Surat Smart City - RFP
Surat Smart City - RFP
Surat Smart City - RFP
Invited by
Surat Smart City Development Limited
1st Floor, South Zone Office, Surat Municipal
Corporation, Opp. Satyanagar, Udhna, Surat-394210,
Gujarat, India.
Table of Contents
Table of Contents ......................................................................... 2
1 Glossary .................................................................................. 8
16 Annexure IV- Scope & requirements for Data Center & other
Components ............................................................................. 223
16.1 Painting ........................................................................................................................... 227
16.2 PVC Conduit ................................................................................................................... 228
16.3 Wiring .............................................................................................................................. 229
16.4 Cable Work ..................................................................................................................... 230
16.5 Earthing ........................................................................................................................... 231
16.6 Fire Detection and Alarm System ................................................................................... 232
Terms Meaning
AMC Annual Maintenance Contract
AP Access Points
ATS Annual Technical Support
BOM Bill of Material
CEO Chief Executive Officer
DC Data Center
DD Demand Draft
DR Disaster Recovery
EMD Earnest Money Deposit
FRS Functional Requirement Specifications
GIS Geographical Information System
GPS Global Position System
ICCC Integrated Command Control Center
ICT Information and Communication Technology
INR Indian Rupee
LoI Letter of Intent
MFP Multi-Functional Printer
OEM Original Equipment Manufacture
O&M Operations and Maintenance
PBG Performance Bank Guarantee
POE Power over Ethernet
PQ Pre-Qualification
RFP Request for Proposal
RO Request Order
R&R Roles & Responsibilities
SAN Storage Area Network
SI System Integrator
SLA Service Level Agreement
SMC Surat Municipal Corporation
SOP Standard Operating Procedures
SRS Software Requirement Specifications
SSCDL Surat Smart City Development Limited
TQ Technical Qualification
UAT User Acceptance Testing
VM Virtual Machine
Technical Bid Submission (in Hard In sealed envelope strictly by RPAD/Postal Speed Post
Copy) along with EMD & Bid fee On or before 27.09.2019 up to 18:00 hrs. To the Chief
Accountant, Surat Municipal Corporation, Muglisara,
Surat – 395003, Gujarat by RPAD or Speed Post Only.
RFP Document Availability,,
The right to accept/reject any or all bid(s) received is reserved without assigning any reason thereof.
Surat Smart City Development Ltd
Surat has been selected at 4th position as one of the twenty Indian cities (in the first
round of selection) to be developed as a smart city under Smart Cities Mission.
SMC had harnessed the power of IT before it became ubiquitous and a necessity for organizations
of its nature and size. SMC is one of the few local self-government to adopt computerization in its
early phases and use it for better governance, improving operational efficiency and increasing ease
of interaction with citizens. SMC has initiated various e-Governance and m-Governance projects.
The same have been recognized at national/international level. Following is the list of awards
received in recent past:
The authority aims to develop the robust system whereby inputs from different functional
departments such as transport, water, drainage, emergency, IT, Health etc. can be assimilated and
analysed on a single platform which will result in aggregated city level information. Further this
aggregate city level information can be converted to actionable intelligence, which would be
propagated to relevant stakeholders and citizens for informed decisions. Following are the
indicators that shall be achieved:
Better management of utilities and quantification of services
Disaster Management and Emergency Response System
Efficient traffic management
Enhanced safety and security
Asset Management
Civic Services Management
Integration with existing control centres (SMAC Centre) in the city and other services (with
provisions for future scalability)
- CCTV System (Surat Safe City) and Control Room at Police HQ
- Suman Eye Project
- Water SCADA Project
- ERP Project
- GIS Project
- ITCS Project
- ITMS Project
- AFCS Project
- Public Wi-Fi and Smart Poles project
- Solid Waste Management
- Environmental Sensors
- City wide Connectivity etc.
SSCDL intends to select a System Integrator (SI) by following competitive bidding process to
design, develop, implement and maintain the Integrated Control and Command Centre (ICCC) for
a period of 5 (five) years after Go Live. This document contains the following details:
Scope of work that will be assigned to the SI as part of this project
Other terms and conditions of the envisaged Smart City by SSCDL.
“Single source of truth” for all city’s civic and transport functions
Platform with the ability to receive, intelligently correlate & share information to better predict
Act as City’s emergency and disaster management platform
Ability to integrate multiple text, voice, data, video and smart sensors communication interfaces
Ability to integrate and correlate online and offline interactions
Capabilities to support GIS based incidents visualization
Intelligent and Intuitive work-flow management
The SI should ensure the successful implementation of the proposed “ICCC solution consisting of
IT hardware and software infrastructure and ancillary work” as per the scope of services described
below. The SI’s scope of work shall include but will not be limited to the following broad areas. The
SI will be required to provide services and scope of work as detailed in this RFP document and
further detailed in Annexure I.
5. Warranty and Annual Maintenance which includes periodic maintenance services for the
software, hardware and other IT infrastructure installed as part of ICCC project for a period of
5 years i.e. 3 year warranty and 2 years of Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract
(CAMC), and conducting periodic audits of the project from a third party, if required or
instructed by SSCDL.
It is to be noted, any functionality not expressly stated in this document but required to meet the
needs of the SSCDL to ensure successful operations of the system shall essentially be under the
scope of the SI and for that no extra charges shall be admissible.
The data center layer will house centralized computing power required to store, process and analyze
the data to decipher actionable information. This layer includes servers, storage, ancillary network
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equipment elements, security devices and corresponding management tools. Similar to the network
layer, it will be scalable to cater to the increasing computing and storage needs in future. SI is
required to provision necessary IT infrastructure along with provisioning of passive and active
equipments and preparation of Data Center within the ICCC. SI is also responsible to support in
migration activity of data center housed at Maan Darwaja and Muglisara.
Data Analytics components will be used to perform data churning to derive intelligence from
different data sets across the domain. This intelligence can then be used for exception handling and
visualization in different scenarios through various analysis using ICCC components or third party
a) Predictive Analytics
b) Diagnostic Analytics
c) Prescriptive Analytics
d) Sentiment Analytics
e) Video Analytics
This layer enables ICCC to derive intelligence from the information collected from Data Acquisition
and Collection Layer.
It will help in configuring or automating the operations in different scenarios, for e.g.:
a) Defining and configuring Event
b) Defining and configuring External/ Internal Trigger
c) Defining and configuring Event Response
d) Defining and configuring responsibility matrix
e) Defining and configuring incidents and change requests
f) Defining and configuring user access and authorization
g) Defining and configuring access policy of field assets
Application layer at ICCC will allow to communicate with different systems. This layers will enable
ICCC to handle the events to make real time decisions as per the configured protocol.
The command and control layer will house the action oriented SOP’s, incident response dispatches
and management systems (rules engines, diagnostics systems, control systems, messaging system,
events handling system), and reporting / dashboard system to provide actionable information to
city administrators and citizens. It will be flexible to accept inputs from various downstream
applications and sensors as and when the system get introduced.
6. Security Layer
As ambient conditions, actuators and display devices will be connected through a network, security
of the entire system becomes of paramount significance. This layer includes:
Infrastructure security- including policies for identity and information security policies
Identity and Access Management – including user authentication, authorization, SSL & Digital
Application security- Adoption of Technical Standards for Interoperability Framework and
other standards published by GoI for various eGovernance applications
End device security, including physical security of all end devices at command center.
The ICCC shall have necessary provisions in place for the respective components to ensure security
and avoid exploitation any vulnerability.
Requirement Phase
3 Assess the requirement of IT R/A C C
Infrastructure and Non IT
4 Assess the connectivity R/A C/I
requirement in ICCC Building C
5 Assessment the Network laying R/A C C
requirement (Internal LAN)
Design Phase
6 Creation of Detail Drawing R/A C I
The Pre-Qualification Criteria for the selection of the vendor or consortium are given below. In case
of Consortium, please refer the section 6.6
The total Project value shall be considered as Capex Cost + Operation & Maintenance Cost
OEM experience will not be considered for Pre-Qualification Criteria and Technical Evaluation
as bidder’s experience unless bidder is also an OEM.
Integrated Command & Control Centre (ICCC)/ Command Control Centre (CCC):
ICCC/CCC Project is defined as those project where Command Centre Application is
implemented. ICCC Application at such installation should not only be a viewing platform but
should be used for SOP creation and triggering for specific event/incident. Project only
pertaining to NOC and/or Data Center Monitoring will not be considered.
In case of Consortium only 2 partners are allowed including Prime Bidder. For more details on
Consortium please refer to the section 6.6
R&R refers to roles & responsibilities mentioned in Consortium Agreement
Eligibility Criteria Proof Document Applicable Applicable to
# Required to Sole Consortium
1. The Prime Bidder / Sole Bidder Copy of certification of Yes Yes
should be registered under the incorporation issued by
Companies Act 1956 and competent authority/
should be in operation in India
Registration Certificate
for a period of at least 5 years as
on publication of bid.
In case of Consortium, the
Consortium Partner should be
registered under the
Companies Act 1956 Or a
partnership firm registered
under LLP Act, 2008 or
partnership firm registered
To be considered qualified for evaluation of Technical Proposal, the respective OEM must meet the
below mentioned OEM eligibility criteria:
# Selection criteria for the OEM Proof Document
A Active Network Equipment (Network Switches)
1. OEM must be listed in Leader’s Quadrant of the latest Latest and relevant report from
Gartner Magic Quadrant for Wired and Wireless LAN Gartner to be submitted clearly
Access Infrastructure. showing presence of the OEM.
2. Commitment to Support OEM self-certification as per
The OEM should commit to support the product Section-PQ_10 indicating the
proposed in the scope of this RFP for at least five (5) commitment to support
End of support date should not have been announced
for the product proposed.
B Server
1. OEM must be listed in Leader’s Quadrant of the latest Latest and relevant report from
Gartner Magic Quadrant for Modular Servers Gartner to be submitted clearly
showing presence of the OEM.
2. Commitment to Support OEM self-certification as per
The OEM should commit to support the product Section-PQ_10 indicating the
proposed in the scope of this RFP for at least five (5) commitment to support
End of support date should not have been announced
for the product proposed.
C Storage
1 OEM must be listed in Leader’s Quadrant of the latest Latest and relevant report from
Gartner Magic Quadrant for General-Purpose Disk Gartner to be submitted clearly
Arrays showing presence of the OEM.
2 Commitment to Support OEM self-certification as per
The OEM should commit to support the product Section-PQ_10 indicating the
proposed in the scope of this RFP for at least five (5) commitment to support
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# Selection criteria for the OEM Proof Document
End of support date should not have been announced
for the product proposed.
1 ICCC OEM Solution should be implemented for at least 1. Work order of projects for
2 distinct projects covering at least 3 domains (with supply of ICCC Solution
minimum 1 use case per domain) from below mentioned
list out of which minimum 1 deployment should be 2. Any client document that
within India. clearly specifies the domains
implemented & integrated as
1. Adaptive/Intelligent Traffic Control System
part of solution.
(ATCS Signals with or without ANPR, RLVD,
Wrong side, Speed detection, etc.) 3. Self-certificate on OEM’s
2. Intelligent Transit Management System letterhead from authorised
3. Water Supply / Water SCADA signatory clearly defining the
4. Drainage / Drainage SCADA use cases implemented
5. Solid Waste Management under each domain as part of
6. Grievance Redressal System the project.
7. CCTV/ Surveillance Network with minimum 50
cameras (Excluding Camera considered under
Point 1)
8. Smart Street Lighting
9. Revenue Collection Systems (Property Tax,
Water Meter Billing, Other Utility Meter
Reading, AFCS etc.)
10. Energy / utility SCADA
11. Network monitoring for large scale WiFi service
/ dedicated OFC network
12. Smart Parking
2. Submission of bid shall be deemed to have been done after careful study and examination of the
Bid Document with full understanding of its implications.
3. The response to this Bid Document should be full and complete in all respects. Failure to furnish
all information required by the Bid Documents or submission of a proposal not substantially
responsive to the Bid Documents in every respect will be at the bidder’s risk and may result in
rejection of its Proposal.
4. Additionally, proposals of only those Bidders who satisfy the Conditions of Eligibility, stated
herein, will be considered for evaluation by SSCDL.
1. The purpose of this tender is to select an Implementing Agency for Integrated Command and
Control Center (ICCC) in Surat City. This document provides information to enable the bidders
to understand the broad requirements to submit their ‘Bids’.
2. In case a bidding firm possesses the requisite experience and capabilities required for
undertaking the work, it may participate in the selection process either individually (the “Sole
Firm”) or as lead member of a consortium of firms (the “Prime Bidder”) in response to this
invitation. The term “Bidder” means the Sole Firm or the Prime Bidder, as the case may be.
3. The manner in which the Proposal is required to be submitted, evaluated and accepted is
explained in this RFP. The detailed scope of work is provided in this RFP document.
ii. Technical Bid (Technical Compliance in line with instructions in Section 6.22 and 11)
1. The bidder is responsible for all costs incurred in connection with participation in this process,
including, but not limited to, costs incurred in conduct of informative and other diligence
activities, participation in meetings/discussions/presentations, preparation of proposal, in
providing any additional information required by SSCDL to facilitate the evaluation process,
and in negotiating a definitive Contract or all such activities related to the bid process. The
department will in no case be responsible or liable for those costs, regardless of the conduct or
outcome of the bidding process.
3. Queries submitted post the above mentioned deadline or which do not adhere to the above
mentioned format may not be considered.
1. At any time before the deadline for submission of bids, the SSCDL, may, for any reason, whether
at its own initiative or in response to a clarification requested by a prospective Bidder, modify
the RFP Document by an amendment.
3. In order to afford prospective Bidders reasonable time in which to take the amendment into
account in preparing their bids, the SSCDL may, at its discretion, extend the last date for the
receipt of Bids.
1. A “Conflict of Interest” is any situation that might cause an impartial observer to reasonably
question whether Bidder actions are influenced by considerations of your firm’s interest at the
Issued by Surat Smart City Development Ltd Page 27 of 283
cost of Government. Bidders shall not have a conflict of interest that may affect the Selection
Process or the scope (the “Conflict of Interest”). Any Bidder found to have a Conflict of Interest
shall be disqualified.
2. SSCDL requires that the Bidder provides professional, objective, and impartial advice and at all
times hold the SSCDL’s interests paramount, avoid conflicts with other assignments or its own
interests, and act without any consideration for future work.
1. The number of consortium members cannot exceed two, including the Prime Bidder.
2. The primary responsibility of implementation of ICCC Solution and use cases will lie with the
Primer Bidder in case of consortium.
3. A Bidder applying individually or as consortium member shall not be entitled to submit another
application either individually or as a member of any other consortium, as the case may be.
6. The successful bidder (SI) shall be required to enter into agreement with all member of
Consortium Members specifying following points in the Agreement. These points shall also be
captured in MoU
Roles and responsibilities of each consortium partner, the identification of the lead partner,
and providing for joint and several liability for each partner.
