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Shallow Foundation

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1. Concrete : Compressive strength of concrete, fc' = 25 MPa

Cement ASTM C-150 type I,
Aggregate : ASTM C33,
Unit weight of concrete, gc = 24 kN/m3
2. Rebar : Yield strength of steel,
for plain bar ϕ < 13 mm U-24 fy = 240 MPa
for deform bar D ≥ 13 mm U-39 fy = 390 MPa
3. Soil : Unit weight of soil, gs = 17 kN/m3
Angle of internal friction, f= 10.9 °
Cohesion, c= 85 kPa




Depth of foundation Df = 2 m
Width of foundation (x-direction) Bx = 1.5 m
Width of foundation (y-direction) By = 1.8 m
Thick of foundation h= 0.4 m
Width of column (x-direction) bx = 0.4 m
Width of column (y-direction) by = 0.6 m
Height of column H= 1.6 m
Position of column (inside = 40, side = 30, corner = 20) as = 30
Height of sloof, t= 0.4 m
Width of sloof, b= 0.3 m
Spacing between column, L= 4 m

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Load combination for foundation:

Shear x Shear y Axial Moment x Moment y
No. Load Combination
Vx (kN) Vy (kN) Pu (kN) Mx (kNm) My (kNm)
Serviced Load
1 Case 1 39.11 0.58 984.06 51.01 3.49
2 Case 2 38.52 1.27 1035.60 50.45 6.26
3 Case 3 39.11 0.58 984.06 51.01 3.49

Shear x Shear y Axial Moment x Moment y

No. Load Combination
Vx (kN) Vy (kN) Pu (kN) Mx (kNm) My (kNm)
Factored Load
1 Case 1 50.77 0.76 1258.41 66.24 4.44
2 Case 2 50.02 1.57 1323.40 65.53 7.92
3 Case 3 50.77 0.76 1258.41 66.24 4.44

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Ultimate bearing capacity by Terzaghi dan Peck (1943) :

qu = c * Nc * (1 + 0.3 * B / L) + Df * g * Nq + 0.5 * g * B * Ng * (1 - 0.2 * B / L)

c = cohesion (kN/m2) c= 85.00 °

Df = depth of foundation (m) Df = 2.00 m
g = unit weight of soil (kN/m3) g= 17.00 kN/m3
B = width of foundation (m) B = By = 1.80 m
L = length of foundation (m) L = Bx = 1.50 m
Angle of internal friction f= 10.90 °
f = f / 180 * p = 0.190 rad
a = e(3*p / 4 - f/2)*tan f = 1.546
Kpg = 3 * tan2 [ 45° + 1/2*( f + 33°) ] = 16.570
Factor on bearing capacity by Terzaghi,
Nc = 1/ tan f * [ a2 / (2 * cos2 (45 + f/2) - 1 ] = 10.105
Nq = a / [ (2 * cos (45 + f/2) ] = Nc * tan f + 1 =
2 2
Ng = 1/2 * tan f * [ Kpg / cos f - 1 ] =
Ultimate bearing capacity by Terzaghi:
qu = c*Nc*(1+0.3*B/L) + Df*g*Nq + 0.5*g*B*Ng*(1-0.2*B/L) = 1286.44 kN/m2
Allowable bearing capacity of soil, qa = qu / 3 = 428.81 kN/m2


Ultimate bearing capacity by Meyerhof (1955) :

qu = sc * dc * ic * c * Nc + sq * dq * iq * Df * g * Nq + sg * dg * ig * 0.5 * B' * g * Ng

c = cohesion (kN/m2) c= 85.00 °

Df = depth of foundation (m) Df = 2.00 m
g = unit weight of soil (kN/m3) g= 17.00 kN/m3
B' = width of foundation (m) B' = By = 1.80 m
L = length of foundation (m) L = Bx = 1.50 m
Angle of internal friction f= 10.90 °
f = f / 180 * p = 0.1902 rad
Factor on bearing capacity by Meyerhof,
Nc = (Nq - 1) * cotan f = 8.751

