Substance Painter
Substance Painter
Substance Painter
Substance painter is a 3D program that allows you to texture and render your
3D meshes. This documentation is designed to help you learn how to use
substance painter from basic to advanced techniques. The main purpose of
substance painter is to texture models. Its advancing masking and procedural
texturing tools allows you to make textures that are much harder to achieve in
purely 2D programs like Photoshop.
1. Baking
2. Effects
3. Smart materials and masks
4. UV reprojection
6. Post processing
7. Iray renderer
8. Plugins
9. Custom shaders
10.Dynamic material layering
11.Sparse virtual texture
While some of 3D painting tools still need work, substance painter is a by far
the easiest and most complete 3D texture-creation application on the market.
This release introduces the new Dynamic Strokes feature and with it we added
some Brush and Tool presents ready to use.
10 new Brush presents :
Ink Dirty
Ink Random
Leaf Curved Heavy
Leaf Curved
Leaf Messy
Leaf Simple
Leaf Swirl
Zigzag Long
Zigzag Short
Zigzag Step
11 new Tool presents :
Autumn Leaves
Gradient Hue
Spray Coloured
Spray Skin Light
Spray Skin Red