Each member of the Consortium shall be jointly and severally liable for the due
implementation and comprehensive onsite warranty support of the Project.
The role and responsibility of any member must be commensurate with the
technical/financial capabilities that such member is contributing towards meeting the
qualification criteria. Each consortium member is liable to contribute resources in terms of
knowledge, skills and trained manpower commensurate with its role and responsibilities
during the Contract Period.
The final contract between the consortium members (The Consortium Contract) would be
available for legal vetting and open to suggestions by the SSCDL. SSCDL will suggest
binding corrections if it finds that such contract does not meet its requirements and
interests as per the Tender in letter and spirit.
The Agreement should be on stamp paper and notarized. The signatories must be duly
Any Dispute arising during Contract Period between the Consortium Member shall be
resolved amicably without adversely impacting Project Implementation and Operation. If
in SSCDL’s opinion, Dispute between Consortium members adversely impacting
implementation and operation of the Project then Authority may its sole discretion in the
interest of the Project (a) Terminate the Contract after due process and/or (2) Provide a
binding solution.
In case SSCDL Intends to proceed for Termination on account of SI Event of Defect and /or
unresolved disputes between the Consortium Members, both the Consortium Members
shall be jointly and severally liable for Implementation and comprehensive onsite warranty
support of project at Agreed prices and payment terms specified in this Tender till
Authority or any new agency appointed by it takes over the Project
SSCDL reserves the right to reject the Bid in case of change in the constitution of the
consortium after the submission of Bid and before the execution of the Agreement.
1. SSCDL retains the right to amend the scope of work or amend the program for service delivery
at any time and without assigning any reason. SSCDL makes no commitments, express or
implied, that the full scope of work as described in this RFP will be commissioned.
2. The bidder’s technical and commercial proposals received in this process may result in SSCDL
selecting to engage with the bidders’ in further discussions and negotiations toward execution
of a contract including finalization of the scope elements. The commencement of such
Issued by Surat Smart City Development Ltd Page 29 of 283
negotiations does not, however, signify a commitment by the SSCDL to execute a contract or to
continue negotiations. SSCDL may terminate negotiations at any time without assigning any
1. SSCDL may terminate the RFP process at any time and without assigning any reason. SSCDL
makes no commitments, express or implied, that this process will result in a business
transaction with anyone.
3. The bidder’s participation in this process may result in SSCDL selecting the bidder to engage in
further discussions and negotiations toward execution of a contract. The commencement of
such negotiations does not, however, signify a commitment by the SSCDL to execute a contract
or to continue negotiations. SSCDL may terminate negotiations at any time without assigning
any reason.
1. Notwithstanding anything contained in this RFP, SSCDL reserves the right to accept or reject
any Proposal and to annul the Selection Process and reject all Proposals, at any time without
any liability or any obligation for such acceptance, rejection or annulment, and without
assigning any reasons therefore.
2. Besides other conditions and terms highlighted in the Tender Document, bids may be rejected
under following circumstances:
3. Misrepresentation/ improper response by the Bidder may lead to the disqualification. If such
disqualification / rejection occurs after the Proposals have been opened and the highest ranking
Bidder gets disqualified / rejected, then SSCDL reserves the right to consider the next best
Bidder, or take any other measure as may be deemed fit in the sole discretion of SSCDL,
including annulment of the Selection Process.
6.10 Bid Fee and Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) and amount
1. The bidder should pay non-refundable Bid Fee of Rs.20,160 [Rs. 18,000 + 12% GST] by
Demand Draft or Banker’s Cheque in favor of Surat Smart City Development Limited, from
Nationalized or Scheduled Banks except Co-operative Banks, payable at Surat. The Bid fees
shall be in the form of a Demand Draft / Banker’s Cheque.
is “24AAWCS9229G1ZR”
3. The bidder should also pay EMD of Rs. 25, 00,000 (Rupees Twenty five lakhs only) whereby
50% amount shall be in the form of Demand Draft / Banker’s Cheque in favour of “Surat Smart
City Development Limited”, from Nationalized or Scheduled bank and 50 % amount shall be in
the form of Bank guarantee (BG) of any nationalized / scheduled banks with validity of 180 days
from the date of Bid opening. The format for BG is enclosed in Section 10.9, The details of the
SSCDL bank is as below :
Name of Beneficiary: Surat Smart City Development Ltd
Name of Bank: State Bank of India
Bank address: Nanpura, Surat Branch
Bank Account No: 35661186460
MICR CODE: 395002004
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5. In case bid is submitted without EMD or Bid fees as mentioned above then SSCDL reserves the
right to reject the bid without providing opportunity for any further correspondence to the
bidder concerned.
6. The EMD of unsuccessful Bidders will be returned by the Authority, without any Interest, as
promptly as possible on acceptance of the Proposal of the Selected Bidder or when the Authority
cancels the Bidding Process.
7. The Selected Bidder’s EMD will be returned, without any interest, upon the Selected Bidder
signing the Agreement and furnishing the Security Deposit / Performance Guarantee in
accordance with the provision thereof
8. The decision of SSCDL regarding forfeiture of the EMD and rejection of bid shall be final & shall
not be called upon question under any circumstances.
Bidders are required to submit their bids in separate sealed envelopes as per instructions given
Part 1: Bid Fees, EMD, Pre-Qualification criteria and soft copy in CD/DVD/ Pen drive/
USB stick with complete details and supporting documents as mentioned in Section 5, 6.10 & 10 in
“Envelop 1” super scribed with Tender No, Due Date and RFP Name – “Envelop-1: Selection of
Implementing Agency for Integrated Command and Control Center (ICCC) in Surat”.
The large envelope / outer envelope containing above envelopes must be sealed and
super scribed and shall be sent as under
1. The Bid must be sent strictly by Postal Speed Post or Registered Post AD only so as
to reach on or before 27.09.2019 up to 18.00 hrs. Bids received in any other manner
or mode (like courier, in person, etc.) will not be considered. SSCDL won’t be
responsible for postal delays.
2. SSCDL will not accept submission of a proposal in any manner other than that specified in
the document. Proposals submitted in any other manner shall be treated as defective,
invalid and rejected.
3. If the envelopes are not sealed and marked as instructed above, the SSCDL assumes no
responsibility for the misplacement or premature opening of the contents of the application
and consequent losses, if any suffered by the Bidder.
4. Each Bidder shall submit only one proposal containing documents as below. A bidder who
submits more than one proposal under this contract will be disqualified
a. Original copy of the Bid fee & EMD
b. Eligibility Criteria documents
c. Technical Eligibility criteria, Technical Proposal related documents including and
Technical Compliance
d. RFP Copy and Addenda & Corrigendum
e. The Bidder shall prepare original set of the Application (together with originals /copies
of documents required to be submitted along therewith pursuant to this document) and
applicant shall also provide a soft copy on a Compact Disc (CD) / Pen Drive / USB stick.
In the event of any discrepancy between the original and CD/Pen Drive/USB stick, the
original shall prevail
In case bidder needs any clarification or if training required for participating in online tender, they
can contact the following office: -
1. The Bids prepared by the Bidder and all correspondence and documents relating to the bids
exchanged by the Bidder and SMC, shall be written in English language, provided that any
printed literature furnished by the Bidder in another language shall be accompanied by an
English translation in which case, for purposes of interpretation of the bid, the English
translation shall govern.
2. If any supporting documents submitted are in any language other than English, Notarized copy
of the translation of the same in English language shall be submitted by the bidder.
Bidder, while quoting against this tender, must take cognizance of all concessions permissible, if
any, under the statutes and ensure the same is passed on to SSCDL, failing which it will have to bear
extra cost. In case Bidder does not avail concessional rates of levies like customs duty etc. SSCDL
The proposal should be valid for acceptance for a minimum period of 180 days from the Bid
Opening Date (the “Proposal Validity Period”). If required, Authority may request the bidder to
have it extended for a further period. The request and the responses thereto shall be made in
writing. A Bidder agreeing to the request will not be required or permitted to modify his Proposal
but will be required to extend the validity of EMD for the period of the extension, and in compliance
with Clause 8.10 in all respects.
6.15 Taxes
The Prices mentioned in the Price Bid should include all applicable taxes & duties as applicable.
The L1 evaluation will be done exclusive of taxes only. If any duties are applicable to the product
the same will be considered for L1 evaluation. The bidder to quote the duties along with the rate of
products proposed for L1 evaluation.
However, the bidder is expected to provide the tax components in commercial bid. The payment of
taxes to the selected bidder will be done as per the prevailing rate.
Further, SSCDL shall be entitled to deduct tax at source or any other taxes/ cess as may be
GST (Goods & Service Tax) has come in existence from 1st July, 2017. Contractor/Successful Bidder
is bound to pay any amount GST prescribed by the Govt. of India as per the terms of Contract agreed
upon during the course of execution of this Contract.
During the course of execution of Contract, if there is any change in Rate of GST (Goods & Service
Tax) by the Government, the same shall be reimbursed/recovered separately by SSCDL, subject to
the submission of Original Receipt/Proof for the amounts actually remitted by the Successful
Tendered/Contractor to the Competent Authority along with a Certificate from Chartered
Accountant of Contractor/Successful bidder certifying that the amount of GST paid to the
Government and the same shall be intimated/submitted/claimed within 30 (Thirty) Days from the
date of payment. Remittance of GST within stipulated period shall be the sole responsibility of the
Successful bidder/contractor, failing which, SSCDL may recover the amount due, from any other
payable dues with SSCDL and decision of SSCDL shall be final and binding on the
Contractor/Successful Bidder in this regard. Further the non- payment of GST to the Government
may lead to the termination of contract and forfeiture of Security Deposit/Performance Guarantee
If imposition of any other new Taxes/Duties/Levies/Cess or any other incidentals etc. or any
increase in the existing Taxes/Duties/Levies/Cess or any other incidentals etc. (excluding GST) are
imposed during the course of the contract, the same shall be borne by the Contractor/Successful
Bidder Only, in no case SSCDL shall be liable for the same.
Prices quoted must be firm and final and shall not be subject to any upward modifications, on any
account whatsoever. Prices shall be expressed in Indian Rupees (INR) only.
6.17 Right to vary the scope of the work at the time of award
SSCDL reserves its right to make changes to the scope of the work at the time of execution of the
resultant Agreement. If any such change causes an increase or decrease in the cost of, or the time
required for the SI’s performance of any part of the work under the Agreement, whether changed
or not changed by the order, an equitable adjustment (if required) shall be made in the Contract
Value or time schedule, or both, and the Agreement shall accordingly be amended. Any claims by
the SI for adjustment under this Clause must be asserted within thirty (30) days from the date of
the SI’s receipt of the SSCDL changed order .
1. No bid may be withdrawn in the interval between the bid submission deadline and the
expiration of the specified bid validity period. Withdrawal of a bid during this interval may
result in the forfeiture of the Bidder’s EMD.
1. The Bidder must possess the technical know-how and the financial wherewithal that would be
required to successfully provide the services sought by SSCDL/SMC, for the entire period of the
contract. The Bidder’s Bid must be complete in all respects, conform to all the requirements,
terms and conditions and specifications as stipulated in the Bid Document.
2. SSCDL/SMC will scrutinize and evaluate the pre-qualification of bidders, technical and
commercial bids received. The SSCDL/SMC will examine the Bids to determine whether they
are complete, response and whether the Bid format confirms to the Bid Document
requirements. SSCDL/SMC may waive any informality or nonconformity in a Bid which does
not constitute a material deviation according to SSCDL/SMC.
3. The technical bid of only those bidders (or consortia) shall be opened which meet all the criteria
of the pre-qualification criteria mentioned in Section 5.
4. There should be no mention of bid prices in any part of the Bid other than the Commercial Bids.
1. The Pre-Qualification Bids of Bidders shall be considered and will be evaluated as per the
eligibility criteria mentioned in section 5.
2. SMC/SSCDL may require written clarifications from the Bidders to clarify ambiguities and
uncertainties arising out of the evaluation of the Bid
3. Only those Bids which have a minimum score of 60% of total marks in technical
evaluation will be considered for opening of their Commercial Bid. However,
Commissioner, SMC or Chairman, SSCDL reserves the right to lower the minimum required
marks if none of the Bidders achieves 60% of the total marks. Only the Bids qualifying the
technical evaluation will be considered for commercial evaluation.
Total 100
The following sections explain how the bidders shall be evaluated on each of the evaluation criteria:
Technical Technical Evaluation parameter Marks
# Evaluation
A Bidders Financial Competence & Organizational Strength 20
1 Bidder’s 10
Competence – Bidder (consortium)/ Sole Bidder jointly should
Turnover have a minimum average annual turnover of Rs.
100 crore from ICT based business for last three
financial years i.e. FY 2017-18,FY 2016-17, 2015-16.
In case of consortium, each partner should have
minimum average turnover 25 Cr.
For every additional Rs.50 Cr of average turnover
from ICT business the bidder (jointly in case of
consortium) will get additional marks as below,
subject to a maximum of 10 marks.
Maximum Marks: 10
Bidder to submit the Certificate from the statutory
auditor / CA clearly specifying the annual turnover
from ICT for the specified years. Original or Notarized
copy of the certificate should be submitted
2 People in The prime bidder having at least 250 FTE (full time 5
organization employees) on the payroll of organization working on
ICT projects will get 7 marks
For every additional FTEs as below the bidder will get
additional marks subject to maximum of 5 marks.
Certification Marks
Any one ISO certificate 2
Any two ISO certification or CMMi
Level 3
All ISO certification or
CMMi Level 5 Certification or
Any two ISO certification & CMMi
Level 3 Certification
Any two ISO certification & CMMi
Level 5 Certification or All ISO
Certification & CMMi Level 3
B Project Experience of Bidder 60
Particular Marks
One project integrating any 4
domains/systems mentioned above
One project integrating any 3
domains/systems mentioned above
One project integrating any 2
domains/systems mentioned above
Maximum Marks: 20 | Maximum projects: 2
1. In-house projects for own or group companies shall not
be considered for above criteria. Data Center
Infrastructure cost should be excluding software license
1. The Commercial bids shall not be opened by SSCDL until the evaluation of the Technical bid
has been completed.
2. SSCDL/SMC will open the Commercial Bids of those Bidders who have achieved minimum
score of 60% of total marks in technical evaluation
3. SSCDL will open the Commercial Bids of those Bidders who qualified in Technical bid.
4. Commercial Bids from bidders who have failed to qualify in evaluation of the technical bid will
not be opened. Only bids that are opened and read out at the proposal opening shall be
considered further
1. SSCDL will award the Contract to the Bidder based on Lowest Quoted price (L1). No
additional cost in any form will be entertained by SSCDL during the contract period. The L1
evaluation will be done exclusive of taxes. However, the bidder is expected to provide the tax
components in commercials. The payment of taxes to the selected bidder will be done on actuals
/ prevailing rates. The L1 evaluation will be done exclusive of taxes only. If any duties are
applicable to the product the same will be considered for L1 evaluation. The bidder to quote the
duties along with the rate of products proposed for L1 evaluation.