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Nq = tan2(45o + f/2) * e(p*tan f) = 2.685
Ng = (Nq -1) * tan(1,4f) = 0.460
Shape factor of foundation,
Any f sc = 1 + 0.2 * (B / L) * tan2(45 + f/2) = 1.352
f ≥ 10 o sq = sg = 1 + 0.1 * (B / L) * tan (45 + f/2) =
Depth factor of foundation,
Any f dc = 1 + 0.2 * (D / B) * tan(45 + f/2) = 1.269
f ≥ 10 o dq = dg = 1 + 0.1 * (D / B) * tan(45 + f/2) = 1.135
Inclination factor,
Any f ic = iq = (1 - do / 90o) = 1.000
f ≥ 10 o ig = (1 - d / f ) =
o o
Ultimate bearing capacity by Meyerhof:
qu = sc * dc * ic * c * Nc + sq * dq * iq * Df * g * Nq + sg * dg * ig * 0.5 * B' * g * Ng = 1407.472 kN/m2
Allowable bearing capacity of soil, qa = qu / 3 = 469.157 kN/m2


Bearing capacity of soil by Terzaghi and Peck : qa = 428.81 kN/m2

Bearing capacity of soil by Meyerhof : qa = 469.16 kN/m2
Maximum bearing capacity of soil : qa = 999.00 kN/m2
Bearing capacity of soil is used : qa = 428.81 kN/m2



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Base area of foot plate, A = Bx * By = 2.7000 m2

Resistant moment x-direction, Wx = 1/6 * By * Bx2 = 0.6750 m3
Resistant moment y-direction, Wy = 1/6 * Bx * By2 = 0.8100 m3
Height of soil above foot plate, z = Df - h = 1.60 m
Pressure due to weight of foot plate and soil, q = h * gc + z * g = 36.800 kN/m2

Eccentricity on the foundation :

ex = Mux / (Pu * q * A) < Bx / 6 m
ey = Muy / (Pu * q * A) < By / 6 m
No. Combination ex Bx/6 Remark ey By/6 Remark
m m m m
1 Case 1 0.047 0.250 (OK) 0.003 0.300 (OK)
2 Case 2 0.044 0.250 (OK) 0.006 0.300 (OK)
3 Case 3 0.047 0.250 (OK) 0.003 0.300 (OK)

Soil stress that occurs at the base of foundation :

qmax = Pu / A + Mux / Wx + Muy / Wy + q < qa kN/m2
qmin = Pu / A - Mux / Wx - Muy / Wy + q > 0 kN/m2

Foundation stability design:

No. Combination P Foundation Stability Design
kN qmax qmin
Remark Remark

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Remark Remark
kN/m2 kN/m2
1 Case 1 984.06 481.15 NOT SAVE ! 321.38 No tensile stress (OK)
2 Case 2 1035.60 502.82 NOT SAVE ! 337.89 No tensile stress (OK)
3 Case 3 984.06 481.15 NOT SAVE ! 321.38 No tensile stress (OK)

Reinforcement concrete design:

No. Combination P Concrete Design
kN qmax qmin
kN/m2 kN/m2
1 Case 1 1357.77 643.29 436.07
2 Case 2 1422.76 670.62 456.88
3 Case 3 1357.77 643.29 436.07

Cek Sliding
Resistant force : Hr = 0.3 P (ton)
Safety Factor : Fs = Hr / Ho > Fsallow : Minimum Safety Factor for Sliding

Loading Combination Hr (ton) Ho (ton) Fs = Hr/Ho Fsallow Status

Case 1 295.22 39.11 7.55 1.50 PASS

Case 2 310.68 38.52 8.07 1.50 PASS
Case 3 295.22 39.11 7.55 1.50 PASS

Cek Overturning
Resistant moment :Mr = Nr * Fo / 2 (ton.m)
Safety Factor :SFo = Mr / Mo > Foallow : Minimum Safety Factor for Overturning

