9700 Hms Version 4.0 Maintenance Releases Readme First: About This Document
9700 Hms Version 4.0 Maintenance Releases Readme First: About This Document
9700 Hms Version 4.0 Maintenance Releases Readme First: About This Document
Maintenance Releases
ReadMe First
About this This ReadMe First document is intended as a quick reference guide to provide
Document information about new features, enhancements, and revisions included in the
latest release of the MICROS 9700 HMS software. This document contains
information on the latest release for MICROS 9700 HMS.
General Information
What’s New This section of the document contains information on the new features of a
software release. A new feature is defined as one that provides capabilities that
were not available in previous versions of the software.
What’s This section of the document contains information on the enhancements in the
Enhanced software release. An enhancement is defined as a change made to improve or
extend the functionality of an existing feature in the software. To qualify as an
enhancement, the change must satisfy the following criteria:
• The change adds to or expands on the current process–it does not replace it.
This differs from a revisions (i.e., a defect fix) which corrects a problem not
detected in the previous release of the software.
What’s Revised This section of the document contains information on the issues that have been
corrected in a software release. A revision is defined as a correction made to an
existing form, feature, or function in the currently released version of the
software. To qualify as a revision, the change must satisfy the following criteria:
• The change must replace the current item or remove it from the application.
Additionally, all reported issues that are deemed to be BY DESIGN are included
in this section as well. These issues will contain the preface BY DESIGN in
front of the feature name.
Declarations Warranties
Although the best efforts are made to ensure that the information in this
document is complete and correct, MICROS Systems, Inc. makes no warranty
of any kind with regard to this material, including but limited to the implied
warranties of marketability and fitness for a particular purpose.
MICROS Systems, Inc. shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for
incidental or consequential damages in connections with the furnishing,
performance, or use of this document.
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All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Printing History New editions of this guide incorporate new and changed material since the
previous edition. Minor corrections and updates may be incorporated into
reprints of the current edition without changing the publication date or the
edition number.
• MIS Personnel
What the Reader This document assumes that the reader has the following knowledge or
Should Already expertise:
Know • Operational understanding of PCs
PCI Compliance
Visa established the Payment Card Industry (PCI) Data Security Standard to
protect Visa cardholder data–wherever it resides–ensuring that members,
merchants, and service providers maintain the highest information security
standard. To adhere to the PCI standard, changes have been made to the 9700
HMS product. Please read this section carefully, as well as the accompanying
PCI-compliance documentation. For a list of related documents, see the
Documentation Resources section.
• Documentation Resources
• Security Announcement
Documentation The following documents have been updated with information and procedures
Resources needed to maintain PCI-compliance and must be consulted for security purposes
prior to upgrading from 9700 HMS Version 3.1 SP5 and below to 9700 HMS
v3.6 and above. These documents are available on the MICROS 9700 HMS
Product page of the MICROS Member Services website.
• 9700 v4.0 Security Guide: This document describes 9700’s security design,
features that monitor employees’ actions taken on the system, and features
that restrict employee access to the database, reports, and operational
• 9700 Upgrade Best Practices: This document is intended to convey the best
practice information when upgrading the 9700 HMS application from a
non-PCI compliant version (version 2.x) to a PCI compliant version
(versions 3.x and greater).
Overview Due to new, more stringent Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI
DSS) requirements, the encryption key rotation handling procedures, default
account handling, and security-related documentation for 9700 versions have
About PCI PCI-compliance is required of all merchants and service providers that store,
Compliance process, or transmit cardholder data. The program applies to all payment
channels, including retail (brick-and-mortar), mail/telephone order, and e-
When customers offer their bankcard at the point of sale, over the Internet, on
the phone, or through the mail, they want assurance that their account
information is safe. That’s why the PCI Data Security Standard was established.
The program is intended to protect cardholder data—wherever it resides—
ensuring that members, merchants, and service providers maintain the highest
information security standard.1
To achieve compliance with PCI, merchants and service providers must adhere
to the PCI Data Security Standard, which offers a single approach to
safeguarding sensitive data for all card brands. This Standard is a result of
collaboration among the credit card industry and is designed to create common
industry security requirements, incorporating the PCI requirements. Using the
PCI Data Security Standard as its framework, PCI provides the tools and
measurements needed to protect against cardholder data exposure and
compromise across the entire payment industry.
Key In the past, non PCI-compliant versions of software stored the encryption keys
Management used to encrypt and decrypt secure data, such as credit card numbers in the
Utility Security
Enhancements Now, due to a new PCI DSS requirement that mandates the secure deletion of
unused encryption keys, 9700 versions 3.10 SP6 and higher use a new
encryption scheme that avoids using secondary encryption keys. The secure
deletion of the old encrypted passphrase file is accomplished using the secure
delete application SDelete.
Warnings After a key rotation (the initial key rotation and all subsequent rotations) is
performed by the Key Management Utility, the database and 9700 application
becomes synchronized with new encryption key data.
For more information and instructions on how to use the Key Management
Utility, see the 9700 v4.0 Key Manager Application Manual.
Secure Default This section contains detailed information on secure default account handling
Account procedures. These procedures must be followed to prevent compromised
security and maintain Payment Card Industry (PCI) compliance.
In the past, 9700 versions installed with four default accounts: "9700cfg",
"csremote", "micros" and "m9700". MICROS Systems, Inc. previously advised
that these defaults accounts be deleted, renamed, or disabled. To prevent
compromised security and maintain PCI compliancy, 9700 versions 3.10 SP6
and higher have modified or removed these default accounts.
