Herbal Extraction Plant: Profile No.: 162 NIC Code: 01292
Herbal Extraction Plant: Profile No.: 162 NIC Code: 01292
Herbal Extraction Plant: Profile No.: 162 NIC Code: 01292
There has been a shift in universal trend from synthetic to herbal medicine recently. It is
ancient wisdom that plants have therapeutic value and are used to treat various diseases since
Neanderthal age. All ancient civilizations in the world are known to use plants for medicinal
purposes. Ayurveda and traditional Chinese medicines are well known to the world for their
natural ingredients and multiple benefits. Nature has bestowed our country with an enormous
wealth of medicinal plants; therefore India has often been referred to as the Medicinal Garden
of the world. Today, people around the globe are giving preference to alternative medicines
such as ayurveda, naturopathy, homeopathy and herbal medicine. Herbal medicine is cost
effective and less expensive than the medicines bought from an allopathic pharmacy.
Increasing realization of the side effects of allopathic medicines, coupled with the growing
awareness about the medicinal benefits as well as therapeutic effect of herbal products is
pushing up the demand for herbal extracts, dietary supplement sand herbal-based beauty aids
worldwide. Herbal extraction and processing is very vast field. Some of the known projects
are, rose plantation, cultivation & rose oil extraction plantation, cultivation of medicinal plant
& herbs, Kali mahendi (henna), aloevera gel, aloevera gel & powder, aromatic plants
cultivation & processing, asparagus cultivation & processing, ayurvedic churan & tablets,
ayurvedic raw material from mercury a-singruph (hingula) or cinnabar (hgs), b-ras sindhoor,
ayurvedic/herbal pharmacy, cough syrup, hair dyes (hinna based), herbal natural essential oil
(steam distillation process), herbal shampoo & cream, herbal concentrate in the mfg. Of herbal
drugs & concentrate, herbal extracts, herbal medicinal plant & processing, herbs cultivation &
processing, herbs cultivation & processing, menthol crystal from menthol oil, patchouli oil,
plantation, cultivation of medicinal plant & herbs, sindur roli bindi & gulal, tobacco based tooth
powder, toilet & herbal soap, herbal capsules, herbal face paste, rajnigandha oil, amla
cultivation, plantation, amla hair oil based on vegetable oil, aloe vera processing, artemisia
vulgaris oil, aloevera gel, juice and powder, ayurvedic hair oil for colouring of hair oil, herbal
wine, mehandi cone, hibiscus cultivation, herbal beer, azadirachtin from neem, neem based
pesticide, moringa -miracle tree, etc.
There are a number of Herbal extract producers all over India. Important producers include
the following Cosmetics, Food Pharmaceuticals, Creams, Shampoos, Lotions, Talcum powder,
Moisturisers, Food supplement, Sports drinks, Health drinks, Anti-inflammatory Detoxification,
Treatment of several illness.
Anyone can start this project. Successful running of this project does not require any specific
qualification. Promoter should have knowledge of ingredients, recipe, production process,
packaging etc.
The Indian Medicinal Plant Extract Market is witnessing an astonishing growth, as there has
been a shift in universal trend from synthetic to herbal medicine. India is a virtual treasure
trove of plant species, and has one of the world’s richest medicinal plant heritages. Medicinal
Plants are highly esteemed all over the world as a rich source of therapeutic agents for the
prevention of diseases and ailments. Owing to its wide range of medicinal uses, the Indian
Medicinal Plant Extract market is expected to grow at a CAGR of around 22% during 2017-
2022. As a result, of increased investments as well as significant demand of medicinal extract
in internationals markets, there lies immense opportunity for new and existing players to tap
the fast growing market which would garner huge revenue.
In the latest research study “Indian Medicinal Plant Extract Market Outlook 2022”, RNCOS’
analysts have conducted a segmented research on the Indian Medicinal Plant Extract industry,
and have interpreted the key market trends & developments that clearly highlight the areas
offering promising possibilities for industries to boost their growth. Indian Medicinal Plant
Extract market is rapidly growing over the years owing to factors like shift in consumers
demand towards herbal and natural product, various schemes launched by government, key
investment & expansions being made in the Indian medicinal plant extract industry, among
The annual turnover of the Indian herbal medicinal industry is about Rs. 7,500 crore as against
the pharmaceutical industry’s turnover of Rs. 14,500 crores with a growth rate of more than
15 percent. As per study commissioned by the Associated Chamber of Commerce and Industry
(ASSOCHAM), the Indian herbal industry is projected to double to Rs.18,000 crore by 2018,
from the current 7,500 core business. India has a vast and rich resource of herbal raw materials
and it can create a niche for itself in the global herbal market if the domestic industry produced
quality products of international standards. The apex chamber estimates global herbal industry
to grow to Rs 90,000 crore by 2018, more than double from the current level of Rs 30,000
crore. Small-scale players in the sector are likely to witness brighter times ahead. India could
make its presence felt in the world herbal market through quality products in view of growing
bias towards herbal medicines, dietary supplements and skin and beauty aids because public
perception of herbal products is a kin to organic food products. The Indian market can be
divided into two categories. One that covers raw material needed by the industries and direct
consumption for household remedies, while second category that comprises ready to use
finished medicines, health supplements etc. There is a strong demand for raw stock of amla,
isabgol, henna, ashwagandha and aloevera, and these materials are used in a big way in
preparing ayurvedic formulations. The demand for plant based medicines, health products,
pharmaceuticals, food supplement, cosmetics etc are increasing in both developing and
developed countries, due to the growing recognition that the natural products are non-toxic,
have less side effects and easily available at affordable prices. India has lot of potential for
producing world class herbal medicines. For the Entrepreneurship it is one of the areas of great
opportunity & potential.The Indian herbal Industry is on a roll and poised to grow in the coming
years owing to its high demands for herbal products.