2. Total Estimated Commercial Bid of a bidder would be calculated based on quantities given in
Section 12. The quantities in this table are estimated quantity and the actual quantity will be
determined at the time of project execution based on the feasibility report and actual
requirements considering site situation.
3. The Commercial Bids of only the technically qualified bidders will be opened for evaluation.
4. The bidder achieving the L1 price will be invited for negotiations for awarding the contract. In
case of a tie where two or more bidders achieve the same price, the bidder with higher turnover
will be invited for negotiations and awarding of the contract.
Arithmetical errors: If there is a discrepancy between the unit price and the total price that
is obtained by multiplying the unit price and quantity, the unit price shall prevail and the total
price shall be corrected. If the Bidder does not accept the correction of the errors, its bid will be
rejected. If there is a discrepancy between words and figures, the amount in words will prevail
1. Prior to the expiration of the period of proposal validity, the bidder will be notified in writing or
by fax or email that its proposal has been accepted.
2. It is to be noted that the date of commencement of the project and all contractual obligations
shall commence from the date of issuance of Purchase Order/Letter of Intent (LoI), whichever
is earlier. All reference timelines as regards the execution of the project and the payments to the
System Integrator shall be considered as beginning from the date of issuance of the Purchase
Order/Letter of Acceptance, whichever is earlier.
3. The notification of award (LoI/Purchase Order) will constitute the formation of the Contract.
Upon the Bidder’s executing the contract with SSCDL, it will promptly notify each unsuccessful
bidder and return their EMDs.
4. At the time SSCDL notifies the successful Bidder that its bid has been accepted, SSCDL will send
the Bidders the Pro forma for Contract, incorporating all clauses/agreements between the
parties. Within 15 days of receipt of the Contract, the successful Bidder shall sign and date the
Contract with SSCDL. Draft Format of the contract is given in the Annexure VII.
SSCDL reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal, and to annul the bidding process and
reject all Bids at any time prior to award of Contract, without thereby incurring any liability to the
affected Bidder or Bidders or any obligation to inform the affected bidder or bidders of the grounds
for SSCDL’s action.
1. The quantity defined in the RFP are estimated and the actual quantity will be executed based
on the actual site survey by the selected bidder at the time of project implementation. The
quoted rate will remain firm and same for such variation in quantity. The successful bidder shall
not object to the upward or downward variation in quantities (including locations).
2. Quantities mentioned in the commercial formats are indicative in number. SMC/SSCDL at its
discretion may or may not procure the listed components in mentioned quantities at the time
of placing order / agreement. SSCDL has the rights to delete any of the component before final
implementation. The successful bidder shall not object to the upward or downward variation in
quantities of any item.
3. If required additional quantity over and above may be executed on later stage, the payment for
such additional quantities shall be made at tender rates. The rates mentioned in the price bid
for “ICCC software integration and implementation cost per use case” will be valid during the
entire contract period and for other items it will be valid for the period of 3 years from the date
of issuance of the RO1.
4. No claim shall be entertained or become payable for price variation of additional quantities.
1. The successful bidder shall at his own expense, deposit with department, within 10 days of the
notification of award (done through issuance of the Purchase Order/Letter of Acceptance), an
unconditional and irrevocable Performance Bank Guarantee (PBG) from a list of approved
banks as per the format given in this Bid Document, in favour of Surat Smart City Development
Ltd for the due performance and fulfilment of the contract by the bidder. Failing which a penalty
@ 0.065% of the amount of PBG will be imposed for delay of each day.
2. This Performance Bank Guarantee will be for an amount equivalent to 10% of contract value.
All charges whatsoever such as premium, commission, etc. with respect to the Performance
Bank Guarantee shall be borne by the bidder.
3. The successful bidder shall maintain a valid and binding Performance Guarantee for a period
of six months after the expiry of the Contract Period (“Validity Period”).
4. The Performance Bank Guarantee letter format can be found in the Annexure VIII of this
5. The Performance Bank Guarantee may be discharged/ returned by department upon being
satisfied that there has been due performance of the obligations of the Bidder under the
contract. However, no interest shall be payable on the Performance Bank Guarantee.
6. If the Bidder, fails to furnish the Performance Guarantee, it shall be lawful for the Authority to
forfeit the EMD or cancel the contract or any part thereoff
8. Department shall also be entitled to make recoveries from the Bidder’s bills, performance bank
guarantee, or from any other amount due to him, the equivalent value of any payment made to
him due to inadvertence, error, collusion, misconstruction or misstatement.
The Bidding Process shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of India and
the Courts at Surat shall have exclusive jurisdiction over all disputes arising under, pursuant to
and/or in connection with the Bidding Process.
6.30 Failure to agree with the Terms & Conditions of the Bid Document/ Contract
Failure of the bidder to agree with the Terms & Conditions of the Bid Document/Contract shall
constitute sufficient grounds for the annulment of the award of contract, in which event the contract
may be awarded to the next most responsive bidder.
1. Bidder is required to refer to the draft Contract Agreement, attached as Annexure VII Latest
and relevant report from Gartner to be submitted clearly showing presence of the OEM in this
Bid Document, for all the terms and conditions (including project timelines) to be adhered by
the successful bidder during Project Implementation and Post implementation period.
2. Please note that one needs to read the Contract Agreement as a whole document; and the
Annexure mentioned there-in may not correspond to the Bid Document Annexure. Please refer
to the Interpretation Section of the Draft/Master Service Agreement.
The System Integrator shall not assign or transfer its right in any manner whatsoever under this
agreement to a third party or enter into any agreement for sub-contracting and/or partnership
relating to any subject matter to the agreement to any third party or any sister-concerned firm
within a group either in whole or in any part i.e., partnership/third party interest shall be created.
The sub-contracting is allowed only for activities mentioned in section 6.33.
6.33 Subcontracting
Sub-contracting / Outsourcing shall be allowed only for Passive Networking & Civil Work.
The Bidder shall be responsible at his own cost in and relative to performance of the work and bidder
to observe and to ensure observance by his Sub-contractors, agents and servants of the provisions of
Safety Code as hereinafter appearing and all fire, Safety and security regulations as may be
prescribed by the Owner from time to time and such other Precautions, measures as shall be
necessary and shall employ / deploy all equipment necessary to protect all works, materials,
properties, structures, equipments, installations, communications and facilities whatsoever from
damage, loss or other hazard whatsoever (including but not limited to fire and explosion) and shall
during construction and other operations minimize the disturbance and inconvenience to the Owner,
other bidders, the public and adjoining land and property owners and occupiers, and crops, trees
and vegetation and shall indemnify and keep indemnified the One from and against all losses and
damages and costs, charges and expenses and penalties, actions, claims, demands and proceedings
whatsoever suffered or incurred by or against the Owner, as the case may be, virtue of any loss,
alteration, displacement, disturbance or destruction or accident to any works materials, properties,
structures, equipments, installations communications and facilities and land and property owners
and occupiers and crops, trees and vegetation as aforesaid, with the intent that the Bidder shall be
exclusively responsible for any accident, loss, damage, alteration, displacement, disturbance or
destruction as aforesaid resultant directly or indirectly from any breach by the Bidder of his
obligation aforesaid or upon any operation, act or omission of the bidder his Sub-contractor(s) or
agent(s) or servant(s).
The Bidder's liabilities under Clause (a) and otherwise under the Contract shall remain unimpaired
notwithstanding the existence of any storage cum erection or other insurance covering any risk,
damage, loss or liability for which the Bidder is liable to the Owner in terms of the foregoing Sub-
Clause or otherwise and / or in respect of which the Bidder has indemnified the Owner with the
intent that notwithstanding the existence of such insurance, the Bidder shall be and remain fully
liable for all liabilities and obligations under the contract and indemnified to the Owner, and the
Owner shall not be obliged to seek recourse under such policy(ies) in preference to recourse against
the Bidder or otherwise to exhaust any other remedy in preference to the remedies available to in
under the Contract prior written approval of SSCDL. However, even if the work is sub-contracted /
outsourced, the sole responsibility of the work shall lie with the SI. The SI shall be held responsible
for any delay/error/non-compliance etc. of its sub-contracted vendor. The details of the sub-
contracting agreements (if any) between both the parties would be required to be submitted to SSCDL.
Note: Penalties shall not be levied on the Successful Bidder in the following cases:
1. There is a Force Majeure event effecting the SLA which is beyond the control of the
Successful Bidder
2. The non-compliance to the SLA has been due to reasons beyond the control of the Bidder.
3. Theft cases, Damages due to any accident / mishap shall be considered as “beyond the control of
Bidder”. However, Power shut down or deliberate damage to devices such as Cameras, Network
Switch Systems etc. would not be considered as “beyond the control of Bidder”.
The purpose of this Service Level Agreement (hereinafter referred to as SLA) is to clearly define the
levels of service which shall be provided by the System Integrator to SSCDL for the duration of this
7.1 Definitions
For the purposes of this service level agreement, the definitions and terms are specified in the
contract along with the following terms shall have the meanings set forth below :
“Uptime” shall mean the time period for the specified services / components with the specified
technical service standards are available to the user department. Uptime, in percentage, of any
component (Non IT & IT) can be calculated as:
“Downtime” shall mean the time period for which the specified services / components with
specified technical and service standards are not available to the user department and excludes
downtime owing to Force Majeure & Reasons beyond control of SI.
“Incident” refers to any event / abnormalities in the functioning of the Services specified as part
of the Scope of Work of the Systems Integrator that may lead to disruption in normal operations
of the Surveillance System.
“Resolution Time” shall mean the time taken (after the incident has been reported at the
helpdesk), in resolving (diagnosing, troubleshooting and fixing) or escalating (to the second
level or to respective vendors, getting the confirmatory details about the same from the vendor
and conveying the same to the end user), the services related troubles during the first level
Issued by Surat Smart City Development Ltd Page 46 of 283
7.2 Measurement of SLA
The SLA metrics provided specifies performance parameters as baseline performance, lower
performance and breach. All SLA calculations will be done on monthly basis. The quarterly O&M
cost shall be calculated as “Cost of that particular year / 12”.
The SLA also specifies the liquidated damages for lower performance and breach conditions.
Payment to the SI is linked to the compliance with the SLA metrics.
The aforementioned SLA parameters shall be measured as per the individual SLA parameter
requirements and measurement methods, through appropriate SLA Measurement tools to be
provided by the SI and audited by SMC/SSCDL or its appointed Consultant for accuracy and
SMC/SSCDL shall also have the right to conduct, either itself or through any other agency as it may
deem fit, an audit / revision of the SLA parameters/ penalty. The SLAs defined, shall be reviewed
by SMC/SSCDL on an annual basis after consulting the SI, Project Management Consultants and
other experts. All the changes would be made by SSCDL after consultation with the SI and might
include some corrections to reduce undue relaxation in Service levels or some corrections to avoid
unrealistic imposition of liquidated damages/ penalties, which are noticed after project has gone
Total liquidated damages to be levied on the SI shall be capped at 10% of the total contract value.
However, SSCDL would have right to invoke termination of the contract in case the overall
liquidated damages equals 10% of total contract value.
7.3 SLAs
# Performance Area SLA Penalty
4. SLA for Data Center Components including Video wall solution and software Applications shall
be calculated 24*7. However, SLA for other items shall be calculated within Business Hours of
Measurement of Any reported security breach shall be logged into the SLA Management
Level Service solution as a security breach and same should be resolved under
Parameter Priority level 1.
For every security breach reported and proved, there shall be a penalty
of INR 2,00,000/- or lead to termination of contract
1. Satisfactory delivery and acceptance of materials (as per the 40% of total CAPEX of
Request Order) and after submission of the invoice. Request order
2. Satisfactory competition of Installation of respective items/ 20% of total CAPEX of
equipment and after, submission of the invoice. Request order
3. UAT and Go Live of entire RO (Testing and Commissioning) 25% of total CAPEX of
Request order
4. Successful completion of 1 year after Project “Go Live”
st 5% of total CAPEX of
Request order
5. Successful completion of 2 year after Project “Go Live”
nd 2.5% of total CAPEX of
Request order
6. Successful completion of 3rd year after Project “Go Live” 2.5% of total CAPEX of
Request order
7. Successful completion of 4 year after Project “Go Live”
th 2.5% of total CAPEX of
Request order
8. Successful completion of 5 year after Project “Go Live”
th 2.5% of total CAPEX of
Request order
9. i. The contract period of 5 years are considered from the Go-Live date of 1st Request
Order. The payment of subsequent Request Orders will be made from the Go-Live date
of that request order till the completion of warranty period i.e. 3 years or 5 years as
mentioned in PQ_11.
ii. The Support cost for ICCC application projected by SI in their commercial bid will be
made equally on quarterly basis (20 quarters) at completion of each quarter after Project
“Go Live”. However, other OPEX projected by SI in their commercial bid will be made
equally on quarterly basis for 4th and 5th Year (8 quarters) at completion of each quarter.
iii. The payments are subject to meeting of SLA’s failing which the appropriate deductions
as mentioned in the SLA section of this RFP will be made applicable.
All payments to the SI shall be made upon submission of invoices along with necessary approval
certificates from concerned Authority like SSCDL, SMC, if applicable.
The above payments are subject to meeting of SLA’s failing which the appropriate deductions
as mentioned in the SLA document of this RFP.
Submitted Documentary
# Documents to be submitted
(Y / N) Proof (Page No.)
Bid fee of Rs.20,160 [Rs. 18,000 + 12% GST] by Demand
Draft or Banker’s Cheque
2. EMD of Rs. 25,00,000 as per section 6.10
3. Bid Covering Letter (Form PQ_1)
Power of attorney / board resolution to the authorized
4. Signatory of the RFP (in case of consortium, all members to
5. Particulars of the Bidders (Form PQ_2)
Copy of Certificate of Incorporation/Registration
6. certificate/ Shop & Establishment Certificate (In case of
consortium, all members to submit)
Details of Annual Turnover and Networth for last three
financial years 2017-18, 2016-17, 2015-16 ( Form PQ_3)
Certificate from the Statutory auditor / CA clearly specifying
8. the annual turnover and Networth for the specified years
(Form PQ_4). In case of consortium, all members to submit.
Declaration letter that the firm is not blacklisted by Central
Government or any State Government organization / PSU in
9. India at the time of submission of the Bid, in the format
given in the RFP (Form PQ_5). In case of consortium, all
members to submit.
Affidavit on Non-judicial Rs 300 stamp paper (Form PQ_6).
In case of consortium, all members to submit.
11. Details of the projects executed ( Form PQ_7)
Copy of Audited Balance Sheet for last three financial years
2017-18, 2016-17, 2015-16.
