Newspaper Headlines
Newspaper Headlines
Newspaper Headlines
Headlines are printed in large letters to catch the readers’ eye and use as few words as possible.
Hence, we sometimes call it ‘phrase headlines’. Grammar words like articles (a, an, the) and
auxiliary verbs (is, are, was, were, may, must, can, etc.) are often left out.
Some headlines use the present tense although the event happened two days ago. Why? The
present tense gives a sense of freshness and immediacy. This makes the news more interesting to
The tense in headlines:
The past participle is used for passive sentences. Agreement is signed today.
Headline: Agreement Signed Today (past
The infinitive is used for future events. The President will open the ASEAN summit.
Headline: President to Open ASEAN Summit
The present participle is used for happening English teachers are having a TEFLIN seminar.
events. Headline: English Teachers Having TEFLIN
Seminar (present participle)
To be and pronoun omitted in headlines. People are free to choose their leader.
Headline: People Free to Choose Leader
Work in pairs. Write the normal sentences of the following headlines. One has been done for you as
an example.
1. Yogyakarta Tourism to Develop Event Faster:
Yogyakarta tourism will develop event faster.
2. ASEAN Chair Invited to UNSC Meeting in Cambodia:
3. Seven Hundred More Indonesians Ready For Evacuation From Egypt:
4. Government Thinking of Setting up Six Economic Corridors.
5. Indonesian One of Candidates for Top Role at UN’s Food Agency:
6. New York Time’s Website Moving From Free to Fee:
7. Medical Marijuana Growers Accused of Trafficking:
8. President Shocked at Australian News Reports:
Arrange the following into eye-catching headlines. The italics will be the first world. One has been
done for you as an example.
1. Accelerate – Government - Development - to - Infrastructure
Government to Accelerate Infrastructure Development
2. 6 to 7 Pct – Says – Minister – (,) – First - Growth - May - Reach - Quarter
3. RI – Market – Countries – Tourism _ ASEAN – to – to – Expand
4. Houses – Millions – Construction – of – President – Cheapest - Suggests
5. Musicians - Welcomes – Ubud Festival – World
6. into Future – The – World - Leads – Indonesia
7. in Indonesia – to – Commitment – Declare – Peace – Parties – Various
8. 2,47 Million - Manpower – Workers – Plans – Minister – to - Place