 8 16 0.5
24 as 25 + 50 mm woodwool slab + cavity 1.2 2.4 0.5

(Evans 1980)
(for windows see Table 2.5: Shading coefficients. p. 24)

2. 1. 1 Reducing solar radiation impact on opaque elements

Surface-to-volume ratio (S/V) is the ratio of exposed external wall and

roof (and any floor with its underside exposed) surfaces to the building
volume. A floor on ground or walls in contact with another building. or
buried more than one meter deep are not included. Thus. we have:


S/V =exposed exteralsurface

interior volume ... eq.2. 8)

Volumetric heat loss coefficient (GG) is a concept used in some

countries, which is the envelope heat loss divided by the volume of the
building, or the product of the S/V ratio and the mean transmittance of
the envelope: Um. Coefficient GG is an expression of the insulating level
of the building envelope, together with its thermal bridges (linear losses).
Thus, we have:

GG=~Um=!k= I(AU) ... eq. 2.9)

v v v
(Regles Th-G, 1991). In the assessment of this coefficient, losses due to
ventilation should also be considered, but here only aspects relating to
the building form will be examined.

When a given form is increased in size, the surface of the walls grows
less rapidly than the volume contained. This means that with 5
increasing volume the S/V ratio is reduced (the smaller the building
envelope surface is per cubic meter) and therefore, there will be less
surface loss. Fig. 2.5 shows the variation of the S!V ratio of a cube
when the volume is expanded.

Greater compactness means less surface of contact with outdoor Fig. 2.5 SN ratio for several cases
conditions, thus less heat loss or gain. These formal considerations are of cubic shapes
relevant for hot-dry locations, especially for summer conditions,
where, with an exterior envelope area as small as possible, both air-
to-air and solar induced heat flows towards the inside of the building

are reduced.

For any given constant volume of a building, a fragmented shape,

thus an increase of the surface area of the envelope leads to an
increase in heat losses and gains. Fig. 2.6 shows the evolution of the
S!V ratio of different fragmentations of an 8 m3 volume. Where the
S!V ratio is minimized. heat losses or gains will also be reduced .

Different considerations influence the building form in warm-humid

locations. Here ventilation (a sensible air velocity) is the most
effective mechanism to provide physiological cooling, and reduce
the effect of high humidity. A building with an extended
arrangement would normally allow more cross-ventilation than a
building with a compact design, as it provides more exposed wall ~~ ,,~ (+25%

+:~00% ~
area and may make use of the wind from more directions.
Once the building is subject to cross-ventilation during day-time Groups unfavourable for heat losses

hours, its interior temperature tends to follow the exterior pattern. In
this case, the air-to-air heat flow through the envelope is small, and
the large surface area does not significantly affect the interior
temperature during the day. After sunset and during the night when

~0%~% ~-25%
the winds usually calm down whilst the air temperature is decreasing,
the larger area of the envelope allows faster cooling.

If the internal habitable space is air-conditioned and the external Fig.2.6 The effect of
surface is exposed to solar radiation, the volumetric response should massing on heat losses and
be compact as this would minimize the heat gains air-to-air gains


In rooms ventilated with passive cooling systems. the volumetric

response will depend on the requirements of the adopted system.
For systems that rely on storage of heat during the day and its
dissipation overnight a compact design would be more effective;
but those based on natural convective principles may work better
with a fragmented type of design.

When the exterior surface is exposed to solar radiation. the surface

temperature increases considerably, which causes an increased
heat flow towards the interior of the building.

Shading is the use of opaque devices between the sun and the
envelope elements which significantly reduces the incoming heat
flow. If the beam irradiance is thus eliminated and the diffuse
irrodionce is reduced, the global irrodionce (G) tends to zero. then
the heat absorbed, (G • a • Rso) will a lso tend to zero. and the
external surface temperature w ill be close to the temperature of the
air. The heat flow to the interior of the building (Q), will then be
smaller than that of an unshoded envelope element.

The conductive heat flow through on opaque element receiving

solar radiation on its external face can be expressed as follows:

Q = U • A • (Tsa- Ti ) .. . eq.2.10)

where: Q = conductive heat flow 0N)

U = thermal transmittance (W /m2K)
Fig. 2.7 Solar protection for external A = area of the element (m2)
walls Ti = interior temperature
Tsa = sol-air temperature. as per eq. 2.6

For example:

two wall elements of a given enclosure have similar orientations and

dimensions, but one is exposed to solar radiation whilst the other is
shaded by a horizontal device. Determine the thermal conditions
and the heat flow through each of the two elements.

a) Data:
beam irrodiance: Gb = 600 W/m2
diffuse irradiance: Gd = 90 W/m2
reflected irradiance: Gr = 35 W/m2
U = 1.2 W/m2K
To =27 oc
Ti =26 oC
a = 0.5
Rso = 0.08
A =18m2

b) Calculation:
shaded :
(Gb is eliminated and assume that Gd is reduced to half)
Tsa =To+ G • a • Rso = 27 + (45+35) • 0.5 • 0.08
Tsa =30.2°C
Q = U • (Tsa- Ti) • A= 1.2 • 30.2 • 18 = 90.7 W


Tsa = 27 + 725 • 0.5 • 0.08
Q = 1.2. (56-26). 18 = 648 w

This example shows that whilst the temperature difference between .........-.-
the indoor and the outdoor in the shade is 4.2 K in the sunlit case
the difference is 30 K. Although the shaded wall receives some
diffuse and the reflected radiation, the heat flow through the wall Fig. 2.8 Wall, with different conditions
exposed to solar radiation is some 7 times larger. of solar exposure

Shading devices can be horizontal , such as eaves, horizontal louvres,

an awning, or vertical, such as fins or vertical louvres

A) Horizontal devices

If roofs and walls are shaded with panels separated from the building
by a gap to allow external air circulation, immediate solar thermal
load penetration is blocked. Energy flux contributions through solar r--------------,
Reflected solar Surface cooled by
protection are described as follows: radiation

1) The external face of the sunshade absorbs part of the solar

radiation and the rest is reflected;

2) The absorbed flow partly dissipates to the outside by

convection and long wave radiation. Another part dissipates by
conduction towards the other face of the sunshade. Flow due to
absorbed solar
3) dissipated by
The heat flow passing through the sunshade partly dissipates in ventilation of air
the air behind the sunshade by convection, and is partly transmitted Absorbed solar radiation gap
towards the external face of the wall or roof by long wave radiation; Dissipated through roof

4) Part of the flux absorbed by the external face of the wall

Fig. 2.9 Solar radiation and heat
or roof dissipates in the air by convection. Another part Is transfer mechanisms in a horizontal
conducted to the internal face of the element (see Fig. 2.9) (parallel) shading device to an external
opaque surface
A solar protection for a roof (a 'parasol roof') made of pre-fabricated
panels (concrete, galvanized iron sheets, or fibrous cement) provides
control of direct beam radiation, but does not allow radiation to
escape towards the night sky (Fig. 2.10). The solar protection should
be light and movable (pivoting, extendable, sliding, etc.), to allow
manual or automatic adjustment so as not to interfere with night
radiant cooling of the roof surface (see Fig. 2.11).

An alternative is covering the roof with vines. Evaporation from the

surface of the leaves will make their temperature lower than the air
temperature. Even at night time, their temperature may be lower
than the air by radiation to the much lower sky temperature (Fig.
2.12 ).

B) Vertical devices

A solar protection system consisting of vertical fins attached to an

opaque building surface is based on heat dispersion principles by
cooling fins. It is the same as that used for some air-cooled engines


Fig. 2.10 Shading of a roof by a Fig. 2.11 Roof shading by a Fig. 2.12 Cover protected by vegetation
fixed system of parallel shade movable parallel shade elements that provide shading and
evaporative cooling

- - - - - - - -. . witn1?~~ (for example: aviation and motorcycle engines). The use of this
shading strategy promotes heat exchange by convection, by
pressure differences generated in the surface of the envelope, due to
small temperature variations. These are particularly effective under
windy conditions.

The addition of such rigid fins to the building will reduce heating of the
walls and will provide shade. It will also lessen heat flows towards the
interior, because the fins will provide more contact with the air. Fig.
2.13 shows this type of solar protection. as well as interior temperature
Simultaneous registration of temperature
changes at two levels of the wall fa<;ade readings for east walls, with and without fins.
with and without cooling fins

'~~ -i9 '; ~-/fir C) Building massing

25 0\1 _.._26nollembe r1971 _... ........___ 27 ov
28 The building mass (form) can be shaped so that it provides a certain
26 degree of self-shading. If the building is designed with a staggered
configuration, (either in plan or in section) some mass elements may
cast a shadow on the surfaces of other elements (Fig. 2.14 ).
N~ ~ ~~ • •• • •
D) Surface conductance
12 I'M 0 ~ 12 ""' 0 ~ 12
2 .. 15 ' 10 2 .. t l l lO

'Roughness' is an expression of the surface texture of building

Fig.2.13 A specific example: elements indicating small scale unevenness. Grades of roughness are
temperatures of a wall with- established according to the size of the grain, expressed in millimetres.
(dotted line) and without fixed This grade of roughness has little effect on temperature. However, a
perpendicular fins (solid line) very rough surface enhances radiative exchanges, especially with the
sky as well as surface to air convective exchanges. If the rough
texture of the facades is altered to decrease surface resistance (Rso),
then the external surface sol-air temperature will also decrease.

Highly textured walls have a part of their surface shaded. The

radiation absorption area of such a textured surface is smaller than its
radiation emission area (to sky and other surfaces of the
surroundings), and will thus be cooler than a flat surface. The
enlarged area also means an increase in the convective heat
transfer, whic h will allow faster c ooling of the building during night
time. when the surrounding te mperature is lower than the
temperature of the building.


Fig. 2.15 shows such shading by texture.

There are many ways to create rough textures. from a rustic finish of
the walls to the choice of appropriate sheathings.

E) Radiative properties
All materials absorb part of the incident solar energy and re-emit
some of the absorbed heat.
Absorptance (a) is a surface quality, indicating the ability of the
surface to absorb the radiation it receives and it is expressed by a
decimal fraction.
Emittance (t) is a measure of the ability of a surface to radiate (emit)
heat or other electromagnetic radiation.

The sum of absorptance (a) and reflectance (p). is always the unity:
a + p = 1. If a surface has an absorptance of 0.30 (30% of incident
radiation) its reflectance is 0.70 or (70% of the incident radiation). For Fig. 2.14 Building massing alternatives
the same wavelength (temperature) of radiation a = £ , but many in elevation and section (cantilevered
surfaces are 'selective', ie their a and £ properties vary with the upper floors) in order to generate self
wavelength of radiation. The sun, as a high temperature ("' 6000°1<) shading
body, emits short-wave radiation, especially in the visible spectrum
and short infrared, whilst building surfaces at terrestrial temperatures
(<100°C). emit invisible long wave radiation.

If absorptance decreases, then the product G • a • Rso also tends to

zero. and surface exterior temperature will be c lose to that of the air,
and the heat flow to the interior of the building, Q, will be smaller.