Copy of the audited Profit & Loss Statements for last three
financial years 2017-18, 2016-17, 2015-16.
Copy of GST registration. In case of consortium, all
members to submit
Copy of PAN registration. In case of consortium, all
members to submit
16. Power of Attorney for Prime Bidder of Consortium (PQ_8)
All Pre-qualification bid document(s)/ details should be duly sealed & signed as required.
Date: dd/mm/yyyy
Chief Executive Officer,
1st Floor, South Zone Office,
Surat Municipal Corporation,
Opp. Satyanagar, Udhna,
Surat-394210, Gujarat, India.
Subject: Selection of Implementing Agency for Integrated Command and Control Center (ICCC)
in Surat
Having examined the Bid Document (and the clarification / corrigendum issued thereafter, if any),
the receipt of which is hereby duly acknowledged, we, the undersigned, offer to provide the
professional services as required and outlined in the Bid Document for the “Selection of
Implementing Agency for Integrated Command and Control Center (ICCC) in Surat”
in Surat City. We attach hereto our responses to Pre-Qualification, Technical-Qualification &
Commercial proposals as required by the Bid Document. We confirm that the information
contained in these responses or any part thereof, including the exhibits, and other documents and
instruments delivered or to be delivered to Surat Smart City Development Ltd., is true, accurate,
verifiable and complete. This response includes all information necessary to ensure that the
statements therein do not in whole or in part mislead SSCDL/SMC in its shortlisting process.
We fully understand and agree to comply that on verification, if any of the information provided
here is found to be misleading the selection process, we are liable to be dismissed from the selection
process or termination of the contract during the project, if selected to do so.
We agree for unconditional acceptance of all the terms and conditions set out in the Bid Document
(& subsequent clarification / corrigendum, if any) document and also agree to abide by this tender
response for a period of 180 days from the Bid Opening date. We hereby declare that in case the
contract is awarded to us, we shall submit the contract performance guarantee bond in the form
prescribed the Bid Document.
We agree that you are not bound to accept any tender response you may receive. We also agree that
you reserve the right in absolute sense to reject all or any of the products/ services specified in the
tender response.
Please find below the details of lead bidder and other consortium members for participation in
“Selection of Implementing Agency for Integrated Command and Control Center (ICCC) in Surat”
Yours Sincerely,
Note: To be submitted with any other supporting details specified as Document Proof in Section 5
and 10.1
Date: dd/mm/yyyy
Chief Executive Officer ,
1st Floor, South Zone Office,
Surat Municipal Corporation,
Opp. Satyanagar, Udhna,
Surat-394210, Gujarat, India
Subject: Selection of Implementing Agency for Integrated Command and Control Center (ICCC)
in Surat
Sir/ Madam,
I have carefully gone through the Terms & Conditions contained in the RFP Document of Selection
of Implementing Agency for Integrated Command and Control Center (ICCC) in Surat
I hereby declare that below are the details regarding Overall turnover over last 3 financial years for
our organization.
FY 2015-16 FY 2016-17 FY 2017-18
# Details Turnover
(i) (ii) (iii)
Overall Annual
Turnover- Prime
Bidder (Consortium
Contact Details of officials for future correspondence regarding the bid process:
Details Authorized Signatory Secondary Contact
Company Address
Email Id
Note: To be submitted with any other supporting details specified as Document Proof in Section 5
and 10.1
Date: dd/mm/yyyy
This is to certify that the Annual Turnover from ICT and Networth as per books and records of
______________________________________________ for the following financial
years are as under.
Yours Sincerely,
Date: dd/mm/yyyy
Chief Executive Officer ,
1st Floor, South Zone Office,
Surat Municipal Corporation,
Opp. Satyanagar, Udhna,
Surat-394210, Gujarat, India.
Subject: Selection of Implementing Agency for Integrated Command and Control Center (ICCC)
in Surat
If this declaration is found to be incorrect then without prejudice to any other action that may be
taken, my/ our security may be forfeited in full and the tender if any to the extent accepted may be
Name of work: Selection of Implementing Agency for Integrated Command and Control Center
(ICCC) in Surat.
1. I, the undersigned, do hereby certify that all the statements made in the required attachments are
true and correct.
2. The undersigned also hereby certifies that neither our firm M/s ………………………………….
……………………………. nor any of its constituent partners have abandoned any work in India nor any
contract awarded to us for such works has been rescinded during last five years, from the date of
this bid submission.
3. The undersigned hereby authorize(s) and request(s) any bank, person, authorities, government
or public limited institutions, firm or corporation to furnish pertinent information deemed
necessary and requested by the SSCDL/SMC to verify our statements or our competence and
general reputation.
4. The undersigned understands and agreed that further qualifying information may be requested,
and agrees to furnish any such information at the request of the SSCDL/SMC.
5. The SMC/SSCDL and its authorized representative are hereby authorized to conduct any
inquiries or investigations to verify the statements, documents, and information submitted in
connection with this application and to seek clarification from our bankers and clients regarding
any financial and technical aspects. This Affidavit will also serve as authorization to any individual
or authorized representative of any institution referred to in the supporting information, to provide
such information deemed necessary and requested by you to verify statements and information
provided in the tender or with regard to the resources, experience and competence of the Applicant.
6. My/ our offer shall not be considered in case of fake/ forged document(s) found during
verification at any stage or at any stage of contract. I/ We are agreed to whatever action (s) taken
by competent authority of corporation in the aforesaid circumstances such as forfeiture of security
deposit and debarring from participation in future tenders for the period/ years as deemed fit by
the corporation and informing the same to all other state/ central level Government/ semi
government organizations.
Date: dd/mm/yyyy
Chief Executive Officer ,
1st Floor, South Zone Office,
Surat Municipal Corporation,
Opp. Satyanagar, Udhna,
Surat-394210, Gujarat, India
Subject: Selection of Implementing Agency for Integrated Command and Control Center (ICCC)
in Surat.
I have carefully gone through the Terms & Conditions contained in the RFP Document for
“Selection of Implementing Agency for Integrated Command and Control Center (ICCC) in Surat.”
I hereby declare that below are the details regarding relevant work that has been taken up by our
company and all the consortium members.
Prime Bidder
Name of the Project Project Project Project Project
1 2 3 n
General Information
Client for which the project was executed
Name of the client contact person(s)
Designation of client contact person(s)
Contact details of the client contact person(s)
Project Details
Description of the project
Scope of work of the Bidder
Deliverables of the Bidder
Outcomes of the project
Other Details
Total cost of the project
Total cost of the services provided by the
Duration of the project (number of months,
start date, completion date, current status)
Other relevant information (Like number of
Cameras and Type of Camera, ANPR etc)
Mandatory Supporting Documents:
Issued by Surat Smart City Development Ltd Page 67 of 283
Prime Bidder
Name of the Project Project Project Project Project
1 2 3 n
Work order / Contract for the project/
Purchase Order
Client Certificate giving present status of the
project and view of the quality of services by
the Bidder
Consortium Member-2
Name of the Project Project
Project n
General Information
Client for which the project was executed
Name of the client contact person(s)
Designation of client contact person(s)
Contact details of the client contact person(s)
Project Details
Description of the project
Scope of work of the Bidder
Deliverables of the Bidder
Outcomes of the project
Other Details
Total cost of the project
Total cost of the services provided by the Bidder
Duration of the project (number of months, start date, completion
date, current status)
Other relevant information (Like number of Cameras and Type of
Camera, ANPR etc)
Mandatory Supporting Documents:
Work order / Contract for the project/ Purchase Order
Client Certificate giving present status of the project and view of
the quality of services by the Bidder
Whereas, it is necessary for the Members of the Consortium to designate one of them as the Lead
Member with all necessary power and authority to do for and on behalf of the Consortium, all acts,
deeds and things as may be necessary in connection with the Consortium’s bid for the Project and
its execution.
AND hereby agree to ratify and confirm and do hereby ratify and confirm all acts, deeds and things
done or caused to be done by our said Attorney pursuant to and in exercise of the powers conferred
by this Power of Attorney and that all acts, deeds and things done by our said Attorney in exercise
of the powers hereby conferred shall and shall always be deemed to have been done by us/
For …………………………………
For …………………………………
The mode of execution of the Power of Attorney should be in accordance with the
procedure, if any, laid down by the applicable law and the charter documents of the
executant(s) and when it is so required, the same should be under common seal affixed in
accordance with the required procedure.
Also, wherever required, the Bidder should submit for verification the extract of the
charter documents and documents such as a board or shareholders’ resolution/power of
attorney in favour of the person executing this Power of Attorney for the delegation of
power hereunder on behalf of the Bidder.
For a Power of Attorney executed and issued overseas, the document will also have to be
legalized by the Indian Embassy and notarized in the jurisdiction where the Power of
Attorney is being issued. However, the Power of Attorney provided by Bidders from
countries that have signed the Hague Legislation Convention, 1961 are not required to be
legalized by the Indian Embassy if it carries a conforming Appostille certificate
Issued by Surat Smart City Development Ltd Page 70 of 283
10.10 PQ_9: Format for Bank Guarantee for Bid Security (Earnest Money Deposit)
WHEREAS, the AUTHORITY undertook the process of competitive bidding in order to select the
most desirable firm/company for Design, Development, Implementation & Maintenance for ICCC
Project which purpose AUTHORITY issued a RFP document inviting Bids from the Bidders;
WHEREAS, [name of Bidder] (hereinafter called “the Bidder”) has submitted his Bid dated [date]
for the execution of the Works (hereinafter called “the Bid”).
In the event of any breach or non-performance of the following terms and conditions contained in
the Tender document:
(1) If the Bidder withdraws or modifies his Bid during the period of Bid validity specified in the
Tender; or
(2) If the Bidder refuses to accept the correction of errors in his Bid; or
(3) If the Bidder submits a conditional Bid which would affect unfairly the competitive
provision of other Bidders who submitted substantially responsive Bids and/or is not accepted by
(4) if the Bidder, having been notified of the acceptance of his Bid by the AUTHORITY during
the period of Bid validity and the bidder fails or refuses to execute the Agreement in accordance
with the Tender documents;
The Guarantor agrees absolutely, irrevocably and unconditionally guarantees and undertakes to
pay to AUTHORITY a sum of Indian Rupees …………………… (Amount of EMD in INR) without any
protest or demur and upon receipt of first written demand from AUTHORITY, without having to
substantiate his demand, provided that in his demand AUTHORITY will note that the amount
claimed by him is due to him owing to the occurrence of any one or more of the conditions,
specifying the occurred condition or conditions.
This Guarantee will remain in force up to and including the date _________ (180 days) days beyond
the original validity period for the bid or as it may be extended by the bidder on a written request by
Issued by Surat Smart City Development Ltd Page 71 of 283
AUTHORITY, notice of which extension(s) to the Bank is hereby waived. Any demand in respect of
this Guarantee should reach the Bank not later than the above date.
The jurisdiction in relation to this Guarantee shall be the Courts at Surat and Indian Law shall be
The claim in respect of this Bank Guarantee shall be admissible at any of our Surat Branches and such
Bank Guarantee is encashable at Surat Branch.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Guarantor has executed this Guarantee on this _____ day of
_______________and year first herein above written.
Authorized Signatory
Name :
Date: dd/mm/yyyy
Chief Executive Officer,
1st Floor, South Zone Office,
Surat Municipal Corporation,
Opp. Satyanagar, Udhna,
Surat-394210, Gujarat, India.
Subject: Selection of Implementing Agency for Integrated Command and Control Center (ICCC)
in Surat
Yours faithfully,
1 Bidder is required to mention Make & Model of proposed items wherever in above table is mentioned as "Specify"
2 Bidder is required to submit the supporting documents like bidder's compliance, OEM's compliances and OEM authorization letter (refer
PQ_10/TQ_1) wherever its mentioned as "Yes"
3 NA stands for Not Applicable
1 Bidder is required to mention Make & Model of proposed items wherever in above table is mentioned as "Specify"
2 Bidder is required to submit the supporting documents like bidder's compliance, OEM's compliances and OEM authorization letter (refer
PQ_10/TQ_1) wherever its mentioned as "Yes"
3 Bidder is required to specify the quantity as per their proposed solution in the column named "Quantity"
4 NA stands for Not Applicable
1 Bidder is required to mention Make & Model of proposed items wherever in above table is mentioned as "Specify"
2 Bidder is required to submit the supporting documents like bidder's compliance, OEM's compliances and OEM authorization letter (refer
PQ_10/TQ_1) wherever its mentioned as "Yes"
3 NA stands for Not Applicable
1 Bidder is required to mention Make & Model of proposed items wherever in above table is mentioned as "Specify"
Bidder is required to submit the supporting documents like bidder's compliance, OEM's compliances and OEM authorization letter (refer
2 PQ_10/TQ_1) wherever its mentioned as "Yes"
3 NA stands for Not Applicable
1 Bidder is required to mention Product name, Part No. ,Make & Model & quantity of proposed items wherever in above table is mentioned
as "Specify"
2 Bidder is required to submit the supporting documents like bidder's compliance, OEM's compliances and OEM authorization letter (refer
PQ_10/TQ_1) wherever its mentioned as "Yes"
3 Bidder is required to specify the quantity as per their proposed solution in the column named "Quantity"
4 NA stands for Not Applicable
1 Bidder is required to mention Product name, Part No. ,Make & Model & quantity of proposed items wherever in above table is mentioned
as "Specify"
2 Bidder is required to submit the supporting documents like bidder's compliance, OEM's compliances and OEM authorization letter (refer
PQ_10/TQ_1) wherever its mentioned as "Yes"
3 Bidder is required to specify the quantity as per their proposed solution in the column named "Quantity"
4 NA stands for Not Applicable
1 Bidder is required to mention Product name, Part No. ,Make & Model & quantity of proposed items wherever in above table is mentioned
as "Specify"
2 Bidder is required to submit the supporting documents like bidder's compliance, OEM's compliances and OEM authorization letter (refer
PQ_10/TQ_1) wherever its mentioned as "Yes"
3 Bidder is required to specify the quantity as per their proposed solution in the column named "Quantity"
4 NA stands for Not Applicable
1 Bidder is required to mention Product name, Part No. ,Make & Model & quantity of proposed items wherever in above table is mentioned
as "Specify"
2 Bidder is required to submit the supporting documents like bidder's compliance, OEM's compliances and OEM authorization letter (refer
PQ_10/TQ_1) wherever its mentioned as "Yes"
3 Bidder is required to specify the quantity as per their proposed solution in the column named "Quantity"
4 NA stands for Not ApplicableTWARE
Submitted Documentary
# Documents to be submitted
(Y / N) Proof (Page No.)
Details of Annual Turnover and Networth for last three
financial years 2017-18, 2016-17, 2015-16 ( Form PQ_3)
Certificate from the Statutory auditor / CA clearly specifying
2. the annual turnover and Networth for the specified years
(Form PQ_4). In case of consortium, all members to submit.