Mr SFo = Mr /
Loading Combination Mo (ton.m) SFoallow Status
(ton.m) Mo
Case 1 738.05 51.01 14.47 1.5 PASS
Case 2 776.70 50.45 15.39 1.5 PASS
Case 3 738.05 51.01 14.47 1.5 PASS

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Distance center to the outside of the concrete reinforcement, d' = 0.0765 m

Effective thick of foot plate, d = h - d' = 0.324 m
Distance critical area to the outer side of foot plate, ax = Bx/2 - bx/2 - d = 0.227 m
Soil stress at the critical area shear x-direction,
qx = qmin + (Bx - ax) / Bx * (qmax - qmin) = 638.346 kN/m2
Shear force x-direction, Vux = [ qx + ( qmax - qx ) / 2 - q ] * ax * By = 251.830 kN
Width or shear area x-direction, b = By = 1800 mm
Effective thick of foot plate, d= 324 mm
The ratio of long side to the short side of the column, bc = bx / by =
Shear strength of foot plate x-direction, taken the smallest value of V c obtained from the following
equation :
Vc = 1 / 6 * √ fc' * b * d * 10-3 = 485.250 kN
Used, shear strength of foot plate, ® Vc = 485.250 kN
Shear strength reduction factor, f = 0.75
Shear strength of foot plate, f * Vc = 363.938 kN
Requirements that should be met,
f * Vc ≥ Vux
363.938 > 251.830 ® SAVE (OK)

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Distance center to the outside of the concrete reinforcement, d' = 0.0895 m

Effective thick of foot plate, d = h - d' = 0.311 m
Distance critical area to the outer side of foot plate, ay = ( By/2 - by/2 - d ) = 0.290 m
Soil stress at the critical area shear y-direction,
qy = qmin + (By - ay) / By * (qmax - qmin) = 636.244 kN/m2
Shear force y-direction, Vuy = [ qy + ( qmax - qy ) / 2 - q ] * ay * Bx = 267.773 kN
Width or shear area y-direction, b = Bx = 1500 mm
Effective thick of foot plate, d= 311 mm
The ratio of long side to the short side of the column, bc = bx / by =
Shear strength of foot plate x-direction, taken the smallest value of V c obtained from the following
equation :
Vc = 1 / 6 * √ fc' * b * d * 10-3 = 388.125 kN
Used, shear strength of foot plate, ® Vc = 388.125 kN
Shear strength reduction factor, f = 0.75
Shear strength of foot plate, f * Vc = 291.094 kN
Requirements that should be met,
f * Vc ≥ Vux
291.09 > 267.773 ® SAVE (OK)

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Distance center to the outside of the concrete reinforcement, d' = 0.0895 m

Effective thick of foot plate, d = h - d' = 0.311 m
Width of punching shear area x-direction, c x = bx + d = 0.711 m
Width of punching shear area y-direction, c y = by + d = 0.911 m
Punching shear force that occur,
Vup = ( Bx * By - cx * cy ) * [ ( qmax + qmin ) / 2 - q ] = 1081.874 kN
Area of punching shear, Ap = 2 * ( cx + cy ) * d = 1.007 m2
Width of punching shear area, bp = 2 * ( cx + cy ) = 3.242 m
The ratio of long side to the short side of the column, bc = bx / by = 0.6667
Punching shear strength, taken the smallest value of f p obtained from the following equation :
fp = [ 1 + 2 / bc ] * √ fc' / 6 = 3.333 MPa
fp = [ as * d / bp + 2 ] * √ fc' / 12 = 2.031 MPa
fp = 1 / 3 * √ fc' = 1.667 MPa
Punching shear strength required, fp = 1.667 MPa
Reduction factor of punching shear strength, f = 0.75
Punching shear strength, f * Vnp = f * Ap * fp * 103 = 1258.30 kN
Requirement : f * Vnp ≥ Vup
1258.301 > 1081.874 ® SAVE (OK)

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f * Vnp ≥ Pu
1258.301 < 1422.763 ® NOT SAVE (NG)



Distance to edge of column to outer side of foot plate, a x = ( Bx - b x ) / 2 = 0.550 m

