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Surat Smart City - RFP

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Last date for Price Bid Submission: 24.09.2019

Invited by
Surat Smart City Development Limited
1st Floor, South Zone Office, Surat Municipal
Corporation, Opp. Satyanagar, Udhna, Surat-394210,
Gujarat, India.
Table of Contents
Table of Contents ......................................................................... 2

1 Glossary .................................................................................. 8

2 Notice Inviting Bid .................................................................. 9

3 Introduction and Background ............................................... 10

3.1 About Surat ....................................................................................................................... 10
3.2 About Surat Municipal Corporation................................................................................... 10
3.3 About Surat Smart City Development Limited (SSCDL) .................................................. 11
3.4 Project Background........................................................................................................... 11
3.5 Project Objective ............................................................................................................... 12

4 Scope of Services for the Project .............................................13

4.1 Components & Services Overview ................................................................................... 13
4.2 Envisaged Solution Architecture ....................................................................................... 14
4.3 Surat Network Schematic Diagram .................................................................................. 17
4.4 Responsibility Matrix ......................................................................................................... 18

5 Pre-Qualification Criteria ...................................................... 20

5.1 Bidder’s Eligibility Criteria ................................................................................................. 20
5.2 OEM’s Eligibility Criteria ................................................................................................... 23

6 Instructions to Bidder ........................................................... 26

6.1 Purpose of Bid Document ................................................................................................. 26
6.2 Proposal Preparation Cost................................................................................................ 26
6.3 Online Pre-bid Queries ..................................................................................................... 27
6.4 Amendment of RFP Document ......................................................................................... 27
6.5 Conflict of Interest ............................................................................................................. 27
6.6 Consortium Conditions...................................................................................................... 28
6.7 Right to amendment of the project scope......................................................................... 29
6.8 SSCDL rights to terminate the selection process............................................................. 30
6.9 Right to reject any proposal .............................................................................................. 30
6.10 Bid Fee and Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) and amount ................................................ 31
6.11 Sealing, Marking and Submission of Bids ........................................................................ 32
6.12 Language of Bids .............................................................................................................. 34
6.13 Concessions permissible under statutes .......................................................................... 34
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6.14 Bid Validity ........................................................................................................................ 35
6.15 Taxes ................................................................................................................................. 35
6.16 Firm Prices and Bid Currency ........................................................................................... 36
6.17 Right to vary the scope of the work at the time of award ................................................. 36
6.18 Modification or Withdrawal of Bids ................................................................................... 36
6.19 Evaluation Process ........................................................................................................... 36
6.20 Opening and evaluation of Pre-Qualification Bid ............................................................. 36
6.21 Opening and Evaluation of Technical Bid ........................................................................ 37
6.22 Technical Evaluation Criteria ............................................................................................ 37
6.23 Opening of Commercial Bid .............................................................................................. 41
6.24 Evaluation of Commercial Bids and Selection Method .................................................... 41
6.25 Notifications of Award and Signing of Contract ................................................................ 42
6.26 Rights to Accept/Reject any or all Proposals ................................................................... 42
6.27 Quantity Variation ............................................................................................................. 43
6.28 Performance Bank Guarantee .......................................................................................... 43
6.29 Governing Law .................................................................................................................. 44
6.30 Failure to agree with the Terms & Conditions of the Bid Document/ Contract ................ 44
6.31 Terms and Conditions of the Tender ................................................................................ 44
6.32 Restriction on Transfer of Agreement .............................................................................. 44
6.33 Subcontracting .................................................................................................................. 44
6.34 Safety Regulation, Accident and Damage........................................................................ 45
6.35 Ownership and Licenses .................................................................................................. 45

7 Service Level Agreements (SLA) ............................................ 46

7.1 Definitions ......................................................................................................................... 46
7.2 Measurement of SLA ........................................................................................................ 47
7.3 SLAs .................................................................................................................................. 47
7.4 Security Breach SLA ......................................................................................................... 49
7.5 Breach in supply of Onsite Manpower .............................................................................. 50

8 Project Milestone and Payment Schedules ............................ 53

8.1 Project Milestone .............................................................................................................. 53
8.2 Payment Schedule ............................................................................................................ 54

9 General Instructions on Preparation of Technical Proposal .. 55

10 Formats for Pre-Qualification Bid ......................................... 57

10.1 Checklist for Pre- Qualification Document........................................................................ 57
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10.2 PQ_1: Pre-Qualification and Technical Bid Cover Letter ................................................. 59
10.3 PQ_2: Bidder Information Format..................................................................................... 61
10.4 PQ_3: Bidder’s Annual turnover over last 3 financial years ............................................. 62
10.5 PQ_4: Auditor’s/CA Certificate for turnover for bidder ..................................................... 64
10.6 PQ_5: Self-Declaration – No Blacklisting ......................................................................... 65
10.7 PQ_6: Affidavit .................................................................................................................. 66
10.8 PQ_7: Details of Experience............................................................................................. 67
10.9 PQ_8: Power of Attorney for Prime Member of Consortium ............................................ 69
10.10 PQ_9: Format for Bank Guarantee for Bid Security (Earnest Money Deposit) ............... 71
10.11 PQ_10: Format for Authorization Letters from OEMs ...................................................... 73
10.12 PQ_11: Format for Specifying the Make & Model ............................................................ 74

11 Formats for Technical-Qualification Bid ............................... 84

11.1 Checklist for Technical- Qualification Document.............................................................. 84
11.2 TQ_1: Format for Authorization Letters from OEMs ........................................................ 85

12 Commercial Bid Format & Instructions ................................. 86

12.1 Cover letter for Commercial Bid ....................................................................................... 86
12.2 General Instructions .......................................................................................................... 88
12.3 Commercial Bid Format .................................................................................................... 90

13 Annexure I: Detailed Scope of Work and Considerations.... 100

13.1 Inception Phase .............................................................................................................. 100
13.2 Requirement Phase ........................................................................................................ 100
13.3 Design Phase .................................................................................................................. 101
13.4 Development / Implementation Phase ........................................................................... 101
13.5 Procurement, Supply, Installation and Commissioning of IT and non IT infrastructure at
ICCC ......................................................................................................................................... 103
13.6 Site Preparation for Data Center .................................................................................... 104
13.7 Integration and Implementation Phase ........................................................................... 106
13.8 Support for Open Data Platform ..................................................................................... 107
13.9 Data Analytics Capability ................................................................................................ 107
13.10 Vendor Management Services ....................................................................................... 108
13.11 Testing and Acceptance Criteria .................................................................................... 108
13.12 Go-Live Preparedness and Go-Live ............................................................................... 111
13.13 Training and Capacity Building ....................................................................................... 111
13.14 ICCC Infrastructure Provisioning .................................................................................... 112
13.15 Operations and Maintenance for a period of 5 years ..................................................... 113
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13.15.1 Warranty, ATS and Annual Maintenance Services ............................................. 113
13.15.2 Systems Administration Services ........................................................................ 115
13.15.3 Provision for Onsite Support ................................................................................ 116
13.15.4 Application Support and Maintenance Support ................................................... 118
13.15.5 Compliance to SLA .............................................................................................. 120
13.16 Project Management and Governance ........................................................................... 120
13.16.1 Project Management Office (PMO) ..................................................................... 120
13.16.2 Steering Committee ............................................................................................. 121
13.16.3 Project Monitoring and Reporting ........................................................................ 121
13.16.4 Risk and Issue management ............................................................................... 121
13.16.5 Planning and Scheduling ..................................................................................... 122
13.17 Guiding Architecture Principle ........................................................................................ 122

14 Annexure II- Functional requirements of ICCC Application .134

14.1 Objectives ....................................................................................................................... 134
14.2 Functional and Technical Specification for CCC Software ............................................ 134
14.3 Mobile App for Field Staff ............................................................................................... 148
14.4 Integration Required ....................................................................................................... 148
14.5 Use cases for ICCC Implementation .............................................................................. 149
14.6 Other Requirements........................................................................................................ 153

15 Annexure III- Technical requirements for ICT Components .154

15.1 Video Wall Screen .......................................................................................................... 154
15.2 Video Wall Controller (From same Video wall OEM) ..................................................... 155
15.3 Video Wall Management Software ................................................................................. 159
15.4 49" Curved Monitor for ICCC Operator .......................................................................... 160
15.5 Workstations for ICCC Operators ................................................................................... 160
15.6 Desktop PC (Dell/HP/Lenovo) ........................................................................................ 162
15.7 Office Productivity suite .................................................................................................. 164
15.8 Monochrome Printer ....................................................................................................... 164
15.9 MFP I (Network B/W MFP for Offices in ICCC) .............................................................. 164
15.10 MFP II (Heavy Duty) ....................................................................................................... 165
15.11 Colour Laser Printer ........................................................................................................ 166
15.12 Projector-1 (6000 lumens) .............................................................................................. 167
15.13 Projector-2 (3000 lumens) .............................................................................................. 168
15.14 Projector Screen 1 (200 Inch size) ................................................................................. 169
15.15 Projector Screen 2 (100 Inch size) ................................................................................. 170
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15.16 55” LED Display Screen ................................................................................................. 170
15.17 Indoor Wifi Access Points (AP) ....................................................................................... 171
15.18 8 ports Unmanaged PoE+ Switch .................................................................................. 172
15.19 24 ports (1G/1G) Web Managed Switch ........................................................................ 173
15.20 24 ports (1G/10G) Web Managed Switch ...................................................................... 175
15.21 48 ports (1G/10G) Web Managed Switch ...................................................................... 177
15.22 DC Core Switch............................................................................................................... 180
15.23 1G SFP LX Transceiver Module for above 24 Port Web Managed Switches ............... 186
15.24 10G SFP+ LR Transceiver Module for 24 Port/48 Port Web Managed Switches ......... 186
15.25 10G SFP+ SR/LR Transceiver Module for DC Core Switch .......................................... 186
15.26 10G DAC (10M Length) for DC Core Switch .................................................................. 186
15.27 40G QSFP+ LR4/SR4 Transceiver Module for DC Core Switch ................................... 187
15.28 DC TOR / DC Aggregation Switch Type-1 ..................................................................... 187
15.29 DC TOR/ DC Aggregation Switch Type-2 ...................................................................... 192
15.30 40G QSFP+ LR4/SR4 Transceiver Module for DC TOR/ DC Aggregation Switch ....... 196
15.31 10G SFP+ SR/LR Transceiver Module for DC TOR / DC Aggregation Switch ............. 196
15.32 DC Application & Delivery Controller with Global Server Load Balancing. ................... 197
15.33 Wireless LAN Controller for Indoor Wifi Access Point ................................................... 198
15.34 Servers for SMC Application Requirements ................................................................... 200
15.35 Servers for ICCC Requirements ..................................................................................... 202
15.36 Blade Chassis for Blade Servers .................................................................................... 203
15.37 IP KVM with 17" Rack LED/LCD and USB VM Server Module Bundle ......................... 205
15.38 Storage ............................................................................................................................ 206
15.39 42U Rack......................................................................................................................... 210
15.40 Enterprise Security & Antivirus Software License for Server ......................................... 212
15.41 Call Center Management Solution .................................................................................. 213
15.42 Video Conference System .............................................................................................. 220

16 Annexure IV- Scope & requirements for Data Center & other
Components ............................................................................. 223
16.1 Painting ........................................................................................................................... 227
16.2 PVC Conduit ................................................................................................................... 228
16.3 Wiring .............................................................................................................................. 229
16.4 Cable Work ..................................................................................................................... 230
16.5 Earthing ........................................................................................................................... 231
16.6 Fire Detection and Alarm System ................................................................................... 232

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16.7 Aspirating Smoke Detector System ................................................................................ 233
16.8 Water leak detection System .......................................................................................... 236
16.9 Access Control System ................................................................................................... 238
16.10 Rodent Repellent ............................................................................................................ 239
16.11 Fire Suppression System ................................................................................................ 240
16.12 Precision Air Conditioning ............................................................................................... 245
16.13 Datacentre Management System / Building Control System ......................................... 250

17 Annexure V- Common guidelines regarding compliance of

systems/equipment .................................................................. 252

18 Annexure VI- Approved List of Banks .................................. 254

19 Annexure VII- Master Service Agreement ........................... 255

20 Annexure VIII - Format for Performance Bank Guarantee .. 281

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1 Glossary

Terms Meaning
AMC Annual Maintenance Contract
AP Access Points
ATS Annual Technical Support
BOM Bill of Material
CEO Chief Executive Officer
DC Data Center
DD Demand Draft
DR Disaster Recovery
EMD Earnest Money Deposit
FRS Functional Requirement Specifications
GIS Geographical Information System
GPS Global Position System
ICCC Integrated Command Control Center
ICT Information and Communication Technology
INR Indian Rupee
LoI Letter of Intent
MFP Multi-Functional Printer
OEM Original Equipment Manufacture
O&M Operations and Maintenance
PBG Performance Bank Guarantee
POE Power over Ethernet
PQ Pre-Qualification
RFP Request for Proposal
RO Request Order
R&R Roles & Responsibilities
SAN Storage Area Network
SI System Integrator
SLA Service Level Agreement
SMC Surat Municipal Corporation
SOP Standard Operating Procedures
SRS Software Requirement Specifications
SSCDL Surat Smart City Development Limited
TQ Technical Qualification
UAT User Acceptance Testing
VM Virtual Machine

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2 Notice Inviting Bid
Surat Smart City Development Limited (SSCDL)
1st Floor, South Zone Office, Surat Municipal Corporation, Opp.
Satyanagar, Udhna, Surat-394210, Gujarat, India.

Notice for Inviting RFP for

“Selection of Implementing Agency for
Integrated Command Control Center(ICCC) in Surat”
[RFP No.: SSCDL-ICCC-RFP-02-2019]
Bid for Implementation of ICCC Project is invited online on https://smc.nprocure.com from the bidder
meeting the basic eligibility criteria as stated in the bid document.
Bid Fee (Non-refundable)  Rs.20,160 [Rs. 18,000 + 12% GST] by Demand
Draft or Banker’s Cheque
EMD Amount  The bidder should pay EMD of Rs. 25, 00,000 (Rupees
Twenty five lakhs only) whereby 50% amount shall be
in the form of Demand Draft / Banker’s Cheque in
favour of “Surat Smart City Development Limited”,
from Nationalized or Scheduled bank and 50 % amount
shall be in the form of Bank guarantee (BG) of any
nationalized / scheduled banks with validity of 180
days from the date of Bid opening
Last date to submit the Pre Bid  By email to it@suratsmartcity.com on or before
Queries 17.09.2019, 16:00 hrs
Online Price Bid End Date  Till 24.09.2019 up to 18:00 hrs.

Technical Bid Submission (in Hard  In sealed envelope strictly by RPAD/Postal Speed Post
Copy) along with EMD & Bid fee On or before 27.09.2019 up to 18:00 hrs. To the Chief
Accountant, Surat Municipal Corporation, Muglisara,
Surat – 395003, Gujarat by RPAD or Speed Post Only.
RFP Document Availability  https://smc.nprocure.com,
The right to accept/reject any or all bid(s) received is reserved without assigning any reason thereof.

Surat Smart City Development Ltd

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3 Introduction and Background
3.1 About Surat
Surat is located in western part of India in the state of Gujarat, Surat is referred as the silk city and
the diamond city. It has the most vibrant present and an equally varied heritage of the past. Surat
is also known as economic capital of Gujarat and is having one of the highest growth rates amongst
Asian cities. As per the Census 2011, it is the eighth largest city in the country with population of
4.48 million population. On the scale of population growth, Surat is the fastest growing city in Asia
and holds 4th rank in the world. On the economic front, Surat holds top position with highest per
house-hold income in the country

Surat has been selected at 4th position as one of the twenty Indian cities (in the first
round of selection) to be developed as a smart city under Smart Cities Mission.

3.2 About Surat Municipal Corporation

The Surat Municipal Corporation (SMC) has responded to the challenges of fastest population
growth and high speed economic development by adopting the best urban management practices.
The administration of SMC with the help of the people and elected members of the city has
transformed Surat to one of the cleanest cities of India. SMC has taken all necessary steps to make
the city a better place to live with all amenities. SMC has taken up many path breaking initiatives
and these efforts have been acknowledged at national and international level.

Utilization of Information Technology (e-Governance)

SMC had harnessed the power of IT before it became ubiquitous and a necessity for organizations
of its nature and size. SMC is one of the few local self-government to adopt computerization in its
early phases and use it for better governance, improving operational efficiency and increasing ease
of interaction with citizens. SMC has initiated various e-Governance and m-Governance projects.
The same have been recognized at national/international level. Following is the list of awards
received in recent past:

1. Express IT Award 2015 (Bronze) For SMC Mobile App

2. Vodafone – Mobile for Good Award 2014 to Citizen’s Connect – SMC Mobile App
3. Skoch Order-of-Merit to Citizen’s Connect – SMC Mobile App
4. mBillionth Award South Asia 2014 to Citizen’s Connect – SMC Mobile App
5. HUDCO Award for Best Practices to Improve the Living Environment 2013-14 for Mobile App
& Virtual Civic Center (Online Services)
6. Skoch Gold Award & Order-of-Merit for Use of e-Governance for Improved Service Delivery
7. The Janaagraha G2C Award 2012 for Best website under the category “Transparency and
8. City Civic Centre won the National Award for e-Governance 2007-08 (Bronze) for Outstanding
Performance in Citizen Centric Service Delivery
9. Golden Jubilee Memorial Trust Awards 2007-08 for Outstanding Utilisation of Communication
& Information Technology from Southern Gujarat Chamber of Commerce
10. The Grievance Redressal System awarded the Best Practice Award by CMAG & FIRE[D]
11. Certificate of Merit by NIUA – FIRE(D) for the best website in the year 2001

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3.3 About Surat Smart City Development Limited (SSCDL)
As per the GoI guidelines, Surat Municipal Corporation has formed a separate Special Purpose
Vehicle (SPV) as Surat Smart City Development Ltd. (SSCDL) for the implementation of projects
under the smart city mission for the city of Surat. This SPV shall carry end to end responsibility for
vendor selection, implementation and operationalization of various smart city projects

3.4 Project Background

The key objective of this project is to build IT infrastructure for Command & Control Centre and
aggregate IT asset which is being utilized at different location across Surat city to monitor different
services of Surat Municipal Corporation at central location. The infrastructure shall be robust &
scalable to integrate new services to be monitored in future as & when required.

The authority aims to develop the robust system whereby inputs from different functional
departments such as transport, water, drainage, emergency, IT, Health etc. can be assimilated and
analysed on a single platform which will result in aggregated city level information. Further this
aggregate city level information can be converted to actionable intelligence, which would be
propagated to relevant stakeholders and citizens for informed decisions. Following are the
indicators that shall be achieved:
 Better management of utilities and quantification of services
 Disaster Management and Emergency Response System
 Efficient traffic management
 Enhanced safety and security
 Asset Management
 Civic Services Management
 Integration with existing control centres (SMAC Centre) in the city and other services (with
provisions for future scalability)
- CCTV System (Surat Safe City) and Control Room at Police HQ
- Suman Eye Project
- Water SCADA Project
- ERP Project
- GIS Project
- ITCS Project
- ITMS Project
- AFCS Project
- Public Wi-Fi and Smart Poles project
- Solid Waste Management
- Environmental Sensors
- City wide Connectivity etc.

SSCDL intends to select a System Integrator (SI) by following competitive bidding process to
design, develop, implement and maintain the Integrated Control and Command Centre (ICCC) for
a period of 5 (five) years after Go Live. This document contains the following details:
 Scope of work that will be assigned to the SI as part of this project
 Other terms and conditions of the envisaged Smart City by SSCDL.

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This document provides a high-level overview of the technology approach for ICCC and in-depth
details of the functional roles of system components, and the interactions between roles, to achieve
an end-to-end system design. The ICCC will be a central hub for city management. The ICCC will
be helpful in managing the Surat Smart City Operations and emergency response. The hosting of
all applications and database will be done at in premise Data Centre proposed at
ICCC. Integrated Building management system will be implemented separately
through different tender in the ICCC building for managing and monitoring building
utilities, access, security etc.

3.5 Project Objective

The key objective for the project is defined as below:

 “Single source of truth” for all city’s civic and transport functions
 Platform with the ability to receive, intelligently correlate & share information to better predict
 Act as City’s emergency and disaster management platform
 Ability to integrate multiple text, voice, data, video and smart sensors communication interfaces
 Ability to integrate and correlate online and offline interactions
 Capabilities to support GIS based incidents visualization
 Intelligent and Intuitive work-flow management

The above objectives can be categorised

under below four heads:
1. Enabled Integrated Operations
2. Informed Decision Making
3. Real time Data Analysis
4. Being more proactive and less reactive

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4 Scope of Services for the Project
4.1 Components & Services Overview

The SI should ensure the successful implementation of the proposed “ICCC solution consisting of
IT hardware and software infrastructure and ancillary work” as per the scope of services described
below. The SI’s scope of work shall include but will not be limited to the following broad areas. The
SI will be required to provide services and scope of work as detailed in this RFP document and
further detailed in Annexure I.

1. Assessment, Scoping and Feasibility Study: Conduct a detailed assessment, scoping

study and develop a comprehensive project plan, including:
 Conduct feasibility study for finalization of detailed technical architecture, gap analysis and
project plan1
 Conduct site surveys to identify need for site preparation activities, if any
 Obtain site Clearance obligations & other relevant permissions, if any

2. Provisioning Hardware and Software Infrastructure: SI shall be responsible for

supply, installation, testing and commissioning of the following systems and components:
 Implementation and configuration of ICCC platform
 Integration of various transit and non-transit civic services on different platform running at
different location across Surat City on single platform
 Provisioning of Command center infrastructure including operator video walls,
workstations, controllers, etc.
 Video Conferencing System
 Design and civil site work for Data Center
 Passive Infrastructure for Data Centre including additional IT hardware required to
collocate the services and interoperability of systems.
 Workstations, , printer etc. for operators & SMC/SSCDL staff
 Call center solution
 Internal LAN infrastructure within ICCC premises for data communication
 Visual Display boards and interactive screens/kiosks inside ICCC premises
 Support in migration of various existing Data Center and Control Center at ICCC
 Provision of Manpower as per the RFP requirements
 Facility Management System & establishment of IT help desk

3. Forward and backward integration (in terms of functions - components, applications,

devices, geographical coverage and volume) with all smart city components across the layers
defined in the overall solution architecture. Such forward or backward integration could take
place at any of the layers defined in the over architecture viz. sensor and actuator layer, network
layer, data centre layer, application layer, integration layer, service delivery layer, command
centre layer, visualization layer and security layer.

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4. Capacity Building for SSCDL/SMC which includes preparation of operational manuals,
training documents and capacity building support, including:
 Training of the city authorities and operators on operationalization of the system
 Support during execution of acceptance testing
 Preparation and implementation of the information security policy, including policies on
backup and redundancy plan
 Preparation of revised KPIs for performance monitoring of various urban services
monitored through the system envisaged to be implemented
 Developing standard operating procedures for operations management and other services
to be rendered by ICCC
 Preparation of system documents, user manuals, performance manuals, etc.

5. Warranty and Annual Maintenance which includes periodic maintenance services for the
software, hardware and other IT infrastructure installed as part of ICCC project for a period of
5 years i.e. 3 year warranty and 2 years of Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract
(CAMC), and conducting periodic audits of the project from a third party, if required or
instructed by SSCDL.

It is to be noted, any functionality not expressly stated in this document but required to meet the
needs of the SSCDL to ensure successful operations of the system shall essentially be under the
scope of the SI and for that no extra charges shall be admissible.

4.2 Envisaged Solution Architecture

It is envisaged that the proposed ICCC Solution will be based on the following solution architecture.

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1. Data Acquisition Layer
The Data Acquisition Layer will consume real time data from sensors devices, data sources, static
and real time data feeds from different applications, systems and databases etc. for air and water
quality monitoring, ambient light sensors for street light management, metering devices, location
based devices, surveillance and safety cameras, sensors for disaster detection, level sensors for solid
waste management etc. The layer will collect data from sensors or process the same to generate
information from the data collected and aggregated through its various components to generate
alerts, or it can connect to COTS and bespoke applications so that alerts generated by the
COTS/bespoke application/systems. This layer will enable other components of ICCC to aggregate,
consume and process the data for deriving information. Various Sensors and IOTs devices have
been already procured and currently functional through different projects.

2. Network & Data Center Layer

The secured network layer will serve as the backbone for the project and provide connectivity to
gather data from sensors and communicate messages to display devices and actuators. The network
layer will be scalable such that additional sensors, actuators, display devices can be seamlessly
added in future. Provisioning of connectivity and bandwidth will not be under the scope of the

The data center layer will house centralized computing power required to store, process and analyze
the data to decipher actionable information. This layer includes servers, storage, ancillary network
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equipment elements, security devices and corresponding management tools. Similar to the network
layer, it will be scalable to cater to the increasing computing and storage needs in future. SI is
required to provision necessary IT infrastructure along with provisioning of passive and active
equipments and preparation of Data Center within the ICCC. SI is also responsible to support in
migration activity of data center housed at Maan Darwaja and Muglisara.

3. Data Aggregation and Analytics Layer

The Data Aggregation and Analytics Layer is responsible for deriving information and intelligence
from data captured from various data sources through data acquisition layer. Data Aggregation and
Analysis comprises of components for extraction and transformation of data from different
systems, data sources and different data formats. For example Health records are captured from
Hospital Management System, traffic information is captured from Adaptive Traffic Management
System and Ambulance could be tracked using Vehicle Tracking system in different formats. ICCC
Data aggregation and Analysis Layer is able to process the information and allows users to use
information from different systems as per requirements.

Data Analytics components will be used to perform data churning to derive intelligence from
different data sets across the domain. This intelligence can then be used for exception handling and
visualization in different scenarios through various analysis using ICCC components or third party
a) Predictive Analytics
b) Diagnostic Analytics
c) Prescriptive Analytics
d) Sentiment Analytics
e) Video Analytics

This layer enables ICCC to derive intelligence from the information collected from Data Acquisition
and Collection Layer.

4. Business Logic Application Layer

Business Logic Application Layer will be the core application engine of the ICCC platform which
help end user to design and configure standard operating procedure, manage external and internal
trigger, policy implementation, and handling complex events. Application layer will also help ICCC
to handle events in real time complimenting it with intelligence and information from various
systems. Application layer will also manage the response in different situations as per configured
business logic.

It will help in configuring or automating the operations in different scenarios, for e.g.:
a) Defining and configuring Event
b) Defining and configuring External/ Internal Trigger
c) Defining and configuring Event Response
d) Defining and configuring responsibility matrix
e) Defining and configuring incidents and change requests
f) Defining and configuring user access and authorization
g) Defining and configuring access policy of field assets

Application layer at ICCC will allow to communicate with different systems. This layers will enable
ICCC to handle the events to make real time decisions as per the configured protocol.

5. Command and Control layer

Command and Control layer of ICCC will be responsible for managing
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a) Communication with Stakeholders
b) Device Control (asset, access and authorization)
c) User Interface and Visualization
d) Complex Real Time Event Handling
e) Service Management

The command and control layer will house the action oriented SOP’s, incident response dispatches
and management systems (rules engines, diagnostics systems, control systems, messaging system,
events handling system), and reporting / dashboard system to provide actionable information to
city administrators and citizens. It will be flexible to accept inputs from various downstream
applications and sensors as and when the system get introduced.

6. Security Layer
As ambient conditions, actuators and display devices will be connected through a network, security
of the entire system becomes of paramount significance. This layer includes:
 Infrastructure security- including policies for identity and information security policies
 Identity and Access Management – including user authentication, authorization, SSL & Digital
 Application security- Adoption of Technical Standards for Interoperability Framework and
other standards published by GoI for various eGovernance applications
 End device security, including physical security of all end devices at command center.

The ICCC shall have necessary provisions in place for the respective components to ensure security
and avoid exploitation any vulnerability.

4.3 Surat Network Schematic Diagram

The below diagram illustrate the network diagram for ICCC. All items including interconnects in
orange colour are under scope of selected bidder under this RFP, the selected bidder will have to
co-ordinate and integrate with all item in black colour. Selected bidder will be solely responsible
for successful integration of all components.

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4.4 Responsibility Matrix
# Key Activities Successful SMC/ SSCDL Existing ICT
Bidder Vendors at
Project Inception Phase
1 Project Kick Off R/A C I

2 Deployment of manpower R/A C I

Requirement Phase
3 Assess the requirement of IT R/A C C
Infrastructure and Non IT
4 Assess the connectivity R/A C/I
requirement in ICCC Building C
5 Assessment the Network laying R/A C C
requirement (Internal LAN)
Design Phase
6 Creation of Detail Drawing R/A C I

7 Development of test cases R/A C I

(Unit, System Integration and
User Acceptance)

Issued by Surat Smart City Development Ltd Page 18 of 283

# Key Activities Successful SMC/ SSCDL Existing ICT
Bidder Vendors at
8 Preparation of final bill of R/A C I
quantity and material
Development Phase
9 Helpdesk setup R/A C C/I

10 Physical Infrastructure setup R/A C I

11 IT and Non IT Infrastructure R/A C I

12 Development, Testing and R/A C I
Production environment setup
13 Integration with Third party R/A C I
services/application (if any)
14 Unit and User Acceptance R/A C I
15 Implementation of Solutions R/A C I

16 Preparation of User Manuals, R/A C I

training curriculum and
training materials
17 Role based training(s) on the R/A C I
Command Center Software
18 Migration of exiting IT/Non IT R C R/A
infrastructure at ICCC
19 Go Live R/A C I

Operation and Maintenance

20 Operation and Maintenance of R/A C I
IT, Non IT infrastructure and
Applications as mentioned in
this RFP
21 SLA and Performance R/A C I
Monitoring for scope
mentioned in this RFP
22 Logging, tracking and R/A C I
resolution of issues.
23 Patch & Version Updates R/A C I

24 Helpdesk services for all R/A C I

R: Responsible; A: Accountable; C: Consulted; I: Informed
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5 Pre-Qualification Criteria
5.1 Bidder’s Eligibility Criteria
The bidder must possess the requisite experience, strength and capabilities in providing
services necessary to meet the requirements as described in the RFP document. Keeping
in view the complexity and volume of the work involved, following criteria are prescribed
as the eligibility criteria for the bidder interested in undertaking the project. The bidder must
also possess technical know-how and financial ability that would be required to successfully
provide System Integration, Operation and Maintenance services sought by SMC/SSCDL
for the entire contract duration. The bids must be complete in all respect and should cover
entire scope of work as stipulated in the bid document. This invitation to bid is open to all
bidders who qualify the eligibility criteria as given below:

The Pre-Qualification Criteria for the selection of the vendor or consortium are given below. In case
of Consortium, please refer the section 6.6

Note: For evaluation following definition is considered

 The total Project value shall be considered as Capex Cost + Operation & Maintenance Cost
 OEM experience will not be considered for Pre-Qualification Criteria and Technical Evaluation
as bidder’s experience unless bidder is also an OEM.
 Integrated Command & Control Centre (ICCC)/ Command Control Centre (CCC):
ICCC/CCC Project is defined as those project where Command Centre Application is
implemented. ICCC Application at such installation should not only be a viewing platform but
should be used for SOP creation and triggering for specific event/incident. Project only
pertaining to NOC and/or Data Center Monitoring will not be considered.
 In case of Consortium only 2 partners are allowed including Prime Bidder. For more details on
Consortium please refer to the section 6.6
 R&R refers to roles & responsibilities mentioned in Consortium Agreement
Eligibility Criteria Proof Document Applicable Applicable to
# Required to Sole Consortium
1. The Prime Bidder / Sole Bidder Copy of certification of Yes Yes
should be registered under the incorporation issued by
Companies Act 1956 and competent authority/
should be in operation in India
Registration Certificate
for a period of at least 5 years as
on publication of bid.
In case of Consortium, the
Consortium Partner should be
registered under the
Companies Act 1956 Or a
partnership firm registered
under LLP Act, 2008 or
partnership firm registered

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Eligibility Criteria Proof Document Applicable Applicable to
# Required to Sole Consortium
under Indian Partnership Act
2. Bidder (consortium)/ Sole Copy of the Audited Profit Yes Yes
Bidder jointly should have a and Loss statement and
minimum average annual statutory auditor / CA
turnover of Rs. 100 crore certificate from a
from ICT based business for regarding turnover.
last three financial years i.e. FY
2017-18,FY 2016-17, 2015-16. The certificate should be
In case of consortium, each originally signed or
partner should have minimum notarized.
average turnover of Rs. 25 Cr.

The copies of Audited Annual

Accounts for last three years to
be submitted along with the bid
[Financial Years of 2015-16,
2016-17 and 2017-18].
3. Bidder/ Consortium should Certificate from the Yes Yes (All
have a positive net worth as on statutory auditor / CA Members of
31st March 2018 towards positive net worth Consortium)
of the company. The
certificate should be
originally signed or

4. Sole Bidder / Bidder (Any  Copy of completion Yes Yes (Any

member in case of Consortium certificate issued by member of
as per R&R defined in client Consortium)
Consortium Agreement)  In case of an ongoing
should have an experience in project, the project
implementation of Integrated must have achieved the
Command & Control Centre respective value in
(ICCC) / Command Control terms of entire project
Center (CCC) in India in last 7 cost and ICCC
years from the date of application & Video
publishing this RFP Wall Solution
One project costing not less respectively from
than the amount equal to INR financial perspective.
20 Cr. with ICCC application
The Certificate to this
solution component worth
minimum INR 2.5 Cr. effect from the client on

Issued by Surat Smart City Development Ltd Page 21 of 283

Eligibility Criteria Proof Document Applicable Applicable to
# Required to Sole Consortium
OR client’s letter head to be
Two projects costing not less  Copy of Work order /
than the amount equal to INR Contract
12 Cr. each with ICCC
application solution
component worth minimum
INR 1.5 Cr.


Three projects costing not less

than the amount equal to INR
10 Cr. each with ICCC
application solution
component worth minimum
INR 1.25 Cr.

Note: ICCC Application cost

component shall include:
1. Licenses cost for ICCC
2. SITC cost
3. Integration cost
4. Operation & Maintenance

5. Sole Bidder / Bidder (Any 1. Copy of completion Yes Yes (Any

member in case of Consortium certificate issued by member of
as per R&R defined in client Consortium)
Consortium Agreement) 2. Copy of Work order /
should have completed at least Contract
one project pertaining to
setting up of Datacenter / Data
Center Infrastructure in last 7
years as on Bid Submission
date of value not less than INR
3 Crore in India.

Note: In-house projects for

own or group companies shall
not be considered for above
criteria. Data Center
Infrastructure cost should be
excluding software license cost.

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Eligibility Criteria Proof Document Applicable Applicable to
# Required to Sole Consortium
6. Bidder should be registered for GST Registration Yes Yes (All
GST number in India. Certificate Members of
PAN Card Consortium)
7. Bidder should not be Declaration letter by Yes Yes (All
blacklisted or debarred by any bidder as per format given Members of
Government / PSU in India at in the RFP document Consortium)
the time of submission of the

5.2 OEM’s Eligibility Criteria

To be considered qualified for evaluation of Technical Proposal, the respective OEM must meet the
below mentioned OEM eligibility criteria:
# Selection criteria for the OEM Proof Document
A Active Network Equipment (Network Switches)
1. OEM must be listed in Leader’s Quadrant of the latest Latest and relevant report from
Gartner Magic Quadrant for Wired and Wireless LAN Gartner to be submitted clearly
Access Infrastructure. showing presence of the OEM.
2. Commitment to Support OEM self-certification as per
The OEM should commit to support the product Section-PQ_10 indicating the
proposed in the scope of this RFP for at least five (5) commitment to support
End of support date should not have been announced
for the product proposed.
B Server
1. OEM must be listed in Leader’s Quadrant of the latest Latest and relevant report from
Gartner Magic Quadrant for Modular Servers Gartner to be submitted clearly
showing presence of the OEM.
2. Commitment to Support OEM self-certification as per
The OEM should commit to support the product Section-PQ_10 indicating the
proposed in the scope of this RFP for at least five (5) commitment to support
End of support date should not have been announced
for the product proposed.
C Storage
1 OEM must be listed in Leader’s Quadrant of the latest Latest and relevant report from
Gartner Magic Quadrant for General-Purpose Disk Gartner to be submitted clearly
Arrays showing presence of the OEM.
2 Commitment to Support OEM self-certification as per
The OEM should commit to support the product Section-PQ_10 indicating the
proposed in the scope of this RFP for at least five (5) commitment to support
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# Selection criteria for the OEM Proof Document
End of support date should not have been announced
for the product proposed.
1 ICCC OEM Solution should be implemented for at least 1. Work order of projects for
2 distinct projects covering at least 3 domains (with supply of ICCC Solution
minimum 1 use case per domain) from below mentioned
list out of which minimum 1 deployment should be 2. Any client document that
within India. clearly specifies the domains
implemented & integrated as
1. Adaptive/Intelligent Traffic Control System
part of solution.
(ATCS Signals with or without ANPR, RLVD,
Wrong side, Speed detection, etc.) 3. Self-certificate on OEM’s
2. Intelligent Transit Management System letterhead from authorised
3. Water Supply / Water SCADA signatory clearly defining the
4. Drainage / Drainage SCADA use cases implemented
5. Solid Waste Management under each domain as part of
6. Grievance Redressal System the project.
7. CCTV/ Surveillance Network with minimum 50
cameras (Excluding Camera considered under
Point 1)
8. Smart Street Lighting
9. Revenue Collection Systems (Property Tax,
Water Meter Billing, Other Utility Meter
Reading, AFCS etc.)
10. Energy / utility SCADA
11. Network monitoring for large scale WiFi service
/ dedicated OFC network
12. Smart Parking

2 Commitment to Support OEM self-certification as per

The OEM should commit to support the product Section-PQ_10 indicating the
proposed in the scope of this RFP for at least five (5) commitment to support
End of support date should not have been announced
for the product proposed.
E Enterprise Security Solution for Servers
1 OEM must be listed in Leader’s Quadrant of the latest Latest and relevant report from
Gartner Magic Quadrant for Endpoint Protection Gartner to be submitted clearly
Platforms showing presence of the OEM
2 Commitment to Support OEM self-certification as per
The OEM should commit to support the product Section-PQ_10 indicating the
proposed in the scope of this RFP for at least five (5) commitment to support
End of support date should not have been announced
for the product proposed.
F DC Application & Delivery Controller with
Global Server Load Balancing

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# Selection criteria for the OEM Proof Document
1 OEM must be listed in Leader’s Quadrant of the latest Latest and relevant report from
Gartner Magic Quadrant for Application Delivery Gartner to be submitted clearly
Controller showing presence of the OEM
2 Commitment to Support OEM self-certification as per
The OEM should commit to support the product Section-PQ_10 indicating the
proposed in the scope of this RFP for at least five (5) commitment to support
End of support date should not have been announced
for the product proposed.

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6 Instructions to Bidder
1. Bidders are advised to study all instructions, forms, terms, requirements and other information
in the Bid Documents carefully.

2. Submission of bid shall be deemed to have been done after careful study and examination of the
Bid Document with full understanding of its implications.

3. The response to this Bid Document should be full and complete in all respects. Failure to furnish
all information required by the Bid Documents or submission of a proposal not substantially
responsive to the Bid Documents in every respect will be at the bidder’s risk and may result in
rejection of its Proposal.

4. Additionally, proposals of only those Bidders who satisfy the Conditions of Eligibility, stated
herein, will be considered for evaluation by SSCDL.

6.1 Purpose of Bid Document

1. The purpose of this tender is to select an Implementing Agency for Integrated Command and
Control Center (ICCC) in Surat City. This document provides information to enable the bidders
to understand the broad requirements to submit their ‘Bids’.

2. In case a bidding firm possesses the requisite experience and capabilities required for
undertaking the work, it may participate in the selection process either individually (the “Sole
Firm”) or as lead member of a consortium of firms (the “Prime Bidder”) in response to this
invitation. The term “Bidder” means the Sole Firm or the Prime Bidder, as the case may be.

3. The manner in which the Proposal is required to be submitted, evaluated and accepted is
explained in this RFP. The detailed scope of work is provided in this RFP document.

4. The bidder shall be required to submit their bid in three parts –

i. Pre-Qualification Bid (Basic Eligibility Criteria as per Section 5)

ii. Technical Bid (Technical Compliance in line with instructions in Section 6.22 and 11)

iii. Commercial Bid (in line with instructions in Section 12).

6.2 Proposal Preparation Cost

1. The bidder is responsible for all costs incurred in connection with participation in this process,
including, but not limited to, costs incurred in conduct of informative and other diligence
activities, participation in meetings/discussions/presentations, preparation of proposal, in
providing any additional information required by SSCDL to facilitate the evaluation process,
and in negotiating a definitive Contract or all such activities related to the bid process. The
department will in no case be responsible or liable for those costs, regardless of the conduct or
outcome of the bidding process.

Issued by Surat Smart City Development Ltd Page 26 of 283

2. This Bid Document does not commit the SSCDL to award a contract or to engage in
negotiations. Further, no reimbursable cost may be incurred in anticipation of award. All
materials submitted by the Bidder shall become the property of SSCDL/ SMC and may be
returned at its sole discretion.

6.3 Online Pre-bid Queries

1. A prospective Bidder requiring any clarification on the RFP Document may submit his queries,
via email, to the following e-mail id on or before 17.09.2019 up to 16:00 hrs. Email Id for
submission of queries: it@suratsmartcity.com

2. The queries should necessarily be submitted in the following format:

Bidders Request for Clarification

Name and Address of the Name and Position Contact Details of the
Organization submitting of Person Organization / Authorized
request submitting request Representative
S # RFP Document Content of the RFP Clarification Sought
Reference (Section requiring
No., Page No.) clarification

3. Queries submitted post the above mentioned deadline or which do not adhere to the above
mentioned format may not be considered.

6.4 Amendment of RFP Document

1. At any time before the deadline for submission of bids, the SSCDL, may, for any reason, whether
at its own initiative or in response to a clarification requested by a prospective Bidder, modify
the RFP Document by an amendment.

2. The bidders are advised to visit the http://suratsmartcity.com/Tenders and

https://smc.nprocure.com on regular basis for checking necessary updates. SSCDL also
reserves the rights to amend the dates mentioned in this RFP for bid process

3. In order to afford prospective Bidders reasonable time in which to take the amendment into
account in preparing their bids, the SSCDL may, at its discretion, extend the last date for the
receipt of Bids.

6.5 Conflict of Interest

1. A “Conflict of Interest” is any situation that might cause an impartial observer to reasonably
question whether Bidder actions are influenced by considerations of your firm’s interest at the
Issued by Surat Smart City Development Ltd Page 27 of 283
cost of Government. Bidders shall not have a conflict of interest that may affect the Selection
Process or the scope (the “Conflict of Interest”). Any Bidder found to have a Conflict of Interest
shall be disqualified.

2. SSCDL requires that the Bidder provides professional, objective, and impartial advice and at all
times hold the SSCDL’s interests paramount, avoid conflicts with other assignments or its own
interests, and act without any consideration for future work.

6.6 Consortium Conditions

1. The number of consortium members cannot exceed two, including the Prime Bidder.

2. The primary responsibility of implementation of ICCC Solution and use cases will lie with the
Primer Bidder in case of consortium.

3. A Bidder applying individually or as consortium member shall not be entitled to submit another
application either individually or as a member of any other consortium, as the case may be.

4. Consortium members must provide a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) covering above

points and showing their intention to enter into such an Agreement at the time of bidding along
with Pre-Qualification Bid.

5. A Bidding Consortium is required to nominate a Prime Member. The formation of the

consortium including identification of Prime member and role and responsibilities of each
member shall be supported by Memorandum of Agreement and Power of Attorney signed by all
the members on a stamp paper of INR 300/-.

6. The successful bidder (SI) shall be required to enter into agreement with all member of
Consortium Members specifying following points in the Agreement. These points shall also be
captured in MoU

 Identity Prime Member and Power of Attorney in favor of Prime Member.

 Roles and responsibilities of each consortium partner, the identification of the lead partner,
and providing for joint and several liability for each partner.

 All consortium members would be available throughout the Contract Period.

 Each member of the Consortium shall be jointly and severally liable for the due
implementation and comprehensive onsite warranty support of the Project.

 The role and responsibility of any member must be commensurate with the
technical/financial capabilities that such member is contributing towards meeting the
qualification criteria. Each consortium member is liable to contribute resources in terms of
knowledge, skills and trained manpower commensurate with its role and responsibilities
during the Contract Period.

Issued by Surat Smart City Development Ltd Page 28 of 283

 The Consortium Agreement must also state that the period of the Agreement would
coincide with the Contract period. Consortium must continue to be in existence during the
period of the contract and that any change will be subject to approval of the Authority
(SSCDL) only.

 The final contract between the consortium members (The Consortium Contract) would be
available for legal vetting and open to suggestions by the SSCDL. SSCDL will suggest
binding corrections if it finds that such contract does not meet its requirements and
interests as per the Tender in letter and spirit.

 The Agreement should be on stamp paper and notarized. The signatories must be duly

 Any modification in roles and responsibilities between consortium members during

Contract Period shall be allowed only after approval from SSCDL. Any changes and
deviation of roles and responsibilities of consortium members during the execution, and
comprehensive onsite warranty support of this Project without prior approval of Authority
shall be viewed seriously by the SSCDL as it can affect an important public service. Such
unilateral action by the SI shall entitle SSCDL to take appropriate action including
considering it an Event of Default under this Contract leading to consequences including
termination with appropriate notice.

 Any Dispute arising during Contract Period between the Consortium Member shall be
resolved amicably without adversely impacting Project Implementation and Operation. If
in SSCDL’s opinion, Dispute between Consortium members adversely impacting
implementation and operation of the Project then Authority may its sole discretion in the
interest of the Project (a) Terminate the Contract after due process and/or (2) Provide a
binding solution.

 In case SSCDL Intends to proceed for Termination on account of SI Event of Defect and /or
unresolved disputes between the Consortium Members, both the Consortium Members
shall be jointly and severally liable for Implementation and comprehensive onsite warranty
support of project at Agreed prices and payment terms specified in this Tender till
Authority or any new agency appointed by it takes over the Project

 SSCDL reserves the right to reject the Bid in case of change in the constitution of the
consortium after the submission of Bid and before the execution of the Agreement.

6.7 Right to amendment of the project scope

1. SSCDL retains the right to amend the scope of work or amend the program for service delivery
at any time and without assigning any reason. SSCDL makes no commitments, express or
implied, that the full scope of work as described in this RFP will be commissioned.

2. The bidder’s technical and commercial proposals received in this process may result in SSCDL
selecting to engage with the bidders’ in further discussions and negotiations toward execution
of a contract including finalization of the scope elements. The commencement of such
Issued by Surat Smart City Development Ltd Page 29 of 283
negotiations does not, however, signify a commitment by the SSCDL to execute a contract or to
continue negotiations. SSCDL may terminate negotiations at any time without assigning any

6.8 SSCDL rights to terminate the selection process

1. SSCDL may terminate the RFP process at any time and without assigning any reason. SSCDL
makes no commitments, express or implied, that this process will result in a business
transaction with anyone.

2. This RFP does not constitute an offer by SSCDL.

3. The bidder’s participation in this process may result in SSCDL selecting the bidder to engage in
further discussions and negotiations toward execution of a contract. The commencement of
such negotiations does not, however, signify a commitment by the SSCDL to execute a contract
or to continue negotiations. SSCDL may terminate negotiations at any time without assigning
any reason.

6.9 Right to reject any proposal

1. Notwithstanding anything contained in this RFP, SSCDL reserves the right to accept or reject
any Proposal and to annul the Selection Process and reject all Proposals, at any time without
any liability or any obligation for such acceptance, rejection or annulment, and without
assigning any reasons therefore.

2. Besides other conditions and terms highlighted in the Tender Document, bids may be rejected
under following circumstances:

General rejection criteria

i. Conditional Bids;
ii. If the information provided by the Bidder is found to be incorrect / misleading /
fraudulent at any stage / time during the Tendering Process;
iii. Any effort on the part of a Bidder to influence the bid evaluation, bid comparison or
contract award decisions;
iv. Bids received after the prescribed time & date for receipt of bids;
v. Bids without signature of person (s) duly authorized on required pages of the bid;
vi. Bids without power of attorney/ board resolution or its certified true copy.

Technical Rejection criteria

i. Bidders not complying with the Eligibility Criteria given in this Tender document
ii. Technical Bid containing commercial details;
iii. Revelation of Prices in any form or by any reason before opening the Commercial Bid;
iv. Failure to furnish all information required by the Tender Document or submission of
a Bid not substantially responsive to the Tender Document in every respect;

Issued by Surat Smart City Development Ltd Page 30 of 283

v. Bidders not quoting for the complete scope of work as indicated in the Tender
Documents, addendum /corrigendum (if any) and any subsequent information given
to the Bidder;
vi. Bidders not complying with the Technical and General Terms and conditions as stated
in the Tender Documents;
vii. The Bidder not confirming unconditional acceptance of full responsibility of providing
services in accordance with the scope of work and Service Level Agreements of this

Commercial Rejection Criteria

i. Incomplete price Bid;
ii. Price Bids that do not conform to the Tender’s price bid format;
iii. Total price quoted by the Bidder does not include all statutory taxes and levies
iv. If there is an arithmetic discrepancy in the commercial Bid calculations the Technical
Committee shall rectify the same. If the Bidder does not accept the correction of the
errors, its Bid may be rejected.

3. Misrepresentation/ improper response by the Bidder may lead to the disqualification. If such
disqualification / rejection occurs after the Proposals have been opened and the highest ranking
Bidder gets disqualified / rejected, then SSCDL reserves the right to consider the next best
Bidder, or take any other measure as may be deemed fit in the sole discretion of SSCDL,
including annulment of the Selection Process.

6.10 Bid Fee and Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) and amount

1. The bidder should pay non-refundable Bid Fee of Rs.20,160 [Rs. 18,000 + 12% GST] by
Demand Draft or Banker’s Cheque in favor of Surat Smart City Development Limited, from
Nationalized or Scheduled Banks except Co-operative Banks, payable at Surat. The Bid fees
shall be in the form of a Demand Draft / Banker’s Cheque.

is “24AAWCS9229G1ZR”

3. The bidder should also pay EMD of Rs. 25, 00,000 (Rupees Twenty five lakhs only) whereby
50% amount shall be in the form of Demand Draft / Banker’s Cheque in favour of “Surat Smart
City Development Limited”, from Nationalized or Scheduled bank and 50 % amount shall be in
the form of Bank guarantee (BG) of any nationalized / scheduled banks with validity of 180 days
from the date of Bid opening. The format for BG is enclosed in Section 10.9, The details of the
SSCDL bank is as below :
Name of Beneficiary: Surat Smart City Development Ltd
Name of Bank: State Bank of India
Bank address: Nanpura, Surat Branch
Bank Account No: 35661186460
MICR CODE: 395002004
Issued by Surat Smart City Development Ltd Page 31 of 283

4. No interest will be payable by the SSCDL on the Earnest Money Deposit.

5. In case bid is submitted without EMD or Bid fees as mentioned above then SSCDL reserves the
right to reject the bid without providing opportunity for any further correspondence to the
bidder concerned.

6. The EMD of unsuccessful Bidders will be returned by the Authority, without any Interest, as
promptly as possible on acceptance of the Proposal of the Selected Bidder or when the Authority
cancels the Bidding Process.

7. The Selected Bidder’s EMD will be returned, without any interest, upon the Selected Bidder
signing the Agreement and furnishing the Security Deposit / Performance Guarantee in
accordance with the provision thereof

8. The decision of SSCDL regarding forfeiture of the EMD and rejection of bid shall be final & shall
not be called upon question under any circumstances.

9. The EMD may be forfeited:

 If a Bidder withdraws their bid or increases their quoted prices during the period of bid
validity or its extended period, if any; or
 In the case of a successful bidder, if the Bidder fails to sign the Contract or to furnish
Performance Bank Guarantee within specified time
 During the bid process, if a Bidder indulges in any such deliberate act as would
jeopardize or unnecessarily delay the process of bid evaluation and finalization.
 During the bid process, if any information found wrong / manipulated / hidden in the

6.11 Sealing, Marking and Submission of Bids

Bidders are required to submit their bids in separate sealed envelopes as per instructions given
Part 1: Bid Fees, EMD, Pre-Qualification criteria and soft copy in CD/DVD/ Pen drive/
USB stick with complete details and supporting documents as mentioned in Section 5, 6.10 & 10 in
“Envelop 1” super scribed with Tender No, Due Date and RFP Name – “Envelop-1: Selection of
Implementing Agency for Integrated Command and Control Center (ICCC) in Surat”.


Part 2: Technical Evaluation Criteria , Technical proposal soft copy in CD/DVD/ Pen
drive/ USB stick with complete details and supporting documents as mentioned in Section 10&
Section 6.22 & 11 in “Envelop 2” super scribed with Tender No, Due Date and RFP Name
“Envelop-2:Selection of Implementing Agency for Integrated Command and Control

Issued by Surat Smart City Development Ltd Page 32 of 283

Center (ICCC) in Surat”. The proposal shall also consist with all supporting documents, RFP
Copy, Addendum & Corrigendum, if any.

The large envelope / outer envelope containing above envelopes must be sealed and
super scribed and shall be sent as under

Details to be mentioned exactly on sealed envelop

Tender Details To,

 RFP No.: SSCDL-ICCC-RFP-02-2019 The Chief Accountant,
 Tender name: Selection of Surat Municipal Corporation,
Implementing Agency for Integrated Mahanagar Seva Sadan,
Command and Control Center (ICCC) in
Gordhandas Chokhawala Marg,
 Project Last date of Submission: Muglisara, Surat – 395 003,
24.09.2019 Gujarat, INDIA.