3. Details of the projects executed ( Form PQ_7)
4. Authorization letter from OEMs (Form TQ_1)
Unpriced BoQ including Make & Model table as per Form
Compliance to Technical and Functional Specifications from
the Bidder as per Annexure II, III & IV.
Compliance to Technical and Functional Specifications from
7. the OEM for components mentioned in Annexure II, III &
Datasheets highlighting the Technical Specification
8. parameters in each datasheet for compliances as mentioned
in Annexure II, III & IV.
9. Technical Proposal as mentioned in Section 9 and 11
Copy of work orders and client certificate for Technical
All Technical-qualification bid document(s)/ details should be duly sealed & signed as
In case of the deviation in the authorization letter by the manufacturer & forwarding letter;
the price bid of such bidder will not be opened.
Any conditional mention regarding any technical details or prices in any document(s)/
forwarding letter; price bid of such bidder will not be opened.
11.2 TQ_1: Format for Authorization Letters from OEMs
<<To be printed on letter head of OEM and signed by Authorized signatory of OEM>>
Date: dd/mm/yyyy
Chief Executive Officer,
1st Floor, South Zone Office,
Surat Municipal Corporation,
Opp. Satyanagar, Udhna,
Surat-394210, Gujarat, India
Subject: Selection of Implementing Agency for Integrated Command and Control Center (ICCC)
in Surat
Yours faithfully,
Date: dd/mm/yyyy
Chief Executive Officer ,
1st Floor, South Zone Office,
Surat Municipal Corporation,
Opp. Satyanagar, Udhna,
Surat-394210, Gujarat, India.
Subject: Selection of Implementing Agency for Integrated Command and Control Center (ICCC)
in Surat.
We, the undersigned Bidders, having read and examined in detail all the bidding documents in
respect of “Selection of Implementing Agency for Integrated Command and Control
Center (ICCC) in Surat” do hereby propose to provide services as specified in the Bid Document
referred above.
We declare that all the services shall be performed strictly in accordance with the Bid
Documents and there are no deviations except for those mentioned in eligibility criteria
documents, irrespective of whatever has been stated to the contrary anywhere else in our bid.
Further we agree that additional conditions, if any, found in our bid documents, other than
those stated in the deviation schedule in eligibility criteria documents, shall not be given effect
We declare that our Bid Price is for the entire scope of the work as specified in the Bid
Document. The bid price at which the contract is awarded shall hold good for entire tenure of
the contract. These prices are indicated in the subsequent sub-sections of this Section.
We hereby declare that our Tender is made in good faith, without collusion or fraud and the
information contained in the Tender is true and correct to the best of our knowledge and belief.
We understand that our Tender is binding on us and that you are not bound to accept a Tender you
receive. We confirm that no Technical deviations are attached here with this commercial offer.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
H2. IT HARDWARE WITH 3 YEARS OF WARRANTY SUPPORT ( Bidder to specify the Quantity)
H2. IT HARDWARE WITH 3 YEARS OF WARRANTY SUPPORT ( Bidder to specify the Quantity)
Unit Total AMC
Yearly Total Total
Rate Capex Total Capex w/o GST Applicable Total AMC
Unit of Applicable AMC Without With
# Description Qty (w/o w/o With GST in INR GST With GST
Measurement GST Rate GST in GST in
GST) in GST in in INR for 4th (G2)% in INR
INR INR & 5th
F =A* H =F* J=D+
A B C=A*B G1% D=C*(G1+100)% E G2% I=C+F
E*2 (100+G2)% H
Civil and Non IT for Data Center and ICCC
1 To be
Water Leak specified by
Detection Number bidder as
System per
1 The bidder can propose servers of same or different configuration as per their sizing. Details wrt proposed quantity for each server
with different configuration to be specified above.
The detailed configuration for each server to be provided as per Annexure III, Section 15.35
2 It is mandatory to provide the details pertaining to OEM, Product Name, Version, Part Code and exact Quantity for all components.
3 The exact copy of the above table without prices must be submitted as per "PQ_11: Unpriced Bill of Quantity"
1 All software license components related to ICCC application required to meet the scope of RFP must be enlisted above.
2 It is mandatory to provide the details pertaining to OEM, Product Name, Version, Part Code and exact Quantity for all license components.
3 The exact copy of the above table without prices must be submitted as per "PQ_11: Unpriced Bill of Quantity"
All software license components related to Software Licenses for Call Center Management Software solution for 50 users to meet
1 the scope of RFP must be enlisted above.
It is mandatory to provide the details pertaining to OEM, Product Name, Version, Part Code and exact Quantity for all license
2 components.
3 The exact copy of the above table without prices must be submitted as per "PQ_11: Unpriced Bill of Quantity"
Unit ATS
Licen Tot w/o Total Total
ATS Applica Total
Produ Part Unit of se al Applica GST ATS Cost
Make/O Version/Mo Quanti Total With Rate ble GST Cost
# ct Cod Measurem Cost w/o ble in with witho
EM del ty GST in INR (w/o on ATS with
Name e ent (w/o GST GST INR GST in ut
GST) (G2)% GST
GST) in for 5 INR GST
in INR INR Year
L M =L*
I=F* J=I*(G1+10 O=J+
A B C D E F H G1% K =F*K G2% (100+G2 N=I+L
H 0)% M
*5 )%
Software Licenses for Virtualisation, Server OS, Database, Enterprise Security & Antivirus Software
1 Number
2 Number
… Number
(INR)- With
All software license components related to Software Licenses for Virtualisation, Server OS, Database, Enterprise Security &
1 Antivirus Software, etc. required for physical and/or virtualised environment to meet the scope of RFP must be enlisted above.
It is mandatory to provide the details pertaining to OEM, Product Name, Version, Part Code and exact Quantity for all license
2 components.
3 The exact copy of the above table without prices must be submitted as per "PQ_11: Unpriced Bill of Quantity"
Unit of Unit Rate (w/o Total w/o GST Total With GST
# Description Quantity Applicable GST
Measurement GST) in INR in INR in INR
The SI is also responsible to design the data center (site preparation) proposed at ICCC. The
building drawings are provided separately.
3. Bespoke (Custom Developments): The SI shall be responsible for necessary customization that
are required to address the requirements mentioned in this RFP. The SI shall supply the
following documents along with the developed components:
Business process guides
Program flow descriptions
Data model descriptions
Sample reports
Screen formats
Frequently asked question (FAQ) guides
User manual
Technical manual
Any other documentation required for usage of implemented solution
(These documents need to be updated after each phase of project and to be maintained updated
during entire project duration. The entire documentation will be the property of SSCDL/SMC.)
4. Manpower Requirement: The SI shall be required to depute well competent and experienced
manpower in required strength during the implementation period. The team should be led by
competent Project Manager and ICCC Expert possessing below mentioned experience and
# Resource Type
1 Project Manager
Issued by Surat Smart City Development Ltd Page 102 of 283
# Resource Type
Educational Qualification: BE / B. Tech / MCA
Work experience- Minimum 8 years of experience in ICT implementation
2 ICCC Expert
Educational Qualification: BE / B. Tech / MCA
Work experience- Minimum 5 years of experience in software
implementation Projects
4. Electrical work
The electrical cabling work shall include the following:
Main electrical panel
Power cabling
Power distribution board
Power cabling for utility component and utility points etc.
Separate Earth pits for the component
The SI shall use fire retardant cables of rated capacity exceeding the power requirements of
existing and proposed components to be used at maximum capacity.
7. Rodent Repellent
The entry of rodents and other unwanted pests shall be controlled using non-chemical, non-
toxic devices. Ultrasonic pest repellents shall be provided in the false flooring and ceiling to
repel the pests without killing them. However, the SI shall conduct periodic pest control
using chemical spray once in a quarter as a contingency measure to effectively fight pests.
Bidder needs to provide the details of the testing strategy and approach including details of
intended tools/environment to be used by SI for testing in its technical proposal.
SSCDL/SMC does not intend to own the tools.
The SI shall work in a manner to satisfy all the testing requirements and adhere to the
testing strategy outlined. The SI must ensure deployment of necessary resources and tools
during the testing phases. The SI shall perform the testing of the solution based on the
approved test plan, document the results and shall fix the bugs found during the testing. It
is the responsibility of SI to ensure that the end product delivered by the SI meets all the
requirements specified in the RFP. The SI shall take remedial action based on outcome of
the tests.
The System Integrator has to procure the materials and equipment as required and given as part of
the System Integrator’s response. However, it should be noted that the System Integrator has to
procure all necessary equipment to run the solution as per the requirement of the RFP documents
including the SLA. In case, it is identified that certain components are required but not quoted by
the Supplier, the SI will procure and commission the same without any financial implications. The
System Integrator shall note that the specification provided is the minimum requirement and the
System Integrator shall procure better equipment if it is required to meet the service levels
mentioned in the RFP.
SMC/SSCDL reserves the right to ask the bidder to supply only part of the hardware quoted and
procure the rest of it separately by itself. The payments schedule will be adjusted accordingly.
All the hardware shall be new and procured for this project. The ownership of hardware shall be
transferred to SMC/SSCDL on commissioning of hardware. However, SI will be fully responsible for
maintaining these Assets during the contract period and will be fully accountable for the same.
Design Considerations
(i) The bidder shall propose hardware such that at any point in time during the contract period,
the resource utilization does not go beyond the levels defined below during 9 A.M. to 7 P.M.
• the average CPU utilization should not exceed 70% for more than 15 minutes in a
single stretch
• the average memory utilization should not exceed 70% for more than 15 minutes in
a single stretch
• the average Disk utilization should not exceed 70% for more than 15 minutes in a
single stretch
• In case of breach of above, the bidder will be required to optimize the solution else
the additional hardware has to be provided by the successful bidder to ensure the
performance within the indicated levels, at no further cost.
(ii) The ICCC Solution shall have following environments:
• Production environment at DC configured in High availability mode with no single
point of failure in Active-Active Mode.
• Non-production environment consisting of Development/Quality/etc. at DC without
(iii)Bidder is required to setup/configure/implement Redundant High Availability topology
As part of the delivery of the solution it is expected that the SI shall provide Post Go Live Support
(“PGLS”) for the solution post Go-Live till completion of total contract period of five years. The Post
Go Live Support (“PGLS”) will start after completion of 3 months of Hypercare Support after Go
Live. SI is responsible to provide operations and maintenance services for the software, hardware
and other IT and Non-IT infrastructure installed as part of project for a period of 5 years (post Go-
Live). Hypercare deliverable will include closing of all issues reported with Go-Live along
with minor enhancements arising due to those defects.
5. Change and Version Control: All planned or emergency changes to any component of
the system shall be through the approved Change Management process. For any change, SI
shall ensure:
Detailed impact analysis
Change plan with Roll back plans
Appropriate communication on change required has taken place
Proper approvals have been received
Schedules have been adjusted to minimize impact on the production environment
All associated documentations are updated post stabilization of the change
Version control maintained for software changes
The SI shall define the Software Change Management and Version control process. For
any changes to the solution, SI has to prepare detailed documentation including
proposed changes, impact to the system in terms of functional outcomes/additional
features added to the system etc. SI shall ensure that software and hardware version
control is done for entire duration of SI’s contract.
5. Performance- A best of breed solution using the leading technologies of the domain
should be proposed in the solution ensuring the highest levels of performance. It will
also ensure that the performance of various modules should be independent of each
other to enhance the overall performance and also in case of disaster, performance of
one module should not impact the performance other modules.
The solution should be designed in a manner that the following can be achieved:
Modular design to distribute the appropriate system functions on web and app
Increase in-memory Operations (use static operations)
Reduce number of I/O operations and N/w calls using selective caching
Dedicated schemas for each function making them independent and avoiding delays
due to other function accessing the same schema.
Solution should provide measurable and acceptable performance requirements for
users, for different connectivity bandwidths.
The solution should provide optimal and high performance Portal Solution
satisfying response time for slow Internet connections and different browsers.
9. Reliability- This is a very crucial system and data are of high sensitivity, the data
transfer and data management should be reliable to keep the confidence of the
stakeholders. The system should have appropriate measures to ensure processing
reliability for the data received or accessed through the application.
It may be necessary to mainly ensure the following
Prevent processing of duplicate incoming files/data
Unauthorized alteration to the Data uploaded in the SSCDL/SMC system should be
Ensure minimum data loss(expected zero data loss)
11. Availability - The solution design and deployment architecture will ensure that the
application can be deployed in a centralized environment offering system High
Availability and failover.
The solution should meet the following availability requirements
Load Balanced across two or more Web Server avoiding single point of failure
Deployment of multiple application instances should be possible
Distributed or load balanced implementation of application to ensure that
availability of services is not compromised at any failure instance.
12. SLA driven solution - Data from connected smart devices to be readily available
(real-time), aggregated, classified and stored, so as not to delay the business processes
of monitoring and decision making, and will enable appropriate timely sharing across
the Smart City organization.
Readily available and consumed device data will facilitate timely access of analytics reports
at every level and department of the Smart City and provide timely analysis of data as well as
monitoring of KPIs through SLAs resulting in effective service delivery and improved
decision making.
Real-time integration
All the Smart City applications will be deployed in the Data Centre while any external
application of the Smart City ecosystem will reside in outside premises.
The need for a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) is felt that will facilitate SSCDL/SMC in
defining an enterprise integration platform. An SOA platform will help in data exchange
across applications in real-time mode (both synchronous and asynchronous), promote loose
coupling with ease of maintenance and change, facilitate rapid composition of complex
services, achieve scalability through modularity, and improved business visibility.
SOA is an architectural style that allows the integration of heterogeneous applications &
users into flexible service delivery architecture. Discrete business functions contained in
enterprise applications could be organized as layers of interoperable, standards-based
shared "services" that can be combined, reused, discovered and leveraged by other
applications and processes.
The following are the various integration modes and techniques that could be leveraged -
SOAP web service based interfacing technique will be leveraged as the real-time point
to point synchronous integration mode with external or third party systems. The
following integration points could be considered for SOAP web service based interfacing
o Payment gateway of the authorized banks to enable authorized users make financial
transactions for the Smart City services availed by them. This should support a
unified interface to integrate with all Payment Service Providers using web services
over secured protocols.
SMS Gateway: SMS services are envisaged to be made available as part of the solution
design. The service provider may integrate the solution with SMS gateway available at
SMC/SSCDL, and use the services available through it, or deploy its own SMS Gateway
services at no extra charge to SMC, but it is a mandatory requirement that all the SMS based
services (alerts and notifications) should be available as part of the solution. Following are
some of the key requirements for the SMS services through the solution:
Should contain required details/information and targeted to the applicant or designated
officers of tax departments and other stakeholders and users as per prevailing TRAI
Facilitate access through access codes for different types of services
Support automated alerts that allows to set up triggers that will automatically send out
Provide provision for International SMS
Provide provision to receive messages directly from users
Provide provision for personalized priority messages
Resend the SMS in case of failure of the message
Provide messaging templates
Issued by Surat Smart City Development Ltd Page 130 of 283
Email Services: Email services are envisaged to be made available as part of the solution
design to send alerts/intimations/automated messages to registered email ids, based on
preferences set up/opted by individual users. An authenticated SMTP mail service (also
known as a SMTP relay or smart host) is envisaged to be integrated with the solution for
sending mail from the solution, and delivered to intended inbox. Support antispam features.