Soil stress at the edge of column,
qx = qmin + (Bx - ax) / Bx * (qmax - qmin) = 592.249 kN/m2
Moments that occur in the foundation plate due to soil stress,
Mux = 1/2 * ax2 * [ qx + 2/3 * ( qmax - qx ) - q ] * By = 165.446 kNm
Width of the foundation plate is reviewed, b = By = 1800 mm
Thick of foundation plate, h= 400 mm
Distance center to the outside of the concrete reinforcement, d' = 76.5 mm
Effective thick of foot plate, d = h - d' = 324 mm
Compressive strength of concrete, fc' = 25 MPa
Yield strength of steel reinforcement, fy = 390 MPa
Elastic modulus of steel, Es = 2.00E+05 MPa
Concrete stress distribution factor, b1 = 0.85
rb = b1* 0.85 * fc’/ fy * 600 / ( 600 + fy ) = 0.0280691531
Flexural strength reduction factor, f = 0.80
Rmax = 0.75 * rb * fy * [1-½*0.75* rb * fy / ( 0.85 * fc’ ) ] = 6.624

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Mn = Mux / f = 206.807 kNm
Rn = Mn * 10 / ( b * d ) =
6 2
Rn < Rmax ® (OK)
Reinforcement ratio required,
r = 0.85 * fc’ / fy * [ 1 - Ö {1 – 2 * Rn / ( 0.85 * fc’ ) } ] = 0.0029
The minimum reinforcement ratio, rmin = 0.0025
Reinforcement ratio used, ® r= 0.0029
Area of reinforcement required, As = r * b * d = 1683.86 mm2
Diameter of reinforcement used, D 13 mm
Distance reinforcement required, s = p / 4 * D * b / As =
142 mm
The maximum reinforcement spacing, smax = 200 mm
Reinforcement spacing used, ® s= 142 mm
Used reinforcement, D 13 - 150
Area of reinforcement used, As = p / 4 * D2 * b / s = 1592.79 mm2


Distance to edge of column to outer side of foot plate, a y = ( By - b y ) / 2 = 0.600 m

Soil stress at the edge of column,
qy = qmin + (By - ay) / By * (qmax - qmin) = 599.373 kN/m2
Moments that occur in the foundation plate due to soil stress,
Muy = 1/2 * ay2 * [ qy + 2/3 * ( qmax - qy ) - q ] * Bx = 164.719 kNm
Width of the foundation plate is reviewed, b = Bx = 1500 mm
Thick of foundation plate, h= 400 mm
Distance center to the outside of the concrete reinforcement, d' = 89.5 mm

Effective thick of foot plate, d = h - d' = 311 mm

Compressive strength of concrete, fc' = 25 MPa
Yield strength of steel reinforcement, fy = 390 MPa

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Elastic modulus of steel, Es = 2.00E+05 MPa
Concrete stress distribution factor, b1 = 0.85
rb = b1* 0.85 * fc’/ fy * 600 / ( 600 + fy ) = 0.0280691531
Flexural strength reduction factor, f = 0.80
Rmax = 0.75 * rb * fy * [1-½*0.75* rb * fy / ( 0.85 * fc’ ) ] = 6.624
Mn = Muy / f = 205.899 kNm
Rn = Mn * 10 / ( b * d ) =
6 2
Rn < Rmax ® (OK)
Reinforcement ratio required,
r = 0.85 * fc’ / fy * [ 1 - Ö {1 – 2 * Rn / ( 0.85 * fc’ ) } ] = 0.0038
The minimum reinforcement ratio, rmin = 0.0025
Reinforcement ratio used, ® r= 0.0038
Area of reinforcement required, As = r * b * d = 1761.44 mm2
Diameter of reinforcement used, D 13 mm
Distance reinforcement required, s = p / 4 * D * b / As =
113 mm
The maximum reinforcement spacing, smax = 200 mm
Reinforcement spacing used, ® s= 113 mm
Used reinforcement, D 13 - 125
Area of reinforcement used, As = p / 4 * D * b / s =
1592.79 mm2

