Ucsp Midterms
Ucsp Midterms
Ucsp Midterms
The Philippine society, while embedded with a rich cultural heritage, is also plagued with
an array of social problems. And such bi-focal outlook has been explored, in lieu of
objectivity, in the previous units of the subject, Understanding Culture, Society, and Politics.
It provided students with the roving eye to comprehend the social and cultural
mechanisms at play, and evaluate one’s world view after the discussion of key concepts.
This activity aims to instill an in-depth understanding on the diverse cultural, traditional,
economic, political, and social realms of the Philippines as well as to showcase the richness
and uniqueness of the Philippine society, all the while keeping in mind the gleanings
gathered from the discussions from inside the classroom.
Aside from the content, this activity is technology-based to make use of the lifelong skills
gained by the students and for them to use this activity as a platform to showcase their
creativity. The outcome of this activity is very important as it will serve as the basis for
assessing the students’ understanding of Philippine culture and society based on
theoretical and conceptual discussions done in the class covering the lessons from Unit I to
Unit III.
This Performance Task aims to:
1. Showcase students’ understanding of Philippine culture, society, and politics
through a vlog (UCSP11/12SPUIa-1, UCSP11/12HSOIIj-23).
2. Develop appreciation, understanding, and love for Philippine culture, society, and
politics (UCSPC11/12DCSIc-7, UCSP11/12DCSIc-8, UCSP11/12DCSId-9).
3. Make use of technological knowledge and skills to produce a creative presentation
of Philippine culture and society, and politics.
Goal- This activity aims to produce a good quality vlog that would showcase elements and
features of Philippine culture and society.
Audience- The vlog will be presented to local and foreign nationals interested to explore
and know more about Philippine culture and society.
1. General Instructions
a. Choose any topic that would reflect the Philippines- Its people, tradition, culture,
common practices, and various economic, political, and social realities.
b. Write a script that would last only for one minute.
c. Choose one member who will act as the host.
d. Create a video presentation that would reflect the chosen topic and the script of
the host; it should last for one minute only. The location of the shooting will depend
on the chosen subject matter. Everyone is encouraged to focus on subjects that are
within the vicinity of the school and/or at home (e.g. common Filipino breakfast
meal, norms in dining, greetings at home, FEU identity, FEUHS canteen, student
tambayans etc.)
e. Creativity is a must.
f. The final grade for the midterms is divided into two components: Script and Video
g. Make sure that the teacher approved the chosen topic/subject matter before
proceeding with the activity.
h. Refer to the sample videos to be provided by the subject teacher.
3. Groupings
a. The class will be divided into groups with three members.
b. Each member of the group must have a role in the performance. A student
without a role in the performance will have no grade.
4. Rubrics
a. The output will be graded based on the rubric provided by the subject teacher.
b. Students are advised to use the rubric as guide while doing the output to ensure
that the output will correspond with the competencies needed to get the highest
possible grade.
Checked by;
Noted by:
Approved by:
Date Activity
August 8-9, 2019 Discussion and approval of subjects/topics
Uploading of instructions and rubrics to
Canvas. Consultation and approval of
subjects/topics will be done also via Canvas.
August 10-12, 2019 Writing of script (submission via Canvas)
August 13-18, 2019 Shooting
August 19-21, 2019 Presentation of videos on the class