The external surface colour has a significant effect on the impact of

the sun upon the building and the temperature in the interior spaces.
Materials with darker colours. such as black. are the most absorptive,
whereas light colours are the least absorptive. Table 2.2 shows Fig. 2.15 Texture to increase convective
absorptances of colours. ranging from lighter to darker. Fig. 2.16 a exchange+ provide small scale shading
and b each shows five temperature curves: external surface, air DBT
and inside surface temperatures of three different thicknesses of : _____ A. ---·-·-··-~·-····-··---ii~---··l·----·---1-----·-
Ytong (autoclaved a erated concrete), a: with outside surface grey, 50 j Y\ 1 /1\
a ..
b: with outside surface white. ~ o15 - t-h------
- ---;; -\---~------+---·-
-- ! .. ~- \, ..' -+------1-.!
' ' ' ' '

;~~~~ti~~~ ~~~c:~~t s~:~~~~~h~:~~so;~e~n~a~n:~~~~r~~~v~iy s~~~ ~ ~ ;.:~..: ..~L·::':-\~~~:~:/+~·::~1f.\~~~J·.'~.:. ·. ·.:~.·-

temperatures even when exposed to the sun. White paint Is a good F 1s ············--·+·····----··--~f""":J···+--·-····--·+·····\::}······· ·· ···
example, which may have a solar absorptance of only 0.2 - 0.3 but 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
an emittance at temperatures <50°C of 0.8 - 0.9. There are also other nme6-omstar1(HRSJ
materials that absorb a high proportion of solar radiation, but have
reduced emittance. These surfaces mai~tain high temperatures and~~ ·-----1~:~:~_····+ ··---··+---::-::.r-L:-- ·-lb____
reduced heat losses, used to advantage 1n solar collectors ~ 26 ~----···::v ·--.·-·:-::j.:.:::-::··-·r--··:"+·. ·· ~: ..... T -·-···