1. The Bid must be sent strictly by Postal Speed Post or Registered Post AD only so as
to reach on or before 27.09.2019 up to 18.00 hrs. Bids received in any other manner
or mode (like courier, in person, etc.) will not be considered. SSCDL won’t be
responsible for postal delays.
2. SSCDL will not accept submission of a proposal in any manner other than that specified in
the document. Proposals submitted in any other manner shall be treated as defective,
invalid and rejected.
3. If the envelopes are not sealed and marked as instructed above, the SSCDL assumes no
responsibility for the misplacement or premature opening of the contents of the application
and consequent losses, if any suffered by the Bidder.
4. Each Bidder shall submit only one proposal containing documents as below. A bidder who
submits more than one proposal under this contract will be disqualified
a. Original copy of the Bid fee & EMD
b. Eligibility Criteria documents
c. Technical Eligibility criteria, Technical Proposal related documents including and
Technical Compliance
d. RFP Copy and Addenda & Corrigendum
e. The Bidder shall prepare original set of the Application (together with originals /copies
of documents required to be submitted along therewith pursuant to this document) and
applicant shall also provide a soft copy on a Compact Disc (CD) / Pen Drive / USB stick.
In the event of any discrepancy between the original and CD/Pen Drive/USB stick, the
original shall prevail

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f. Each page of the above should bear the initials of the Applicant along with
the seal of the Applicant in token of confirmation of having understood the
contents. In case of consortium the bid will be signed by the Prime Bidder.
5. The proposal should be signed by an authorized person of the bidder. The technical proposal
should be submitted along with a certified true copy of a board resolution/power of attorney
empowering signatory to sign/act/execute documents binding the bidder to the terms and
conditions detailed in this tender. In case of the Consortium the Prime bidder will submit
this document.
6. The proposals must be direct, concise, and complete. SSCDL will evaluate bidder’s proposal
based on its clarity and completeness of its response to the requirements of the project
as outlined in this RFP. The Chairman, SSCDL or Municipal Commissioner, SMC reserves
the right to accept or reject any or all the proposals without assigning any reason


The price bid must be submitted online on https://smc.nprocure.com. It should not to be sent
physically, if submitted physically the bid shall be rejected. Please refer Section 15 for format and

In case bidder needs any clarification or if training required for participating in online tender, they
can contact the following office: -

(n) Code solutions – A division GNFC Ltd.

403, GNFC Infotower, Bodakdev, Ahmedabad – 380 054, Gujarat (India)
Tel: +91 26857316/17/18 Fax: + 91 79 26857321
E-mail: nprocure@gnvfc.net Web-site: www.nprocure.com
Toll Free: 1800-233-1010 (Ext. 501 & 512)
For further particulars contact above office/ or visit on following websites:
1. www.nprocure.com ,

2. www.smc.nprocure.com

6.12 Language of Bids

1. The Bids prepared by the Bidder and all correspondence and documents relating to the bids
exchanged by the Bidder and SMC, shall be written in English language, provided that any
printed literature furnished by the Bidder in another language shall be accompanied by an
English translation in which case, for purposes of interpretation of the bid, the English
translation shall govern.

2. If any supporting documents submitted are in any language other than English, Notarized copy
of the translation of the same in English language shall be submitted by the bidder.

6.13 Concessions permissible under statutes

Bidder, while quoting against this tender, must take cognizance of all concessions permissible, if
any, under the statutes and ensure the same is passed on to SSCDL, failing which it will have to bear
extra cost. In case Bidder does not avail concessional rates of levies like customs duty etc. SSCDL

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will not take responsibility towards this. However, SSCDL may provide necessary assistance,
wherever possible, in this regard.

6.14 Bid Validity

The proposal should be valid for acceptance for a minimum period of 180 days from the Bid
Opening Date (the “Proposal Validity Period”). If required, Authority may request the bidder to
have it extended for a further period. The request and the responses thereto shall be made in
writing. A Bidder agreeing to the request will not be required or permitted to modify his Proposal
but will be required to extend the validity of EMD for the period of the extension, and in compliance
with Clause 8.10 in all respects.

6.15 Taxes
The Prices mentioned in the Price Bid should include all applicable taxes & duties as applicable.
The L1 evaluation will be done exclusive of taxes only. If any duties are applicable to the product
the same will be considered for L1 evaluation. The bidder to quote the duties along with the rate of
products proposed for L1 evaluation.
However, the bidder is expected to provide the tax components in commercial bid. The payment of
taxes to the selected bidder will be done as per the prevailing rate.

Further, SSCDL shall be entitled to deduct tax at source or any other taxes/ cess as may be


GST (Goods & Service Tax) has come in existence from 1st July, 2017. Contractor/Successful Bidder
is bound to pay any amount GST prescribed by the Govt. of India as per the terms of Contract agreed
upon during the course of execution of this Contract.

During the course of execution of Contract, if there is any change in Rate of GST (Goods & Service
Tax) by the Government, the same shall be reimbursed/recovered separately by SSCDL, subject to
the submission of Original Receipt/Proof for the amounts actually remitted by the Successful
Tendered/Contractor to the Competent Authority along with a Certificate from Chartered
Accountant of Contractor/Successful bidder certifying that the amount of GST paid to the
Government and the same shall be intimated/submitted/claimed within 30 (Thirty) Days from the
date of payment. Remittance of GST within stipulated period shall be the sole responsibility of the
Successful bidder/contractor, failing which, SSCDL may recover the amount due, from any other
payable dues with SSCDL and decision of SSCDL shall be final and binding on the
Contractor/Successful Bidder in this regard. Further the non- payment of GST to the Government
may lead to the termination of contract and forfeiture of Security Deposit/Performance Guarantee

If imposition of any other new Taxes/Duties/Levies/Cess or any other incidentals etc. or any
increase in the existing Taxes/Duties/Levies/Cess or any other incidentals etc. (excluding GST) are
imposed during the course of the contract, the same shall be borne by the Contractor/Successful
Bidder Only, in no case SSCDL shall be liable for the same.

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6.16 Firm Prices and Bid Currency

Prices quoted must be firm and final and shall not be subject to any upward modifications, on any
account whatsoever. Prices shall be expressed in Indian Rupees (INR) only.

6.17 Right to vary the scope of the work at the time of award

SSCDL reserves its right to make changes to the scope of the work at the time of execution of the
resultant Agreement. If any such change causes an increase or decrease in the cost of, or the time
required for the SI’s performance of any part of the work under the Agreement, whether changed
or not changed by the order, an equitable adjustment (if required) shall be made in the Contract
Value or time schedule, or both, and the Agreement shall accordingly be amended. Any claims by
the SI for adjustment under this Clause must be asserted within thirty (30) days from the date of
the SI’s receipt of the SSCDL changed order .

6.18 Modification or Withdrawal of Bids

1. No bid may be withdrawn in the interval between the bid submission deadline and the
expiration of the specified bid validity period. Withdrawal of a bid during this interval may
result in the forfeiture of the Bidder’s EMD.

6.19 Evaluation Process

1. The Bidder must possess the technical know-how and the financial wherewithal that would be
required to successfully provide the services sought by SSCDL/SMC, for the entire period of the
contract. The Bidder’s Bid must be complete in all respects, conform to all the requirements,
terms and conditions and specifications as stipulated in the Bid Document.

2. SSCDL/SMC will scrutinize and evaluate the pre-qualification of bidders, technical and
commercial bids received. The SSCDL/SMC will examine the Bids to determine whether they
are complete, response and whether the Bid format confirms to the Bid Document
requirements. SSCDL/SMC may waive any informality or nonconformity in a Bid which does
not constitute a material deviation according to SSCDL/SMC.

3. The technical bid of only those bidders (or consortia) shall be opened which meet all the criteria
of the pre-qualification criteria mentioned in Section 5.

4. There should be no mention of bid prices in any part of the Bid other than the Commercial Bids.

6.20 Opening and evaluation of Pre-Qualification Bid

1. The Pre-Qualification Bids of Bidders shall be considered and will be evaluated as per the
eligibility criteria mentioned in section 5.

2. SMC/SSCDL may require written clarifications from the Bidders to clarify ambiguities and
uncertainties arising out of the evaluation of the Bid

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6.21 Opening and Evaluation of Technical Bid
1. The Technical Bids of only those Bidders, who qualify in the Pre-Qualification stage, shall be
considered and will be evaluated as per the evaluation criteria in this clause. The SSCDL/SMC
may invite each Bidder to make a presentation as part of the technical evaluation.
2. SMC/SSCDL may require written clarifications from the Bidders to clarify ambiguities and
uncertainties arising out of the evaluation of the Bid

3. Only those Bids which have a minimum score of 60% of total marks in technical
evaluation will be considered for opening of their Commercial Bid. However,
Commissioner, SMC or Chairman, SSCDL reserves the right to lower the minimum required
marks if none of the Bidders achieves 60% of the total marks. Only the Bids qualifying the
technical evaluation will be considered for commercial evaluation.

6.22 Technical Evaluation Criteria

The bidder's technical solution proposed in the Technical Evaluation bid shall be evaluated as per
the evaluation criteria in the following table:
Section Evaluation Criteria Marks
A Bidders Financial Competence & Organizational Strength 20
B Project Experience of Bidder 60
E Project Presentation/Demonstration 20

Total 100

The following sections explain how the bidders shall be evaluated on each of the evaluation criteria:
Technical Technical Evaluation parameter Marks
# Evaluation
A Bidders Financial Competence & Organizational Strength 20
1 Bidder’s 10
Competence –  Bidder (consortium)/ Sole Bidder jointly should
Turnover have a minimum average annual turnover of Rs.
100 crore from ICT based business for last three
financial years i.e. FY 2017-18,FY 2016-17, 2015-16.
In case of consortium, each partner should have
minimum average turnover 25 Cr.
 For every additional Rs.50 Cr of average turnover
from ICT business the bidder (jointly in case of
consortium) will get additional marks as below,
subject to a maximum of 10 marks.

Average Turnover Marks

(in crores)
>= INR 200 Cr 10
>= INR 150 Cr. and < INR200 Cr. 9
>= INR 100 Cr. and < INR 150 Cr. 8
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Technical Technical Evaluation parameter Marks
# Evaluation

Maximum Marks: 10
 Bidder to submit the Certificate from the statutory
auditor / CA clearly specifying the annual turnover
from ICT for the specified years. Original or Notarized
copy of the certificate should be submitted
2 People in  The prime bidder having at least 250 FTE (full time 5
organization employees) on the payroll of organization working on
ICT projects will get 7 marks
 For every additional FTEs as below the bidder will get
additional marks subject to maximum of 5 marks.

Number of FTE Marks

> 500 5
> 250 FTE to =<500 FTE 4
= 250 FTE 3
Maximum marks: 5

Note: Full time Employees defined as employees on the

Payroll of organization.

Bidder to submit the Certificate from the HR or Company

Secretary clearly specifying the total no of employees
within the organization. Original or Notarized copy of the
certificate should be submitted
3 Bidder’s Certification with the Sole Bidder or any member of 5
Certification consortium (valid as on date of issuance of the bid):
 ISO 9001:2008
 ISO 20000:2011 for IT Service Management
 ISO 27001:2013 for Information Security
Management System
 CMMi Level 3
 CMMi Level 5

Certification Marks
 Any one ISO certificate 2
 Any two ISO certification or CMMi
Level 3
 All ISO certification or
 CMMi Level 5 Certification or
 Any two ISO certification & CMMi
Level 3 Certification
 Any two ISO certification & CMMi
Level 5 Certification or All ISO
Certification & CMMi Level 3
B Project Experience of Bidder 60

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Technical Technical Evaluation parameter Marks
# Evaluation
1 Bidder Experience Experience of Sole Bidder / Bidder (Any member in case of 35
– Executing Consortium as per R&R defined in Consortium Agreement)
Command Control in implementation of Integrated Command & Control
Center Project
Centre (ICCC) /Command Control Center (CCC) in India in
last 7 years from the date of publishing this RFP
(maximum 2 projects)

Number of Projects Marks

For satisfying PQ criteria 20

Additional project over and above the projects
submitted under PQ criteria
Every additional project costing not less than
the amount equal to INR 20 Cr. with ICCC
application with or without video wall 15
solution component worth minimum INR 2.5

Every additional costing not less than the

amount equal to INR 12 Cr. each with ICCC
application with or without video wall 9
solution component worth minimum INR 1.5

Every additional project costing not less

than the amount equal to INR 10 Cr. each
with ICCC application with or without 7.5
video wall solution component worth
minimum INR 1.25 Cr.
Maximum Marks: 35

Bidder is required to submit :

 Copy of completion certificate issued by client
 In case of an ongoing project, the project must have
achieved the respective value in terms of entire project
cost and ICCC application Solution component
respectively from financial perspective. The Certificate
to this effect from the client on client’s letter head to be
 Copy of Work order / Contract

Bidder Experience Experience of Sole Bidder / Bidder (Any member in case of 20

– Executing Consortium as per R&R defined in Consortium Agreement)
Command Control in implementation of ICCC Solution integrating
Center domains/systems in the last seven (7) years (maximum 2
Application projects)
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Technical Technical Evaluation parameter Marks
# Evaluation

1. Adaptive/Intelligent Traffic Control System (ATCS

Signals with or without ANPR, RLVD, Wrong side,
Speed detection, etc.)
2. Intelligent Transit Management System
3. Water Supply / Water SCADA
4. Drainage / Drainage SCADA
5. Solid Waste Management
6. Grievance Redressal System
7. CCTV/ Surveillance Network with minimum 50
cameras (Excluding Camera considered under Point 1)
8. Smart Street Lighting
9. Revenue Collection Systems (Property Tax, Water
Meter Billing, Other Utility Meter Reading, AFCS etc.)
10. Energy / utility SCADA
11. Network monitoring for large scale WiFi service /
dedicated OFC network
12. Smart Parking

Particular Marks
One project integrating any 4
domains/systems mentioned above
One project integrating any 3
domains/systems mentioned above
One project integrating any 2
domains/systems mentioned above
Maximum Marks: 20 | Maximum projects: 2

Bidder is required to submit :

 Copy of Work order / Contract
 Copy of completion certificate issued by client
 In case of an ongoing project, the claimed
domains/systems must have been integrated. The
Certificate to this effect from the client on client’s letter
head to be provided.
 Self-certificate on bidder’s letterhead from authorized
signatory clearly defining the use cases implemented
under each domain as part of the project.

3 Bidder Experience Relevant experience of Sole bidder / Bidder (Any member 5

– Executing Data in case of Consortium as per R&R defined in Consortium
Center Project Agreement) in creation of Datacenter/ Data Center
Infrastructure in State Govt./Central Govt./ULB/ Public
Sector Units(PSU) in India in past 7 years having minimum
project value of Rs. 3 Crore.

Each Project: 2.5 marks | Maximum Projects: 2

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Technical Technical Evaluation parameter Marks
# Evaluation

Bidder is required to submit :

 Copy of Work Order/ Contract
 Copy of completion certificate issued by client

1. In-house projects for own or group companies shall not
be considered for above criteria. Data Center
Infrastructure cost should be excluding software license

C Presentation and Demonstration 20

1 Presentation and Demonstration
Following parameters will be evaluated:
 Understanding of the project
 Approach & Methodology 20
 Ability to clearly explain the proposed Solution
 Uniqueness of proposed solution as per requirement of SSCDL/SMC
 Demonstration of proposed ICCC Software for Use cases provided by SSCDL/SMC

6.23 Opening of Commercial Bid

1. The Commercial bids shall not be opened by SSCDL until the evaluation of the Technical bid
has been completed.

2. SSCDL/SMC will open the Commercial Bids of those Bidders who have achieved minimum
score of 60% of total marks in technical evaluation

3. SSCDL will open the Commercial Bids of those Bidders who qualified in Technical bid.

4. Commercial Bids from bidders who have failed to qualify in evaluation of the technical bid will
not be opened. Only bids that are opened and read out at the proposal opening shall be
considered further

6.24 Evaluation of Commercial Bids and Selection Method

1. SSCDL will award the Contract to the Bidder based on Lowest Quoted price (L1). No
additional cost in any form will be entertained by SSCDL during the contract period. The L1
evaluation will be done exclusive of taxes. However, the bidder is expected to provide the tax
components in commercials. The payment of taxes to the selected bidder will be done on actuals
/ prevailing rates. The L1 evaluation will be done exclusive of taxes only. If any duties are
applicable to the product the same will be considered for L1 evaluation. The bidder to quote the
duties along with the rate of products proposed for L1 evaluation.

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Further, SSCDL shall be entitled to deduct tax at source or any other taxes/ cess as may be

2. Total Estimated Commercial Bid of a bidder would be calculated based on quantities given in
Section 12. The quantities in this table are estimated quantity and the actual quantity will be
determined at the time of project execution based on the feasibility report and actual
requirements considering site situation.

3. The Commercial Bids of only the technically qualified bidders will be opened for evaluation.

4. The bidder achieving the L1 price will be invited for negotiations for awarding the contract. In
case of a tie where two or more bidders achieve the same price, the bidder with higher turnover
will be invited for negotiations and awarding of the contract.

Arithmetical errors: If there is a discrepancy between the unit price and the total price that
is obtained by multiplying the unit price and quantity, the unit price shall prevail and the total
price shall be corrected. If the Bidder does not accept the correction of the errors, its bid will be
rejected. If there is a discrepancy between words and figures, the amount in words will prevail

6.25 Notifications of Award and Signing of Contract

1. Prior to the expiration of the period of proposal validity, the bidder will be notified in writing or
by fax or email that its proposal has been accepted.

2. It is to be noted that the date of commencement of the project and all contractual obligations
shall commence from the date of issuance of Purchase Order/Letter of Intent (LoI), whichever
is earlier. All reference timelines as regards the execution of the project and the payments to the
System Integrator shall be considered as beginning from the date of issuance of the Purchase
Order/Letter of Acceptance, whichever is earlier.

3. The notification of award (LoI/Purchase Order) will constitute the formation of the Contract.
Upon the Bidder’s executing the contract with SSCDL, it will promptly notify each unsuccessful
bidder and return their EMDs.

4. At the time SSCDL notifies the successful Bidder that its bid has been accepted, SSCDL will send
the Bidders the Pro forma for Contract, incorporating all clauses/agreements between the
parties. Within 15 days of receipt of the Contract, the successful Bidder shall sign and date the
Contract with SSCDL. Draft Format of the contract is given in the Annexure VII.

6.26 Rights to Accept/Reject any or all Proposals

SSCDL reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal, and to annul the bidding process and
reject all Bids at any time prior to award of Contract, without thereby incurring any liability to the
affected Bidder or Bidders or any obligation to inform the affected bidder or bidders of the grounds
for SSCDL’s action.

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6.27 Quantity Variation

1. The quantity defined in the RFP are estimated and the actual quantity will be executed based
on the actual site survey by the selected bidder at the time of project implementation. The
quoted rate will remain firm and same for such variation in quantity. The successful bidder shall
not object to the upward or downward variation in quantities (including locations).

2. Quantities mentioned in the commercial formats are indicative in number. SMC/SSCDL at its
discretion may or may not procure the listed components in mentioned quantities at the time
of placing order / agreement. SSCDL has the rights to delete any of the component before final
implementation. The successful bidder shall not object to the upward or downward variation in
quantities of any item.

3. If required additional quantity over and above may be executed on later stage, the payment for
such additional quantities shall be made at tender rates. The rates mentioned in the price bid
for “ICCC software integration and implementation cost per use case” will be valid during the
entire contract period and for other items it will be valid for the period of 3 years from the date
of issuance of the RO1.

4. No claim shall be entertained or become payable for price variation of additional quantities.

6.28 Performance Bank Guarantee

1. The successful bidder shall at his own expense, deposit with department, within 10 days of the
notification of award (done through issuance of the Purchase Order/Letter of Acceptance), an
unconditional and irrevocable Performance Bank Guarantee (PBG) from a list of approved
banks as per the format given in this Bid Document, in favour of Surat Smart City Development
Ltd for the due performance and fulfilment of the contract by the bidder. Failing which a penalty
@ 0.065% of the amount of PBG will be imposed for delay of each day.

2. This Performance Bank Guarantee will be for an amount equivalent to 10% of contract value.
All charges whatsoever such as premium, commission, etc. with respect to the Performance
Bank Guarantee shall be borne by the bidder.

3. The successful bidder shall maintain a valid and binding Performance Guarantee for a period
of six months after the expiry of the Contract Period (“Validity Period”).

4. The Performance Bank Guarantee letter format can be found in the Annexure VIII of this

5. The Performance Bank Guarantee may be discharged/ returned by department upon being
satisfied that there has been due performance of the obligations of the Bidder under the
contract. However, no interest shall be payable on the Performance Bank Guarantee.

6. If the Bidder, fails to furnish the Performance Guarantee, it shall be lawful for the Authority to
forfeit the EMD or cancel the contract or any part thereoff

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7. In the event of the Bidder being unable to service the contract for whatever reason, department
would evoke the PBG. Notwithstanding and without prejudice to any rights whatsoever of
department under the Contract in the matter, the proceeds of the PBG shall be payable to
department as compensation for any loss resulting from the Bidder’s failure to complete its
obligations under the Contract. Department shall notify the Bidder in writing of the exercise of
its right to receive such compensation within 14 days, indicating the contractual obligation(s)
for which the Bidder is in default.

8. Department shall also be entitled to make recoveries from the Bidder’s bills, performance bank
guarantee, or from any other amount due to him, the equivalent value of any payment made to
him due to inadvertence, error, collusion, misconstruction or misstatement.

6.29 Governing Law

The Bidding Process shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of India and
the Courts at Surat shall have exclusive jurisdiction over all disputes arising under, pursuant to
and/or in connection with the Bidding Process.

6.30 Failure to agree with the Terms & Conditions of the Bid Document/ Contract

Failure of the bidder to agree with the Terms & Conditions of the Bid Document/Contract shall
constitute sufficient grounds for the annulment of the award of contract, in which event the contract
may be awarded to the next most responsive bidder.

6.31 Terms and Conditions of the Tender

1. Bidder is required to refer to the draft Contract Agreement, attached as Annexure VII Latest
and relevant report from Gartner to be submitted clearly showing presence of the OEM in this
Bid Document, for all the terms and conditions (including project timelines) to be adhered by
the successful bidder during Project Implementation and Post implementation period.

2. Please note that one needs to read the Contract Agreement as a whole document; and the
Annexure mentioned there-in may not correspond to the Bid Document Annexure. Please refer
to the Interpretation Section of the Draft/Master Service Agreement.

6.32 Restriction on Transfer of Agreement

The System Integrator shall not assign or transfer its right in any manner whatsoever under this
agreement to a third party or enter into any agreement for sub-contracting and/or partnership
relating to any subject matter to the agreement to any third party or any sister-concerned firm
within a group either in whole or in any part i.e., partnership/third party interest shall be created.
The sub-contracting is allowed only for activities mentioned in section 6.33.

6.33 Subcontracting
Sub-contracting / Outsourcing shall be allowed only for Passive Networking & Civil Work.

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6.34 Safety Regulation, Accident and Damage

The Bidder shall be responsible at his own cost in and relative to performance of the work and bidder
to observe and to ensure observance by his Sub-contractors, agents and servants of the provisions of
Safety Code as hereinafter appearing and all fire, Safety and security regulations as may be
prescribed by the Owner from time to time and such other Precautions, measures as shall be
necessary and shall employ / deploy all equipment necessary to protect all works, materials,
properties, structures, equipments, installations, communications and facilities whatsoever from
damage, loss or other hazard whatsoever (including but not limited to fire and explosion) and shall
during construction and other operations minimize the disturbance and inconvenience to the Owner,
other bidders, the public and adjoining land and property owners and occupiers, and crops, trees
and vegetation and shall indemnify and keep indemnified the One from and against all losses and
damages and costs, charges and expenses and penalties, actions, claims, demands and proceedings
whatsoever suffered or incurred by or against the Owner, as the case may be, virtue of any loss,
alteration, displacement, disturbance or destruction or accident to any works materials, properties,
structures, equipments, installations communications and facilities and land and property owners
and occupiers and crops, trees and vegetation as aforesaid, with the intent that the Bidder shall be
exclusively responsible for any accident, loss, damage, alteration, displacement, disturbance or
destruction as aforesaid resultant directly or indirectly from any breach by the Bidder of his
obligation aforesaid or upon any operation, act or omission of the bidder his Sub-contractor(s) or
agent(s) or servant(s).

The Bidder's liabilities under Clause (a) and otherwise under the Contract shall remain unimpaired
notwithstanding the existence of any storage cum erection or other insurance covering any risk,
damage, loss or liability for which the Bidder is liable to the Owner in terms of the foregoing Sub-
Clause or otherwise and / or in respect of which the Bidder has indemnified the Owner with the
intent that notwithstanding the existence of such insurance, the Bidder shall be and remain fully
liable for all liabilities and obligations under the contract and indemnified to the Owner, and the
Owner shall not be obliged to seek recourse under such policy(ies) in preference to recourse against
the Bidder or otherwise to exhaust any other remedy in preference to the remedies available to in
under the Contract prior written approval of SSCDL. However, even if the work is sub-contracted /
outsourced, the sole responsibility of the work shall lie with the SI. The SI shall be held responsible
for any delay/error/non-compliance etc. of its sub-contracted vendor. The details of the sub-
contracting agreements (if any) between both the parties would be required to be submitted to SSCDL.

6.35 Ownership and Licenses

The ownership of all hardware/software developed/customized/ configured/ procured as part of the
project and related documentation for the project would always lie with the SMC/SSCDL. All licenses
for software procured related to project have to be in the name of Surat Municipal Corporation. The
bidder will be required to produce the Licenses/ATS/Warranty and other documents from the
respective OEMs clearly mentioning the product name, quantity, duration, type of support, etc. The
payment for the respective item will be subject to submission of the aforesaid documents to

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7 Service Level Agreements (SLA)
Service Level Agreement (SLA) shall become the part of Agreement between SSCDL and the
Successful Bidder. SLA defines the terms of the Successful Bidder’s responsibility in ensuring the
timely delivery of the deliverables and the correctness of the same based on the agreed Performance
Indicators as detailed in this section. The Successful Bidder has to comply with Service Levels
requirements to ensure adherence to Project timelines, quality and availability of services.

The Successful Bidder (refer as System Integrator, SI) has to supply

software/automated tools to monitor all the SLAs mentioned below.

Note: Penalties shall not be levied on the Successful Bidder in the following cases:
1. There is a Force Majeure event effecting the SLA which is beyond the control of the
Successful Bidder
2. The non-compliance to the SLA has been due to reasons beyond the control of the Bidder.
3. Theft cases, Damages due to any accident / mishap shall be considered as “beyond the control of
Bidder”. However, Power shut down or deliberate damage to devices such as Cameras, Network
Switch Systems etc. would not be considered as “beyond the control of Bidder”.

The purpose of this Service Level Agreement (hereinafter referred to as SLA) is to clearly define the
levels of service which shall be provided by the System Integrator to SSCDL for the duration of this

7.1 Definitions
For the purposes of this service level agreement, the definitions and terms are specified in the
contract along with the following terms shall have the meanings set forth below :

 “Uptime” shall mean the time period for the specified services / components with the specified
technical service standards are available to the user department. Uptime, in percentage, of any
component (Non IT & IT) can be calculated as:

Uptime = {1- [(Downtime) / (Total Time – Maintenance Time)]} * 100%

 “Downtime” shall mean the time period for which the specified services / components with
specified technical and service standards are not available to the user department and excludes
downtime owing to Force Majeure & Reasons beyond control of SI.

 “Incident” refers to any event / abnormalities in the functioning of the Services specified as part
of the Scope of Work of the Systems Integrator that may lead to disruption in normal operations
of the Surveillance System.

 “Resolution Time” shall mean the time taken (after the incident has been reported at the
helpdesk), in resolving (diagnosing, troubleshooting and fixing) or escalating (to the second
level or to respective vendors, getting the confirmatory details about the same from the vendor
and conveying the same to the end user), the services related troubles during the first level
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7.2 Measurement of SLA

The SLA metrics provided specifies performance parameters as baseline performance, lower
performance and breach. All SLA calculations will be done on monthly basis. The quarterly O&M
cost shall be calculated as “Cost of that particular year / 12”.

The SLA also specifies the liquidated damages for lower performance and breach conditions.
Payment to the SI is linked to the compliance with the SLA metrics.

The aforementioned SLA parameters shall be measured as per the individual SLA parameter
requirements and measurement methods, through appropriate SLA Measurement tools to be
provided by the SI and audited by SMC/SSCDL or its appointed Consultant for accuracy and

SMC/SSCDL shall also have the right to conduct, either itself or through any other agency as it may
deem fit, an audit / revision of the SLA parameters/ penalty. The SLAs defined, shall be reviewed
by SMC/SSCDL on an annual basis after consulting the SI, Project Management Consultants and
other experts. All the changes would be made by SSCDL after consultation with the SI and might
include some corrections to reduce undue relaxation in Service levels or some corrections to avoid
unrealistic imposition of liquidated damages/ penalties, which are noticed after project has gone

Total liquidated damages to be levied on the SI shall be capped at 10% of the total contract value.
However, SSCDL would have right to invoke termination of the contract in case the overall
liquidated damages equals 10% of total contract value.

7.3 SLAs
# Performance Area SLA Penalty

Project Implementation SLA

Delay in Delivery of Project scope As per RFP Any delay in the delivery of
the project (solely attributable
to vendor) would attract a
penalty of 0.02% per day of
the CAPEX value of that
particular item.
Total penalty applicable
under this clause shall be
limited to 10% of the value of
the equipment/device in
software or hardware to be
supplied, installed and

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# Performance Area SLA Penalty

commissioned for which

Request Order is placed
If the penalty reaches 10% of
the total contract value,
Authority may invoke
termination clause.
Uptime of all ICCC components (IT and Non-IT Components)
Equipment Availability (EA) >99%
No Penalty

Uptime (%) = <99 % to

Penalty of 0.5% of purchase
[Total minutes in a month –Planned >=97% cost for that particular
downtime – Total down time(min) in a equipment during warranty or
month]*100/[ Total minutes in a 1% of (yearly AMC + withheld
month - Planned downtime] CAPEX amount for that
particular component for that
1 X= [100-(uptime value)] year)
< 97%
Penalty of X*0.5% of
purchase cost for that
particular equipment during
warranty or X*1% of (yearly
AMC + withheld CAPEX
amount for that particular
component for that year)
ICCC Application Availability >99%
No Penalty
<99 % to
Penalty of 0.5% of purchase
Uptime (%) = >=97%
cost for ICCC software during
[Total minutes in a month –Planned warranty or 1% of (yearly AMC
downtime – Total down time(min) in a for ICCC software + withheld
month]*100/[ Total minutes in a CAPEX amount for that
month - Planned downtime] particular component for that
2 year)
X= [100-(uptime value)]
< 97%
Penalty of X*0.5% of
purchase cost for ICCC
software during warranty or
X*1% of (yearly AMC for ICCC
software + withheld CAPEX
amount for that particular
component for that year)

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# Performance Area SLA Penalty

3 Number instance the equipment / Upto 2

No Penalty
application is down during a month instances
>2 instances
additional penalty per
instance of 25% of total
penalty levied on that
particular equipment in a
month will be applicable

Performance Parameter for ICCC Servers

1 Average CPU Utilization 1 instance No penalty
>70% for more than 15 minutes in a
single stretch 2-5 instances Penalty of Rs. 5000 per
> 5 instances Penalty of Rs. 10,000 per
3 Memory Utilization 1 instance No penalty
>70% for more than 15 minutes in a
single stretch 2-5 instances Penalty of Rs. 5000 per
> 5 instances Penalty of Rs. 10,000 per
1. SI shall submit the monthly Reports on the performance and adherence to the SLA. Details of
all incidences and all tickets should be part of the performance report. If required, SI shall
extend necessary support to integrate with existing EMS and Helpdesk tools so as to monitor
and generate the SLA compliance report.

2. Following will not be considered for downtime calculation

i. Equipment down due to power failure at Location or due to loss of network connectivity
attributable to SMC/SSCDL
ii. Schedule maintenance by SI with prior information to SMC/SSCDL

3. The payment shall be made on quarterly basis on completion of respective quarter.

4. SLA for Data Center Components including Video wall solution and software Applications shall
be calculated 24*7. However, SLA for other items shall be calculated within Business Hours of

7.4 Security Breach SLA

Note – This SLA for Security Breach is applicable over and above the SLAs mentioned in above

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Security of the overall ICCC System is quite important and Successful
Bidder shall be required to ensure no compromise is done on the same.
Security Breach types considered for this SLA are–

 Availability of access of ICCC System or data to any other user than

those authorized by SSCDL/SMC/End user department and
provided passwords
 Any incidence that violates security policy resulting in,
unauthorised access to system/data, denial of service/disruption,
 Hacking on by any unauthorized user or any other privacy rule is
broken as per Govt. of India guidelines
Service Level
Security compliance of the system should be 100%

Measurement of Any reported security breach shall be logged into the SLA Management
Level Service solution as a security breach and same should be resolved under
Parameter Priority level 1.

For every security breach reported and proved, there shall be a penalty
of INR 2,00,000/- or lead to termination of contract

7.5 Breach in supply of Onsite Manpower

1. All persons deputed shall be on the payroll of the Bidder’s organization. If required, the resource
will be interviewed/screed using any screening procedure by SMC/SSCDL and/or is
representative prior to deputation at SMC/SSCDL. The bidder would also remove a person from
its staff at SMC/SSCDL if instructed to do so by the SMC/SSCDL within one month and provide
suitable replacement with minimum overlap of 15 days.
2. The person deployed for the project at SMC/SSCDL will inform about any leave of absence to
3. In case of personnel deputed at SMC/SSCDL by bidder as per the resource deployment plan or
during support period is on a leave of absence for more than a week,
a) then a competent substitute, fully conversant with the processes at SMC/SSCDL will
have to be provided by the bidder. Thus, the bidder is required to keep other personnel
employed but not deputed at SMC/SSCDL so that the vacancy of the key personnel
could be kept filled in.
b) if the substitute is not provided for more than 5 days than such leaves after fifth day will
be considered as if a person is not deployed by the bidder and monetary deduction may
be made accordingly.
4. The personnel of implementation team as during the implementation and post implementation
period will observe the work-time of 8 hours per day, and follow SMC’s calendar; but they may
have to put in extra time whenever called for by SSCDL without any additional charges. The

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bidder shall make necessary arrangements during post implementation support to meet defined
5. The leaves of key personnel as per the resource deployment plan should not affect the
deliverables as per scheduled timelines.
6. Twelve leaves of absence per year will be admissible for each position; additional leaves would
be liable to deductions.
7. A schedule of up to 12 festival/national holidays per year for the staff will have to be provided
by the bidder and get it approved by SMC/SSCDL in advance for the entire year. For the current
year the list is to be provided as soon as the contract comes into effect. Any change thereat will
have to be effected only after prior permission of SMC/SSCDL.
8. In case of change in its team composition owing to attrition the bidder shall ensure a reasonable
amount of time-overlap in activities to ensure proper knowledge transfer and
handover/takeover of documents and other relevant materials between the outgoing and the
new member. The exiting team member should be replaced with equally or more competent
9. The bidder shall ensure minimum team strength during the support period. Failure to deploy
suitably qualified resources will lead to deductions to payable support charge on a prorate basis
considering the total monthly support charge and total no. of resources required to be deployed.
10. Non-adherence to above clauses will be considered as Absence of employee. The bidder shall
ensure minimum team strength as defined in RFP. Failure to deploy suitably qualified resources
will lead to deductions as per below mentioned table. Additionally, penalty may be levied for
delays and non-performance attributable to bidder organization or deployed staff.
# Role Deduction per resource/day
1. Project Manager cum ICCC Expert 1500
2. ICCC Application Developer 1000
3. IT Infrastructure Support Engineers 500
Note: There is NO CAPPING on the applicable deduction for non-availability of resources as per
the above table.
11. In case the minimum resources are not available, penalty will be charged over and above the
deductions as specified above at the following rate for the respective positions
c) 25% of deduction amount as penalty for delay upto one month
d) 50% of the deduction amount as penalty for delay of more than one month upto two
e) 100% of the deduction amount as penalty for delay of more than two months
f) This will be applied even for positions that fall vacant during the contract period and
also for such period during which resource was not available due to leave of absence for
more than 5 days and substitute is not provided.
12. The persons deployed by the bidder shall not claim nor shall be entitled to pay, perks, and other
facilities admissible to casual, ad-hoc, regular/confirmed employees of SMC/SSCDL during the
contract period or, after expiry of the contract.

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13. The bidder’s personnel shall not divulge or disclose to any person, any details of office,
operation process technical know-how, administrative/organizational matters as all are
confidential/secret in nature.
14. The bidder’s personnel’s working should be polite, cordial, positive and efficient, while handling
the assigned work and his/her actions shall promote goodwill and enhance the image of
SMC/SSCDL. The bidder shall be responsible for any act of indiscipline on the part of persons
15. The bidder shall be solely responsible for the redressal of grievances/resolution of disputes
relating to persons deployed. SMC/SSCDL shall, in no way, be responsible for settlement of
such issues whatsoever.
16. The transportation, food, medical and other statutory requirements in respect of personnel of
the service provider shall be the responsibility of the bidder.

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8 Project Milestone and Payment Schedules
8.1 Project Milestone
1. SMC / SSCDL shall issue a “Request Order” in writing, indicating the number of units of
Hardware and Software to be supplied under this Project. Upon getting the Request Order, the
selected bidder shall promptly supply, install and commission the hardware and software as
soon as possible within the lead time specified in the request order. The delay in delivery will
attract delayed penalty as mentioned in this RFP. SMC/SSCDL shall release the request order
as per below table:
Services Approximate Tentative Scope/ Tentative Lead Time
Time for Issuance Approximate
of Request Order Sizing

Request Two weeks post issuance Part A: 2 Months Post Issuance of

Order 1 of LOI Implementation of Data Request Order
Center ( Civil)
Part B: 4 Months Post Issuance of
1. SITC of IT and Passive Request Order
Infrastructure in Data
2. SITC for Video Wall &
Video Wall Solution for
ICCC (1st Floor)
3. SITC for other ordered
IT components like
desktops, workstations,
Application for 25 use
5. SITC of Call Center
Management Solution
2. SMC / SSCDL shall issue a subsequent Request Orders as (ROs) as & when required indicating
the number of units of hardware & software as per below to be supplied based on actual
requirements during contract period.

# Component SITC Time Limit

1 Video wall solution for 3rd Floor 60 days

2 Integration for additional 25 Uses cases in ICCC Application 90 days

3 Desktop PC, Workstations, 49” Curved screens for Operators, 45 days

Printers, LAN equipment, etc.

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8.2 Payment Schedule
# Milestone Payment

1. Satisfactory delivery and acceptance of materials (as per the 40% of total CAPEX of
Request Order) and after submission of the invoice. Request order
2. Satisfactory competition of Installation of respective items/ 20% of total CAPEX of
equipment and after, submission of the invoice. Request order
3. UAT and Go Live of entire RO (Testing and Commissioning) 25% of total CAPEX of
Request order
4. Successful completion of 1 year after Project “Go Live”
st 5% of total CAPEX of
Request order
5. Successful completion of 2 year after Project “Go Live”
nd 2.5% of total CAPEX of
Request order
6. Successful completion of 3rd year after Project “Go Live” 2.5% of total CAPEX of
Request order
7. Successful completion of 4 year after Project “Go Live”
th 2.5% of total CAPEX of
Request order
8. Successful completion of 5 year after Project “Go Live”
th 2.5% of total CAPEX of
Request order
9. i. The contract period of 5 years are considered from the Go-Live date of 1st Request
Order. The payment of subsequent Request Orders will be made from the Go-Live date
of that request order till the completion of warranty period i.e. 3 years or 5 years as
mentioned in PQ_11.
ii. The Support cost for ICCC application projected by SI in their commercial bid will be
made equally on quarterly basis (20 quarters) at completion of each quarter after Project
“Go Live”. However, other OPEX projected by SI in their commercial bid will be made
equally on quarterly basis for 4th and 5th Year (8 quarters) at completion of each quarter.
iii. The payments are subject to meeting of SLA’s failing which the appropriate deductions
as mentioned in the SLA section of this RFP will be made applicable.


 All payments to the SI shall be made upon submission of invoices along with necessary approval
certificates from concerned Authority like SSCDL, SMC, if applicable.
 The above payments are subject to meeting of SLA’s failing which the appropriate deductions
as mentioned in the SLA document of this RFP.

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9 General Instructions on Preparation of Technical
1. Bidders have to submit a very structured and organized technical bid, which will be analysed by
the SSCDL for different compliances with regards to the requirements of the project. The
document submitted must be searchable and well indexed without any handwritten material.
The quality and completeness of the information submitted by the Bidder will matter a lot. All
the documents must be submitted in one file only.
2. Bidder is expected to divide its Bid in following sections / documents:
a. Bidder’s Competence to execute the project
 This document should bring about the capability of the firm to execute this project.
Bidder to submit the supporting documents for all parameters as mentioned in the
section 7 and section 13.
b. Technical Proposal: Bidders have to submit a structured and organized technical
proposal, which will be analysed by SSCDL for different compliances with regards to the
requirements of the project. Each point listed below must be provided in detail with the
necessary supporting documents and assumptions. Information to be included by the
bidders in their Technical Proposal is as follows:
 Understanding of the Project Scope
 Solution Architecture
 Approach & Methodology for design, Supply, Installation, Commissioning, Go live and
maintenance during comprehensive onsite warranty support.
 Approach and Methodology for Management of SLA Requirements specified in the bid.
Bidder is required to clearly articulate how the SLA requirements would be adhered.
 Detailed Project Plan with timelines, resource allocation, milestones etc. for supply,
installation and commissioning of the various project components.
 Risk Mitigation plan
c. Other Details
 Bill of Material: This document should give details of all the proposed IT and non IT
components without specifying the costs. Please note that the bid shall get disqualified if
Bidder gives price details in the technical document.
 Make and Model of all Components as per the format mentioned in PQ_11
 Compliance to Technical and Functional Specifications from the Bidder: The
bidder (in case of consortium prime bidder) is required to provide the Compliance to
Technical and Functional Specifications in form of undertaking for all the items as
mentioned in Annexure II, III & IV.
 Compliance to Technical and Functional Specifications from the Bidder and
OEM: The bidder must provide the Compliance to Technical and Functional
Issued by Surat Smart City Development Ltd Page 55 of 283
Specifications for all the items as mentioned in Annexure II, III & IV from respective
OEMs on OEM’s letter head duly signed by authorised signatory of OEM. Bidder is also
required to submit the compliance for all items mentioned in Annexure II, III & IV.
 Authorization letter from OEM: The bidder must submit the authorisation from the
OEM as per the format mentioned in TQ_1.
 Datasheets: The bidder must submit the Datasheets highlighting the Technical
Specification mentioned in Annexure II & III parameters for all components so as to
derive the technical compliance of the proposed product with the technical specifications
of the RFP.

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10 Formats for Pre-Qualification Bid
10.1 Checklist for Pre- Qualification Document

Submitted Documentary
# Documents to be submitted
(Y / N) Proof (Page No.)
Bid fee of Rs.20,160 [Rs. 18,000 + 12% GST] by Demand
Draft or Banker’s Cheque
2. EMD of Rs. 25,00,000 as per section 6.10
3. Bid Covering Letter (Form PQ_1)
Power of attorney / board resolution to the authorized
4. Signatory of the RFP (in case of consortium, all members to
5. Particulars of the Bidders (Form PQ_2)
Copy of Certificate of Incorporation/Registration
6. certificate/ Shop & Establishment Certificate (In case of
consortium, all members to submit)
Details of Annual Turnover and Networth for last three
financial years 2017-18, 2016-17, 2015-16 ( Form PQ_3)
Certificate from the Statutory auditor / CA clearly specifying
8. the annual turnover and Networth for the specified years
(Form PQ_4). In case of consortium, all members to submit.
Declaration letter that the firm is not blacklisted by Central
Government or any State Government organization / PSU in
9. India at the time of submission of the Bid, in the format
given in the RFP (Form PQ_5). In case of consortium, all
members to submit.
Affidavit on Non-judicial Rs 300 stamp paper (Form PQ_6).
In case of consortium, all members to submit.
11. Details of the projects executed ( Form PQ_7)
Copy of Audited Balance Sheet for last three financial years
2017-18, 2016-17, 2015-16.
Copy of the audited Profit & Loss Statements for last three
financial years 2017-18, 2016-17, 2015-16.
Copy of GST registration. In case of consortium, all
members to submit
Copy of PAN registration. In case of consortium, all
members to submit
16. Power of Attorney for Prime Bidder of Consortium (PQ_8)

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Submitted Documentary
# Documents to be submitted
(Y / N) Proof (Page No.)
Consortium Agreement with clear defining roles and
responsibilities of each consortium partner
Copy of work orders and client certificate for Bidder’s
Eligibility Criteria
Authorization Letters from OEMs wrt OEM Eligibility
Criteria, section 5.2 (Form PQ_10)
Unpriced BoQ including Make & Model table as per Form
Copy of Gartner’s report as per OEM Eligibility criteria ,
section 5.2

 All Pre-qualification bid document(s)/ details should be duly sealed & signed as required.

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10.2 PQ_1: Pre-Qualification and Technical Bid Cover Letter
<<To be printed on bidder company’s letterhead and signed by Authorized signatory>>

Date: dd/mm/yyyy

Chief Executive Officer,
1st Floor, South Zone Office,
Surat Municipal Corporation,
Opp. Satyanagar, Udhna,
Surat-394210, Gujarat, India.

Subject: Selection of Implementing Agency for Integrated Command and Control Center (ICCC)
in Surat

Reference: Tender No :<No> Dated<DD/MM/YYYY>

Dear Sir/ Madam,

Having examined the Bid Document (and the clarification / corrigendum issued thereafter, if any),
the receipt of which is hereby duly acknowledged, we, the undersigned, offer to provide the
professional services as required and outlined in the Bid Document for the “Selection of
Implementing Agency for Integrated Command and Control Center (ICCC) in Surat”
in Surat City. We attach hereto our responses to Pre-Qualification, Technical-Qualification &
Commercial proposals as required by the Bid Document. We confirm that the information
contained in these responses or any part thereof, including the exhibits, and other documents and
instruments delivered or to be delivered to Surat Smart City Development Ltd., is true, accurate,
verifiable and complete. This response includes all information necessary to ensure that the
statements therein do not in whole or in part mislead SSCDL/SMC in its shortlisting process.

We fully understand and agree to comply that on verification, if any of the information provided
here is found to be misleading the selection process, we are liable to be dismissed from the selection
process or termination of the contract during the project, if selected to do so.

We agree for unconditional acceptance of all the terms and conditions set out in the Bid Document
(& subsequent clarification / corrigendum, if any) document and also agree to abide by this tender
response for a period of 180 days from the Bid Opening date. We hereby declare that in case the
contract is awarded to us, we shall submit the contract performance guarantee bond in the form
prescribed the Bid Document.

We agree that you are not bound to accept any tender response you may receive. We also agree that
you reserve the right in absolute sense to reject all or any of the products/ services specified in the
tender response.

Issued by Surat Smart City Development Ltd Page 59 of 283

It is hereby confirmed that I/We are entitled to act on behalf of our company/ corporation/ firm/
organization and empowered to sign this document as well as such other documents, which may be
required in this connection.

Signature of Authorized Signatory (with official seal)

Name :
Designation :
Address :
Telephone& Fax :
E-mail address :

Issued by Surat Smart City Development Ltd Page 60 of 283

10.3 PQ_2: Bidder Information Format
<<To be printed on prime bidder company’s letterhead and signed by Authorized signatory>>

To whomsoever it may concern,

Bidder information Format

Please find below the details of lead bidder and other consortium members for participation in
“Selection of Implementing Agency for Integrated Command and Control Center (ICCC) in Surat”

Lead Bidder / Sole

Bidder (Consortium
# Particulars
(Consortium Member #2)
Member #1)
1 Name of the organization

2 Type of Organization (Pvt. Ltd/ Public

3 Country of registered Office
4 Address of Registered office
5 Company Registration Details
6 Date of Registration
7 PAN No
8 GST Registration No
9 Address of Registered office in India
10 No of years of operations in India
11 Authorized Signatory Name
12 Authorized Signatory Designation
13 Authorized Signatory Contact Details

Yours Sincerely,

Signature of Authorized Signatory (with official seal)

Name :
Designation :
Address :
Telephone& Fax :
E-mail address :

Note: To be submitted with any other supporting details specified as Document Proof in Section 5
and 10.1

Issued by Surat Smart City Development Ltd Page 61 of 283

10.4 PQ_3: Bidder’s Annual turnover over last 3 financial years
<<To be printed on bidder company’s letterhead and signed by Authorized signatory. In case of
Consortium all members are required to submit >>

Date: dd/mm/yyyy

Chief Executive Officer ,
1st Floor, South Zone Office,
Surat Municipal Corporation,
Opp. Satyanagar, Udhna,
Surat-394210, Gujarat, India

Subject: Selection of Implementing Agency for Integrated Command and Control Center (ICCC)
in Surat

Sir/ Madam,

I have carefully gone through the Terms & Conditions contained in the RFP Document of Selection
of Implementing Agency for Integrated Command and Control Center (ICCC) in Surat

I hereby declare that below are the details regarding Overall turnover over last 3 financial years for
our organization.

FY 2015-16 FY 2016-17 FY 2017-18
# Details Turnover
(i) (ii) (iii)
Overall Annual
Turnover- Prime
Bidder (Consortium

Contact Details of officials for future correspondence regarding the bid process:
Details Authorized Signatory Secondary Contact



Company Address



Email Id

I further certify that I am competent officer in my company to make this declaration.

Issued by Surat Smart City Development Ltd Page 62 of 283

Yours Sincerely,

Signature of Authorized Signatory (with official seal)

Name :
Designation :
Address :
Telephone& Fax :
E-mail address :

Note: To be submitted with any other supporting details specified as Document Proof in Section 5
and 10.1

Issued by Surat Smart City Development Ltd Page 63 of 283

10.5 PQ_4: Auditor’s/CA Certificate for turnover for bidder
<<To be printed on CA/Auditors company’s letterhead and signed by Authorized signatory>>

<<NOTE: To be filed for each Member company in case of a consortium>>

Date: dd/mm/yyyy

This is to certify that the Annual Turnover from ICT and Networth as per books and records of
______________________________________________ for the following financial
years are as under.

# Financial Year Ending Annual Networth

1. 31st March, 2016
2. 31st March, 2017
3. 31st March, 2018
Average Turnover

I further certify that I am competent officer in my company to make this declaration.

Yours Sincerely,

Signature of Auditor (with official seal)

Name :
Designation :
Address :
Telephone& Fax :
E-mail address :

Issued by Surat Smart City Development Ltd Page 64 of 283

10.6 PQ_5: Self-Declaration – No Blacklisting
<<To be printed on bidders (or in case of consortium, each member of consortium) company’s
letterhead and signed by Authorized signatory>>

Date: dd/mm/yyyy

Chief Executive Officer ,
1st Floor, South Zone Office,
Surat Municipal Corporation,
Opp. Satyanagar, Udhna,
Surat-394210, Gujarat, India.

Subject: Selection of Implementing Agency for Integrated Command and Control Center (ICCC)
in Surat


In response to the Tender Ref. No. ______________________________________ dated

___________ Selection of Implementing Agency for Integrated Command and
Control Center (ICCC) in Surat Project, as an owner/ partner/ Director of
_________________________, I/ We hereby declare that presently our Company/ firm
___________________is not blacklisted or debarred by any Government / PSU on the date of
Bid Submission.

If this declaration is found to be incorrect then without prejudice to any other action that may be
taken, my/ our security may be forfeited in full and the tender if any to the extent accepted may be

Name of the Bidder :

Authorized Signatory :
Seal of the Organization :
Business Address :
Date :
Place :

Issued by Surat Smart City Development Ltd Page 65 of 283

10.7 PQ_6: Affidavit
The affidavit format as indicated below to be furnished on non-judicial stamp paper of Rs: 300
(duly notarized) by bidder (or each member of consortium, in case of consortium)

Name of work: Selection of Implementing Agency for Integrated Command and Control Center
(ICCC) in Surat.

1. I, the undersigned, do hereby certify that all the statements made in the required attachments are
true and correct.
2. The undersigned also hereby certifies that neither our firm M/s ………………………………….
……………………………. nor any of its constituent partners have abandoned any work in India nor any
contract awarded to us for such works has been rescinded during last five years, from the date of
this bid submission.
3. The undersigned hereby authorize(s) and request(s) any bank, person, authorities, government
or public limited institutions, firm or corporation to furnish pertinent information deemed
necessary and requested by the SSCDL/SMC to verify our statements or our competence and
general reputation.
4. The undersigned understands and agreed that further qualifying information may be requested,
and agrees to furnish any such information at the request of the SSCDL/SMC.
5. The SMC/SSCDL and its authorized representative are hereby authorized to conduct any
inquiries or investigations to verify the statements, documents, and information submitted in
connection with this application and to seek clarification from our bankers and clients regarding
any financial and technical aspects. This Affidavit will also serve as authorization to any individual
or authorized representative of any institution referred to in the supporting information, to provide
such information deemed necessary and requested by you to verify statements and information
provided in the tender or with regard to the resources, experience and competence of the Applicant.
6. My/ our offer shall not be considered in case of fake/ forged document(s) found during
verification at any stage or at any stage of contract. I/ We are agreed to whatever action (s) taken
by competent authority of corporation in the aforesaid circumstances such as forfeiture of security
deposit and debarring from participation in future tenders for the period/ years as deemed fit by
the corporation and informing the same to all other state/ central level Government/ semi
government organizations.

Signed by the Authorized Signatory of the firm

Title of the office:

Name of the firm:


Issued by Surat Smart City Development Ltd Page 66 of 283

10.8 PQ_7: Details of Experience
<<Note: To be filled for separately for Prime Bidder and consortium Member

Date: dd/mm/yyyy
Chief Executive Officer ,
1st Floor, South Zone Office,
Surat Municipal Corporation,
Opp. Satyanagar, Udhna,
Surat-394210, Gujarat, India

Subject: Selection of Implementing Agency for Integrated Command and Control Center (ICCC)
in Surat.


I have carefully gone through the Terms & Conditions contained in the RFP Document for
“Selection of Implementing Agency for Integrated Command and Control Center (ICCC) in Surat.”

I hereby declare that below are the details regarding relevant work that has been taken up by our
company and all the consortium members.

