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Scanning: Arranged by Group 1

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Jovia Denica Ade F. (C011171365) Merry Asria (C011171371)

Ainun Jurana Puri (C011171366) Yaumil Dewi Purnama (C011171372)

Sarah Agustina Zulfajri (C011171367) Muh. Widyan Ghazi (C011171374)

Rhestyel D. Shyntia (C011171368) Adelia Christine. V M. (C011171375)

Andi Izaa Qarimah (C011171369) Ifftitah Magfirah (C011171376)

Muh. Nur Hidayat K.(C011171370)

Andika Sulastriani (C011171377)

A. Fitri Ferbrianty Fariadi (C011171378)




Table of Contents ....................................................................................................... 2

Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Background......................................................................................................... 3

1.2 Purpose and Intent .............................................................................................. 3

Chapter 2 Scanning

2.1 The Definition of Scanning ................................................................................ 4

2.2 The Function of Scanning .................................................................................. 4

2.3 The Method of Scanning .................................................................................... 5

2.4 The Example of Scanning .................................................................................. 6

Chapter 3 Closing

3.1 Conclusion .......................................................................................................... 9

3.2 Suggest ............................................................................................................... 9

References ................................................................................................................. 10


1.1 Background
Reading is one of the four necessary language skills for those learning
English as a second or foreign language (ESL/EFL). Reading holds the important
rule because reading is one activity which cannot be released in our life to search
information or knowledge from textbooks, articles, or magazines written in English.
Thus, the students should have good reading skills to help them in academic studies

Comprehending the text is one of the problems that the students face in
reading. They cannot focus on what they read during the reading activity and still
have difficulty to get the ideas of the text. Answering reading comprehension test
will be time consuming if they use inappropriate strategies. Another problem is that
not every detail of information in the passage is needed to answer the reading
questions but students usually read the reading passage word by word. Reading a text
word by word also makes them quickly forget what they have read.

1.2 Purpose and Intent

The purpose and intent of this paper are:
a. To find out the definition of scanning techniques.
b. To find out the function of the scanning techniques.
c. To find out the reading method using a scanning techniques.
d. To find out the examples of scanning techniques.

2.1 The Definition of Scanning
Scanning is a reading technique, skill, you often use when looking up a word,
e.g. a date, a name, or a number in a text. Scanning involves moving your eyes
quickly down the page seeking specific words and phrases. You scan when you want
to find information quickly. In scanning, you have a question in your mind and you
read a passage only to find the answer, ignoring unrelated information. Scanning can
be contrasted with skimming, which is reading quickly to get a general idea of

Scanning think about first You don’t need to read everything or try to
understand everything, You only need to look for the words that help you understand
answer the question, Look at the title, Look at any picture, Look at any headings, and
Link up with whatever knowledge you have about the topic

2.2 The Function of Scanning

Scanning is used for:

– Look for the author's use of organizers such as numbers, letters, steps, or the
words, first, second, or next.

– Look for words that are bold faced, italics, or in a different font size, style, or
color. Sometimes the author will put key ideas in the margin.

– Reading off a computer screen has become a growing concern. Research

shows that people have more difficulty reading off a computer screen than off

– Although they can read and comprehend at the same rate as paper, skimming
on the computer is much slower than on paper.

– to improve reading comprehension and improve student reading skills.

2.3 The Method of Scanning
According to Arundel in Reading and Study Skill Lab (1999), skimming is a
strategy of rapidly moving the eyes over the text with the purpose of getting only the
main ideas and the general overview of the content. Furthermore, there are steps in
applying skimming strategy, those are: (1) Read the title, (2) Read the introduction of
lead paragraph, (3) Read the first paragraph completely, if there are subheadings,
read each one, looking for relationship among them, (4) Read the first sentence of
each remaining paragraph, (5) Dip into the text to looking for clue words, proper
noun, unusual words, enumeration, qualifying adjective, typographical cues, (6)
Read the final paragraph completely. She also presented several steps to maximize
the use of scanning system on reading comprehension: (1) Keep in mind at all the
time what is you are searching for, (2) Anticipate in what form the information is
likely to appear numbers, proper nouns, etc (3) Analyze the organization of the
content before starting to scan. If the material is familiar or fairly brief, we may able
to scan the entire article in a single search. But if the material is long or difficult, it
may be necessary to determine which part of the article to scan. (4) Let your eyes run
rapidly over several lines of print at a time, (5) Read the entire sentence when you
find the sentence that has the information you seek.

