Effect On The Attendance of Students After The Home Visitation
Effect On The Attendance of Students After The Home Visitation
Effect On The Attendance of Students After The Home Visitation
The benefits of parent involvement in a child’s education education at all levels are well-
documented. Trained servise providers who visit families with young children can reach those who
might not otherwise seek out support. The intimacy of visiting in the home can in make parents
more comfortable about opening up and identifying their needs. It also helps home visitors to better
tailor their support and guidance to the families needs. From observing the family in their home,
home visitors can build on their strengths and can also identify risk factors in the children’s growth
and development such as maternal depression poor parenting practices, and lack of support. Many
parents can sometimes feel isolated and home visits from a trained service provider can offer a
valuable connection to the outside community and the services available. The relationships
established through the students are motivated to come to school because they are hopeful about
their future and they believe that their teachers will help them arrive at that future, writes
attendance cause of students why we need to home visiting is some of the students is cutting
classes, usually the students thinking the classes are boring, peer pressure is another factor that
causes this phenomenon and the primary causes why cutting in classes is the laziness. According
to Jenny Mvir (2010) stated tha there is an increasing trend for higher education institutions to be
expected to monitor students attendance on the assumption that better at attendance leads to higher
marks and a more satisfying educational experience. Because i want to know the effect of the
attendance of students after the home visitation is to know what the cause of homevisitation and
after homevisiting of teacher what happen in the attendance of student if it is they improve. The
home visiting involves programs which send individuals into the homes of families with young
children and seek to improve the lives of the children be encouraging in the attitudes, knowledge
This study aims to know the effects on attendance of students after the home visitation
3. What is the effects on the effects on the attendance of student after home visitation?
The scope of this study is delimits only for SHS students about the effect of attendance
after the home visitation, The reason is SHS student are capable on this kind of situation because
of some reasons.
The purpose of this study is to gain knowledge to the next researcher, student, and teacher
STUDENTS -They will use this to get an idea or to get gather information.
TEACHER - It will help the teacher to seek some solution to their problems and collect
PARENTS -To know the possible reasons why the child are absent.
FUTURE RESEARCHER - They can use this to get information knowledge that can
knowledge, skill and understanding that you get from attending school.
Motivated- To provide with a motive question that exicite and motivate youth.
Now a days always present is most important in school because one day you are absent is
possible to miss the lessons, activities and the topic and result of you miss the topic the possible
causes is you don’t know the answer in quizzes, recitation and test. And after this the school on
the grades is getting lower and lower to possible you failed in your class. According to (Tadique ,
2017) the behavior, case or situation of the child before having a home visit. The observations may
include behavioral or academic findings. It may include low academic performances attendanece,
tardiness or even relationship to school community. According to (Aldallal, 2016) research shows
home visiting can be an effective method of delivering family support and child development
services. It we look across the robust research on various home visiting models, several strong
themes about impact emerge. Here are five positive outcomes that demonstrate the power of home
visiting programs. Home visiting can be a powerful strategy for conveying family backing and
tyke advancement administrations. It we look over the vigorous research on different home visiting
models, a few in number topics about effect rise. According to (Z.Yaman, 2016) also during the
home visits parent are informed of the child progress, showing them where the child is currently
functioning both academically and socially, as well as where the child should be academically and
socially. Additionally during the home visits parent are educated regarding the tyke progress,
demonstrating to them where the tyke is at present working both scholastically and socially.
According to (Haskins, Paxson & Brooks Gunn, 2016) during the first administration President
Obama’s call and support for home visitation programs recognized the existing difference in
programs recognized the existing differences program implementation populations served the
variable skill, training and curriculum aligned to each program and resulting outcomes.