Prime Bidder
Name of the Project Project Project Project Project
1 2 3 n
General Information
Client for which the project was executed
Name of the client contact person(s)
Designation of client contact person(s)
Contact details of the client contact person(s)
Project Details
Description of the project
Scope of work of the Bidder
Deliverables of the Bidder
Outcomes of the project
Other Details
Total cost of the project
Total cost of the services provided by the
Duration of the project (number of months,
start date, completion date, current status)
Other relevant information (Like number of
Cameras and Type of Camera, ANPR etc)
Mandatory Supporting Documents:
Issued by Surat Smart City Development Ltd Page 67 of 283
Prime Bidder
Name of the Project Project Project Project Project
1 2 3 n
Work order / Contract for the project/
Purchase Order
Client Certificate giving present status of the
project and view of the quality of services by
the Bidder

Consortium Member-2
Name of the Project Project
Project n
General Information
Client for which the project was executed
Name of the client contact person(s)
Designation of client contact person(s)
Contact details of the client contact person(s)
Project Details
Description of the project
Scope of work of the Bidder
Deliverables of the Bidder
Outcomes of the project
Other Details
Total cost of the project
Total cost of the services provided by the Bidder
Duration of the project (number of months, start date, completion
date, current status)
Other relevant information (Like number of Cameras and Type of
Camera, ANPR etc)
Mandatory Supporting Documents:
Work order / Contract for the project/ Purchase Order
Client Certificate giving present status of the project and view of
the quality of services by the Bidder

I further certify that I am competent officer in my company to make this declaration.

Yours Sincerely,

Signature of Authorized Signatory (with official seal)

Name :
Designation :
Address :
Telephone& Fax :
E-mail address :

Issued by Surat Smart City Development Ltd Page 68 of 283

10.9 PQ_8: Power of Attorney for Prime Member of Consortium
Whereas the Surat Smart City Development Ltd., has invited applications from interested parties
for the Selection of “Implementing Agency for Integrated Command and Control Center
(ICCC) in Surat”.

Whereas …………………………..………., …………………………………….., ………………………………… and

……………………….. (Collectively “Consortium”) being Members of the Consortium are interested in
bidding for the Project in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Request for Proposal
(RFP document) and other connected documents in respect of the Project, and

Whereas, it is necessary for the Members of the Consortium to designate one of them as the Lead
Member with all necessary power and authority to do for and on behalf of the Consortium, all acts,
deeds and things as may be necessary in connection with the Consortium’s bid for the Project and
its execution.


We, ………………………………………. Having our Registered office at ………………………………………….,

M/s,………………………………………. Having our Registered office at ………………………………………….,

M/s,………………………………………. Having our Registered office at ………………………………………….,

(hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Principals”) do hereby irrevocably designate, nominate,

constitute, appoint and authorize M/s. ……………………… having its registered office at
………………………………………………, being one of the Members of the Consortium, as the Lead
Member and true and lawful attorney of the Consortium (hereinafter referred to as the “Attorney”).
We hereby irrevocably authorize the Attorney (with power to sub-delegate) to conduct all business
for and on behalf of the Consortium and any one of us during the bidding process and, in the event
the Consortium is awarded the concession/contract, during the execution of the Project and in this
regard, to do on our behalf and on behalf of the Consortium, all or any of such acts, deeds or things
as are necessary or required or incidental to the pre-qualification of the Consortium and submission
of its bid for the Project, including but not limited to signing and submission of all applications,
bids and other documents and writings, participate in bidders and other conferences, respond to
queries, submit information/ documents, sign and execute contracts and undertakings consequent
to acceptance of the bid of the Consortium and generally to represent the Consortium in all its
dealings with the SSCDL, and/ or any other Government Agency or any person, in all matters in
connection with or relating to or arising out of the Consortium’s bid for the Project and/ or upon
award thereof till the Concession Agreement is entered into with the SSCDL.

AND hereby agree to ratify and confirm and do hereby ratify and confirm all acts, deeds and things
done or caused to be done by our said Attorney pursuant to and in exercise of the powers conferred
by this Power of Attorney and that all acts, deeds and things done by our said Attorney in exercise
of the powers hereby conferred shall and shall always be deemed to have been done by us/


POWER OF ATTORNEY ON THIS ……………… DAY OF ………………., 20….

Issued by Surat Smart City Development Ltd Page 69 of 283

For …………………………………



(Name & Title)

For …………………………………



(Name & Title)

For …………………………………



(Name & Title)





(To be executed by all the Members of the Consortium)


 The mode of execution of the Power of Attorney should be in accordance with the
procedure, if any, laid down by the applicable law and the charter documents of the
executant(s) and when it is so required, the same should be under common seal affixed in
accordance with the required procedure.
 Also, wherever required, the Bidder should submit for verification the extract of the
charter documents and documents such as a board or shareholders’ resolution/power of
attorney in favour of the person executing this Power of Attorney for the delegation of
power hereunder on behalf of the Bidder.
 For a Power of Attorney executed and issued overseas, the document will also have to be
legalized by the Indian Embassy and notarized in the jurisdiction where the Power of
Attorney is being issued. However, the Power of Attorney provided by Bidders from
countries that have signed the Hague Legislation Convention, 1961 are not required to be
legalized by the Indian Embassy if it carries a conforming Appostille certificate
Issued by Surat Smart City Development Ltd Page 70 of 283
10.10 PQ_9: Format for Bank Guarantee for Bid Security (Earnest Money Deposit)

(To be printed on Rs. 300/- Stamp Paper)

This Deed of Guarantee is made on this ______day of __________, 2017 at

________________ by __________________ a _____________ Bank and having its
Head Office/Registered Office at _______________ and a Branch Office at ______________,
Surat (hereinafter referred to as “the Bank” or “the Guarantor”, which expression shall unless it be
repugnant to the subject or context hereof be deemed to include its successors and assigns) in
favour of Surat Smart City Development Ltd (SSCDL),having its Registered Office at
__________________________________ (hereinafter referred to as “Authority” which
expression shall unless it be repugnant to the subject or context hereof be deemed to include its
successors and assigns).

WHEREAS, the AUTHORITY undertook the process of competitive bidding in order to select the
most desirable firm/company for Design, Development, Implementation & Maintenance for ICCC
Project which purpose AUTHORITY issued a RFP document inviting Bids from the Bidders;

WHEREAS, [name of Bidder] (hereinafter called “the Bidder”) has submitted his Bid dated [date]
for the execution of the Works (hereinafter called “the Bid”).

In the event of any breach or non-performance of the following terms and conditions contained in
the Tender document:

(1) If the Bidder withdraws or modifies his Bid during the period of Bid validity specified in the
Tender; or

(2) If the Bidder refuses to accept the correction of errors in his Bid; or

(3) If the Bidder submits a conditional Bid which would affect unfairly the competitive
provision of other Bidders who submitted substantially responsive Bids and/or is not accepted by

(4) if the Bidder, having been notified of the acceptance of his Bid by the AUTHORITY during
the period of Bid validity and the bidder fails or refuses to execute the Agreement in accordance
with the Tender documents;

(5) If the bidder engages in fraudulent or corrupt practices

The Guarantor agrees absolutely, irrevocably and unconditionally guarantees and undertakes to
pay to AUTHORITY a sum of Indian Rupees …………………… (Amount of EMD in INR) without any
protest or demur and upon receipt of first written demand from AUTHORITY, without having to
substantiate his demand, provided that in his demand AUTHORITY will note that the amount
claimed by him is due to him owing to the occurrence of any one or more of the conditions,
specifying the occurred condition or conditions.

This Guarantee will remain in force up to and including the date _________ (180 days) days beyond
the original validity period for the bid or as it may be extended by the bidder on a written request by
Issued by Surat Smart City Development Ltd Page 71 of 283
AUTHORITY, notice of which extension(s) to the Bank is hereby waived. Any demand in respect of
this Guarantee should reach the Bank not later than the above date.

The jurisdiction in relation to this Guarantee shall be the Courts at Surat and Indian Law shall be

The claim in respect of this Bank Guarantee shall be admissible at any of our Surat Branches and such
Bank Guarantee is encashable at Surat Branch.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Guarantor has executed this Guarantee on this _____ day of
_______________and year first herein above written.

Signed and delivered by the

above named ________________Bank by

its Authorized Signatory as authorized by

Board Resolution passed on ______/

Power of Attorney dated […………]


Authorized Signatory

Name :


In the presence of:



Issued by Surat Smart City Development Ltd Page 72 of 283

10.11 PQ_10: Format for Authorization Letters from OEMs
<<To be printed on letter head of OEM and signed by Authorized signatory of OEM>>

Date: dd/mm/yyyy

Chief Executive Officer,
1st Floor, South Zone Office,
Surat Municipal Corporation,
Opp. Satyanagar, Udhna,
Surat-394210, Gujarat, India.

Subject: Selection of Implementing Agency for Integrated Command and Control Center (ICCC)
in Surat

Ref : Tender No: <No> Dated <DD/MM/YYYY>

Dear Sir/ Madam,

We _______________________, (name and address of the manufacturer) who are established
and reputed manufacturers of __________________ having factories at
__________________ (addresses of manufacturing / development locations) do hereby
authorize M/s _______________________ (name and address of the bidder) to bid, negotiate
and conclude the contract with you against the above mentioned tender for below mentioned
equipment / software manufactured / developed by us.
Sr. No. Product Name Make & Model


<< for components with 3 years of warranty support>>

We herewith certify that the above mentioned equipment / software products are neither end of
sale nor end of the life and we hereby undertake to support these equipment / software till the
successful completion of O&M phase (3 years of Warranty Support and 2 years of O&M).

<< for components with 5 years of warranty support>>

We herewith certify that the above mentioned equipment / software products are neither end of
sale nor end of the life and we hereby undertake to support these equipment / software till the
successful completion of 5 years of warranty from the date of Go-Live.

Yours faithfully,

Issued by Surat Smart City Development Ltd Page 73 of 283

(Signature of the Authorized Signatory from OEM)

10.12 PQ_11: Format for Specifying the Make & Model


as per
Compliance as OEM’s
Warranty Annexure
Unit of Proposed Proposed per Annexure Compliance
# Description Quantity Period II / III / IV
Measurement Make Model/Version II / III / IV on as per PQ_10
(Years) on Letter
OEM’s Letter /TQ_1
Head and
SITC of IT Hardware Components for ICCC
1 Desktop PC Number 75 3 Specify Specify Yes Yes Yes
2 Workstations for ICCC
Number 100 3 Specify Specify Yes Yes Yes
3 49" Curved Monitor for
Number 100 3 Specify Specify Yes Yes Yes
ICCC Operators
4 Monochrome Printer Number 20 3 Specify Specify Yes Yes Yes
5 Multi Function Printer
Number 5 3 Specify Specify Yes Yes Yes
6 Multi Function Printer
Number 2 3 Specify Specify Yes Yes Yes
-2 (Heavy Duty)
7 Colour Laser Printer Number 1 3 Specify Specify Yes Yes Yes
8 Projector-1 (6000
Number 2 3 Specify Specify Yes Yes Yes
9 Projector-2 (3000
Number 1 3 Specify Specify Yes Yes Yes
10 Projector Screen 1 (200
Number 2 3 Specify Specify Yes Yes Yes
as per
Compliance as OEM’s
Warranty Annexure
Unit of Proposed Proposed per Annexure Compliance
# Description Quantity Period II / III / IV
Measurement Make Model/Version II / III / IV on as per PQ_10
(Years) on Letter
OEM’s Letter /TQ_1
Head and
11 Projector Screen 2 (100
Number 1 3 Specify Specify Yes Yes Yes
12 55" LED Display
Number 15 3 Specify Specify Yes Yes Yes
13 Video Conference
Number 1 3 Specify Specify Yes Yes Yes
Civil and Non IT for Data Center and ICCC
14 42U Rack Number 15 3 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
15 IP KVM Switch Number 1 3 Yes Yes Yes NA Yes
16 Access Control System Number 1 3 Yes Yes Yes NA Yes
17 Fire Detection and
Number 1 3 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Alarm System
18 Fire Suppression
Number 1 3 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
19 Data Center
Number 1 3 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Management System
20 Aspirating Smoke
Number 1 3 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Detector System

1 Bidder is required to mention Make & Model of proposed items wherever in above table is mentioned as "Specify"
2 Bidder is required to submit the supporting documents like bidder's compliance, OEM's compliances and OEM authorization letter (refer
PQ_10/TQ_1) wherever its mentioned as "Yes"
3 NA stands for Not Applicable

Issued by Surat Smart City Development Ltd Page 75 of 283

H2. IT HARDWARE WITH 3 YEARS OF WARRANTY SUPPORT (Bidder to specify the Quantity)
H2. IT HARDWARE WITH 3 YEARS OF WARRANTY SUPPORT ( Bidder to specify the Quantity)
as per
Compliance as OEM’s
Warranty Annexure
Unit of Proposed Proposed per Annexure Compliance
# Description Quantity Period II / III / IV
Measurement Make Model/Version II / III / IV on as per PQ_10
(Years) on Letter
OEM’s Letter /TQ_1
Head and
Civil and Non IT for Data Center and ICCC
1 To be
Water Leak Detection specified by
Number 3 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
System bidder as per
2 To be
Rodent Repellent specified by
Number 3 Yes Yes Yes NA Yes
System bidder as per

1 Bidder is required to mention Make & Model of proposed items wherever in above table is mentioned as "Specify"
2 Bidder is required to submit the supporting documents like bidder's compliance, OEM's compliances and OEM authorization letter (refer
PQ_10/TQ_1) wherever its mentioned as "Yes"
3 Bidder is required to specify the quantity as per their proposed solution in the column named "Quantity"
4 NA stands for Not Applicable

Issued by Surat Smart City Development Ltd Page 76 of 283

as per
Compliance as OEM’s
Warranty Annexure
Unit of Proposed Proposed per Annexure Compliance
# Description Quantity Period II / III / IV
Measurement Make Model/Version II / III / IV on as per PQ_10
(Years) on Letter
OEM’s Letter /TQ_1
Head and
SITC of IT Hardware Components for ICCC
1 Indoor Wifi Access
Number 30 5 Specify Specify Yes Yes Yes
2 Video Wall Cubes-
70/72" DLP (2 video Number 112 5 Specify Specify Yes Yes Yes
walls of 14 X 4 matrix)
3 Network based Video
Wall Controller (for 60 Number 2 5 Specify Specify Yes Yes Yes
inputs and 60 outputs)
4 Video Wall Monitoring
Number 1 5 Specify Specify Yes Yes Yes
5 8 ports Unmanaged
Number 20 5 Specify Specify Yes Yes Yes
PoE+ Switch
6 24 ports (1G/1G) Web
Number 10 5 Specify Specify Yes Yes Yes
Managed Switch
7 24 ports (1G/10G) Web
Number 10 5 Specify Specify Yes Yes Yes
Managed Switch
8 48 ports (1G/10G)
Number 5 5 Specify Specify Yes Yes Yes
Web Managed Switch
9 1G SFP LX Transceiver
Module for above 24
Number 20 5 Specify Specify Yes Yes Yes
Port Web Managed
10 10G SFP+ LR
Transceiver Module for
Number 30 5 Specify Specify Yes Yes Yes
24 Port/48 Port Web
Managed Switches
SITC of IT Hardware Components for Data Center

Issued by Surat Smart City Development Ltd Page 77 of 283

as per
Compliance as OEM’s
Warranty Annexure
Unit of Proposed Proposed per Annexure Compliance
# Description Quantity Period II / III / IV
Measurement Make Model/Version II / III / IV on as per PQ_10
(Years) on Letter
OEM’s Letter /TQ_1
Head and
11 DC Core Switch Number 12 5 Specify Specify Yes Yes Yes
10G DAC (10M Length)
Number 40 5 Specify Specify Yes Yes Yes
12 for DC Core Switch
Transceiver Module for Number 22 5 Specify Specify Yes Yes Yes
13 DC Core Switch
Transceiver Module for Number 6 5 Specify Specify Yes Yes Yes
14 DC Core Switch
DC Aggregation/TOR
Number 12 5 Specify Specify Yes Yes Yes
15 Switch Type 1


Transceiver Module for
Number 4 5 Specify Specify Yes Yes Yes
DC Aggregation/TOR
Switch Type 1
DC Aggregation/TOR
Number 70 5 Specify Specify Yes Yes Yes
17 Switch Type 2


Transceiver Module for
Number 8 5 Specify Specify Yes Yes Yes
DC Aggregation/TOR
Switch Type 2
Transceiver Module for
Number 2 5 Specify Specify Yes Yes Yes
DC Aggregation/TOR
Switch Type 2
DC Application &
Delivery Controller
Number 1 5 Specify Specify Yes Yes Yes
with Global Server
20 Load Balancing

Issued by Surat Smart City Development Ltd Page 78 of 283

as per
Compliance as OEM’s
Warranty Annexure
Unit of Proposed Proposed per Annexure Compliance
# Description Quantity Period II / III / IV
Measurement Make Model/Version II / III / IV on as per PQ_10
(Years) on Letter
OEM’s Letter /TQ_1
Head and
Wireless LAN
(Hardware/Software Number 9 5 Specify Specify Yes Yes Yes
with server) with
21 necessary licenses
Rack Servers for SMC
Number 1 5 Specify Specify Yes Yes Yes
22 Own Requirement
Storage with 2 no. of
SAN Switches &
23 Number 1 5 Specify Specify Yes Yes Yes
Complete mounting
Civil and Non IT for Data Center and ICCC
PAC system of 20
Number 4 5 Specify Specify Yes Yes Yes
24 tonnes each

1 Bidder is required to mention Make & Model of proposed items wherever in above table is mentioned as "Specify"
2 Bidder is required to submit the supporting documents like bidder's compliance, OEM's compliances and OEM authorization letter (refer
PQ_10/TQ_1) wherever its mentioned as "Yes"
3 NA stands for Not Applicable
1 Bidder is required to mention Make & Model of proposed items wherever in above table is mentioned as "Specify"
Bidder is required to submit the supporting documents like bidder's compliance, OEM's compliances and OEM authorization letter (refer
2 PQ_10/TQ_1) wherever its mentioned as "Yes"
3 NA stands for Not Applicable

Issued by Surat Smart City Development Ltd Page 79 of 283

as per OEM’s
as per
Annexure II Compliance
Part Unit of Warranty Annexure
# Product Name Make/OEM Version/Model Quantity / III / IV on as per
Code Measurement (years) II / III / IV
Letter Head PQ_10
on OEM’s
and /TQ_1
SITC of IT Hardware Components for Data Center
1 Specify Specify Specify Specify Number Specify 5 Yes Yes Yes
2 Specify Specify Specify Specify Number Specify 5 Yes Yes Yes
3 Specify Specify Specify Specify Number Specify 5 Yes Yes Yes
… Specify Specify Specify Specify Number Specify 5 Yes Yes Yes

1 Bidder is required to mention Product name, Part No. ,Make & Model & quantity of proposed items wherever in above table is mentioned
as "Specify"
2 Bidder is required to submit the supporting documents like bidder's compliance, OEM's compliances and OEM authorization letter (refer
PQ_10/TQ_1) wherever its mentioned as "Yes"
3 Bidder is required to specify the quantity as per their proposed solution in the column named "Quantity"
4 NA stands for Not Applicable

Issued by Surat Smart City Development Ltd Page 80 of 283

as per OEM’s
as per
Annexure II Compliance
Part Unit of ATS Annexure
# Product Name Make/OEM Version/Model Quantity / III / IV on as per
Code Measurement (years) II / III / IV
Letter Head PQ_10
on OEM’s
and /TQ_1
ICCC Software with perpetual license and unlimited sensors
1 Specify Specify Specify Number Specify 5 Yes Yes Yes
2 Specify Specify Specify Number Specify 5 Yes Yes Yes
… Specify Specify Specify Number Specify 5 Yes Yes Yes

1 Bidder is required to mention Product name, Part No. ,Make & Model & quantity of proposed items wherever in above table is mentioned
as "Specify"
2 Bidder is required to submit the supporting documents like bidder's compliance, OEM's compliances and OEM authorization letter (refer
PQ_10/TQ_1) wherever its mentioned as "Yes"
3 Bidder is required to specify the quantity as per their proposed solution in the column named "Quantity"
4 NA stands for Not Applicable


as per OEM’s
as per
Annexure II Compliance
Part Unit of ATS Annexure
# Product Name Make/OEM Version/Model Quantity / III / IV on as per
Code Measurement (years) II / III / IV
Letter Head PQ_10
on OEM’s
and /TQ_1
Call Center Management Software solution for 50 user licenses

Issued by Surat Smart City Development Ltd Page 81 of 283

as per OEM’s
as per
Annexure II Compliance
Part Unit of ATS Annexure
# Product Name Make/OEM Version/Model Quantity / III / IV on as per
Code Measurement (years) II / III / IV
Letter Head PQ_10
on OEM’s
and /TQ_1
1 Specify Specify Specify Number Specify 5 Yes Yes Yes
2 Specify Specify Specify Number Specify 5 Yes Yes Yes
… Specify Specify Specify Number Specify 5 Yes Yes Yes

1 Bidder is required to mention Product name, Part No. ,Make & Model & quantity of proposed items wherever in above table is mentioned
as "Specify"
2 Bidder is required to submit the supporting documents like bidder's compliance, OEM's compliances and OEM authorization letter (refer
PQ_10/TQ_1) wherever its mentioned as "Yes"
3 Bidder is required to specify the quantity as per their proposed solution in the column named "Quantity"
4 NA stands for Not Applicable

Issued by Surat Smart City Development Ltd Page 82 of 283

as per OEM’s
as per
Annexure II Compliance
Part Unit of ATS Annexure
# Product Name Make/OEM Version/Model Quantity / III / IV on as per
Code Measurement (years) II / III / IV
Letter Head PQ_10
on OEM’s
and /TQ_1
Software Licenses for Virtualisation, Server OS, Database, Enterprise Security & Antivirus Software
1 Specify Specify Specify Number Specify 5 Yes Yes Yes
2 Specify Specify Specify Number Specify 5 Yes Yes Yes
… Specify Specify Specify Number Specify 5 Yes Yes Yes

1 Bidder is required to mention Product name, Part No. ,Make & Model & quantity of proposed items wherever in above table is mentioned
as "Specify"
2 Bidder is required to submit the supporting documents like bidder's compliance, OEM's compliances and OEM authorization letter (refer
PQ_10/TQ_1) wherever its mentioned as "Yes"
3 Bidder is required to specify the quantity as per their proposed solution in the column named "Quantity"
4 NA stands for Not ApplicableTWARE

Issued by Surat Smart City Development Ltd Page 83 of 283

11 Formats for Technical-Qualification Bid
11.1 Checklist for Technical- Qualification Document

Submitted Documentary
# Documents to be submitted
(Y / N) Proof (Page No.)
Details of Annual Turnover and Networth for last three
financial years 2017-18, 2016-17, 2015-16 ( Form PQ_3)
Certificate from the Statutory auditor / CA clearly specifying
2. the annual turnover and Networth for the specified years
(Form PQ_4). In case of consortium, all members to submit.
3. Details of the projects executed ( Form PQ_7)
4. Authorization letter from OEMs (Form TQ_1)
Unpriced BoQ including Make & Model table as per Form
Compliance to Technical and Functional Specifications from
the Bidder as per Annexure II, III & IV.
Compliance to Technical and Functional Specifications from
7. the OEM for components mentioned in Annexure II, III &
Datasheets highlighting the Technical Specification
8. parameters in each datasheet for compliances as mentioned
in Annexure II, III & IV.
9. Technical Proposal as mentioned in Section 9 and 11
Copy of work orders and client certificate for Technical

 All Technical-qualification bid document(s)/ details should be duly sealed & signed as
 In case of the deviation in the authorization letter by the manufacturer & forwarding letter;
the price bid of such bidder will not be opened.
 Any conditional mention regarding any technical details or prices in any document(s)/
forwarding letter; price bid of such bidder will not be opened.
11.2 TQ_1: Format for Authorization Letters from OEMs
<<To be printed on letter head of OEM and signed by Authorized signatory of OEM>>

Date: dd/mm/yyyy

Chief Executive Officer,
1st Floor, South Zone Office,
Surat Municipal Corporation,
Opp. Satyanagar, Udhna,
Surat-394210, Gujarat, India

Subject: Selection of Implementing Agency for Integrated Command and Control Center (ICCC)
in Surat

Ref : Tender No: <No> Dated <DD/MM/YYYY>

Dear Sir/ Madam,

We _______________________, (name and address of the manufacturer) who are established
and reputed manufacturers of __________________ having factories at
__________________ (addresses of manufacturing / development locations) do hereby
authorize M/s _______________________ (name and address of the bidder) to bid, negotiate
and conclude the contract with you against the above mentioned tender for below mentioned
equipment / software manufactured / developed by us.
Sr. No. Product Name Make & Model


<< for components with 3 years of warranty support>>

We herewith certify that the above mentioned equipment / software products are neither end of
sale nor end of the life and we hereby undertake to support these equipment / software till the
successful completion of O&M phase (3 years of Warranty Support and 2 years of O&M).

<< for components with 5 years of warranty support>>

We herewith certify that the above mentioned equipment / software products are neither end of
sale nor end of the life and we hereby undertake to support these equipment / software till the
successful completion of 5 years of warranty from the date of Go-Live.

Yours faithfully,

(Signature of the Authorized Signatory from OEM)


Issued by Surat Smart City Development Ltd Page 85 of 283

12 Commercial Bid Format & Instructions
12.1 Cover letter for Commercial Bid
<<To be printed on letter head of Prime Bidder and signed by Authorized signatory
of Prime bidder>>

Date: dd/mm/yyyy

Chief Executive Officer ,
1st Floor, South Zone Office,
Surat Municipal Corporation,
Opp. Satyanagar, Udhna,
Surat-394210, Gujarat, India.

Subject: Selection of Implementing Agency for Integrated Command and Control Center (ICCC)
in Surat.

Reference: Tender No :<No> Dated<DD/MM/YYYY>

Dear Sir/ Madam,

We, the undersigned Bidders, having read and examined in detail all the bidding documents in
respect of “Selection of Implementing Agency for Integrated Command and Control
Center (ICCC) in Surat” do hereby propose to provide services as specified in the Bid Document
referred above.


 All the prices mentioned in our Tender are in accordance with the terms as specified in the
Tender documents. All the prices and other terms and conditions of this Tender are valid
for entire contract duration.
 We hereby confirm that our Tender prices include all taxes. Taxes are quoted separately
under relevant sections, as specified in the Bid Document formats.
 We have studied the clause relating to Indian Income Tax and hereby declare that if any
income tax, surcharge on Income Tax, Professional and any other corporate Tax in
altercated under the law, we shall pay the same.

We declare that all the services shall be performed strictly in accordance with the Bid
Documents and there are no deviations except for those mentioned in eligibility criteria
documents, irrespective of whatever has been stated to the contrary anywhere else in our bid.

Further we agree that additional conditions, if any, found in our bid documents, other than
those stated in the deviation schedule in eligibility criteria documents, shall not be given effect

Issued by Surat Smart City Development Ltd Page 86 of 283

We confirm having submitted the information as required by you in your Instruction to Bidders.
In case you require any other further information/documentary proof in this regard before
evaluation of our Tender, we agree to furnish the same in time to your satisfaction.

We declare that our Bid Price is for the entire scope of the work as specified in the Bid
Document. The bid price at which the contract is awarded shall hold good for entire tenure of
the contract. These prices are indicated in the subsequent sub-sections of this Section.


We hereby declare that in case the contract is awarded to us, we shall submit the contract
Performance Bank Guarantee in the form prescribed in the Bid Document.

We hereby declare that our Tender is made in good faith, without collusion or fraud and the
information contained in the Tender is true and correct to the best of our knowledge and belief.

We understand that our Tender is binding on us and that you are not bound to accept a Tender you
receive. We confirm that no Technical deviations are attached here with this commercial offer.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,

(Signature of the Authorized Signatory)

Business Address:

Issued by Surat Smart City Development Ltd Page 87 of 283

12.2 General Instructions
1. Bidder should provide all prices as per the prescribed format under this Section.
2. All the prices are to be entered in Indian Rupees (INR) only
3. The Prices mentioned in the Price Bid should include all applicable taxes & duties as
applicable. The L1 evaluation will be done exclusive of taxes but inclusive of any duties
applicable to the products which are not covered under GST. The bidder to quote the duties
along with the rate of products proposed for L1 evaluation. The SI needs to account for all
Out of Pocket expenses due to Boarding, Lodging and other related items.
4. SSCDL shall be entitled to deduct tax at source or any other taxes/ cess as may be applicable
5. It is mandatory to provide breakup of all Taxes, Duties and Levies wherever asked for.
6. SSCDL reserves the right to ask the SI to submit proof of payment against any of the taxes,
duties, levies indicated.
7. The Unit Rate as mentioned in the following formats may be used for the purpose of ‘Change
Order’ for respective items, if any. However, based on the market trends, SSCDL retains the
right to negotiate this rate for future requirement
8. Quantities mentioned in the commercial formats are indicative in number. SSCDL may or
may not procure the listed components in mentioned quantities. SSCDL has the rights to
delete/ vary the quantities of any of the component before final implementation. Also,
SSCDL reserves the right to remove any of the line components (as per BOQ provided).
9. The quantity specified in BOQ ( PQ_11) & Price Bid should be same.
10. Solution designing will be responsibility of bidder. Any additional components not quoted
in Commercial bid but necessary for the solution / performance of the project, Bidder is
required to provide the same to the SSCDL without any additional cost.
11. Any additional component required as part of Data Centre Structured Cabling solution shall
be provided/supplied without any additional cost during the entire contract duration.
12. No escalations of prices will be considered under any circumstances.
13. The successful bidder shall not object to the upward or downward variation in quantities of
any item. SSCDL/SMC may or may not procured certain items as mentioned in Price Bid, if
14. The rates mentioned in the price bid for “ICCC software integration and implementation
cost per use case” will be valid during the entire contract period and for other items it will
be valid for the period of 3 years from the date of issuance of the RO1.
15. No claim shall be entertained or become payable for price variation of additional quantities
16. Bidder shall be bound to give same or more % of discount on the list price of the OEMs on
the future purchases (additional purchases within the contract period) by SSCDL or. Bidder

Issued by Surat Smart City Development Ltd Page 88 of 283

shall ensure that the future products supplied are of latest specifications as per the OEM
17. For the purpose of evaluation of Commercial Bids, SSCDL shall make appropriate
assumptions to arrive at a common Bid price for all the bidders. This however shall have no
co-relation with the Contract value or actual payment to be made to the Bidder.
18. SSCDL also intends to utilize various rates obtained through this tender for requirements
across various departments. Bidders are requested to factor this larger demand and give the
best possible rate to SSCDL.
19. Line items mentioned in the Commercial Formats are for representation purpose and SI
may propose alternate technology / solution (with proper justification). Bidders are
required to suitably add line items / merge the cost components depending upon their
proposed solution.
20. No escalations of prices will be considered under any circumstances.

Issued by Surat Smart City Development Ltd Page 89 of 283

12.3 Commercial Bid Format
Unit Total AMC Appli
y Total Total
Unit of Rate Total Capex Total Capex w/o GST cable
Applicable AMC AMC With Without Total With
# Description Measurem Qty (w/o w/o GST in With GST in INR for GST
GST Rate GST in GST in GST in INR
ent GST) INR in INR 4th & 5th (G2)
in INR Year %
H =F*
A B C=A*B G1% E F =A* E*2 G2% (100+G2) I=C+F J=D+H
SITC of IT Hardware Components for ICCC
1 Desktop PC Number 75
2 Workstations for
Number 100
ICCC Operators
3 49" Curved
Monitor for ICCC Number 100
4 Monochrome
Number 20
5 Multi Function
Number 5
Printer - 1
6 Multi Function
Printer -2 (Heavy Number 2
7 Colour Laser
Number 1
8 Projector-1 (6000
Number 2
9 Projector-2 (3000
Number 1
10 Projector Screen 1
Number 2
(200 Inch)
11 Projector Screen 2
Number 1
(100 Inch)
12 55" LED Display
Number 15
13 Video Conference
Number 1
Civil and Non IT for Data Center and ICCC
14 42U Rack Number 15
15 IP KVM Switch Number 1

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Unit Total AMC Appli
y Total Total
Unit of Rate Total Capex Total Capex w/o GST cable
Applicable AMC AMC With Without Total With
# Description Measurem Qty (w/o w/o GST in With GST in INR for GST
GST Rate GST in GST in GST in INR
ent GST) INR in INR 4th & 5th (G2)
in INR Year %
H =F*
A B C=A*B G1% E F =A* E*2 G2% (100+G2) I=C+F J=D+H
16 Access Control
Number 1
17 Fire Detection and
Number 1
Alarm System
18 Fire Suppression
Number 1
19 Data Center
Management Number 1
20 Aspirating Smoke
Number 1
Detector System
Total (INR)- Without
Total (INR)- With GST

H2. IT HARDWARE WITH 3 YEARS OF WARRANTY SUPPORT ( Bidder to specify the Quantity)
H2. IT HARDWARE WITH 3 YEARS OF WARRANTY SUPPORT ( Bidder to specify the Quantity)
Unit Total AMC
Yearly Total Total
Rate Capex Total Capex w/o GST Applicable Total AMC
Unit of Applicable AMC Without With
# Description Qty (w/o w/o With GST in INR GST With GST
Measurement GST Rate GST in GST in
GST) in GST in in INR for 4th (G2)% in INR
INR INR & 5th
F =A* H =F* J=D+
A B C=A*B G1% D=C*(G1+100)% E G2% I=C+F
E*2 (100+G2)% H
Civil and Non IT for Data Center and ICCC
1 To be
Water Leak specified by
Detection Number bidder as
System per

Issued by Surat Smart City Development Ltd Page 91 of 283

H2. IT HARDWARE WITH 3 YEARS OF WARRANTY SUPPORT ( Bidder to specify the Quantity)
Unit Total AMC
Yearly Total Total
Rate Capex Total Capex w/o GST Applicable Total AMC
Unit of Applicable AMC Without With
# Description Qty (w/o w/o With GST in INR GST With GST
Measurement GST Rate GST in GST in
GST) in GST in in INR for 4th (G2)% in INR
INR INR & 5th
F =A* H =F* J=D+
A B C=A*B G1% D=C*(G1+100)% E G2% I=C+F
E*2 (100+G2)% H
2 To be
Rodent specified by
Repellent Number bidder as
System per
Total (INR)-
Without GST
Total (INR)-
With GST


Unit of Unit Rate (w/o Total w/o GST Total With GST
# Description Qty Applicable GST
Measurement GST) in INR in INR in INR
A B C=A*B G1% D=C*(G1+100)%
SITC of IT Hardware Components for ICCC
1 Indoor Wifi Access Points Number 30
Video Wall Cubes- 70/72" DLP (2 video
2 Number 112
walls of 14 X 4 matrix)
Network based Video Wall Controller (for
3 Number 2
60 inputs and 60 outputs)
4 Video Wall Monitoring Software Number 1
5 8 ports Unmanaged PoE+ Switch Number 20
6 24 ports (1G/1G) Web Managed Switch Number 10
7 24 ports (1G/10G) Web Managed Switch Number 10
8 48 ports (1G/10G) Web Managed Switch Number 5
1G SFP LX Transceiver Module for above
9 Number 20
24 Port Web Managed Switches

Issued by Surat Smart City Development Ltd Page 92 of 283

Unit of Unit Rate (w/o Total w/o GST Total With GST
# Description Qty Applicable GST
Measurement GST) in INR in INR in INR
A B C=A*B G1% D=C*(G1+100)%
10G SFP+ LR Transceiver Module for 24
10 Number 30
Port/48 Port Web Managed Switches
SITC of IT Hardware Components for Data Center
11 DC Core Switch Number 2
10G DAC (10M Length) for DC Core
12 Number 12
10G SFP+ SR/LR Transceiver Module for
13 Number 40
DC Core Switch
40G QSFP+ LR4/SR4 Transceiver
14 Number 22
Module for DC Core Switch
15 DC Aggregation/TOR Switch Type 1 Number 6
40G QSFP+ LR4/SR4 Transceiver
16 Module for DC Aggregation/TOR Switch Number 12
Type 1
17 DC Aggregation/TOR Switch Type 2 Number 4
10G SFP+ SR/LR Transceiver Module for
18 Number 70
DC Aggregation/TOR Switch Type 2
40G QSFP+ LR4/SR4 Transceiver
19 Module for DC Aggregation/TOR Switch Number 8
Type 2
DC Application & Delivery Controller with
20 Number 2
Global Server Load Balancing
Wireless LAN controller
21 (Hardware/Software with server) with Number 1
necessary licenses
22 Rack Servers for SMC Own Requirement Number 9
Storage with 2 no. of SAN Switches &
23 Number 1
Complete mounting accessories
Civil and Non IT for Data Center and ICCC
24 PAC system of 20 tonnes each Number 4
Total (INR)- Without GST
Total (INR)- With GST

Issued by Surat Smart City Development Ltd Page 93 of 283

Unit Total
License w/o
Unit of Applicable Total With
# Product Name Make/OEM Version/Model Part Code Qty Cost (w/o GST
Measurement GST GST in INR
GST) in in

A B C D E F H I=F*H G1% J=I*(G1+100)%

SITC of IT Hardware Components for Data Center

1 Number
2 Number
3 Number
… Number
Total (INR)- Without GST
Total (INR)- With GST

1 The bidder can propose servers of same or different configuration as per their sizing. Details wrt proposed quantity for each server
with different configuration to be specified above.
The detailed configuration for each server to be provided as per Annexure III, Section 15.35
2 It is mandatory to provide the details pertaining to OEM, Product Name, Version, Part Code and exact Quantity for all components.
3 The exact copy of the above table without prices must be submitted as per "PQ_11: Unpriced Bill of Quantity"

Issued by Surat Smart City Development Ltd Page 94 of 283



Yearly Appli
Licen Total
Tota ATS cable Total Total
Par se ATS Total
Unit of l Applica Rate GST ATS Cost
Product Make/ Version/ t Cost Total With w/o Cost
# Measure Qty w/o ble (w/o on with witho
Name OEM Model Co (w/o GST in INR GST in with
ment GST GST GST) ATS GST in ut
de GST) INR for GST
in in (G2) INR GST
in 5 Years
L M =L*
I=F* J=I*(G1+10 N=I+ O=J+
A B C D E F H G1% K =F*K G2% (100+G
H 0)% L M
*5 2)%
ICCC Software with perpetual license and unlimited sensors
1 Number
2 Number
… Number
Total (INR)-
Total (INR)-
With GST

1 All software license components related to ICCC application required to meet the scope of RFP must be enlisted above.
2 It is mandatory to provide the details pertaining to OEM, Product Name, Version, Part Code and exact Quantity for all license components.
3 The exact copy of the above table without prices must be submitted as per "PQ_11: Unpriced Bill of Quantity"

Issued by Surat Smart City Development Ltd Page 95 of 283



ly Total
Lice Total Applica
ATS ATS Total Total Total
Unit of nse Total Applicab With ble
Product Make/ Version/ Part Rate w/o ATS with Cost Cost
# Measure Qty Cost w/o GST le GST GST
Name OEM Model Code (w/o GST in GST in withou with
ment (w/o in INR GST in on ATS
) in 5 Years
) in
J=I*( M =L*
A B C D E F H I=F*H G1% G1+1 K G2% (100+G2 N=I+L O=J+M
00)% )%

Call Center Management Software solution for 50 user licenses

1 Number
2 Number
… Number
Total (INR)-
Without GST
Total (INR)-
With GST

All software license components related to Software Licenses for Call Center Management Software solution for 50 users to meet
1 the scope of RFP must be enlisted above.
It is mandatory to provide the details pertaining to OEM, Product Name, Version, Part Code and exact Quantity for all license
2 components.
3 The exact copy of the above table without prices must be submitted as per "PQ_11: Unpriced Bill of Quantity"

Issued by Surat Smart City Development Ltd Page 96 of 283


Unit ATS
Licen Tot w/o Total Total
ATS Applica Total
Produ Part Unit of se al Applica GST ATS Cost
Make/O Version/Mo Quanti Total With Rate ble GST Cost
# ct Cod Measurem Cost w/o ble in with witho
EM del ty GST in INR (w/o on ATS with
Name e ent (w/o GST GST INR GST in ut
GST) (G2)% GST
GST) in for 5 INR GST
in INR INR Year
L M =L*
I=F* J=I*(G1+10 O=J+
A B C D E F H G1% K =F*K G2% (100+G2 N=I+L
H 0)% M
*5 )%

Software Licenses for Virtualisation, Server OS, Database, Enterprise Security & Antivirus Software
1 Number
2 Number
… Number
(INR)- With

All software license components related to Software Licenses for Virtualisation, Server OS, Database, Enterprise Security &
1 Antivirus Software, etc. required for physical and/or virtualised environment to meet the scope of RFP must be enlisted above.
It is mandatory to provide the details pertaining to OEM, Product Name, Version, Part Code and exact Quantity for all license
2 components.
3 The exact copy of the above table without prices must be submitted as per "PQ_11: Unpriced Bill of Quantity"

Issued by Surat Smart City Development Ltd Page 97 of 283

S4. SI's Support Cost
Total w/o GST for Total With GST for 5
Unit Rate / Year Total GST
5 Years Years
Applicable GST
# Description (w/o GST) (INR)
B=A*5 (G)% C =B*G% D=B+C
SI's Support cost including onsite manpower
Total (INR)- Without GST
Total (INR)- With GST



Unit of Unit Rate (w/o Total w/o GST Total With GST
# Description Quantity Applicable GST
Measurement GST) in INR in INR in INR

A B C=A*B G1% D=C*(G1+100)%

SITC of Software Components for Data Center

1 ICCC Software integration &
Use Case 50
implementation Cost per Use Case
MS Office Business 2019 (standard one-
Number 100
time purchase) License
Civil and Non IT for Data Center and ICCC
Civil Work for DC (Raised Floor, False
Ceiling, Ducting, Access Doors, Painting, sq ft 1419
Partitioning etc )

Total (INR)- Without GST

Total (INR)- With GST

Issued by Surat Smart City Development Ltd Page 98 of 283


1 Total (INR)- Without GST (A=H1+H2+H3+H4+S1+S2+S3+O1)

2 Total (INR)- With GST (A=H1+H2+H3+H4+S1+S2+S3+O1)


1 Total (INR)- Without GST (B=H1+H2+S1+S2+S3+S4)

2 Total (INR)- With GST (B=H1+H2+S1+S+S3+S4)


1 Total (INR)- Without GST (A+B)

2 Total (INR)- With GST (A+B)

Issued by Surat Smart City Development Ltd Page 99 of 283

13 Annexure I: Detailed Scope of Work and
The SI will be required and responsible to carry out various activities as detailed below during the
implementation and post implementation period for the duration of the contract.

13.1 Inception Phase

The SI will be responsible for preparation of detailed project plan. The plan shall address the
minimum requirements as following:
1. Define an organized set of activities for the project and identify the interdependence between
2. Resource planning and loading for each phase/activity. This must also indicate where each
resource would be based during that phase, i.e. onsite at the SSCDL office or off site at SI
3. Establish and measure resource assignments and responsibilities
4. Highlight the milestones and associated risks
5. Communicate the project plan to stakeholders with meaningful reports.
6. Measure project deadlines and performance objectives.
7. Project Progress Reporting. During the implementation of the project, the SI should present
weekly reports. This report will be presented in the steering committee meeting to SSCDL.
The report should contain at the minimum the under mentioned:
 Results accomplished during the period (weekly)
 Cumulative deviations from the schedule date as specified in the finalized Project
 Corrective actions to be taken to return to planned schedule of progress
 Plan for the next week
 Proposed revision to planned schedule provided such revision is necessitated by
reasons beyond the control of SI
 Support needed
 Highlights/lowlights
 Issues/Concerns
 Risks/Show stoppers along with mitigation
8. Identify the activities that require the participation of client personnel (including SSCDL,
the Program Management Unit etc.) and communicate their time requirements and schedule
early enough to ensure their full participation at the required time.

13.2 Requirement Phase

The SI must perform the detailed assessment of the business requirements and IT Solution
requirements as mentioned in this RFP. Based on the understanding and its assessment, SI shall
develop & finalize the System Requirement Specifications (SRS) in consultation with SSCDL and
its representatives. While doing so, SI is expected to do following:
Issued by Surat Smart City Development Ltd Page 100 of 283
1. SI shall study and revalidate the requirements given in the RFP with SSCDL and submit as
an exhaustive FRS document.
2. SI shall develop the FRS and SRS documents.
3. SI shall develop and follow standardized template for requirements capturing and system
4. SI must maintain traceability matrix from SRS stage for the entire implementation.
5. For all the discussion with SSCDL team, SI shall be required to be present at SSCDL office
with the requisite team members.

13.3 Design Phase

The SI shall build the solution as per the Design Considerations detailed in Section 4. The solution
proposed by SI should comply with the design considerations requirements as mentioned therein.
SI is responsible to design the solution as per proposed architecture mentioned in section 4.2 by
considering the technical benchmark/ specifications mentioned in Annexure II, III and IV
respectively for Software and Hardware components.

The SI is also responsible to design the data center (site preparation) proposed at ICCC. The
building drawings are provided separately.

13.4 Development / Implementation Phase

The SI shall carefully consider the scope of work and provide a solution that best meets the project’s
requirements as mentioned in this RFP. The implementation of the application software will follow
the procedure mentioned below:
1. Software Products (Configuration and Customization): The following is required to be adhered:
 SI will be responsible for supplying the application and licenses of related
software products and installing and configuring the same so as to meet project
 SI shall have provision for procurement of licenses in a staggered manner as per the actual
requirement of the project.
2. SI shall also supply any other tools & accessories required to make the integrated solution
complete as per requirements. For the integrated solution, the SI shall supply:
 Software & licenses.
 Supply tools, accessories, documentation and provide a list of the same. Tools and
accessories shall be part of the solution.
 System Documentation: System Documentation both in hard copy and soft copy
to be supplied along with licenses and shall include but not limited to following.
Documentation to be maintained, updated and submitted to SSCDL/SMC
regularly :
- Functional Requirement Specification (FRS)
- System Requirements Specifications (SRS)

Issued by Surat Smart City Development Ltd Page 101 of 283

- Design Document
- Any other explanatory notes about system
- Traceability matrix
- Technical and product related manuals
- Installation guides
- User manuals & Screen Capture videos
- System administrator manuals
- Toolkit guides and troubleshooting guides
- Other documents as prescribed by SSCDL/SMC
- Change management histories
- Version control data
- SOPs, procedures, policies, processes, etc. developed for SSCDL/SMC
- Programs :
 Entire source codes
 All programs must have explanatory notes for understanding
 Version control mechanism
 All old versions to be maintained
- Test Environment :
 Detailed Test methodology document
 Module level testing
 Overall System Testing
 Acceptance test cases

3. Bespoke (Custom Developments): The SI shall be responsible for necessary customization that
are required to address the requirements mentioned in this RFP. The SI shall supply the
following documents along with the developed components:
 Business process guides
 Program flow descriptions
 Data model descriptions
 Sample reports
 Screen formats
 Frequently asked question (FAQ) guides
 User manual
 Technical manual
 Any other documentation required for usage of implemented solution
(These documents need to be updated after each phase of project and to be maintained updated
during entire project duration. The entire documentation will be the property of SSCDL/SMC.)
4. Manpower Requirement: The SI shall be required to depute well competent and experienced
manpower in required strength during the implementation period. The team should be led by
competent Project Manager and ICCC Expert possessing below mentioned experience and

# Resource Type
1 Project Manager
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# Resource Type
 Educational Qualification: BE / B. Tech / MCA
 Work experience- Minimum 8 years of experience in ICT implementation
2 ICCC Expert
 Educational Qualification: BE / B. Tech / MCA
 Work experience- Minimum 5 years of experience in software
implementation Projects

13.5 Procurement, Supply, Installation and Commissioning of IT and non IT

infrastructure at ICCC
The SI shall be responsible for procurement, supply and installation of entire ICT hardware and
software infrastructure at the Command and Control Centre for successful operations of the
systems. The SI is also responsible to procured all needed non IT components which are required
to run the smooth operation of this project. The IT and non IT infra procurement will be as per
Indicative Bill of Material at PQ_11, but not limited to, including installation
materials/accessories/libraries/assemblies, electrical wires, patch cords etc. necessary for the
installation of the Infrastructure. The IT and non IT infra procurement will be planned considering
the below factors:
 Ensure redundancy for all the key components to ensure that no single point of failure
affects the performance of the overall system
 Support peak loads
 SI will not procure Infrastructure including Hardware, COTS Software licenses and other
system software etc. at the start of the project, but will procure after discussion and receipt
of go ahead from SSCDL
 Procurement and supply of requisite licenses (Commercial off the shelf - COTS), Installation
and implementation (including configuration /customization and Testing) of proposed
ICCC. All licenses procured under this project should be in the name of SMC /SSCDL.
 The licenses to be procured for ICCC Application should be perpetual and enterprise level
not limited to number of uses cases/ IOT devices or north / south bound interfaces.
 Virtualization technologies to be used to reduce the physical space required for hosting
 Procurement of IT and Non IT infrastructure for Data Center – Servers, racks, software
licenses etc. as per Bill of Material mentioned in RFP.
 Procurement of IT infrastructure with software for ICCC – Desktops, printers, Wi-Fi Access
points, Video Wall, Displays etc. as per Bill of Material mentioned in this RFP.
 ICT and non IT infra deployed for ICCC should be dedicated for the project and SI shall not
use the same for any other purpose.
 The ownership of ICT and non IT infrastructure shall vest SSCDL/SMC.
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 SI to ensure warranties/AMCs are procured for all the hardware components for entire
duration of the project. For software components the support from OEM to be obtained for
prescribed components. There would be a mechanism to verify these details on annual basis.
 No Products supplied under the RFP should be nearing their date of “end of life”.
 All IT equipment models offered should be latest released with bundled version update
 All documentation generated inclusive of IT architecture, functional specifications, design
and user manuals of the IT solution and documentation of non-IT components during
design, installation and commissioning phase shall always be made available to the SSCDL
 Seamless Integration with other Smart City Systems and applications
 Standard business process management framework should be followed for workflow
management with capabilities of configurability at user level.
 Acceptance of the source code is by installing and generating the object code on a test
environment performing identically to that of the production environment
 The SI shall provide system integration services to customize and integrate the applications
procured. The ICCC application proposed by the SI should have open APIs and should be
able to integrate and fetch the data from other third party systems already available or
coming up in the near future.
 Benchmark specifications for various items mentioned above are given in the Annexure II
,III and IV to this RFP document. The SI is required to size and provide IT infra to meet
the project functional requirements and Service Level Agreements (SLAs).
 The SI shall be required to submit a detailed installation report post installation of all the
equipment at approved locations. The report shall be utilized during the acceptance testing
period of the project to verify the actual quantity of the equipment supplied and
commissioned under the project.

13.6 Site Preparation for Data Center

The SI shall be responsible for undertaking end to end activities as mentioned below, but not
limited to:
 Cutting and chipping of existing floors
 Hardware and metals
 Glazing
 Paint work
 False flooring
 False ceiling
 Storage
Issued by Surat Smart City Development Ltd Page 104 of 283
 Portioning
 Doors and locks
 Painting
 Fire proofing all surfaces
 Insulation
1. False Ceiling
The SI shall install the top false ceiling with 1’ 6” of space from the actual room ceiling. This false
ceiling shall house A/C ducts (if required) and cables of electrical lighting, firefighting and CCTV.
Appropriate pest control measures shall be taken to keep pests at bay.
2. Raised Flooring
The SI shall be responsible for raised flooring, wherever required, and provide for suitable pedestal
and under structure designed to withstand various static and rolling loads. The entire raised floor
shall have laminated floor covering and beadings on all sides of the panel.
3. Air Conditioning and Nature Convection
Appropriate air conditioning system shall be exclusively installed to maintain the required
temperature especially at the Datacenter. The A/C shall be capable of providing sensible cooling
capacities at ambient temperature and humidity with adequate airflow. The task of the SI shall
include (but not limited to):
 Connecting the indoor unit with the mains electrical point.
 Connecting indoor and outdoor units mechanically (with 18G hard gauge copper piping).
 Connecting indoor and outdoor unit electrically.
 The air conditioner shall be linked to secondary power supply as well to prevent them from
shutting down in case of power outage.

4. Electrical work
The electrical cabling work shall include the following:
 Main electrical panel
 Power cabling
 Power distribution board
 Power cabling for utility component and utility points etc.
 Separate Earth pits for the component
 The SI shall use fire retardant cables of rated capacity exceeding the power requirements of
existing and proposed components to be used at maximum capacity.

5. Network and structural Cabling

SI is responsible to carry out all network and structured cabling including but not limited to
Passive Components like Patch Panel with I/O, LIU, Various lengths of Optical Fiber Patch Cord
Issued by Surat Smart City Development Ltd Page 105 of 283
(like LC-LC & LC-SC e.t.c.), 6 Core SM Optical Fiber Cable, OFC Joint/Splicing, Cat-7/Cat-
7A/Cat6/Cat-6A Cable with crimping & Patch Cords, Inter-Rack (Individual Rack) and Intra
Rack (Rack to Rack) Structured Cabling/Patching, Rack Cable Manager, Pipes, Earthing,
Necessary Power cables (like C13 to C14) etc. for the data center under this RFP. Any additional
component required as part of Data Centre Structured Cabling solution shall be
provided/supplied without any additional cost during the entire contract duration.

6. Fire Detection and Suppression System

 The facility shall be equipped with adequate and advanced Fire Detection and Suppression
system. The system shall raise an alarm in the event of smoke detection. The system shall
have proper signage, response indicators and hooters in case of an emergency.
 The facility is to be equipped with gas based fire suppression system appropriately sized
with their sub systems.

7. Rodent Repellent
 The entry of rodents and other unwanted pests shall be controlled using non-chemical, non-
toxic devices. Ultrasonic pest repellents shall be provided in the false flooring and ceiling to
repel the pests without killing them. However, the SI shall conduct periodic pest control
using chemical spray once in a quarter as a contingency measure to effectively fight pests.

8. Access control system

 The Biometric/Access card based Access Control System shall be deployed with the
objective of allowing entry and exit to and from Data center to authorized personnel only
with appropriate door locks and controller assemble connected with Data Center
Management system. The system deployed shall be based on proximity as well as biometric
technology for critical areas and proximity technology for non-critical areas.

9. Water leak detection system

 The Water Leak Detection System shall be installed to detect any seepage of water into the
Data Centre and alert the concerned for such leakage. It shall consist of water leak detection
cable and alarm module. The cable shall be installed in the ceiling and floor areas around
the periphery.

10. Data Center Management System/Building Management System – The SI will be

required to provide the standard Data Center Management System that enable to monitor and
manage parameters related to PAC, fire alarm, water leak detection, rodent repellent system,
access control etc.