Raw material requirements for selected herbal extracts are given below
Amla for Amla oil, Amla Fruit, Aloe Vera Generally, three leaves provide one kg. of Aloe vera
gel. Supply of Aloe Vera Leaves Aloe Vera is extensively cultivated. There is no particular
constraint in expanding the area of cultivation of Aloe Vera to meet the projected increase in
the demand. Therefore, the supply scenario of Aloe Vera Plant material is likely to remain
comfortable. Guggul 700 to 900 Kg are produced per hectare of Guggul gum plantation. Gum
is dried in shade and stored. Guggul is cultivated in Gujarat, Karnataka and Rajasthan. Vetiver
For 1.5 kg of Vetiver oil 100 Kg Vetiver is required.The herbs are grown all over India in
different climatic and seasonal conditions. The raw materials is available as Leaves, Stems,
Barks, roots, Flowers, Seeds, Kernels and Shells. Depending on the physical properties,
including shape and size one has to select the equipments.
The manufacturing process for various herbal extracts depend upon the nature of the
individual herbs and the specific process requirements. The various unit operations are used
in the extraction of herbs such as extractors, dryers pulverisers etc. Observance of specific and
stipulated conditions for the production of herbal extracts are necessary to ensure that there
would not be any deterioration in product quality or stability. Take care in Procurement:
Identification a must, before purchasing or growing fresh/dried herbs. Discriminate look a likes,
identical species and adulterated herbs. Cleaning and Drying of plant material; to be specific
to species as well as end products. Freeze drying, Spray drying and Flash drying are important
methods Sun drying is usually the common initial step. Storage in controlled atmosphere in an
aseptic lay out is a must to maintain keeping quality in terms of colour, actives and fragrance.
Temperature, air flow and humidity are closely monitored. Pulverisation and Grinding media &
temperature can play a vital role in quality of final product. Sifting through various mesh sizes
for different end use is strictly followed. This directly determines the absorption and
effectiveness of the herb. Plant materials contain microbial contamination which resist most of
the cleaning techniques. Total Sterilization is mainly effected through exposure to Ethylene
Oxide and Gamma radiation. It is a must to automate or semi-automate filling. The gauge and
material of the packing materials should prevent ingress of air and moisture. This avoids
oxidation, discolouration or deterioration. Standard analytical methods are used to determine
characteristics. Organoleptic tests can sometimes determine trace component levels.
Chromatographic methods are used for quantitative analysis. Microbiological Examination and
Toxicological tests have to be performed to determine the safety of the herb. Pesticide Residue
and Heavy metals are to be analysed to ensure nil side effects. Clinical trials or post marketing
surveillance ensures that adverse drug interactions are avoided. Distillation * Hydro-distillation.
* Steam distillation * Water-steam distillation * CO2 Supercritical Extraction * Hydro-diffusion
* Molecular Distillation * Spinning Cone Column Distillation.
156000 13 13 13 13 13
1 Fixed Staff:
Accounts/Stores 2 2 2 2 2
3 12500 25000
Sub-Total 73000 6 6 6 6 6
Total 229000 19 19 19 19 19
Sr. No. Activity Time Required
(in months)
1 Acquisition of premises 2.00
2 Construction (if applicable) 2.50
3 Procurement & installation of Plant & Machinery 2.50
4 Arrangement of Finance 1.00
5 Recruitment of required manpower 1.00
Total time required (some activities shall run concurrently) 4.00
The major machineries required are, Water Extractor * Falling Film Evaporator * Filler Decanter
* Tray Drier * Grinder * Solvent Extractor with Stripping Condenser and Rectifier * Mixing
Tanks For Size reduction from the following. ∑ Jaw crusher ∑ Hammer Mill ∑ Magnetic
Separator ∑ Belt Conveyor ∑ Dust Collection Equipment can be selected. Extraction equipment
and for Filtration Nutch filter,or Enclosed filter press, for Evaporation/Distillation, Solvent
Recovery, for Drying of extracts,Tray dryer, Vacuum dryer, Spray dryer are required. for
Utilities, Equipments are Boiler, Coal fired boiler, Light diesel/Furnace oil fired baby boiler,
Packaged boiler, Cooling Tower, Spray ponds,. Natural draft cooling tower, Forced/Induced
draft cooling tower, Refrigeration Plant and Air Compressor are major.