The "micros" and "csremote" legacy accounts will no longer be installed. These
accounts have been removed from the installation process as they are not used
and, when not securely deleted, can compromise PCI compliancy. When
upgrading to Version 3.10 SP6 or higher from a lower version of software, these
accounts will be disabled after the upgrade process completes.
The legacy "m9700" and "9700cfg" accounts will be disabled after the
installation/ upgrade process completes.
For more information on secure default account handling, see the 9700 Secure
Default Account Handling document.
PCI Compliance Changes were made to the 9700 installation process for versions 3.10 SP6 and
Installation Changes higher, in order to meet the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI
DSS) requirements. For more information on PCI DSS, please see the Security
Announcement section on page 7.
The installation process now recognizes if the server is on the domain or not on
the domain. When the server is on the domain, domain-level security is
automatically installed by the 9700 installation process. Disabling domain-level
security will compromise PCI compliancy. If domain-level security is disabled
when the server is on the domain, the CreateUser.exe application must be used
to maintain PCI compliancy. For more information on Windows® Workgroups
and the CreateUser.exe application, see the When the Server is Not on the
Domain: Configuring Remote RMC in a Windows® Workgroup Environment
section on the next page.
If the site is using remote RMC, credit cards are processed through the 9700
system, and the server is not on the domain, then the following prompt will
After clicking ‘OK’ to close the prompt, follow the procedures listed below to
maintain Payment Card Industry (PCI) compliance in a Windows® Workgroup
environment when both credit cards and Remote RMC are used. Follow the
steps below after the system has been updated to 9700 3.10 SP6 or a higher
version of software, and the server has been rebooted.
1. From the Windows® Start menu on the 9700 server, select All Programs |
MICROS Applications | CreateUser Utility.
3. Select ‘OK’ after the “User successfully added” message (as shown below)
is displayed:
6. When prompted, enter the identical User name and Password previously
used on the server and then select ‘Create’.
Important Notice! For those sites running KDS, please see the Addendum section for the
Upgrading a Restaurant Display Controller (RDC) for KDS v2.1 article for
important information about Restaurant Display Controller update requirements
after upgrading to 9700 HMS v4.0.
What’s New
What’s Enhanced
What’s Revised
Revisions The table below summarizes the revisions included in this version.
Revision CR SCR Page
Credit Card Driver
Credit Card (CC) data Memory handling has been 34893 8371 16
improved in the VisaD CC Driver and SSLgw
Important Notice! For those sites running KDS, please see the Addendum section for the
Upgrading a Restaurant Display Controller (RDC) for KDS v2.1 article for
important information about Restaurant Display Controller update requirements
after upgrading to 9700 HMS v4.0.
What’s New
New Features The table below summarizes the new features included in this version.
What’s Enhanced
Enhancements The table below summarizes the enhancements included in this version.
Enhancements Documentation
KDS v2.1 software has been integrated into 9700
SCR 8002
CR ID# 30350
With this release, KDS v2.1 software has been in integrated into 9700. For those
sites that wish to perform an upgrade to 9700 v4.0 and currently utilize KDS
devices, note that this will require a platform upgrade to the sites Restaurant
Display Controller(s) (RDC). Please refer to the Addendum on page 27 for
instructions on how to perform such an upgrade.
What’s Revised
Revisions The table below summarizes the revisions included in this version.
Revision CR SCR Page
Revisions EMC
On Oracle® systems, the Remote EMC would not install on a
computer running Windows 7 (32-bit)
SCR 8002
CR ID# 30350
Previously, at sites running on the Oracle® database platform, upon attempting
to install a Remote EMC on a computer running Windows 7 (32-bit), users
would receive a “Unable to detect the ORACLE_HOME location from the
registry!” message. This has been corrected. With this release, a Remote EMC
can be successfully installed on computers running Windows 7 at sites running
the Oracle® 11g database platform.
‘Unable to read translated text file. Could not find part of the path
It’s been determined that this is working as designed. In order to resolve this
issue, users are required to uninstall and reinstall the remote EMC after
uninstalling the remote RMC.
KDS Controller
Update Instructions
Overview A new version of the Kitchen Display System (KDS) software has been
integrated into 9700 HMS v4.0. There are many features in this version of the
KDS software, some of which require that a platform update be performed on
the Remote Display Controller (RDC) that the KDS client software operates on.
By following these instructions, the RDC will be upgraded to the new platform,
returned to factory settings and then loaded with the new KDS client. There are
two RDC models, and each model has a different platform. The part number on
the RDC will indicate which model the unit is. The platform updates can be
obtained from the MICROS 'Hardware Portal' site. The version of the RDC
Platform Update is and it will be able to automatically identify which
model of RDC is being utilized and install the correct files.
Upgrade Process Follow these steps to upgrade the operating system to the required platform:
There were two different hardware versions of the RDC and these updates will
update either device when encountered. The RDCPlatformUpdate zip File
consists of two self extracting zip files that are to be executed on an existing
CAL server. The files are:
1. CALClientUpdate(
Self extracting zip file that contains the updated CAL Client for both RDC's
(GX/LX). This .exe will create the CAL package on the CAL server to deploy
the CAL client to the RDC. ClientOSUpdate(
Self extracting zip file that contains the updated RDC OS image for both RDC's
(GX/LX). This .exe will create the CAL package on the CAL server to deploy
the OS Update to the RDC.
How to install
the updates
c. Click 'Yes'
• If you are typing with a keyboard and nothing is going into the fields, press
'F12' and try again.
• When selecting the RDC from the list:
• Ensure that there are values in the 'Netmask' and 'Default Gateway'