13.7 Integration and Implementation Phase

The Command and control center should be integrated with feeds of all tracks/component deployed
or to be deployed in future under Surat City. The SI shall provide the testing strategy including
traceability matrix, test cases and shall conduct the testing of various components of the software
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developed/customized and the solution as a whole. The testing should be comprehensive and
should be done at each stage of development and implementation. The details of the applications
will be provided to successful bidder. The SI will be required to deploy experienced manpower
onsite and shall extend necessary backend support so that the integration and implementation of
the use cases is completed within the time duration specified in the RFP.

13.8 Support for Open Data Platform

The ICCC software solution should have provision for sharing the data sets for open data platform
of SMC and state/central government. Necessary APIs in this regard shall be developed/customized
from time to time so that necessary datasets can be made accessible.

13.9 Data Analytics Capability

1. The ICCC solutions should have the capability of data analytics/ business intelligence for
data analysis and informed decision for all stakeholders.
2. The Data Analytics/ BI Tool of software solution should work as single platform for
analyzing data coming/input from various IT components/applications of SMC/SSCDL or
any other government departments.
3. The system should be able to generate report in the user defined manner.
4. There should be a provision for a dash board which may take input from various system like
individual sensors of multiple IT components (SCADA sensor, Environment sensors etc.)
5. Apart from basic analytics system should also have provision to perform Predictive Analysis.
6. User should be able to choose any permutation and combinations of data fields to perform
predictive analysis.
7. System should be able to predict the events, make scenarios which helps in decision making
to city authorities.
8. The Data analytics/BI tool should have ability to analyse the useful information and sharing
it with general public. For example in case of water supply effected areas and traffic situation
awareness etc.
9. System should have capabilities to suggest best response options on the basis of current and
historic data sets.
10. Solution should enable the department to monitor activities and operations relating to the
citizen (Municipal) service being provided, feedback and grievances received
11. Solution should help department understand the level of responsiveness of the officers
concerned in terms of their response to the grievances.
12. The solution should also contain abilities for forecasting and scenario analysis, this will help
the department understand the trends of different concern areas.
13. Forward looking decision making – BI and analytics tool provide the predictive and
forecasting capabilities which can help department in forward looking policy and decision
14. System shall provide an Enterprise Reporting and Visualization solution to author, manage,
and deliver all types of highly formatted reports
15. The solution should have mining, analytical and querying capabilities, and should be able
to interoperate with other DBMS

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16. The BI Platform should have the capability to schedule reports on the basis of a time
calendar i.e. by hour, day, week, month, etc.
17. The BI Platform should have the capability to schedule reports on the basis of a trigger or
an occurrence such as an email, database refresh, etc.
18. Solution should provide capability to :
 Understand issues and concerns of citizens in a quick and effective manner
 Monitor progress of grievances and quality of grievance redressal
 Understand special / specific needs for different part of cities / subject areas
affecting citizens (such as water, electricity etc.)

Please refer Annexure II for more details on ICCC software requirements

13.10 Vendor Management Services

The activities shall include:
1. Coordination with all the stakeholders (SMC, SSCDL, PMC, Vendors) to ensure that all
activities are carried out in a timely manner.
2. SI shall coordinate and follow-up with all the relevant vendors to ensure that the issues are
resolved in accordance with the SLAs agreed upon with them.
3. SI shall also ensure that unresolved issues are escalated to respective departments.
4. SI shall maintain database of the various vendors with details like contact person, telephone
nos., escalation matrix, response time and resolution time commitments etc.

13.11 Testing and Acceptance Criteria

1. SI shall demonstrate the following mentioned acceptance criteria prior to acceptance of the
solution as well as during project operations phase, in respect of scalability and performance
etc. The Acceptance criteria parameters may get revised and finalized with mutual
agreement, however, the decision of SSCDL/SMC would be final and binding in this regard.
A comprehensive system should be set up that would have the capability to log & track the
testing results, upload & maintain the test cases and log & track issues/bugs identified.
2. The following table depicts the details for the various kinds of testing envisaged for the
Type of Responsibility Scope of Work
System SI 1. SI to perform System testing
Testing 2. SI to prepare test plan and test cases and maintain
it. SSCDL/SMC may request the SI to share the test
cases and results
3. Should be performed through manual as well as
automated methods
4. Automation testing tools to be provided by SI.
SSCDL/SMC doesn’t intend to own these tools
Integration SI 1. SI to perform Integration testing

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Type of Responsibility Scope of Work
2. SI to prepare and share with SSCDL/SMC the
Integration test plans and test cases
3. SI to perform Integration testing as per the
approved plan
4. Integration testing to be performed through manual
as well as automated methods
5. Automation testing tools to be provided by SI.
SSCDL/SMC doesn’t intend to own these tools
Performance  SI 1. SI to do performance and load testing.
and load  SSCDL/SMC / 2. Various performance parameters such as
Testing Third Party transaction response time, throughput, page loading
Auditor ( to time should be taken into account.
monitor the 3. Load and stress testing of the Project to be
performance performed on business transaction volume
testing) 4. Test cases and test results to be shared with
5. Performance testing to be carried out in the exact
same architecture that would be set up for
6. SI need to use performance and load testing tool for
testing. SSCDL/SMC doesn’t intend to own these
7. SSCDL/SMC if required, could involve third party
auditors to monitor/validate the performance
testing. Cost for such audits to be paid by
Security  SI 1. The solution should demonstrate the compliance
Testing  SSCDL/SMC / with security requirements as mentioned in the RFP
(including Third Party including but not limited to security controls in the
Penetration Auditor (to application, at the network layer, network, data
and monitor the centre(s), security monitoring system deployed by
Vulnerability security testing) the SI
testing) 2. The solution shall pass vulnerability and penetration
testing for rollout of each phase. The solution should
pass web application security testing for the portal,
mobile app and other systems and security
configuration review of the infrastructure.
3. SI should carry out security and vulnerability testing
on the developed solution.

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Type of Responsibility Scope of Work
4. Security testing to be carried out in the exact same
environment/architecture that would be set up for
5. Security test report and test cases should be shared
6. Testing tools if required, to be provided by SI.
SSCDL/SMC doesn’t intend to own these tools
7. During O&M phase, penetration testing to be
conducted on yearly basis and vulnerability
assessment to be conducted on half-yearly basis.

SSCDL/SMC will also involve third party auditors to

perform the audit/review/monitor the security testing
carried out by SI. Cost for such auditors to be paid by
SSCDL/SMC. However the cost of rectification of non-
compliance shall be borne by the SI.
User  SSCDL/SMC 1. SSCDL/SMC appointed third party auditor to
Acceptance appointed third perform User Acceptance Testing
Testing of party auditor 2. SI to prepare User Acceptance Testing test cases
Project 3. UAT to be carried out in the exact same
environment/architecture that would be set up for
4. SI should fix bugs and issues raised during UAT and
get approval on the fixes from SSCDL/SMC / third
party auditor before production deployment
5. Changes in the application as an outcome of UAT
shall not be considered as Change Request. SI has to
rectify the observations.

 Bidder needs to provide the details of the testing strategy and approach including details of
intended tools/environment to be used by SI for testing in its technical proposal.
SSCDL/SMC does not intend to own the tools.
 The SI shall work in a manner to satisfy all the testing requirements and adhere to the
testing strategy outlined. The SI must ensure deployment of necessary resources and tools
during the testing phases. The SI shall perform the testing of the solution based on the
approved test plan, document the results and shall fix the bugs found during the testing. It
is the responsibility of SI to ensure that the end product delivered by the SI meets all the
requirements specified in the RFP. The SI shall take remedial action based on outcome of
the tests.

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 The SI shall arrange for environments and tools for testing and for training as envisaged.
Post Go-Live; the production environment should not be used for testing and training
purpose. Detailed process in this regard including security requirement should be provided
by the SI in its technical proposal. The process will be finalized with the selected bidder.
 If required, SSCDL/SMC may appoint any Third Party Auditors directly at its cost. SI needs to
prepare and provide all requisite information/documents /support to third party auditor.
The cost of rectification of non-compliances shall be borne by the SI.

13.12 Go-Live Preparedness and Go-Live

1. SI shall prepare and agree with SSCDL, the detailed plan for Go-Live (in-line with SSCDL’s
implementation plan as mentioned in RFP).
2. The SI shall define and agree with SSCDL, the criteria for Go-Live.
3. The SI shall ensure that all the data migration is done from existing systems.
4. SI shall submit signed-off UAT report (issue closure report) ensuring all issues raised during
UAT are being resolved prior to Go-Live.
5. SI shall ensure that Go–Live criteria as mentioned in User acceptance testing of Project is
met and SI needs to take approval from SSCDL team on the same.
6. Go-live of the application shall be done as per the finalized and agreed upon Go-Live plan.

13.13 Training and Capacity Building

1. The purpose of this section is to define the scope of work for training and capacity building
to be implemented at various levels namely: SMC/SSCDL employees, Command Centre
Operators, Stakeholder Departments, Exiting Vendors whose services are getting integrated
2. The SI’s scope of work also includes preparing the necessary documentation and aids
required for successful delivery of such trainings.
3. SI will prepare all the requisite audio/visual training aids that are required for successful
completion of the training for all stakeholders such as
 Training manuals
 Computer based training modules
 Video (recorded sessions) for ICCC operations, back end modules, business
intelligence, dynamic reporting
 Presentations
 User manuals
 Operational and maintenance manuals for the ICCC modules
 Regular updates to the training aids prepared under this project
4. SI will get the Training and capacity building strategy including training material finalized
with SSCDL/SMC before starting the training programs.
5. SI must plan all the training and its material keeping defined and agreed SOPs of ICCC as
prime focus.
6. SI has to ensure that the training sessions held are effective and that the attendees would be
able to carry on with their work efficiently. For this purpose, it is necessary that the
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effectiveness of training sessions is measured.

13.14 ICCC Infrastructure Provisioning

SI is responsible to size and propose the IT infrastructure required for smooth functioning of the
entire solution as per OEM guidelines and standard industry practice. SI has to supply, install,
commission and manage/maintain the IT Infrastructure components such as Servers, Databases,
Storage Solution, Software and other supporting IT components as required at the Data Centre that
has been proposed as part of the bid.

The System Integrator has to procure the materials and equipment as required and given as part of
the System Integrator’s response. However, it should be noted that the System Integrator has to
procure all necessary equipment to run the solution as per the requirement of the RFP documents
including the SLA. In case, it is identified that certain components are required but not quoted by
the Supplier, the SI will procure and commission the same without any financial implications. The
System Integrator shall note that the specification provided is the minimum requirement and the
System Integrator shall procure better equipment if it is required to meet the service levels
mentioned in the RFP.

SMC/SSCDL reserves the right to ask the bidder to supply only part of the hardware quoted and
procure the rest of it separately by itself. The payments schedule will be adjusted accordingly.

All the hardware shall be new and procured for this project. The ownership of hardware shall be
transferred to SMC/SSCDL on commissioning of hardware. However, SI will be fully responsible for
maintaining these Assets during the contract period and will be fully accountable for the same.

Design Considerations
(i) The bidder shall propose hardware such that at any point in time during the contract period,
the resource utilization does not go beyond the levels defined below during 9 A.M. to 7 P.M.
• the average CPU utilization should not exceed 70% for more than 15 minutes in a
single stretch
• the average memory utilization should not exceed 70% for more than 15 minutes in
a single stretch
• the average Disk utilization should not exceed 70% for more than 15 minutes in a
single stretch
• In case of breach of above, the bidder will be required to optimize the solution else
the additional hardware has to be provided by the successful bidder to ensure the
performance within the indicated levels, at no further cost.
(ii) The ICCC Solution shall have following environments:
• Production environment at DC configured in High availability mode with no single
point of failure in Active-Active Mode.
• Non-production environment consisting of Development/Quality/etc. at DC without
(iii)Bidder is required to setup/configure/implement Redundant High Availability topology

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• DC Top of the Rack/DC Aggregation Switch to DC-Core Switch
• Access Switches to DC Top of the Rack/ DC Aggregation
• Servers to DC Top of the Rack/DC Aggregation
• DC-Core Switch to DC-Core Switch
Note: The above scope is required to carry out only for Critical racks/Systems/Servers/Switches
that will be identified by SMC/SSCDL.

13.15 Operations and Maintenance for a period of 5 years

Success of the Project would also depend on how the entire Project is managed once the
implementation is completed. From the System Integrator perspective too this is a critical phase
since the quarterly payments are linked to the SLA’s in the post implementation phases. SI shall
provide operations and maintenance services for the software, hardware and other IT and Non-IT
infrastructure installed as part of project for a period of 5 years (post Go-Live). This would also
include the support for various ICCC solution components that may be under warranty or AMC.

As part of the delivery of the solution it is expected that the SI shall provide Post Go Live Support
(“PGLS”) for the solution post Go-Live till completion of total contract period of five years. The Post
Go Live Support (“PGLS”) will start after completion of 3 months of Hypercare Support after Go
Live. SI is responsible to provide operations and maintenance services for the software, hardware
and other IT and Non-IT infrastructure installed as part of project for a period of 5 years (post Go-
Live). Hypercare deliverable will include closing of all issues reported with Go-Live along
with minor enhancements arising due to those defects.

13.15.1 Warranty, ATS and Annual Maintenance Services

1. SI shall provide warranty, ATS and maintain the IT infrastructure and software infrastructure
for the entire solution provided to SMC/SSCDL. System Integrator shall provide the
comprehensive manufacturer's warranty in respect of proper design, quality and workmanship
of all hardware, equipment, accessories etc. covered by this bidding document. System
Integrator must warrant all hardware, equipment, accessories, spare parts, software etc.
procured and implemented as per this bidding document against any manufacturing defects
during the warranty period.
2. SI shall provide comprehensive and on-site warranty (for 5 years or for 3 years followed by 2
years of comprehensive onsite AMC depending on the component) from the date of Go-Live for
the infrastructure deployed on the project. SI need to have OEM support for these components
and documentation in this regard need to be submitted to SSCDL/SMC on annual basis. Please
refer PQ_11 for detailed information warranty and support for each component.
3. SI shall provide the performance warranty in respect of performance of the installed hardware
and software to meet the performance requirements and service levels in the RFP.
4. SI is responsible for sizing and procuring the necessary hardware and software licenses as per
the performance requirements provided in the RFP. During the warranty period SI shall replace
or augment or procure higher-level new equipment or additional licenses/hardware at no
additional cost to the SSCDL/SMC in case the procured hardware or software is not enough or
is undersized to meet the service levels and the project requirements.

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5. During the warranty period SI shall maintain the systems and repair/replace at the installed
site, at no charge to SSCDL/SMC, all defective components that are brought to the SI's notice
6. The SI shall carry out Preventive Maintenance (PM) of all hardware and testing for virus, if any,
and should maintain proper records at each site for such PM. The PM should be carried out at
least once in six months as per checklist and for components agreed with SSCDL/SMC.
7. The SI shall carry out Corrective Maintenance for maintenance/troubleshooting of supplied
hardware/software and support infrastructure problem including network (active/passive)
equipment, security and rectification of the same. The SI shall also maintain complete
documentation of problems, isolation, cause and rectification procedures for building
knowledge base for the known problems in centralized repository, accessible to SSCDL/SMC
team as well.
8. Software ATS: Comprehensive AMC/ATS services from the date of completion of Warranty on
all the licensed software (IT product, associated software components, database, operating
systems, etc.) provided by the System Integrator for entire duration of contract.
9. System Integrator shall, for this purpose, stock sufficient spares for rendering service and
meeting SLA. SMC/SSCDL is not obliged to continue with the System Integrator providing AMC
and may choose another System Integrator as AMC Partner.
10. The SI shall be required to repair the faulty component/equipment at the earliest or within the
problem resolution time. However if any component/equipment gives continuous trouble, the
SI shall replace the same with the new compatible component/equipment of the same or higher
configuration without any additional cost to SMC/SSCDL.
11. No separate charges shall be paid for visit of engineers or attending to faults and repairs or
supply of spare parts.
12. The SI must integrate hardware and software components along with rest of the IT
Infrastructure at SMC to make the system integrated and fully functional.
13. Necessary installation/reinstallation, configuration and implementation support to be provided
by SI.
14. The solution will be used to run business critical application and hence must be configured and
tuned to give maximum output.
15. In case if breakdown/ maintenance work is required to be carried out during non-working days/
hours, the SI shall attend the task(s) during this period at no extra payment.
16. The System Integrator will supply all the installation material/ accessories/ consumables (e.g.
screws, clamps, fasteners, ties anchors, supports, grounding strips, wires etc.) necessary for the
installation and operation of the systems.
17. The System Integrator has to prepare and submit a delivery report including details of
components supplied. The delivery report will be validated by the identified SMC/SSCDL
authorized person.
18. None of the components and sub-components that are declared "End-of-sale‟ by the respective
OEM in next two years as on date of submission of Bid shall be proposed.
19. The server and other system software should be regularly patched/ updated. Major patching /
update which requires system downtime has to be informed well in advance and should be
undertaken only after SMC/SSCDL’s confirmation.

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20. Necessary network connectivity LAN/WAN will be provided by SMC/SSCDL. However, the SI
will be responsible for network configuration and management of the IT infrastructure provided
under this project
21. During the implementation period and warranty period System Integrator shall perform all the
functions as enunciated under this section at no extra cost to SMC/SSCDL.
22. Component that is reported to be down on a given date should be either fully repaired or
replaced by temporary substitute (of equivalent configuration) within the time frame indicated
in the Service Level Agreement (SLA). In case the selected System Integrator fails to meet the
above standards of maintenance, there will be a penalty as specified in the SLA.
23. The selected System Integrator shall also maintain records of all maintenance of the system and
shall maintain a logbook on-site that may be inspected by SMC/SSCDL at any time
24. The support for planning, optimization and tuning of hardware and software after
commissioning, whenever needed during Operation period/ Warranty / AMC shall be provided
by System Integrator at no extra cost to SMC/SSCDL.
25. SI shall monitor warranties to check adherence to preventive and repair maintenance terms and
26. Any component that is reported to be down on a given date should be either fully repaired or
replaced by temporary substitute (of equivalent configuration) within the time frame indicated
in the Service Level Agreement (SLA).
27. The SI shall ensure that the warranty complies with the agreed technical standards, security
requirements, operating procedures, and recovery procedures.
 The SI shall have to stock and provide adequate onsite and offsite spare parts and spare
component to ensure that the uptime commitment as per SLA is met.
 Any component that is reported to be down on a given date should be either fully
repaired or replaced by temporary substitute (of equivalent configuration) within the
time frame indicated in the Service Level Agreement (SLA).
 The SI shall introduce a comprehensive Assets Management process & appropriate tool
to manage the entire lifecycle of every component of ICCC System

13.15.2 Systems Administration Services

System Integrator shall ensure that IT Environment for ICCC operates smoothly, securely and
consistently. System Integrator shall ensure following activities for SMC/SSCDL:
1. Configuration of server, storage, networking & security component parameters, operating
systems administration and tuning.
2. Adequate hardening of the operating systems of the servers, storage & network equipment and
security equipment to prevent known and unknown attacks.
3. Operating system administration, including but not limited to management of users, processes,
resource contention, preventive maintenance and management of upgrades including
migration to higher versions and patches to ensure that the system is properly updated.
4. Re-installation in the event of system crash/failures.

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5. Maintenance of a log of the performance monitoring of servers including but not limited to
monitoring CPU, disk space, memory utilization, I/O utilization, etc.
6. Periodic health check of the systems, troubleshooting problems, analyzing and implementing
rectification measures.
7. Troubleshooting issues in the infrastructure, network and IT application to determine the areas
where fixes are required and ensuring resolution of the same.
8. Identification, diagnosis and resolution of problem areas pertaining to the DC/DR site
infrastructure and application and maintenance of assured SLA levels.
9. IT assets performance monitoring, fine-tuning, optimization & Problem Resolution
10. Configuring and monitoring of regular backups of relevant database and application so as to
ensure minimum loss and ensure prompt restoration of the same as and when required.
11. Installation, configuration, monitoring and management of the storage system in accordance to
the application requirement and uptime and KPI requirements.
12. Monitoring, maintenance and tuning of the databases to meet ensure optimum performance
maximize efficiency and minimize outages, as necessary and proactively reviewing database
logs and alert logs and taking appropriate actions.
13. Sever and application hardening to prevent attack from any known and unknown attacks.
Ensuring that patches / workarounds for identified vulnerabilities are patched / blocked

13.15.3 Provision for Onsite Support

SI shall deploy Manpower during implementation and O&M phases. The deployed resource shall
report to SSCDL/SMC Project In-charge. The support team must be backed by off-site support as
necessary. The Bidder’s PGLS team shall be responsible for the efficient functioning of the system
and continued delivery of stable systems, development, and operational support. It is expected that
out of business hours support will be provided as needed.
Minimum Required onsite support: The bidder is required to provide the dedicated onsite
team as per the below mentioned table during the support. Necessary backend support must be
extended to the onsite team so as to achieve the SLAs and KPIs defined in RFP. Project Manager
will be the SPOC for SMC/SSCDL, who intern will coordinate with onsite and offsite team members.
The onsite team will also be engaged in development and integration of new use cases upto the extent
of 6 user cases per quarter. Necessary backend support must be imparted by SI to the onsite team so
that apart from maintaining and managing existing setup the team is able to deliver new
development/integration activities. Requirement for additional use case integration over and above
will be considered as change request.
Following are the minimum resources required to be deployed in the Project, however SI may
deploy additional resources based on the need of the Project and to meet the defined SLAs in this

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# Resource Type Minimum Minimum Deployment during
Quantity Operation & Maintenance
1. Project Manager cum ICCC Expert 1 100%
2. ICCC Application Developer 2 100%
3. IT Infrastructure Support Engineers 1 100%

# Qualification & Experience of the Onsite Resource

1 Project Manager cum ICCC Expert
 Educational Qualification: BE / B. Tech / MCA
 Work experience: Minimum 8 years of experience in ICT implementation
Projects and must have expertise in the proposed ICCC Solution
 Roles & Responsibility: S/he will be the SPOC for SMC/SSCDL and will be
responsible to ensure service deliveries during Post-Go-Live are as per the RFP
requirements and at par to the KPIs and SLAs defined. S/he will interact with the
different OEMs and back office team of SI in this regard. The Project Manager must
be proficient with the ICCC solution offered and must possess in-depth knowledge of
the solution. S/he must be in a position to identify the root cause of problem/bugs if
any with the ICCC solution and get it resolved. S/he must possess expertise in
creation and configuration of the SOPs. S/he must be competent enough to manage,
maintain, augment and enhance the deployed ICCC solution. S/he must coordinate
with all the stakeholders and ensure smooth operation of the project. S/he will also be
responsible to ensure the overall health of the ICCC infrastructure.
2 ICC Application Developer
 Educational Qualification: BE / B. Tech / MCA
 Work experience: Minimum 5 years of experience in software
implementation Projects
 Roles & Responsibility: The Application Developer will be responsible to
carry out necessary changes in the application, provide application level support
to the users, and coordinate with users for easy and early adaptation of the
system. S/he shall be well versed and experienced to handle above stated
activities. S/he must be in a position to ascertain and carryout the necessary
activities w.r.t. any minor or major changes in the existing domain system
integrated or use cases created. S/he will capture the requirements and carry out
necessary developments on her/his own. The Application Developer will also be
required to carry out necessary activities for integration of new domain systems /
use cases. S/he will keep the Project Manager informed about the activities. S/he
will interact the OEM/back office team either directly or through Project Manager
for necessary changes/developments/support issues for resolving problems if any.
3 IT Infrastructure Support Engineers
 Educational Qualification: BE / B. Tech / MCA
 Work experience: Minimum 3 years of experience in IT infrastructure

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# Qualification & Experience of the Onsite Resource
 Roles & Responsibility: S/he will be responsible to responsible to monitor the
health of the ICCC IT infrastructure. S/he will be responsible to ensure preventive
and breakdown maintenance services as per the RFP requirements. S/he will
resolve any hardware/network related issues at DC level or else within ICCC. S/he
will keep the Project Manager informed about the activities. S/he will interact the
OEM/back office team either directly or through Project Manager for necessary
repair/replacement of hardware or support issues for resolving problems if any.
13.15.4 Application Support and Maintenance Support
Application support includes, but not limited to, production monitoring, troubleshooting and
addressing the functionality, availability and performance issues, implementing the system change
requests etc. The SI shall keep the application software in good working order; perform changes
and upgrades to applications as requested by the SSCDL/SMC team. All tickets related to any
issue/complaint/observation about the system shall be maintained as per ITIL standard, in this
regard bidder may install on premise solution or propose could base solution (no extra payment
will be made for this solution). Key activities to be performed by SI in the application support phase
are as follows:
1. Compliance to SLA: SI shall ensure compliance to SLAs as indicated in the RFP and any
upgrades/major changes to the software shall be accordingly planned by SI ensuring the
SLA requirements.
2. Annual Technology Support: The SI shall be responsible for arranging for annual
technology support for the OEM products to SSCDL/SMC provided by respective OEMs
during the entire project duration
3. Application Software Maintenance:
 SI shall provide unlimited support through onsite team or offsite team as and when
required during the contract period.
 SI shall address all the errors/bugs/gaps in the functionality in the solution
implemented by the SI at no additional cost during the O&M phase
 All patches and upgrades from OEMs shall be implemented by the SI ensuring
customization done in the solution as per the SSCDL/SMC requirements are unaffected.
Technical upgrade of the installation to the new version, as and when required, shall be
done by the SI. Any version upgrade of the software / tool / appliance by SI to be done
after taking prior approval of SSCDL/SMC and after submitting impact assessment of
such upgrade.
 Any changes/upgrades to the software performed during the support phase shall subject
to the comprehensive and integrated testing by the SI to ensure that the changes
implemented in the system meets the specified requirements and doesn’t impact any
other function of the system. Release management for application software will also
require SSCDL/SMC approval. A detailed process in this regard will be finalized by SI in
consultation with SSCDL/SMC.
 Issue log for the errors and bugs identified in the solution and any change done in the
solution shall be maintained by the SI and periodically submitted to the SSCDL/SMC

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 SI, at least on a monthly basis, will inform SSCDL/SMC about any new
updates/upgrades available for all software components of the solution along with a
detailed action report. In case of critical security patches/alerts, the SI shall inform
about the same immediately along with his recommendations. The report shall contain
SI’s recommendations on update/upgrade, benefits, impact analysis etc. The SI shall
need to execute updates/upgrades though formal change management process and
update all documentations and Knowledge databases etc. All such updates and upgrades
will be carried out free of cost.

4. Problem Identification and Resolution:

 SI shall identify and resolve all the application problems in the identified solution (e.g.
system malfunctions, performance problems and data corruption etc.).
 Monthly report on problem identified and resolved would be submitted to SSCDL/SMC
team along with the recommended resolution.

5. Change and Version Control: All planned or emergency changes to any component of
the system shall be through the approved Change Management process. For any change, SI
shall ensure:
 Detailed impact analysis
 Change plan with Roll back plans
 Appropriate communication on change required has taken place
 Proper approvals have been received
 Schedules have been adjusted to minimize impact on the production environment
 All associated documentations are updated post stabilization of the change
 Version control maintained for software changes
 The SI shall define the Software Change Management and Version control process. For
any changes to the solution, SI has to prepare detailed documentation including
proposed changes, impact to the system in terms of functional outcomes/additional
features added to the system etc. SI shall ensure that software and hardware version
control is done for entire duration of SI’s contract.

6. Maintain Configuration Information: SI shall maintain version control and

configuration information for application software and any system documentation.

7. Maintain System Documents: SI shall maintain at least the following minimum

documents with respect to the ICCC System:
 For application support SI shall keep dedicated software support team to be based at SI
location that will single point of contact for resolution of all application related issues.
This team will receive all the application related tickets/incidents and will resolve them.
In its technical proposal SI need to provide the proposed team structure of application
support including number of team members proposed to be deployed along with roles
and skills of each such member. Application support team shall be employees of SI.

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 Any software changes required due to problems/bugs in the developed
software/application will not be considered under change control. The SI will have to
modify the software/application free of cost. This may lead to
enhancements/customizations and the same needs to be implemented by the SI at no
extra cost.
 Any additional changes required would follow the Change Control Procedure.
SSCDL/SMC may engage an independent agency to validate the estimates submitted by
the SI. The inputs of such an agency would be taken as the final estimate for efforts
required. SI to propose the cost of such changes in terms of man month rate basis and
in terms of Function point/Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) basis in the proposal

13.15.5 Compliance to SLA

1. SI shall ensure compliance to uptime and performance requirements of project solution as
indicated in the SLA table of RFP and any upgrades/major changes to the ICCC System shall
be accordingly planned by SI for ensuring the SLA requirements.
2. SI shall be responsible for measurement of the SLAs at the ICCC System level as well as at
the user level on a periodic basis.
3. Reports for SLA measurement must be produced SSCDL/SMC officials as per the project

13.16 Project Management and Governance

13.16.1 Project Management Office (PMO)
A Project Management office will be set up during the start of the project. The PMO will, at the
minimum, include a designated full time Project Manager from SI. It will also include key persons
from other relevant stakeholders including members of SSCDL/SMC and other
officials/representatives by invitation. The operational aspects of the PMO need to be handled by
the SI including maintaining weekly statuses, minutes of the meetings, weekly/monthly/project
plans, etc. PMO will meet formally on a weekly basis covering, at a minimum, the following agenda
 Project Progress
 Delays, if any – Reasons thereof and ways to make-up lost time
 Issues and concerns
 Performance and SLA compliance reports;
 Unresolved and escalated issues;
 Project risks and their proposed mitigation plan
 Discussion on submitted deliverable
 Timelines and anticipated delay in deliverable if any
 Any other issues that either party wishes to add to the agenda.
During the development and implementation phase, there may be a need for more frequent
meetings and the agenda would also include:
 Module development status
 Testing results
 IT infrastructure procurement and deployment status
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 Status of setting up/procuring of the Helpdesk, DC hosting
 Any other issues that either party wishes to add to the agenda.
Bidder shall recommend PMO structure for the project implementation phase and operations and
maintenance phase.

13.16.2 Steering Committee

The Steering Committee will consist of senior stakeholders from SSCDL/SMC, its nominated
agencies and SI. SI will nominate its Smart City vertical head to be a part of the Project Steering
Committee. The SI shall participate in monthly Steering Committee meetings and update Steering
Committee on Project progress, Risk parameters (if any), Resource deployment and plan,
immediate tasks, and any obstacles in project. The Steering committee meeting will be a forum for
seeking and getting approval for project decisions on major changes etc. All relevant records of
proceedings of Steering Committee should be maintained, updated, tracked and shared with the
Steering Committee and Project Management Office by SI. During the development and
implementation phase of the project, it is expected that there will be at least fortnightly Steering
Committee meetings. During the O&M phase, the meetings will be held at least once a quarter.
Other than the planned meetings, in exceptional cases, SSCDL/SMC may call for a Steering
Committee meeting with prior notice to the SI.

13.16.3 Project Monitoring and Reporting

The SI shall circulate written progress reports at agreed intervals to SSCDL /SMC and other
stakeholders. Project status report shall include Progress against the Project Management Plan,
status of all risks and issues, exceptions and issues along with recommended resolution etc.
Other than the planned meetings, in exceptional cases, project status meeting may be called with
prior notice to the Bidder. SSCDL/SMC reserves the right to ask the bidder for the project review
reports other than the standard weekly review reports.

13.16.4 Risk and Issue management

The SI shall develop a Risk Management Plan and shall identify, analyse and evaluate the project
risks, and shall develop cost effective strategies and action plans to mitigate those risks.
The SI shall carry out a Risk Assessment and document the Risk profile of SSCDL/SMC based on
the risk appetite and shall prepare and share the SSCDL/SMC Enterprise Risk Register. The SI shall
develop an issues management procedure to identify, track, and resolve all issues confronting the
project. The risk management plan and issue management procedure shall be done in consultation
The SI shall monitor, report, and update the project risk profile. The risks should be discussed with
SSCDL/SMC and a mitigation plan be identified during the project review/status meetings. The
Risk and Issue management should form an agenda for the Project Steering Committee meetings
as and when required.

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13.16.5 Planning and Scheduling
The SI will prepare a detailed schedule and plan for the entire project covering all tasks and sub
tasks required for successful execution of the project. The SI has to get the plan approved from
SSCDL/SMC at the start of the project and it should be updated every week to ensure tracking
of the progress of the project.

The project plan should include the following:

 The project break up into logical phases and sub-phases;
 Activities making up the sub-phases and phases;
 Components in each phase with milestones;
 The milestone dates are decided by SSCDL/SMC in this RFP. SI cannot change any of the
milestone completion dates. SI can only propose the internal task deadlines while keeping the
overall end dates the same. SI may suggest improvement in project dates without changing the
end dates of each activity.
 Key milestones and deliverables along with their dates including those related to delivery and
installation of hardware and software;
 Start date and end date for each activity;
 The dependencies among activities;
 Resources to be assigned to each activity;
 Dependency on SSCDL/SMC

13.17 Guiding Architecture Principle

The IT architecture principles defined in this section are the underlying general rules and guidelines
that will drive the subsequent development, use and maintenance of architectural standards,
frameworks and future state target architecture.

SSCDL/SMC system will be built on the following core principles:

1. Platform Approach-It is critical that a platform based approach is taken for any large
scale application development, to ensure adequate focus and resources on issues related
to scalability, security and data management. Building an application platform with
reusable components or frameworks across the application suite provides a mechanism
to abstract all necessary common features into a single layer. Hence the SSCDL/SMC
system is envisaged as a faceless system with 100% API driven architecture at the core
of it. SSCDL/SMC portal will be one such application on top of these APIs, rather than
being fused into the platform as a monolithic system.
2. Open APIs designed to be used form the core design mechanism to ensure openness,
multi-user ecosystem, specific vendor/system independence, and most importantly
providing tax payers and other ecosystem players with choice of using innovative
applications on various devices (mobile, tablet, etc.) that are built on top of these APIs.

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3. Openness - Adoption of open API, open standards and wherever prudent open source
products are of paramount importance for the system. This will ensure the system to be
lightweight, scalable and secure. Openness comes from use of open standards and
creating vendor neutral APIs and interfaces for all components. All the APIs will be
stateless. Data access must be always through APIs, no application will access data
directly from the storage layer or data access layer. For every internal data access also
(access between various modules) there will be APIs and no direct access will be there.
4. Data as an enterprise asset- Information is a high value asset to be leveraged across
the organization to improve performance and decision making. Accurate information
would ensure effective decision making and improved performance
Effective and careful data management is of high importance and top priority should be placed on
ensuring where data resides, that its accuracy can be relied upon, and it can obtained when and
where needed.

5. Performance- A best of breed solution using the leading technologies of the domain
should be proposed in the solution ensuring the highest levels of performance. It will
also ensure that the performance of various modules should be independent of each
other to enhance the overall performance and also in case of disaster, performance of
one module should not impact the performance other modules.
The solution should be designed in a manner that the following can be achieved:
 Modular design to distribute the appropriate system functions on web and app
 Increase in-memory Operations (use static operations)
 Reduce number of I/O operations and N/w calls using selective caching
 Dedicated schemas for each function making them independent and avoiding delays
due to other function accessing the same schema.
 Solution should provide measurable and acceptable performance requirements for
users, for different connectivity bandwidths.
 The solution should provide optimal and high performance Portal Solution
satisfying response time for slow Internet connections and different browsers.

6. Scalability - The component in the architecture will be capable of being scaled up to

more user requests or handling more no. of input resources in various modules. Even
inclusion of additional application functionalities can be catered to by upgrading the
software editions with minimal effort. Forward and backward integration (in terms of
functions - components, applications, devices, geographical coverage and volume) with
all smart city components across the 7+1 layers defined in the overall solution
architecture. Such forward or backward integration could take place at any of the layers
defined in the over architecture viz. sensor and actuator layer, network layer, data
center layer, application layer, integration layer, service delivery layer, command center
layer, visualisation layer and security layer. The design of the system to consider future
proofing the systems for volume handling requirements
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 The application functions to be divided logically and developed as Modular solution.
 The system should be able to scale horizontally & vertically.
 Data Volume- Ability to support at least 20 % projected volume growth (year on
year ) in content post system implementation & content migration.
 Functionality – Ability to extend functionality of the solution without significant
impact to the existing functional components and infrastructure.
 Loose coupling through layered modular design and messaging - The
architecture would promote modular design and layered approach with clear
division of responsibility and separation of concerns at the data storage, service and
integration layer in order to achieve desired interoperability without any affinity to
platforms, programming languages and network technologies. The architecture has
to be scalable, maintainable and flexible for modular expansion as more citizen and
business services are provided through the Project. Each of the logical layers would
be loosely coupled with its adjacent layers
 Data partitioning and parallel processing - Project functionality naturally
lends itself for massive parallel and distributed system. For linear scaling, it is
essential that entire system is architected to work in parallel within and across
machines with appropriate data and system partitioning. Choice of appropriate data
sources such as RDBMS, Hadoop, NoSQL data stores, distributed file systems; etc.
must be made to ensure there is absolutely no “single point of bottleneck” in the
entire system including at the database and system level to scale linearly using
commodity hardware.
 Horizontal scale for compute, Network and storage – Project architecture
must be such that all components including compute, network and storage must
scale horizontally to ensure that additional resources (compute, storage, network
etc.) can be added as and when needed to achieve required scale.
7. Security - The security services will cover the user profile management, authentication
and authorization aspects of security control. This service run across all the layers since
service components from different layers will interact with the security components. All
public contents should be made available to all users without authentication. The
service will authenticate users and allows access to other features of the envisaged
application for which the user is entitled to.
The system should be designed to provide the appropriate security levels commiserate with
the domain of operation. Also the system will ensure data confidentiality and data integrity.
The application system should have the following
 A secure solution should be provided at the hardware infrastructure level, software
level, and access level.
 Authentication, Authorization & Access Control: 3 factors (User ID & Password,
Biometric, and Digital Signature) security mechanisms should be implemented to
enable secure login and authorized access to portal information and services.
 Encryption Confidentiality of sensitive information and data of users and
portal information should be ensured.

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 Appropriate mechanisms, protocols, and algorithms necessary to protect sensitive
and confirmation data and information both during communication and storage
should be implemented.
 Data security policies and standards to be developed and adopted across the Smart
City departments and systems
 In order to adequately provide access to secured information, security needs must
be identified and developed at the data level. Database design must consider and
incorporate data integrity requirements.
 Role based access for all the stake holders envisaged to access and use the system
 Appropriate authentication mechanism adhering to industry good practice of
Password Policies etc.
 Ability to adopt other authentication mechanism such as Electronic Signature
 Authorization validity to be ensured for the users providing the Data to the system.
Data should be accepted only from the entity authorized
 Data should be visible only to the authorized entity
 Audit trails and Audit logging mechanism to be built in the system to ensure that
user action can be established and can investigated if any can be aided(e.g. Logging
of IP Address etc.)
 Data alterations etc. through unauthorized channel should be prevented.
 Industry good practice for coding of application so as to ensure sustenance to the
Application Vulnerability Assessment
System must implement various measures to achieve this including mechanisms to ensure
security of procurement data, spanning from strong end-to-end encryption of sensitive data,
use of strong PKI national standards encryption, use of HSM (Hardware Security Module)
appliances, physical security, access control, network security, stringent audit mechanism,
24x7 monitoring, and measures such as data partitioning and data encryption.
Activities such as anti-spoofing (no one should be able to masquerade for inappropriate
access), anti-sniffing (no one should be able get data and interpret it), anti-tampering (no
one should be able to put/change data which was not meant to be put/changed) should be
taken care for data in transit, as well as data at rest, from internal and external threats.

8. User Interface - The architecture and application solutions to be designed should

promote simplicity and ease of use to the end users while still meeting business
requirements. It should provide a simpler and more cost-effective solution. Reduces
development time and makes the solution easier to maintain when changes in
requirements occur.
This will be accomplished by the implementation of rich User Interfaces along with its
integration with the DMS, Relational Data Store, Messaging and other external applications.
 Efficient and layout design are the key considerations that enhance usability which
should be factored in while designing the application. Standard and consistent
usability criteria must be defined. An intuitive, user friendly, well-articulated

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navigation method for the applications greatly enhances the usability of the
 Effective information dissemination
 Enhanced functionalities including personalized delivery of content, collaboration
and enriching GUI features.
 Mobile Application Platform
- Applications and services including all appropriate channels such as
SMS/USSD/IVRS and development of corresponding mobile applications to the
applications and services leveraging the Mobile Service Delivery Gateway (MSDG)
and Mobile App Store.
- Application platform should support the following smart phone mobile OS (Android
4.0 and above, iOS 4, 5 and above, Windows Phone OS 8.0 and above, Mobile Web
- Support the target packaging components like (Mobile Website, Hybrid App, Native
App, Web App and Application Development, Eclipse tooling platforms)
- Support the ability to write code once and deploy on multiple mobile operating
- Support integration with native device API
- Support utilization of all native device features
- Support development of applications in a common programing language
- Support integration with mobile vendor SDKs for app development and testing
- Support HTML5, CSS3, JS features for smartphone devices
- Support common protocol adapters for connection to back office systems (i.e. HTTP,
HTTPS, SOAP, XML for format)
- Support JSON to XML or provide XHTML message transformations
- Support multi-lingual and language internalization
- Support encrypted messaging between server and client components

9. Reliability- This is a very crucial system and data are of high sensitivity, the data
transfer and data management should be reliable to keep the confidence of the
stakeholders. The system should have appropriate measures to ensure processing
reliability for the data received or accessed through the application.
It may be necessary to mainly ensure the following
 Prevent processing of duplicate incoming files/data
 Unauthorized alteration to the Data uploaded in the SSCDL/SMC system should be
 Ensure minimum data loss(expected zero data loss)

10. Manageability - It is essential that the application architecture handles different

failures properly; be it a hardware failure, network outage, or software crashes. The
system must be resilient to failures and have the ability to restart, and make human
intervention minimal.

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All layers of the system such as application, infrastructure must be managed through
automation and proactive alerting rather than using 100’s of people manually managing.
The entire application must be architected in such a way that every component of the system
is monitored in a non-intrusive fashion (without affecting the performance or functionality
of that component) and business metrics are published in a near real-time fashion. This
allows data centre operators to be alerted proactively in the event of system issues and
highlight these issues on a Network Operations Centre (NoC) at a granular level. The solution
should be envisaged to utilize various tools and technologies for management and
monitoring services. There should be management and monitoring tools to maintain the

11. Availability - The solution design and deployment architecture will ensure that the
application can be deployed in a centralized environment offering system High
Availability and failover.
The solution should meet the following availability requirements
 Load Balanced across two or more Web Server avoiding single point of failure
 Deployment of multiple application instances should be possible
 Distributed or load balanced implementation of application to ensure that
availability of services is not compromised at any failure instance.

12. SLA driven solution - Data from connected smart devices to be readily available
(real-time), aggregated, classified and stored, so as not to delay the business processes
of monitoring and decision making, and will enable appropriate timely sharing across
the Smart City organization.
Readily available and consumed device data will facilitate timely access of analytics reports
at every level and department of the Smart City and provide timely analysis of data as well as
monitoring of KPIs through SLAs resulting in effective service delivery and improved
decision making.

13. Reconstruction of truth - System should not allow database/system administrators

to make any changes to data. It should ensure that the data and file (data at rest) that is
kept in the systems has tamper resistance capacity and source of truth (original data of
invoices and final returns) could be used to reconstruct derived data such as ledgers and
system generated returns. System should be able to detect any data tampering through
matching of hash value and should be able to reconstruct the truth.
 Services/solutions should be flexible and extensible to respond to, accommodate
and adapt to changing business needs and unanticipated requirements easily.
Consolidate and simplify technology applications wherever possible to minimize
complexity. Ongoing application, database and server consolidation may be
 Software should use meta-data to configure itself (using declarations rather than

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 Avoid proprietary solutions and technologies if possible. Consider adhering to latest
industry best practices and technical standards.
 The infrastructure should support an environment that allows applications to start
small, grow quickly, and operate inexpensively. An adaptable infrastructure
provides the capability to add to the current infrastructure with minimum
inconvenience to the user.
 The IT architecture should be designed to support the overall SLA requirements
around scalability, availability and performance.
 Each application should be performance tested to identify performance issues. The
potential performance bottlenecks need to be identified and cost-effective paths for
performance improvements should be provided for these identified problem areas.
 The system infrastructure should be architected considering failover requirements
and should ensure that a single server or network link failure does not bring down
the entire system.
 The system should be reliable handling every request and yield a response. It should
handle error and exception conditions effectively.

14. Integration Architecture - This section recommends the proposed integration

architecture aligning with the overarching architectural principles.The following are the
integration specifications for the various integration scenarios –

Real-time integration
All the Smart City applications will be deployed in the Data Centre while any external
application of the Smart City ecosystem will reside in outside premises.
The need for a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) is felt that will facilitate SSCDL/SMC in
defining an enterprise integration platform. An SOA platform will help in data exchange
across applications in real-time mode (both synchronous and asynchronous), promote loose
coupling with ease of maintenance and change, facilitate rapid composition of complex
services, achieve scalability through modularity, and improved business visibility.
SOA is an architectural style that allows the integration of heterogeneous applications &
users into flexible service delivery architecture. Discrete business functions contained in
enterprise applications could be organized as layers of interoperable, standards-based
shared "services" that can be combined, reused, discovered and leveraged by other
applications and processes.
The following are the various integration modes and techniques that could be leveraged -
 SOAP web service based interfacing technique will be leveraged as the real-time point
to point synchronous integration mode with external or third party systems. The
following integration points could be considered for SOAP web service based interfacing
o Payment gateway of the authorized banks to enable authorized users make financial
transactions for the Smart City services availed by them. This should support a
unified interface to integrate with all Payment Service Providers using web services
over secured protocols.

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o SMS application, acting as the SMS Gateway, will make use of APIs for SMS
communication to GSM network using the GSM modem, which can be both event-
driven as well as time-driven. The API will be exposed to initiate the broadcasting
or alert notification.
o Social Media Apps and NoSQL data stores to exchange photos, videos and message
feeds, based on interactions with Citizens and Business as well as comments/posts
to inform stakeholders
o IVR/Customer Support solution with ERP and Transactional Data Repository to
exchange citizen and business demographic, registration and payment data as well
as transactional data related to citizen services and municipal operations.
 Message based interfacing technique will be leveraged for real-time asynchronous
integration mode. The following integration points could be considered for message
based interfacing -
o Central LDAP with ERP to synchronize member and employee user registration
o Payment solution and ERP to exchange payment data for tracking of beneficiary’s
payment transactions against different services (citizen, workers, transporter,
vendor), master data (employee, vendor/supplier, location, facilities, price table)
o Employee attendance data with ERP (HR Module) to capture data pertaining to
employee location and attendance
o Departmental applications with ERP (Asset Management module) to exchange data
for procurement and maintenance of any assets or infrastructure items for each
o Municipal operations application with ERP (Material Management module) to
capture materials related transaction and inventory data for public works
o Other government applications with Smart City application to exchange data for
government procurement, public health schemes, welfare schemes, citizen health,
 RESTful API service based interfacing technique will be leveraged for the following
integration areas-
o Access and use of various services provided by the different departments for citizens
and business community will be done through a RESTful, stateless API layer.
o Access and use of various internal functions related to operations and
administration of Smart City for departmental and SSCDL/SMC employees will be
done through a RESTful, stateless API layer
 Data integration in batch mode will be through ETL. The following integration points
could be considered for ETL based data integration -
o Initial data migration to cleanse, validate and load the data extracted from source
systems into target tables
o Data load from all the individual transactional systems like ERP, Grievance
Redressal to central enterprise data warehouse solution for aggregation, mining,
dashboard reporting and analytics.
Process Integration layer of the SSCDL/SMC solution will automate complex business
processes or provide unified access to information that is scattered across many systems.
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Process Integration will provide a clean separation between the definition of the process in
the process model, the execution of the process in the process manager, and the
implementation of the individual functions in the applications. This separation will allow the
application functions to be reused in many different processes.
An enterprise service bus (ESB) is a software architecture model used for designing and
implementing the interaction and communication between mutually interacting software
applications in Service Oriented Architecture. As software architecture model for distributed
computing it is a variant of the more general client server software architecture model and
promotes strictly asynchronous message oriented design for communication and interaction
between applications. Its primary use is in Enterprise Application Integration of
heterogeneous and complex landscapes. Following are the requirement for an ESB system:
 The solution should support static/deterministic routing, content-based routing, rules-
based routing, and policy-based routing, as applicable in various business cases.
 The solution should have capabilities to receive input message in heterogeneous formats
from various different systems, interpret those messages, process and transform those
messages to generate output and feed them to various different clients as per formats
o The solution should have features to communicate across different services, process
them and expose as single aggregate service to facilitate business functionality
o ESB should support SOA standards such as XML, XSLT, BPEL, web services
standards and messaging standards.
o ESB should support all industry standards interfaces for interoperability between
different systems
There are four integration gateways envisaged as part of the solution design. The key
requirements with respect to each of these are mentioned below:

SMS Gateway: SMS services are envisaged to be made available as part of the solution
design. The service provider may integrate the solution with SMS gateway available at
SMC/SSCDL, and use the services available through it, or deploy its own SMS Gateway
services at no extra charge to SMC, but it is a mandatory requirement that all the SMS based
services (alerts and notifications) should be available as part of the solution. Following are
some of the key requirements for the SMS services through the solution:
 Should contain required details/information and targeted to the applicant or designated
officers of tax departments and other stakeholders and users as per prevailing TRAI
 Facilitate access through access codes for different types of services
 Support automated alerts that allows to set up triggers that will automatically send out
 Provide provision for International SMS
 Provide provision to receive messages directly from users
 Provide provision for personalized priority messages
 Resend the SMS in case of failure of the message
 Provide messaging templates
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Email Services: Email services are envisaged to be made available as part of the solution
design to send alerts/intimations/automated messages to registered email ids, based on
preferences set up/opted by individual users. An authenticated SMTP mail service (also
known as a SMTP relay or smart host) is envisaged to be integrated with the solution for
sending mail from the solution, and delivered to intended inbox. Support antispam features.

Payment Gateway: The solution is envisaged to have integration with payment gateways,
to enable authorized Users make financial transactions, as per rights and privileges provided
to him/her. The service provider is required to make the provisions for integration with such
third party gateways and provide payment services, as per requirement of the SSCDL/SMC.
Some of the key features of payment gateway are mentioned below:
 Should support secure integration with Payment Service Providers
 Should support a unified interface to integrate with all Payment Service Providers
 Should support integration with Payment Service Providers using web services and over
HTTP/S protocol
 Should manage messages exchange between UI and payment service providers
 Should support beneficiary’s payment transactions tracking against various services
 Should support bank accounts reconciliation
 Should provide logs for all transactions performed through the Payment Gateway for
future financial dispute resolution that might arise between entities and either
beneficiaries or Payment Service Providers
 Should maintain and keep transactions logs for time period required and specified by
the financial regulations followed in country
 Should support redundant Payment Discovery
 Should submit Periodic Reconciliation Report to government entities
 Should support transaction reports to monitor and track payments
 Should support real-time online credit card authorization for merchants
 Should support compliance with emerging trends and multiple payment options such
debit card, credit card, cash cards and other payment gateways
 Should provide fraud screening features
 Should support browser based remote administration
 Should support multicurrency processing and settlement directly to merchant account
 Should support processing of one-time or recurring transactions using tokenization
 Should support real time integration with SMS and emails

IVR Services: IVR services are envisaged as part of Call Centre facility, which will be
integrated with the solution, to provide information and services to the people who would
contact the Call Centre: Some of the key features of the IVR services are mentioned below:
 Should provide multi-lingual content support in English,Hindi and Gujarati.
 Should facilitate access through access codes for different types of services
 Should support Web Service Integration

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 Should support Dual Tone Multi Frequency (DTMF) using telephone touchpad - in-
band and out-of-band
 Should support for Voice Extensible Markup Language (VoiceXML)
 Should support speech recognition that interprets spoken words as texts (Advanced
Speech Recognition).
 Should support playing of pre-recorded sounds
 Should support redirection to human assistance, as per defined rules
 Should be able to generate Data Records – (CDRs) and have exporting capabilities to
other systems
 Should provide provision for voice mailbox and voice recognition
There are multiple ways of integration of the solution with other systems is envisaged. These
may be through Web Services, Message Queuing, File based or API based. The integration
and data sharing mechanism may be either in Batch Mode or Needs basis (synchronous or
asynchronous). Some of the key requirements of the interface/integration are mentioned
- Interface Definition
- Interface Owner
- Interface Type
- Interface Format
- Frequency
- Source System
- API/Service/Store Procedure
- Entitlement Service
- Consuming System
- Interface Layout (or) Schema
 Should have provision for exceptional scenarios
 Should have syntax details such as data type, length, mandatory/option, default values,
range values etc.
 Error code should be defined for every validation or business rule
 Inputs and outputs should be defined
 Should be backward compatible to earlier datasets
 Data exchange should provide transactional assurance
 Response time and performance characteristics should be defined for data exchange
 The failover scenarios should be identified
 Data exchange should be auditable

15. Infrastructure Security - The following focused initiatives to discover and remedy
security vulnerabilities of the IT systems of SSCDL/SMC Smart City should be
considered to proactively prevent percolation of any threat vectors -
 Deploy anti-virus software to all workstations and servers to reduce the likelihood of
security threats;

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 Deploy perimeter security technologies e.g. enterprise firewalls to reduce the likelihood
of any security threat;
 Deploy web content filtering solutions to prevent threats from compromised websites
to help identify and block potentially risky web pages;
 Install enterprise-level e-mail anti-security software to reduce vulnerability to phishing
and other e-mail security spams. This would check both incoming and outgoing
messages to ensure that spam messages are not being transmitted if a system becomes
 Perform periodic scanning of the network to identify system level vulnerabilities
 Establish processes for viewing logs and alerts which are critical to identify and track
threats and compromises to the environment. The granularity and level of logging must
be configured to meet the security management requirements.
 Deploy technology to actively monitor and manage perimeter and internal information
 Deploy network Intrusion Detection System (IDS) on the perimeter and key points of
the network and host IDS to critical systems. Establish process to tune, update, and
monitor IDS information.
 In case of cloud deployment, cloud services can be disrupted by DDoS attacks or
misconfiguration errors which have the potential to cascade across the cloud and
disrupt the network, systems and storage hosting the cloud application.
 Deploy security automation techniques like automatic provisioning of firewall policies,
privileged accounts, DNS, application identity etc.