Table 2.2 Absorptances of dark and hght colours

. J~ ~ ~~-~~~·}.--~=\-1;~~~~-~-:· ~t;~:4:~-~r~··:\.:.::.:d..l·-:;~-~:~.~
20 \ ....... ......... - t .. :-........ .. .._............,......... , ....
a_ vJ ~ ,~ ;' 1 ' /r'· I
~~~eJ}g~~ce ~~~J ~!?b~f g.~r_ko.9 ~~-~k ~ :: :.::_:':.:::=r::.::·:::~.:.f=···-~~;~!.:::::=:::::F:::::::::: j.: .~~:.: :
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time tom start(HRS)
colours white dark red brown black
- ...........£xl surface -------YTONG 12cm
beige light green dark green dark brown ............m .. ......... - ·YTONG20cm
orange light blue bright blue
fight red dark blue
Fig. 2.16. Temperatures obtained in covers
(Evans, 1995)
from several thicknesses of Ytong painted


Table 2.3 Building surfaces: solar a. and low temperature E

material emittance E at 20°C solar absorptance a

solid red brick 0.93 0.54
roof tiles, terracotta, brown 0.94 0.76
limestone, sandstone 0.96 0.60
concrete, (plain, off-form) 0.96 0 .55
plastering , white 0.97 0.36
plastering, gray 0.97 0.65
anodised aluminium 0.90 0 .20-0.40
polished aluminium 0.02- 0.04 0.10-0.40
window glass 0.90 0.04- 0.40
(depending on 't)

(Izard. 1993)

2.2 Solar radiation on transparent elements

Windows have several functions in any climate; they provide natural

light. visual contact with the outside, sun penetration in winter, and
ventilation in summer. We will treat the impact of window design in
the behaviour of the building regarding solar radiation.

Transparent materials such a s g lass, and certain types of plastic

have the property of transmitting radiant energy with only small
losses. especially the radiation of the visible band. but are opaque to
long-wave (infrared) radiation . Once the radiation has p enetrated
and is absorbed by internal surfaces. it is re-emitted with longer
wavelengths (corresponding to the temperature of these surfaces),
which, in the most part. cannot penetrate the glazing (greenhouse
effect). Fig. 2.17 shows how incident radiation is partly reflected ,
partly absorbed and then transmitted in a single g lazed transparent

As stated earlier, for opaque surfaces absorptance + reflectance =l


transparent surfaces: absorptance+reflectance+ tra nsmittance


However, part of the absorbed component will be re-emitted, thus

the total solar gain factor will be transmittance + some part of
absorptance. often taken as half (although this fraction depends on
the ratio of air and radia nt temperatures on the inside and outside)
e = 't + 0.5 . a
Thus while -r (tau) is an optical factor. e (theta) includes the re-
emitted heat. ( e :t: SHGF. or solar gain factor. discussed on p . 12).
ShmtwrJvP. g<Jins
(Solar gains) SO% Th ere .1s cons1'd era bl e con fus1on
. .1n th e l't
1era ture a b ou t th e so Ior ga1n
Total admited factor. Some authors restrict its use for the glass only, excluding the
Total losses 16% solarheat 84% frame or any shading device. others use it as an average value for
Fig. 2.17 Solar energy balance for a the overall window area. perhaps including shading devices. Some
single glazed window measure it at normal inc idence of solar radiation, others use it as an


instantaneous value, as a function of the angle of incidence. In some

sources it Is the daily average value for a window/shading device
combination. If any data are to be used, the user should check its
meaning or derivation.

The following equation is used to determine the solar radiation heat

gain through a glazed opening: solar radiation intensity (G) is
multiplied by the area of the opening, and by the solar gain factor (9)
which depends on the quality of the glass and angle of incidence
(measured from the normal to the surface). Thus the heat flow
equation is:

Q=A•G•9 ... eq. 2.11)

A =
window area (m2)
G = global irradiance 0N/m2) on the window surface
e = window glass solar gain factor
or in case of an unglazed opening
Q = A•G .. . eq. 2.12)
(Koenigsberger et aL 1977)

Table 2.4 Absorptance vs emittance of various surfaces

gyp~m plaster • paper ~hite marble ~een merble •

•white plastic • glass •red brick . tar

• cream paint• • .red Iiles
COLO saECTIVE light green paint • fight concrete black pant•
• aluminum coating asbesto:-

chalk galvanized steel BLACK BODIES cement
0 • iron
v pine wood
(U6 • old aiUmihum paint •
GJ5 .weathered paint



• copper ..., ' .. .
silicon cells
3 •
steel •
2 • titanium weathere
oxlcfJZed steel • copper
stanless steel •
polished aluminum • silica over
aluminum SURFACES

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Absorptance (a.) for solar radiation


2.2.1 Reducing solar radiation impact on transparent elements

The orientation of buildings and glazed surfaces has an important

influence on the energy contributions to habitable spaces. The
determinants are: maximum irradiance received, time of day when
this maximum irradiance occurs. duration of solar exposure of the
surface and foreground reflectance (albedo). Fig. 2.18 shows solar
radiation effects in different northern latitudes and orientations.

46.0% 44.8%
41.6% 37.5%
oo 10° 20° 30° 40°
TOR394.576 TOR 394.576 TOR386.880 TOR379.576 TOR366.872
cal/cm2fafio cal/cm2iano cal/cm 2/afio cal/cm2faflo callcm21alio

33.7% 50° 60° goo

TOR 340.904 29% TOR 304.315 roR257.74 0
cal/cmz/ano cal/cm:zlano c a l/cm2ia llo


Fig. 2.18 Solar radiation effects at various north latitudes (Oigyay, 1968)

The 10 polar diagrams (from the equator to the north pole) illustrate the
comparative magnitude of direct (beam) solar irradiation over a year on
vertical surfaces of all orientations. If the total received by the four surfaces
of cardinal orientation plus the roof is taken as 100%, (the TOR or "total
direct radiation "), the percentage numbers indicate the magnitude received
by each surface; eg. for oo latitude the four walls receive 8 + 8 + 17 + 17% =
50% plus the roof (indicated by the bar) 49%

Many authors discussing bioclimatic design consider that the most

favourable orientation for a facade in high and medium latitudes is
the one that faces the equator (south in the northern hemisphere
and north in the southern hemisphere), because this orientation is the
only one that receives solar radiation for a shorter period in summer
than in winter and with a larger incidence angle; and in winter
receives the maximum hours of sunshine. with a smaller incidence
angle. East and west facades receive more exposure to the sun in
summer than in winter. Facades with a polar orientation (north In the
northern hemisphere and south in the southern hemisphere) do not
receive sunshine in winter, and would receive the maximum of
sunshine hours in summer. Fig. 2.19 shows control and use of solar
radiation in a south facade (northern hemisphere) in winter and

Fig. 2.19. Equatorial orientation gives an Fig. 2.20 shows the mean coefficient of variation of solar contributions
automatic control of the solar radiation in Angers, France (47°28'N) for different orientations relative to the
(medium and high latitudes) south fa<;:ade: (a) for summer (May - September) and (b) for the


heating season (October - April). In the summer east and west
orientations receive as much energy as the south facade, and
southeast and southwest orientations have an even greater
irradiation. During the heating period, the south fa<;ade is more
favoured; east and west facades receive less than half of the WOSI
irradiation of the south. Southeast south, and southwest orientations
are to be favoured.

It is recommended that the building should be oriented with its longer

walls facing north and south, so that only the shorter walls are
exposed to the east and west where the sun is more intense during
the morning and the afternoon.

In inter-tropical latitudes, where seasons are barely differentiated and

where the sun path is near the zenith (and seasonally moves both
north and south) choosing between south and north is not significant.
What is important is to avoid east or west orientations that are w.,.-.-+-+-+--+7'"'!-t-?t<:-t--i"-o:-t--t-+...:r.-:::-
exposed to the sun's rays in the morning and in the afternoon with
incidence near to the normal of the facades and which are thus
more difficult to protect. If the glazed-in surface is turned about a
vertical axis, away from the direction to the sun (resulting in a
sawtooth plan form), or tilted forward in section, to obtain incidence
angles larger than 50° during critical hours, thermal gain is significantly Fig. 2.20 Coefficient of variation of solar
reduced and can. in a some cases. avoid external shading devices. contributions for Angers as a function of
(Fig. 2.27) orientation (Cardonnel, 1983)

Orientation for the prevailing wind can be the determinant factor In

some situations, as for example in the coastal tropics, or in locations
with a high relative humidity, or where frequent and intense winds are
to be avoided. In most cases solar orientation is fundamental and is
more important from the thermaL climatic, hygienic and
psychological point of view. Solar orientation is even more important
as we move away from the coast.

The size of glazed surfaces is the primary determinant of the amount

of total solar energy (diffuse, direc t. global) that would penetrate the

An increase in the glazed surface of an inhabited space always

results in an increase of the interior air temperature, especially during
day time, which in turn leads to an increased amplitude of the interior
temperature variation. lJ ...... !-"
28 \
Glazing ratio (gr). which is sometimes referred to as 'transparency
coefficient' (T) is the ratio of glazed surface and the overall wall 26
·• \

surface of the building. Thus we have:
\ - '

gr =T =Sg I St
... eq. 2.16) 22 \
where: gr = glazing ratio
Sg = glazed surface -', '
St = total wall surface 18
This can be applied to an element or to the whole building. 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23
------- external temperature
- - - with small window
According to bioclimatic requirements of the location the desirable - w~hJargewindow
glazing ratio will tend to be lower in inter-tropical regions and larger in Fig. 2.21 Temperature profile with large
mid- or high latitudes. and small windows (Izard, 1993)


Fig. 2.21 shows hourly variation of interior temperature of a given 220

building with small and large windows. Towards noon, the 200 1\
180 I \
difference between small and large windows exceeds three \
degrees. 2 160

Shading devices can be used to control solar input. The largest ~ 80
heat gain in a building is caused by solar radiation penetrating .a 60
through windows. The use of opaque devices between the sun ' 40
20 -:::
and the window will limit the penetration of solar radiation into the
building. ..o
2 2 .. 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
a Tme

In a comparative study of the heat flows (both conduction and 12

radiation) through a timber framed wall painted a light colour (U=0.74 11

W /m2K) and a single glass pane, both facing west, over a cloudless
average summer day in Miami. it was demonstrated that the glass is
30 times more vulnerable to the sun than the wall (Fig. 2.22). When
shading the glass. the effect in terms of daily total is reduced to one
third. Such comparisons are affected by several conditions, such as / ........
the latitude, orientation, time of the year, etc. (Oigyay. 1963). / \
The effectiveness of exterior solar protection is at its maximum if the ·1

intercepted solar radiation is reflected. because the heating effect b

2 2 • 6 a 10 r;,! ,,. 16 1e 20 22 2.c
on the surface of the shading device itself is reduced.
Fig. 2.22. Heat transmission in (a) a glass
Solar protection systems or shading devices are classified as fixed pane, (b) a wooden wall (Oigyay, 1963). In
or adjustable (Fig. 2.23). Fixed devices are rigidly attac hed to the both cases the lower curve is the heat gain
building without any facility for adjustment. so their action is when shaded.
constant. Movable sunshades allow the possibility for adjustment or
regulation. their parts can be adjusted manually or automatically,
but these require more maintenance.

Fig. 2.24 presents the results of a series of thermal models (which are Fixed devices

not ventilated); those in the first series are without shading devices and
those in the second have external solar protection (venetian blinds),
for a series of orientations. The results of the second series show that
the difference of interior temperature for the different orientations
(north, south. east and west) is quite small and the temperature for all
orientations narrowly follows the same pattern. In the case of the most Adjustable devices
unfavourable direction (the west). the 16:00 hour temperature

~~am ai
maximum value of the first series is reduced by about 9 degrees due
to the presence of the shading device (Givoni, 1994).

The shading c oefficient (SC) has been used as a measure of the

Fig. 2.23. Adjustable and fixed devices.
effectiveness of the shading device. which is a decimal fraction.
Examples of external solar protection.
the ratio of the quantity of heat gained (by absorption. transmission
and radiation) by the shaded glass to the heat gained by an
unprotected c lear glass in a typical window.

SC = solar heat gain of given fenestration

solar heat gain of reference glass

the reference glass has the following properties at normal

a = 0.06; r = 0.08; t = 0.86
Clear glass would have a shading coefficient of 1. and the value 0
would indicate a total blocking of all solar radiation . Sometimes SC
was used for a glass/shading device com bination measured at


normal incidence. sometimes as an instantaneous value for a given oc

Incidence, sometimes average value for a given location, time of the
year and orientation. Table 2.5 gives the shading coefficients for different 35
types of solar control elements.
~ L "i 1\
In recent times the use of the solar heat gain coefficient (SHGC) is
favoured, which is defined as tf I ~r "" r-.I' ~ ~ .......
SHGC = solar heat gain of given fenestration :j
1\.. ~ ~ ~ ~
solar irradiance on the outer surface lO ·.ftll. I'- J r-.. 1-
The term ' fenestration' in both cases means the window, together
with any shading devices and in case of the SHGC it accounts for the 4 s a 10 12 14 16 11 20 zz 24 2 4 Hoon
average properties of window glass and frame.

Interior solar protection. blinds and inside curtains are not very
effective, as they absorb solar heat and can reach quite high
temperatures. The absorbed heat will warm the inside air, partly by
convection, partly by re-radiation. Half of this re-radiation takes place r-
towards the outside, but since it is long wave, the glass of the window . ~
- ~

b = r-
'/ /
blocks it. Only a small part may be reflected by the blind at its original I

wavelength, which may escape through the glass. The space w: ...... -~
~ ~

between the blind and the window is overheated, the heat is then ..,.::;
distributed to the room by convection and the heat of the blind itself
makes the mean radiant interior temperature go up above the air ---()a;a:f~rg.S.
temperature (Fig. 2.25). ---()a;a:fv.i'rl::wtri"g-N-
···············- ·······-<:lcsed v.in:DNt:rirg-&
- - - - - CbJejv.irlbNfa:irg-W
Reflection by the glass itself can also block solar radiation. Fig. 2.26 -------------Exterralarterrperallre
shows that transmittance is almost constant for an angle of incidence Fig. 2.24 Internal temperatures registered
between oo and 45°. Beyond 70° there is significant reduc tion in in thermal models (a) without and (b)
transmittance for the solar radiation by a strong increase in surface with shading devices (Givoni, 1994)
reflection. This optical property of glass can be applied in the window
geometry: a forward sloping glass surface will c reate large a angle of SurtJoe IOO<s
incidence thus It is practically opaque for solar radiation. (Fig. 2.27)

Table 2.5 Shading coefficients (SC) of some window systems

window system shading coefficient
Glazing clear glass, 3 mm 1.00
clear glass, 12 mm 0.90 Fig. 2.25 Thermal behavior of a shade of
heat absorbing or tinted 0.50-0.80 dark colour
reflective 0.20- 0.60 100
Internal devices

External devices
venetian blinds
roller shades
egg crate
horizontal overhang
- r-...


rr-r- ~ \
vertical fins or louvres 0.10-0.60
trees 0.20-0.60 ~ I I
