Fundamentals of Transport Processes 1: 1 Course Outline and Reading Material
Fundamentals of Transport Processes 1: 1 Course Outline and Reading Material
Fundamentals of Transport Processes 1: 1 Course Outline and Reading Material
V. Kumaran,
Department of Chemical Engineering,
Indian Institute of Science,
Bangalore 560 012.
2 Exercises:
2.1 Dimensional analysis:
1. The dimensionless groups for the heat flux in a heat exchanger were
determined assuming that there is no inter-conversion between me-
chanical and thermal energy. If mechanical energy can be converted
to thermal energy, there would be one additional dimensionless group
which would be relevant for the heat flux. What is this dimensionless
group, and what is its significance?
∇.B = 0 (2)
∇×E = − (3)
∇×B = µ0 J + µ0 ǫ0 (4)
where E and B are the electric and magnetic field vectors, ρs is the
charge density, ǫ0 and µ0 are the permittivity and permeability of free
space, and J is the current density. The dimensions of electric field
E is (Volt/meter), and that of charge density ρs is (Coulombs/ m3 ),
or (Amps × s / m3 ), where m is meters and s is seconds. Using the
above equations, determine the dimensions of E, B, ǫ0 , µ0 and J in
terms the fundamental dimensions of mass, length, time and
amperes. Note that (∂/∂t) is the partial derivative with respect to
time, ∇. and ∇× are the divergence and curl operators with dimensions
of inverse length, and
(a) the radius of the droplet R,
(b) the distance between the electrodes L (assume they are of infinite
extent in the x − y plane),
(c) the velocity of the droplet,
(d) the viscosity of water,
(e) the viscosity of oil,
(f) the density of water/oil,
(g) the surface tension between water and oil,
(h) the voltage difference between the two electrodes with dimension
(i) the dielectric constant of water ǫw , with dimension (A2 s4 kg −1m−3 ),
where A is amperes, and
(j) the dielectric constant of oil ǫo , with dimension (A2 s4 kg −1 m−3 ).
(a) How many dimensions are there in the above problem, and what
are they?
(b) On the basis of the number of dimensional quantities and the
number of dimensions, how many dimensionless groups that can
be obtained?
(c) Of these, three dimensionless groups are easily obtained, the ratio
of lengths (L/R), the ratio of viscosities of water and oil, and the
Electrodes of infinite extent
Due to the temperature sensitivity of the product, it is not possible to
have an average difference in temperature between the droplet and the
air of more than 40oC.
This example is an instance where fluid flow is coupled with heat and
mass transfer. In the spray drier, the flow through a very small nozzle
breaks up the liquid into small drops, and the water in these drops is
dried by the heat transferred from the air as the drops move through
the air. The drops in nozzle spray driers are usually coarse, and sizes
upto 100 µ m can be achieved. For finer drops, it is necessary to use
a spray disk drier, where the spraying is done by a disk of about 1 ft
in diameter rotating at speeds as large as 1000 rev/s. In the present
example, we consider a nozzle type spray drier, since a relatively coarse
size is required. The droplets are usually ejected with high velocities,
as large as 0.1 - 1 m/s, and so the time required for drying the droplets
is usually very small, of the order of seconds.
The spraying process can be separated into two distinct steps,
(a) The ejection of the drop from the nozzle. The size of the drops,
and the velocity of the drop at the nozzle, are determined primar-
ily by the nozzle geometry, fluid properties and the flow rate of
fluid through the nozzle.
(b) The subsequent drying of the drop as it passes through the air.
Here, it is necessary to ensure that the spray drier has a suffi-
cient radius that the drop is completely dried before it hits the
wall of the drier. Important for determining this are the veloc-
ity with which the drop leaves the nozzle, the heat transfer rate
for transporting heat from the drop to the air, the latent heat of
evaporation which determines the heat required to dry the drop.
For the second process above, determine the radius and height of the
drier form consideration that the droplet should have dried before it
reaches the side or bottom walls as follows.