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14 Annexure II- Functional requirements of ICCC
14.1 Objectives
1. The vision of the ICCC is to have an integrated view of all the smart initiatives undertaken
by SMC/SSCDL/ Other City based Organisations, with the focus to serve as a decision
support engine for city administrators in day to day operations as well as during exigency
situations. This dynamic response to situations, both pre-active and re-active will truly make
the city operations “SMART”.
2. ICCC involves leveraging on the information provided by various departments and
providing a comprehensive response mechanism for the day-to-day challenges across the
city. ICCC shall be a fully integrated, web-based solution that provides seamless incident –
response management, collaboration and geo-spatial display.
3. ICCC shall facilitate the viewing and controlling mechanism for the selected field locations
in a fully automated environment for optimized monitoring, regulation and enforcement of
services. The smart city ICCC shall be accessible by operators and concerned authorized
entities with necessary authentication credentials.
4. Various smart elements should be able to use the data and intelligence gathered from
operations of other elements so that civic services are delivered lot more efficiently and in
an informed fashion.
5. The licenses to be procured for ICCC Application should be perpetual and enterprise level
with no limit in terms of number of uses cases/domains/IOT devices/integration interfaces.

14.2 Functional and Technical Specification for CCC Software

# Functions Minimum Specifications Bidder Compliance
1. Solution & The Command & Control solution should be
Platform Commercial-of-the-shelf (COTS) product.
2. The Command & Control solution should comply
with industry open standards.
3. Must have built-in fault tolerance, load balancing
and high availability.
4. Proposed solution shall be available with complete
transparency including operation manuals, help
documents and source code for customization.
5. CCC Solution (consisting of Application, Database
and any other component) must not be restricted by
the license terms of the OEM from scaling out on
sensors or number of cores or processors or servers
or no. of domain systems or use cases, etc. during
future expansion.

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# Functions Minimum Specifications Bidder Compliance
6. CCC Solution must provide a comprehensive API
(Application Program Interface) or SDK (Software
Development’s Kit) to allow interfacing and
integration with third party systems/application
and sensors.
7. The solution should be network and protocol
agonistic and provide option to connect various
domain systems / devices through API’s, DB
Connectors, Message broker etc. with either read,
write or both options. It should connect diverse on
premise and/or cloud platform’s and makes it easy
to exchange data and services between them.
8. The platform should be able to normalize the data
coming from different devices of same type (e.g.
Different lighting sensor from different OEMs,
different energy meters from different OEMs etc.)
and provide secure access to that data using data
API(s) to application developers
9. Convergence of System need to have provision to integrate various
Multiple feeds / services and should enable to monitor and operate
services them.
System should have capability to source data from
various systems implemented in Surat City to create
actionable intelligence
10. Compliance to / The solution should adhere to the Industry
Support for standards for interoperability, data representation
Industry & exchange, aggregation, virtualization and
Standards for the flexibility
11. Command & IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL) standards for
Control Centre Standard Operations Plan & Resource Management
12. Geo Spatial Standards like GML & KML etc.
13. Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) or
equivalent for KPI Monitoring.
14. Command & Solution should provide web-based, one-stop
Control Centre portals to event information, overall status, and
Components details. The user interface (UI) to present
customized information in various preconfigured
views in common formats. All information to be
displayed through easy-to-use dashboards.

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# Functions Minimum Specifications Bidder Compliance
15. Solution to provide a set of services for accessing
and visualizing data. Should be able to import data
from disparate external sources, such as databases
and files. It should provide the contacts and instant
messaging service to enable effective, real-time
communication. It should provide business
monitoring service to monitor incoming data
records to generate key performance indicators. It
should also provide the users to view key
performance indicators, standard operating
procedures, notifications, and reports, spatial-
temporal data on a geospatial map, or view specific
details that represent a city road, building or an area
either on a location map, or in a list view. The
application server should provide security services
that ensure only authorized users and groups can
access data.
16. Incident The system must provide Incident Management
Management Services to facilitate the management of response
Requirements and recovery operations:
17. Should support comprehensive reporting on event
status in real time manually or automatically by a
sensor/CCTV video feeds.
18. Should support for sudden critical events and
linkage to standard operating procedures
automatically without human intervention.
19. Should support for multiple incidents with both
segregated and/or overlapping management and
response teams.
20. Should support Geospatial rendering of event and
incident information.
21. Should support plotting of area of impact using
polynomial lines to divide the area into multiple
zones on the GIS maps.
22. Should support incorporation of resource database
for mobilizing the resources for response.
23. Should provide facility to capture critical
information such as location, name, status, time of
the incident and be modifiable in real time by
multiple authors with role associated permissions
(read, write). Incidents should be captured in
standard formats to facilitate incident correlation
and reporting.
24. The system must identify and track status of critical
infrastructure / resources and provide a status
overview of facilities and systems

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# Functions Minimum Specifications Bidder Compliance
25. Should provide detailed reports and summary views
to multiple users based on their roles.
26. A Reference Section in the tool must be provided for
posting, updating and disseminating plans,
procedures, checklists and other related
27. Provide User-defined forms as well as Standard
Incident Command Forms for incident
28. Integrated User Should provide integrated dashboard with an easy
Specific & to navigate user interface for managing profiles,
Customizable groups, message templates, communications,
Dashboard tracking receipts and compliance
29.  Collects major information from other
integrated City sensors/platforms.
 Should allow different inputs beyond cameras,
such as, PC screen, web page, and other external
devices for rich screen layout
 Multi-displays configurations
 Use of, GIS tool which allows easy map editing
for wide area monitoring (Google map, Bing
map, ESRI Arc GIS map, etc.).
30. Should provide tools to assemble personalized
dashboard views of information pertinent to
incidents, emergencies & operations of command
31. Should provide historical reports, event data &
activity log. The reports can be exported to pdf or
html formats.
32. Should provide dashboard filtering capabilities that
enable end-users to dynamically filter the data in
their dashboard based upon criteria, such as region,
dates, product, brands, etc. and capability to drill
down to the details
33. Device Status, Should provide icon based user interface on the GIS
Obstruction map to report non-functional device.
Detection and
34. Should also provide a single tabular view to list all
devices along with their availability status in real
35. Should provide User Interface to publish messages
to multiple devices at the same time.

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# Functions Minimum Specifications Bidder Compliance
36. Event Correlation Command & Control Centre should be able to
correlate two or more events coming from different
subsystems (incoming sensors) based on time,
place, custom attribute and provide correlation
notifications to the operators based on predefined
business and operational rules in the configurable
and customizable rule engine.
37. Standard Command & Control Centre should provide for
Operations authoring and invoking un-limited number of
Procedures (SOP) configurable and customizable standard operating
procedures through graphical, easy to use tooling
38. Standard Operating Procedures should be
established, approved sets of actions considered to
be the best practices for responding to a situation or
carrying out an operation.
39. The users should be able to edit the SOP, including
adding, editing, or deleting the activities.
40. The users should be able to also add comments to or
stop the SOP (prior to completion).
41. There should be provision for automatically logging
the actions, changes, and commentary for the SOP
and its activities, so that an electronic record is
available for after-action review.
42. The SOP Tool should have capability to define the
following activity types:
43. Manual Activity - An activity that is done
manually by the owner and provide details in the
description field.
44. Automation Activity - An activity that initiates
and tracks a particular work order and select a
predefined work order from the list.
45. If-Then-Else Activity - A conditional activity that
allows branching based on specific criteria. Either
enter or select values for Then and Else.

46. Notification Activity - An activity that displays a

notification window that contains an email template
for the activity owner to complete, and then sends
an email notification.
47. SOP Activity - An activity that launches another
standard operating procedure.
48. Key Performance Command & Control Centre should be able to
Indicator facilitate measurement or criteria to assay the

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# Functions Minimum Specifications Bidder Compliance
condition or performance of departmental
processes & policies.

49. Green indicates that the status is acceptable, based

on the parameters for that KPI, no action is
50. Yellow indicates that caution or monitoring is
required, action may be required.
51. Red indicates that the status is critical and action is
52. Reporting Command & Control Centre should provide easy to
Requirements use user interfaces for operators such as Click to
Action, Charting, Hover and Pop Ups, KPIs, Event
Filtering, Drill down capability, Event Capture and
User Specific Setup
53. The solution should generate Customized reports
based on the area, sensor type or periodic or any
other customer reports as per choice of the
54. Collaboration Should provide tools for users to collaborate &
Tools communicate in real-time using instant messaging
55. Communication The solution should adhere to the below mentioned
Requirements communication requirements.
56. Provide the ability to search/locate resources based
on name, department, role, geography, skill etc. for
rapidly assembling a team, across department,
divisions and agency boundaries, during emergency

57. Provide the capability to Invite - Using information

provided during the location of those individuals or
roles, invite them to collaborate and to share
valuable information.
58. Provide a single web based dashboard to send
notifications to target audiences using multiple
communication methods including voice‐based
notification on PSTN/Cellular, SMS, Voice mail, E‐
mail, etc.
59. The solution should provide Dispatch Console
integrates with various communication channels. It
should provide rich media support for incidents,
giving dispatchers the power to consolidate
information relating to an incident and instantly
share that information among responder teams. It
should assess the common operating picture,

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# Functions Minimum Specifications Bidder Compliance
identify & dispatch mobile resources available
nearby the incident location. Augment resources
from multiple agencies for coordinated response.

60. Authentication Use authentication information to authenticate

individuals and/or assign roles.
61. Instant Provide ability to converse virtually through the
messaging exchange of text, audio, and/or video based
information in real time with one or more
individuals within the emergency management
62. Events and Should provide the capability for the events that are
Directives control produced from a sub- system and are forwarded to
the Command & Control Centre. Events could be a
single system occurrence or complex events that are
correlated from multiple systems. Events could be
ad hoc, real-time, or predicted and could range in
severity from informational to critical. At the
Command & Control Centre, the event should be
displayed on an operations dashboard and analysed
to determine a proper directive.
63. Directives issued by the Command & Control Centre
should depend on the severity of the monitored
event. Directives will be designed and modified
based on standard operating procedures, as well as
state legislation. A directive could be issued
automatically via rules, or it could be created by the
operations team manually.
64. What-if Analysis The solution should provide the capability to
Tool manage the emergencies and in-turn reducing risks,
salvaging resources to minimize damages and
recovering the assets that can speed up recovery.
65. To take proactive decisions that help minimize risks
and damages, the solution should provide Analytical
and Simulation systems as part of the Decision
Support System. The solution should help simulate
what if scenarios. It should help visualize
assets/resources at risk due to the pending/ongoing
incident, should render impacted region on a
GIS/3D map. The solution should help build the list
of assets, their properties, location and their
interdependence through an easy to use Graphical
User Interface. When in What if Analysis mode the
solution should highlight not only the primary asset
impacted but also highlight the linked assets which
will be impacted. The user should be able to run the

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# Functions Minimum Specifications Bidder Compliance
What-if Analysis mode for multiple types of
emergency events such as Bomb Blast, Weather
events, Accidents etc.
66. Resource and The system should provide the software component
Route for the message broadcast and notification solution
Optimisation that allows authorized personal and/or business
processes to send large number of messages to
target audience (select-call or global or activation of
pre-programmed list) using multiple
communication methods including SMS, Voice
(PSTN/Cellular), Email, etc.
67. Alert & Mass Provide a single web based dashboard to
Notification create/generate and send notifications/alert to
Requirements target audiences using multiple communication
methods including voice-based notification on
PSTN/Cellular, SMS, Pager, Voice mail, E-mail, etc.
68. Provide Role based security model with Single-Sign-
On to allow only authorized users to access and
administer the alert and notification system.
69. Security & Access Provide comprehensive protection of web content
Control and applications on back-end application servers, by
performing authentication, credential creation and
70. Internet Security Comprehensive policy-based security
administration to provide all users specific access
based on user's responsibilities. Maintenance of
authorization policy in a central repository for
administration purposes.
71. Authorization Should support to enable assignment of permissions
to groups, and administration of access control
across multiple applications and resources. Secure,
web-based administration tools to manage users,
groups, permissions and policies remotely
72. User group Provide policies using separate dimensions of
authorization criteria like Traditional static Access
Control Lists that describe the principals (users and
groups) access to resource and the permissions each
of these principals possess.
73. Provide multi- SSO to Web-based applications that can span
dimensional multiple sites or domains with a range of SSO
access control options.
74. Flexible single Support LDAP authentication mechanism
sign-on (SSO)
75. Authentication Should have ability to respond to real-time data with
intelligent & automated decisions

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# Functions Minimum Specifications Bidder Compliance
76. Rule Engine & Should provide an environment for designing,
Optimization developing, and deploying business rule
applications and event applications.
77. The ability to deal with change in operational
systems is directly related to the decisions that
operators are able to make
78. Should have at-least two complementary decision
management strategies: business rules and event
79. Situational  The CCA should be able to combine data from
Awareness COP various sources and present it as different
(Common views tailored to different operator’s needs.
Operational  The CCA should automatically update the
Picture) information based on alarms and incidents
that are presented to it via the business rules
engine. The polling and CCA database refresh
cycle shall be configurable to match the
status of the situation (whether there is an
emergency or crisis or just monitoring only).
 Common Operational Picture should
comprise of a comprehensive view of the
incident or a group of related incidents as on
a specific date and time which should include
but not be limited to the following:
- Tasks assignment and their status
- Agencies involved
- Resources deployed
- Incident status across relevant
parameters of the incident e.g.
household affected by a transformer
shut down
- Timeline view of the situation
Suggested actions from the system with their status
80. Task  The system should be able to create, assign,
Management track and report on the lifecycle of tasks
during a particular incident.
 The system should allow a particular task
to be decomposed into sub-tasks.
 The system should provide an easy to
interpret management dashboard view of
the progress of all tasks during an incident.
 The system should be able to organise the
visual representation of tasks into
prioritized list, filtered list, as well as colour
coded representation for ease of

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# Functions Minimum Specifications Bidder Compliance
 The system should be able to perform the
following functions around task
- Create a task with unique ID. (Subtasks
shall follow parent ID with second level
- Assign a target completion date and
time for the task, either directly or as a
time-span from the task’s creation.
- Date and time stamp of the creation of
the task.
- Log and track status of tasks. System
should provide capability to define
status of tasks during its lifecycle.
These status definitions could be
mapped to other task attributes such as
the task type.
- Key-word search against task list.

 The above attributes shall be colour coded.

 The system shall allow the tasks to be
filtered on the real-time dashboard by
agency then by task status. This filtering
should allow an operator to filter for all
tasks of a particular state or a combination
of state; and by the time remaining until (or
time elapsed since) the target completion
 The system should allow multiple
individual workstations to select specific
agencies of interest on each workstation
 The system should allow the SSCDL/SMC
to display all agencies’ tasks
simultaneously as well.
 The tasks should be displayed on a real-
time timeline.
The criticality of tasks should be dynamically
changed depending on the performance of the
incident response.
81. Timeline and  The system should provide a facility to see
Charting incidents and actions (tasks) added to the
CCA in a tabular list form as well as Gantt
chart format filtered by day, week, month,
year or any specific date range.

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# Functions Minimum Specifications Bidder Compliance
 The system should provide a facility to see
incidents, actions and interdependencies
between actions in a clear visual graphical
 The system should be able to filter the
information based on at least the following
- Incident information
- Resources information
- Agency type
- Tasks
- Criticality or priority
82. GIS Display  Shall view the environment through
geospatial or fixed composite computer-
generated (JPEG, BMP, AutoCAD, etc.)
 Should allow user to view sensor and
related name from the displayed map
 Should allow all resources, objects, sensors
and elements on the map to be
geo-referenced such that they have a real
world coordinate.
 Should visually display a camera sensor
with related camera orientation, camera
range and camera field of view angle.
 Should visually display an alarming sensor
on map
 Should visually differentiate sensor alarm
severities on map through different color
and icon identifiers
 Should immediately view alarm details
(including description, video, etc.) and
investigate the alarm from the map
 Should allow user to choose camera and
other sensors from map to view live video
and the data
 Should allow user to choose camera and
take live video image snapshot and save to
file from any camera
 Should allow user to choose camera from
map to move PTZ cameras
 Should allow user to choose camera to
play, pause, stop, fast-forward, rewind,
and play recorded video from preset time
 Should allow user to choose camera and
take recorded video image snapshot and
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# Functions Minimum Specifications Bidder Compliance
save to file or print from any live or
recorded video
 Should allow user to jump from one map to
the next with a single click of a mouse with
map links
 Should allow map information “layers” to
be displayed/hidden on items such as –
- Sensor names
- Sensors
- Sensor range (e.g. camera –
orientation, range, field of view angle)
- Locations and zones
- Perimeter ranges
- Resource tracks
Allow user to zoom in/out on different regions of
map graphic
83. Video Display  Shall view live or recorded video from
resizable and movable windows
 Should have an ability to perform video
controls for video systems from
 Shall play, fast-forward, rewind, pause, and
specify time to play recorded video
 Shall take a video still image (snapshot)
from live or recorded video
 Shall export video for user specified time
and duration
 Shall have the capability to move PTZ
 Shall view Video in Video Matrix
 Shall display in 1x1, 2x2, 3x3 and 4x4
window formats
 Shall enable operator to specify video
windows to be displayed in matrix
 Shall enable matrix settings to be saved per
 Shall view either live or recorded video can
be displayed in the video matrix window.
 Shall enable video snapshot to be taken and
saved from any window pane in the matrix
 Shall rotate video in “virtual” video guard
 Shall rotate through multiple video views
based on predefined video camera
sequence and duration.
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# Functions Minimum Specifications Bidder Compliance
 Shall enable the user to pause the rotation
of video and resume the video rotation
 Shall enable times between new video to be
 Shall enable both live video and recorded
video to be played through the video guard
 Shall enable alarms to be generated from
any video pane
 Shall enable user to only view and
control video for which they have been
assigned permissions by the administrator
 Shall manually create an alarm from the
live or recorded video with specified
severity and description
84. Alarm Display  Should have an ability to display alarm
condition through visual display and
audible tone
 Should have an ability to simultaneously
handle multiple alarms from multiple
 Should have an ability to automatically
prioritize and display multiple alarms and
status conditions according to pre-defined
parameters such as alarm type, location,
sensor, severity, etc.
 Should display the highest priority alarm
and associated data / video in the queue
as default, regardless of the arrival
85. Historical Alarm  Should have an ability to view historical
Handling alarms details even after the alarm has
been acknowledged or closed.
 Should have an ability to sort alarms
according to date/time, severity, type, and
sensor ID or location.
86. Alarm Reporting  Should have an ability to generate a full
incident report of the alarm being
 Should have an ability to display report on
monitor and print report
 Should have details of alarm including
 severity, time/date, description and

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# Functions Minimum Specifications Bidder Compliance
 Captured video image snapshots
 Relevant sensor data such as SCADA
 Response instructions
 Alarm activities (audit trail)
 Should have an ability to export alarm
report in various formats including pdf,
jpeg, html, txt, and mht formats
 Should have an ability to generate an alarm
incident package including the full incident
report and exported sensor data from the
incident in a specific folder location.
87. Alarm Policies  The CCA solution should have the
and Business following ability to handle the workflow
Logic alarms through graphical user interface.
Administration  Should have an ability to match keywords
or text from the alarming subsystem’s
incident description to raise an alarm using
criteria including exact match, exact NOT
match, contains match, wildcard match
and regularly expression match (such as
forced door alarm, denied access, door
open too long, etc.)
 Should have an ability to optionally match
alarming subsystem’s incident status,
incident severity, and sensor type
 Should have an ability to apply any alarm
policy to one or more monitoring area(s) or
zone(s) without having to reapplying the
policy multiple times.
 Should have an ability to apply any alarm
policy to one or more sensors without
having to reapply the policy multiple times.
 Should have an ability to assign specific
actions for each alarm
 Should have an ability to activate or
deactivate alarms as required
 Should have an ability to create exceptions
 Should Create batch-wise rules and process
 Should Check and rectify logical errors and
contradictory rules
 Should have an ability to schedule
execution of rules

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# Functions Minimum Specifications Bidder Compliance
 Should Suspend or Terminate the
application of rule
 Should archive unused or deactivated rules

14.3 Mobile App for Field Staff

The ICCC Solution shall have a field level Mobile App with following features for both Android and
iOS platform:

 Assignment of tasks/issues to field staff based on the category, location, department, zone
 Field staff should be able to manage and close any task/issues using the App.
 The app should have facility to upload a geo-tagged & time-stamped photograph and remarks
text, from mobile device.
 The Mobile App shall a have the facility to view the various dashboard based on user access
 Mobile App shall provide push notifications to field staff in parallel to SMS and email.

14.4 Integration Required

 The ICCC will aggregate various data feeds from sensors and systems and further process
information out of these data feeds to provide interface /dashboards for generating alert and
notifications in real time.
 The CCC would also equip city administration to respond quickly and effectively to emergency
or disaster situation in city through Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and step-by-step
instructions. The CCC shall support and strengthen coordination in response to
incidents/emergencies/crisis situations.
 Single Dashboard for City Infrastructure Management & Smart City Services for Smart Sensors,
Smart Lighting, Smart Parking System, GIS Services and Other Services of Municipality work
visualized real time on 2D/3D map of City. This dashboard can be accessed via web application
as well as mobile app. The various information that may be accessed from the system but not
limited to are as below:
 Visual alerts generated by any endpoint that is part of the city infrastructure e.g.
Surveillance cameras, City lights or any other sensors that manages various city
management use cases.
 Access information of water management (SCADA) resources
 Information about waste management resources
 Integration with ERP System for various administrative and financial dashboards
(including GIS based integration).
 City environmental data
 Take action based on events generated by any city infrastructure device

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 The system shall provide reporting & audit trail functionalities to track all the information and
monitor operator interactions with the system and to impart necessary training to the users.

14.5 Use cases for ICCC Implementation

The ICCC Solution should be capable to develop use cases for various domain pertaining to ULB
function. It shall be flexible enough to add any other domain system as and when required in future.

 Civic Utilities  Safety and Surveillance

- Water  Emergency and Crisis Management
- Solid Waste  Convergence
- Sewerage & Drainage - ERP
- Roads - GIS
- Street Light - Call Center
- Property Tax - Notification Gateway
- Health Services - Mobile Apps
 Mobility Services - Websites
- Public Transport - Messaging Display
- Traffic - Public Address System
- Public Parking
- Public Cycle Sharing

Brief description of the above is as under:

1. City Utilities and Civic Services: These primarily include civic services provided by the
urban local body (ULB) to cater to daily needs of citizens in general. The CCC solution must
integrate & monitor these services at its facility as any disruption in the services and lack of
timely response could lead to poor service delivery. Few basic utilities managed by ULBs are as
a) Water Supply and Waste Water Management: The water supply and its quality
treatment is done by ULBs. Waste water treatment operations are also managed by ULBs.
b) Solid Waste Management: This includes services like residential garbage collection,
construction and debris collection, and recycling of the waste collected and disposal on daily
c) Smart Street Lighting Management: This refers to the management of network of
street lights installed across city limits to ensure safe streets.
d) Environment: It refers to the various sensors installed across city to monitor data from
sensors like pollution sensors, noise sensors, light sensors, etc.

2. City mobility services: These services refer to connectivity services provided by the city for
public to travel from one point to another. It includes provision of connectivity, accessibility
and also public space for parking of vehicles. The three broad domains can be listed as below:
a) Transit Management (connectivity): It refers to management of public transport
vehicles like buses, taxis, and trains etc. which assist public in connecting to various parts
of the city.
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b) Traffic Management (accessibility): This refers to the planning & control of transport
services across city to manage the traffic flow within the city.
c) City Parking Solutions: It refers to the management of public parking spaces in terms of
usage as well as revenue collection.
3. Safety and Security: Primarily the function of police, these refers to operations to enhance
the safety of the public and provide necessary surveillance information to Police for both
reactive and predictive policing. For ULB, the surveillance is needed for public parks, ULB
offices, schools, etc.
4. Crisis Management: These services addresses the major disaster-related events which may
occur in a city affecting city as a whole (e.g. floods) or a part of the city (e.g. fire accident). The
Crisis management operations in a city includes medical services, fire brigade and police which
may need to react either together or in any combinations based upon the type of exigency. Being
an important aspect of city CCC, it is imperative that crisis management should be in place and
properly implemented covering all the possible events which may disrupt either part of or
complete city.
5. Convergence: There are certain enterprise systems/application used by city government to
support city operations. Services like geo-graphical information system (GIS) for the city tags
all the important functions of a ULB on a map providing them a holistic view of the city. Service
like Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is essentially integrated management of core
processes across various services providing real-time, digitized information about the system.
Such services cut across the length and breadth of the core services and thus the offered ICCC
must address the same as it assist city administrators in visualizing information at pan-service
& pan-city level with functionality to drill-down on specific part of the city or specific service if

These services of respective functional use case should be configured with ICCC platform. ICCC
solution should comprises of following component for various use cases:
a) Data Acquisition and Visualization
b) Data Analytics and Co-relation
c) Communication
d) Command and Control

The CCC Solution should be comprised of

a) Sensor Integration for data acquisition and aggregation from edge network in city.
b) Network layer
c) Data center layer
d) Applications layer
e) Data Analytics and Co-relation layer
f) Command Control layer
g) Service delivery layer
h) Security layer

Successful SI will be required to develop use cases pertaining to above mentioned domain
systems with visualization, analytics, communication and control capabilities. Detailed use
case for every domain system will be finalized during requirement gathering post award of
the work. Tentative list of use cases have been defined as under which will be finalized during
requirement gathering phase. As and when the system expands and more applications get added
the SI is required to be open to all such subsequent additions.

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Corresponding feeds/data would be made available from external source-system to be integrated
(i.e. from ERP system, Water SCADA System etc.). The SI must carry out complete integration,
where source-system is part of the current project scope.
# Function Use Case
1. Transit - Monitor the BRTS & City Bus fleet performance in terms of vehicle
utilisation/trip adherence/violations/ridership/etc.
- Identify the vehicles located within the selected region and on selection
show vehicle & driver information
- Configure thresholds, generate alert and trigger SOP
2. SMC Vehicles - Monitor the fleet utilisation of different SMC vehicles based on the type
of vehicle/zone/department/etc.
- Identify untracked / unused vehicles beyond specified time
- Configure thresholds, generate alert and trigger SOP
3. Water - View WTP wise parameters like water treated/water quality/capacity
utilisation/pumps in operation/etc.
- View total water treated vs total water distributed
- View water quality samples/failed samples
- View and correlate water system parameters with water complaints
- Generate heat map
- The view should allow the facility to change the time scale from 1 hr. to
1 year, with daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly views
- Configure thresholds, generate alert and trigger SOP
4. Street Light - View on and off street lights on the city map
- Control various parameters of the street light at a feeder pillar level
- Generate heat map
- The view should allow the facility to change the time scale from 1 hr. to
1 year, with daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly views
- Configure thresholds, generate alert and trigger SOP
5. Property/Prof - View ward wise/zone wise tax collection efficiency on the city map
ession Tax - View ward wise/zone wise total /current/arrears outstanding on the
- Generate heat map
- Map establishments on city map w.r.t. different parameters like
employees registered, type of establishment, etc.
- The view should allow the facility to change the time scale from 1 hr. to
1 year, with daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly views
- Configure thresholds, generate alert and trigger SOP
6. Shops & Est. - View ward wise/zone wise registration/pending renewal on the city
Registration map
- Map establishments on city map w.r.t. different parameters like
employees registered, type of establishment, etc.
- Generate heat map
- The view should allow the facility to change the time scale from 1 hr. to
1 year, with daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly views
- Configure thresholds, generate alert and trigger SOP
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# Function Use Case
7. Birth/Death - View ward wise/zone wise total/male/female/still births registered
Registration - View hospital wise average time to register birth events/zone office
wise to issue birth certificates
- View ward wise/zone wise gender/age/disease wise deaths registered
- Generate heat map
- The view should allow the facility to change the time scale from 1 hr. to
1 year, with daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly views
- Configure thresholds, generate alert and trigger SOP
8. Nursing Home - View ward wise/zone wise hospitals/dispensaries based on
Registration speciality/bed capacity/ICU facility etc.
- View ward wise/zone wise registered/non-renewed establishments
- Generate heat map
- The view should allow the facility to change the time scale from 1 hr. to
1 year, with daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly views
- Configure thresholds, generate alert and trigger SOP
9. Right to - View zone/civic center wise applications/pending
Service applications/pending applications beyond SLA
Delivery - View zone/civic center wise pendency/average TAT over a period of
- The view should allow the facility to change the time scale from 1 hr. to
1 year, with daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly views
- Configure thresholds, generate alert and trigger SOP
10. Civic - View the aggregate transactions/collection/TAT for a given civic center
Center/Ward on the city map.
- The view should allow the facility to change the time scale from 1 hr. to
1 year, with daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly views
- Configure thresholds, generate alert and trigger SOP
11. Complaint - View category wise /subcategory wise total/pending/pending beyond
Management SLA/reopened/escalated complaint
- View trend for category wise/subcategory wise complaint statistics
over a period of time
- Generate heat map
- The view should allow the facility to change the time scale from 1 hr. to
1 year, with daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly views
- Configure thresholds, generate alert and trigger SOP
12. Project - View the department wise/zone wise/area wise project status in terms
Management of physical/financial progress/delays/status/etc.
System - The view should allow the facility to change the time scale from 1 hr. to
1 year, with daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly views
- Configure thresholds, generate alert and trigger SOP
13. Solid Waste - View zone wise/ward wise D2D vehicle performance
- View total waste/waste type wise collection statics
- View and correlate SWM system parameters with complaints
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# Function Use Case
- The view should allow the facility to change the time scale from 1 hr. to
1 year, with daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly views
- Configure thresholds, generate alert and trigger SOP
14. Connectivity - View connectivity status of all field devices/sensors/locations
superimposed on the city map.
- View the bandwidth utilization of all field devices superimposed on the
city map.
15. Display - View the messages displayed at the Variable Messaging Sign Board
(display boards) in a specific area of the city. The geographical
selection can be in terms of a polygon or could be linear.
- Change the message to be displayed on a specific display board, display
board in an area or across the city.
16. Sensor View NOX/SO2/CO2/O2/etc. levels across the city, view threshold
breaches, and view data superimposed on a map.

14.6 Other Requirements

1. The ICCC will be the nodal point of availability of all online data and information related to
various current and future smart elements and will be connected to other SMC/SSCDL
network of services through an integration layer.
2. The ICCC will be established with all hardware, software and network infrastructure
including switches and routers and will be maintained by the successful bidder throughout
the mentioned period.
3. All required Servers, Storage, Software, Network Switches for entire project shall be
installed in the integrated manner.
4. The controls and displays should be mounted in ergonomically designed consoles to keep
operator fatigue to a minimum and efficiency high.

Security: In no circumstances this data accumulated and processed by Command and Control
should be compromised. Hence provisions will be made to keep all the data stored in this platform
highly secured with required Security framework implementation. The platform will be hosted in
DC Area located within ICCC Building. Further the platform will provide an open standards based
integration Bus with API Management, providing full API lifecycle management with governance
and security.

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15 Annexure III- Technical requirements for ICT
1. The bidder can quote for each item meeting or exceeding the below mentioned
minimum specification. Separate sheet needs to be attached if required.
2. The specification mentioned below are minimum specification. The bidder can
quote the products equivalent or higher depending upon the sizing for the entire
3. The technical spec sheet and the product brochure of the product offered should
also be submitted along with technical bid.
4. In case the space provided is not sufficient then a separate paper as per the format
below can be annexed to the bid. The same must be duly signed and stamped.

15.1 Video Wall Screen

The Video Wall for CCC shall be configured with 14 x 4 matrix formation of the
following Professional Display (TV) Screens of DELTA

# Parameter Minimum Specifications Compliance Remarks, if any

1. Technology DLP Display suitable for use in
video wall
2. Screen Size 70’’ or higher (14x4 matrix)
3. Projection Rear Projection
4. Access Rear Access
5. Lifetime of Minimum 60,000 hrs.
Light Source
6. Resolution 1920 x 1080
Full high definition (1080p) 16:9
Widescreen or 16:10
7. Brightness Minimum 1000 lumens (ANSI)
Minimum onscreen 230 Cd/m2
8. Brightness ≥ 95 %
9. Viewing angle Maximum ± 35° Horizontal / ±
10. Response time 8ms
11. Screen to ≤ 1 mm at all
Screen Gap temperature/humidity
12. Input HDMI and other inputs as per
Video Wall solution offered
13. Control - On Screen Display (OSD)
- IR remote control (Desirable)
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# Parameter Minimum Specifications Compliance Remarks, if any
14. Chip Type Single chip DLP
15. Operations 24 x 7
16. Specify the proposed Make
17. Specify the proposed Model No

15.2 Video Wall Controller (From same Video wall OEM)

# Parameters Minimum Requirements Compliance Remarks, if any
Display Processor
1. Features Supports output up to 1920 * 1200
resolution with 60fps
Supports H.264 decoding
Supports up to 64 windows per
Supports Multicasting Windows
2. Output HDMI 1.3 , Channel -1 , Color
depth 8/10 bit
3. Image High tap filter for image scaling
processing Accurate synchronization for
display wall
Support H.264/H.265/MPEG4
Up to 64 free window per display
Window title with vector texts
Bezel-compensation and overlap
4. Network 1000 MB network with
Should support POE (Desirable)
Supports protocol - DHCP, UDP,
Supports Static IP & Automatic IP
5. MTBF more than 100,000 hours
6. Interface HDMI /DVI-D, RS 232x1, USB x
2,RJ-45 x 2, BNC-F*2 Sync In/Out
7. Operating Temperature: 0-40 degree
Range Centigrade, Humidity - 10 to 90%

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# Parameters Minimum Requirements Compliance Remarks, if any
8. LED LED indicators for Power, Status,
indicator Network.
9. Specify the Make should be same of Video
proposed wall display
10. Specify the
HD Input Processor
11. Features Captures signals up to 1920 * 1200
resolution with 60fps
Supports four windows at any
position and in any size
Supports to loopback progressive
VGA or HDMI input signal
Supports Multicasting Windows
Supports Power-on-
Supports KVM
12. Input DVI -I, Channel -1, Color depth 8
13. Output HDMI 1.3 , Channel -1
14. Network 1000 MB network with
Should support POE (Desirable)
Supports protocol - DHCP, UDP,
Supports Static IP & Automatic IP
15. Image High tap filter for image scaling
processing Accurate synchronization for
display wall
Support 4 window simultaneously
Supports windows multicasting
16. LED LED indicators for Power, Status,
indicator Network.
17. Operating Temperature: 0-40 degree
Range Centigrade, Humidity - 10 to 90%
18. MTBF more than 100,000 hours

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# Parameters Minimum Requirements Compliance Remarks, if any
19. Interface HDMI Type A /DVI-I Type
A/DVID/DP, RS 232 (DB 9), USB
x 2, RJ-45 x 2
20. Specify the Make should be same of Video wall
proposed display
21. Specify the
Video Wall Solution
22. Features  Each input source
(workstation or direct)
shall be connected with an
individual encoder device
using HDMI/DVI/Display
 Each video wall cube to be
connected to the decoder
individually without
looping. Maximum 4 video
wall cubes can be
connected with one
 The encoder and decoder
shall be connected using
separate network cable to
the dedicated network
created for video wall.
 Capability to project one or
more input sources
(workstation or direct) on
the entire or part of the
video wall or on single
 Apart from decoders
required to connect 56
video wall cubes,four
number of decoders with
minimum 1 output to be
provided separately to
project content from video
wall solution to other
output devices like LED
TV, projector, etc
Server Specifications
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# Parameters Minimum Requirements Compliance Remarks, if any
23. CPU Core 2 Du0 2.4G Hz or above
24. Memory 16 GB or above
25. Network 2*1 GbE LAN
26. OS Windows Server 2008/2010 or
27. HDD 2*1TB SAS HDD with RAID – 1
28. Make OEM must be listed in Leader’s
Quadrant of the latest Gartner
Magic Quadrant for Modular
29. Specify the proposed Make
30. Specify the proposed Model No

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15.3 Video Wall Management Software
# Functionality Compliance Remarks, if any
1. Ability to pre-configure and store various
display layouts and access them at any
time with a simple mouse click.
2. Ability to display multiple sources
anywhere on video wall in any size.
3. Ability to configure display layouts in real
time without reboot.
4. Ability to create the display layout in
background without interrupting the live
5. Ability to create and store different
profiles defining one or more source and
size for different scenarios.
6. Application must be GUI based with easy
to use and configure interface.
7. Ability to control the Wall Monitoring
System through remote PC connected by
8. Ability to share the layouts over
LAN/WAN Network with display in
Meeting room or on Remote Workstations
connected on LAN/WAN Network
9. Ability to display the screen content of the
desktop / workstation connected with the
Display Controller on the Display wall.
10. The wall management software should
support open APIs to enable system
integrators to integrate it with their
11. Ability to centrally manage configuration
12. Ability to schedule backup and restore the
configuration parameters.
13. Ability to Drag and Drop of sources.
14. Event log of user access and client access
with time stamp.
15. Role based user creation and

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15.4 49" Curved Monitor for ICCC Operator
# Parameter Minimum Compliance Remarks, if any
Specifications (Yes/No)
1. Screen Size (Diagonal) 48 - 49 Inch
2. ` Technology LED Backlit
3. Resolution (Pixels) Minimum 3840 X 1080
4. Aspect Ratio 32:9
5. Brightness (Nits) 300
6. Native Contrast Ratio 1000 : 1
7. Antiglare Coating Yes
8. Split Screen Feature Yes
9. Inbuilt Speakers Yes
10. Input Ports Minimum 3 ports
(HDMI / Display Port /
11. USB Port Yes
12. Mounting Arrangement Table Mount

13. Operating Humidity 10 - 80%

14. Power Supply 230V AC, 50 Hz
15. Type Of Power Supply In-built
16. Specify the proposed Make
17. Specify the proposed Model No

15.5 Workstations for ICCC Operators

# Parameter Minimum Specifications Compliance Remarks, if any

1. Processor Intel® 8th generation Core™ i7-
8700 Processor (3.20 GHz Base
Frequency/Clock Speed, 12M
Cache, 6 core) or higher
2. Chipset Intel Q370 chipset or better

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# Parameter Minimum Specifications Compliance Remarks, if any
3. Motherboard OEM Motherboard
4. RAM 16 GB DDR4 RAM @ 2666 MHz
or higher with single DIMM,
Minimum 4 DIMM slots and Shall
be expendable to 64 GB
5. Graphics card Graphics card with 4 GB memory
6. HDD Minimum 2 TB SATA III Hard
Disk @7200 RPM or higher
7. Media Drive NO CD / DVD Drive
8. Network 10/100/1000 Mbps autosensing
interface on board integrated RJ-45
Ethernet port.
9. Audio Line/Mic IN, Line-out/Speaker
Out (3.5 mm)
10. USB Ports Minimum 6 USB ports at least 4
USB 3.0 ports (out of that 2 must
be in front)
11. Ports Minimum 3 display output
ports(HDMI/DVI/Display Port)
12. Keyboard 104 keys minimum OEM
13. Mouse 2 button optical scroll mouse
14. Monitor Please refer specifications for 49”
Curved Monitor for Operators
15. Accessories All workstations should be with
keyboard, mouse, headphones
including mic.
16. Certification Energy star 5.0/BEE star certified
17. Operating Pre-loaded Windows 10 (or latest)
System15 Professional 64 bit, licensed copy
with certificate of authenticity (or
equivalent authenticity
information) and all necessary
and latest patches and updates. All
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# Parameter Minimum Specifications Compliance Remarks, if any
Utilities and driver software,
bundled in CD/DVD/Pen-drive
No software that are trial version
or unlicensed in nature should be
pre-installed on the system.
18. Security Onboard Integrated Trusted
Platform Module 2.0
19. Specify the proposed Make
20. Specify the proposed Model No

15.6 Desktop PC (Dell/HP/Lenovo)

# Parameter Minimum Specifications Compliance Remarks, if any
1. Processor Intel® 8th generation Core™
i3-8100 Processor (3.60 GHz
Base Frequency/Clock Speed,
6M Cache, 4 core) or higher
2. Memory 8 GB DDR4 RAM @ 2400 MHz
or higher with single DIMM,
Shall be expendable to 64 GB
One DIMM Slot must be free for
future upgrade
3. Motherboard Intel Q370 chipset or better
4. Hard Disk Minimum 1 TB SATA III Hard
Drive Disk @7200 RPM or higher
5. Audio Line/Mic In, Line-out/Speaker
Out (3.5 mm)
6. Network 10/100/1000 Mbps auto-
port sensing on-board integrated
RJ-45 Ethernet Port
7. USB Ports Minimum 6 USB ports at least 4
USB 3.0 ports (out of that 2
must be in front)
8. Display Port Minimum 2 display output
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# Parameter Minimum Specifications Compliance Remarks, if any
9. Keyboard 104 keys Heavy Duty
Mechanical Switch Keyboard
(USB Interface) with 50 million
keystrokes life per switch.
Rupee Symbol to be engraved.
10. Mouse Optical with USB interface
(same make as desktop)
11. Monitor Minimum 21.5” diagonal LED
Monitor with 1366x768 or
higher resolution. (Same make
as desktop). Must be TCO05
12. Operation Pre-loaded Windows 10 (or
System and latest) Professional 64 bit,
Support licensed copy with certificate of
authenticity (or equivalent
authenticity information) and
all necessary and latest patches
and updates. All Utilities and
driver software, bundled in
CD/DVD/Pen-drive media
No software that are trial
version or unlicensed in nature
should be pre-installed on the

13. Certification Energy Star 5.0 or above / BEE

for Desktop star certified
14. Other pre- Latest version of Libre-office,
loaded Latest version of Adobe Acrobat
software Reader, Scanning Software (as
(open per scanner offered). These
source/ free) software shall be pre-loaded (at
the facility of OEM or any other
location) before shipment to
SSCDL/SMC offices/locations.

15. Specify the proposed Make

16. Specify the proposed Model No

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15.7 Office Productivity suite
# Parameter Minimum Specifications Compliance Remarks, if any
1. Software Microsoft
2. Software Microsoft Office 2019
3. License Perpetual, Not tied to OEM
Type Machine (can be used on any

15.8 Monochrome Printer

# Parameter Minimum Compliance Remarks, if any

Specifications (Yes/No)
1. Printer type Monochrome laser
2. Printer speed Minimum 27 PPM
3. Memory 32 MB RAM
4. Duty cycle Minimum 10000 monthly
5. Duplex Automatic
6. Input Tray Capacity Minimum 250 pages
7. Paper size A4, Letter, Legal
8. Paper Types Plain paper, envelopes
9. Interface/Connectivity USB 2.0 or higher and
10/100 Ethernet
10. OS Compatibility Windows 7, 8, 8.1,10 and
11. Accessories Power cord; Ethernet Cable
(patch cord), USB cable;
Install Guide; Driver
Software CD
12. Specify the proposed Make
13. Specify the proposed Model No

15.9 MFP I (Network B/W MFP for Offices in ICCC)

# Parameter Minimum Specifications Compliance Remarks, if any
1. Function Printer, Scanner, Copier all-in-
2. Printing Speed Min. 25 ppm or Higher
3. Print Technology Laser
4. Print Quality 1200 x 1200 dpi
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# Parameter Minimum Specifications Compliance Remarks, if any
5. Duty Cycle Min 20000 pages/month
6. 2-Side Printing Automatic
7. Automatic Paper Yes
8. Scanner type Flat Bed with ADF for Duplex
9. Scan File Format JPEG, PDF, PNG
10. Resolution 1200 x 1200 dpi
11. Scan speed Min. 20 ppm
12. Copy Speed Min. 20 ppm
Paper Feeder
13. Total No. of 1
14. Input paper Min. 150-sheet standard
15. Output Paper Min. 150-sheet
16. Media Size A4, A5, Legal, Letter
Network Capabilities
17. Network support Built-in Ethernet
10/100/1000 Base TX
18. Operating Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10,
System Support Linux/Unix
19. Memory / 256 MB, 600MHz
20. Cartridge Yield 7000 pages/cartridge
21. Specify the proposed Make
22. Specify the proposed Model No

15.10MFP II (Heavy Duty)

# Parameter Minimum Specifications Compliance Remarks, if any
1. Function Printer, Scanner, Copier all-
2. Printing Speed Min. 30 ppm or Higher
3. Print Type Monochrome
4. Duty Cycle Min 50000 pages/month
5. 2-Side Printing Automatic
6. Automatic Paper Yes
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# Parameter Minimum Specifications Compliance Remarks, if any
7. Scanner type Flat Bed with ADF for Duplex
8. Scan File Format JPEG, PDF, PNG
9. Copy Speed Min. 30 ppm
Paper Feeder
10.Total No. of Trays Minimum 2
11. Input paper Handling Min. 250-sheet standard
12. Output Paper Min. 150-sheet
13. Media Size Support A4, A5, Legal, Letter
Network Capabilities
14.Interface/Connectivity USB 2.0 and 10/100
15. OS Compatibility Windows 7, 8, 8.1 and 10
16. Accessories Power cord; Ethernet Cable
(patch cord), USB cable;
Install Guide; Driver
Software CD
17. Specify the proposed Make
18. Specify the proposed Model No

15.11 Colour Laser Printer

# Parameter Minimum Specifications Compliance Remarks, if any
1. Print Speed Print – 25 ppm or higher in color
and black
2. Resolution 600 X 600 DPI
3. Memory 128 MB or more
4. Paper Size A3 ,A4, Legal, Letter, Executive,
custom sizes
5. Paper 250 sheets or above on standard
Capacity input tray, 100 Sheet or above on
Output Tray
6. Duty Cycle 25,000 sheets or better per month
7. OS Support Linux, Windows 2000, Vista, 7, 8,
8. Interface Ethernet Interface
USB 2.0 or Higher and inbuilt
network connectivity
9. Specify the proposed Make

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# Parameter Minimum Specifications Compliance Remarks, if any
10. Specify the proposed Model No

15.12 Projector-1 (6000 lumens)

# Parameter Minimum Specifications Compliance Remarks,

(Yes/No) if any
1. Technology High-aperture 3-chip, 3LCD technology
2. Projection Ceiling Mount
3. Color light 6,000 lumens or more
4. White light 6,000 lumens or more
5. Contrast Ratio 50,000:1 (Full White 6500 lm / Full Black 0 lm)
6. Size (projected 50 inches to 300 inches
7. Color Up to 1 billion colors
8. Keystone Vertical: ±45 degrees; horizontal: ±30 degrees
9. Projection Lens Powered focus/zoom
10. Lens Focal 24.0 mm - 38.2 mm
11. Lens Zoom Optical zoom 1 – 1.6x
12. Connectivity HDBaseT x 1 DVI-D x1 HDMI x 1 Computer: D-sub
15 pin x 1 Component Video: BNC x 1 Audio-in: Mini
stereo x 3 Audio Out x 1 Network: RJ-45 x 1, 100
Mbps Serial: RS-232c Hardwire remote jack x 1
Monitor Out: D-sub 15 pin x 1, Wireless Connectivity
13. Input Signals NTSC/NTSC4.43/PAL/M-PAL/N-AL/PAL60/
14. Resolution XGA
15. Lamp Life Approx. 3,000 Hours durability in Normal mode &
4,000 Hours durability in Eco mode
16. Aspect ratio 4:3, 16:9, 16:10
17. Security Security cable hole, lens lock, Kensington lock
Features provision
18. Advance Simultaneously project side-by-side from different
Features sources with Split Screen
Web-based remote management — control and
monitor projector status via a Web browser
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# Parameter Minimum Specifications Compliance Remarks,
(Yes/No) if any
Multi-PC Projection — connect up to 50 Windows®,
Mac®, iOS® or Android™ devices and display up to
four screens simultaneously over the network
(controlled via the Moderator4 function from your
advanced built-in Edge Blending, image warping
and curved-surface correction technologies for a
variety of applications
19. Mounting Ceiling mount with fixed structure, with all
accessories including of 30 mt cables
20. Other Features  Fully Functional remote with battery
 Power, source search selection, computer, video,
A/V Mute, freeze, user ID, auto, aspect, color
mode, number, page up and down, E-zoom,
volume, help, menu, enter, esc and pointer
21. Accessories carry bag, power cable, VGA/HDMI cable, remote
control, User’s manual (English)
22. Lamp warranty Please specify
23. Projector 5 years comprehensive onsite back-to-back OEM
Warranty warranty including service and parts
24. Specify the proposed Make
25. Specify the proposed Model No

15.13 Projector-2 (3000 lumens)

# Parameter Minimum Specifications Compliance Remarks, if any

1. Display Poly-silicon TFT 3LCD
2. Resolution 1080p, 16:10
3. Colours 16.7 million Colours
4. Brightness 3000 or more ANSI lumens (in
Normal Mode)
5. Contrast Ratio 2000:1 or more
6. Video Input HDMI, VGA, USB-A (Wi-Fi
Adaptor), USB-B, Audio, S-video
7. Keystone Horizontal and vertical

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# Parameter Minimum Specifications Compliance Remarks, if any
8. Zoom and Manual Zoom and Focus
9. Audio Internal speaker
10. Remote Full function Infrared Remote
Operations Control
11. Other features Auto source detect, Auto-
synchronisation, Keystone
12. Mounting Ceiling mount with fixed
structure, with all accessories
including of 15 mt cables
13. Lamp Life Minimum 4000 Hours in Normal
mode & 5000 Hours in Eco mode
14. Specify the proposed Make
15. Specify the proposed Model No

15.14 Projector Screen 1 (200 Inch size)

# Parameter Minimum Specifications Compliance Remarks, if any

1. Type Portable Motorized Projection
Screen with remote
2. Mounting Type Manual Wall Mount
3. Screen Size 200 inch diagonally
4. Supported 1080p , 3D and 4K Technology
5. Aspect Ratio 16:9
6. Fabric Matt white, high gain fabrics,
flame retardant, uniform flat
screen surface with less
7. Specify the proposed Make
8. Specify the proposed Model No

Issued by Surat Smart City Development Ltd Page 169 of 283

15.15 Projector Screen 2 (100 Inch size)

# Parameter Minimum Specifications Compliance Remarks, if any

1. Type Portable Projection Screen
2. Mounting Type Manual Wall Mount
3. Screen Size 100 inch diagonally
4. Supported 1080p , 3D and 4K Technology
5. Aspect Ratio 16:9
6. Fabric Matt white, high gain fabrics,
flame retardant, uniform flat
screen surface with less
7. Specify the proposed Make
8. Specify the proposed Model No

15.16 55” LED Display Screen

# Parameter Minimum Compliance Remarks, if any
Specifications (Yes/No)
1. Display Size 55” inch diagonal
2. Technology LED Backlit
3. Resolution pixel (1920 x 1080) Full HD
4. Aspect Ratio 16:9
5. Brightness 350 nits or more
6. Native Contrast Ratio 1000:1
7. Viewing Angle 178:178
8. Response time 8 ms or less
9. Inbuilt Speakers Yes
10. VGA Port Optional
11. HDMI Yes, minimum 2
12. USB Yes
13. DVI-D Yes
14. Display Port Optional
15. Power Supply 230V AC, 50 Hz
16. Mounting Wall Mount
17. Certification BIS
18. Should able to sync with
centralized content
management, Video wall ,

Issued by Surat Smart City Development Ltd Page 170 of 283

# Parameter Minimum Compliance Remarks, if any
Specifications (Yes/No)
in premise presentation if
19. Specify the proposed Make
20. Specify the proposed Model No

15.17 Indoor Wifi Access Points (AP)

Compliance Remarks, if any
# Parameter Minimum Specifications

The Access Point should support IEEE

802.11a/b/g/n/ac/ac Wave 2 standards
Frequency of Radio 1 shall be 2.4 GHz
b/g/n 20/40 MHz (2x2:2 stream)
Frequency of Radio 2 shall be 5 GHz
3. b/g/n/ac/ac Wave 2 20/40/80 MHz
(2x2:2 stream)
Should have minimum 2 Internal
Architecture Antennas
5. Should have minimum 1x GE RJ45
Should support Power over Ethernet
6. (PoE) IEEE 802.3af PoE or 802.3at
PoE+ & External DC Adapter Input
Radio 1 should minimum Throughput:
Radio 2 should minimum Throughput:
Should support wireless controller
10. Should support minimum 16 SSIDs
Mobility Should support minimum 20 dBm
Transmission Power on both Radio
Should support Wireless Mesh or
equivalent technology
User/Device Authentication with
13. WPA and WPA2 with 802.1x or Pre-
shared key
Solution should have support for
14. Security
Captive portal for guest authentication
Solution should support devices
15. authentication/Access List based on
MAC address Filtering.

Issued by Surat Smart City Development Ltd Page 171 of 283

Compliance Remarks, if any
# Parameter Minimum Specifications

Should detect and suppress Rogue APs

from day one
Solution should have security for
17. application level filtering based on
Should have support for integration
with existing security infrastructure.
Solution should have support two-
factor authentication.
It should be able managed by
virtual/physical wireless controller.
Should support web-based secured
management interface
Support Wall mounting option and
22. Management necessary mounting kit should be
provided with product.
Operating Temperature should be 0°C
to 40°C
It should be WiFi /WiFi Alliance
Networking All types Fiber/DAC/Cat-6/Cat-7 Patch
Passive Cords of various lengths required to
25. Components Interconnect Switch-Switch, Switch-
Server, Switch-LIU must be
provided/supplied from day one.
Minimum 5 Years OEM
Comprehensive Replacement
warranty with support & subscription
26. of all modules/software/components if
any required to utilize the
product/solution with all features
27. Specify the proposed Make

28. Specify the proposed Model No

15.18 8 ports Unmanaged PoE+ Switch

# Parameter Minimum Specifications Compliance Remarks, if any

1. Ports The switch shall have minimum 8
x RJ-45 auto-sensing/negotiating
Issued by Surat Smart City Development Ltd Page 172 of 283
# Parameter Minimum Specifications Compliance Remarks, if any
1G 802.3at compatible PoE+
ports to power up the Wi-Fi
Access Points.
2. Integrated LEDs for improved
visual monitoring and analysis.
3. Networking All types Fiber/DAC/Cat-6/Cat-7
Passive Patch Cords of various lengths
Components required to Interconnect Switch-
Switch, Switch-Server, Switch-LIU
must be provided/supplied from
day one.
4. Warranty 5 Years OEM comprehensive
Warranty with support.
5. Chassis 1U, rack-mounting kit must be
6. Power Power supply AC 230 V ( 50/60
Hz )
7. Specify the proposed Make
8. Specify the proposed Model No

15.19 24 ports (1G/1G) Web Managed Switch

# Parameter Minimum Specifications Compliance Remarks, if any

1. Ports The switch shall have minimum
24 x RJ-45 auto-
sensing/negotiating 1G ports
2. Either
Minimum 2 x 1G SFP ports and 2
x 1G BASE-T RJ-45 ports
Minimum 4 x 1G SFP ports with 2
Transceivers Modules Supplied
with Product from Day one
in addition to above fixed 24
3. Minimum 56 Gbps Switching
4. Auto-negotiation for speed,
duplex mode and flow control &
Manual for 10M Half/Full 100M
5. Auto-MDI/MDIX.