30 1-- \ 1\
Absorptance (a) is an optical property of glass that is open to 20 - \

modification, through the use of additives which tint the body of the 10 I I \
glass. Although the tinted glass reduces light transmission, it does not 0 \ .
0 20' 40' 60' 80 100'
usually reduce thermal gain to the same extent. since the absorbed Angle (i)
radiation heats the body of the glass, which is then re-radiated to the
Fig. 2.26 Solar radiation transmittance
inside. A type of tinted glass is called heat absorbent as it has selective
through a glass surface as a function of
properties: it absorbs part of the short-wave infrared angle of incidence


radiation much more than the visible part. It will slightly reduce solar
heat gain, but it gets heated and the problem of re-radiation still
occurs. The behaviour of a heat absorbent glass exposed to solar
radiation in is illustrated in Fig. 2.28.

Selective transmittance ('t) means that the transmittance varies with

the wavelength. When natural light is desired, but not solar heat. it
would be a great advantage if the visible component of the solar
radiation could penetrate. at the same time that the infrared solar
radiation was blocked . Certain selective glass systems (low-e) can
do this to a limited extent.
Fig. 2.27 Reflection of the greater part of
the solar beam by a tilted glass surface Fig. 2.30 shows that low-e glass transmits 'colder' light than other
due to the large angle of incidence glazing materials, because these transmit a bigger proportion of the
visible radiation than of the infrared. This type of glass is also useful in
winter, because It allows less loss of radiant heat than a
conventional glass.
1.0 r--..-;;;;~;;;;;:;;~---,
0 .9

0 .8


0 .6


0 .3


0 .1

Heat absorbing glass Reflective glass

Fig. 2.28 Energy balance in a window Fig. 2.29 Energy balance in a window Fig. 2.30 Solar transmittance in a selective
with absorbent glass with reflective glass glass the (low-e) as a function of wavelength

Reflectance (p) for solar radiation of the window glass can be

significantly increased by the addition of a metallic reflective coat to
the glass surface. This reflectance can be selective, its properties
depend on the thickness of this coat, it can block the infrared part of
solar radiation whilst admit much of the visible part of the spectrum.
However. in winter this treatment reduces the utilization of solar
energy in a passive system . Reflective glass is appropriate for east
and west fac ades. Such selectivity can be engineered to suit the
task; for example a low-e (low emittance) coating on the inside face
of a pane can be used to reduce heat losses in a cold climate. whilst
in warm climates it can be used to reduce heat gain.

Photochromic glasses of several types have recently been

developed. Most include crystalline submicroscopic particles which
turn dark when exposed to intense light. and they recover their
transparency when the illuminance is reduced. Its transmittance may
vary between 0.74 (when clear) and 0.01 (when darkened).

Insulating glasses have a much reduced thermal transmittance.

Whilst the U-value of ordinary single glazing is around 6 W/m2K,
insulating windows with U-values below 1.5 W /m2K can be
constructed in several ways. Most common are the sealed double


and triple glazed systems using low-e coatings and noble gas filling
of the cavity between the transparent layers. In window systems
using double glazing units with low-e coating and argon. U-values
about 1.3 Wfm2K can be obtained and with evacuated low-e
coated double glazing units. about 0.56 Wfm2K has been obtained.

There is a new type of material. still in the experimental phase. the silica
aerogel. transparent to visible radiation Oight) and highly insulating. Its
thermal conductivity Is around 0.021 W/m.K; lower than that of still air
(0.026 W/m.K). In an evacuated aerogel glazing constructed as a
sandwich by inserting a 20 mm thick aerogel layer between two glass
panes U values around 0.5 Wfm2K were reached (Duer and Svendsen.
1998). In air-conditioned rooms. this type of glass, because of its thermal
resistance. is perfect for the control of loads. However. it should be
avoided in non-conditioned buildings
(Fig. 2.31).

.... ~


; ~

U = 0.5 W/m 2K

inside outside

Fig. 2.31. Section of an improved glazing system (evacuated top < 5 kPa)

Such glasses are very useful in cold winter climates, where there is a
large outdoor-indoor temperature difference, where heat loss
should be reduced to a minimum. but solar heat gain is very
desirable. but certainly not in warm climates.

. .



3.1 Heat conduction

Heat is a form of energy appearing as molecular movement In

materials or as electromagnetic radiation in space. In a solid body, or
bodies in contact heat flow by conduction takes place directly
between adjacent particles of the material when molecules transfer
heat (molecular motion) from hotter to cooler points.

The rate of heat flow varies from one material to another and it is
defined by Fourier's equation. Eq. 3.1 is derived from the Fourier
equation and indicates that the heat flow rate depends on the
thermal conductivity of the material, its thickness (length of heat flow
path), the cross sectional area available for conduction. and the
temperature differenc e between the two points considered:

Q = (A. I b) • A • M ... eq. 3.1)

Q = heat flow rate or heat flux 0/11)
A. =thermal conductivity of the material (Nim.K), a characteristic
the material that indicates its capacity to transmit the heat flow.
It is the heat flow rate per unit of surface. with a unit of
temperature difference. between two points at a separation
distance of one unit. A material with a high conductivity value
will allow a higher flow of energy
b = breadth or thic kness of the element it expresses the length of
heat flow path (m).
A = element surface or area through which heat is transmitted;
taken perpendicular to the heat flow (m 2 )
~T =temperature difference between the two fa ces of the body.
In the case of a building envelope it is the difference between the
external and internal faces.

Equation 3. 1. shows that the heat conducted through any material is

proportional to the area perpendicular to the heat flow.. to the
conductivity of the materiaL and to the difference in temperature
between its two faces, and it is inversely proportional to the th ickness
of the material.

3.1.1 Conductivity and conductance

The term A./b (Nfm2K) is referred to as c onductance . Conductivity is a

material property independent of its shape or size. whereas
conductance (C) is a property of a b ody of given thickness .
Resistance (R) is the reciprocal of conductance. a much more
commonly used value. expressed in m2K/W.
R = b I A. ... eq. 3.2)


The quantity 'conductance' is rarely used in practice (except as surface

conductance). However, the term 'conductance' is often used with a different
meaning, as introduced on p.9: qc, qv and q, all measured in units of W/K.

When the envelope (waiL floor or roof) is composed of several layers

of different materials, heat must travel through these layers
sequentially; therefore the heat flow will depend on the sum of the
individual resistances of the component layers.
Rbodv = Rl + R2 + ...... Rn ... eq. 3.3)
Rbody =total resistance of the body
R1... Rn = resistance of each of the layers

When the external surface is exposed to solar radiation, the surface

temperature of the external face of the opaque element can
increase considerably; therefore. heat flow to the interior or the
building will also increase. The temperature difference will be taken
between the sol-air temperature (Tsa) and the indoor air temperature:
~T = Tsa - Ti (Tsa is calculated using eq. 2.6)

Table 3.1 Surface resistan ce of elements {W/m 2K)

normal low emittance

surfaces surfaces
Rs1 inside walls 0.12 0.30
ceiling, floor heat flow up 0.10 0.22
heat flow down 0.14 0.55
ceiling, 45°C heat flow up 0.11 0.23
heat flow down 0.13 0.38
Rso outside walls sheltered 0.08 0.11
normal exposure 0.06 0.07
severe exposure 0.03 0.03
roofs sheltered 0.07 0.09
normal exposure 0.04 0.05
severe exposure 0.02 0.02
3.1.2 Thermal transmittance 0. 0

The surfaces of a body also offer some resistance to the heat flow. The
inner and outer surface resistances are denoted Rsi and Rso
respectively. The reciprocals of these resistances are the surface 'o · o

conductances, hi and ho for inner and outer surfaces respectively. 0

These surface conductances include both convective and radiant ~ 'o·

• 0

~ "ii·e·a'f ....~ ~
components: h = hr + he. The magnitude of surface conductance ······ '············
depends on the position of the surface. the direction of the heat flow. 29't ...:::•••••••.;-····"· .•• ..................... Jl'C
and air movement.

Heat flow through a building envelope takes place from external air to
the air inside the building (or vice versa). Therefore, in order to
determine the heat flow, the surface resistances must be added to
the total resistance of the different layers of the element; this value is convection
called air-to-air resistance Ra-a. The reciprocal of the air-to-air
resistance is the thermal transmittance (U-value) and its unit is W/m2K.
Thermal transmittance is the value that best defines the amount of Fig. 3.1The concept of thermal air-to-
heat that can be transmitted through a component of the building. air transmittance
Low U values indicate a higher capacity to prevent heat flow and,
therefore, better insulating performance.


Ro-o = Rsi + Rbody + Rso ... eq. 3.4)

u = 1/(Ro-o) ... eq. 3.5)

Ro-o air-to-air resistance of the element (m?KJW)
Rsi inner surface resistance (m2KJW)
Rso outer surface resistance (m2KJW)
u thermal transmittance (W Jm2K)
Rbody total resistance of all layers of the body of the element

3.2 Design strategies to reduce conduction heat flow

The two main design strategies d iscussed in this chapter. that will
reduce heat flow by conduction. thus avoiding overheating the
building's interior. are obtained from equation 3.1:

a) the use of insulating materials (of a low conductivity, A.) and

b) the use of large thickness (breadth. b) of material to increase
resistance but also to generate thermal mass. which a lso has
on insulating effect: dampening the temperature swings

The correct treatment of outer surfaces and the control of

microclimatic conditions around the building may also hove a positive
effect in the reduction of the total heat flow into the build ing - these
ore discussed in chapter 6.

The application of these strategies con be affected in o n important

way by many other factors such as: the use of space. either during
daytime. nighttime or mixed: ventilation control or the rote of air
exchange; type of thermal control: natural or mechanical; air humidity
and temperature; and values of radiation affecting the building.

In buildings with full cross-ventilation. with on envelope that is well

protected from solar radiation (sol-air temperature being similar to air
temperature). thermal insulation will not seNe any purpose. because
the indoor temperature will be quite close to the outdoor temperature
(.1T ~ 0) therefore. heat flow by conduction between the exterior and
interior will tend to zero.

In buildings where outdoor temperatures and humidity are close to the

values for thermal comfort. it will not be necessary to use insula ting
materials. unless radiation exposure has significant effects on the
building . When there is a difference in temperature between the
interior and exterior of the building. of at least 4 K. it will be advisable
to use techniques for the reduction of conductive heat flow. In
naturally ventilated buildings. this difference con be the result of
fluctuations in temperature or in ventilation flow. o r in solar radiation .

Insulation will be more useful in air conditioned buildings. where indoor

temperatures are continuously lower than the outdoors. generally
.1T > 6 K. In this case insulation is practically a must. in order to ovoid
excessive heat gain. which could heavily increase the a ir conditioning


In the following section the main design strategies for the reduction of ~
conductive heat flow through building envelope elements will be {
discussed. 8
3.2. 1 Increasing thermal resistance of the element J
The use of insulating materials is the most basic design principle for the
reduction of conductive heat flow though the envelope. These have a too I
low conductivity and high resistivity, in sufficient thickness to obtain
high resistance. Heat flow is directly proportional to conductivity; if a o.ao
material w ith a conductivity 50% lower than another material is used 1/
there will be a 50% reduction in heat flow. o.60 J
Conductivity generally increases as density does. Dense materials,
such as metals, are more conductive than light materials, such as
polystyrene, but this relationship is not linear (Fig. 3.2). Air has a low

020 _... ~-""'"

conductivity, but if it can move. convective heat transport will
increase. 0 :m 1000 1500 2000 K{Ym'
Density ([)y)

The presence of moisture in the material also increases thermal Fig. 3.2 Conductivity as a function of
conductivity, because the water replacing air in the pores has a much density (dry materials)
greater conductivity; therefore, in warm climates materials should be
kept dry, to contain little water (Fig. 3.3).

Many sources (eg. PLEA Note 2) present tables of conductivity and

classify materials according to their thermal conductivity. Here the
classification proposed by Lavigne (1994) is adopted:

Good conductors: metals: copper, aluminium 50 - 380 W /m. K ""~ too t--1-t--+--t--+- -+- -J
Conductors, such as concrete and some bricks 1- 49.99 W/m.K f
Poor conductors, such as wood s
0. 13 - 0. 99 W/m. K o.ao t r - - tt - - r - - - ; r - ---;r- ~~
Insulating materials, such as fibres or foams 0.02- 0.12W/m.K j I
0.60 ~
Table 3.2 presents some construction materials organized according to
this classification.
Table 3.2 Thermal conductivity of some construction materials

Good conductors: copper 280 W/m.K

see I 52
aluminum 165
structural steel 60

Conductors: heavy stones 3

common concrete 2
compressed earth 1
Poor conductors: light aggregate concrete 0.14-0.27
glass 0.8

mineral wool
i o.os r---t-:.f<-~--;--~t'9'0
~ (35· 4 K~¥ml
polystyrene 0.03-0.05
- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - 0.04 ~IJ-...;I,._-t--+--t----t
(Gosele & Schule, 1985)

Based on the analysis of conductivity values. the importance of using

! 0.02 t---t--t----;r------t----1

insulating materials cannot be stressed enough, to reduce heat flow to

0 :a> 40 00 00 100%
the interior of a building when ~T > 4 K. A 50 mm slab of a common \ki.melricrrcisluecxn
insulating material(/..= 0.03 W/m.K) will act the same way as 3500 mm Fig. 3.3 Conductivity as a function of
of common conc rete(!.. = 2.1 W/m.K), in terms of insulating capacity moisture content
(both give a resistance of 1.66 m 2K/W).


).=0.03 W/m.K There are constructional elements which are made of several
components. or several components and air cavities. This is the very
common case of hollow concrete or clay bricks and blocks. For
these an equivalent conductivity is calculated by taking a weighted
average of cavity and material bridge properties, such as shown by
the following example:

Take a concrete block of 400 x 200 x 200 mm which has two cavities
of 155 x 140 mm size. thus all web thicknesses are 30 mm.

data: concrete A= 1.5 W/m.K c avity resistance = 0.17 m2K/W

Common concrete
the resistance of each of the two surface layers is
1..=2 1 W/m .K R1 = R3 = 0.030/1 .5 = 0.02 m2K/W

Fig. 3.4 Equivalent thickness of two The average conductance of the middle 140 mm layer must be found
materials (same resistance), different first: the cavity conductance is 1/0.17 = 5.8
conductivity for the web R = 0.140/1 .5 = 0.09,
thus its conductance will be 1/0.09 = 11 .1
then weighted average conductance of layer 3:
= 11.1• (30 + 30 + 30) + 5.8 • (155 + 155) = 6.99

j[J[Jj thus the average R3 is 1/6.99 = 0.14

therefore Rtot = 0.02 + 0.14 + 0.02 = 0.18 m2K/W
as R= b /A A= b/R = 0.200/0.18 = 1.1 W/m.K
which is the result required, the notional conductivity of the block.
A 400x200 mm concr. block