Sr. No. Particulars UOM Qtty Rate (₹)
(₹ in Lacs)
Plant & Machinery / Equipments
a) Main Machinery
1 Extraction Unit NOS 1 12.00 8.00
2 Crushing Unit NOS 1 4.00 4.00
3 Skin PeelingUnit
Distillation Machine NOS 1 5.00 9.00
4 Pulp Division
Drying, Testing, Packing L.S. 1 3.00 5.00
5 Utility Equipments L.S. 1 2.00 5.00
Installation, Taxes And Transportation L.S. 4.00 4.00
Sub-Total 35.00
Sr. No. Particulars UOM Qtty Rate (₹) Value
Furniture / Electrical Installations
a) Office Furniture LS 1 100000 1.00
b) Stores Cupboard LS 1 100,000 1.00
c) Computer & Printer LS 1 100000 1.00
Sub Total 3.00
Other Assets
a) Preliminary And Preoperative 350
Sub-Total Other Assets 3.50
Total 41.50
All the machines and equipments are available from local manufacturers. The entrepreneur
needs to ensure proper selection of product mix and proper type of machines and tooling to
have modern and flexible designs. It may be worthwhile to look at reconditioned imported
machines, dies and tooling. Some of the machinery and dies and tooling suppliers are listed
here below:
6. P Square Technologies
3, Swami Mahal,
Gurunanak Nagar,
Off. Shankarsheth Road Bhavani Peth,
Pune - 411002,
Maharashtra, India
7. Ricon Engineers
10 To 13, Bhagwati Estate,
Near Amraiwadi Torrent Power,
Behind Uttam Dairy,
Rakhial, Ahmedabad - 380023,
Gujarat, India
Overheads except
5 ₹. In Lacs 15.47 16.44 18.37 18.95 19.34
6 Interest @ 10 % ₹. In Lacs 10.16 10.16 6.78 5.08 4.07
8 Net Profit before tax ₹. In Lacs 0.82 8.46 17.53 25.55 32.98
Energy Costs are considered at Rs 7 per Kwh and fuel cost is considered at Rs. 65 per litre.
The depreciation of plant is taken at 10-12 % and Interest costs are taken at 14 -15 %
depending on type of industry.
The project shall reach cash break-even at 39.61 % of projected capacity as detailed below:
Sr. No. Particulars UOM Value
1 Sales at full capacity ₹. In Lacs 255.00
The Indian food processing industry is regulated by several laws which govern the aspects of
sanitation, licensing and other necessary permits that are required to start up and run a food
business. The legislation that dealt with food safety in India was the Prevention of Food
Adulteration Act, 1954 (hereinafter referred to as "PFA"). The PFA had been in place for over
five decades and there was a need for change due to varied reasons which include the
changing requirements of our food industry. The act brought into force in place of the PFA is
the Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006 (hereinafter referred to as "FSSA") that overrides
all other food related laws.
The Scheme is applicable to perishable horticulture and non-horticulture produce such as,
fruits, vegetables, dairy products, meat, poultry, fish, Ready to Cook Food Products, Honey,
Coconut, Spices, Mushroom, Retails Shops for Perishable Food Products etc. The Scheme
would enable linking of farmers to processors and the market for ensuring remunerative prices
for agri produce.
The scheme is implemented by agencies/ organizations such as Govt./ PSUs/ Joint Ventures/
NGOs/ Cooperatives/ SHGs / FPOs / Private Sector / individuals etc.
Backward Linkage:
Integrated Pack-house(s) (with mechanized sorting & grading line/ packing line/
waxing line/ staging cold rooms/cold storage, etc.)
Pre Cooling Unit(s)/ Chillers
Reefer boats
Machinery & equipment for minimal processing and/or value addition such as cutting,
dicing, slicing, pickling, drying, pulping, canning, waxing, etc.
Machinery & equipment for packing/ packaging.
Forward Linkage:
Retail chain of outlets including facilities such as frozen storage/ deep freezers/
refrigerated display cabinets/cold room/ chillers/ packing/ packaging, etc.
Distribution centre associated with the retail chain of outlets with facilities like cold
room/ cold storage/ ripening chamber.
There are few specialised Institutes provide degree certification in Food Technology, few
most famous and authenticate Institutions are as follows:
Entrepreneurship program helps to run business successfully is also available from Institutes
like Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India (EDII) and its affiliates all over India.
Only few machine manufacturers are mentioned in the profile, although many machine
manufacturers are available in the market. The addresses given for machinery manufacturers
have been taken from reliable sources, to the best of knowledge and contacts. However, no
responsibility is admitted, in case any inadvertent error or incorrectness is noticed
therein. Further the same have been given by way of information only and do not carry any