Issued by Surat Smart City Development Ltd Page 173 of 283

# Parameter Minimum Specifications Compliance Remarks, if any
6. IEEE 802.3X flow control.
7. Integrated LEDs for improved
visual monitoring and analysis.
8. Switch Must have IEEE 802.1Q Static &
Management Trunk VLAN (4090 VLAN IDs) &
Port-based VLAN.
9. Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) to
support standard IEEE 802.1D
STP, IEEE 802.1w Rapid
Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP)
for faster convergence, and IEEE
802.1s Multiple Spanning Tree
Protocol (MSTP).
10. IEEE 802.3ad Link Aggregation
Control Protocol (LACP).
11. IPv6 Host, Management,
multicast and QoS.
12. SNMPv1, v2c, and v3.
13. Built-in switch Web-based GUI
configuration utility for easy
browser-based device
configuration (HTTP/HTTPS)
which Supports configuration,
system dashboard, system
maintenance, and monitoring.
14. IPv6 Host, Management,
multicast and QoS
15. Layer 3 IPv4 and IPv6 static
16. Provision of Dual flash images to
provide independent primary and
secondary operating system files
for backup while upgrading.
17. Intuitive web interface to
upload/download the Switch
software to the switch.
18. Intuitive web interface to
upload/download Configurations
to and from the switch.
19. Availability of Port statistics
through industry-standard RMON
20. Jumbo frame support for packets.
21. Broadcast storm control to help
eliminate network traffic storms.

Issued by Surat Smart City Development Ltd Page 174 of 283

# Parameter Minimum Specifications Compliance Remarks, if any
22. Must have Network traffic
filtering and network control
using MAC and IP-Binding based
Access Control.
23. Networking All types Fiber/DAC/Cat-6/Cat-7
Passive Patch Cords of various lengths
Components required to Interconnect Switch-
Switch, Switch-Server, Switch-
LIU must be provided/supplied
from day one.
24. Warranty 5 Years OEM comprehensive
Warranty with support.

25. Chassis 1U, rack-mounting kit must be

26. Power Power supply AC 230 V ( 50/60
Hz )
27. Specify the proposed Make
28. Specify the proposed Model No

15.20 24 ports (1G/10G) Web Managed Switch

# Parameter Minimum Specifications Compliance Remarks, if any

1. Ports The switch shall have
minimum 24 x RJ-45 auto-
sensing/negotiating 1G ports
2. Either
Minimum 2 x 10G SFP+ ports
and 2 x 10G BASE-T RJ-45
Minimum 4 x 10G SFP+ ports
with 2 x 10G BASE-T RJ-45
SFP+ Transceivers Modules
Supplied with Product from
Day one
in addition to above fixed 24
3. Minimum 128 Gbps Switching
4. Auto-negotiation for speed,
duplex mode and flow control
& Manual for 10M Half/Full
100M Half/Full.
Issued by Surat Smart City Development Ltd Page 175 of 283
# Parameter Minimum Specifications Compliance Remarks, if any
5. Auto-MDI/MDIX.
6. IEEE 802.3X flow control.
7. Integrated LEDs for improved
visual monitoring and analysis.
8. Switch Must have IEEE 802.1Q Static
Management & Trunk VLAN (4090 VLAN
IDs) & Port-based VLAN.
9. Spanning Tree Protocol (STP)
to support standard IEEE
802.1D STP, IEEE 802.1w
Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol
(RSTP) for faster convergence,
and IEEE 802.1s Multiple
Spanning Tree Protocol
10. IEEE 802.3ad Link
Aggregation Control Protocol
11. IPv6 Host, Management,
multicast and QoS.
12. SNMPv1, v2c, and v3.
13. Built-in switch Web-based GUI
configuration utility for easy
browser-based device
configuration (HTTP/HTTPS)
which Supports configuration,
system dashboard, system
maintenance, and monitoring.
14. IPv6 Host, Management,
multicast and QoS
15. Layer 3 IPv4 and IPv6 static
16. Provision of Dual flash images
to provide independent
primary and secondary
operating system files for
backup while upgrading.
17. Intuitive web interface to
upload/download the Switch
software to the switch.
18. Intuitive web interface to
Configurations to and from the

Issued by Surat Smart City Development Ltd Page 176 of 283

# Parameter Minimum Specifications Compliance Remarks, if any
19. Availability of Port statistics
through industry-standard
20. Jumbo frame support for
21. Broadcast storm control to
help eliminate network traffic
22. Must have Network traffic
filtering and network control
using MAC and IP-Binding
based Access Control.
23. Networking All types Fiber/DAC/Cat-
Passive 6/Cat-7 Patch Cords of various
Components lengths required to
Interconnect Switch-Switch,
Switch-Server, Switch-LIU
must be provided/supplied
from day one.
24. Warranty 5 Years OEM comprehensive
Warranty with support.

25. Chassis 1U, rack-mounting kit must be

26. Power Power supply AC 230 V (
50/60 Hz )
27. Specify the proposed Make
28. Specify the proposed Model No

15.21 48 ports (1G/10G) Web Managed Switch

# Parameter Minimum Specifications Compliance Remarks, if any

1. Ports The switch shall have
48 x RJ-45 auto-
sensing/negotiating 1G ports
2. Either
Minimum 2 x 10G SFP+ ports
and 2 x 10G BASE-T RJ-45
Minimum 4 x 10G SFP+ ports
with 2 x 10G BASE-T RJ-45

Issued by Surat Smart City Development Ltd Page 177 of 283

# Parameter Minimum Specifications Compliance Remarks, if any
SFP+ Transceivers Modules
Supplied with Product from
Day one in addition to above
fixed 48 ports.
3. Minimum 176 Gbps Switching
4. Auto-negotiation for speed,
duplex mode and flow control
& Manual for 10M Half/Full
100M Half/Full.
5. Auto-MDI/MDIX.
6. IEEE 802.3X flow control.
7. Integrated LEDs for improved
visual monitoring and
8. Switch Must have IEEE 802.1Q Static
Management & Trunk VLAN (4090 VLAN
IDs) & Port-based VLAN.
9. Spanning Tree Protocol (STP)
to support standard IEEE
802.1D STP, IEEE 802.1w
Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol
(RSTP) for faster convergence,
and IEEE 802.1s Multiple
Spanning Tree Protocol
10. IEEE 802.3ad Link
Aggregation Control Protocol
11. IPv6 Host, Management,
multicast and QoS.
12. SNMPv1, v2c, and v3.
13. Built-in switch Web-based
GUI configuration utility for
easy browser-based device
configuration (HTTP/HTTPS)
which Supports configuration,
system dashboard, system
maintenance, and monitoring.
14. IPv6 Host, Management,
multicast and QoS
15. Layer 3 IPv4 and IPv6 static
16. Provision of Dual flash images
to provide independent

Issued by Surat Smart City Development Ltd Page 178 of 283

# Parameter Minimum Specifications Compliance Remarks, if any
primary and secondary
operating system files for
backup while upgrading.
17. Intuitive web interface to
upload/download the Switch
software to the switch.
18. Intuitive web interface to
Configurations to and from the
19. Availability of Port statistics
through industry-standard
20. Jumbo frame support for
21. Broadcast storm control to
help eliminate network traffic
22. Must have Network traffic
filtering and network control
using MAC and IP-Binding
based Access Control.
23. Networking All types Fiber/DAC/Cat-
Passive 6/Cat-7 Patch Cords of various
Components lengths required to
Interconnect Switch-Switch,
Switch-Server, Switch-LIU
must be provided/supplied
from day one.
24. Warranty 5 Years OEM comprehensive
Warranty with support.

25. Chassis 1U, rack-mounting kit must be

26. Power Power supply AC 230 V (
50/60 Hz )
27. Specify the proposed Make
28. Specify the proposed Model No

Issued by Surat Smart City Development Ltd Page 179 of 283

15.22 DC Core Switch

# Parameter Minimum Specifications Compliance Remarks, if any


1. Switching  Minimum 5 Tbps or Higher

Capacity Switching Capacity

2. Slots  Minimum 4 Interface Line Card

or Module Slots
(other than management
 Switch should support Interface
Line cards/Modules of 1G, 10G,
40G and 100 GE ports
3. Ports  Min. 24 x 10G Base-T RJ-45
 Min. 48 x 10G SFP+ ports with
SR/LR/ZR ports
 Min. 24 x 40G QSFP+
SR4/LR4 ports
 Minimum 1 Slot must be empty
after configuring above ports
 HA Port.
4. High
 Switch should have In-Service
Software Upgrade (ISSU) and
patching without interrupting
 Switch needs to be provided
with redundant
supervisor/Fabric modules,
power supplies, and fans trays
from day 1.
 The switch should provide
nonblocking, lossless CLOS
architecture with VOQs and
large buffers with the flexibility
and scalability for future

Issued by Surat Smart City Development Ltd Page 180 of 283

 The switch should support
modular operating system
which brings native high
stability, independent process
monitoring, and restart through
the modular design and
multiple processes and support
enhanced serviceability
 The switch should support
virtualization of a physical
switch into multiple logical
devices, with each logical
switch having its own
processes, configuration, and

5. Backplane  Properly sized Switching fabric

capacity (as per network
configuration to meet
performance requirements of
wire speed switching for the
connected devices)
6. Layer-2  Switch should Support IEEE
Features 802.1Q VLAN encapsulation &
must have feature to configure
minimum 4090 VLAN IDs.
 The switch must support
dynamic VLAN Registration or
equivalent and Dynamic
Trunking protocol or equivalent
 Switch should Support Ether
Channelling - IEEE 802.3ad or
port aggregation technologies
(support of LACP)
 Switch should Support IEEE
802.3x flow control for full-
duplex mode ports.
 Switch should Support IEEE
802.1s/w Rapid Spanning Tree

Issued by Surat Smart City Development Ltd Page 181 of 283

Protocol (RSTP) and Multiple
Spanning Tree Protocol (MSTP)
 Support for Automatic
Negotiation of Trunking
Protocol, to help minimize the
configuration & errors.
 IGMP snooping v1, v2 and v3
 Should support 64k or more
ARP/MAC Address table
 Should support Loop protection
and Loop detection.
7. Layer-3  Must have Static, OSPFv3,
Features BGP4, RIPv1, RIPv2 and Policy
based routing protocols with
IPV4 & IPv6 supported.
 Should support Dual IP stack
which Maintains separate stacks
for IPv4 and IPv6
 Should support Virtual Router
Redundancy Protocol (VRRP).
 Should support Equal-Cost
Multipath (ECMP) which
provides equal-cost links in a
routing environment to increase
link redundancy.
 Support 802.1D, 802.1S,
802.1w, Rate limiting.
 Inter-VLAN IP routing for full
Layer 3 routing between 2 or
more VLANs.
 Inbuilt Feature of Dynamic Host
Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
Sever which simplifies the
management of large IP
networks and supports client
and server system.

Issued by Surat Smart City Development Ltd Page 182 of 283

 L2/L3 VXLAN and EVPN
support for virtualized
8. Network  Standard 802.1p CoS and DSCP.
Security &
 Must have Network traffic
filtering and network control
using MAC and IP Binding based
 Support for Asynchronous data
flows upstream and downstream
from the end station or on the
uplink using ingress policing
and egress shaping.
 Should support TACACS+ and
RADIUS authentication
 Support for Automatic Quality of
Service for easy configuration of
QoS features for critical
 Broadcast storm control to help
eliminate network traffic storms
 IEEE 802.1x to allow dynamic,
port-based security, providing
user authentication.
 VLAN ACLs (VACLs) on all
VLANs to prevent unauthorized
data flows from being bridged
within VLANs. Port-based ACLs
(PACLs) for Layer 2 interfaces to
allow application of security
policies on individual switch
 Standard and Extended IP
security router ACLs to define
security policies on routed
interfaces for control- and data-
plane traffic.

Issued by Surat Smart City Development Ltd Page 183 of 283

 Unicast MAC filtering to prevent
the forwarding of any type of
packet with a matching MAC
 Unknown unicast and multicast
port blocking to allow tight
control by filtering packets that
the switch has not already
learned how to forward.
 Support for SSHv2 and SNMPv3
to provide network security by
encrypting administrator traffic
during Telnet and SNMP
 Private VLAN to provide
security and isolation between
switch ports, helping ensure that
users cannot snoop on other
users' traffic.
 MAC address management to
allow administrators for analysis
of users added to or removed
from the network.
 Multilevel security on console
access to prevent unauthorized
users from altering the switch
 IPv6 Host, Management,
multicast and QoS.
9. Management  Easy-to-use, Web-based
management interface through
either GUI based software utility
or using standard web browser
interface which Supports
configuration, system
dashboard, system
maintenance, and monitoring
and for easier
software/firmware upgrade

Issued by Surat Smart City Development Ltd Page 184 of 283

through network using
 Should have accessibility using
Telnet, SSH, Console access.
 Intuitive web interface to
Configurations to and from the
 Provision of Dual flash images to
provide independent primary
and secondary operating system
files for backup while upgrading.
 Availability of Port statistics
through industry-standard
 SNMPv1, SNMPv2 and
10. Networking  All types Fiber/DAC/Cat-6/Cat-
Passive 7 Patch Cords of various lengths
Components required to Interconnect Switch-
Switch, Switch-Server, Switch-
LIU must be provided/supplied
from day one.
11. Warranty:  5 Years Direct OEM
Comprehensive Warranty with
parts, Support.
12. Chassis:  Device must have 4 x AC power
input supply and all 4 must be
included with switch from day 1
with necessary switch mounting
13. Specify the proposed Make
14. Specify the proposed Model No

Issued by Surat Smart City Development Ltd Page 185 of 283

15.23 1G SFP LX Transceiver Module for above 24 Port Web Managed Switches
# Parameter Minimum Compliance Remarks, if
Specifications (Yes/No) any
1. Ports 1G BASE-LX port; Bi-
Directional Duplex: full
2. Warranty 5 Years comprehensive
3. Specify the proposed Make
4. Specify the proposed Model No
Note: Bidder is required to quote for same make & model proposed for the switches

15.24 10G SFP+ LR Transceiver Module for 24 Port/48 Port Web Managed Switches
# Parameter Minimum Compliance Remarks, if
Specifications (Yes/No) any
1. Ports 10G BASE-LR port; Bi-
Directional Duplex: full
2. Warranty 5 Years comprehensive
3. Specify the proposed Make
4. Specify the proposed Model No
Note: Bidder is required to quote for same make & model proposed for the switches

15.25 10G SFP+ SR/LR Transceiver Module for DC Core Switch

# Parameter Minimum Specifications Compliance Remarks, if any
1. Ports 10G BASE-SR/LR port; Duplex: full
2. Warranty 5 Years comprehensive warranty
3. Specify the proposed Make
4. Specify the proposed Model No

15.26 10G DAC (10M Length) for DC Core Switch

# Parameter Minimum Specifications Compliance Remarks, if any
1. Ports (Minimum 10M Length) 10G DAC for
10G SFP+ Slots

Issued by Surat Smart City Development Ltd Page 186 of 283

# Parameter Minimum Specifications Compliance Remarks, if any
2. Warranty 5 Years comprehensive warranty.

3. Specify the proposed Make

4. Specify the proposed Model No

15.27 40G QSFP+ LR4/SR4 Transceiver Module for DC Core Switch

# Parameter Minimum Specifications Compliance Remarks, if any
1. Ports 40G QSFP+ BASE- LR4/SR4 port
2. Warranty 5 Years comprehensive warranty.

3. Specify the proposed Make

4. Specify the proposed Model No

15.28 DC TOR / DC Aggregation Switch Type-1

# Parameter Minimum Specifications Compliance Remarks, if any


1. Switching  Switching Capacity of minimum

Capacity 1440 Gbps or Higher
2. Ports  Should have minimum 48 X 10G
BASE-T RJ-45 ports.
 Should have minimum 4 X 40G
BASE-QSFP+ LR4/SR4 ports
3. Switch type  Fully Managed & Advanced Layer 3
Core/Data Centre Switch & Non
Chassis Based
4. Backplane  Properly sized Switching fabric
capacity (as per network
configuration to meet performance
requirements of wire speed
switching for the connected
5. Layer-2  Switch should Support IEEE
Features 802.1Q VLAN encapsulation &

Issued by Surat Smart City Development Ltd Page 187 of 283

must have feature to configure
minimum 4090 VLAN IDs.
 The switch must support dynamic
VLAN Registration or equivalent
and Dynamic Trunking protocol or
 Switch should Support Ether
Channelling - IEEE 802.3ad or
port aggregation technologies
(support of LACP)
 Switch should Support IEEE
802.3x flow control for full-duplex
mode ports.
 Switch should Support IEEE
802.1s/w Rapid Spanning Tree
Protocol (RSTP) and Multiple
Spanning Tree Protocol (MSTP)
 Support for Automatic Negotiation
of Trunking Protocol, to help
minimize the configuration &
 IGMP snooping v1, v2 and v3
 Should support 32k or more
ARP/MAC Address table
 Should support Loop protection
and Loop detection.
6. Layer-3  Must have Static, OSPFv3, BGP4,
Features RIPv1, RIPv2 and Policy based
routing protocols with IPV4 & IPv6
 Should support Dual IP stack
which Maintains separate stacks
for IPv4 and IPv6
 Should support Virtual Router
Redundancy Protocol (VRRP).
 Should support Equal-Cost
Multipath (ECMP) which provides

Issued by Surat Smart City Development Ltd Page 188 of 283

equal-cost links in a routing
environment to increase link
 Support 802.1D, 802.1S, 802.1w,
Rate limiting.
 Inter-VLAN IP routing for full
Layer 3 routing between 2 or more
 Inbuilt Feature of Dynamic Host
Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
Sever which simplifies the
management of large IP networks
and supports client and server
 L2/L3 VXLAN and EVPN support
for virtualized environments
7. Network  Standard 802.1p CoS and DSCP.
Security &
 Must have Network traffic filtering
and network control using MAC
and IP Binding based ACLs
 Support for Asynchronous data
flows upstream and downstream
from the end station or on the
uplink using ingress policing and
egress shaping.
 Should support TACACS+ and
RADIUS authentication
 Support for Automatic Quality of
Service for easy configuration of
QoS features for critical
 Broadcast storm control to help
eliminate network traffic storms
 IEEE 802.1x to allow dynamic,
port-based security, providing user

Issued by Surat Smart City Development Ltd Page 189 of 283

 VLAN ACLs (VACLs) on all VLANs
to prevent unauthorized data flows
from being bridged within VLANs.
Port-based ACLs (PACLs) for
Layer 2 interfaces to allow
application of security policies on
individual switch ports
 Standard and Extended IP security
router ACLs to define security
policies on routed interfaces for
control- and data-plane traffic.
 Unicast MAC filtering to prevent
the forwarding of any type of
packet with a matching MAC
 Unknown unicast and multicast
port blocking to allow tight control
by filtering packets that the switch
has not already learned how to
 Support for SSHv2 and SNMPv3 to
provide network security by
encrypting administrator traffic
during Telnet and SNMP sessions.
 Private VLAN to provide security
and isolation between switch ports,
helping ensure that users cannot
snoop on other users' traffic.
 MAC address management to
allow administrators for analysis of
users added to or removed from
the network.
 Multilevel security on console
access to prevent unauthorized
users from altering the switch
 IPv6 Host, Management, multicast
and QoS.

Issued by Surat Smart City Development Ltd Page 190 of 283

8. Management  Easy-to-use, Web-based
management interface through
either GUI based software utility or
using standard web browser
interface which Supports
configuration, system dashboard,
system maintenance, and
monitoring and for easier
software/firmware upgrade
through network using
 Should have accessibility using
Telnet, SSH, Console access.
 Intuitive web interface to
upload/download Configurations
to and from the switch.
 Provision of Dual flash images to
provide independent primary and
secondary operating system files
for backup while upgrading.
 Availability of Port statistics
through industry-standard RMON
 SNMPv1, SNMPv2 and SNMPv3.
9. Networking  All types Fiber/DAC/Cat-6/Cat-7
Passive Patch Cords of various lengths
Components required to Interconnect Switch-
Switch, Switch-Server, Switch-LIU
must be provided/supplied from
day one.
10. Warranty:  5 Years back to back OEM
Warranty with parts
11. Chassis:  Device must have 1+1 redundant
AC power input supply and must
be included with switch from day 1
with necessary mounting kit.
12. Specify the proposed Make
13. Specify the proposed Model No

Issued by Surat Smart City Development Ltd Page 191 of 283

15.29 DC TOR/ DC Aggregation Switch Type-2

# Parameter Minimum Specifications Compliance Remarks, if any


1. Switching  Switching Capacity of minimum 1440

Capacity Gbps or Higher
2. Ports  Should have minimum 24 X 10G
BASE-T RJ-45 ports and
 Should have minimum 24 X 10G
BASE-SFP+ SR/LR ports.
 Should have minimum 4 X 40G
BASE-QSFP+ LR4/SR4 ports
3. Switch type  Fully Managed & Advanced Layer 3
Core/Data Centre Switch & Non
Chassis Based
4. Backplane  Properly sized Switching fabric
capacity (as per network
configuration to meet performance
requirements of wire speed switching
for the connected devices)
5. Layer-2  Switch should Support IEEE 802.1Q
Features VLAN encapsulation & must have
feature to configure minimum 4090
 The switch must support dynamic
VLAN Registration or equivalent and
Dynamic Trunking protocol or
 Switch should Support Ether
Channelling - IEEE 802.3ad or port
aggregation technologies (support of
 Switch should Support IEEE 802.3x
flow control for full-duplex mode
 Switch should Support IEEE
802.1s/w Rapid Spanning Tree

Issued by Surat Smart City Development Ltd Page 192 of 283

Protocol (RSTP) and Multiple
Spanning Tree Protocol (MSTP)
 Support for Automatic Negotiation of
Trunking Protocol, to help minimize
the configuration & errors.
 IGMP snooping v1, v2 and v3
 Should support 32k or more
ARP/MAC Address table
 Should support Loop protection and
Loop detection.
6. Layer-3  Must have Static, OSPFv3, BGP4,
Features RIPv1, RIPv2 and Policy based
routing protocols with IPV4 & IPv6
 Should support Dual IP stack which
Maintains separate stacks for IPv4
and IPv6
 Should support Virtual Router
Redundancy Protocol (VRRP).
 Should support Equal-Cost Multipath
(ECMP) which provides equal-cost
links in a routing environment to
increase link redundancy.
 Support 802.1D, 802.1S, 802.1w, Rate
 Inter-VLAN IP routing for full Layer 3
routing between 2 or more VLANs.
 Inbuilt Feature of Dynamic Host
Configuration Protocol (DHCP) Sever
which simplifies the management of
large IP networks and supports client
and server system.
 L2/L3 VXLAN and EVPN support for
virtualized environments
7.  Standard 802.1p CoS and DSCP.

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 Must have Network traffic filtering
and network control using MAC and
IP Binding based ACLs
 Support for Asynchronous data flows
upstream and downstream from the
end station or on the uplink using
ingress policing and egress shaping.
 Should support TACACS+ and
RADIUS authentication
 Support for Automatic Quality of
Service for easy configuration of QoS
features for critical applications.
 Broadcast storm control to help
eliminate network traffic storms
 IEEE 802.1x to allow dynamic, port-
based security, providing user
 VLAN ACLs (VACLs) on all VLANs to
Security &
prevent unauthorized data flows from
being bridged within VLANs. Port-
based ACLs (PACLs) for Layer 2
interfaces to allow application of
security policies on individual switch
 Standard and Extended IP security
router ACLs to define security policies
on routed interfaces for control- and
data-plane traffic.
 Unicast MAC filtering to prevent the
forwarding of any type of packet with
a matching MAC address.
 Unknown unicast and multicast port
blocking to allow tight control by
filtering packets that the switch has
not already learned how to forward.
 Support for SSHv2 and SNMPv3 to
provide network security by

Issued by Surat Smart City Development Ltd Page 194 of 283

encrypting administrator traffic
during Telnet and SNMP sessions.
 Private VLAN to provide security and
isolation between switch ports,
helping ensure that users cannot
snoop on other users' traffic.
 MAC address management to allow
administrators for analysis of users
added to or removed from the
 Multilevel security on console access
to prevent unauthorized users from
altering the switch configuration.
 IPv6 Host, Management, multicast
and QoS.
8. Management  Easy-to-use, Web-based management
interface through either GUI based
software utility or using standard web
browser interface which Supports
configuration, system dashboard,
system maintenance, and monitoring
and for easier software/firmware
upgrade through network using
 Should have accessibility using
Telnet, SSH, Console access.
 Intuitive web interface to
upload/download Configurations to
and from the switch.
 Provision of Dual flash images to
provide independent primary and
secondary operating system files for
backup while upgrading.
 Availability of Port statistics through
industry-standard RMON
 SNMPv1, SNMPv2 and SNMPv3.

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9. Networking  All types Fiber/DAC/Cat-6/Cat-7
Passive Patch Cords of various lengths
Components required to Interconnect Switch-
Switch, Switch-Server, Switch-LIU
must be provided/supplied from day
10. Warranty:  5 Years back to back OEM Warranty
with parts
11. Chassis:  Device must have 1+1 redundant AC
power input supply and must be
included with switch from day 1 with
necessary mounting kit.
12. Specify the proposed Make
13. Specify the proposed Model No

15.30 40G QSFP+ LR4/SR4 Transceiver Module for DC TOR/ DC Aggregation

# Parameter Minimum Specifications Compliance Remarks, if any
1. Ports 40G QSFP+ BASE- LR4/SR4 port
2. Warranty 5 Years comprehensive warranty.

3. Specify the proposed Make

4. Specify the proposed Model No

15.31 10G SFP+ SR/LR Transceiver Module for DC TOR / DC Aggregation Switch
# Parameter Minimum Specifications Compliance Remarks, if any
1. Ports 10G BASE-SR/LR port; Duplex:
full only
2. Warranty 5 Years comprehensive
3. Specify the proposed Make
4. Specify the proposed Model No

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15.32 DC Application & Delivery Controller with Global Server Load Balancing.
Compliance Remarks, if any
# Minimum Specifications
OEM should have support Centre in
2 Should have minimum 4 X 1G Base-T ports
Should have minimum 2 X 1G Base-X SFP
3 (SFP Transceivers/Modules must be
provided/supplied with product) from day
Appliance Throughput
4 Minimum 1 Gbps or higher L4/L7 throughput
Minimum 1,00,000 Layer 4 Connections per
Maximum Layer 4 Concurrent Connection 5M
Minimum 1000 RSA TPS, 2k Keys as SSL
8 Minimum 4 Gb Memory
Global Server Load Balancing (GSLB)
Should have Global data center DNS-based
failover of web applications
Should be able to Deliver local and global load
balancing between multi-site SSL VPN
11 DNS Access Control Lists
Layer 4 Application Load Balancing
Should have Round robin, weighted round
robin, least connections, shortest response
Should have feature of L4 dynamic load
13 balancing based on server parameters (CPU,
Memory and disk)
Layer 7 Application Load Balancing
Should be HTTP, HTTPS, HTTP 2.0 , FTP,
SIP, RDP, RADIUS supported
Should have feature of L7 content switching
15 for HTTP Host, HTTP Request URL, HTTP
Referrer, Source IP Address
Should have feature of URL Redirect, HTTP
request/response rewrite/modification
Should have feature of Layer 7 DNS load
balancing, security, and caching
18 IPv6 Support, IPv6 routing
19 License for Device
 The proposed solution must be licensed per
unit for 5 years & there should not be any
Issued by Surat Smart City Development Ltd Page 197 of 283
Compliance Remarks, if any
# Minimum Specifications
license limit on number of sessions, rules,
no of nodes/desktops, no. of IPs, domains,
etc. It must include minimum 5 years
subscription for above stated
 Hardware must be latest released product
from OEM and it must not be under the list
end of sale, end of support from OEM till 5
years from date of commissioning.
 All types Fiber/DAC/Cat-6/Cat-7 Patch
Cords of various lengths required to
Interconnect Switch-Switch, Switch-Server,
Switch-LIU must be provided/supplied
from day one.
5 Years OEM comprehensive Warranty with
21 Specify the proposed Make
22 Specify the proposed Model No

15.33 Wireless LAN Controller for Indoor Wifi Access Point

# Parameter Minimum Specifications Compliance Remarks, if
(Yes/No) any
1. Hardware Redundancy Features: Controller
Must support Active- Active and
2. Should Support minimum 50 x
802.11 ac Wave2 base Wifi Access
3. Should support minimum 3000
4. Should Support minimum 4090
5. Minimum 4Gbps Throughput
6. Should have minimum
4 x 1G RJ45 Port
7. Should have minimum 1 x
Management Port
8. Should support minimum Operating
temperature 0° C to 40° C
9. Ability to map SSID to VLAN.
10. Should support automatic channel
selection – interference avoidance
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# Parameter Minimum Specifications Compliance Remarks, if
(Yes/No) any
(Co-channel management, Adjacent
Channel Management, Channel
General reuse management).
11. Requirements Should have System Internal
Captive Portal for guest
12. System Centralized MAC addresses filtering
13. Architecture Should support onboard/ external
DHCP server
14. Controller should support Onboard
/ External AAA server
15. The proposed architecture should be
based on controller based
Architecture within AP deployment.
While Encryption / decryption of
802.11 packets should be performed
at the AP.
16. Support roaming between access
points deployed on same subnet and
different subnets
17. QoS features Per user bandwidth Rate Limiting
18. Self-healing (on detection of RF
interference or loss of RF coverage)
19. Should support per user, per device,
and per application/TCP-port
20. Dynamic load balancing to
automatically distribute clients to
the least loaded 802.11 channel and
AP; load balancing must not require
any client specific configurations or
21. Adaptive RF management that
provides the capability to pause
channel scanning / adjust RF
scanning intervals based on
application and load presence.
22. Capability to provide preferred
access for ―fast clients over ― slow
clients (11n vs. 11g) in order to
improve overall network
23. RF Should be able to load balance
Management clients across channels and access
24. Should be able to load balance
clients based on client count
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# Parameter Minimum Specifications Compliance Remarks, if
(Yes/No) any
25. Should be able to load balance
clients based on effective
throughput on AP
26. Should be able to use client and
throughput as a measure to load
balance between bands
27. Inline Should allow authenticated client
Security devices to roam securely from one
Features access point to another, within or
across subnets, without any
perceptible delay Security during re
28. Controller should support AES-128
and AES-256 encryption
29. Networking All types Fiber/DAC/Cat-6/Cat-7
Passive Patch Cords of various lengths
Components required to Interconnect Switch-
Switch, Switch-Server, Switch-LIU
must be provided/supplied from day
30. Warranty: 5 Years OEM comprehensive
Warranty with support
31. Specify the proposed Make
32. Specify the proposed Model No

15.34 Servers for SMC Application Requirements

Note: Hyperconverged Solution will not be considered.

# Parameter Minimum Specifications Compliance Remarks, if any

1. Make OEM must be listed in Leader’s
Quadrant of the latest Gartner
Magic Quadrant for Modular
2. Form factor Rack
3. Processor 2 No. of Intel® Xeon® Gold
6130 2.1G,16C/32T, 10.4GT/s,
22M Cache,Turbo,HT (125W)
4. RAM  DIMM Slots must be
supporting 2400
MHz/2666MHz memory

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# Parameter Minimum Specifications Compliance Remarks, if any
 Memory DIMM Slots must be
supporting 8GB / 16GB /
32GB /64GB/128GB memory
 Minimum 256 GB Memory
per physical server
5. Chipset Compatible latest series of
chipset (specify chipset)
6. Internal Minimum 2 x 600 GB SAS (10k
Storage rpm) hot swap
Specify the No. of HDD Slots
7. Storage SAS RAID Controller supporting
Controllers RAID 0,1 and 5 with minimum
512MB Cache memory with
battery backup
8. Network 2 X 10G-Base T RJ45 LAN port
Interface for providing Ethernet
9. Storage 2 X Single-port 16Gbps FC
Connectivity HBA/FCOE for providing
Interface connectivity to SAN
10. Power Supply Minimum 750W Hot Swappable
High Efficiency Redundant
Power Supplies (1+1) capable to
provide necessary power for fully
loaded server with C14 to C13
PDU Power Cables
11. Mounting Kit Sliding Rack mounting kit for 2U
rack server
12. Virtualization Shall support Industry standard
virtualization hypervisor like
Hyper-V, VMWARE, Oracle VM
etc. OEM of the blade chassis /
rack and servers offered.
13. Warranty 24 x 7 Five (5) years on-site back
to back comprehensive warranty
14. Quantity 9 No.
15. Specify the proposed Make
16. Specify the proposed Model No

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15.35 Servers for ICCC Requirements
Note: Hyperconverged Solution will not be considered.

(As Building block, to establishing computing solution for sub-systems/solutions)

# Parameter Minimum Specifications Compliance Remarks, if any

1. Make OEM must be listed in Leader’s
Quadrant of the latest Gartner
Magic Quadrant for Modular
2. Form factor Blade / Rack
3. Processor Latest series/Generation of 64 bit
Gold or Platinum x86
processor(s) with 8 or higher
Processor speed should be
minimum 2.4 GHz Minimum 2
processors each physical server
Specify Processor Model
Specify Processor Speed
Specify No. of Cores
Specify Cache
Specify No. of Processors
4. RAM  DIMM Slots must be
supporting 2400
MHz/2666MHz memory
 Memory DIMM Slots must be
supporting 8GB / 16GB /
32GB /64GB/128GB memory
 Minimum 64 GB Memory per
physical server
Specify Maximum RAM
Specify Total RAM proposed
5. Chipset Compatible latest series of
chipset (specify chipset)

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# Parameter Minimum Specifications Compliance Remarks, if any
6. Internal Minimum 2 x 600 GB SAS (10k
Storage rpm) hot swap
Specify the No. of HDD Slots
Specify the HDD Capacity
Specify the HDD Composition
proposed with capacity of each
type of HDD
7. Storage SAS RAID Controller supporting
Controllers RAID 0,1 and 5 with minimum
512MB Cache memory with
battery backup
8. Network 2 X 10G-Base T RJ45 LAN port
interface for providing Ethernet
9. Storage 2 X Single-port 16Gbps FC
Connectivity HBA/FCOE for providing
Interface connectivity to SAN
10. Power Supply Minimum 750W Hot Swappable
(for Rack High Efficiency Redundant
Server) Power Supplies (1+1) capable to
provide necessary power for fully
loaded server with C14 to C13
PDU Power Cables
11. Virtualization Shall support Industry standard
virtualization hypervisor like
Hyper-V, VMWARE, Oracle VM
etc. OEM of the blade chassis /
rack and servers offered.
12. Warranty 24 x 7 Five (5) years on-site back
to back comprehensive warranty
13. Quantity Specify the quantity of the
proposed server as per the
solution architecture
14. Specify the proposed Make
15. Specify the proposed Model No

15.36 Blade Chassis for Blade Servers

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# Minimum Specifications Compliance Remarks, if any
1. Minimum 6U size, rack-mountable, capable of
accommodating minimum 8 or higher hot pluggable
2. Dual network connectivity of 10 G speed for each blade
server for redundancy
3. Shall support Industry standard virtualization
hypervisor like Hyper-V, VMWARE, Oracle VM etc.
4. DVD ROM shall be available in chassis, can be internal
or external, which can be shared by all the blades
allowing remote installation of software
5. Minimum 4 USB port
6. Minimum 2 hot-plug/hot-swap 10 Gbps Ethernet
modules each with 8 No. of Ethernet ports for uplink
and sufficient internal 10 GBPS ports within chassis to
support redundancy for each blade
7. Two hot-plugs/hot-swap redundant 16 GBPS Fiber
Channel module with 16 number of internal and 8
external 16 GBPS ports for connectivity to the external
Fiber channel Switch / Storage Controller (Ports must
be active and populated with SFP+ from day one.)
8. Power supplies shall have N+N. All power supplies
modules shall be populated in the chassis.
Required number of PDUs and power cables, to
connect all blades, Chassis to Data Center power outlet.
9. Hot pluggable/hot-swappable redundant cooling unit
10. Provision of systems management and deployment
tools to aid in blade server configuration and OS
11. Blade enclosure shall have provision to connect to
display console/central console for local management
such as troubleshooting, configuration, system
status/health display.
12. Single console for all blades in the enclosure, built-in
KVM switch with facility for Virtual KVM features over
13. Dedicated management network port shall have
separate path for remote management.
14. 24 x 7 Five (5) years on-site back to back
comprehensive warranty
15. Specify the proposed Make

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# Minimum Specifications Compliance Remarks, if any
16. Specify the proposed Model No

15.37IP KVM with 17" Rack LED/LCD and USB VM Server Module Bundle

# Parameter Minimum Specifications

1. Components  1 x 16 Port IP KVM with VM
 1 x 17-inch Rack LED/LCD
 2 X USB Ports with Virtual Media
Server Modules
 1 x KVM/LCD 1U bracket kit
 Necessary Software CD, Installation
guide etc.
2. Form 1U Rack Mountable hardware proposed
should be able to access multiple
servers mounted in rack or by
accessing them remotely.
3. Authentication It should have feature to Control user
privileges & access rights to Secure
assets from unauthorized access.
4. OS/Platform It should be compatible with Windows,
Support Sun, Unix and Linux OS.
5. It should have Pluggable Operation
support by which servers can be added
or removed without having to power
off the switch.
6. Accessories All Types of
required to utilize the solution at full
potential should be supplied with it.
7. Warranty 3 Years repair or replacement warranty
with parts
8. Specify the proposed Make
9. Specify the proposed Model No

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15.38 Storage
Note: Hyperconverged Solution will not be considered.

# Parameter Minimum Specifications Compliance Remarks,

(Yes/No) if any
1. Make OEM must be listed in Leader’s
Quadrant of the latest Gartner
Magic Quadrant for General-
Purpose Disk Arrays
2. Controllers  At least 2 hot pluggable
Controllers in active/active
mode (for all required
protocols) with automatic
failover to each other in case of
one controller failure.
 The controllers / Storage nodes
should be upgradable
seamlessly, without any
disruptions / downtime to
production workflow for
performance, capacity
enhancement and software /
firmware upgrades.
 Minimum four Xeon 8 Core
CPU across storage controllers
 Controller must support
Multipath I/O Architecture.
3. Storage Operating  Storage offered must be with the
System latest operating system
4. Cache  Minimum 512 GB of useable
cache across controllers, out of
which minimum 384 GB Cache
must be controller cache and
rest can be flash based cache.
 Cache shall be used only for data
and control operations and
should not handle any overhead
of operating system
5. Host Interface Minimum 4 nos. of 16 Gbps Fibre
Port Channel Ports per Controller shall
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# Parameter Minimum Specifications Compliance Remarks,
(Yes/No) if any
be available. Ports must be active
and populated with SFP+ from day
6. Back and front The storage should support 8/16
port Gbps on FC to connect SAN
Switch, 10Gbps on iSCSI
(SFP+/Base-T) to Connect on LAN
switch within same controller pair.
7. Scalability System should support a minimum
of 500 drives or more within the
same set of controllers.
8. Disk Drive System should have support for
Support  SSD/Flash drives
 SAS drives
 Near-line SAS drives
9. RAID support Should support various RAID
Levels (RAID 0 / 1 / 5 / 6 / 10 or
any combination of RAID level on
single Storage system)
10. Solution/ Type Bidder is required to offer
corresponding ports both in server
as well as storage controller based
on the solution proposed
11. Storage Bidder has to provide minimum
750 TB usable capacity across the
storage with single or multiple
expansion units. Out of 750 TB
minimum 20% disk capacity shall
be using Enterprise Grade SSD
Disks, 40% disk capacity shall be on
SAS Drives and 40% disk capacity
shall be on NL-SAS Drives. Storage
system should be configured and
offered with required hot-spares for
the different type and no. of disks
configured, as per the system
architecture best practices.
(150 TB SSD, 300 TB SAS, 300 TB
12. Global Hot Spare  System should have the
capability to designate global
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# Parameter Minimum Specifications Compliance Remarks,
(Yes/No) if any
hot spares that can be
automatically be used to replace
a failed drive anywhere in the
 Storage system should be
configured and offered with
required Global Hot-spares for
the different type and no. of
disks configured, as per the
system architecture best
13. Minimum LUNs  Capacity to create minimum
2048 numbers of LUNs
14. Thin Provisioning  Offered Storage System should
have Thin Provisioning and
Thin Reclamation.
15. Hardware  Rack mounted form-factor
Platform  Modular design to support
controllers and disk drives
16. On-line  System should have online
Expansion/RAID expansion and shrinking of
Group creation/ RAID Group or addition and
Expansion deletion of new RAID Group.
Must be able to add and delete
additional disks on the fly to
expand or reduce the RAID
group capacity or create new
RAID Group.
17. Redundancy and  The Storage System should be
High Availability able to protect the data against
single point of failure with
respect to hard disks, Cache
memory, Controller card,
connectivity interfaces, fans and
power supplies
18. Management  All the necessary software (GUI
software Based) to configure and manage
the storage space, RAID
configuration, logical drives
allocation, snapshots etc. are to
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# Parameter Minimum Specifications Compliance Remarks,
(Yes/No) if any
be provided for the entire
system proposed from day-1.
 Licenses for the storage
management software should
include disc capacity/count of
the complete solution and any
additional disks to be plugged in
in the future, upto max capacity
of the existing controller/units.
 A single command console for
entire storage system.
 Should also include storage
performance monitoring and
management software. This
should provide detail of
performance like IOPs
utilization, response time and
also provide capacity detail like
amount of capacity allocated,
capacity used and capacity free.
 Should provide the functionality
of proactive monitoring of Disk
drive and Storage system for all
possible disk failures
 Should be able to take
"snapshots" of the stored data to
another logical drive for backup
 There should be a dedicated
Ethernet port for management
and it should not use the iSCSI
host ports for management.
19. Data Protection The storage array must have
complete cache protection
mechanism either by de-staging
data to disk or providing complete
cache data protection with battery
backup for up to 4 hours
20. Perpetual The software license supplied
software License should be perpetual so that there
will be no additional software cost

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# Parameter Minimum Specifications Compliance Remarks,
(Yes/No) if any
while replacing the storage within
the same class.
21. Server Operating Must be completely supported by
System Support the server operating system
offered by the bidder for all the
features and technology
22. Virtualization Storage System must be completely
Support supported by the virtualization
technology offered by the bidder
for all the features and technology
23. Accessories All the necessary tools & tackles
licenses, cables/ connectors for
Ethernet/ Fibre/USB/ Power etc.
required for making the system
operational shall be provided by
the bidder.
24. SAN Switch  Standard 24 Port 16Gbps SAN
Switches x 2 Nos.
 Each SAN switch with
minimum 16 Activated ports
from day one or if more active
ports require as per proposed
application architecture, bidder
has to provide the same.
 Necessary SFP modules, patch
cables and other required
accessories has to be provided.
25. Warranty 24 x 7 five (5) years on-site back to
back comprehensive warranty
26. Specify the proposed Make
27. Specify the proposed Model No

15.39 42U Rack

# Parameter Minimum Specifications Compliance Remarks, if

(Yes/No) any
1. Dimension Rack Width: 750mm
Rack Depth/Length: 1000 mm to 1070
2. Rack Height : 42U

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# Parameter Minimum Specifications Compliance Remarks, if
(Yes/No) any
3. Color: Black
4. Rack Equipment Mounting should be as
per EIA-310 standard: 19" along with
'U' marking.
5. Rack should have minimum weight
carrying Capacity of 500Kgs.
6. Doors Front and Back doors should be
perforated with at least 60% or higher
7. Front & Back door should be lockable
utilizing a single key with the doors.
8. Rack should have single front door and
it should be able moved to the opposite
side or interchanged with rear doors.
Doors should be able to removed easily
with simple lift-off design.
9. Rack should have Split rear doors to
improve access and serviceability to
rear of rack mounted equipment.
10. Side Panels Side Panels should be of Half-height on
each side for easy access.
11. Side panels should be lockable utilizing
a single key with the doors.
12. Cable access It should have cable access slots in the
roof for overhead cable egress.
13. It should have unobstructed cable
access from bottom of the Rack through
a raised floor.
14. Wire managers Two vertical wire/cable
managers/panels should be provided in
front and back of the rack for cable
15. Power Rack must be supplied with 2 x PDUs
Distribution per Rack - Vertically Mounted, 32AMPs
Units with 25 Power Outputs. (20 Power outs
of IEC 320 C13 Sockets & 5 Power outs
of 5/15 Amp Sockets), Electronically
controlled circuits for Surge & Spike
protection 32AMPS MCB, 5 KV AC
isolated input to Ground & Output to
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# Parameter Minimum Specifications Compliance Remarks, if
(Yes/No) any
16. PDUs provided should have LAN/RJ-45
Port and it should be able to manage by
assigning IP address to fetch the
Information like current/voltage/power
being drawn from the each port or total
power from PDU.
17. All types of Power Cables (like C13 to
C14, e.t.c.) required to power up the
various Network/Server devices should
be supplied/provided with it from day
18. Hardware/A Rack must be supplied with minimum 2
ccessories (two) nos of standard hardware
provided pack/bag (which includes mounting
nut-bolts, cable ties e.t.c) for mounting
IT equipment and tools for enclosure
19. Pre-installed full-enclosure height
Integrated and adjustable rear
accessory channel to accommodate
PDUs and vertical cable organizers.
20. Rear accessory channel should be able
to move to other locations of the
enclosure along the side brace to
resituate cable management as per
21. Minimum 2 x 1U Mountable Cable
Manager and maximum as per site
requirement needs to be supplied from
Day one.
22. Warranty 5 Years repair or replacement
comprehensive warranty with parts.
23. Specify the proposed Make
24. Specify the proposed Model No

15.40 Enterprise Security & Antivirus Software License for Server

# Minimum Specifications Compliance Remarks, if any
1. Enterprise Server Security Software shall provide
server security, network security and application

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# Minimum Specifications Compliance Remarks, if any
security covering Antivirus, Antimalware,
IDS/IPS, Web Application Protection, etc. to
ensure complete security
2. OEM should be listed in the Leader’s Quadrant of
Gartner Magic Quadrant for Endpoint Protection
3. Specify the proposed Make

4. Specify the proposed Model No

15.41 Call Center Management Solution

# Minimum Specifications Compliance Remarks, if any
1. The contact centre solution should be able
to route voice/ VOIP calls from centralized
Interactive Voice Response System (IVRS)
to respective call centre (s) along with
interaction history of the calling party.

The solution should able to integrate /

route the call to existing Sitilink IVRS
system for smooth operations.

Note: Scope of EPBAX and PRI Lines are

not in the scope of SI. However, the SI is
required to co-ordinate with SMC for the
smooth roll out of IVRS based call centre
management solution.

2. The callers should be able to access the

various services through state-of-art
centralized integrated Interactive Voice
Response System (IVRS). The information
is envisaged to be available to the customer
through telephone (IVRS) and call centres

3. The IVRS should establish two way

communication on the same channel with

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# Minimum Specifications Compliance Remarks, if any
customers through recorded synthesized
voice in Hindi / English / Gujarati or in
combination of languages to give
information, reply to queries and provide

4. IVRS should be modular and scalable in

nature for easy expansion without
requiring any change in the software.

5. It should be possible to access IVRS

through any of the access device such as
Landline telephone, Mobile phone (GSM
as well as CDMA) etc.

6. IVRS should support various means of

Alarm indications/error logs in case of
system failures, e.g. Functional error,
missing voice message prompt, etc., and
shall generate error Log

7. The system should have the ability to

define business rules based upon which the
system should quickly identify, classify and
prioritize callers, and using sophisticated
routing, to deliver interactions to the best
qualified agent in the any of the connected
local/remote call centre, regardless of
interaction channel

8. The IVRS should be capable to capture

usage details of each customer as the
customer traverses through a call. The
IVRS should have an interface through
which usage details can be shared with
other solutions.

9. The application should provide CTI

services such as:

 Automatic display (screen pop) of

information concerning a
user/customer on the call agent
screen prior to taking the call based on
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# Minimum Specifications Compliance Remarks, if any
ANI, DNIS or IVR data.
 Synchronized transfer of the data and
the call to the call centre agent.
 Transfer of data corresponding to any
query raised by any IP agent regarding
a query raised by a customer whose
call is being attended by the call IP
 Call routing facilities such as business
rule based routing, skills-based
routing etc.
10. The application should support
integration to leading CTI middleware

11. Should provide pre-integration with

industry standard IVR servers and
enhance routing & screen-pop by
forwarding the information.

12. Should provide facilities for outbound

calling list management, and software
based predictive or preview dialling.

13. Call Centre Agent’s Desktop: The

agents desktop shall have an
application which shall fulfil the
following functionalities :
 It should provide consistent agent
interface across multiple media types
like fax, SMS, telephone, email, and
web call back.
 The agent’s desktop should have a
“soft-phone” – an application that
enables standard telephony functions
through a GUI.
 It should be possible for agents to
escalate the query.
14.System should be able to integrate with e–
mail / SMS gateway so that appropriate
messages can be sent to the relevant

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# Minimum Specifications Compliance Remarks, if any
stakeholders after the interaction and any
updates thereon.

15.Should intelligently and automatically

routes inquires with skills based routing
discipline to agents

16.Should have an Intelligent distribution of

email to agents

17. CTI (Computer Telephone

Integration) Application

 The CTI link should allow a computer

application to acquire control of the
agent resources on the IP EPABX &
change state of the agent phone
through commands on the CTI link.
 The CTI link should pass events &
information of agent states & changes
in agent states as well as incoming calls
to the computer applications.
 The CTI link should allow a computer
application to take control of the call
flow inside the IP EPABX & also allow
the computer application to decide the
most suitable action / agent for an
incoming call.
 Should be able to integrate with
various domain systems of SMC to
send/receive data like caller number,
call duration, agent id, transfer details,
 Ability to generate and service requests
 Call events should be handled from the
system such as hold, retrieve hold,
conference, transfer, etc.
 CTI should be integrated with core call
center system and update the IVR
18. Automatic Call Distribution (ACD)

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# Minimum Specifications Compliance Remarks, if any
 The ACD solution should be able to
route the call to any remote call centre
agent using IP phones
 Should able to Handle high call
volumes efficiently
 Should allow calls to be transferred
within the call center
 Should support multiple groups for all
call types
 Should provide highly configurable
system for adding/removing users
 Should have an ability to queue or
hold the call for an agent if none is
immediately available.
 Should have an ability to keep the
callers informed as to the status of the
call and providing information to
callers while they wait in queue.
 System should be able to perform
prioritized call routing
19. Supervisor Module

The call centre should provide a graphical

console application program for the
supervisor's workstation. This position
shall facilitate the following features:-

 Any supervisor shall be able to

monitor or control any group in the
call Centre.
 It shall show the live activity of each
agent in details as well as in a
summarized fashion including
information like total number of calls
received, calls answered, average
response time etc.
 The Supervisor console shall also
graphically display live status of the
call session summary, number of call
waiting in the queue, call traffic etc.
 Live status of the group shall be
shown, including waiting calls and
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# Minimum Specifications Compliance Remarks, if any
calls being answered currently.
 Access to the supervisor console shall
be restricted.
 It shall be possible for a supervisor to
attend calls whenever necessary.

The solution should have provision for call

recording, archival and retrieval. The
recording should contain detailed call
information and the solution must provide
advanced searching capabilities

The solution should able to store /retain

the recording on the recording server for
30 days.

21.Proposed solution should not have any 2. 3.
user license restriction up to 50 user
licenses. The performance of solution must
not degrade with increase in number of
users in the application up to 50 user

22. Should have a comprehensive audit trail

detailing every user activity including
system/security administrators.