(a) What are the dimensional groups on which the heat flux and mass
flux depends? Organise this into dimensionless parameters and
calculate the numerical values. Assume droplet diameter of 100
microns ejected with velocity of 0.5 m/s.
(b) Which procedure is rate limiting, the heat or mass transfer?
(c) What is the diameter and height required for complete drying?
2.2 Diffusion
1. Compute the mean free path and the mean molecular velocity of hy-
drogen molecules (molecular diameter 2.915??) and chlorine molecules
(molecular diameter 4.115??) at 300 K temperature and 105 Pa pres-
sure. What is the ratio of the mean free path and the molecular diam-
eter? Compute the viscosity from kinetic theory.
in which
−1/2 " #2
µi 1/2 Mi −1/4
1 Mi
Φij = √ 1+ 1+
8 Mj µj Mj
Compare the result with the measured value of 1.813 × 10−5 kg/m/s.
3. In the kinetic theory of gases, there are two dimensionless numbers that
relate the macroscopic flow properties to the molecular properties. The
Mach number is defined as (U/c), where U is the flow velocity and c is
the speed of sound. The Knudsen number is defined as (λ/L), where
λ is the mean free path and L is the macroscopic length scale. If the
speed of sound in a gas is approximately equal to the molecular velocity,
how is the ratio of convection and diffusion in a gas (the Peclet number
for concentration and diffusion or the Reynolds number for momentum
diffusion) related to the Mach number and the Knudsen number?
4. Estimate the mass flux in a gas with uniform density and a gradient in
What is the mass flux when there is both a gradient in density and tem-
perature? What is the relation between the density and temperature
gradients when the mass flux is zero?
Figure 2: Flow in a thin slot due to a moving wall.
channel are closed so that no fluid can enter or leave the channel. The
bottom and side walls of the channel are stationary, while the top wall
moves with a velocity V (t). Since the length of the channel is large
compared to the height, the flow near the center can be considered as
one dimensional. Near the ends, there will be some circulation due to
the presence of the side walls, but this can be neglected far from the
sides. For the flow far from the walls of the channel,
(a) Write the equations for the unidirectional flow. What are the
boundary conditions? What restriction is placed on the velocity
profile due to the fact that the ends are closed and fluid cannot
enter or leave the channel?
(b) If the wall is given a steady velocity V which is independent of
time, solve the equations (neglecting the time derivative term).
Calculate the gradient of the pressure.
(c) If the wall is given an oscillating velocity V cos (ωt), obtain an
ordinary differential equation to obtain the velocity profile. Get
an analytical solution for this which involves the constants of ite-
gration. Use the boundary conditions to determine all unknown
2. In shell-and-tube heat exchangers, the tube side often has fins in order
to increase the conduction rate, as shown in figure 3. The fin can
be modeled, in two dimensions, as a rectangular block of length L,
height H and with thermal conductivity k. One surface (outer wall
of the tube of the heat exchanger) is at the temperature Tt , which is
the temperature of the tube side fluid. The other three surfaces are
H Tt Ts
x Ts
(a) Which coordinate system would you choose for analysing the prob-
lem? Write down the conservation equation for the temperature
field at steady state for this system.
(b) Transform the temperature to a new coordinate Θ in such a way
that Θ satisfies the same governing equations, but there is a ho-
mogeneous boundary condition in all directions except one.
y=L 1111111111111111111
T=T1 1111111111111111111
y=0 1111111111111111111
T=T0 x
Figure 4: Conduction into a semi-infinite slab.
(c) Use separation of variables to solve for the temperature field. De-
termine the constants in the solution for the temperature.
(d) What is the total heat transfer at the surface at temperature T1 ?
(a) First, obtain the momentum balance for the streamwise velocity
for a differential volume in the channel.
(b) Solve the equation using separation of variables to obtain the ve-
locity. Note that the fluid velocity is zero on all the walls of the
Figure 5: Conduction from a cube.