155 x 140 mm cavities The same tec hnique can be used to find the U-value of the block: only
30 mm wall thickness the surface resistances must be added to the above Rtot a nd its
reciprocal will be the U-value.

In walls, and especially in roofs, combinations of materials that

generate structural strength and insulating c apacity must be used. By
using layers of insulating materials good U-values can be obtained
with relatively small thicknesses. It Is especially important to control
thermal gain in elements receiving high solar radiation, such as roofs in
low latitudes.

Many authors (eg . Z61d and Szokolay 1997) define thermal insulation as
"controlling the flow of heat" and thus distinguish three types of
insulation: reflective, resistive and capacitive insulation.

Reflective insulators will be used when the p redominant mechanism of

heat transfer is radiation and they face an air chamber. They must
have low absorptance and high reflectance . The best one is polished
aluminum foil.

Resistive insulation is used to control conductive heat flow. This is

sometimes referred to as "bulk insulation". Materials used for this are
those that have a low conductivity (usually fibrous or porous materials)
and insulate depending on their thickness.

Capacitive insulation is also referred to as the "mass effect". The effect

depends on the material's density, specific heat capacity and its


Capacitive insulation has a retarding effect on heat flow. This will be
2 low-e surfaces
discussed further on. (y:

Cavities. Density is indicative of conductivity (Fig. 3.2). Air is the ~ l'l~ ~

common substance with the lowest density and conductivity. It is ~
one of the best insulators and Is also the cheapest. Therefore the use 0< J j_
of an air-filled cavity Is recommended as one of the layers of a s
compound envelope element either a roof, floor or wall (Fig. 3.5). ~ 0::
However. heat flow in cavities (air chambers) takes place not only i 1 . . . . ····-·
ordinary ,_••••

I,(# - - - . . .
~ _ ~ materials
by conduction through the air: heat reaches the wall of the cavity ~ ~
by conduction and then is transmitted to the opposite wall by 01
convection and radiation. To reduce radiant heat flow across a
cavity a reflective insulator (or radiant barrier) should be installed. 'VY
This will consist of a surface with low emittance and high reflectance 0 2 4 6 8 1l
on either the warmer (emitter) or cooler (receiver) surface of the
cavity, or both. Fig. 3.5 Resistances of cavities as a
function of thickness
Resistance of the cavity is not proportional to its width. After 20mm,
resistance to the heat flow will remain relatively constant; therefore,
increasing the width of a cavity does not have any significant
thermal effect. Thermal resistance of a cavity also depends on the
direction of heat flow (Table 3.3)

Table 3.3 Thermal resistance of cavities (m2 K/W)

position flow direction thickness resistance

vertical · horizontal 10-20 0.14

horizontal 20-500 0.17
horizontal vertical, up 10 - 500 0.17
vertical, down 10-500 0.21

(Bansal. 1993)

The surface of an element also offers resistance to the heat flow and
this surface resistance depends on Its radiative and convective
components. The surface resistance depends on the position of the
surface, the direction of heat flow and the velocity of air movement.
For horizontal elements the surface resistance is higher when the
heat flows downwards and when air velocity is lower. There are may
ways to modify the properties of the element's surface (changes in
smoothness, texture, inclinations, etc.) and thus increase resistance
of the material, which is necessary in hot climates. These strategies
are discussed in more detail in the chapter on control of radiation
heat gains.

As mentioned In chapter 1, the heat flow though a window during

daytime, Is mainly by radiation and depends mostly on the angle of
incidence of solar rays on the glass. However, air-to-air heat
transmission by conduction can also be quite significant especially if
the ~Tis large. The magnitude of this will depend on the U-value of
the window, which is generally quite high. The Importance of a high
resistance Oow U-value) of windows, In warm climates, is greater
when the building is air conditioned and especially when the
window is well protected from solar radiation, as in this case the
conduction gain will become dominant.


To reduce heat flow by conduction though windows, the following

strategies can be applied:

1- use glazing with two or several layers of glass with cavities to act
as insulators
2- use heat reflective glass, which admit less solar radiation
3- use a low-e surface in the cavity to reduce infrared transmission
between two glass panes

Fig. 3.6 indicates comparative values of thermal transmittance for

different glazing types and frame materials

D wmdow

l'll1iiii:l window with

WllJWI curtains
window with
external roller

0 2 3 4 5 6 7
U-value (W/m 2 K)

0 2 3 4 5 6 7

single glazing

double glazing

======= improved
double glazing

0 2 3 4 5 6 7

From the European Passive Solar Handbook (1992)

Fig. 3.6 Thermal transmittance (U-value) of windows: various glazing and frame types (W/m2 K)

3.2.2 Mass (capacitive insulation) to regulate indoor temperature

When thickness increases, resistance of the component to the heat

flow also increases. However, this increase in thickness has a definite
limit due to costs and feasibility of construction. For this reason insulating
materials are used to block the heat flow rather than regular
construction materials of a great thickness. However, insulating
materials have low density and low structural strength thus they must be
used in combination with other construction materials that give them
strength and rigidity. The need arises for the d evelopment of


multi-layered walls. In walls, and especially in roofs, combinations of .Aaj fa' lfR J~
materials that provide structural strength and insulating capacity irs.JciX:n <0.4 >0.4

lrterra Q('h 1h
must be used. By using layers of insulating materials good U values ~ 1h 131
can be obtained with a relatively thin layer. It is especially important
to control thermal gain in components receiving high solar radiation, 14 /i~
such as roofs in low latitudes.
12 /Y.L
Capacitive insulators act as a function of their thickness, density and
their specific heat capacity; they have a delaying effect on heat /:, /
flow. These will be discussed further on.
The increase of thickness of a layer increases its resistance to heat
flow. Resistance is the property taken into account in heat flow
calculations based on steady state assumptions. However, buildings 2 /
are subject to a changing temperature and radiation regime,
therefore heat flows through the envelope will not be constant. It is
o 'KXl an :m
more likely that these flows will be dynamic and vary periodically, ~(rmi

with a pattern repeated over subsequent 24 hour periods. Fig. 3.7 Time lag of solid
homogeneous materials
On the other hand, all the building elements and building contents
have a certain heat storage capacity and can, therefore, absorb 1

energy during the heating process, to release it later during the ~

cooling process. This process of energy storage and release may
cause a delay in the time of maximum and minimum temperature. Q8 \\ 1\
The time difference in inner temperature peak with respect to the \\ \
outdoor peak is referred to as time lag (<J>). \
\ \
If the daily temperature fluctuation is represented by a sinusoidal \\ \
curve, a levelling of the curve can also take place, ie the amplitude \. ~ ~
of the curve (distance from average value to maximum values) is \
reduced. The ratio of the indoor temperature amplitude to that of
'' \
the outdoor is the decrement factor (!-!), which expresses the
capacity of an element to reduce the temperature swings in a 02
.. f3:::::::=
.... .... , ~

)l = - - m :m :m
Toampl lltkess(rmi

Fig. 3.8 Decrement factor of solid

For example, if the inner amplitude is Tiompl = 7K and the outer homogeneous materials
amplitude is Toompl = l4K, the decrement factor will be 0.50. The
highest possible value is one, in elements with no capacity at all to
store energy.

Diffusivity is a composite index of material properties:

A, (m2/h, if cis in Wh/kg.K) ... eq. 3.5)

a. =-- (m2/s, if cis In J/kg.K)
A. = thermal conductivity (W/m.K)
p = density kg/m3
c = specific heat capacity of the material
This is sometimes referred to as temperature conductivity and can
be visualised as the surface area of a sphere over which the
temperatutre spreads in unit time from a point input. In itself this


quantity is of no practical use. but time lag and decrement factor

can be expressed in terms of this a.

Time lag and decrement factor are the most important dynamic
thermal properties of an envelope element. For a single layer of
homogeneous material these properties can be expressed the
following way (GivonL 1969 quoting Mackey & Wright. 1946):

f.l = exp (- b r-;-)

vc;:;24 ... eq. 3.6)

.{l; = 0.362 thus

... eq. 3.6)

... eq. 3.7)

and as - • -
= 1.38

... eq. 3.7/a)

... eq. 3.6/b)

... eq. 3.7 /b)

Where angular velocity of the temperature wave is

ro = - - for a 24-hour cycle ... eq. 3.8)

b = thickness of element
c =specific heat capacity (Wh/kg.K)

Note that for eq. 3.5 onwards it is convenient to give the value of c
in Wh/kg.K, where the result of both 3.5 and 3.7 is required in hours
(the cycle length is also given as 24 h). If c is g iven in J/kg.K. then the
cycle length must be in seconds (24•3600), and a must be in m2/s.

It can be noted in these equations that a highly conductive material

will reduce both the time lag and the decrement factor; whereas a
greater density, specific heat capacity and thickness will increase
both. For multi-layer elements the decrement factor and time lag
also depend on the order of the different layers with respect to heat
flow direction and the values of f.l and <1> can be calculated with
more complex equations.

Table 3.4 shows the decrement factors of four constructions, each

having a U-value of 0.53 W/m2K.


Table 3.4 Decrement factors of four wall constructions

surface density: kg/m 2

sandwich panel 1 mm aluminium sheet

6 mm insulation
1 mm aluminium sheet 21 0.80
insulated brick wall 20 mm rendering
175 mm brickwork
57 mm insulation
10 mm plasterboard 327 0.26
solid concrete wall 20 mm rendering
400 mm lightweight concrete
15 mm plastering 298 0.03
insulated cavity brick wall115 mm brickwork
40 mm cavity
55 mm insulation
175 mm brickwork
15 mm plastering 510 0.02

(Hauser, 1981)
Heat storage capacity depends on the mass. and therefore on the
volume. density and specific heat of the material. This concept is
more easily understood than diffusivity or other physical concepts so
the popular term is 'thermal mass'. Stored thermal energy can be
determined with equation 3.9 where the capacity to store energy is
directly proportional to the specific heat of the constructional
element. its thickness. and the temperature difference between the
material and the surrounding temperature.

C>.Jtside wall Inside wall

Qst = c • p • V • L\T ... eq. 3.9) lflrTlJeratUe 1 (Ta) tesrpercttre (Ti)
Qst = heat flow rate into storage (per second) 0N) 11 =ampTI I ampTa
c =specific heat capacity (J/kg.K)
p = density (kgfm3)
V = volume (m3)
L\T =temp. difference material & surrounding air
Two materials with the same conductivity but different specific
heat and density. subject to steady state conditions. constant
heat flow. will permit the same heat flow to the interior of the
building. However. if the heat flow conditions are periodic.
such as in a 24 hour cycle. there can be important differences
in relation to the indoor peak temperature and the time of its .·' ...
occurrence. Therefore. two walls of the same U-value exposed
to the same heat input but with different mass. can show
important differences regarding inner amplitudes and time
lag. although the average daily heat flow will be the same.
This effect is similar to that of two ponds of different size which
take different times to fill up with the same rate of water flow.

If the diurnal temperature variation (the difference between

the day-time maximum and night-time minimum) is small. the
material will not be able to absorb much energy. Therefore
elements with large thermal capacities are not very useful In Fig. 3.9 The concept of time lag and decrement
areas with diurnal variations less than 8 K. such as In warm factor


humid climates. The heavy construction mass is redundant. However.

where the diurnal range is large, these materials and elements will
help to reduce the indoor temperature peak and the amplitude of
variation. When the outdoor temperature varies between too hot
during the day and too cool at night massive construction can be
used to reduce the amplitude and make the indoor conditions
comfortable day and night.

A material with a high specific heat and density, such as concrete. will
store much more heat than a light insulating material; therefore, this
concrete will absorb much more energy for the same temperature
change and will also release much more energy for the same
temperature variation. For example, a concrete wall 300 mm thick will
need 2 kWh/m2 to increase its temperature from 1ooc to 20°C (by 10
K), whereas an insulating material of the same thickness will increase
by 10 K with only 0.04 kWh/m2 (Bansal et al. 1994).

In order to use these materials properly it is necessary to know how

much mass to use according to the design needs and periodic
variations. To determine this quantity, the term active thermal mass is
used (Z61d & Szokolay, 1997). In order to do this we must first determine
the effective depth, which refers to the depth of penetration of
temperature waves during the processes of energy storage and
release. This will depend on the period and the conductivity of the
storage material. A longer period and a higher conductivity material
can make use of a greater thickness of the element.

According to Z61d and Szokolay (1997) this depth of penetration can

be calculated mathematically in many ways, but for solid concrete.
brick or masonry elements it can be estimated as the least of the
following options:
1.- half the total thic kness of the construc tion
2.- 100 mm
3.- the thickness from the surface to the first insulating layer.
This is valid for the 24-hour cycle and was originally proposed for the
innermost layer of a wall in a passive solar (direct gain) building, or
where the heat input is directly into the space, but it can be applied
to situations where the direction of heat flow is periodically reversed
(input Into storage and release from storage), possibly at the outside
surface of an element.

The desirable mass (or thickness) of an envelope element for heat

transmission can be best estimated by the use of the time-lag
property: it will be the difference between the time of maximum heat
input at the outer surface and the time when heat input into the
space from the inner face of the element is desirable or can be

Specific admittance (~) of a material (some authors refer to this as

'effusivity') is another composite index of material properties .

... eq. 10)

Dimensionally it is h1 12Wfm2K and it is a measure of the ability of the

material to absorb heat flow. To obtain the magnitude this quantity for


the 24-hour cycle, correct the above by~ =0.51 (h·lt2)

thus the actual admittance:

a= 0.51 • ~ = 0.51 • .JA. • p • c ('N/m21<:) ... eq. 3.11)

The thermal inertia index (D) of a homogeneous element can be

expressed in terms of this a-value:

D = a • R = a • ~ (non-dimensional) ... eq. 3.12)

The correlation of diffusivity (a) and specific admittance (~) is

indicative of the thermal properties of different materials. An
example of this is given in Fig. 3.10 (after Izard, 1993 and Gonzalez.
1997 ).

X 1 0-6·

e Poly:,:t.•rerte
m U I rter 2!11 -aJ r c

ell.lllzrtle -15
• f\.ood[
• Pot.·~

• f'lhl: ndJC-am
- .Argile .,-
ID • •- 3d •o-zntte

EJU _,.._._·.
1!!1 "I!!~ pztle ~p·

1!!1 r";"'""

• Btclc

... •
• ~hzr"w:
. ....-:.. ... ~e .
a Ill - - c Q"'CC' !~.
... ll · P!f"'" , -~ . - IU • -0.5
tA-e• •.-a: r.:=-:::u., e e .a. . 1!!1 ·~
tie~ ... ~~I <ZI"dbOi:nf.
cA 1!1 lim·.
. 1!!1 !"he wxiJa'IE
I'U:D!r 'R:at"'Q ~r ..