23. Security and Privacy

 Should be capable to protect the

caller information and thus privacy
of the caller.
 System must maintain log including
date, time, terminal number of each
operation, done by every user/group
and should have back up.
 There should be a complete and
comprehensive security from
unauthorized access and misuse.
 System should support the following
- Forced password change
- Display last login/logout
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# Minimum Specifications Compliance Remarks, if any
- Failed login attempts
- Inactivity time out
- No concurrent login
- Block/delete/relocate users
- Password control (length,
composition etc.)
- Password not displayed when
- Password change interval
- Password change history
- Login session timeout
- Allows password reset
- Allows user to change password
24. a. Reporting b. c.
 The daily, weekly, monthly MIS
reports shall include all the following
but not limited to: report on calls
handled, call pending, average
duration of calls, min. & max
duration of calls, number of
instances the operator found busy,
calls abandoned due to breakdown,
etc. The proposed solution must have
comprehensive reports for various
activities by the Contact Center:
- Calls per week, month or other
- Numeric and graphical
representation of call volume
- Calls for each interaction tracked
by type
- Number of dropped calls after
- Calls that ended while on hold,
indicating that the caller hung up

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# Minimum Specifications Compliance Remarks, if any
- Reports must have restricted
access based on user access
- The ad‐hoc reporting tool must
enable reports to be exported to
other formats like MS Excel and
MS word format
- Agent based/shift based and
other suitable reporting shall be
25. Specify the proposed Make
26. Specify the proposed Model No

15.42 Video Conference System

Bidder is required to propose the Video Conference System like CISCO, Logitech, Polycom etc. as
per below specifications

# Minimum Specifications Compliance Remarks, if

(Yes/No) any
1. Camera Should support Full HD 1080p resolution
with 30 fps from day one.
2. Camera should have functionality of
motorized pan, tilt and zoom, controlled
from remote or console
3. Camera/Solution should support
Autofocus and minimum 3 camera pre-
4. Camera should have minimum 10X of
Optical zoom.
5. Should have at least 65 degrees field of view
6. Should support at least 180 degrees of pan
and 40 degrees of tilt
7. Should support H.264 (MPEG-4 AVC ),
H.264 SVC video codec
8. Solution should have ability to send and
receive two live simultaneous video sources
in a single call, so that the image from the
main camera and PC or

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# Minimum Specifications Compliance Remarks, if
(Yes/No) any
document/Presentation camera can be
seen simultaneously.
9. It should be possible to display the main
video on one screen and the presentation /
dual video on the other screen.
10. Video Should have DVI (Digital Video Interface)
Input/output or HDMI input to connect PC / Laptop
directly to the Video conferencing system
with Audio.
11. Video Output: Should have at least 2 HDMI
/ DVI (High Definition Multimedia
Interface) with Full HD 1080p output to
connect display devices such as LCD / LED
and projectors for both Video and Content.
(Dual Monitor Support)
12. Audio Inputs: Should support minimum 2
Microphone inputs. And it should be
supplied from day one.
13. Network Min. 1 x 1G LAN / Ethernet Port.
14. IPv4 and IPv6 support
15. Solution should be able initiate and receive
Video conference Session/call via local
(Intranet) static IP on Point to Multipoint
Leased line/MPLS connectivity between
HQ/ICCC and branches & also over the
Internet (Live/Real) Static IP.
16. System should support Password protected
system menu for better security.
17. ITU-T standards based Encryption of the
video call/session.
18. Speakerphone Should have minimum 1 x Speakerphone or
Speaker & MIC with Full Duplex Audio
Supported functionality and have feature of
echo cancellation, Noise reduction.
19. Solution should support integration with
Leading business certifications like Skype
for Business, Cisco Jabber and WebEx and
other video conferencing, recording, and
broadcasting applications that support
USB cameras

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# Minimum Specifications Compliance Remarks, if
(Yes/No) any
20. Accessories Solution should be offered with Full HD
Camera, Speakerphone-MIC System,
Remote control, Power Supply with cables,
all types of Video & Audio connectivity
Cables in required quantity, all types of
Video/Audio/Network converters required
if any along with mounting kit for ideal wall
placement or for elevating the camera on a
and placement of speakers/mic to utilize
solution with full functionality from day
21. Minimum 3 Years of Comprehensive
Warranty and support of
Parts/Hardware/Software/License and 2
Years of AMC.
22. Specify the proposed Make
23. Specify the proposed Model No

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16 Annexure IV- Scope & requirements for Data Center &
other Components
ICCC building is comprising of the Data Center Room at the 2 nd floor. The dimensions of the same
are 17,300 mm x 7620 mm. The drawing of the building is attached for reference.
The SI shall build, operate, and maintain the DC during the contract period. The minimum specified
work to be undertaken by the Prime Vendor for setting up and operating and maintaining DC has
been summarized as under:
Design of the Data Centre
 Physical Infrastructure comprising of Civil, Electrical & Mechanical works required to build
a Data Centre. This shall also include site preparation.
 Multi-layer security infrastructure to prevent unauthorized access to the Data Centre.
 Networking and other associated IT Components in the Data Centre.
Supply/ Installation
 All active and passive components.
 Physical infrastructure components such as Air-Conditioning System, Fire Detection and
Suppression System, Lighting system, Rodent Control, Water leakage detection system,
Access Control System, Electrical Cabling, etc.
 IT Infrastructure components such as necessary Servers, storage, Databases, Networking &
Security components, Software and other IT components required as per the scope of the
 Commissioning & Acceptance Testing shall involve the completion of the Data Centre site
preparation, supply and installation of the required components and making the Data
Centre for carrying out live operations.
 SSCDL will provide the space of approximately 1400 sq.ft. The DC hosting space is designed
to house 30 racks and the selected SI will be required to supply, install and commission 15
racks which will be used to host the server, storage and network equipments proposed as
part of this project. This rack space will also host SSCDL/SMC’s own IT infrastructure.
Further existing racks pertaining to other operational systems like AFCS, ITMS, ITCS, etc.
will be shifted to DC on successful commissioning of the DC.
 The general requirement for the Data Centre is mentioned here after and system wise
requirement / scope of work / specification are as per the details below. The Prime Vendor
must adhere to the design criteria and specification.
o All Civil & Interior work and Furnishing works
o Earthing & wiring.
o Integration with existing UPS System
o Integration with existing DG Sets
o Adequate LED Lighting
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o Electrical works within the Data Center
o Precision Air conditioning
o Intelligent Smoke & Fire Detection system
o Fire Suppression System
o Electromagnetic door lock
o Biometric Access Control System for the server room
o Proximity card reader solution
o Access Card
o Automatic water Leak Detection system
o Rodent Repellent System
o Data Center Management system
o Networking Components
o IP KVM switches
o Any other items required for this purpose
 The design should include Civil works, electrical and data cabling, wiring and connections,
Precision Air conditioning and comfort air-conditioning, etc.
 Provide necessary services and maintenance of Data Centre environmental infrastructure
and supplied components during the contract period so as to ensure maximum uptime and
SLA adherence as per RFP.
 Provide Fire Alarm, Fire detection and suppression, Rodent control, Water leakage
detection and control, BMS, Raised floor area, false sealing, lighting services,
airconditioning and environmental control equipments, access control and building
management devices, fire suppression devices, Fire rated material, etc.
 The DC build should also include LAN cabling, power cabling, termination and distribution
points, patch panels etc.
 The area will also host Security components. The security architecture will provide
controlled access to the hosting area including a comprehensive BMS system which
maintain adequate log of physical access and security. The logs would be stored for 12
 The top false ceiling would be created leaving appropriate space from the true ceiling of the
floor. This false ceiling will house cables of Electrical lighting, Firefighting, Rodent Control
and CCTV components.
 The false flooring will house electrical cabling, Data Cabling (Passive), Rodent Control, etc.
Network and electrical cables should be separately laid and should maintain a gap of
minimum 2 feet between them so as to avoid electro-magnetic interference.
 Providing and fixing Access flooring system (False floor) HPL panel with edge support rigid
grid under structure system. The system shall provide for suitable Floor tiles, pedestals and
stringers designed to withstand various static loads and live loads. The entire Access floor
system shall be made from steel cementations infilled. Access Floor tiles shall provide for
adequate fire properties, acoustic barrier and air leakage resistance. The system shall be able

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to accept an approved laminated floor covering i.e. Anti-static High pressure laminates with
PVC beading on the edges of the tiles. The rate shall be inclusive of wire manager & tile lifter
etc. The SI will be required to provide the Aluminium Floor False Panel (with minimum 50%
open area in each panel) in required number as per industry standard considering the
datacentre area and capacity in terms of 30 racks.
 Supply & Fixing of Antistatic Laminate skirting matching with floor tiles with thick MDF
Board / Bison Board.
 Providing and fixing in position gypsum board false ceiling/metal false ceiling with
approved G.I/Al/Steel Frame work and hangers including openings for lights etc. to be
framed with teak wood members of requisite section/size. The sidewalls should be covered
with heat protected materials.
 Anti-termite treatment of the entire critical area.
 Cutting and chipping of existing floors: The existing floor shall be cut utilizing mechanical
cutters and then chipped gently using chisel and hammer without causing any damages to
existing structure. The operation shall be carried out after taking prior permission.
 Trench works: TRENCH may be required to be made for cables. The bed of the trench shall
be truly and evenly dressed throughout. The bed of the trench has to be filled in with sand
and brick. Enough care should be taken not to damage any existing pipes, wires, cables that
comes in the way of trench. Cost of any damage done to the existing structure has to be borne
by the vendor.
 Masonry works: Any brick work, if required, has to be done by the Prime Vendor. The bricks
have to be of fine quality.
 Hardware and Metals: The hardware throughout shall be of high quality and ISI mark
wherever possible. Fitting generally shall be brass oxidized, unless otherwise specified and
shall be suitable for their intended purpose. Screws are to match the finish of the article to
be fixed, and to be round or flat headed or counter sunk as required. Aluminum and stainless
steel shall be of reputed manufacturer and suitable for its particular application.
 Doors and Locking: DC doors should be of minimum 5ft wide, 7ft high and 2 inch thickness,
without doorsills, hinged to open outward or slide side-to-side, or be removable. Doors shall
be fitted with locks and have either no centre posts or removable Centre posts to facilitate
access for large equipment. Entry and Exit door of data Centre should be separate. Door
frame should be Powder coated. Doors should be Fire-resistant steel minimum 180 minutes
 Fire proofing all surfaces: Existing walls of the data center shall be protected from fire by
installation of the Fire Resistance Rated Gypsum Boards with a view to prevent any spread
of fire.
 Galvanization: Galvanized coating for materials such as ceiling grids, raised floor supports,
etc. should be electroplated galvanized. This is to avoid zinc whiskers or metallic

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 Plumbing Work: No water or drain piping should be routed through the data Centre that is
not associated with data Centre equipment. Water or drain piping, if required, should be
routed within the data Centre and should be either encased or provided with a leak
protection jacket. A leak detection system should be provided to notify building operators
in the event of a water leak.
 Drainage Piping: Provision for floor drain(s) within the computer room to collect and drain
the pre-action sprinkler water after a discharge has to be made. The floor drain(s) should
receive the condensate drain water and humidifier flush water from the computer room air
conditioning units. Piping material should be type ―L copper with soldered joints
Combustible piping should not be used. 4.43 Pest Control: The treatment shall be carried
out generally in accordance with the stipulation laid down procedure as per IS: 6313 (Part
II)-1971 Part II Preconstructional chemical treatment measures I (code of practice for Anti-
termite measures in building part II pre constructional chemical.
 Pest Control: Necessary pest control measures and treatment shall be carried out in
accordance with industry best practice/standards at the time of site preparation so as to
make sure the DC environment pest free and the treatment effectively fights the pest.
 Circuits fed from distinct sources of supply or from different distribution boards or M.C.Bs
shall not be bunched in one conduit. In large areas and other situations where the load is
divided between two or three phases, no two single-phase switches connected to difference
phase shall be mounted at appropriate distance.
 All splicing shall be done by means of terminal blocks or connectors and no twisting
connection between conductors shall be allowed.
 Electrical cabling: Cable ducts should be of such dimension that the cables laid in it do not
touch one another. If found necessary the cable shall be fixed with clamps on the walls of
the duct. Cables shall be laid on the walls/on the trays as required using suitable clamping/
fixing arrangement as required. Cables shall be neatly arranged on the trays in such manner
that a criss-crossing is avoided and final take off to switch gear is easily facilitated.
 Neoprene rubber gaskets shall be provided between the covers and channel to satisfy the
operating conditions imposed by temperature weathering, durability etc.
 Necessary earthing arrangement shall be made alongside the rising mains enclosure by
Mean of a GI strip of adequate size bolted to each section and shall be earthed at both ends.
The rising mains enclosure shall be bolted type.
 Electrical Lights: It is provisioned to have energy efficient Lights (preferably LED) in Date
Centre to enable low power consumption and reduce cooling loads in the critical areas of
data Centre.
 The electrical cabling Work shall include the following.
o Power cabling
o Power Supply Distribution Board
o Power Cabling for Utility component and Utility Points etc.
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o Earthing
o Cabling from Power Supply Distribution Board to racks
 Specifications for Electrical Cabling: Fire retardant cables of rated capacity exceeding the
power requirement of fully blown configuration of the existing and proposed component to
be used. Multiple power points (2 points) from redundant source (UPS) to be provided at
each server racks. All materials used shall conform to IS standards as per industry practice.
 Drawing of Conductors: The drawing Aluminum / Copper conductor wires shall be executed
with due regards to all required precautions while drawing insulated wires in to conduits.
Care shall be taken to avoid scratches and kinks, which cause breakages.
 Joints: All joints shall be made at main switches, distribution boards, socket outlets, lighting
outlets and switch boxes only. No joints shall be made inside conduits and junctions boxes.
Conductors shall be continuous from outlet to outlet.
 Load Balancing: Balancing of circuits in three-phase installation shall be planned before the
commencement of wiring.
 Color Code of the Conductors: Color code shall be maintained as black for neutral and green
for earth (or bare earth).
 Fixing of the Conduits: Conduits junction boxes shall be kept in position and proper
holdfasts shall be provided. Conduits shall be so arranged as to facilitate easy drawing of the
wires through them. Adequate junction boxes of approved shape & size shall be provided.
 Switch-Outlet Boxes and Junction Boxes: All boxes shall conform to prevailing Indian
Standards. The cover plates shall be of best quality Hylam sheets or ISI grade Urea
Formaldehyde Thermosetting insulating material, which should be mechanically strong and
fire retardant. Proper support shall be provided to the outer boxes to fix the cover plates of
switches as required. Separate screwed earth terminals shall be provided inside the box for
earthing purpose.
 Inspection Boxes – Rust proof inspection boxes of required size having smooth external and
internal Finish shall be provided to permit periodical inspection and to facilitate removal
and replacement of wires when required.

16.1 Painting
 Fire retardant paint and shade (both with prior approval of SSCDL/SMC) to give an even
shade over a primer coat after applying painting putty to level and plumb and finishing with
2 coats of fire retardant paint. Base coating shall be as per manufacturer’s recommendation
for coverage of paint
 For all vertical Plain surface.
 For fireline gyp-board ceiling.
 POP punning over cement plaster in perfect line and level with thickness of 10 – 12 mm
including making good chases, grooves, edge banding, scaffolding pockets etc.

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 Fire retardant coating on all vertical surfaces, furniture etc. as per manufacturer’s

16.2 PVC Conduit

# Description Compliance Remarks,
(Yes/No) if any
1. The conduits for all systems shall be high impact rigid PVC
heavy-duty type and shall comply with I.E.E regulations for
non-metallic conduit 1.6 mm thick as per IS 9537/1983.
2. All sections of conduit and relevant boxes shall be properly
cleaned and glued using appropriate epoxy resin glue and
the proper connecting pieces, like conduit fittings such as
Mild Steel and should be so installed that they can remain
accessible for existing cable or the installing of the
additional cables.
3. No conduit less than 20mm external diameter shall be
used. Conduit runs shall be so arranged that the cables
connected to separate main circuits shall be enclosed in
separate conduits, and that all lead and return wire of each
circuit shall be run to the same circuit.
4. All conduits shall be smooth in bore, true in size and all
ends where conduits are cut shall be carefully made true
and all sharp edges trimmed. All joints between lengths of
conduit or between conduit and fittings boxes shall be
pushed firmly together and glued properly.
5. Cables shall not be drawn into conduits until the conduit
system is erected, firmly fixed and cleaned out. Not more
than two right angle bends or the equivalent shall be
permitted between draw and junction boxes. Bending
radius shall comply with I.E.E regulations for PVC pipes.
6. Conduit concealed in the ceiling slab shall run parallel to
walls and beams and conduit concealed in the walls shall
run vertical or horizontal.
7. The chase in the wall required in the recessed conduit
system shall be neatly made and shall be of angle
dimensions to permit the conduit to be fixed in the
manner desired. Conduit in chase shall be hold by steel
hooks of approved design of 60cm centre the chases shall
be filled up neatly after erection of conduit and brought to
the original finish of the wall with cement concrete
mixture 1:3:6 using 6mm thick stone aggregate and course

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16.3 Wiring
# Description Bidder
1. PVC insulated copper conductor cable shall be used for sub circuit
runs from the distribution boards to the points and shall be pulled
into conduits. They shall be stranded copper conductors with
thermoplastic insulation of 650 / 1100 volts grade. Colour code for
wiring shall be followed.
2. Looping system of wring shall be used, wires shall not be jointed. No
reduction of strands is permitted at terminations.
3. Wherever wiring is run through trunking or raceways, the wires
emerging from individual distributions shall be bunched together
with cable straps at required regular intervals. Identification ferrules
indication the circuit and D.B. number shall be used for sub main,
sub circuit wiring the ferrules shall be provided at both end of each
sub main and sub-circuit.
4. Where, single phase circuits are supplied from a three phase and a
neutral distribution board, no conduit shall contain wiring fed from
more than one phase in any one room in the premises, where all or
part of the electrical load consists of lights, fans and/or other single
phase current consuming devices, all shall be connected to the same
phase of the supply.
5. Circuits fed from distinct sources of supply or from different
distribution boards or M.C.B.s shall not be bunched in one conduit.
In large areas and other situations where the load is divided between
two or three phases, no two single-phase switches connected to
difference phase shall be mounted within two meters of each other.
6. All splicing shall be done by means of terminal blocks or connectors
and no twisting connection between conductors shall be allowed.
7. Metal clad sockets shall be of die cast non-corroding zinc alloy and
deeply recessed contact tubes. Visible scraping type earth terminal
shall be provided. Socket shall have push on protective cap.
8. All power sockets shall be piano type with associate’s switch of same
capacity. Switch and socket shall be enclosed in a M. S. sheet steel
enclosure with the operating knob projecting. Entire assembly shall
be suitable for wall mounting with Bakelite be connected on the live
wire and neutrals of each circuit shall be continuous everywhere
having no fuse or switch installed in the line excepting at the main
panels and boards. Each power plug shall be connected to each
separate and individual circuit unless specified otherwise. The power
wiring shall be kept separate and distinct from lighting and fan

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# Description Bidder
wiring. Switch and socket for light and power shall be separate units
and not combined one.
9. Balancing of circuits in three phases installed shall be arranged
before installation is taken up. Unless otherwise specified not more
than ten light points shall be grouped on one circuit and the load per
circuit shall not exceed 1000 watts.

16.4 Cable Work

# Description Compliance Remarks,
(Yes/No) if any
1. Cable ducts should be of such dimension that the cables
laid in it do not touch one another. If found necessary the
cable shall be fixed with clamps on the walls of the duct.
Cables shall be laid on the walls/on the trays as required
using suitable clamping/ fixing arrangement as required.
Cables shall be neatly arranged on the trays in such
manner that a criss-crossing is avoided and final take off to
switch gear is easily facilitated.
2. All cables will be identified close to their termination point
by cable number as per circuit schedule. Cable numbers
will be punched on 2mm thick aluminium strips and
securely fastened to the. In case of control cables all covers
shall be identified by their wire numbers by means of PVC
ferrules. For trip circuit identification additional red
ferrules are to be used only in the switch gear / control
panels, cables shall be supported so as to prevent
appreciable sagging. In general distance between supports
shall not be greater than 600mm for horizontal run and
750mm for vertical run.
3. Each section of the rising mains shall be provided with
suitable wall straps so that same the can be mounted on
the wall.
4. Whenever the rising mains pass through the floor they
shall be provided with a built-in fire proof barrier so that
this barrier restricts the spread of fire through the rising
mains from one section to the other adjacent section.
Neoprene rubber gaskets shall be provided between the
covers and channel to satisfy the operating conditions
imposed by temperature weathering, durability etc.
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# Description Compliance Remarks,
(Yes/No) if any
5. Necessary earthling arrangement shall be made alongside
the rising mains enclosure by Mean of a GI strip of
adequate size bolted to each section and shall be earthed at
both ends. The rising mains enclosure shall be bolted type.
6. The space between data and power cabling should be as
per standards and there should not be any criss-cross
wiring of the two, in order to avoid any interference, or
corruption of data.

16.5 Earthing
All electrical components (whichever supplied as part of this RFP) are to be earthen by connecting
two earth tapes from the frame of the component ring and will be connected via several earth
electrodes. The cable arm will be earthen through the cable glands. Earthling shall be in conformity
with provision of rules 32, 61, 62, 67 & 68 of Indian Electricity rules 1956 and as per IS-3043. The
entire applicable IT infrastructure in the Control Rooms shall be earthed.
 Earthing should be done for the entire power system and provisioning should be there to
earth UPS systems, Power distribution units, AC units etc. so as to avoid a ground
differential. Necessary space will be required to prepare the earthing pits.
 All metallic objects on the premises that are likely to be energized by electric currents
should be effectively grounded.
 The connection to the earth or the electrode system should have sufficient low resistance
in the range of 0 to 25 ohm to ensure prompt operation of respective protective devices in
event of a ground fault, to provide the required safety from an electric shock to personnel
& protect the equipment from voltage gradients which are likely to damage the
 The neutral to earth voltage in all electrical points should be less than 0.5 volts.
 The Earth resistance shall be automatically measured on an online basis at a pre-
configured interval and corrective action should be initiated based on the observation.
The automatic Earthing measurements should be available on the UPS panel itself in the
UPS room.
 There should be enough space between data and power cabling and there should not be
any cross wiring of the two, in order to avoid any interference, or corruption of data.
 The earth connections shall be properly made .A small copper loop to bridge the top cover
of the transformer and the tank shall be provided to avoid earth fault current passing
through fastened bolts, when there is a lighting surge, high voltage surge or failure of

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 A complete copper mesh earthing grid needs to be installed for the server farm area, every
rack need to be connected to this earthing grid. A separate earthing pit need to be in place
for this copper mesh.

 Provide separate Earthing pits for Servers, UPS & Generators as per the standards .

16.6 Fire Detection and Alarm System

# Minimum Specifications Compliance Remarks, if any
1. System Description
Solution should be an automatic zone single loop
addressable fire detection and alarm system and
must be installed as per NFPA 72 guidelines.
2. It should support Detection by means of automatic
heat and smoke detectors located throughout the
Control Room (ceiling, false floor and other
appropriate areas where fire can take place) with
break glass units on escape routes and exits.
3. Control and Indicating Component
All controls of the system shall be via the control
panel only.
4. The system status shall be made available via panel
mounted LEDs and a backlit alphanumeric liquid
crystal display.
5. The system should include a detection verification
feature. The user shall have the option to action a
time response to a fire condition. This time shall be
programmable up to 10 minutes to allow for
investigation of the fire condition before activating
alarm outputs. The operation of a manual call point
shall override any verify command
6. System should support following Manual
 Start sounders
 Silence sounders
 Reset system
 Cancel fault buzzer
 Display test
 Delay sounder operation
 Verify fire condition
 Disable loop
7. Smoke detectors:
Smoke detectors shall be of the optical or ionisation
type. The detectors shall have twin LEDs to indicate
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# Minimum Specifications Compliance Remarks, if any
the device has operated and shall fit a common
addressable base.
8. Heat detectors
Heat detectors shall be of the fixed temperature
(50° C) or rate of temperature rise type with a fixed
temperature operating point.
9. The detectors shall have a single LED to indicate the
device has operated and shall fit a common
addressable base.
10. Addressable detector bases
All bases shall be compatible with the type of
detector heads fitted and the control system
component used. Each base shall comprise all
necessary electronics including a short circuit
11. Detector bases shall fit onto an industry standard
conduit box
12. Audible Alarms
Electronic sounders shall be coloured red with
adjustable sound outputs and at least 3 sound
signals. The sounders should be suitable for
operation with a 24V DC supply providing a sound
output of at least 100dBA at 1 meter. The sounder
frequency shall be in the range of 500Hz to 1000Hz.
13. Commissioning
The fire detection and alarm system will be
programmable and configurable via an alpha
numeric keypad on the control panel.
14. Regulatory Requirements
National Electrical Code (NEC) Factory Mutual
Local Authority having Jurisdiction
15. Specify the proposed Make
16. Specify the proposed Model No

16.7 Aspirating Smoke Detector System

This specifications covers the requirements of design, supply of materials, installation, testing and
commissioning of Aspirating Smoke Detection System. The system shall include all equipment’s,
appliances and labour necessary to install the system, complete with high sensitive LASER-based
Smoke Detectors with aspirators connected to network of sampling pipes

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# Minimum Specifications Compliance Remarks, if any
1. Codes and standards
The entire installation shall be installed to
comply one or more of the following codes and
 NFPA Standards, US
 British Standards, BS 5839 part :1
2. Approvals
All the equipment’s shall be tested, approved by
any one or more:
 LPCB (Loss Prevention Certification
Board), UK
 FM Approved for hazardous locations
Class 1,Div 2
 UL (Underwriters Laboratories Inc.), U
 ULC (Underwriters Laboratories
Canada), Canada
 Vds (Verband der Sachversicherer e.V),
Design Requirements
The System shall consist of a high sensitive
LASER-based smoke detector, aspirator, and
It shall have a display featuring LEDs and
Reset/Isolate button. The system shall be
configured by a programmer that is either
integral to the system, portable or PC based
5. The system shall allow programming of:
 Multiple Smoke Threshold Alarm Levels.
 Time Delays.
 Faults including airflow, detector, power,
filter block and network as well as an
indication of the urgency of the fault.
 Configurable relay outputs for remote
indication of alarm and fault Conditions.
It shall consist of an air sampling pipe network to
transport air to the detection system, supported
by calculations from a computer-based design
modelling tool.

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# Minimum Specifications Compliance Remarks, if any
Optional equipment may include intelligent
remote displays and/or a high level interface with
the building fire alarm system, or a dedicated
System Management graphics package.
Shall provide very early smoke detection and
provide multiple output levels corresponding to
Alert, Action, Fire 1 & 2. These levels shall be
programmable and shall be able to set
sensitivities ranging from 0.025 – 20%
obscuration / meter
Display & Detector Assembly
The detector will be provided with LED
Each Detector shall provide the following
features: Alert, Alarm, Fire 1 and Fire 2
corresponding to the alarm thresholds of the
detector/Smoke Dial display represents the level
of smoke present, Fault Indicator, Disabled
11. Sampling Pipe
The pipe shall be identified as Aspirating Smoke
Detector Pipe along its entire length at regular
intervals not exceeding the manufacturer’s
recommendation or that of local codes and

12. Installation
The SI shall install the system in
accordance with the manufacturer’s
 Where false ceilings are available, the
sampling pipe shall be installed above the
ceiling, and Capillary Sampling Points
shall be installed on the ceiling and
connected by means of a capillary tube.
 Air Sampling Piping network shall be laid
as per the approved pipe layout. Pipe
work calculations shall be submitted with
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# Minimum Specifications Compliance Remarks, if any
the proposed pipe layout design for
 The bidder shall submit computer
generated software calculations for
design of aspirating pipe network, on
award of the contract.
13. Specify the proposed Make
14. Specify the proposed Model No

16.8 Water leak detection System

# Minimum Specifications Compliance Remarks, if any
1. Water leak detection System
Water leak detection System should be designed
to protect the Air-conditioned premises and to
alert the personnel about the leak in the AC
systems. The system should be capable of
interfacing to Water leak detection sensors,
condensation sensors & I/O modules.
2. Events should be clearly reported on LCD/LED
display with full English language description of
the nature of the fault in the panel. The successful
bidder should make detailed working drawings
and coordinate them with other agencies at site.
Water Leak Detection systems should be
integrated with Data center Management System.
3. The Water leak detection system should comprise
of Tape Sensors, Water Leak detection modules,
Condensation detectors, I/O modules and
sounders all connected to a Control Panel
The control panel should be computerized 4/8/12
zone multiplex controller with a facility to add on
dialer and speech processor. The system should
be programmed, armed or disarmed through a
control key pad. The control key pad should have
a LCD display for viewing various events. The
code to arm or disarm the system should be
changed only by entering a master code.
The system should have 4/8/12 zones and all the
detectors should be connected through a 2 core
cable. Each area of the premises should be
divided into specific zones such that any zone
should be isolated by the user if required.

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# Minimum Specifications Compliance Remarks, if any
5. The entire system should be backed up by a
maintenance free rechargeable battery to take
care of system’s power requirements whenever
power fails
6. The system should be totally tamper proof and
should activate an alarm if the control panel is
opened, the sensors tampered with or if the
system cables are cut even in the disarmed state.
7. The system should be able to log 500 events.
8. The Detectors, I/O Modules, Remote Keypads
and other Devices should be connected to a
system on a single 2/4/6 Core Cable Bus to avoid
individual cabling of zones.
9. The system should have a Buffer memory of
minimum 250 events and log each event with
exact date and time.
10. The controller should have a Serial Port for
connecting to a computer
11. The controller should work on 230 AC power
supply and it should also have a built in battery
12. The memory inside the controller should be
backed up by a lithium battery. The controller
should work effectively over a temperature range
of 0 Deg. C to + 55 Deg. C. and 0 to 90% of
Water Leak Detection sensors should be able to
mount in DIN rails, inside AHU’s, power
distribution units or other equipment where
localized leak detection is required. The detectors
should be resistant to oxidation and erosion. The
detector should have relay output for connection
to the controller. LED alarm indication should
also be provided. The detectors should operate in
AC or DC supply.
Tape sensors are used to detect water leaks
usually under floors. Tape sensors for use with
water leak detectors should be covered with
plastic netting to prevent short circuits when used
in metal trays or conduits and enables the tape to
be folded at right angles to allow easy routing
The hooter / sounder should give audible alarm
when any sensor operates. It should be complete
with electronic oscillations, magnetic coil (sound
coil) and accessories ready for mounting (fixing).
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# Minimum Specifications Compliance Remarks, if any
The sound output from the Hooter should not be
less than 85 decibels at the source point.
16. Specify the proposed Make
17. Specify the proposed Model No

16.9 Access Control System

# Description Compliance Remarks, if any
1. The system deployed shall be based on Biometric
2. An access control system consisting of a central
PC, intelligent controllers, power supplies and all
associated accessories is required to make a fully
operational on line access control system
3. Access control shall be provided for entry / exit
4. These doors shall be provided with electric locks,
and shall operate on fail-safe principle. The lock
shall remain unlocked in the event of a fire alarm
or in the event of a power failure
5. The fire alarm supplier shall make potential free
contacts available for releasing the locks in a fire
condition especially for staircase and main doors
6. Entry to the restricted area shall be by showing a
proximity card near the reader and biometric
authentication and exit shall be using a push
button installed in the secure area
7. The system shall monitor the status of the doors
through magnetic reed contacts
8. The proximity cards shall be of industry standard
and will be warranted against defects in materials
and workmanship.
9. Total 100 proximity card to be provided as part of
the solution
10. The system should be designed and implemented
to provide following functionality:
a. Controlled Entries to defined access

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# Description Compliance Remarks, if any
b. Controlled exits from defined access
c. Controlled entries and exits for visitors
d. Configurable system for user defined
access policy for each access point
e. Record, report and archive each and
every activity (permission granted and /
or rejected) for each access point.
f. User defined reporting and log formats
g. Fail safe operation in case of no-power
condition and abnormal condition such
as fire, theft, intrusion, loss of access
control, etc.
h. Day, Date, Time and duration based
access rights should be user
configurable for each access point and
for each user.
i. One user can have different policy /
access rights for different access points
11. Specify the proposed Make
12. Specify the proposed Model No

16.10 Rodent Repellent

# Minimum Specifications Compliance Remarks, if
(Yes/No) any
1. Solution should have Digital Controller with necessary
2. Solution should support Operating Frequency Above
20 KHz (Variable)
3. Controller should work in Auto & Manual Modes of
4. Controller should have support for Third Party Data
center Management System integration
5. Controller should have minimum 5 Wave Speed
6. Controller should have minimum 4 Wave Density
7. Controller should have minimum 4 Frequency Bands

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# Minimum Specifications Compliance Remarks, if
(Yes/No) any
8. Solution should support Cable Connection between
Controller and Transducers either via Dedicated or via
Looping wiring.
9. Solution should support minimum 20 nos of
10. Transducer Sound Output should be 50 db to 110 db
11. Power Supply : 230 V AC 50 Hz
12. Power output : 800 mW per transducer
13. Mounting : Wall / Table Mounting
14. Solution should be provided with minimum 3 years of
comprehensive warranty & support for all
15. Specify the proposed Make
16. Specify the proposed Model No

16.11 Fire Suppression System

The SI shall design, install, and configure the Fire Suppression System for the Data Center area.
The Fire Suppression System shall have a clean agent fire suppression system cylinder, seamless
cylinders, discharge hose, fire detectors and panels, and all other accessories required to provide a
complete operational system, meeting applicable requirements of NFPA 2001 Clean Agent Fire
Extinguishing Systems, NFPA 70 National Electric Code, NFPA 72 National Fire Alarm Code, or
ISO standards. These standards shall be used to ensure the performance as a system with UL/FM
approvals and installed in compliance with all applicable requirements of the local codes and
# Minimum Specifications Compliance Remarks, if any
Kyoto Protocols
 The clean agent system considered for total
flooding application shall be in compliance
with the provisions of Kyoto Protocol.
 Care shall be taken that none of the
greenhouse gases identified in the Kyoto
Protocol is used for fire suppression
2. Zero-ozone depleting potential
3. Global-warming potential not exceeding one
4. Atmospheric lifetime not exceeding one week
5. The clean agent fire suppression system with FK-
5-1-12 and inert gas-based systems are accepted
as a replacement of HCFC and HFC in accordance
with Kyoto Protocol.

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# Minimum Specifications Compliance Remarks, if any
6. The clean agent considered for the suppression
system shall be suitable for occupied areas with
No Observable Adverse Effect Level of 10% as
compared to the design concentration to ensure
high safety margin for the human who might be
present in the hazard area.
7. The minimum design standards shall be in
accordance with NFPA 2001, 2004 edition or
latest revisions.
8. Care shall be given to ensure early warning
detection system with minimum sensitivity of
0.03% per foot obscuration in accordance with
NFPA 318 and NFPA 72 to ensure a very early
warning signal to allow investigation of the
incipient fire with significant time before the
other detectors activate the fire suppression
system automatically.
9. All system components furnished and installed
shall be warranted against defects in design,
materials, and workmanship for the full warranty
period, which is standard with the manufacturer,
but in no case less than operational readiness
closure period.
10. Fire suppression system shall deploy NOVEC-
based gas suppression systems with cross-zoned
detector systems for all locations. These detectors
shall be arranged in a manner such that they
activate the suppression system in zones to cater
to only the affected area.
11. Illuminated signs indicating the location of the
extinguishers shall be placed high enough to be
seen over tall cabinets and racks across the room.
A linear heat detection cable shall be placed along
all wire pathways in the ceiling. This cable shall
not directly trigger the suppression system;
rather, it shall prompt the control system to
sound an alarm.
12. The SI shall give a certificate stating that their
NOVEC system is approved by
UL/FM/VdS/LPC/CNPP for use with seamless
steel cylinders, including component and system
13. The SI shall also provide a letter that the OEM has
NOVEC flow calculation software suitable for
seamless steel cylinder bided for in accordance
with the List of Major Components and that such
software shall be type approved by
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# Minimum Specifications Compliance Remarks, if any
14. The storage container offered shall be of seamless
type, meant for exclusive use in NOVEC systems,
with UL/FM/VdS/LPC/CNPP-component
approval. Welded cylinders are not permitted.
15. The NOVEC valve shall be differential pressure
design and shall not require an explosive- or
detonation-type consumable device to operate it.
16. The NOVEC valve operating actuators shall be of
electric (solenoid) type and shall be capable of
resetting manually. The valve shall be capable of
being functionally tested for periodic servicing
requirements and without any need to replace
consumable parts.
17. The individual NOVEC bank shall also be fitted
with a manual mechanism operating facility that
shall provide actuation in case of electric failure.
18. The system flow calculation is to be carried out on
certified software, suitable for the seamless steel
cylinder being offered for this project. Such
system flow calculations shall be also approved by
19. The system shall utilize 42-bar/high-pressure
(600 psi) technology that allows for a higher
capacity to overcome frictional losses, higher
distances of the agent flow, and better agent
penetration in enclosed electronic equipment
such as server racks and electrical panels.
20. The designer shall study and address possible fire
hazards within the protected volume at the design
stage. The delivery of the NOVEC system shall
provide for the highest degree of protection and
minimum extinguishing time. The design shall be
strictly in accordance with NFPA standard NFPA
21. The suppression system shall provide for a high-
speed release of NOVEC-based on the concept of
total flooding protection for enclosed areas. A
uniform extinguishing concentration shall be 7%
(v/v) of NOVEC for 21 degrees Celsius or higher
as recommended by the manufacturer.
22. The system discharge time shall be 10 seconds or
less, in accordance with NFPA standard 2001.
23. Sub-floor and the ceiling void to be included in
the protected volume.
24. The NOVEC systems to be supplied by The SI
shall satisfy all the requirements of the authority
having jurisdiction over the location of the

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# Minimum Specifications Compliance Remarks, if any
protected area and shall be in accordance with the
OEM’s product design criteria.
25. The detection and control system that shall be
used to trigger the NOVEC suppression shall
employ cross-zoning of photoelectric and
ionization smoke detectors. A single detector
activated in one zone shall cause an alarm signal
to be generated. Another detector activated in the
second zone shall generate a pre-discharge signal
and start the pre-discharge condition.
26. The discharge nozzles shall be located in the
protected volume in compliance to the limitation
with regard to the spacing, floor and ceiling
covering. The nozzle locations shall be such that
the uniform design concentration will be
established in all parts of the protected volumes.
The final number of the discharge nozzles shall be
according to the OEM’s certified software, which
shall also be approved by third-party inspection
and certified such as UL/FM/VdS/LPC/CNPP.
27. The cylinder shall be equipped with differential
pressure valves and no replacement parts shall be
necessary to recharge the NOVEC containers.
28. NOVEC shall be discharged through the
operation of an electric solenoid-operated device
or pneumatically operated device, which releases
the agent through a differential pressure valve.
29. The NOVEC discharge shall be activated by an
output directly from the NOVEC gas release
control panel, which will activate the solenoid
valve. NOVEC agent is stored in the container as
a liquid. To aid release and more effective
distribution, the container shall be super
pressurized to 600 psi (g) at 21°C with dry
30. The releasing device shall be easily removable
from the cylinder without emptying the cylinder.
While removing from cylinder, the releasing
device shall be capable of being operated with no
replacement of parts required after this
31. Upon discharge of the system, no parts shall
require replacement other than gasket,
lubricants, and the NOVEC agent. Systems
requiring replacement of disks, squibs, or any
other parts that add to the recharge cost will not
be acceptable.

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# Minimum Specifications Compliance Remarks, if any
32. The manual release device fitted on the NOVEC
cylinders shall be the manual-lever type and a
faceplate with clear instruction of how to
mechanically activate the system. In all cases,
NOVEC cylinders shall be fitted with a manual
mechanical operating facility that requires two-
action actuation to prevent accidental actuation.
33. NOVEC storage cylinder valve shall be provided
with a safety rupture disc. An increase in internal
pressure due to high temperature shall rupture
the safety disc and allow the content to vent
before the rupture pressure of the container is
reached. The contents shall not be vented through
the discharge piping and nozzles.
34. NOVEC containers shall be equipped with a
pressure gauge to display internal pressure.
35. Brass Discharge nozzles shall be used to disperse
the NOVEC. The nozzles shall be brass with
female threads and available in sizes as advised
by the OEM system manufacturer. Each size shall
come in 180° and 360° dispersion patterns.
36. All the major components of the NOVEC system
such as the cylinder, valves and releasing devices,
nozzles, and all accessories shall be supplied by
one single manufacturer under the same brand
37. Manual gas discharge stations and manual abort
stations, in conformance with the requirements
of NFPA 2001, shall be provided.
38. Release of NOVEC agent shall be accomplished
by an electrical output from the FM-200 gas
release panel to the solenoid valve and shall be in
accordance with the requirements set forth in the
current edition of NFPA 2001.
39. A high-sensitivity smoke-detection system shall
provide an early warning of fire in its incipient
stage, analyse the risk, and set off an alarm and
actions appropriate to the risk. The system shall
include, but not be limited to, a display control
panel, detector assembly, and properly designed
sampling pipe network
40. Specify the proposed Make
41. Specify the proposed Model No

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16.12 Precision Air Conditioning
# Parameter Minimum Specifications Compliance Remarks, if
(Yes/No) any
1. Scope a. The Data Centres Area shall be
provided with fully redundant,
microprocessor-based, gas-based,
Precision Air-Conditioning
b. Cool air feed to the Data Centres
shall be bottom-charged or
downward flow type using the
raised floor as supply plenum
through perforated aluminium
tiles for airflow distribution
c. The return airflow shall be
through the false ceiling to cater to
the natural upwardly movement
of hot air
d. Necessary ducting with DC grade
material below raised flooring to
ensure proper discharge of cool air
to the racks.
e. Cooling shall be done by the
Precision Air-Conditioning
system only. Forced cooling using
fans on the false floor is not
f. Air conditioning shall be capable
of providing sensible cooling
capacities at the design ambient
temperature and humidity with
adequate airflow. The Precision
Air-Conditioning system shall be
capable to be integrated with the
Data center Management System
for effective monitoring
2. Capacity & To provide 4 number of PACs each of
Quantity minimum 20 tonnes capacity.
3. Temperature a. The environment inside the Data
Requirement Centres shall be continuously
maintained between 20°C to 25
degrees Celsius.

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# Parameter Minimum Specifications Compliance Remarks, if
(Yes/No) any
b. The temperature and humidity
shall be controlled at desired
c. The necessary alarms for variation
in temperatures shall be
monitored on a 24/7 basis and
logged for providing reports
4. Remote a. There should be provision of
Monitoring remote monitoring of PAC with
Ethernet port

5. Relative a. Ambient RH levels shall be

Humidity (RH) maintained at 50% ± 5 non-
requirements condensing.
b. Humidity sensors shall be
c. The necessary alarms for variation
in RH shall be monitored on a
24/7 basis and logged for
providing reports
6. Temperature a. Temperature and relative b. c.
and Relative humidity recorders shall be
Humidity deployed for recording events
Recorders within the Data Centres. The
records of events shall be
presentable whenever required.
7. Air Quality a. The Data Centres shall be kept at
Level highest level of cleanliness to
eliminate the impact of air quality
on the hardware and other critical
b. The Data Centres shall be
deployed with efficient air filters
to eliminate and arrest the
possibility of airborne particulate
matter which may cause air-flow
clogging, gumming up of
components, causing short-
circuits, or blocking the function
of moving parts

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# Parameter Minimum Specifications Compliance Remarks, if
(Yes/No) any
8. Other a. The precision air conditioners
Requirements shall have two (2) independent
refrigeration circuits, two(2)
scroll compressors, two(2)
condensers and dual blowers for
flexibility of operations and better
b. The unit casing shall be in double-
skin construction for longer life of
the unit and low noise level.
c. For close control of the Data
Centres temperature and relative
humidity (RH) environment
conditions, the controller shall
have proportional integration and
differential (PID).
d. The precision unit shall be air-
cooled, refrigerant-based system
to avoid chilled water in critical
e. The internal rack layout design
shall follow the cold aisle and hot
aisle concept as recommended by
f. The refrigerant used shall be
environmentally friendly HFC, R-
407-C/R-410a or equivalent in
view of the long-term usage of the
Data Centres equipment as well as
the availability of spares and
g. The system shall include fully
deployed Dynamic Smart Cooling
with auto sequencing and auto
power management features to
switch the air conditioner on and
off automatically and alternately
as per preset/configuration for
effective usage.
h. The fan section shall be designed
for an external static pressure of

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# Parameter Minimum Specifications Compliance Remarks, if
(Yes/No) any
25 Pa. The fans shall be located
downstream of the evaporator coil
and be of the electronically
commuted, backward, curved,
centrifugal type, double-width,
double-inlet, and statically and
dynamically balanced. Each fan
shall be direct-driven by a high
efficiency direct current (DC)
i. The evaporator coil shall be A-
shape/ slant shape for down flow,
incorporating draw-through air
design for uniform air
distribution. The coil shall be
constructed of rifled bore copper
tubes and louvered aluminium
fins with the frame and drip tray
fabricated from heavy gauge
aluminium. Face area of coil shall
be selected corresponding to air
velocity not exceeding 2.5 m/sec.
j. Dehumidification shall be
achieved by either solenoid valve
arrangement / dew point method
of control / fan speed control /
ultrasonic control technology.
k. The humidifier and heaters shall
be built-in features in each
machine individually.
Humidification shall be achieved
by means of Steam electrode /
ultrasonic / infrared.
9 Microprocessor a. Room temperature and
Features humidity
 Supply fan working status
 Compressor working status
 Condenser fans working status
 Electric heaters working status
 Humidifier working status

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# Parameter Minimum Specifications Compliance Remarks, if
(Yes/No) any
 Manual/Auto unit status
 Line voltage value(Optional)
b. Temperature set point
 Humidity set point
 Working hours of main
component i.e. compressors,
fans, heater, humidifier.
 Unit working hours
 Current date and time
 Type of alarm (with automatic
reset or block)
 The last 10 intervened alarms

10 Microprocessor a. Testing of the working of display

Functions system
b. Password for unit calibration
values modification
c. Automatic restart of program
d. Cooling capacity control
e. Compressor starting timer
f. Humidifier capacity limitation
g. Date and time of last 10
intervened alarm
h. Start/Stop status storage
i. Random starting of the unit.
j. Outlet for the connection to
remote system
k. Temperature and humidity set
point calibration
l. Delay of general alarm activation
m. Alarm calibration

Alarms Display a. Air flow loss

11 on b. Clogged filters
Microprocessor c. Compressor low pressure
Screen d. Compressor high pressure
e. Smoke /ire
f. Humidifier low water level
g. High/Low room temperature
h. High/Low room humidity
i. Spare external alarms
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# Parameter Minimum Specifications Compliance Remarks, if
(Yes/No) any
j. Water under floor
12 Settable a. Unit identification number
Features b. Start-up delay, cold start delay,
and fan run on timers
c. Sensor calibration
d. Remote shutdown and general
alarm management
e. Compressor sequencing
f. Return temperature control
g. Choice of modulating output types
13 Protection a. Single phasing preventers
b. Reverse phasing
c. Phase misbalancing
d. Phase failure
e. Overload tripping (MPCB or
MCB) of all components
14 Warranty & a. The PAC will be with 5 years
Support comprehensive onsite warranty
and support.
b. The warranty and support will
include all parts including the gas
filling during the contract period.
c. SI will be required to carry out
necessary preventive and
breakdown maintenance
including periodic service on a
regular basis (atleast once a
quarter) to ensure maximum
15 Specify the proposed Make
16 Specify the proposed Model No

16.13 Datacentre Management System / Building Control System

# Description Compliance Remarks,
(Yes/No) if any
The BMS shall perform the following general
functions including but not limited to:
a. Building Management & Control
b. Monitoring of all data center devices through a single

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# Description Compliance Remarks,
(Yes/No) if any
c. Data Collection & archival
d. Alarm Event & Management
e. Reports & MIS Generation
SI shall design & provide a datacenter management
system that comprises the following general
functional sub systems.
a. PAC Management & Control
b. Temperature monitoring and controls at all specified
c. Safety & Security Systems Integration
d. Fire Alarm System Integration
e. Aspirating Smoke Detector System Integration
f. Access Control System integration
g. Water leakage Detection System
Specify the proposed Make
Specify the proposed Model No

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17 Annexure V- Common guidelines regarding compliance
of systems/equipment
1. The specifications mentioned for various IT / Non-IT components are indicative
requirements and should be treated for benchmarking purpose only. SIs are required to
undertake their own requirement analysis and may propose higher specifications that are
better suited to the requirements.
2. In case of addition/update in number of license for the Integrated Command and Control
Center (CCC) software, the SI is required to meet of technical specifications contained in the
RFP and for the upward revisions and/or additions of licenses are required. The software
licenses provided should be perpetual and at enterprise level such that SSCDL/SMC (or any
entity as determined by SSCDL/SMC) can use the software products irrespective of number
of users and number of field devices (Sensors, cameras, etc.) or number of cores of
computer. Additions to users or filed devices or number cores will have to be done at no
additional cost.
3. Any manufacturer and product name mentioned in the Tender should not be treated as a
recommendation of the manufacturer / product.
4. None of the additional IT / Non-IT equipment’s proposed by the SI should be End of Life
product. It is essential that the technical proposal is accompanied by the OEM certificate in
the format given in this Tender, where-in the OEM will certify that the product is not end of
life product & shall support for at least 6 years from the date of Bid Submission.
5. Technical Bid should be accompanied by OEM’s product brochure / datasheet. SIs should
provide complete make, model, part numbers and sub-part numbers for all
equipment/software quoted, in the Technical Bid.
6. SIs should ensure complete warranty and support for all equipment from OEMs. All the
back-to-back service agreements should be submitted along with the Technical Bid.
7. All equipment, parts should be original and new.
8. The user interface of the system should be a user friendly Graphical User Interface (GUI).
9. Critical core components of the system should not have any requirements to have
proprietary platforms and should conform to open standards.
10. For custom made modules, industry standards and norms should be adhered to for coding
during application development to make debugging and maintenance easier. Object
oriented programming methodology must be followed to facilitate sharing, componentizing
and multiple-use of standard code. Before hosting the application, it shall be subjected to
application security audit (by any of the CERTIN empanelled vendors) to ensure that the
application is free from any vulnerability; and approved by the SSCDL/SMC.
11. All the Clients Machines / Servers shall support static assigned IP addresses or shall obtain
IP addresses from a DNS/DHCP server.

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12. The Successful SI should also propose the specifications of any additional servers / other
hardware, if required for the system.
13. The indicative architecture of the system is given in this RFP. The Successful SI must provide
the architecture of the solution it is proposing.
14. The system servers and software applications will be hosted in Data Centers as specified in
the Bid. It is important that the entire set of Data Center equipment are in safe custody and
have access from only the authorized personnel and should be in line with the requirements
& SLAs defined in the Tender.
15. SI is required to ensure that there is no choking point / bottleneck anywhere in the system
(end-to-end) and enforce performance and adherence to SLAs. SLA reports must be
submitted as specified in the Bid without fail.
16. All the hardware and software supplied should be from the reputed Original Equipment
Manufacturers (OEMs). SSCDL/SMC reserves the right to ask replacement of any hardware
/ software if it is not from a reputed brand and conforms to all the requirements specified
in the tender documents.
17. System Integrator shall place orders on various OEMs directly and not through any sub-
contractor / partner. All licenses should be in the name of the SSCDL/SMC.

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18 Annexure VI- Approved List of Banks
Under this contract, wherever the contractor is required to submit F.D.R., bank guarantee, etc.
against payment towards any deposit or advance e.g. EMD,SD, etc. Such F.D.R, bank guarantees,
etc. shall be produced from any one of the following Nationalized Bank as listed below:
1. Indian Bank
2. State Bank of India
3. Punjab National Bank
4. Bank of Baroda
5. Union Bank of India
6. Bank of India
7. Oriental Bank of Commerce
8. Canara Bank
9. Central Bank of India
10. Corporation Bank
11. Allahabad Bank
12. Indian Overseas Bank
13. Dena Bank
14. Syndicate Bank
15. Andhra Bank
16. Punjab & Sind Bank
17. Bank of Maharashtra
18. Vijaya Bank
19. United Bank of India
20. UCO Bank or Any other Nationalized Bank
21. IDBI
22. HDFC
24. ICICI Bank Limited
25. The Surat People’s Co—operative Bank Ltd.
26. The Mehsana Urban Co-operative Bank Ltd.
27. Kotak Mahindra Bank
28. The Kalupur Commercial Co-operative Bank Ltd.
29. Rajkot Nagrik Sahkari Bank Ltd.
30. The Ahmedabad Mercantile Co-operative Bank Ltd.
31. Development Credit Bank Ltd.
32. YES Bank Ltd

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19 Annexure VII- Master Service Agreement
(To be printed on Rs. 300/- Stamp Paper)

Passport size Photo of

Authorized Signatory
with crossed Sign and




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This AGREEMENT is made at 1st Floor, South Zone Office, Surat Municipal Corporation, Opp.
Satyanagar, Udhna, Surat-394210, Gujarat, India on this ________ day of _____________,

(1) Surat Smart City Development Limited, a company incorporated under the Companies Act, 2013
with CIN : U74999GJ2016PLC091579 and having its Registered Office at 1st Floor, South Zone
Office, Surat Municipal Corporation, Opp. Satyanagar, Udhna, Surat-394210, Gujarat, India
(hereinafter called "the Company" or “the SPV” or “the Client” or “SSCDL” which expression
unless repugnant to the context therein, shall include its successors, administrators, executors and
permitted assignees) of the FIRST PART represented by CEO / Director / GM (IT) of the


(2) ____________________________________ a company registered under the

Companies Act, 1956, having its registered office at
___________________________________ hereinafter referred to as “Systems
Integrator” or “SI” or “Vendor” or “Contractor”, (which expression unless repugnant to the
context therein, shall include its successors, administrators, executors and permitted assignees), of
the SECOND PART as represented by _______________________ of the

WHEREAS party to the First part is established as the ‘Special Purpose Vehicle’ (SPV) under the
Smart City Program of the Government of India, and based on the submission and approval of the
Smart City Proposal (SCP) has authority to execute the projects so approved within the framework
of the Smart City Mission Statement and Guidelines issued by the Ministry of Urban Development
in June 2015 (hereinafter referred as “Guidelines”);

AND WHEREAS RFP for one of the approved projects under SCP related to Selection of
Implementing Agency for Integrated Command and Control Center (ICCC) in Surat (hereinafter
referred as the “ICCC Project.” or “the Project”) was published by SSCDL on
_______________, to seek services of a reputed IT firm as a System Integrator for
Implementing Agency for Integrated Command and Control Center (ICCC) in Surat;

And whereas M/s. __________________________________., has submitted its proposal

for “Selection of Implementing Agency for Integrated Command and Control Center
(ICCC) in Surat”;

AND whereas SSCDL has selected M/s. ___________________________________., as

successful bidder and issued Letter of Intent No. _________________________2018 to
the successful bidder who in turn signed and returned the same as a token of acceptance of Letter
of Intent. As required, the System Integrator has furnished Security Deposit of Rs.
__________________ (__________________________) as Bank Guarantee No.
________________________, dated ______________,
__________________________for performance of the Project.

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AND Whereas the SSCDL has adopted the System Integrator’s tender for the project through the
Project Committee established by the Board of Directors of the Company (hereinafter referred as
“The Project Management Committee”) vide Resolution No.______________________
having of tender Amount of Rs. ____________________ Ps

And whereas SSCDL and M/s. ______________________________________., have

decided to enter into this Agreement on the terms and conditions stipulated hereinafter.

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises covenants and promises contained herein
and other good and valuable considerations, the receipt and adequacy of which is hereby
acknowledged, the parties intending to be bound legally, IT IS HEREBY AGREED between the
Parties as follows:

1. Definitions
In this Agreement, the following terms shall be interpreted as indicated, -

(a) “SSCDL” means Surat Smart City Development Limited;

(b) “SPV” means Special Purpose Vehicle

(c) “SCP” means Smart City Proposal

(d) “Contract” means this Agreement entered into between SSCDL and the Systems Integrator
including all attachments and annexure thereto and all documents incorporated by
reference therein;

(e) “Systems Integrator” means M/s. ______________________________,

interchangeably referred to as “SI” in the contract; and

(f) “RFP” means the Tender Published by SSCDL (Ref. No.

