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Property Pineda Notes Possession: Article 523. Concept of Possession

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Article 523. Concept of Possession the owner – both the possessor and the  Situations of this article:
public know that the possession is wrongful
 In general, it is the holding of a thing or of a 1. That of a person who has the thing or enjoys
right, whether by material occupation or by the 2. Possession with juridical title, but not that of the right, and is therefore the possessor
fact that the thing or right is subjected to the ownership 2. That of a person who neither has nor enjoys
action of our will the right, and is therefore not a possessor,
3. Possession with a just title, or a title but who exercises the possession of another
 Possession always includes the idea of sufficient to transfer ownership, but not
possession, and except in cases mentioned in from true owner Article 525. Concepts of possession
article 537, possession cannot exist without it
4. Possession with a just title from the true  (1) Possession of holder – possessor
 It is necessary that there should be occupancy, owner acknowledges in another a superior right which
otherwise, there is no possession he believes to be ownership, whether his belief
 Classes of possession be right or wrong
 Requirements to complete possession:
1. Possession in concept of owner and  (2) Possession in concept of owner – when a
1. Occupancy, apprehension or taking possession in concept of holder person claims to be the owner of a thing,
2. An intent to possess (animus possidendi) whether he believes so or not, acting as an
3. (Paras) the possession must be by virtue of 2. Possession by oneself and possession in the owner, and performing acts of ownership, and
one’s own right name of another he is or may be considered as the owner by
those who witness his exercise of proprietary
 The general rule is that, the possession and 3. Possession in good faith and possession in rights, then he is possessor in concept of owner
cultivation of a portion of a tract under claim of bad faith
ownership of all is a constructive possession of  Effects of (2) Possession in concept of owner:
all, if the remainder is not in the adverse Article 524. Possession in Another’s Name
possession of another. 1. The possession in concept of owner is
 The rights of possession may be exercised converted into ownership by the lapse of
 The doctrine of constructive possession applies through agents – time necessary for prescription
when the possession is under title calling for 2. The possessor can bring all actions
the whole; however, it does not apply where the Necessary possession – when exercised on necessary to protect his possession, availing
possession is without title behalf of the conceived child, or juridical himself of any action which an owner can
persons, of persons not sui juris, and of bring, except the accion reinvindicatoria
 Viewpoints of possession: conjugal partnership which is substituted by the accion
1. Right to possession (jus possidendi) Voluntary possession – when agents or 3. He can ask for the inscription of his
2. Right of possession (jus possessionis) administrators are appointed by the owner or possession in the registry of property
possessor 4. Upon recovering possession from one who
 has unlawfully deprived him of it, he can
Unauthorized possession (Paras) – this wil demand fruits and damages
 Degrees of possession: become the principal’s possession only after 5. In brief, he can do on the thing possessed
there has been a ratification without prejudice everything that the law authorizes an owner
1. Mere holding or possession without title to the effects of negotiorum gestio to do; he can exercise the right of pre-
whatsoever, and in violation of the right of
emption, and is entitled to the indemnity in  So long as the possessor is not actually aware 2. Continuity of character of possession
case of expropriation of any defect invalidating his title or mode of [Art.529]
acquisition, or of any fact or circumstance 3. Non-interruption of possession [Art. 553]
Article 526. Possessor in good faith and in bad which would put a prudent man upon his guard, 4. Presumption of just title [Art.541]
faith or require him to discover the falw in his 5. Non-interruption of possession of property
transferor’s title, so long will he be deemed a unjustly lost but legally recovered [Art. 561]
 Possessor in good faith is one who is unaware possessor in good faith 6. Possession during intervening period [Art.
that there exists a flaw which invalidates his 1138(2)]
acquisition of the thing Article 528. Interruption of good faith 7. Possession of movables with real property
[Art. 542]
 The belief of the possessor that he is the legal  Possession in good faith ceases from the 8. Exclusive possession of common property
owner of the thing must be based upon some moment defects in the title are made known to [Art. 543]
title or mode of acquisition, such as sale, the possessor, by extraneous evidence or by suit