increased levels of parental communication, studies have reported that after home visits, parents
were more likely to volunteer to help and be more involved at the school. Not with standing
thinks about have announced that after home visits, guardians were bound to volunteer to help and
be increasingly included at the school. According to (Flannery, 2014) by visiting a student's home,
teachers develop a stronger understanding of the factors contributing to a students behavior in the
classroom as well as overall school performance. the meeting an understudy's home, instructors
build up a more grounded comprehension of the elements adding to an understudies conduct in the
homeroom just as generally speaking school execution. According to (Steve Sheldon 2013) the
school of education and a long time advocate for stronger family and community engagement is
schools, will evaluate whether parent - teacher visits low - income communities are predictive of
better academic outcomes in K-12 schools. The institute of training and quite a while advocate for
more grounded family and network commitment is schools, will assess whether parent - instructor
visits low - salary networks are prescient of better scholastic results. According to (Stetson et al. ,
2012) across studies, the majority of teachers, students, and parents studied agreed that teacher
homevisits program contributed to students academic success. Crosswise over examinations, most
program added to understudies scholastic achievement. According to (Nix, 2012) current research
finding support the continued use teacher homevisits programs as a tool to encourage students
academic success and parent involvement in the classroom with many studies also nothing teacher
home visits programs improvement of students classroom behavior. Flow research discovering
bolster the proceeded with use instructor homevisits programs as an apparatus to empower
understudies scholarly achievement and parent inclusion in the study hall with numerous
examinations likewise nothing educator home visits programs improvement of understudies study
hall conduct. According to (Weiss, 2012) the federal goverments and related policy makers have
viewed home visitation programs as favorable and viable options for families. The goverments
and related approach creators have seen home appearance programs as positive and suitable
choices for families. According to (Chapman, 2011) and (First Alliance, 2012) an added benefits
of an positive parent, teacher, students relationship is that it improves the likelihood that students
will be more successful in their academic achievement social behaviors and more likely to stay in
school and develop into a competent adult. An additional advantages of a positive parent,
instructor, understudies relationship is that it improves the probability that understudies will be
progressively effective in their scholarly accomplishment social practices and bound to remain in
school and form into a capable grown-up. According to (Sawchuk, 2011) teacher home visits are
based on a commonsense idea. Parents are more likely to be engaged in their son's or daugther's
progress through school if they feel that they have a real partner. educator home visits depend on
a judicious thought. Guardians are bound to be occupied with their child's or daugther's
advancement through school on the off chance that they feel that they have a genuine accomplice.
According to (Johns Hopkins, 2011) School of Education researcher will examine the effectiveness
of parent–teacher home visits in school districts as part of a two-year study conducted by the
national non-profit Parent Teacher Home Visits. Institute of Education specialist will analyze the
(Jeynes , 2011) it the literature shows that increased parental involvement. Positively impacts their
child academic performance and behavior then given the reluctance of some families to get
involved perhaps teachers could encourage more parental participation by taking the initiative and
going to the homes of their most disengaged students. It the writing demonstrates that expanded
parental inclusion. Decidedly impacts their youngster scholastic execution and conduct at that
point given the hesitance of certain families to get included maybe educators could empower
increasingly parental interest by stepping up and heading off to the homes of their most withdrawn
understudies. According to (Nolan Flynn, 2010) extensive review of current literature on parental
involvement clearly shows that children whose parents are involved with their schools do better
academically have fewer absences are more willing to do their homework have higher graduation
rates, and feel more competent about their abilities. broad survey of current writing on parental
contribution obviously demonstrates that kids whose guardians are associated with their schools
improve scholastically have less unlucky deficiencies are all the more ready to get their work done
have higher graduation rates, and feel progressively skillful about their capacities. According to
(Warren Quintana, 2010) speaking specifically about home visits , parents who at first were
embarrassed with home visits, later indicated that these visits provided personal parent teacher
time for asking questions sharing concerns. According to (Jean Brocks, 2010) parent involvement
influences a students sense of the meaning fullness of school and increases students commitment
to school goals, it is essential that schools maintain connection with parents to encourage their
involvement with their children’s education. Talking explicitly about home visits , guardians who
from the outset were humiliated with home visits, later demonstrated that these visits gave
individual parent instructor time to posing inquiries sharing concerns. According to (Astuto &
Lareu, 2010) recent attention has been given to programs that deliver in home guidance to parents
with the goal of improving educational outcomes for their child. Ongoing consideration has been
given to programs that convey in home direction to guardians with the objective of improving
instructive. According to (Gomby, 2010) in a meta – analysis of these home visitation programs,
it was found that most programs differ in the goals and they set for their programs, the options
they present to parents in terms of intensity of services the qualification of staff who serve in the
program and the population of families they serve. Investigation of these home appearance
programs, it was discovered that most projects contrast in the objectives and they set for their
projects, the alternatives they present to guardians as far as power of administrations the capability
of staff who serve in the program and the number of inhabitants in families they serve. According
to (Nakagawa, 2010) the preservice teachers only read about did not talk with parents they only
had minimal understanding of the powerful role that parents in their children's education.
Preservice teachers had very little knowledge about how parents perceived their role as educators
and how their role might not fit expectations set up by schools. Preservice instructors had almost
no information about how guardians saw their job as teachers and how their job probably won't fit
This chapter present the research design, population and sample of the study, research
instrument data gathering procedures and statistical treatment of data, research design this study
used descriptive survey method used to preference of effect on attendance of students after the
home visitation.
Research Design
describe situation or phenomenon in additional this research study aims to describe the effect on
Research Approach
or computation techniques in additional quantitative research is used to identify and analyze data
by mean of numbers. This study uses quantitative approach to know the effect on attendance of