Payment Gateway: The solution is envisaged to have integration with payment gateways,
to enable authorized Users make financial transactions, as per rights and privileges provided
to him/her. The service provider is required to make the provisions for integration with such
third party gateways and provide payment services, as per requirement of the SSCDL/SMC.
Some of the key features of payment gateway are mentioned below:
Should support secure integration with Payment Service Providers
Should support a unified interface to integrate with all Payment Service Providers
Should support integration with Payment Service Providers using web services and over
HTTP/S protocol
Should manage messages exchange between UI and payment service providers
Should support beneficiary’s payment transactions tracking against various services
Should support bank accounts reconciliation
Should provide logs for all transactions performed through the Payment Gateway for
future financial dispute resolution that might arise between entities and either
beneficiaries or Payment Service Providers
Should maintain and keep transactions logs for time period required and specified by
the financial regulations followed in country
Should support redundant Payment Discovery
Should submit Periodic Reconciliation Report to government entities
Should support transaction reports to monitor and track payments
Should support real-time online credit card authorization for merchants
Should support compliance with emerging trends and multiple payment options such
debit card, credit card, cash cards and other payment gateways
Should provide fraud screening features
Should support browser based remote administration
Should support multicurrency processing and settlement directly to merchant account
Should support processing of one-time or recurring transactions using tokenization
Should support real time integration with SMS and emails
IVR Services: IVR services are envisaged as part of Call Centre facility, which will be
integrated with the solution, to provide information and services to the people who would
contact the Call Centre: Some of the key features of the IVR services are mentioned below:
Should provide multi-lingual content support in English,Hindi and Gujarati.
Should facilitate access through access codes for different types of services
Should support Web Service Integration
15. Infrastructure Security - The following focused initiatives to discover and remedy
security vulnerabilities of the IT systems of SSCDL/SMC Smart City should be
considered to proactively prevent percolation of any threat vectors -
Deploy anti-virus software to all workstations and servers to reduce the likelihood of
security threats;
Assignment of tasks/issues to field staff based on the category, location, department, zone
Field staff should be able to manage and close any task/issues using the App.
The app should have facility to upload a geo-tagged & time-stamped photograph and remarks
text, from mobile device.
The Mobile App shall a have the facility to view the various dashboard based on user access
Mobile App shall provide push notifications to field staff in parallel to SMS and email.
1. City Utilities and Civic Services: These primarily include civic services provided by the
urban local body (ULB) to cater to daily needs of citizens in general. The CCC solution must
integrate & monitor these services at its facility as any disruption in the services and lack of
timely response could lead to poor service delivery. Few basic utilities managed by ULBs are as
a) Water Supply and Waste Water Management: The water supply and its quality
treatment is done by ULBs. Waste water treatment operations are also managed by ULBs.
b) Solid Waste Management: This includes services like residential garbage collection,
construction and debris collection, and recycling of the waste collected and disposal on daily
c) Smart Street Lighting Management: This refers to the management of network of
street lights installed across city limits to ensure safe streets.
d) Environment: It refers to the various sensors installed across city to monitor data from
sensors like pollution sensors, noise sensors, light sensors, etc.
2. City mobility services: These services refer to connectivity services provided by the city for
public to travel from one point to another. It includes provision of connectivity, accessibility
and also public space for parking of vehicles. The three broad domains can be listed as below:
a) Transit Management (connectivity): It refers to management of public transport
vehicles like buses, taxis, and trains etc. which assist public in connecting to various parts
of the city.
Issued by Surat Smart City Development Ltd Page 149 of 283
b) Traffic Management (accessibility): This refers to the planning & control of transport
services across city to manage the traffic flow within the city.
c) City Parking Solutions: It refers to the management of public parking spaces in terms of
usage as well as revenue collection.
3. Safety and Security: Primarily the function of police, these refers to operations to enhance
the safety of the public and provide necessary surveillance information to Police for both
reactive and predictive policing. For ULB, the surveillance is needed for public parks, ULB
offices, schools, etc.
4. Crisis Management: These services addresses the major disaster-related events which may
occur in a city affecting city as a whole (e.g. floods) or a part of the city (e.g. fire accident). The
Crisis management operations in a city includes medical services, fire brigade and police which
may need to react either together or in any combinations based upon the type of exigency. Being
an important aspect of city CCC, it is imperative that crisis management should be in place and
properly implemented covering all the possible events which may disrupt either part of or
complete city.
5. Convergence: There are certain enterprise systems/application used by city government to
support city operations. Services like geo-graphical information system (GIS) for the city tags
all the important functions of a ULB on a map providing them a holistic view of the city. Service
like Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is essentially integrated management of core
processes across various services providing real-time, digitized information about the system.
Such services cut across the length and breadth of the core services and thus the offered ICCC
must address the same as it assist city administrators in visualizing information at pan-service
& pan-city level with functionality to drill-down on specific part of the city or specific service if
These services of respective functional use case should be configured with ICCC platform. ICCC
solution should comprises of following component for various use cases:
a) Data Acquisition and Visualization
b) Data Analytics and Co-relation
c) Communication
d) Command and Control
Successful SI will be required to develop use cases pertaining to above mentioned domain
systems with visualization, analytics, communication and control capabilities. Detailed use
case for every domain system will be finalized during requirement gathering post award of
the work. Tentative list of use cases have been defined as under which will be finalized during
requirement gathering phase. As and when the system expands and more applications get added
the SI is required to be open to all such subsequent additions.
Security: In no circumstances this data accumulated and processed by Command and Control
should be compromised. Hence provisions will be made to keep all the data stored in this platform
highly secured with required Security framework implementation. The platform will be hosted in
DC Area located within ICCC Building. Further the platform will provide an open standards based
integration Bus with API Management, providing full API lifecycle management with governance
and security.
15.24 10G SFP+ LR Transceiver Module for 24 Port/48 Port Web Managed Switches
# Parameter Minimum Compliance Remarks, if
Specifications (Yes/No) any
1. Ports 10G BASE-LR port; Bi-
Directional Duplex: full
2. Warranty 5 Years comprehensive
3. Specify the proposed Make
4. Specify the proposed Model No
Note: Bidder is required to quote for same make & model proposed for the switches
15.31 10G SFP+ SR/LR Transceiver Module for DC TOR / DC Aggregation Switch
# Parameter Minimum Specifications Compliance Remarks, if any
1. Ports 10G BASE-SR/LR port; Duplex:
full only
2. Warranty 5 Years comprehensive
3. Specify the proposed Make
4. Specify the proposed Model No
15.37IP KVM with 17" Rack LED/LCD and USB VM Server Module Bundle
21.Proposed solution should not have any 2. 3.
user license restriction up to 50 user
licenses. The performance of solution must
not degrade with increase in number of
users in the application up to 50 user
16.1 Painting
Fire retardant paint and shade (both with prior approval of SSCDL/SMC) to give an even
shade over a primer coat after applying painting putty to level and plumb and finishing with
2 coats of fire retardant paint. Base coating shall be as per manufacturer’s recommendation
for coverage of paint
For all vertical Plain surface.
For fireline gyp-board ceiling.
POP punning over cement plaster in perfect line and level with thickness of 10 – 12 mm
including making good chases, grooves, edge banding, scaffolding pockets etc.
16.5 Earthing
All electrical components (whichever supplied as part of this RFP) are to be earthen by connecting
two earth tapes from the frame of the component ring and will be connected via several earth
electrodes. The cable arm will be earthen through the cable glands. Earthling shall be in conformity
with provision of rules 32, 61, 62, 67 & 68 of Indian Electricity rules 1956 and as per IS-3043. The
entire applicable IT infrastructure in the Control Rooms shall be earthed.
Earthing should be done for the entire power system and provisioning should be there to
earth UPS systems, Power distribution units, AC units etc. so as to avoid a ground
differential. Necessary space will be required to prepare the earthing pits.
All metallic objects on the premises that are likely to be energized by electric currents
should be effectively grounded.
The connection to the earth or the electrode system should have sufficient low resistance
in the range of 0 to 25 ohm to ensure prompt operation of respective protective devices in
event of a ground fault, to provide the required safety from an electric shock to personnel
& protect the equipment from voltage gradients which are likely to damage the
The neutral to earth voltage in all electrical points should be less than 0.5 volts.
The Earth resistance shall be automatically measured on an online basis at a pre-
configured interval and corrective action should be initiated based on the observation.
The automatic Earthing measurements should be available on the UPS panel itself in the
UPS room.
There should be enough space between data and power cabling and there should not be
any cross wiring of the two, in order to avoid any interference, or corruption of data.
The earth connections shall be properly made .A small copper loop to bridge the top cover
of the transformer and the tank shall be provided to avoid earth fault current passing
through fastened bolts, when there is a lighting surge, high voltage surge or failure of
Provide separate Earthing pits for Servers, UPS & Generators as per the standards .
12. Installation
The SI shall install the system in
accordance with the manufacturer’s
Where false ceilings are available, the
sampling pipe shall be installed above the
ceiling, and Capillary Sampling Points
shall be installed on the ceiling and
connected by means of a capillary tube.
Air Sampling Piping network shall be laid
as per the approved pipe layout. Pipe
work calculations shall be submitted with
Issued by Surat Smart City Development Ltd Page 235 of 283
# Minimum Specifications Compliance Remarks, if any
the proposed pipe layout design for
The bidder shall submit computer
generated software calculations for
design of aspirating pipe network, on
award of the contract.
13. Specify the proposed Make
14. Specify the proposed Model No
(1) Surat Smart City Development Limited, a company incorporated under the Companies Act, 2013
with CIN : U74999GJ2016PLC091579 and having its Registered Office at 1st Floor, South Zone
Office, Surat Municipal Corporation, Opp. Satyanagar, Udhna, Surat-394210, Gujarat, India
(hereinafter called "the Company" or “the SPV” or “the Client” or “SSCDL” which expression
unless repugnant to the context therein, shall include its successors, administrators, executors and
permitted assignees) of the FIRST PART represented by CEO / Director / GM (IT) of the
WHEREAS party to the First part is established as the ‘Special Purpose Vehicle’ (SPV) under the
Smart City Program of the Government of India, and based on the submission and approval of the
Smart City Proposal (SCP) has authority to execute the projects so approved within the framework
of the Smart City Mission Statement and Guidelines issued by the Ministry of Urban Development
in June 2015 (hereinafter referred as “Guidelines”);
AND WHEREAS RFP for one of the approved projects under SCP related to Selection of
Implementing Agency for Integrated Command and Control Center (ICCC) in Surat (hereinafter
referred as the “ICCC Project.” or “the Project”) was published by SSCDL on
_______________, to seek services of a reputed IT firm as a System Integrator for
Implementing Agency for Integrated Command and Control Center (ICCC) in Surat;
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises covenants and promises contained herein
and other good and valuable considerations, the receipt and adequacy of which is hereby
acknowledged, the parties intending to be bound legally, IT IS HEREBY AGREED between the
Parties as follows:
1. Definitions
In this Agreement, the following terms shall be interpreted as indicated, -
(d) “Contract” means this Agreement entered into between SSCDL and the Systems Integrator
including all attachments and annexure thereto and all documents incorporated by
reference therein;
(g) "Go Live or successful completion of implementation of the project" date means the 16 th
day after the date on which the proposed project stream becomes operational after
successful conclusion of all acceptance tests to the satisfaction of SSCDL.
(h) "Deliverable" means any action / output generated by the SI while discharging their
contractual obligations. This would include information and all the other services
rendered as per the scope of work and as per the SLAs.
(i) "Assets" refer to all the hardware / Software / furniture / data / documentations /
manuals / catalogs / brochures / or any other material procured, created or utilized by
the SI for the Surat City ‘Smart Elements’ Project.
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(j) “Guidelines” refer to the set of instructions given by Ministry of Urban Development
regarding Smart City Mission
2. Interpretation
The documents forming this Agreement are to be taken as mutually explanatory of one another.
The following order shall govern the priority of documents constituting this Agreement, in the
event of a conflict between various documents, the documents shall have priority in the
following order:
this Agreement;
Scope of Services for the Systems Integrator (hereby annexed as Annexure I)
Detail Commercial proposal of the Systems Integrator accepted by SSCDL (hereby
annexed as Annexure II)
SLA to be adhered by the Systems Integrator (hereby annexed as Annexure III)
Clarification & Corrigendum Documents published by SSCDL subsequent to the RFP for
this work (hereby annexed as Annexure IV)
RFP Document of SSCDL for this work (hereby annexed as Annexure V)
LoI issued by the SSCDL to the successful bidder (hereby annexed as Annexure VI);
Successful bidder’s “Technical Proposal” and “Commercial Proposal” submitted in
response to the RFP (hereby annexed as Annexure VII).
In the event of implementation period getting extended beyond implementation timelines, for
reasons not attributable to the Systems Integrator, SSCDL reserves the right to extend the term
of the Agreement by corresponding period to allow validity of contract for 5 years from the date
of successful completion of implementation of all the project components. (Note: Delay caused
due to any reason not in control of the SI would not be attributed to the project period.)
SSCDL also reserves the right to extend the contract at its sole discretion for additional duration,
beyond the 5 years of post-implementation period. Terms and conditions of such an extension
shall be prepared by SSCDL and finalized in mutual discussion with the SI.
5. Scope Extension
SSCDL reserves right to extend the scope of services for the price & timelines as given in
Annexure II & Annexure III to this Agreement. The SLAs applicable to this Contract shall be
liable for the additional items too.
7. Insurance
The bidder will be required to undertake the insurance for all components of the ICCC Project
which has been procured under this RFP.
Ownership of the Assets shall vest with SSCDL on Go Live of the project. Ownership of any
asset, created during the contractual period after go Live, shall also vest with SSCDL upon
creation of such asset. System Integrator shall not use SSCDL data to provide services for the
benefit of any third party, as a service bureau or in any other manner. Six months prior to the
expiry of the contract (of the respective work streams), there shall be joint inspection by a team
of SSCDL and SI to assess the damages to the assets, if any. If damage to the assets is found
Issued by Surat Smart City Development Ltd Page 261 of 283
unacceptable to the SSCDL, then corresponding penalty/liquidated damages shall be recovered
from SI from the fees payable.
