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Government of Kelantan

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Enactment No. 26 of 1938

As amended by :
No. 107 of 1938,
Enactment No. 26 A.C. Baker,
Of 1940. enactment British Adviser Seal
No. 5 of 1941. H.H.the Sultan
F.M. Ord. No. 71
Of 1949.F.M. Ord.

It is hereby enacted by His Highness the Sultan in Council as

follows :­



Short title and 1. (i) This Enactment may be cited as the Land
Commencement Enactment, 1938 and shall come into force on the 1st day of
Subs.F.M. 11/52 January, 1939.

Repael (ii) Upon the coming into force of this Enactment,

all the Enactments, Notices, Notifications and Circulars
specified in Schedule 1 and all previous land law are hereby
repealed: Provided that nothing in this Enactment contained
shall affect the pas operation of or anything done or any
appointment made under any previousland law hereby
Subs.F.M.11/52 repealed, and right, liberty, privilege, obligation or liability
imposed or incurred in respect of land alienated under any
such land law shall, except as hereinafter expressly provided,
be subject to the provisions of this Enactment.

Exception (iii) Nothing in this Enactment contained shall be

deemed to prevail against the provisions of The Sultanate
Lands Enactment 1934 of the Malay Reservations Enactment
1930 or of any enacted amendments to those Enactments.

2. In this Enactment :­

“Native of Kelantan” means a person who falls within

any of the following classes:­

(a) any person born in Kelantan whose father was a


(b) any person born in Kelantanwhose mother was a
Malay and whose father was a Muslim;
(c) any person wherever born whose father as a
Malay born in Kelantan;
(d) any person wherever born both of whose parents
werw Malays and who has resided at least 15
years in Kelantan;
(e) any person who was born in Kelantan and whose
father as also born in Kelantan.



State land to 9. State land may be alienated only to

whom alienable
(a) an individual person, not being a minor, or
(b) a company a authorised by its constitution to
hold land and duly registered under the foreign
Companies Enactment or incorporated under any
Enactment which may be passed regulating
Companies in Kelantan, or
(c) a body corporate authorised to hold land in
corporated by any lay in force for the time being
or constituted by Royal Charter of Letters of
Patent of His Britannic majesty, or
(d) a duly constituted representative under a
certificate or representation:



Restriction of 104. (i) Notwithstanding anything contained in section

Sale of land to non­ land register shall refuse to register any transfer , charge or
Kelantanese lease of land by a native of Kelantan to a party who is not a
native of Kelantan, until such transaction has received the
sanction of His Highness the Sultan in Council subject to the
imposition of such restriction in interest and such conditions
in the document of title and such terms of rent therein as he
may think fit and any such transfer, charge or lease shall be
null and void unless the previous sanction of His Highness the
Sultan in Council shall have been obtained:

Ord.25/54. Provided that the provisions of this subsection shall not

Apply to a charge to a person specified in Schedule 26A.

Charges (ii) The restrictions set out in section 105 shall apply
to charges although the registration thereof may have been
approved by His Highness the Sultan in Council under
subsection (i).

(iii) Upon the approval of the registration of any

transaction under subsection (i) the State Secretary shall
forward to the Land Registrar a certificate in the form in
Schedule 26.

Ord.25/54. (iv) His Highness the Sultan in council may from time
to time by order published in the Gazette add to, delete from or
amend Schedule 26A.

Restriction in 105 (i) At every auction sale of any land which is

Regard to sales registered in the name of a native of Kelantan, when such sale
under the land has been ordered by a District Officer under the provisions of
enactment or by this Enactment or by any court, no person who is not a native
Order of any Kelantan shall be allowed to bid unless His Highness the
Court Sultan in Council has on the application of person interested in
the result of such sale ordered prior to the sale that persons
who are not natives of Kelantan may be allowed to bid, and
every purchase of such land by a person who is not a native of
Kelantan shall be null and void notwithstanding that the land
was knocked down to such person by the auctioneer or person
conducting the sale.

(ii) “ A person interested in the result of a sale “ shall


(a) In the case of a sale of land ordered by the

District Officer under the provisions of this
Enactment, any person who has or claims
any interest in the land as owner, chargee
or lessee;
(b) In the case of a sale of land ordered by any
Court, any person who is a party to the
proceeding wherein such is ordered or any
other person who is in the opinion of such
Court interested in the result of such sale.

(iii) Applications under subsection (i) shall be made in

the first instance to a District Officer or the case may be for
submission to His Highness the Sultan in Council.

(iv) When His Highness the Sultan in Council has

ordered that persons who are not natives of Kelantan may be
allowed to bid at any sale, the State Secretary shall forward to
the District Officer or Court concemed a certificate in the form
of Schedule 27.

Restriction on 106 (i) In any proceedings brought to enforce an
enfrocement agreement by a person who is a native of Kelantan to transfer
of agreements any land of which he is the owner to any person who is not a
forsale of land native of Kelantan, the Court before which such proceedings
to non­ are had shall not grant specific performance of such agreement
Kelantenese unless on the application of a party interested His Highness
The Sultan in Council shall have authorised such Court to
grant specific performance of such agreement.

(ii) “ A part interested “ shall mean a party to any

agreement whereof sprcific performance is claimed and any
person who is in the opinion of the Court interested in the
specific performance of such agreement.

(iii) Every application under subsection (i) for the

authorisation of specific performance shall be made to the
Court, which shall forward it to the State Secretary for
submission to His Highness the Sultan in Council.

(iv) When His Highness the Sultan in Council has

made any order authorising the specific performance of an
agreement the State Secretary shall forward to the Court a
certificate in the form of schedule 28

Doubt as to 107 (i) If any doubt shall arise as to whether any person
Meaning of is a native of Kelantan for the purposes of this Enactment, the
“Native of officer concerned or any party interested may refer the matter
Kelantan” to the State Secretary for the decision of His Highness the
Sultan in Council and His Highness’s decision thereon shall be
final and shall not be called in question by any person.

Procedure as 108. When any document evidencing any transaction or order

to registration. in respect whereof an order has been made by His Highness
the Sultan in Council under the provisions of section 104, 105
or 106 is presented for registration in any Land Office, there
shall be attached to such document a certificate of the Satate
Secretary in the form in Shedules 26, 27 or 28 as the case may
be or a certified copy thereof and no such document shall be
registered unless and untul such certificate or certified copy is
attached to such document.

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