How to scaning:

– State the specific information you are looking for

– Run your finger down the page to keep your eyes focusing on the search for
key words

– You move your eyes quickly over the page

– You don’t read all the words

– You read only the words that help you find the information

– Look for words that are bold faced, italics, or in a different font size, style, or
color. Sometimes the author will put key ideas in the margin

The following are the method for reading scanning:

1) Relax
A relaxed body and mind before reading will help you read comfortably and
without pressure. Loosen tense body muscles and make yourself as comfortable
as possible before reading. Eliminate all worries because the book you are
reading is too thick, the language is difficult, or does not attract attention.

2) Determine Goals
The saying "Shy to ask, astray on the road." Just like reading, if you don't
have a purpose for what you are reading, then don't be surprised if you get lost in
the book you are reading. Determine your purpose in reading a book and
carefully reflect on that goal. If you read a book about financial planning, for
example, determine the goal that you want to manage your monthly household
finances so you can save at least 500 thousand a month. Clear goals will make
all senses enter the "alert" phase that helps understand reading material.

3) Get To Know Reading Material

Before reading the whole, identify the material to be read. Check how many
chapters of the book there are. How the chapter is arranged. Are there diagrams
in each chapter that help explain. Or maybe there are tables presented to explain
facts and data. See at a glance the vocabulary used is classified as easy, medium
or difficult. Note also what is written in the introduction and the back cover of
the book.

4) Get To Know The Main Ideas, Don't Get Caught Up In Details

Remember, you read to understand, not memorize. What is understood will
continue to be remembered while what is memorized will be easy to forget.
Thereforein reading, hold on to the goals that you have set in step two. Get to
know the main ideas and get understanding. Maybe there are some details there.

Master the details enough and leave it temporarily if you are confused. Many
people get caught up in the details and difficulties of completing a paragraph and
keep repeating it. By mastering the main reading ideas atleast you understand
80% of the content. The rest are reference details that you can search back
quickly and easily if you master the big idea.

5) Avoid Bad Habits In Reading

In order to be able to read quickly and effectively, all bad habits in reading
must be removed from reading while speaking, moving lips, head movements,
and repeating what has been read (regression). If you still have these bad habits,
then practice to eliminate them. You will have a significant reading speed if you
can eliminate all the bad habits.

6) Get To Know Several Words At Once

Fast reading is done by recognizing several words at a time. If most people
read words per word, then try to read two words at a time. If it's smooth, increase
it by 3, 4 and even 5 words at a time. Thus, your reading speed becomes very
high and you can read efficiently.

7) Perform Eye Movements Quickly

In addition to the number of words that can be recognized in one glance, the
next important factor in determining one's reading speed is how quickly the eye
moves along line by page, page by page. The brain has extraordinary capacity
and ability. If only your eyes can move faster and recognize the words that are
read, the brain is very capable of processing it into an understanding. Perform
exercises to make eye movements become regular, rhythmic and fast.

2.4 The Example of Scanning

- A learner taking a reading test needs to scan a text on population rates
quickly to find out if a series of statements about the population figures are
true or false.
- In the classroom

As the above example shows, scanning is a specific reading skill which is
often used in combination with others such as skimming and intensive
reading. Learners need to learn different ways and understand that choosing
how to read is an important step in building reading skills.

3.1 Conclusion
Scanning is reading a text quickly in order to find specific information, e.g.
figures or names. It can be contrasted with skimming, which is reading quickly to get
a general idea of meaning. How to Scan: state the specific information you are
looking for, try to anticipate how the answer will appear and what clues you might
use to help you locate the answer. For example, if you were looking for a certain
date, you would quickly read the paragraph looking only for numbers. And then use
headings and any other aids that will help you identify which sections might contain
the information you are looking for, and selectively read and skip through sections of
the passage.

Andi Asmawati, The Effectiveness of Skimming – Scanning Strategy In Improving
Students’… 72, pdf


Mikulecky and Jeffries.1998. Itself Summarizes and Strategies to Read Fast:


Silva, A. 2014. “The English Scanning Skills of Bilinguals and Monolingual

Indonesian Students”. Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 3(2), 50-62


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