(b) Show how the transient problem may be set up in a form to which
separation of variables can be applied.
Outer radius R
Pressure p Pressure p
1111111111111111111111 V
Inner radius k R
∂t T = K∇2 T (8)
and the heat flux (heat conducted per unit area) is
K∇T (9)
4. Consider the fully developed flow in a circular tube with velocity profile
ux = U(t) 1 − 2
as shown in figure 7, where the maximum velocity U could be a function
of t, but is independent of the stream-wise co-ordinate x. There is
viscous dissipation which generates heat within the fluid, and the heat
generated per unit volume of the fluid per unit time is given by,
Due to this, there is a temperature variation across the tube, and the
temperature field is governed by the convection-diffusion equation,
ρCv + u.∇T = k∇2 T + Q
(a) Choose a suitable co-ordinate system, and write down the convection-
diffusion equation for the time-dependent but ‘fully developed’
temperature field.
(b) Scale the co-ordinates and time. What would you use to scale the
(c) Obtain the solution for the temperature at steady state, where
both the maximum velocity U and temperature are independent
of time.
(d) If the maximum velocity has a sinusoidal variation, U(t) = U cos (ωt),
what is the value of the heat source Q? How would you express the
inhomogeneous term in the time-dependent convection-diffusion
equation for the temperature in order to obtain a solution?
(e) Determine the solution for the temperature field.
Figure 7: Viscous heating due to the flow in a tube.
(a) Choose a coordinate system for the problem. Clearly, the only
non-zero component of the velocity is uφ . Determine the boundary
conditions for this component of the velocity.
(b) Write down the mass balance condition for an incompressible fluid.
For a uni-directional flow in which the density is a constant, what
does this reduce to?
(c) The steady state momentum conservation equation for uφ is,
∂ 2 uφ
∂p ∂ 1 ∂(ruφ )
− +µ + =0
∂φ ∂r r ∂r ∂z 2
d2 y dy
x2 + x + (x2 − n2 )y = 0
dx2 dx
y = A1 Jn (x) + A2 Yn (x)
where Jn (x) is bounded for x → 0, and Yn (x) is bounded for
x → ∞. tem Modified Bessel equation:
d2 y dy
x2 2
+ x − (x2 + n2 )y = 0
dx dx
y = A1 In (x) + A2 Kn (x)
where In (x) is bounded for x → 0, and Kn (x) is bounded for
x → ∞.
Closed end
Closed end
Rs Rp
(f) Determine all the constants in the expression for the velocity from
the conditions obtained above.
(a) What are the boundary conditions required for solving the above
(b) Use separation of variables, by writing uz = F (r)T (θ), and obtain
equations for F and T . [2]
(c) Find the solution for T (θ) that satisfies the boundary conditions.
(d) Find the solution for F (r), and enforce boundary conditions to
find the final solution.
(a) What co-ordinate system will you use for solving the problem?
Obtain the unsteady energy conservation equation using a shell
(b) What are the boundary conditions?
(c) Use similarity transform obtain a solution for the differential equa-
tion. What is the boundary condition in terms of the similarity
(d) Can a similarity solution be obtained if Q is a constant? What
should be the dependence of Q on time in order to obtain a simi-
larity solution?
T=T’ x y
Figure 10: Cylinder in a temperature field.
Figure 11: Cylindrical coordinate system.
(a) Determine the coordinates (x, y, z) in terms of (r, φ, z), and the
coordinates (r, φ, z) in terms of (x, y, z). How are the unit vectors
(er , eφ , ez ) related to (ex , ey , ez ).
(b) Write down the conservation equation for the concentration field
for the appropriate differential volume in cylindrical coordinates.
What is the divergence operator ∇. in this coordinate system?
(c) Express the flux in terms of the gradient of concentration in the
cylindrical coordinate system. What is the Laplacian operator ∇2
in this coordinate system?
(d) Solve the differential equation for the concentration in cylindrical
coordinates using the separation of variables, in a manner similar
to that for spherical coordinate system in class.
solve the equation K∇2 T = 0 in cylindrical co-ordinates.