a :. ·p 1·000 2000 ·3000 .·' ...

Fig 3.10. Specific admittance (~) vs diffusivity (a) of some common
construction materials. (after Gonzalez, 1993)

Such diagrams assist in the selection of materials with appropriate

diffusivity and specific admittance in order to reduce amplitude.

It is not possible to make specific recommendations on different

combinations of materials on the basis of external conditions alone,
since use of space (internal heat gain), solar heat input directly into
the space and ventilation conditions should also be taken into


In a space designed for daytime use. In a warm climate, it is

advisable to use materials that will reduce temperature amplitude
(mass effect) to avoid getting too close to daytime outdoor
maximum values; materials and elements that will create a long time
lag, thus they will delay the heating effect to a time when the space
is not in use. For the enclosure of a space for nighttime use it is
advisable to select a material with low thermal capacity and short
time-lag, thus it will cool down quickly at night. This goal can be
reached using a unique and homogeneous material or designing
multi-layered walls with suitable materials. In the following
paragraphs some recommendations proposed by Lavigne (1994),
suitable to reduce thermal amplitude are listed.

If the wall is an homogeneous element:

1 Increase the thickness of the element.

2 Choose a material for the element that has low diffusivity, high
specific admittance and low conductivity.
3 Use elements with high specific admittance in the building's

If this homogeneous wall is under considerable thermal load

1 Increase the thickness of the components of the wall.

2 Use thic k insulating walls, with high internal admittance.
3 Reduce solar radiation absorptance and protect from solar

If the wall is an element with two layers of different materials:

Place a high admittance layer on the inside and the insulating

layer on the outside, this way the mass is protected from the
exterior, thus avoiding accumulation of energy from incident
radiation or high temperatures and promoting accumulation
of "cold" from inside the building .
2 Interior elements (eg partitions) need not be of high
admittance although that may be helpful.

If the waiL with two layers of different materials, is subject to large

thermal load thermal charges. we should:
Locate the high admittance layer in the inside and the
insulating layer on the outside.
2 Increase the thickness of the components of the wall
3 Reduce solar radiation absorptance and protect from solar

According to measurements carried out (Gonzalez, 1993) the effect

of high diffusivity on the decrement factor is much more Important
than the effect of high admittance (for identical ~ values there can
be 80% variation due to diffusivity, whereas the effect of admittance
with constant diffusivity does not go beyond 23%). Therefore, with
multi-layer elements a much better behaviour can be obtained than
with homogeneous ones. Gonzalez (1993) proposes combinations of
specific admittance and diffusivity depending on the use of the
space and the form of thermal controls.


Table 3.5 Recommendations for diffusivity, a and specific

admittance (effusivity), ~ according to space use and control

building air conditioned building free running building

use 1 air ch/hour 1-20 air ch/h 1-20 air ch/h

day time a low a low a low

7-19 h p indifferent p indifferent p indifferent
(low) (low)

night time a. high a indifferent (low)

19-7 plow p low

continuous a low a low

24 hours p low plow

(Gonzalez. 1993)

3.2.3 Other strategies to reduce conduction heat flow

In addition to the two strategies (insulation and mass) mentioned

above, there are others that will also reduce the conduction heat
flow, but they are not as effective or are more complex to apply.
Nevertheless these will also be discussed.

Reduce surface area. If the area in contact with the exterior is

reduced, heat flow through the envelope will also be reduced : the
value of A in equation 3.1 is reduced therefore Q is also reduced.
Buildings with a lesser area in c ontac t with the exterior are more
efficient in the control of heat by conduction. However, if ventilation
exchanges are considered (see chapter 4), when Ti > To a larger
building surface will be more favourable, to allow the introduction of
more air to the building. Generally, it is difficult to modify the surface
area of a building significantly.

Reduce temperature difference. If the indoor temperature limit is set

as high as a cceptable, the LH is reduced. If landscaping techniques
are applied to reduce the outdoor air te mperature, the LH is also
reduced and, as a result, Q, the heat flow to the interior is reduced.
Some of these microclimatic design techniques that allow outer
temperature reduction are described in chapter 6.



Heat transfer by convective and mass transfer effects happens due to

the presence of a temperature difference between the outdoor
environment and the indoor s of a building. This temperature difference
causes a flow of heat from the higher temperature zone to that of lower
temperature. Much of this heat flow is due to the air flow generated by
ventilation (natural or forced) and infiltration. The relationship between
the indoor and outdoor temperatures and the air flow can be
understood clearly in the following equation, which is used to estimate
the heat flow rate due to ventilation effects:

Qv = qv • (To- Ti) = p • c • vr • (To- Ti) .. . eq. 4.1)

Qv sensible heat transfer rate 011/)
qv = p • c • vr = ventilation conductance 0/IJ/K)
p density of air (kg/m3)
c specific heat capacity of air (J/kg.K).
The product p • c is taken as 1200 J/m3K for places under 500m.
vr ventilation (volume flow-) rate (m3/s)
To outdoor air temperature COC)
Ti indoor air temperature COC)
And the volume flow rate is estimated as
N•V (m3/s) ... eq. 4.2)
vr = - -
N number of air c hanges per hour (ac/h)
V volume of internal space (m3)

as 1200 = 0.33
Qv =0.33 • N • V • (To - Ti) ... eq. 4.3)

Depending on climatic, micro-climatic and seasonal variations at the

location of the building, and on the daily variation of temperature, there
will be situations where To is higher than Ti or vic e versa. In cases. where
To > Ti. there will be heat gain to the building's interior, which will be
greater when the temperature differences are larger and when the
ventilation rate is greater. If, on the contrary, To < Ti, there will be a heat
flow to the outside, cooler outside air entering and cooling the space.

To illustrate the above, two situations are assumed and the heat flow
rates are estimated:
1 with a temperature difference of 5 K (To > Ti) and -5 K (To < Ti),
assuming temperatures of 32°C and 27°C respectively.
2 with a lO K temperature difference (To > Ti) and -1 0 K (To < Ti),
assuming temperatures of 34°C and 24°C respectively.


For both situations. four different hourly air change rates are assumed for
an internal volume of air of 100m3 . The results ore summarised in the
following 1able:

Table 4.1 Ventilation heat gains and losses {an example)

To>Ti To<Ti
N vr t.T = 5 K t.T =10K t.T = 5 K t.T=10K

ac/h m3/s Qv (W) Qv (W) Qv (W) Qv(W)

0.2 0.006 36.6 73.2 - 36.6 - 73.2

0.5 0.01 61 122 - 61 -122
1 0.03 183 366 -183 -366
2 0.06 366 732 -366 -732

As ventilation can result in either heat gain or heat loss. it is important to

control it according to requirements. For cooling many sources• (eg.
Cook, 1989) recommend the following:

• close and seal the building when the outdoor temperature is

higher than the indoor (fo > Ti)
• open the building when the outdoor temperature is lower than
the indoor temperature (fo < Ti)

4.1 Seal the building when To> Ti

When ventilation causes a heat transfer to the building's interior (heat

gain), the building should be completely sealed. In other words,
doors and windows should be closed and other openings (services
penetrations of the envelope, joints between structural elements.
among others) should be sealed to prevent the entry of hot air by
ventilation and infiltration.

However, the implementation of this measure must still ensure a

minimum of fresh air supply, an air change rate around 0.5 to 1.0 ac/h to
ensure healthy air conditions by eliminating pollutants or toxic elements
produced by man or indoor processes.

The rate of Involuntary air change rate, or infiltration rate, depends on

the design and construc tion of the building, and on the location. In
buildings designed for air conditioning infiltration is reduced to a
minimum thus the minimum fresh air supply must be ensured by some
means. It is suggested that 0.5 ac/h should be allowed for. as this is both
desirable and it is difficult to seal the building to reduce it below this

Some infiltration rate values have been obtained experimentally by

case studies in different parts of the world and with different building
types. The results vary between 0.2 and 2 ac/h. The estimation of
infiltration requires complex computations. as the behaviour of fluids in
motion is to be determined. which is generally turbulent (Achord, 1986).

*Florida Solar Energy Center; Kusuda, 1981 and 83; Kammerund et al. 1984; Neeper
and McFarland, 1982; Chandra and Kerestecioglu, 1984; Givoni, 1968 and 1976;;
ASHRAE, 1993-all as referenced in Cook, 1989.


The rate of infiltration is also very variable over the 24-hour period and its
magnitude depends mainly on three climatic factors:

the velocity and direction of the wind which produces different

pressure distributions and fields around the building (see Fig. 4.1)
the "pulsation" effect. which produces some air infiltration rates
around windows or doors completely sealed, as a consequence
of pressure distribution changes resulting from changes in the
direction and speed of the wind.
• the temperature differences between the outdoor and indoors
and the different spaces within the building, which cause
variations in air density. This density difference ~ower when the
air temperature is higher) generates pressure changes and rising
air movements ('stack" effect), at very low speeds or pressure
differences between lower and upper parts of the building.

If the building is closed and sealed the interior of the building may
become uncomfortable, mainly due to the occupants' emissions or
internal processes, it may be necessary to apply some measures to
ameliorate the conditions. These actions or measures are as follows:

Fig. 4.1 Distribution of pressure fields • Increase internal air velocity, using mechanical means: portable
in a building or ceiling mounted fans, with speed controls to allow adjusting
of the air speed according to comfort needs.
• Use dehumidifying equipment to reduce humidity generated
by equipment and persons, especially in warm-humid climates.
• Keep kitchen and laundry areas isolated from the rest of the
building, and extract humidity produced by localized exhaust

If. apart from humidity increases, there are also temperature increases
above levels tolerated by man, the recommendation is to use air
conditioning appliances during this period of time.

4.2 Open the building when To< Ti

This recommendation originates from the need to dissipate hot air from
inside the building and to reduce the internal temperature by
introducing lower temperature external air. For this reason the following
is recommended:

• In hot dry or arid climates dissipate the heat stored in the

building fabric, particularly during the night when the outside
temperature is lower. This cooling can be achieved · by the
opening of doors and windows or through controlled wind
induction (ASHRAE, 1993). This would provide a cool fabric for
the hot part of the day, to absorb heat. whilst the building is
• In warm humid climates maximize air speeds inside buildings,
especially at the occupied areas and levels, to produce
physiological cooling and thus to obtain better comfort
conditions (Cook, 1986). An increase in air speed promotes
evaporative cooling of the skin (removing the saturated air layer
adjacent to the skin), reduces thermal resistance of the air film
around the body and diminishes the increase of convection heat
gain, when the temperature of the air is higher than the
temperature of the skin (""34°C). (Ac hord, 1986)


In warm humid climates. cross ventilation constitutes the most effective

strategy to reduce heat inside the building, both by increased
ventilation rates (air exchanges) and by creating air velocities sufficient
for physiological cooling at the body surface.

Such cross ventilation may result from the effect of wind producing
positive pressure zones on the windward side (air entry openings should
be provided in this zone) and negative pressure zones on the leeward
side to produce a suction effect (air outlet openings should be located
here) (See Fig. 4.2). Comfort may be achieved by air velocity even Fig.4.2. Distribution of pressure fields in
when the air temperature is above the comfort limit. a building with cross ventilation

The utilisation of cross ventilation (rather than the use of mechanical

cooling) can represent important energy savings in the building.
According to results obtained in the Florida Solar Energy Center. with air
l\ ?I
speeds of 0.57 m/s and 0.85 m/s. reductions of the perceived internal
temperature between 2.2 to 2.7 K were attained (Cook, 1986). Other
research suggests that a 1 m/s air velocity at the body surface creates f~) "()
a perceived cooling effect of 3 K and 1.5 m/s up to 5 K.

When the intention Is to make an efficient use of natural ventilation.

the building must be designed (or redesigned). in full knowledge of
tl (J
the climate. Besides temperature. humidity and solar radiation
conditions of the locations it is necessary to know the wind pattern,
both the speed and the direction, as well as the frequency
distribution (especially during the overheated periods). Then the
f[ l~
building can be positioned and shaped accordingly. The factors
Fig. 4.3 The effect of
influencing such design will be discussed in the following paragraphs.
inlet and outlet

4.2.1 The building and the internal space ventilation

Different wind tunnel studies carried out on scale models have

established the effect of space geometry. location and shape of the
openings on cross ventilation. which must be considered at the
design stage to optimize ventilation In buildings. These studies (Texas
A&M, as quoted by Cook. 1986) recommend the following:

• There should be an inlet opening or window and an outlet or - : .: I

exit to maximize wind speed.
Fig. 4.4 Change in ex~ opening does not
• There should be an air outlet larger than the inlet to obtain
affect air flow pattern
maximum speeds in areas to which the inlet stream can be
directed (and wind speed averages in the internal space are
best when both openings are as large as possible) (Fig. 4.3).
• Location of the outlet does not significantly affect the air flow
pattern (see Fig. 4.4).
• Location of the inlet does affect the internal air flow pattern (see
Fig. 4.5).

Givoni (1969), suggests that the best ventilation conditions In the

internal space (in terms of overall air movement and avoidance of
stagnant air pockets) are obtained when the air flow changes
direction inside the room (see Fig. 4.6). The first preference Is to have
a single row of rooms. each room with an inlet and outlet opening
(Fig. 4.7). Fig.4.5 Air flow pattern affected by
inlet opening position


If there are internal walls these should be closer to the outlet

opening and should have openings (doorways) at least the same
size as the windows. When the room has one external wall only it is
suggested to have two windows, at least, placed in the extremes of
the wall: These will permit some internal flow (Fig. 4 .8).

The benefits of the window placement depend also on the relative

external relationships and on the presence of any obstructions.
Fig. 4.6. Change of air flow direction
with lateral openings It has also been demonstrated, (Givoni. 1969) that the best
ventilation does not always occur when the window is perpendicular
I I to the wind direc tion (i.e. the window is facing the wind) (see Table
4 .2). It is suggested that the angle between the wall and wind