10. Indemnity
The System Integrator agrees to indemnify and hold harmless SSCDL, its officers, employees
and agents(each a “Indemnified Party”) promptly upon demand at any time and from time to
time, from and against any and all losses , claims, damages, liabilities, costs (including
reasonable attorney’s fees and disbursements) and expenses (collectively, “Losses”) to which
the Indemnified Party may become subject, in so far as such losses directly arise out of, in any
way relate to, or result from
i. any mis-statement or any breach of any representation or warranty made by the System
Integrator or
ii. The failure by the System Integrator to fulfil any covenant or condition contained in this
Agreement, including without limitation the breach of any terms and conditions of this
Agreement by any employee or agent of the System Integrator. Against all losses or
damages arising from claims by third Parties that any Deliverable (or the access, use or
other rights thereto), created System Integrator pursuant to this Agreement, or any
equipment, software, information, methods of operation or other intellectual property
created by System Integrator or sub-contractors pursuant to this Agreement, or the SLAs
(I) infringes a copyright, trade mark, trade design enforceable in India, (II) infringes a
patent issued in India, or (III) constitutes misappropriation or unlawful disclosure or use
of another Party's trade secretes under the laws of India (collectively, "Infringement
Claims"); provided, however, that this will not apply to any Deliverable (or the access, use
or other rights thereto) created by (A) "Implementation of Project by itself or through other
b. The indemnities set out in Sub-clause (a) above shall be subject to the following conditions:
ii) The Indemnified Party shall, at the cost and expenses of the Indemnifying Party, give
the Indemnifying Party all reasonable assistance in the defense of such claim including
reasonable access to all relevant information, documentation and personnel. The
indemnifying party shall bear cost and expenses and fees of the Attorney on behalf of
the Indemnified Party in the litigation, claim.
iii) if the Indemnifying Party does not assume full control over the defense of a claim as
provided in this Article, the Indemnifying Party may participate in such defense at its
sole cost and expense, and the Indemnified Party will have the right to defend the
claim in such manner as it may deem appropriate, and the cost and expense of the
Indemnified Party will be borne and paid by the Indemnifying Party.
iv. The Indemnified Party shall not prejudice, pay or accept any proceedings or claim, or
compromise any proceedings or claim, without the written consent of the
Indemnifying Party;
v. system integrator hereby indemnify & hold indemnified the SSCDL harmless from &
against any & all damages, losses, liabilities, expenses including legal fees & cost of
litigation in connection with any action, claim, suit, proceedings as if result of claim
Issued by Surat Smart City Development Ltd Page 263 of 283
made by the third party directly or indirectly arising out of or in connection with this
vi. all settlements of claims subject to indemnification under this Article will: (a) be entered
into only with the consent of the Indemnified Party, which consent will not be
unreasonably withheld & include an unconditional release to the Indemnified Party
from the claimant for all liability in respect of such claim; & (b) include any
appropriate confidentiality agreement prohibiting disclosure of the terms of such
Viii. the Indemnified Party shall take steps that the Indemnifying Party may reasonably
require to mitigate or reduce its loss as a result of such a claim or proceedings; &
ix. In the event that the Indemnifying Party is obligated to indemnify an Indemnified Party
pursuant to this Article, the Indemnifying Party will, upon payment of such indemnity
in full, be subrogated to all rights & defenses of the Indemnified Party with respect to
the claims to which such indemnification relates;
x. in the event that the Indemnifying Party is obligated to indemnify the Indemnified Party
pursuant to this Article, the Indemnified Party will be entitled to invoke the
Performance Bank Guarantee, if such indemnity is not paid, either in full or in part, &
on the invocation of the Performance Bank Guarantee, the Indemnifying Party shall
be subrogated to all rights & defenses of the Indemnified Party with respect to the
claims to which such indemnification relates.
12. Publicity
Any publicity by the SI in which the name of SSCDL is to be used should be done only with
the explicit written permission of the CEO, SSCDL.
13. Warranties
b. In the case of the SLAs, the System Integrator warrants and represents to SSCDL, that:
the System Integrator has full capacity and authority and all necessary approvals to
enter into and perform its obligations under the SLAs and to provide the Services;
The System Integrator is experienced in managing and providing works similar to the
Services and that it will perform the Services with all due skill, care and diligence so as
to comply with service level agreement;
The Services will be provided and rendered by appropriately qualified, trained and
experienced personnel as mentioned in the RFP;
System Integrator has and will have all necessary licenses, approvals, consents of third
Parties free from any encumbrances and all necessary technology, hardware and
software to enable it to provide the Services;
The Services will be supplied in conformance with all laws, enactments, orders and
regulations applicable from time to time;
System Integrator will warrant that the goods supplied under the contract are new,
unused, of the most recent higher version /models and incorporate all recent
improvements in design and materials unless provided otherwise in the contract. The
System Integrator further warrants that the goods supplied under this contract shall
have no defects arising from design, materials or workmanship.
The overall system design shall be such that there is no choking point / bottleneck
anywhere in the system (end-to-end) which can affect the performance / SLAs.
Subject to the fulfillment of the obligations of the System Integrator as provided for in sub
clause (viii) above, in the event that such warranties cannot be enforced by SSCDL, the
System Integrator will enforce such warranties on behalf of SSCDL and pass on to SSCDL,
the benefit of any other remedy received in relation to such warranties.
c. Notwithstanding what has been stated elsewhere in this Agreement and the Schedules
attached herein, in the event the System Integrator is unable to meet the obligations
pursuant to the implementation of the Project, Operations and Maintenance Services and
any related scope of work as stated in this Agreement and the Schedules attached herein,
SSCDL will have the option to invoke the Performance Guarantee after serving a written
notice of thirty (30) days on the system Integrator.
The System Integrator shall not be liable for forfeiture of its Performance Guarantee, imposition
of liquidated damages or termination for default, if and to the extent that it’s delay in
performance or other failure to perform its obligations under the contract is the result of an
event of Force Majeure. For purposes of this Clause, “Force Majeure” means an event beyond
the “reasonable” control of the System Integrator, not involving the System Integrator’s fault or
negligence and not foreseeable. Such events may include Acts of God & acts of Government of
India in their sovereign capacity.
For the SI to take benefit of this clause it is a condition precedent that the SI must promptly
notify the SSCDL, in writing of such conditions and the cause thereof within 2 calendar days of
the Force Majeure event arising. SSCDL, or the consultant / committee appointed by the SSCDL
shall study the submission of the SI and inform whether the situation can be qualified one of
Force Majeure. Unless otherwise directed by the SSCDL in writing, the SI shall continue to
perform its obligations under the resultant Agreement as far as it is reasonably practical, and
shall seek all reasonable alternative means for performance of services not prevented by the
existence of a Force Majeure event.
In the event of delay in performance attributable to the presence of a force majeure event, the
time for performance shall be extended by a period(s) equivalent to the duration of such delay.
If the duration of delay continues beyond a period of 30 days, SSCDL and the SI shall hold
consultations with each other in an endeavor to find a solution to the problem.
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary mentioned above, the decision of the SSCDL shall be
final and binding on the SI.
If the SI doesn’t agree with the opinion of the Chairman, SSCDL, matter shall be referred to two
Arbitrators: one Arbitrator to be nominated by SSCDL and the other one to be nominated by
the SI. In the case of the said Arbitrators not agreeing, then the matter will be referred to an
umpire to be appointed by the Arbitrators in writing before proceeding with the reference. The
award of the Arbitrators, and in the event of their not agreeing, the award of the Umpire
appointed by them shall be final and binding on the parties. Proceedings under this clause shall
be subject to applicable law of the Arbitration and Reconciliation Act, 1996 and the venue of
such arbitration shall be Surat. Cost of arbitration shall be borne by each party proportionately.
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However, expenses incurred by each party in connection with the preparation, presentation
shall be borne by the party itself. The provisions of this clause shall survive termination of this
This limitation of liability shall not limit the SI‟s liability, if any, for damage to Third Parties
caused by the SI or any person or firm acting on behalf of the SI in carrying out the scope of
work envisaged herein.
The SI shall disclose to the SSCDL in writing, all actual and potential conflicts of interest that
exist, arise or may arise (either for the Systems Integrator or its Team) in the course of
performing Services as soon as it becomes aware of such a conflict. However,SI shall hold
SSCDL's interest paramount, without any consideration for future work, and strictly avoid
conflict of interest with other assignments.
a The Bidder shall be responsible at his own cost in and relative to performance of the work
and bidder to observe and to ensure observance by his Sub-contractors, agents and servants
of the provisions of Safety Code as hereinafter appearing and all fire, Safety and security
regulations as may be prescribed by the Owner from time to time and such other
Precautions, measures as shall be necessary and shall employ / deploy all equipment
necessary to protect all works, materials, properties, structures, equipments, installations,
communications and facilities whatsoever from damage, loss or other hazard whatsoever
(including but not limited to fire and explosion) and shall during construction and other
operations minimize the disturbance and inconvenience to the Owner, other bidders, the
public and adjoining land and property owners and occupiers, and crops, trees and
vegetation and shall indemnify and keep indemnified the One from and against all losses
and damages and costs, charges and expenses and penalties, actions, claims, demands and
proceedings whatsoever suffered or incurred by or against the Owner, as the case may be,
virtue of any loss, alteration, displacement, disturbance or destruction or accident to any
works materials, properties, structures, equipments, installations communications and
Issued by Surat Smart City Development Ltd Page 267 of 283
facilities and land and property owners and occupiers and crops, trees and vegetation as
aforesaid, with the intent that the Bidder shall be exclusively responsible for any accident,
loss, damage, alteration, displacement, disturbance or destruction as aforesaid resultant
directly or indirectly from any breach by the Bidder of his obligation aforesaid or upon any
operation, act or omission of the bidder his Sub-contractor(s) or agent(s) or servant(s).
b The Bidder's liabilities under Clause (a) and otherwise under the Contract shall remain
unimpaired notwithstanding the existence of any storage cum erection or other insurance
covering any risk, damage, loss or liability for which the Bidder is liable to the Owner in
terms of the foregoing Sub-Clause or otherwise and / or in respect of which the Bidder has
indemnified the Owner with the intent that notwithstanding the existence of such
insurance, the Bidder shall be and remain fully liable for all liabilities and obligations under
the contract and indemnified to the Owner, and the Owner shall not be obliged to seek
recourse under such policy(ies) in preference to recourse against the Bidder or otherwise to
exhaust any other remedy in preference to the remedies available to in under the Contracth
prior written approval of SSCDL. However, even if the work is sub-contracted / outsourced,
the sole responsibility of the work shall lie with the SI. The SI shall be held responsible for
any delay/error/non-compliance etc. of its sub-contracted vendor. The details of the sub-
contracting agreements (if any) between both the parties would be required to be submitted
(B) Deliverables provided to SSCDL by System Integrator during the course of its performance
under this Agreement, all rights, title and interest in and to such Deliverables, shall, as
between System Integrator and SSCDL, immediately upon creation, vest in SSCDL. To the
extent that the System Integrator Proprietary Information is incorporated within the
Deliverables, System Integrator and its employees engaged hereby grant to SSCDL a
worldwide, perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive, transferable, paid-up right and license to
If it is noticed that the SI has indulged into the Corrupt / Fraudulent / Unfair / Coercive
practices, it will be a sufficient ground for SSCDL for termination of the contract and
initiate black-listing of the vendor.
The exit management period starts, in case of expiry of contract, at least 6 months prior
to the date when the contract comes to an end or in case of termination of contract, on
the date when the notice of termination is sent to the SI. The exit management period
ends on the date agreed upon by the SSCDL or Six months after the beginning of the exit
management period, whichever is earlier.
a) Information relating to the current services rendered and performance data relating
to the performance of the services; Documentation relating to Surveillance Project,
Project’s Intellectual Property Rights; any other data and confidential information
related to the Project;
(iii) Employees
Promptly on reasonable request at any time during the exit management period, the
Successful Bidder shall, subject to applicable laws, restraints and regulations (including
in particular those relating to privacy) provide to SSCDL a list of all employees (with job
titles and communication address) of the Successful Bidder, dedicated to providing the
services at the commencement of the exit management period; To the extent that any
Transfer Regulation does not apply to any employee of the Successful Bidder, SSCDL or
Replacing Vendor may make an offer of contract for services to such employee of the
Successful Bidder and the Successful Bidder shall not enforce or impose any contractual
provision that would prevent any such employee from being hired by the SSCDL or any
Replacing Vendor.
a) A detailed program of the transfer process that could be used in conjunction with a
Replacement Vendor including details of the means to be used to ensure continuing
provision of the services throughout the transfer process or until the cessation of the
services and of the management structure to be used during the transfer;
b) Plans for the communication with such of the Successful Bidder, staff, suppliers,
customers and any related third party as are necessary to avoid any material
detrimental impact on Project’s operations as a result of undertaking the transfer;
c) Plans for provision of contingent support to the Surveillance Project and
Replacement Vendor for a reasonable period (minimum one month) after transfer.
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d) Successful Bidder shall re-draft the Exit Management Plan annually to ensure that
it is kept relevant and up to date.
e) Each Exit Management Plan shall be presented by the Successful Bidder to and
approved by SSCDL or its nominated agencies.
f) The terms of payment as stated in the Terms of Payment Schedule include the costs
of the Successful Bidder complying with its obligations under this Schedule.
g) During the exit management period, the Successful Bidder shall use its best efforts
to deliver the services.
h) Payments during the Exit Management period shall be made in accordance with the
Terms of Payment Schedule.
Pending amount to be paid against services delivered + Depreciated Book Value of the
Assets as per Income Tax Rules – Applicable Penalty / Liquidated Damages
If the SI fails to deliver any or all of the project requirements / operationalization / go-live
of the project within the time frame specified in the contract; or
If the SI fails to perform any other obligation(s) under the contract.
Prior to providing a notice of termination to the SI, SSCDL shall provide the SI with a written
notice of 30 days instructing the SI to cure any breach/ default of the Contract, if SSCDL is of the
view that the breach may be rectified.
On failure of the SI to rectify such breach within 30 days, SSCDL may terminate the contract by
providing a written notice of 30 days to the SI, provided that such termination will not prejudice
or affect any right of action or remedy which has accrued or will accrue thereafter to SSCDL. In
such event the SI shall be liable for penalty/liquidated damages imposed by the SSCDL. The
performance Guarantee shall be forfeited by the SSCDL
Consequences of Termination
All plans, drawings, specifications, designs, reports and other documents prepared by the Vendor
in the execution of the contract shall become and remain the property of SSCDL and before
termination or expiration of this contract the SI shall deliver all such documents, prepared under
this contract along with a detailed inventory thereof, to SSCDL.
24. Miscellaneous
a) Confidentiality
“Confidential Information" means all information including Project Data (whether in
written, oral, electronic or other format) which relates to the technical, financial and
operational affairs, business rules, citizen information, video footages, alert information,
any police department data, products, processes, data, crime / criminal secrets, design
rights, know-how and personnel of each Party and its affiliates which is disclosed to or
otherwise learned by the other Party or its consortium partners or subcontractors
(whether a Party to the contract or to the SLA) in the course of or in connection with the
contract (including without limitation such information received during negotiations,
location visits and meetings in connection with the contract or to the SLA) or pursuant to
the contract to be signed subsequently.