donation, inheritance, or other means of for recovery of the property by the true owner Article 530. Relation to prescription
transmitting ownership
 Good faith ceases from the date of the summons  Article 1113 provides that all things within the
 Good faith is always presumed, and he who to appear at the trial. If the date of the commerce of man are susceptible of
alleges bad faith on the part of the possessor summons does not appear in the record, that of prescription
has the burden of proving his allegation the answer will be adopted.
Article 531. Essential Requisites
 Ignorance of the provisions of the law may be  When possession in good faith converted?
excusable and thus serve as the basis of good  The acquisition of possession involves two
faith a) From the moment facts exist showing the elements:
possessor’s knowledge of the flaw, from that
 Possessor in bad faith is one in possession of time should he be considered a possessor in 1. Corpus – material holding of the thing
property knowing that his title thereto is 2. Animus – intent to possess it
bad faith
defective b) It does not matter whether the “facts” were
 There is no possession if the holder does not want
caused by him or by some other person
intend to exercise the rights of a possessor
 Bad faith is not transmissible from one person
to another, not even to an heir, as may be seen  When bad faith begins  Material occupation – means of acquiring
from article 534. possession of things, but not of rights
a) From the receipt of judicial summons;
b) Even before such time as when a letter is
Article 527. Presumption of good faith  Constructive delivery may be considered as
received from the true owner asking the equivalent to material occupation in those cases
possessor to stop planting on the land
 This presumption is only a presumption juris where such is essential to the acquisition of
because somebody else owns it
tantum (legal but rebuttable) possession.
Article 529. Continuity of Possession
 Protection is thus given to the possessor
against all persons, whoever they may be;  Acquisition of possession
hence, this article demands proof of bad faith  Some presumptions regarding possession:
1. By material occupation – detention of a thing
1. Good faith [Art. 527] or the exercise of a right (quasi-possession)
3. Through unauthorized person 2. If heir refuses – he is deemed never to have
a. Tradicion brevi manu – takes place possessed the same
when one who possesses a thing by title  Requisites:
other than ownership, continues to possess Article 534. Effects
the same but under a new title, that of 1. Personal acquisition:
ownership  Some effects of acquisition of possession, through
a. Intent to possess succession:
b. Constitutum possessorum – realized b. Capacity to possess
when the owner alienates the thing, but c. Object must be capable of being possessed If the father or decedent was in bad faith, it does
continues to possess the same under a not necessarily mean that the son was also in bad
different title, such as that of depositary, 2. Through an authorized person faith. The son is presumed to be in GOOD FAITH.
pledge or tenant
a. Intent to possess for principal (not for The consequences of the GOOD FAITH of the son
2. By subjection to our will – refers more to the agent) should be
right of possession than to possession as a b. Authority or capacity to possess (for counted only from the date of the decedent’s
fact another) death
c. Principal has intent and capacity to
a. Tradicion simbolica – effected by possess Article 535. Who are incapacitated
delivering some object or symbol placing
the thing under the control of the 3. Through an unauthorized person (negotiorum  Persons referred to in this article:
transferee, such as the keys to the gestio)
warehouse containing the goods delivered 1. Unemancipated minors
a. Intent to possess 2. Minors emancipated by parental concession
b. Tradicion longa manu – effected by b. Capacity of “principal” to possess or by marriage
the transferor pointing out to the transferee c. Ratification by “principal” 3. Other incapacitated persons like:
the things which are being transferred
 Acquisition through another, elements: a. The insane
3. By constructive possession – proper acts and b. The prodigal or spendthrift
legal formalities 1. That the representative or agent has the c. Those under civil interdiction
intention to acquire the thing or exercise the d. Deaf-mute
a. Succession right for another, and not for himself
b. Donation 2. That the person for whom the thing has been 
c. Execution of public instruments acquired or the right exercised, has the
d. Possession by a sheriff by virtue of a court intention of possessing such thing or
order exercising such right

Article 532. Personal acquisition Article 533. Acquisition of possession through

succession mortis causa
 Acquisition of possession from the viewpoint of
who possesses:  Time of acquisition of possession –

1. Personal 1. If heir accepts – from the moment of death

2. Through authorized person since there is no interruption

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