_______________________________) and the subsequent Corrigenda /
Clarifications issued.

(g) "Go Live or successful completion of implementation of the project" date means the 16 th
day after the date on which the proposed project stream becomes operational after
successful conclusion of all acceptance tests to the satisfaction of SSCDL.

(h) "Deliverable" means any action / output generated by the SI while discharging their
contractual obligations. This would include information and all the other services
rendered as per the scope of work and as per the SLAs.

(i) "Assets" refer to all the hardware / Software / furniture / data / documentations /
manuals / catalogs / brochures / or any other material procured, created or utilized by
the SI for the Surat City ‘Smart Elements’ Project.
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(j) “Guidelines” refer to the set of instructions given by Ministry of Urban Development
regarding Smart City Mission

2. Interpretation
The documents forming this Agreement are to be taken as mutually explanatory of one another.
The following order shall govern the priority of documents constituting this Agreement, in the
event of a conflict between various documents, the documents shall have priority in the
following order:

 this Agreement;
 Scope of Services for the Systems Integrator (hereby annexed as Annexure I)
 Detail Commercial proposal of the Systems Integrator accepted by SSCDL (hereby
annexed as Annexure II)
 SLA to be adhered by the Systems Integrator (hereby annexed as Annexure III)
 Clarification & Corrigendum Documents published by SSCDL subsequent to the RFP for
this work (hereby annexed as Annexure IV)
 RFP Document of SSCDL for this work (hereby annexed as Annexure V)
 LoI issued by the SSCDL to the successful bidder (hereby annexed as Annexure VI);
 Successful bidder’s “Technical Proposal” and “Commercial Proposal” submitted in
response to the RFP (hereby annexed as Annexure VII).

3. Term of the Agreement

This agreement shall come into force and effect from the date of execution by both parties. The
term of this agreement shall be a period of 5 years from the date of Go-Live of all Project
Components including warranty and comprehensive Operation & Maintenance (O&M) support.

In the event of implementation period getting extended beyond implementation timelines, for
reasons not attributable to the Systems Integrator, SSCDL reserves the right to extend the term
of the Agreement by corresponding period to allow validity of contract for 5 years from the date
of successful completion of implementation of all the project components. (Note: Delay caused
due to any reason not in control of the SI would not be attributed to the project period.)

SSCDL also reserves the right to extend the contract at its sole discretion for additional duration,
beyond the 5 years of post-implementation period. Terms and conditions of such an extension
shall be prepared by SSCDL and finalized in mutual discussion with the SI.

4. Work Completion Timelines and Fees

The Work Completion timelines is as per section 8 of the RFP and subsequent Addendum &

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4.1 Payment Terms
The Payment terms is as per section 8 of the RFP and subsequent Addendum & Corrigendum.

4.2 Timeline for Project Execution

The Timeline for ICCC Project is as per section 8 of the RFP and subsequent Addendum &

5. Scope Extension
SSCDL reserves right to extend the scope of services for the price & timelines as given in
Annexure II & Annexure III to this Agreement. The SLAs applicable to this Contract shall be
liable for the additional items too.

6. Service Level Agreement (SLA)

System Integrator is required to comply with the SLA as mentioned in Section 9 of the RFP and
subsequent Addendum & corrigendum.

7. Insurance
The bidder will be required to undertake the insurance for all components of the ICCC Project
which has been procured under this RFP.

i. Insurance during the Contract Period

The System Integrator shall, at its cost and expense, purchase and maintain during the Contract
Period, such insurances as are necessary including but not limited to the following:
 Hardware delivered and installed to the extent possible at the replacement value with
Authority as beneficiary.
 Fire and allied natural calamities for the Central Control Centre limited to the scope of
supply at replacement value with the Authority as beneficiary;
 System Integrator’s all risk insurance with the Authority as co-beneficiary;
 Comprehensive third party liability insurance with the SMC/SSCDL as co-beneficiary;
 Workmen’s compensation insurance with the SMC/SSCDL as co-beneficiary;
 Any other insurance that may be necessary to protect the System Integrator, its employees
and the Project against loss, damage or destruction at replacement value including all Force
Majeure Events that are insurable and not otherwise covered in items (a) to (e) with the
Authority as beneficiary/co-beneficiary;
ii. Evidence of Insurance Cover
 The System Integrator shall, from time to time, provide to the Authority copies of all
insurance policies (or appropriate endorsements, certifications or other satisfactory
evidence of insurance) obtained by it in accordance with System Integrator Agreement.
 If System Integrator shall fail to effect and keep in force the insurance for which it is
responsible pursuant hereto , Authority shall have the option to take or keep in force any
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such insurance, and pay such premium and recover all costs thereof from System Integrator.
iii. Application of Insurance Proceeds
 All moneys received under insurance policies shall be promptly applied by the System
Integrator towards repair or renovation or restoration or substitution of the Project or any
hardware/equipment/device thereof which may have been damaged or required
 The System Integrator shall carry out such repair or renovation or restoration or
substitution to the extent possible in such manner that the Project , or any part thereof,
shall, after such repair or renovation or restoration or substitution be as far as possible in
the same condition as they were before such damage or destruction, normal wear and tear
 For insurance policies where the Authority is the beneficiary and where it received the
insurance proceeds, only such sums as are required from the insurance proceeds for
restoration, repair and renovation of the Project .
iv. Validity of Insurance Cover
The System Integrator shall pay the premium payable on such insurance Policy/Policies so as
to keep the insurance in force and valid throughout the Contract Period and furnish copies of
the same to the Authority for each year/policy period. If at any time the System Integrator fails
to purchase, renew and maintain in full force and effect, any and all of the Insurances required
under this System Integrator Agreement, the Authority may at its option purchase and
maintain such insurance and all sums incurred by the Authority therefore shall be reimbursed
by the System Integrator forthwith on demand, failing which the same shall be recovered by
the Authority by encashment of Performance Security, exercising right of set off or otherwise

8. Use & Acquisition of Assets during the term

System Integrator shall

 take all reasonable & proper care of the entire hardware & software, network or any other
information technology infrastructure components used for the project & other facilities
leased/owned by the system integrator exclusively in terms of the delivery of the services as
per this Agreement (hereinafter the “Assets” which include all the hardware / Software /
furniture / data / documentations / manuals / catalogs / brochures / or any other material
procured, created or utilized by the SI or the SSCDL for the Surat Project) in proportion to
their use & control of such Assets which will include all upgrades/enhancements &
improvements to meet the needs of the project arising from time to time; Note: Hardware
upgrades outside the RFP scope would not be part of the original contract and would be
catered through change request. Assets would be owned by the SSCDL however, the System
Integrator would be custodian of the same during the entire contract period and would take
care of all wear-tear, insurance, theft etc. so that the SLAs are not affected.
 Maintain sufficient spare inventory at all times, for all items of importance;
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 keep all the tangible Assets in good & serviceable condition (reasonable wear & tear
excepted) &/or the intangible Assets suitably upgraded subject to the relevant standards as
stated in of the RFP to meet the SLAs mentioned in the contract & during the entire term of
the Agreement.
 ensure that any instructions or manuals supplied by the manufacturer of the Assets for use
of Assets & which are provided to the system integrator will be followed by the System
integrator & any person who will be responsible for the use of the Asset;
 take such steps as may be recommended by the manufacturer of the Assets & notified to the
system integrator or as may be necessary to use the Assets in a safe manner;
 provide a well-prepared documentation for users in the manual, a clear plan for training,
education & hand holding the users & shall form part of hand holding phase until bringing
up the users to use software solution with speed & efficiency;
 To the extent that the Assets are under the control of the system integrator, keep the Assets
suitably housed & in conformity with any statutory requirements from time to time
applicable to them,
 Provide and facilitate access to SSCDL or its nominated agencies & any persons duly
authorized by him/her to enter any land or premises on which the Assets are for the time
being sited so as to inspect the same, subject to any reasonable requirements;
 Not, knowingly or negligently use or permit any of the Assets to be used in contravention of
any statutory provisions or regulation or in any way contrary to law;
 Use the Assets exclusively for the purpose of providing the Services as defined in the
 Use the Assets only in accordance with the terms hereof & those contained in the SLAs;
 Maintain standard forms of comprehensive insurance including liability insurance, system
& facility insurance & any other insurance for the Assets, data, software, etc in the joint
names of SSCDL & the System Integrator, where SI shall be designated as the 'loss payee' in
such insurance policies; SI shall be liable to pay premium for the insurance policy & shall
ensure that each & every policy shall keep updated from time to time.
 Ensure the integration of the software with hardware to be installed and the current Assets
in order to ensure the smooth operations of the entire solution architecture to provide
efficient services to SSCDL of this Project in an efficient and speedy manner; &
 Obtain a sign off from SSCDL or its nominated agencies at each stage as is essential to close
each of the above considerations.

Ownership of the Assets shall vest with SSCDL on Go Live of the project. Ownership of any
asset, created during the contractual period after go Live, shall also vest with SSCDL upon
creation of such asset. System Integrator shall not use SSCDL data to provide services for the
benefit of any third party, as a service bureau or in any other manner. Six months prior to the
expiry of the contract (of the respective work streams), there shall be joint inspection by a team
of SSCDL and SI to assess the damages to the assets, if any. If damage to the assets is found
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unacceptable to the SSCDL, then corresponding penalty/liquidated damages shall be recovered
from SI from the fees payable.

9. Security and safety

 The System Integrator will comply with the directions issued from time to time by SSCDL
and the standards related to the security and safety in so far as it applies to the provision of
the Services.
 System Integrator shall also comply with the SSCDL Project's information technology
security and standard policies in force from time to time as applicable.
 System Integrator shall use reasonable endeavors to report forthwith in writing to all the
partners / contractors about the civil and criminal liabilities accruing due to by
unauthorized access (including unauthorized persons who are employees of any Party) or
interference with SSCDL's data, facilities or Confidential Information.
 The System Integrator shall upon reasonable request by SSCDL or his/her nominee(s)
participate in regular meetings when safety and information technology security matters are
 System Integrator and its partners / sub-contractors shall promptly report in writing to each
other and SSCDL any act or omission which they are aware that could have an adverse effect
on the proper conduct of safety and information technology security at SSCDL's Facilities.

10. Indemnity
The System Integrator agrees to indemnify and hold harmless SSCDL, its officers, employees
and agents(each a “Indemnified Party”) promptly upon demand at any time and from time to
time, from and against any and all losses , claims, damages, liabilities, costs (including
reasonable attorney’s fees and disbursements) and expenses (collectively, “Losses”) to which
the Indemnified Party may become subject, in so far as such losses directly arise out of, in any
way relate to, or result from

i. any mis-statement or any breach of any representation or warranty made by the System
Integrator or
ii. The failure by the System Integrator to fulfil any covenant or condition contained in this
Agreement, including without limitation the breach of any terms and conditions of this
Agreement by any employee or agent of the System Integrator. Against all losses or
damages arising from claims by third Parties that any Deliverable (or the access, use or
other rights thereto), created System Integrator pursuant to this Agreement, or any
equipment, software, information, methods of operation or other intellectual property
created by System Integrator or sub-contractors pursuant to this Agreement, or the SLAs
(I) infringes a copyright, trade mark, trade design enforceable in India, (II) infringes a
patent issued in India, or (III) constitutes misappropriation or unlawful disclosure or use
of another Party's trade secretes under the laws of India (collectively, "Infringement
Claims"); provided, however, that this will not apply to any Deliverable (or the access, use
or other rights thereto) created by (A) "Implementation of Project by itself or through other

Issued by Surat Smart City Development Ltd Page 262 of 283

persons other than System Integrator or its sub-contractors; (B) Third Parties (i.e., other
than System Integrator or sub-contractors) at the direction of SSCDL, or
iii. any compensation / claim or proceeding by any third party against SSCDL arising out of
any act, deed or omission by the System Integrator or
iv. Claim filed by a workman or employee engaged by the System Integrator for carrying out
work related to this Agreement. For the avoidance of doubt, indemnification of Losses
pursuant to this section shall be made in an amount or amounts sufficient to restore each
of the Indemnified Party to the financial position it would have been in had the losses not
v. Any payment made under this Agreement to an indemnity or claim for breach of any
provision of this Agreement shall include applicable taxes.

11. Third Party Claims

a. Subject to Sub-clause (b) below, the System Integrator (the "Indemnified Party") from and
against all losses, claims litigation and damages on account of bodily injury, death or
damage to tangible personal property arising in favor or any person, corporation or other
entity (including the Indemnified Party) attributable to the Indemnifying Party's
performance or non-performance under this Agreement or the SLAs.

b. The indemnities set out in Sub-clause (a) above shall be subject to the following conditions:

i) The Indemnified Party, as promptly as practicable, informs the Indemnifying Party in

writing of the claim or proceedings and provides all relevant evidence, documentary
or otherwise;

ii) The Indemnified Party shall, at the cost and expenses of the Indemnifying Party, give
the Indemnifying Party all reasonable assistance in the defense of such claim including
reasonable access to all relevant information, documentation and personnel. The
indemnifying party shall bear cost and expenses and fees of the Attorney on behalf of
the Indemnified Party in the litigation, claim.

iii) if the Indemnifying Party does not assume full control over the defense of a claim as
provided in this Article, the Indemnifying Party may participate in such defense at its
sole cost and expense, and the Indemnified Party will have the right to defend the
claim in such manner as it may deem appropriate, and the cost and expense of the
Indemnified Party will be borne and paid by the Indemnifying Party.

iv. The Indemnified Party shall not prejudice, pay or accept any proceedings or claim, or
compromise any proceedings or claim, without the written consent of the
Indemnifying Party;

v. system integrator hereby indemnify & hold indemnified the SSCDL harmless from &
against any & all damages, losses, liabilities, expenses including legal fees & cost of
litigation in connection with any action, claim, suit, proceedings as if result of claim
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made by the third party directly or indirectly arising out of or in connection with this

vi. all settlements of claims subject to indemnification under this Article will: (a) be entered
into only with the consent of the Indemnified Party, which consent will not be
unreasonably withheld & include an unconditional release to the Indemnified Party
from the claimant for all liability in respect of such claim; & (b) include any
appropriate confidentiality agreement prohibiting disclosure of the terms of such

Viii. the Indemnified Party shall take steps that the Indemnifying Party may reasonably
require to mitigate or reduce its loss as a result of such a claim or proceedings; &

ix. In the event that the Indemnifying Party is obligated to indemnify an Indemnified Party
pursuant to this Article, the Indemnifying Party will, upon payment of such indemnity
in full, be subrogated to all rights & defenses of the Indemnified Party with respect to
the claims to which such indemnification relates;

x. in the event that the Indemnifying Party is obligated to indemnify the Indemnified Party
pursuant to this Article, the Indemnified Party will be entitled to invoke the
Performance Bank Guarantee, if such indemnity is not paid, either in full or in part, &
on the invocation of the Performance Bank Guarantee, the Indemnifying Party shall
be subrogated to all rights & defenses of the Indemnified Party with respect to the
claims to which such indemnification relates.

12. Publicity
Any publicity by the SI in which the name of SSCDL is to be used should be done only with
the explicit written permission of the CEO, SSCDL.

13. Warranties

a. The System Integrator warrants and represents to SSCDL that:

i. It has full capacity and authority and all necessary approvals to enter into and to
perform its obligations under this Agreement;
ii. This Agreement is executed by a duly authorized representative of the System
iii. It shall discharge its obligations under this Agreement with due skill, care and
diligence so as to comply with the service level agreement.

b. In the case of the SLAs, the System Integrator warrants and represents to SSCDL, that:

 the System Integrator has full capacity and authority and all necessary approvals to
enter into and perform its obligations under the SLAs and to provide the Services;

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 The SLAs have been executed by a duly authorized representative of the System

 The System Integrator is experienced in managing and providing works similar to the
Services and that it will perform the Services with all due skill, care and diligence so as
to comply with service level agreement;

 The Services will be provided and rendered by appropriately qualified, trained and
experienced personnel as mentioned in the RFP;

 System Integrator has and will have all necessary licenses, approvals, consents of third
Parties free from any encumbrances and all necessary technology, hardware and
software to enable it to provide the Services;

 The Services will be supplied in conformance with all laws, enactments, orders and
regulations applicable from time to time;

 System Integrator will warrant that the goods supplied under the contract are new,
unused, of the most recent higher version /models and incorporate all recent
improvements in design and materials unless provided otherwise in the contract. The
System Integrator further warrants that the goods supplied under this contract shall
have no defects arising from design, materials or workmanship.

 The overall system design shall be such that there is no choking point / bottleneck
anywhere in the system (end-to-end) which can affect the performance / SLAs.

Subject to the fulfillment of the obligations of the System Integrator as provided for in sub
clause (viii) above, in the event that such warranties cannot be enforced by SSCDL, the
System Integrator will enforce such warranties on behalf of SSCDL and pass on to SSCDL,
the benefit of any other remedy received in relation to such warranties.

c. Notwithstanding what has been stated elsewhere in this Agreement and the Schedules
attached herein, in the event the System Integrator is unable to meet the obligations
pursuant to the implementation of the Project, Operations and Maintenance Services and
any related scope of work as stated in this Agreement and the Schedules attached herein,
SSCDL will have the option to invoke the Performance Guarantee after serving a written
notice of thirty (30) days on the system Integrator.

14. Force Majeure & Vandalism

In the event that any Damages to items due to Vandalism (physical Majeure attack by public,
tampering of equipment by SMC / SSCDL staff or School staff and damage due to accidents) or
due to Force Majeure events (such as earthquake, fire, natural calamities, war, act of God) of
any kind during 5 years of comprehensive warranty( 3 years) and O&M support( 2 years) shall
be the liability of SSCDL. In such case, SSCDL/Authority shall request the successful Bidder to

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repair/replace the damaged unit and reinstall the same. All costs towards the same shall be
reimbursed by SSCDL/Authority to the successful Bidder less of insurance proceeds if need of
replacement so arise then replacement shall be on tender rates only.

The System Integrator shall not be liable for forfeiture of its Performance Guarantee, imposition
of liquidated damages or termination for default, if and to the extent that it’s delay in
performance or other failure to perform its obligations under the contract is the result of an
event of Force Majeure. For purposes of this Clause, “Force Majeure” means an event beyond
the “reasonable” control of the System Integrator, not involving the System Integrator’s fault or
negligence and not foreseeable. Such events may include Acts of God & acts of Government of
India in their sovereign capacity.

For the SI to take benefit of this clause it is a condition precedent that the SI must promptly
notify the SSCDL, in writing of such conditions and the cause thereof within 2 calendar days of
the Force Majeure event arising. SSCDL, or the consultant / committee appointed by the SSCDL
shall study the submission of the SI and inform whether the situation can be qualified one of
Force Majeure. Unless otherwise directed by the SSCDL in writing, the SI shall continue to
perform its obligations under the resultant Agreement as far as it is reasonably practical, and
shall seek all reasonable alternative means for performance of services not prevented by the
existence of a Force Majeure event.

In the event of delay in performance attributable to the presence of a force majeure event, the
time for performance shall be extended by a period(s) equivalent to the duration of such delay.
If the duration of delay continues beyond a period of 30 days, SSCDL and the SI shall hold
consultations with each other in an endeavor to find a solution to the problem.

Notwithstanding anything to the contrary mentioned above, the decision of the SSCDL shall be
final and binding on the SI.

15. Resolution of Disputes

The SSCDL and the SI shall make every effort to resolve amicably, by direct informal
negotiation, any disagreement or dispute arising between them under or in connection with the
Agreement. If after 30 days from the commencement of such informal negotiations, the SSCDL
and the SI are unable to resolve amicably such dispute, the matter will be referred to the
Chairman, SSCDL, and his / her opinion shall be taken.

If the SI doesn’t agree with the opinion of the Chairman, SSCDL, matter shall be referred to two
Arbitrators: one Arbitrator to be nominated by SSCDL and the other one to be nominated by
the SI. In the case of the said Arbitrators not agreeing, then the matter will be referred to an
umpire to be appointed by the Arbitrators in writing before proceeding with the reference. The
award of the Arbitrators, and in the event of their not agreeing, the award of the Umpire
appointed by them shall be final and binding on the parties. Proceedings under this clause shall
be subject to applicable law of the Arbitration and Reconciliation Act, 1996 and the venue of
such arbitration shall be Surat. Cost of arbitration shall be borne by each party proportionately.
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However, expenses incurred by each party in connection with the preparation, presentation
shall be borne by the party itself. The provisions of this clause shall survive termination of this

16. Limitation of Liability towards SSCDL

The SI's liability under the resultant Agreement shall be determined as per the Law in force for
the time being. The SI shall be liable to the SSCDL for loss or damage occurred or caused or
likely to occur on account of any act of omission on the part of the SI and its employees,
including loss caused to SMC / SSCDL on account of defect in goods or deficiency in services on
the part of SI or his agents or any person / persons claiming through or under said SI. However,
such liability of SI shall not exceed 50% of the total CAPEX + OPEX value.

This limitation of liability shall not limit the SI‟s liability, if any, for damage to Third Parties
caused by the SI or any person or firm acting on behalf of the SI in carrying out the scope of
work envisaged herein.

17. Conflict of Interest

A conflict of interest is any situation that might cause an impartial observer to reasonably
question whether SI actions are influenced by considerations of your firm’s interest at the cost
of Government.

The SI shall disclose to the SSCDL in writing, all actual and potential conflicts of interest that
exist, arise or may arise (either for the Systems Integrator or its Team) in the course of
performing Services as soon as it becomes aware of such a conflict. However,SI shall hold
SSCDL's interest paramount, without any consideration for future work, and strictly avoid
conflict of interest with other assignments.

18. Safety Regulation, Accident and Damage

a The Bidder shall be responsible at his own cost in and relative to performance of the work
and bidder to observe and to ensure observance by his Sub-contractors, agents and servants
of the provisions of Safety Code as hereinafter appearing and all fire, Safety and security
regulations as may be prescribed by the Owner from time to time and such other
Precautions, measures as shall be necessary and shall employ / deploy all equipment
necessary to protect all works, materials, properties, structures, equipments, installations,
communications and facilities whatsoever from damage, loss or other hazard whatsoever
(including but not limited to fire and explosion) and shall during construction and other
operations minimize the disturbance and inconvenience to the Owner, other bidders, the
public and adjoining land and property owners and occupiers, and crops, trees and
vegetation and shall indemnify and keep indemnified the One from and against all losses
and damages and costs, charges and expenses and penalties, actions, claims, demands and
proceedings whatsoever suffered or incurred by or against the Owner, as the case may be,
virtue of any loss, alteration, displacement, disturbance or destruction or accident to any
works materials, properties, structures, equipments, installations communications and
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facilities and land and property owners and occupiers and crops, trees and vegetation as
aforesaid, with the intent that the Bidder shall be exclusively responsible for any accident,
loss, damage, alteration, displacement, disturbance or destruction as aforesaid resultant
directly or indirectly from any breach by the Bidder of his obligation aforesaid or upon any
operation, act or omission of the bidder his Sub-contractor(s) or agent(s) or servant(s).
b The Bidder's liabilities under Clause (a) and otherwise under the Contract shall remain
unimpaired notwithstanding the existence of any storage cum erection or other insurance
covering any risk, damage, loss or liability for which the Bidder is liable to the Owner in
terms of the foregoing Sub-Clause or otherwise and / or in respect of which the Bidder has
indemnified the Owner with the intent that notwithstanding the existence of such
insurance, the Bidder shall be and remain fully liable for all liabilities and obligations under
the contract and indemnified to the Owner, and the Owner shall not be obliged to seek
recourse under such policy(ies) in preference to recourse against the Bidder or otherwise to
exhaust any other remedy in preference to the remedies available to in under the Contracth
prior written approval of SSCDL. However, even if the work is sub-contracted / outsourced,
the sole responsibility of the work shall lie with the SI. The SI shall be held responsible for
any delay/error/non-compliance etc. of its sub-contracted vendor. The details of the sub-
contracting agreements (if any) between both the parties would be required to be submitted

19. Data Ownership

All the data created as the part of the project shall be owned by SSCDL. The SI shall take utmost
care in maintaining security, confidentiality and backup of this data. Access to the data /
systems shall be given by the SI only as per the IT Security Policy, approved by SSCDL. SSCDL
/ its authorized representative(s) shall conduct periodic / surprise security reviews and audits,
to ensure the compliance by the SI Vendor to data / system security.

20. Intellectual Property Rights

(A) For the customized solution developed for the project, IPR of the solution would belong
exclusively to the SSCDL. The SI shall transfer the source code to SSCDL at the stage of
successful implementation of the respective smart element. SI shall also submit all the
necessary instructions for incorporating any modification / changes in the software and its
compilation into executable / installable product. SSCDL may permit the SI, right to use
the customized software for any similar project being executed by the same SI, with
payment of reasonable royalty to SSCDL for the same.

(B) Deliverables provided to SSCDL by System Integrator during the course of its performance
under this Agreement, all rights, title and interest in and to such Deliverables, shall, as
between System Integrator and SSCDL, immediately upon creation, vest in SSCDL. To the
extent that the System Integrator Proprietary Information is incorporated within the
Deliverables, System Integrator and its employees engaged hereby grant to SSCDL a
worldwide, perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive, transferable, paid-up right and license to

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use, copy, modify (or have modified), use and copy derivative works for the benefit of and
internal use of SSCDL.

21. Fraud and Corruption

SSCDL requires that SI must observe the highest standards of ethics during the execution
of the contract. In pursuance of this policy, SSCDL defines, for the purpose of this provision,
the terms set forth as follows:
a. “Corrupt practice” means the offering, giving, receiving or soliciting of anything of value
to influence the action of SSCDL in contract executions.
b. "Fraudulent practice" means a mis-presentation of facts, in order to influence a
procurement process or the execution of a contract, to SSCDL, and includes collusive
practice among bidders (prior to or after Proposal submission) designed to establish
Proposal prices at artificially high or non-competitive levels and to deprive SSCDL of the
benefits of free and open competition.
c. “Unfair trade practices” means supply of services different from what is ordered on, or
change in the Scope of Work which is given by the SSCDL in RFP.
d. “Coercive Practices” means harming or threatening to harm, directly or indirectly,
persons or their property to influence their participation in the execution of contract.

If it is noticed that the SI has indulged into the Corrupt / Fraudulent / Unfair / Coercive
practices, it will be a sufficient ground for SSCDL for termination of the contract and
initiate black-listing of the vendor.

22. Exit Management

(i) Exit Management Purpose
This clause sets out the provisions, which will apply during Exit Management period.
The Parties shall ensure that their respective associated entities carry out their
respective obligations set out in this Exit Management Clause.

The exit management period starts, in case of expiry of contract, at least 6 months prior
to the date when the contract comes to an end or in case of termination of contract, on
the date when the notice of termination is sent to the SI. The exit management period
ends on the date agreed upon by the SSCDL or Six months after the beginning of the exit
management period, whichever is earlier.

(ii) Confidential Information, Security and Data

Systems Integrator will promptly on the commencement of the exit management period,
supply to the SSCDL or its nominated agencies the following:

a) Information relating to the current services rendered and performance data relating
to the performance of the services; Documentation relating to Surveillance Project,
Project’s Intellectual Property Rights; any other data and confidential information
related to the Project;

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b) Project data as is reasonably required for purposes of the Project or for transitioning
of the services to its Replacing Successful Bidder in a readily available format.
c) All other information (including but not limited to documents, records and
agreements) relating to the services reasonably necessary to enable the SSCDL and
its nominated agencies, or its Replacing Vendor to carry out due diligence in order to
transition the provision of the Services to SSCDL or its nominated agencies, or its
Replacing Vendor (as the case may be).

(iii) Employees
Promptly on reasonable request at any time during the exit management period, the
Successful Bidder shall, subject to applicable laws, restraints and regulations (including
in particular those relating to privacy) provide to SSCDL a list of all employees (with job
titles and communication address) of the Successful Bidder, dedicated to providing the
services at the commencement of the exit management period; To the extent that any
Transfer Regulation does not apply to any employee of the Successful Bidder, SSCDL or
Replacing Vendor may make an offer of contract for services to such employee of the
Successful Bidder and the Successful Bidder shall not enforce or impose any contractual
provision that would prevent any such employee from being hired by the SSCDL or any
Replacing Vendor.

(iv) Rights of Access to Information

At any time during the exit management period, the Successful Bidder will be obliged to
provide an access of information to SSCDL and / or any Replacing Vendor in order to
make an inventory of the Assets (including hardware / Software / Active / passive),
documentations, manuals, catalogs, archive data, Live data, policy documents or any
other material related to the Surveillance Project.

(v) Exit Management Plan

Successful Bidder shall provide SSCDL with a recommended exit management plan
("Exit Management Plan") within 90 days of signing of the contract, which shall deal
with at least the following aspects of exit management in relation to the SLA as a whole
and in relation to the Project Implementation, the Operation and Management SLA and
Scope of work definition.

a) A detailed program of the transfer process that could be used in conjunction with a
Replacement Vendor including details of the means to be used to ensure continuing
provision of the services throughout the transfer process or until the cessation of the
services and of the management structure to be used during the transfer;
b) Plans for the communication with such of the Successful Bidder, staff, suppliers,
customers and any related third party as are necessary to avoid any material
detrimental impact on Project’s operations as a result of undertaking the transfer;
c) Plans for provision of contingent support to the Surveillance Project and
Replacement Vendor for a reasonable period (minimum one month) after transfer.
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d) Successful Bidder shall re-draft the Exit Management Plan annually to ensure that
it is kept relevant and up to date.
e) Each Exit Management Plan shall be presented by the Successful Bidder to and
approved by SSCDL or its nominated agencies.
f) The terms of payment as stated in the Terms of Payment Schedule include the costs
of the Successful Bidder complying with its obligations under this Schedule.
g) During the exit management period, the Successful Bidder shall use its best efforts
to deliver the services.
h) Payments during the Exit Management period shall be made in accordance with the
Terms of Payment Schedule.

(vi) Transfer Cost

On premature termination of the contract for reasons other than those mentioned in
section 23.a (Termination for Default), the Successful Bidder shall be paid the
depreciated book value of the infrastructure cost and the other assets (as per the Asset
Register). The depreciation rates and method followed will be as per Income Tax Rules.

Note: Amount to be payable by SI on premature termination of contract =

Pending amount to be paid against services delivered + Depreciated Book Value of the
Assets as per Income Tax Rules – Applicable Penalty / Liquidated Damages

23. Termination of Contract

SSCDL may, without prejudice to any other remedy under this Contract and applicable law,
reserves the right to terminate for breach of contract by providing a written notice of 30 days
stating the reason for default to the SI and as it deems fit, terminate the contract either in whole
or in part:

 If the SI fails to deliver any or all of the project requirements / operationalization / go-live
of the project within the time frame specified in the contract; or
 If the SI fails to perform any other obligation(s) under the contract.

Prior to providing a notice of termination to the SI, SSCDL shall provide the SI with a written
notice of 30 days instructing the SI to cure any breach/ default of the Contract, if SSCDL is of the
view that the breach may be rectified.

On failure of the SI to rectify such breach within 30 days, SSCDL may terminate the contract by
providing a written notice of 30 days to the SI, provided that such termination will not prejudice
or affect any right of action or remedy which has accrued or will accrue thereafter to SSCDL. In
such event the SI shall be liable for penalty/liquidated damages imposed by the SSCDL. The
performance Guarantee shall be forfeited by the SSCDL

Consequences of Termination

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In the event of termination of this contract, SSCDL is entitled to impose any such obligations and
conditions and issue any clarifications as may be necessary to ensure an efficient transition and
effective continuity of the services which the SI shall be obliged to comply with and take all
available steps to minimize the loss resulting from that termination/ breach, and further allow
and provide all such assistance to SSCDL and/ or succeeding vendor, as may be required, to take
over the obligations of the SI in relation to the execution / continued execution of the
requirements of this contract.

Plans and drawings

All plans, drawings, specifications, designs, reports and other documents prepared by the Vendor
in the execution of the contract shall become and remain the property of SSCDL and before
termination or expiration of this contract the SI shall deliver all such documents, prepared under
this contract along with a detailed inventory thereof, to SSCDL.

24. Miscellaneous
a) Confidentiality
“Confidential Information" means all information including Project Data (whether in
written, oral, electronic or other format) which relates to the technical, financial and
operational affairs, business rules, citizen information, video footages, alert information,
any police department data, products, processes, data, crime / criminal secrets, design
rights, know-how and personnel of each Party and its affiliates which is disclosed to or
otherwise learned by the other Party or its consortium partners or subcontractors
(whether a Party to the contract or to the SLA) in the course of or in connection with the
contract (including without limitation such information received during negotiations,
location visits and meetings in connection with the contract or to the SLA) or pursuant to
the contract to be signed subsequently.

Except with the prior written permission of SSCDL, the Systems Integrator (including all
consortiums or partners) and its Personnel shall not disclose such confidential
information to any person or entity not expected to know such information by default of
being associated with the project, nor shall the Systems Integrator and it’s Personnel make
public the recommendations formulated in the course of, or as a result of the Project.

a. The System Integrator recognizes that during the term of this Agreement, sensitive
data will be procured & made available to it, its Sub contractors & agents & others
working for or under the System Integrator. Disclosure or usage of the data by any
such recipient may constitute a breach of law applicable causing harm not only to
SSCDL / SMC whose data is used but also to its stakeholders. System Integrator, its
Subcontractors & agents are required to demonstrate utmost care, sensitivity & strict
confidentiality. Any breach of this Article will result in SSCDL & its nominees receiving
a right to seek injunctive relief & damages from the System Integrator.

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b. Each Party agrees as to any Confidential Information disclosed by a Party to this
Agreement (the "Discloser") to the other Party to this Agreement (the "Recipient") &
i. to take such steps necessary to protect the Discloser's Confidential information
from unauthorized use, reproduction & disclosure, as the Recipient takes in relation
to its own Confidential Information of the same type, but in no event less than
reasonable care;
ii. to use such Confidential Information only for the purposes of this Agreement or as
otherwise expressly permitted or expressly required by this Agreement or as
otherwise permitted by the Discloser in writing; &
iii. not, without the Discloser's prior written consent, to copy the Confidential
Information cause or allow it to be copied, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part,
except as otherwise expressly provided in this Agreement, or as required in
connection with Recipient's use as permitted under this Article, or as needed for
the purposes of this Agreement, or as needed for the purposes of this Agreement,
provided that any proprietary legends & notices (whether of the Discloser or of a
Third Party) are not removed or obscured; &
iv. Not, to disclose, transfer, publish or communicate the Confidential Information in
any manner, without the Discloser's prior written consent, to any person except as
permitted under this Agreement.

c. The restrictions of this Article shall not apply to confidential Information that:
i. is or becomes generally available to the public through no breach of this Article by
the Recipient; &
ii. Was in the recipient's possession free of any obligation of confidence prior to the
time of receipt of it by the Recipient hereunder; &
iii. Is developed by the Recipient independently of any of discloser's Confidential
Information; &
iv. Is rightfully obtained by the Recipient from third Parties authorized at that time to
make such disclosure without restriction; &
v. is identified in writing by the Discloser as no longer proprietary or confidential; or
vi. Is required to be disclosed by law, regulation or Court Order, provided that the
recipient gives prompt written notice to the Discloser of such legal & regulatory
requirement to disclose so as to allow the Discloser reasonable opportunity to
contest such disclosure.

d. to the extent that such disclosure is required for the purposes of this Agreement, either
Party may disclose Confidential Information to:
i. its employees, agents & independent contractors & to any of its affiliates & their
respective independent contractors or employees; &
ii. its professional advisors & auditors, who require access for the purposes of this
Agreement, whom the relevant Party has informed of its obligations under this
Article & in respect of whom the relevant Party has informed of its obligations under
this Article has used commercially reasonable efforts to ensure that they are
contractually obliged to keep such Confidential Information confidential on terms
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substantially the same as set forth in this Article. Either Party may also disclose
confidential Information or any entity with the other Party's prior written consent.

e. The provisions of this Article shall survive three years post expiration or any earlier
termination of this Agreement.

f. confidential Information shall be & remain the property of the Discloser & nothing in
this Article shall be construed to grant either Party any right or license with respect to
the other Party's confidential Information otherwise than as is expressly set out in this
g. Subject as otherwise expressly provide in this Agreement all Confidential information
in tangible or electronic form under the control of the Recipient shall either be
destroyed, erased or returned to the Discloser promptly upon the earlier of: (i) the
written request of the Disclose, or, (ii) termination or expiry of this Agreement or, in
respect of the SLAs, the termination or expiry of the SLAs. Notwithstanding the
forgoing, both Parties may retain, subject to the terms of this Article, reasonable
number of copies of the other Party's Confidential Information solely for confirmation
of compliance with the confidentiality obligations of this Agreement.

h. Neither Party is restricted by the provisions of this clause from using (including using
to provide products or perform services on behalf of third Parties) any ideas, concepts,
know-how & techniques that are related to the Recipient's employees or agents (and
not intentionally memorized for the purpose of later recording or use) (collectively, the
"residuals"). This Article shall not permit the disclosure or use by either Party or any
financial (including business plans), statistical, product, personnel or customer data or
the other Party. Each party agrees not to disclose the source of the Residuals.

i. Both Parties agree that monetary damages would not be a sufficient remedy for any
breach of this clause by the other Party & that SSCDL & system integrator, as
appropriate, shall be entitled to equitable relief, including injunction & specific
performance as a remedy for any such breach. Such remedies shall not be deemed to
be the exclusive remedies for a breach by a Party of this clause, but shall be in addition
to all other remedies available at law or equity to the damaged Party.

j. in connection with the Services, System Integrator may from time to time undertake
one or more quality assessment reviews for the purpose of improving the SSCDL
Project. In order for such reviews to be frank & candid, for the greatest benefit to both
SSCDL & System Integrator, they shall be kept confidential to the greatest extent
possible. The Parties agree that any documentation created in connection with such
quality assessment reviews shall be confidential Information of System Integrator
which is licensed to SSCDL for any internal use except that in no event shall such
documentation or the results of such reviews be discoverable or admissible (or used for
any purpose) in any arbitration or legal proceedings against System integrator related
to this Agreement or the Services.
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A Non-disclosure agreement shall be signed separately between the Systems Integrator
and SSCDL.

b) Standards of Performance
The SI shall provide the services and carry out their obligations under the Contract with
due diligence, efficiency and professionalism/ethics in accordance with generally accepted
professional standards and practices. The SI shall always act in respect of any matter
relating to this contract. The SI shall abide by all the provisions/Acts/Rules/Regulations,
Standing orders, etc. of Information Technology as prevalent in the country. The SI shall
also conform to the standards laid down by SMC or SSCDL or Government of Gujarat or
Government of India from time to time.

c) Sub Contracts
All the personnel working on the project and having access to the Servers / data should be
on payroll of the Systems Integrator. Sub-contracting / out sourcing would be allowed
only for work like
- Passive Networking & Civil Work during implementation,
- FMS staff for non- IT support during post-implementation
- Services delivered by the respective Product Vendors / OEMs

The bidder is expected to provide details of the sub-contractors for the work which is
allowed as mentioned in the clause. Use of personnel not on payroll of the SI shall be
considered as sub-contracting.

The SI shall take prior approval from SSCDL for sub-contracting any allowed work as
mentioned in clause, if not already specified in the proposal and approved by SSCDL. Such
sub-contracting shall not relieve the SI from any liability or obligation under the Contract.
The SI shall solely responsible for the work carried out by subcontracting under the

d) Care to be taken while working at Public Place

SI should follow instructions issued by concerned Competent Authority and SSCDL from
time to time for carrying out work at public places. SI should ensure that there is no
damage caused to any private or public property. In case such damage is caused, SI shall
immediately bring it to the notice of concerned organization and SSCDL in writing and
pay necessary charges towards fixing of the damage. SI should also ensure that no traffic
congestion/public inconvenience is caused while carrying out work at public places.

SI shall ensure that its employees/representatives don’t breach privacy of any citizen or
establishment during the course of execution or maintenance of the project.

e) Compliance with Labor regulations

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The SI shall pay fair and reasonable wages to the workmen employed by him, for the
contract undertaken by him and comply with the provisions set forth under the Minimum
wages Act and the Contract Labor Act 1970.

f) Independent Contractor
Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as establishing or implying any partnership
or joint venture or employment relationship between the Parties to this Agreement.
Except as expressly stated in this Agreement nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed
to constitute any Party as the agent of any other Party or authorizes either Party (i) to incur
any expenses on behalf of the other Party, (ii) to enter into any engagement or make any
representation or warranty on behalf of the other Party, (iii) to pledge the credit of or
otherwise bind or oblige the other Party, or (iv) to commit the other Party in any manner
whatsoever in each case without obtaining the other Party's prior written consent.

g) Waiver
A waiver of any provision or breach of this Agreement must be in writing and signed by
an authorized official of the Party executing the same. No such waiver shall be construed
to affect or imply a subsequent waiver of the same provision or subsequent breach of this

h) Notices
Any notice or other document, which may be given by either Party under this Agreement,
shall be given in writing in person or by pre-paid recorded delivery post.
In relation to a notice given under this Agreement, any such notice or other document
shall be addressed to the other Party's principal or registered office address as set out

Chief Executive Officer,

Surat Smart City Development Ltd.
1st Floor, South Zone Office,
Surat Municipal Corporation,
Opp. Satyanagar, Udhna,
Surat-394210, Gujarat, India
Tel: 0261 2277429
Fax: 0261 2277043

Systems Integrator:



Issued by Surat Smart City Development Ltd Page 276 of 283




Any notice or other document shall be deemed to have been given to the other Party when
delivered (if delivered in person) if delivered between the hours of 9.30 am and 5.30 pm
at the address of the other Party set forth above or on the next working day thereafter if
delivered outside such hours, and 7 calendar days from the date of posting (if by letter).

i) Performance Guarantee
The SI shall submit performance guarantee which is unconditional & irrevocable equal to
10% of the order value of the contract in the format prescribed in RFP issued by any of the
Nationalized Banks Only. The performance guarantee shall be valid for the term
agreement & shall be renewed & maintained by the SI for the term of the agreement &
extension, if any. The performance guarantee shall be forfeited / liquidated by the SSCDL
as a penalty in the event of failure to complete obligations or breach of any of the
conditions by the SI.

j) Personnel/Employees
i. Personnel/employees assigned by System Integrator to perform the services shall be
employees of System Integrator or its sub-contractors, & under no circumstances will
such personnel be considered as employees of SSCDL. System Integrator shall have
the sole responsibility for supervision & control of its personnel & for payment of such
personnel's employee's entire compensation, including salary, legal deductions
withholding of income taxes & social security taxes, worker's compensation, employee
& disability benefits & the like & shall be responsible for all employer obligations under
all laws as applicable from time to time. The SSCDL shall not be responsible for the
above issues concerning to personnel of System Integrator.
ii. System Integrator shall use its best efforts to ensure that sufficient System Integrator
personnel are employed to perform the Services, & that, such personnel have
appropriate qualifications to perform the Services. SSCDL or its nominated agencies
shall have the right to require the removal or replacement of any system Integrator
personnel performing work under this Agreement. In the event that SSCDL requests
that any System Integrator personnel be replaced, the substitution of such personnel
shall be accomplished pursuant to a mutually agreed upon schedule & upon clearance
of the personnel based on profile review & upon schedule & upon clearance of the
personnel based on profile review & personal interview by SSCDL or its nominated
agencies, within not later than 30 working days. System Integrator shall depute quality
team for the project & as per requirements, SSCDL shall have the right to ask System
Integrator to change the team.

Issued by Surat Smart City Development Ltd Page 277 of 283

iii. Management (Regional Head / VP level officer) of System Integrator needs to be
involved in the project monitoring & should attend the review meeting atleast once in
a month.
iv. The profiles of resources proposed by System Integrator in the technical proposal,
which are considered for Technical bid evaluation, shall be construed as 'Key
Personnel' & the System Integrator shall not remove such personnel without the prior
written consent of SSCDL. For any changes to the proposed resources, System
Integrator shall provide equivalent or better resources (in terms of qualification &
experience) in consultation with SSCDL.
v. Except as stated in this clause, nothing in this Agreement will limit the ability of System
Integrator freely to assign or reassign its employees; provided that System Integrator
shall be responsible, at its expense, for transferring all appropriate knowledge from
personnel being replaced to their replacements. SSCDL shall have the right to review
& approve System Integrator's plan for any such knowledge transfer. System
Integrator shall maintain the same standards for skills & professionalism among
replacement personnel as in personnel being replaced.
vi. Each Party shall be responsible for the performance of all its obligations under this
Agreement & shall be liable for the acts & omissions of its employees & agents in
connection therewith.

k) Variations & Further Assurance

a. No amendment, variation or other change to this Agreement or the SLAs shall be valid
unless made in writing & signed by the duly authorized representatives of the Parties
to this Agreement.

b. Each Party to this Agreement or the SLAs agree to enter into or execute, without
limitation, whatever other agreement, document, consent & waiver & to do all other
things which shall or may be reasonably required to complete & deliver the obligations
set out in the Agreement or the SLAs.

l) Severability & Waiver

a. if any provision of this Agreement or the SLAs, or any part thereof, shall be found by
any court or administrative body of competent jurisdiction to be illegal, invalid or
unenforceable the illegality, invalidity or unenforceability of such provision or part
provision shall not affect the other provisions of this Agreement or the SLAs or the
remainder of the provisions in question which shall remain in full force & effect. The
relevant Parties shall negotiate in good faith in order to agree to substitute any illegal,
invalid or unenforceable provision with a valid & enforceable provision which achieves
to the greatest extent possible the economic, legal & commercial objectives of the
illegal, invalid or unenforceable provision or part provision within 7 working days.
b. No failure to exercise or enforce & no delay in exercising or enforcing on the part of
either Party to this Agreement or the SLAs of any right, remedy or provision of this
Agreement or the SLAs shall operate as a waiver of such right, remedy or provision in
any future application nor shall any single or partial exercise or enforcement of any
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right, remedy or provision preclude any other or further exercise or enforcement of any
other right, remedy or provision.

m) Entire Agreement
This MSA, the SLAs & all schedules appended thereto & the contents & specifications of
the of the RFP subsequent corrigenda issued thereon & clarification (undertakings)
accepted by the SSCDL constitute the entire agreement between the Parties with respect
to their subject matter.

n) Survivability
The termination or expiry of this Agreement or the SLAs for any reason shall not affect or
prejudice any terms of this Agreement, or the rights of the Parties under them which are
either expressly of by implication intended to come into effect or continue in effect after
such expiry or termination.

o) The stamp duty payable for the contract shall be borne by the Systems Integrator.

p) Deliverables will be deemed to be accepted by SSCDL if no communication from the

department is made to the SI after 30 days of delivery, provided the delivery is made to
the designated officer and clearly highlighted in at least 3 weekly project progress reports

25. Applicable Law

The contract shall be governed by the laws and procedures prescribed by the Laws prevailing
and in force in India, within the framework of applicable legislation and enactment made from
time to time concerning such commercial dealings/processing. All legal disputes are subject
to the jurisdiction of Surat courts only.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the common seal of the Company has been hereinto affixed in the
presence of CEO /Director/GM (IT) of the Company has hereinto set their hands and sealed and
signature of the System Integrator has been herein affixed this day and year above written.

Signed, sealed and delivered by ______________________ in the presence of:




Issued by Surat Smart City Development Ltd Page 279 of 283

___________________________ ________________________
Deputy General Manager Signed, sealed and delivered
Surat Smart City Development Ltd.
Name & Designation --------------------------
For and on behalf of the “Systems Integrator”,

Chief Executive Officer
Surat Smart City Development Ltd

The common seal of the Company was affixed on the...........day of month of………….........2018 in
presence of (1) and (2) members of the Project Committee of the Company.



(Any two members of the Project Management Committee of Surat Smart City Development Ltd.

Attachments to the Agreement:

1) Scope of Services for the Systems Integrator (Annexure I)
2) Detail Commercial proposal of the Systems Integrator accepted by SSCDL (Annexure II)
3) SLA to be adhered by the Systems Integrator (Annexure III)
4) Corrigendum Document published by SSCDL subsequent to the RFP for this work (Annexure
5) RFP Document of SSCDL for this work (Annexure V)
6) LoI issued by the SSCDL to the successful bidder (Annexure VI)
The successful bidder’s “Technical Proposal” and “Commercial Proposal” submitted in response to
the RFP (Annexure VII)

Issued by Surat Smart City Development Ltd Page 280 of 283

20Annexure VIII - Format for Performance Bank
<< To be printed on Rs. 300/- Stamp Paper >>

IN CONSIDERATION OF bid document submitted by_____________ Through

____________ for ______________

SURAT Smart City Development Ltd (SSCDL) for Selection of Agency for Setting up Integrated
Command and Control Center in Surat City (hereinafter referred to as the “said work”) on the
terms and conditions of the AGREEMENT dated the ____________day of ____________
2018 executed between SSCDL on the one part and ___________________ (the Company)
on the other part (hereinafter referred to as “the said AGREEMENT) and on the terms and
conditions specified in the Contract, Form of Offer and Form of acceptance of Offer, true and
complete copies of the offer submitted by the Company, the said Acceptance of Offer and copy
of the said AGREEMENT are annexed hereto.
The Company has agreed to furnish SSCDL in Guarantee of the Nationalized Bank for the
sum of Rs. <(PBG Amount in Word and Figure)> only which shall be the Security Deposit
for the due performance of the terms covenants and conditions of the said AGREEMENT.
We <Name of the Bank> Bank Registered in India under Act and having one of our Local
Head Office at <Address of the Bank> do hereby guarantee to SSCDL.

i. Due performance and observances by the Company of the terms covenants and
conditions on the part of the Company contained in the said AGREEMENT, AND
ii. Due and punctual payment by the Company to SSCDL of all sum of money, losses,
damages, costs, charges, penalties and expenses that may become due or payable to
SSCDL by or from the Company by reason of or in consequence of any breach, non-
performance or default on the part of the Company of the terms covenants and
conditions under or in respect of the said AGREEMENT.

AND FOR THE consideration aforesaid, we do hereby undertake to pay to SSCDL on

demand without delay demur the said sum of Rs. <(PBG Amount in Word and Figure)>
only together with interest thereon at the rate prescribed under <as per RBI based lending
rate (9%)> from the date of demand till payment or such lesser sum, as may be demanded
by SSCDL from us as and by way of indemnity on account of any loss or damage caused to
or suffered by SSCDL by reason of any breach, non-performance or default by the Company
of the terms, covenants and conditions contained in the said AGREEMENT or in the due
and punctual payment of the moneys payable by the Company to SSCDL thereunder and
notwithstanding any dispute or disputes raised by the Company in any suit or proceeding
filed before the Court relating thereto our liability hereunder being absolute and
unequivocal and irrevocable AND WE do hereby agree that –

a) The guarantee herein contained shall remain in full force and effect during the
Issued by Surat Smart City Development Ltd Page 281 of 283
subsistence of the said AGREEMENT and that the same will continue to be
enforceable till all the claims of SSCDL are fully paid under or by virtue of the said
AGREEMENT and its claims satisfied or discharged and till SSCDL certifies that the
terms and conditions of the said AGREEMENT have fully and properly carried out
by the Company.

b) We shall not be discharged or released from liability under this Guarantee by reason of
a. any change in the Constitution of the Bank or
b. any arrangement entered into between SSCDL and the Company with or
without our consent;
c. any forbearance or indulgence shown to the Company,
d. any variation in the terms, covenants or conditions contained in the said
e. any time given to the Company, OR
f. any other conditions or circumstances under which in a law a surety would
be discharged.

c) Our liability hereunder shall be joint and several with that of the Company as if we
were the principal debtors in respect of the said sum of Rs. <(PBG Amount in Word
and Figure)> Only.

d) We shall not revoke this guarantee during its currency except with the previous
consent of SSCDL in writing;

e) Provided always that notwithstanding anything herein contained our liabilities

under this guarantee shall be limited to the sum of Rs. <(PBG Amount in Word and
Figure)> only and shall remain in force until SSCDL certifies that the terms and
conditions of the said AGREEMENT have been fully and properly carried out by the

f) Bank hereby agrees and covenants that if at any stage default is made in payment of
any instalment or any portion thereof due to SSCDL under the said AGREEMENT
or if the Company fails to perform the said AGREEMENT or default shall be made
in fulfilling any of the terms and conditions contained in the said AGREEMENT by
the Company, the Bank shall pay to SSCDL demand without any demur, such sum
as may by demanded, not exceeding Rs. <(PBG Amount in Word and Figure)> and
that the Bank will indemnify and keep SSCDL indemnified against all the losses
pursuant to the said AGREEMENT and default on the part of the Company. The
decision of SSCDL that the default has been committed by the Company shall be
conclusive and final and shall be binding on the Bank/Guarantor. Similarly, the
decision of SSCDL as regards the Agreement due and payable by the Company shall
be final and conclusive and binding on the Bank /Guarantor.

g) SSCDL shall have the fullest liberty and the Bank hereby gives its consent without
Issued by Surat Smart City Development Ltd Page 282 of 283
any way affecting this guarantee and discharging the Bank/Guarantor from its
liability hereunder, to vary or modify the said AGREEMENT or any terms thereof or
grant any extension of time or any facility or indulgence to the Company and
Guarantee shall not be released by reason of any time facility or indulgence being
given to the Company or any forbearance act or omission on the part of SSCDL or by
any other matter or think whatsoever which under the law, relating to sureties so
releasing the guarantor and the Guarantor hereby waives all suretyship and other
rights which it might otherwise be entitled to enforce.

h) That the absence of powers on the part of the Company or SSCDL to enter into or
execute the said AGREEMENT or any irregularity in the exercise of such power or
invalidity of the said AGREEMENT for any reason whatsoever shall not affect the
liability of the Guarantor/Bank and binding on the bank notwithstanding any
abnormality or irregularity,

i) The Guarantor agrees and declares that for enforcing this Guarantee by <SSCDL>
against it, the Courts at Surat only shall have exclusive jurisdiction and the
Guarantor hereby submits to the same



Being respectively the <Branch Manager of the Bank>, who in token thereof, has
hereto set his respective hands in the presence of –



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