Except with the prior written permission of SSCDL, the Systems Integrator (including all
consortiums or partners) and its Personnel shall not disclose such confidential
information to any person or entity not expected to know such information by default of
being associated with the project, nor shall the Systems Integrator and it’s Personnel make
public the recommendations formulated in the course of, or as a result of the Project.
a. The System Integrator recognizes that during the term of this Agreement, sensitive
data will be procured & made available to it, its Sub contractors & agents & others
working for or under the System Integrator. Disclosure or usage of the data by any
such recipient may constitute a breach of law applicable causing harm not only to
SSCDL / SMC whose data is used but also to its stakeholders. System Integrator, its
Subcontractors & agents are required to demonstrate utmost care, sensitivity & strict
confidentiality. Any breach of this Article will result in SSCDL & its nominees receiving
a right to seek injunctive relief & damages from the System Integrator.
c. The restrictions of this Article shall not apply to confidential Information that:
i. is or becomes generally available to the public through no breach of this Article by
the Recipient; &
ii. Was in the recipient's possession free of any obligation of confidence prior to the
time of receipt of it by the Recipient hereunder; &
iii. Is developed by the Recipient independently of any of discloser's Confidential
Information; &
iv. Is rightfully obtained by the Recipient from third Parties authorized at that time to
make such disclosure without restriction; &
v. is identified in writing by the Discloser as no longer proprietary or confidential; or
vi. Is required to be disclosed by law, regulation or Court Order, provided that the
recipient gives prompt written notice to the Discloser of such legal & regulatory
requirement to disclose so as to allow the Discloser reasonable opportunity to
contest such disclosure.
d. to the extent that such disclosure is required for the purposes of this Agreement, either
Party may disclose Confidential Information to:
i. its employees, agents & independent contractors & to any of its affiliates & their
respective independent contractors or employees; &
ii. its professional advisors & auditors, who require access for the purposes of this
Agreement, whom the relevant Party has informed of its obligations under this
Article & in respect of whom the relevant Party has informed of its obligations under
this Article has used commercially reasonable efforts to ensure that they are
contractually obliged to keep such Confidential Information confidential on terms
Issued by Surat Smart City Development Ltd Page 273 of 283
substantially the same as set forth in this Article. Either Party may also disclose
confidential Information or any entity with the other Party's prior written consent.
e. The provisions of this Article shall survive three years post expiration or any earlier
termination of this Agreement.
f. confidential Information shall be & remain the property of the Discloser & nothing in
this Article shall be construed to grant either Party any right or license with respect to
the other Party's confidential Information otherwise than as is expressly set out in this
g. Subject as otherwise expressly provide in this Agreement all Confidential information
in tangible or electronic form under the control of the Recipient shall either be
destroyed, erased or returned to the Discloser promptly upon the earlier of: (i) the
written request of the Disclose, or, (ii) termination or expiry of this Agreement or, in
respect of the SLAs, the termination or expiry of the SLAs. Notwithstanding the
forgoing, both Parties may retain, subject to the terms of this Article, reasonable
number of copies of the other Party's Confidential Information solely for confirmation
of compliance with the confidentiality obligations of this Agreement.
h. Neither Party is restricted by the provisions of this clause from using (including using
to provide products or perform services on behalf of third Parties) any ideas, concepts,
know-how & techniques that are related to the Recipient's employees or agents (and
not intentionally memorized for the purpose of later recording or use) (collectively, the
"residuals"). This Article shall not permit the disclosure or use by either Party or any
financial (including business plans), statistical, product, personnel or customer data or
the other Party. Each party agrees not to disclose the source of the Residuals.
i. Both Parties agree that monetary damages would not be a sufficient remedy for any
breach of this clause by the other Party & that SSCDL & system integrator, as
appropriate, shall be entitled to equitable relief, including injunction & specific
performance as a remedy for any such breach. Such remedies shall not be deemed to
be the exclusive remedies for a breach by a Party of this clause, but shall be in addition
to all other remedies available at law or equity to the damaged Party.
j. in connection with the Services, System Integrator may from time to time undertake
one or more quality assessment reviews for the purpose of improving the SSCDL
Project. In order for such reviews to be frank & candid, for the greatest benefit to both
SSCDL & System Integrator, they shall be kept confidential to the greatest extent
possible. The Parties agree that any documentation created in connection with such
quality assessment reviews shall be confidential Information of System Integrator
which is licensed to SSCDL for any internal use except that in no event shall such
documentation or the results of such reviews be discoverable or admissible (or used for
any purpose) in any arbitration or legal proceedings against System integrator related
to this Agreement or the Services.
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A Non-disclosure agreement shall be signed separately between the Systems Integrator
and SSCDL.
b) Standards of Performance
The SI shall provide the services and carry out their obligations under the Contract with
due diligence, efficiency and professionalism/ethics in accordance with generally accepted
professional standards and practices. The SI shall always act in respect of any matter
relating to this contract. The SI shall abide by all the provisions/Acts/Rules/Regulations,
Standing orders, etc. of Information Technology as prevalent in the country. The SI shall
also conform to the standards laid down by SMC or SSCDL or Government of Gujarat or
Government of India from time to time.
c) Sub Contracts
All the personnel working on the project and having access to the Servers / data should be
on payroll of the Systems Integrator. Sub-contracting / out sourcing would be allowed
only for work like
- Passive Networking & Civil Work during implementation,
- FMS staff for non- IT support during post-implementation
- Services delivered by the respective Product Vendors / OEMs
The bidder is expected to provide details of the sub-contractors for the work which is
allowed as mentioned in the clause. Use of personnel not on payroll of the SI shall be
considered as sub-contracting.
The SI shall take prior approval from SSCDL for sub-contracting any allowed work as
mentioned in clause, if not already specified in the proposal and approved by SSCDL. Such
sub-contracting shall not relieve the SI from any liability or obligation under the Contract.
The SI shall solely responsible for the work carried out by subcontracting under the
SI shall ensure that its employees/representatives don’t breach privacy of any citizen or
establishment during the course of execution or maintenance of the project.
f) Independent Contractor
Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as establishing or implying any partnership
or joint venture or employment relationship between the Parties to this Agreement.
Except as expressly stated in this Agreement nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed
to constitute any Party as the agent of any other Party or authorizes either Party (i) to incur
any expenses on behalf of the other Party, (ii) to enter into any engagement or make any
representation or warranty on behalf of the other Party, (iii) to pledge the credit of or
otherwise bind or oblige the other Party, or (iv) to commit the other Party in any manner
whatsoever in each case without obtaining the other Party's prior written consent.
g) Waiver
A waiver of any provision or breach of this Agreement must be in writing and signed by
an authorized official of the Party executing the same. No such waiver shall be construed
to affect or imply a subsequent waiver of the same provision or subsequent breach of this
h) Notices
Any notice or other document, which may be given by either Party under this Agreement,
shall be given in writing in person or by pre-paid recorded delivery post.
In relation to a notice given under this Agreement, any such notice or other document
shall be addressed to the other Party's principal or registered office address as set out
Systems Integrator:
Any notice or other document shall be deemed to have been given to the other Party when
delivered (if delivered in person) if delivered between the hours of 9.30 am and 5.30 pm
at the address of the other Party set forth above or on the next working day thereafter if
delivered outside such hours, and 7 calendar days from the date of posting (if by letter).
i) Performance Guarantee
The SI shall submit performance guarantee which is unconditional & irrevocable equal to
10% of the order value of the contract in the format prescribed in RFP issued by any of the
Nationalized Banks Only. The performance guarantee shall be valid for the term
agreement & shall be renewed & maintained by the SI for the term of the agreement &
extension, if any. The performance guarantee shall be forfeited / liquidated by the SSCDL
as a penalty in the event of failure to complete obligations or breach of any of the
conditions by the SI.
j) Personnel/Employees
i. Personnel/employees assigned by System Integrator to perform the services shall be
employees of System Integrator or its sub-contractors, & under no circumstances will
such personnel be considered as employees of SSCDL. System Integrator shall have
the sole responsibility for supervision & control of its personnel & for payment of such
personnel's employee's entire compensation, including salary, legal deductions
withholding of income taxes & social security taxes, worker's compensation, employee
& disability benefits & the like & shall be responsible for all employer obligations under
all laws as applicable from time to time. The SSCDL shall not be responsible for the
above issues concerning to personnel of System Integrator.
ii. System Integrator shall use its best efforts to ensure that sufficient System Integrator
personnel are employed to perform the Services, & that, such personnel have
appropriate qualifications to perform the Services. SSCDL or its nominated agencies
shall have the right to require the removal or replacement of any system Integrator
personnel performing work under this Agreement. In the event that SSCDL requests
that any System Integrator personnel be replaced, the substitution of such personnel
shall be accomplished pursuant to a mutually agreed upon schedule & upon clearance
of the personnel based on profile review & upon schedule & upon clearance of the
personnel based on profile review & personal interview by SSCDL or its nominated
agencies, within not later than 30 working days. System Integrator shall depute quality
team for the project & as per requirements, SSCDL shall have the right to ask System
Integrator to change the team.
b. Each Party to this Agreement or the SLAs agree to enter into or execute, without
limitation, whatever other agreement, document, consent & waiver & to do all other
things which shall or may be reasonably required to complete & deliver the obligations
set out in the Agreement or the SLAs.
m) Entire Agreement
This MSA, the SLAs & all schedules appended thereto & the contents & specifications of
the of the RFP subsequent corrigenda issued thereon & clarification (undertakings)
accepted by the SSCDL constitute the entire agreement between the Parties with respect
to their subject matter.
n) Survivability
The termination or expiry of this Agreement or the SLAs for any reason shall not affect or
prejudice any terms of this Agreement, or the rights of the Parties under them which are
either expressly of by implication intended to come into effect or continue in effect after
such expiry or termination.
o) The stamp duty payable for the contract shall be borne by the Systems Integrator.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the common seal of the Company has been hereinto affixed in the
presence of CEO /Director/GM (IT) of the Company has hereinto set their hands and sealed and
signature of the System Integrator has been herein affixed this day and year above written.
Chief Executive Officer
Surat Smart City Development Ltd
The common seal of the Company was affixed on of month of………….........2018 in
presence of (1) and (2) members of the Project Committee of the Company.
(Any two members of the Project Management Committee of Surat Smart City Development Ltd.
SURAT Smart City Development Ltd (SSCDL) for Selection of Agency for Setting up Integrated
Command and Control Center in Surat City (hereinafter referred to as the “said work”) on the
terms and conditions of the AGREEMENT dated the ____________day of ____________
2018 executed between SSCDL on the one part and ___________________ (the Company)
on the other part (hereinafter referred to as “the said AGREEMENT) and on the terms and
conditions specified in the Contract, Form of Offer and Form of acceptance of Offer, true and
complete copies of the offer submitted by the Company, the said Acceptance of Offer and copy
of the said AGREEMENT are annexed hereto.
The Company has agreed to furnish SSCDL in Guarantee of the Nationalized Bank for the
sum of Rs. <(PBG Amount in Word and Figure)> only which shall be the Security Deposit
for the due performance of the terms covenants and conditions of the said AGREEMENT.
We <Name of the Bank> Bank Registered in India under Act and having one of our Local
Head Office at <Address of the Bank> do hereby guarantee to SSCDL.
i. Due performance and observances by the Company of the terms covenants and
conditions on the part of the Company contained in the said AGREEMENT, AND
ii. Due and punctual payment by the Company to SSCDL of all sum of money, losses,
damages, costs, charges, penalties and expenses that may become due or payable to
SSCDL by or from the Company by reason of or in consequence of any breach, non-
performance or default on the part of the Company of the terms covenants and
conditions under or in respect of the said AGREEMENT.
a) The guarantee herein contained shall remain in full force and effect during the
Issued by Surat Smart City Development Ltd Page 281 of 283
subsistence of the said AGREEMENT and that the same will continue to be
enforceable till all the claims of SSCDL are fully paid under or by virtue of the said
AGREEMENT and its claims satisfied or discharged and till SSCDL certifies that the
terms and conditions of the said AGREEMENT have fully and properly carried out
by the Company.
b) We shall not be discharged or released from liability under this Guarantee by reason of
a. any change in the Constitution of the Bank or
b. any arrangement entered into between SSCDL and the Company with or
without our consent;
c. any forbearance or indulgence shown to the Company,
d. any variation in the terms, covenants or conditions contained in the said
e. any time given to the Company, OR
f. any other conditions or circumstances under which in a law a surety would
be discharged.
c) Our liability hereunder shall be joint and several with that of the Company as if we
were the principal debtors in respect of the said sum of Rs. <(PBG Amount in Word
and Figure)> Only.
d) We shall not revoke this guarantee during its currency except with the previous
consent of SSCDL in writing;
f) Bank hereby agrees and covenants that if at any stage default is made in payment of
any instalment or any portion thereof due to SSCDL under the said AGREEMENT
or if the Company fails to perform the said AGREEMENT or default shall be made
in fulfilling any of the terms and conditions contained in the said AGREEMENT by
the Company, the Bank shall pay to SSCDL demand without any demur, such sum
as may by demanded, not exceeding Rs. <(PBG Amount in Word and Figure)> and
that the Bank will indemnify and keep SSCDL indemnified against all the losses
pursuant to the said AGREEMENT and default on the part of the Company. The
decision of SSCDL that the default has been committed by the Company shall be
conclusive and final and shall be binding on the Bank/Guarantor. Similarly, the
decision of SSCDL as regards the Agreement due and payable by the Company shall
be final and conclusive and binding on the Bank /Guarantor.
g) SSCDL shall have the fullest liberty and the Bank hereby gives its consent without
Issued by Surat Smart City Development Ltd Page 282 of 283
any way affecting this guarantee and discharging the Bank/Guarantor from its
liability hereunder, to vary or modify the said AGREEMENT or any terms thereof or
grant any extension of time or any facility or indulgence to the Company and
Guarantee shall not be released by reason of any time facility or indulgence being
given to the Company or any forbearance act or omission on the part of SSCDL or by
any other matter or think whatsoever which under the law, relating to sureties so
releasing the guarantor and the Guarantor hereby waives all suretyship and other
rights which it might otherwise be entitled to enforce.
h) That the absence of powers on the part of the Company or SSCDL to enter into or
execute the said AGREEMENT or any irregularity in the exercise of such power or
invalidity of the said AGREEMENT for any reason whatsoever shall not affect the
liability of the Guarantor/Bank and binding on the bank notwithstanding any
abnormality or irregularity,
i) The Guarantor agrees and declares that for enforcing this Guarantee by <SSCDL>
against it, the Courts at Surat only shall have exclusive jurisdiction and the
Guarantor hereby submits to the same
Being respectively the <Branch Manager of the Bank>, who in token thereof, has
hereto set his respective hands in the presence of –