2. For a point source, solve the heat equation K∇2 T = Qδ(x) in cylindri-
cal coordinates, to obtain the temperature distribution due to a point
3. What is the temperature field when two sources are located as shown
in figure 5(a) and 5(b), and L ≪ r? Compare with the second terms
in the cylindrical harmonic expansion.
4. What is the temperature field when four sources are located as shown in
figures 5(c), and (d)? Compare with the third terms in the cylindrical
harmonic expansion.
7. A point source of heat of strength Q (in units of heat energy per unit
time) is placed at a distance L from a wall.
(a) If the wall is perfectly conducting, so that the flux lines at the wall
are perpendicular to the wall as shown in figure 13, determine the
temperature as a function of position.
y y
−Q +Q x 2L x
2L −Q
(a) (b)
y y
−Q +Q −Q
x +Q +Q x
+Q −Q
(c) (d)
Figure 12: Different arrangements of sources corresponding to higher har-
monics in two dimensions.
Figure 13:
(b) If the wall is perfectly insulating, so that the flux lines at the
wall are parallel to the wall as shown in figure 13, determine the
temperature as a function of position.
(c) If the wall is not perfectly conducting, but only a fraction f of the
heat on the wall penetrates it, while a fraction (1 − f ) does not
penetrate the wall, determine the temperature field as a function
of position.
8. A heater coil in the form of a ring of radius a in the x−y plane generates
heat Q per unit length of the coil per unit time, as shown in figure 14
Figure 14:
co-ordinate are,
X Am m Cm m
T = m
+ Bm r cos (mφ) + m
+ Dm r sin (mφ)
r r
and the basis functions, cos (mφ) and sin (mφ) are orthogonal basis
functions, that is,
Z 2π Z 2π
dφ cos (mφ) cos (nφ) = dφ sin (mφ) sin (nφ) = πδmn
0 0
Z 2π
dφ cos (mφ) sin (nφ) = 0 (14)
T=T 0 as y −> Infinity
T=T 0
x T=T 1
Figure 15: Heat transfer in flow around a corner.
• Determine the average heat flux and Nusselt number based on the
length L of the heated section.
T=T0 x T=T
1 ∂2T
∂T uθ ∂T 1 ∂ ∂T
ur + =α r + 2 2 (16)
∂r r ∂θ r ∂r ∂r r ∂θ
(a) Insert the expression for the fluid velocity into the above equation,
and scale the resulting equation to obtain a dimensionless equation
for the temperature field. What is the Peclet number (ratio of
convection and diffusion)?
(b) Consider the limit where the Peclet number is large. In this case,
the temperature variation is expected to be confined to a thin
boundary layer near the surface of the cylinder. Scale the distance
from the surface of the cylinder by a boundary layer thickness, and
simplify the equation. How is the boundary layer thickenss related
to the Peclet number?
(c) Use a similarity transform to express the convection-diffusion equa-
tion in terms of the ratio of the distance from the surface and a
boudary layer thickness, where the boundary layer thickness is a
function of the θ co-ordinate. What is the equation for the varia-
tion for the boundary layer co-ordinate with θ?
(d) Solve the equation for the temperature in terms of the similarity
4. Consider the flow past a curved surface with a slip boundary condition
at the surface, as shown in figure 18. There is fluid flow across the sur-
face and conduction from the surface, and the Peclet number is consid-
ered to be high. Use a local orthogonal co-ordinate system, (X, Y ), at a
point on the surface, and write down the convection-diffusion equation
in a similar to that done for a general surface with no-slip boundary
conditions, with the difference that the tangential velocity along the
surface is not zero, though the normal velocity has to be zero. Assum-
ing the flow is two-dimensional and that the velocity (uX , uY ) satisfies
incompressibility. Write down the steady convection diffusion equation,
and obtain a solution in terms of the similarity variable, as well as the
boundary layer thickness.