direc tion should be between 20 and 70 degrees .

I Winds determine the following:
- perpendicular winds without cross ventilation in a room produce
a low average win speed and are liable to cause buffeting,

Fig. 4.7 Single row of rooms
I - perpendicular winds with cross ventilation in a room produce an
average wind speed and internal maximum speed double that with
window in one side only.
for cross ventilation
- With windows In one wall only added vertic al fins or wing-walls can be

-----./[-- -", ]
-- - --....
placed on both sides of the window to c reate pressure differenc es and
induce some ventilation. (see Fig. 4.9) (Givoni, 1969, Cook, 1989).

Table 4.2. The effect of window location and wind direction on

speed (as % of external wind speed)
II--;;,_, 'o;-- ;)
opening width as fraction of wall perpend oblique perpend oblique
length: inlet outlet wind incidence wind incidence
Fig. 4.8 Twin windows in walls 1/3 42 45 37
1/3 35
sideways to wind direction 1/3 2/3 39 40 39 40
2/3 1/3 34 43 51 36
2/3 2/3 37 51
1/3 3/3 44 44 51 45
3/3 1/3 32 41 50 37
2/3 3/3 35 59
3/3 2/3 36 62
3/3 3/3 47 63

(Buffington , 1981)

The shape of the windows also affects internal air flow: windows with
horizontal proportions generate higher indoor air velocities and catch
a larger range of wind directions than vertical shapes (Sobin, 1981 I
Cook, 1989). Such horizontal windows are particularly beneficial in
loc ations where c hanges in wind pattern are more prevalent (see
Fig. 4.9. Suggested wing-walls to Fig . 4 .10)
windows for rooms with one
external wall only In all c ases windows should be accessible and operable so that users
can c ontrol and direct winds ac cording to ventilation needs.


Obstructions, such as internal divisions should not form barriers to inlet
openings. In any case, divisions or partitions should be perforated, be less .,. ....... / , . .......
than full height or have openings (e.g. doorways) to permit unrestricted
air flow. Fly screens completely covering windows and other openings,

'' ... -.,
/ \

also reduce wind speed (Givoni. 1969, Cook 1986). Wire or cotton I .L ...
., \
meshes are the worst. Smooth nylon (or other plastic) screens offer the
least resistance.
«1'1. I
. ........
··. I\ I

Generally, if the building is to have natural ventilation. windows and 31

I !>" ~,.~\ I
doors should be placed in the longer facades (bigger surface area). ..!/
which are to face towards the prevalent wind direction. It is Ylo ",' \
recommended to have windows of at least 15% of the floor area, to
provide the necessary internal air exchanges and air movement for
comfort. However, with large occupation densities or internal heat 10'/o
gain opening areas should be much larger.
4.2.2 Building shape and ventilation induction
90" 45° 315° 27f1'

In warm-humid climates the aim of ventilation is to provide maximum --/ t

penetration and significant indoor air velocities. In hot dry climates the \Nind exterior direction
control of ventilation (closure during the day, ample ventilation at night)
is the task. Among the main elements of the building that affect the Fig. 10 Indoor air velocity(% of outdoor)
as a function of wind direction
ventilation pattern are: the height and length (across the wind
direction) and width (the plan dimension parallel with the wind
direction) of the building, the width-length relationship (aspect ratio),
roof slope, eaves, orientation and openings. In relation to these elements
it is important to consider the following (Evans, 1991, GivonL 1976) :

• An increase in the length of the side facing the wind enlarges

the surface exposed to the wind whilst the depth of the wake
(the 'wind shadow') remains constant.
• An increase in the building's height provides higher speeds in the
upper levels, but also inc reases speeds in the spaces located in
the ground floor. This is particularly so in buildings with free floor
areas. or buildings elevated on stilts (or posts or columns).
• A decrease in the width-height relationship increases the depth
of the wake. the 'wind shadow' ..
• If the slope of a monopitch roof is facing the wind with an angle
of slope of more than 30°, there will be an inc rease in the depth
of the wind shadow.
• When the roof slope is away from the wind (up to 30°), any
increase of the wind shadow will be very small. For greater slopes
there will be no further increases.
• If the slope of a gable roof is increased, the height and depth of
the wind shadow (the negative pressure zone) are also
• Eaves on the leeward side have little effect on the wind
shadow, but they contribute to induce ventilation when facing
the wind. Eaves and canopies over the window deflect the
indoor air flow upwards, away from the occupied zone. That is
why such devices should be separated from the wall to
improve the indoor air stream direction and help penetration.
As the angle between the wind direction and the length of
the building (regardless of the shape) approaches 90 degrees
(normal incidence), the wind shadow will also increase.


The following considerations should also be taken into account:

• If the inlet and outlet openings are at the same level and
near the ceiling, only a small part of the air flow will reach the
occupied level.
• Openings in gable roofs (at the ridge) are useful in open plan
buildings. because they produce suction effects. which allow
hot air exit).
• Open staircase inside the building can be used to promote the
"stack" effect.
• The "stack" effect requires bigger vertical distances. The bigger
the vertical distance. the greater the ventilation.

4.2.3 The surroundings of the building and ventilation.

It is important to take advantage of the topography,

landscape and the surroundings of the building to
re-direct the air flow and ensure a maximum exposure
to the breeze (ASHRAE. 1993). This can be achieved
using garden elements (trees. bushes. fences or low
walls, among others) to re-direct the breeze and
avoid stagnant air pockets. These garden elements
can be placed:

- very near the building and windows. they may reduce wind speed.
modify air's flow pattern. but they can also be used to increase the air
speed, depending on their location and porosity levels (Givoni, 1969).

- with oblique wind incidence. and placed at the sides of the window
away from the wind they can act as a wing-wall, create an increased
positive pressure and Increase air flow through the building.

We must also consider that. under tall trees (approximately 9 m high, 7.5
m crown spread and trunk height of 1.5 m) wind speeds can be
increased, as the trunk causes little resistance to the wind compared
with the crown above, which is forcing some of the air flow

Fig. 4.11 Wide louvres can direct indoor

air flow according to the need and use
of space


4.3 Estimation of indoor air flow rate

If the wind velocity is known. its pressure can be estimated as

Pw = 0.5 • d • v2
where d = density of air, which varies with temperature
at 0°C d = 1.293 kgjm3

At any temperature Tit is d r= 1.293 • 273/T

where T is absolute temperature in oK : coc + 273)
but it is often taken as 1.224 kg/m3 (corresponding to 15°C)
v = air velocity in m/s
Thus generally
... eq. 4.4)

For a building surface or a window this must be multiplied by a

pressure coefficient. Cp

typical values of which are

on windward side Cpw = 0.5 to 1
on leeward side CpL = -0.3 to -0.4
The higher values are applicable if the house faces an open field or it
is in a coastal location. the lower ones relate to a densely built-up
suburban location. For high rise or non-typical situations these pressure
coefficients must be found from wind tunnel studies.

Cross-ventilation is driven by the wind pressure difference

... eq. 4.5)
t.Pw = Pw • (Cpw-Cpl)

The resulting volume flow rate will be

lvr = 0.827 • A. ce. ~I ... eq. 4.6)

where A = effective area of openings

Ce = effectiveness coefficient

The values of this Ce are:

from window in one wall only, no c ross ventilation: 0.1
to full cross ventilation, equal inlet and outlet no partitions 1.0
(interpolate between these two values for partial internal obstructions)

eg. if v = 3 m/s
Cpw = 0.9
CpL = -0.4
then t>pw = 0.612 • 32 • (0.9 -(-0.4)) =
0.612 • 9 • 1.3 = 7. 16 Po
and if A =3m2
Ce = 1 (full cross ventilation)

then vr = 0.827 • 3 •·l • --17.16 = 6.64 m3/s



To prevent overheating in buildings it is also important to consider that

there are also heat sources inside. These include people, electrical
equipment or domestic appliances, as well as electric lighting. The heat
contributions from these sources can mean substantial Increases in the
temperature Inside a space. that is undesirable under warm
environmental conditions, both dry and humid. The relevant
recommendations can be grouped under three headings:
• minimize heat gains from occupants
• minimize the heat generated by equipment
• minimize the heat output of lamps

5.1 Minimize the heat gains from occupants

The human body, just like any biological machine, consumes energy to
carry out the necessary chemical transformations (food oxidation) to stay
alive and dissipate excess heat. It is estimated that from the total
consumed energy, only 20% is used by the body to produce mechanical
work (both movement and internal body processes), while 80% is
dissipated as heat. This avoids excessive warming, since for the human
body it is vital to maintain an internal temperature of around 37°C. (La
Roche, 1992). This continuous bodily energy processes are known as
metabolism. Metabolic heat production will vary according to the
activity level of the person. Table 5.1 shows that metabolic heat
production increases with more intensive activity.

Table 5.1 Metabolic rate at different activities

activity metabolic production per unit body surlace met average
W/m2 units person W

at rest, lying 46 0.8 80

at rest, sitting 58 1.0 100
sedentary activity (home, office, school, laboratory} 70 1.2 120
light activity, (shops, light industry} 93 1.6 160
medium activity, (housework, machine tool work} 116 2.0 200
walking at 2 km/h 110 1.9 190
3km/h 140 2.4 242
4 km/h 165 2.8 285
Skm/h 200 3.4 350

ISO 7730 (1994}

The energy required for mechanical work 0N) will also vary according to
the activity, being zero when there is no mechanical work, at rest and
can increase to over 400 W with very intense activity. The energy output
in mechanical work should not exceed 25% of the total metabolic rate.
(Parsons, 1993)


Heat dissipation from the body takes place through:

• the skin, by convection, radiation and evaporation (perspiration
and moisture diffusion)
• the lungs, by respiration: mainly convection and evaporation.

The process of heat dissipation from the body constitutes a heat gain for
the interior space of the building. The process will occur if the temperature
of the air and that of the surrounding surfaces are lower than the
temperature of the skin (=34°C). Above this temperature, the body will
gain heat, and will try, through self-regulating mechanisms Oncrease the
skin temperature, and increase evaporative cooling by sweating) to
maintain body temperature and achieve thermal balance.

The following equation (ASHRAE, 1993) clearly illustrates this situation:

Qsk + Qres = M- W ... eq. 5.1)
Qsk = heat loss rate through the skin
where C = convective heat loss
R = radiant heat loss
Esk = evaporative loss (perspiration, diffusion).
Qres = heat loss rate through respiration
= Cres + Eres
where Cres = convection heat loss in respiration
Eres =evaporative heat loss in respiration .
M = metabolic heat production rate
W = rate of heat generation by mechanical work
(for a more detailed discussion see PLEA Note 3)

In warm environments, where temperatures are above 26°C, any

additional heat gain will add to discomfort. If there are three persons,
sitting, in a room, this would add heat to this environment at the rate of
some 240 W (see Table 5.1), which will significantly increase the air
temperature, and will also increase humidity by respiration and skin

For these reasons it is important that in warm climates the environmental

control strategy should be chosen to suit the use or function of each
space, the number of persons occupying these spaces, and activities
these persons are to be engaged ln. For spaces occupied by many
people, or people engaged in vigorous activities, the use of natural
ventilation alone, especially at low speed or unreliable winds cannot be
recommended. .·' .. .
5.2 Minimize heat output by equipment

Electrical, gas or steam appliances also generate and transmit heat to

the interior. The heat output rate will depend on type of appliance
(motor) and on its efficiency.

According to ASHRAE (1993), the equation to calculate heat gain from

electric motors in air-conditioned spaces is:

... eq. 5.2)


Qm = motor heat output rate 0N)
P = electrical power of motor 0N)
11 =the efficiency of the motor, as a decimal fraction (< 1.0)
Fu = use factor of the motor, the fraction of time it is used in
intermittent operation (1 (one) for continuous operation)
FL =the motor's load factor, 1.0 or decimal fraction < 1.0
For other heat gain equations see ASH RAE, 1993.

As a general guide, the following table shows the rated power of some
electrical appliances in domestic use. These numbers multiplied by the
duration of use (in hours) will give the energy consumption in Wh (watt-
hours). In all cases the total electrical power can be taken as heat gain.
since the mechanical work performed will a lso be converted to heat.

Table 5.2 Electric equipment in domestic use (rated power)

appliance power applia nee power

vacuum cleaner 600-1200 sewing machine == 120

coffee percolator 600-900 typewriter == 140
water heater 2400-3600 personal computer (inci.VDU) == 800
twin hotplate 1200-2400 printer 60 - 140
four hotplate cook-top 5000-6000 television 100 - 240
oven 3000-4000 room air conditioner 1200 -4800
microwave oven "'1300 fan 80-120
cooker (range, stove) "'10 000 ceiling fan 60 - 250
refrigerator, 1 door, manual 150-260 washing machine, twin tub "" 500
2 door, auto defrost 350-400 automatic 800 - 900
2 door, frost free 500-600 clothes drier 1500-2400
freezer chest 200-300 hair drier 600- 1200
jug or kettle "'1 800 dishwasher, cold water = 2000
food mixer, blender 200-600 hot water ""1 000
toaster "'1500 iron := 1000

In hot climates (especially warm-humid climates). where it is necessary to

minimize the heat gains from electrical equipment, the following can be

• to use appliances correctly: switched off when not in use and use
them at times when the indoor temperature is its lowest
• to position these appliances in the open or outside of continuous
human occupancy
• ventilate separately the heat emitting part of appliances (eg.
condenser coil at the back of refrigerators, or use an exhaust hood
over the cooker/stove)
• to maintain the equipment in good order and to avoid excessive
heat generation due to lack of cleaning and maintenance
• to acquire or buy equipment of the size appropriate to the needs;
the use of high efficiency equipment is preferable; oversized
equipment run at partial load is very inefficient and generates more
heat than necessary.


5.3 Minimize heat contribution from lighting

In many hot humid countries incandescent lamps are still often used in
inhabited spaces, in spite of the fact that d ifferent types of high
efficiency lamps are available, with reduced heat generation,
consuming less energy, and with a longer useful life.

In incandescent lighting 90-95% of the consumed energy is emitted as

heat (some 72% by radiation, 12% by convection and 6% conduction
from the lamp and lamp holder). Only 5-l 0% is emitted as light 0ndriago,
1997). In fluorescent lamps Oncluding compact fluorescents) only about
70-75% of the energy consumed is emitted as heat and 25-30% as light.

Table 5.3 Comparison of incandescent and fluorescent lamps

Characteristic incandescent fluorescent

Light emission 900 lumen 900 lumens

Energy consumption 75 w 13 w
Luminous efficacy 12 lmMJ 69 lmMJ
Heat emission 90% (67W) 75 % (10W)
Useful life 1 OOOhours 8.000 hours
Energy saving 0 75%

(Habitar, 1993)

It is important to note (ASHRAE. 1993) that only a part of the heat

generated by lamps is emitted by convection, which can be easily
dissipated by ventilation or air-conditioning (instantaneous heat), while