shrinkage rebar x-dir shrinkage rebar y-dir

rebar x-dir rebar y-dir


Minimum shrinkage reinforcement ratio, rsmin = 0.0014

Area of shrinkage reinforcement x-directions, Asx = rsmin* d * Bx = 815.220 mm2
Area of shrinkage reinforcement y-directions, Asy = rsmin* d * By = 652.050 mm2
Diameter of reinforcement used, D 13 mm
Distance shrinkage reinforcement x-directions, sx = p / 4 * D * By / Asx =
293 mm
Distance maximum shrinkage reinforcement x-directions, sx,max = 200 mm
X-direction shrinkage reinforcement spacing used, ® sx = 200 mm

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Distance shrinkage reinforcement y-directions, sy = p / 4 * D2 * Bx / Asy = 305 mm
Distance maximum shrinkage reinforcement y-directions, sy,max = 200 mm
Y-direction shrinkage reinforcement spacing used, ® sy = 200 mm
Used shrinkage reinforcement x-directions, D 13 - 200
Used shrinkage reinforcement y-directions, D 13 - 200

Check requirement, Ratio = Pedestal length/Width of pedestal = 3.00 > 2.5
® Slender Column
Reinforcement ratio used, ® r= 0.0100
Width of column (x-direction) h= 400 mm
Width of column (y-direction) b= 600 mm
Distance center to the outside of the concrete reinforcement, d' = 70 mm
Effective width of column, d = h - d' = 331 mm
Compressive strength of concrete, fc' = 25 MPa
Yield strength of steel reinforcement, fy = 390 MPa
Elastic modulus of steel, Es = 2.00E+05 MPa
Concrete stress distribution factor, b1 = 0.85
Area of reinforcement required, As = r * b * d = 1983.00 mm2
Diameter of reinforcement used, D 19 mm
Number reinforcement required, n = As / p / 4 * D =
Number reinforcement used, ® n= 9
Used reinforcement, 9 - D 19
Area of reinforcement used, As = p / 4 * D * n =
2550.06 mm2


Factored axial force, Pu = 1323.403 kN

Factored shear force, Vu = 50.770 kN
Shear strength reduction factor, f= 0.60
Yield strength of steel, fy = 390 MPa
Shear strength of concrete, Vc = (√ fc') / 6 * b * d * 10 =-3
165.250 kN
Resistant shear of concrete, f * Vc = 99.150 kN

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® Only need min. stirrup
Resistant shear of stirrup, f * Vs = Vu - f * Vc = - kN
Shear strength of stirrup, Vs = 50.770 kN
Used stirrup : 2 D 10
Area of stirrup, Av = ns * p / 4 * D2 = 157.08 mm2
Stirrup spacing required : s = Av * fy * d / ( Vs * 103 ) = 398.79 mm
Maximum stirrup spacing, smax = d / 2 = 165.25 mm
Maximum stirrup spacing, smax = 200.00 mm
Stirrup spacing should be used, s= 165.25 mm
Used Stirrup, 2 D 10 150


Check transfer length of reinforcement, Ldb = (0.25 * fy * D) / √ fc' = 371 mm

Transfer length of reinforcement under column and foot plate,
Ldb = 0.04 * D * fy = 296 mm
Transfer length of reinforcement used, Ldb = 371 mm
Check thickness of foot plate, Ldb ≤ h
371 < 400 OK

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237 1.0D+1.0L Combination -39.108 0.576 984.06 3.4924 -51.0122 -0.0092
5072 1.0D+1.0L Combination 38.518 -1.269 1035.599 6.2566 50.4527 0.0098
237 1.0D+1.0L Combination -39.108 0.576 984.06 3.4924 -51.0122 -0.0092

237 1.1D+13L+ Combination -50.77 0.755 1258.407 4.4372 -66.2394 -0.012

5072 1.1D+13L- Combination 50.016 -1.573 1323.403 7.9247 65.5348 0.0128
237 1.1D+13L+ Combination -50.77 0.755 1258.407 4.4372 -66.2394 -0.012

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