most of it is radiant heat. This is absorbed by walls, ceiling, floor and
furniture (together with light. which is also converted to heat when
absorbed). This heat is released to the indoor air later, possibly after the
lighting has been turned off. Both forms of heat gains have to be
considered in designing the building and its equipment.

Thus the total power of the lighting installation should be taken as internal
heat gain.

For warm-humid climates the following recommendations can be made

in connection with electric lighting:

• use lamps of the wattage appropriate for the room use

• replace, wherever possible, the incandescent lamps by
fluorescent considering their lower heat output and reduced
electricity consumption.
• keep lamps turned off. unless lighting is required
• design spaces to use minimum artificial lighting during the day
(rely on daylighting if possible)
• depending on activity or function of the room the placement of
luminaires should match the areas of activity (e.g. workstations) i.
e. use a lower level general lighting, supplemented by local
lighting where required .



Inappropriately designed surroundings may adversely affect a building

in urban zones, especially in warm climates. The environment may warm
incoming air. thus resulting in a reduced performance of the bioclimatic
techniques applied to the building and increase mechanical cooling
requirements (and expenses).

To reduce thermal loads from the surroundings, exterior air

temperature and heat gain from the earth surface should be
controlled by different strategies which will be described here. It is
possible to control the surroundings at two levels or scales: the site
scale. which Is the most frequent case for architects, and the urban
scale, which is the concern of urban designers and town planners.
The result will be the sum of contributions at all levels involved. In both
scales. the same thermal factors are involved: solar radiation. heat
generated by equipment. the long-wave radiant heat exchange.
evaporative cooling. and air movement.

There are two types of objects that can modify the factors
influencing the thermal balance, and thus affect the microclimatic
conditions: artificial (constructed) and natural (vegetation) elements.
These can be employed in trying to avoid overheating of the
exterior: the ground surface and pavement around the building;
which will also reduce the temperature of the surrounding air and
lower the conductive heat flux from the ground to the interior of the

6.1 Use of built elements

6.1 .1 Increase of ground surface reflectance

Solar radiation is the transfer of heat (and other wavelengths of

energy) from the sun by electromagnetic waves. and it is the
dominant element of microclimatic loads.
Albedo is the generalized diffuse reflectance of the grounq and
surrounding surfaces. It is the quotient of reflected radiation over
incident radiation. For example: an albedo of 0.80 reflects 80% of the
incident radiation. Light colours have a high reflectance (higher than
0.5), thus a reduced absorptance. resulting in lower surface
temperatures, and consequently decreasing heat flow into the
ground or the body. Light coloured building surfaces will also be at
lower temperatures than dark ones.

It is useful to increase the albedo of city surfaces. using materials or

surface finishes with a high reflectance, so that the surfaces absorb
less heat and do not overheat. But reflected radiation should not fall
upon vertical planes of other facades. as this would increase their
thermal loads on these receiving surfaces.


6.1.2 Use of pavements with low thermal storage capacity

Pavements should not be thick in warm climates, and their thermal

storage capacity should be low, to reduce energy storage and
promote fast cooling down. This is generally difficult to achieve, since
pavements are built with materials to withstand vehicular traffic. and
are therefore dense and thick. However, paved areas should be
reduced and should be combined with vegetation, to d iminish the
effects of construction materials and profit from the positive effects of

6.1.3 Use of pavements with high long wave emittance

Radiation is absorbed by the surface of a body of material, which

increases its temperature. Emittance (E) is the ratio of radiation
emission properties of a surface to that of a theoretical 'black body',
the perfect emitter. Construction materials generally absorb short-
wave (solar) radiation and emit long-wave radiation, but thermal
balance with the surrounding is reached only at an elevated

It is useful to have surfaces with high emittance at long wavelengths,

to facilitate cooling, especially at night time. In warm climates the
combined effect of the material's reflectance and emittance must be

White surfaces (lime whitewash, paint or white marble) show some

selectivity: they may have an absorptance (a)the same as, or slightly
greater than a polished metal (such as aluminium), but the white
surface will remain cooler because of the high emittance of the white
surface at terrestrial temperature (long wave) radiation. This effect is
most pronounced for roof surfaces, facing the sky. (Hinz, et al 1986)

6.1.4 Use of built-in shade-generating elements

If a surface (e.g. a roof) is protected with a built-In element (such as a

parasol roof) physical (optical and thermal) characteristics of the Fig. 6.1. Pergolas as solar protection
material must be considered.

The surface of this material should be reflective, and if not,

appropriate air movement under it must be provided. If, for example,
a thin material with high conductivity and high absorptance is used,
the temperature of the space under this will be higher than the
outdoor air temperature during most of the day. If however an
Insulating, or lightly coloured material is used, and abundant air
movement is provided, temperatures no higher than that of the
environment can be guaranteed.
( ? ,)
i ( 'f
6.1.5 Consider heat discharges to exterior air

Heat re leased by air conditioning condensers should be directed

aw ay from areas accessible by people. Heat released by sources
outside the building should be m inimised, but if this is outside the
designer's controL such releases should be avoided. Air intake Fig. 6.2. Correct and incorrect use
openings should avoid discharges by the building or by others. of elements as solar protection


6.2 Use of vegetation

According to Hinz et al. (1995) there are four major groups of

vegetation: trees, shrubs, vines, and ground covers. Each has a
specific function, but all controL in a greater or lesser degree, solar
radiation through three processes: reflection, transmission, and
absorption. A fourth process: evaporation is no less important.

Due to the darkness of its foliage, vegetation only reflects between

15 and 20% of the incident radiation, its absorptance is high and it is
a total or partial shade generating element and therefore can be
used for solar protection.

Vegetation absorbs solar radiation through photosynthesis and

growing processes and this value varies from 0.6 to 0.9 (Refsnyder
and LulL 1965). This absorptance depends on the density of the
foliage, location of the leaves on the tree, and leaf angle in relation
to the sun. Most of this absorbed energy is converted into sensible
heat another part is re-radiated in long-wave form, especially at
night and another part is dissipated by convection. The largest part
35 of the absorbed (and not re-radiated) energy is consumed by
_..____ evaporation and transpiration of the plant. A small part of this energy
Asphalt Concrete Grass
is stored by photochemical processes and by warming the plant and
the ground (Hinz et al. 1996).
Fig. 6.3 Temperatures of the air and on
the pavement under the shade of a tree
Foliage of a plant can substantially reduce short-wave radiation
(thus providing shade) but transmit long-wave radiation, at a 5%
rate, as the leaf structure is more transparent for the long wave parts
of the spectrum (McPherson, 1984). This transmittance varies with the

Openings of buildings should allow comfort ventilation and

appropriate replacement of warm air inside the building whenever
required. There may be additional mechanisms inside the building to
control convective exchanges. This process is most effective if the air
intake is from areas kept cool by vegetation.

The different types of vegetation are discussed in the following


6.2.1 Trees

Trees have a height equal to or more than three meters. Trees have
a capacity for the shading of large window surfaces roofs, and other
built surfaces, depending on their different heights, crown spread,
density of the foliage, branching, and leaf texture.

Dense foliage allows reduction of a great p ercentage of solar

radiation on the envelope (Hinz, 1995). Foliage is like a sky for the
ground underneath, and its radiant temperature is higher than that
of the sky, which causes a decrease of the infrared radiation
emission of the surfaces under this foliage.

Asphalt Grass A tree is the best element to provide shade to a surface, because it
Fig. 6.4 Effect of trees on the envelope controls solar radiation by reflection, absorption, and evaporation


processes, and can consume or prevent great part of solar radiation

reaching the shaded surface (Hinz, 1996). Air temperature under the
shade of a tree will always be lower than the environment
temperature. According to Parker (1971) the reduction of the ground
temperature produced by the presence of a tree, under direct
radiation, was 13.6 K, and under diffuse radiation this was 3.5 K. The
effect of temperature reduction can also be observed on

6.2.2 Vines

Vines are climber plants. often supported by a trellis or a pergola.

Their great advantage Is that they can protect wide horizontal and
vertical surfaces. creating shade faster and easier than a tree. The
thicker the vines. the greater the resulting temperature reduction.
Vines can also be used directly on walls, reducing the wall
temperature by 1K below that of the exterior air, and 11 K lower than
that of a bare wall.

6.2.3 Shrubs

Shrubs are like small bushy trees, measuring up to about 1.5 m tall and
1.2 m wide. Shrubs can also decrease surrounding air temperature.
but in on a smaller scale, because of their smaller spread and limited
capacity to generate shade. Shrubs forming a hedge can be used to
channel air movement. directing, accelerating. or reducing it. as

6.2.4 Ground covers

This type of plants cover wide horizontal expanses with low height.
between 100 and 400 mm. They do not prevent solar radiation falling
on walls or windows of buildings. Ground covering is used to reduce
paved surfaces. absorbing and dissipating heat, reducing the harmful
effects of hard pavements. The temperature of a surface with ground
covering can easily be up to 10 or 14 K lower than that of the
exposed ground without vegetation. Ground covering reduces
reflected radiation on walls. because its absorptance is around 0.8
and also reduces long wave radiation towards the walls from the
immediate environment, and thus both long wave, and solar heat
gain are reduced.

If mechanical cooling is used, and air ('sink') temperature near the

condenser of the air conditioner is lowered, the CoP of the system will
improve, and the machine will consume less energy for a same
amount of cooling.

Ground covering can also be used as a passive cooling system for the
air, dec reasing air temperature before it comes in contact with the

Table 6.1 shows the influence of various landscaping elements in

reduction of wall temperatures and Table 6.2. shows annual costs for
cooling of houses built with concrete blocks. These tables can serve
as reference to see the influence of adequate landscaping on the
thermal behaviour of the building and its energy based 'active'
control systems.


Table 6.1 Reduction of temperatures in light coloured walls with

an east west orientation and shaded by landscaped elements
landscape elements reduction under reduction under
beam radiation diffuse radiation

trees 3.5 K 13.6 K

shrubs 4.2 K 13.5 K
trees + shrubs 5.5 K 15.5 K
ground cover 1 4.4 K 7.6 K
ground cover 2 5.6 K 8.8 K

(Parker, 1971)

Table 6.2 Annual costs for cooling in houses

foliage type annual cooling cost ($)

unshaded reference prototype 1134

walls shaded light (33%) 1064

dense (67%) 993
roof shaded light (33%) 1106
dense (67%) 1070
total (1 00%) 1039
roof + walls shaded light 1032
dense 932
colour of roof and walls dark 1240
light 1079

general comparison 'hard' landscape 1240

'soft' landscape 898

(Buffington, 1971)

It has been shown in this chapter that a bioclimatic landscaping can

be used to effectively reduce the thermal impact on buildings through
adequate design of exterior spaces. increasing the efficiency of
cooling systems and 'passive' techniques used in the building.


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humidit y 14, 22,29,43

INDEX page numbers
8, 41,42
absorptance 12. 18, 19 insulation 29,31,40
absorption 17, 24, materials 29, 30, 34
admittance 37, 38 internal gains 49,
aerogel 26, irradiance 11 , 12, 20
air change rate 41, 42 irradiation 11 '
air conditioned {-ing) 13, 14, 26, 32, 42, 43 latitude 21,23
air flow 41,48 light 19,
air velocit y 43, 44, 45, 48 natural 25,
albedo 21, 53 lighting 52,
amplitude 34, 37, 39 mass 33, 36, 40
angle of incidence 20, 22, 24 mass effect 39,
appliances 51, metabolism {-ic rate) 49,
arid climates 43, moisture 30,
blinds 24, obstructions 46,
Building envelope 11, 28 opaque devices 11 , ~ ·' .Y ·
conductance 9, elements 15,
form 14, 17 orientation 21, 22, 23
capacitive insulation 33, 34 parasol roof 16, 54
cavities 32, passive cooling 56,
climate 7,10, 43, 44, 51,52 pergola 56,
colour 18, periodic heat flow 36,
conductance 27, physiological cooling 14, 43
conduction 8, 11, 29, 32, 40 radiant cooling 16,
conductivity 27, 30 radiation 8, 19, 32
convection 11, 32 beam- 8, 11
cooling 10, diffuse - 8, 11
radiant 16, 17 global - 12, 15, 20
fins 16, 17 reflected - 8, 11
cross-ventilation 14, 44, 48 reflectance 19, 21, 24, 25, 53
curtains 24, reflection 4,
daylighting 52, resistance air-to-air - 12, 28
decrement factor 34, 35 surface - 12, 28, 32
density 30, 35, 41 cavity- 32,
diffusivity 34, 38 selective surfaces 18,
emission 12, 17, shading devices 15, 16, 22, 23, 24
emittance 18,20, 32, 54 shading coefficient 23, 24
energy density 11, sol-air temperature 12, 15
efficiency 7, solar gain 8,
envelope 11, 28 radiation 8, 11, 24, 53
conductance 8, 9 protection 23,
elements 9, 15 col lector 18,
equator 21, solar heat gain coefficient 24,
evaporation 8, 16, 55 solar gain factor (windows) 19, 20
evaporative cooling 17, 53 solar heat gain factor (opaque) 12,
fly screens 46, specific heat 9, 34, 41
glass 23, stack effect 43,
tinted 24, storage (of heat) 15, 34, 36
heat absorb. 24, 25 sunshine hours 21,
insulating 25, 26 surfacearea 14, 40
low-e 25, 26, 33 conductance 28,
photochromic 25, surface resistance 12, 28
reflective 25, 33 temperature 1 5, 53
glazed opening 20, surface-to-volume ratio 13
glazing ratio 22, Temperature difference ' 16, 40, 41
global irradiance 12, 15, 20 amplitude 10,
greenhouse effect 19, sol-air - 12, 15, 28
heat 27 mean radiant - 24,
Hea t flow 7,8,1 2. 15,16,17,27,28 surface - 11,
-gain 22, swing 9, 34
loss 10, t exture 17, 18
transfer 8, 11, 41 thermal balance 7, 10
heating season 22, capacity 36,
hemisphere 21, inertia 10,


thermal inertia index 38,

transmittance 8, 9, 15, 28
time-lag 12, 34, 35
transmittance thermal 8, 9, 12, 25, 28
optical 19, 24, 25
selective 25,
elements 11,
materials 19,
trees 47, 55
U-value 9, 15, 26, 28. 32, 35, 36
vegetation 55,
ventilation 8, 10, 14, 19, 41, 44
conductance 8, 9, 41
rate 9,41,48
natural - 44, 46
'JI)Iume 14, 41
volumet ri( ..,.,"'t lr·~ ropfficient 14,
warm-humro chmat~43, 44, 51,52
wavelength 18, 24
wind 44, 46
wind tunnel 44, 48
window(-s) 19, 22, 24, 32
wing walls 45, 47

PLEA Notes published so far:

1. Solar geometN by S V Szokolay

2. Thermal insulat1on by A Zold & s v Szokolay

3. Thermal comfort by A Auliciems & S V Szokolay

4. Daylighting by A Majoros

5. Climate analysis by M Docherty & SV Szokolay


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