Geology and Geochemistry Bauxite in Tanzsnia
Geology and Geochemistry Bauxite in Tanzsnia
Geology and Geochemistry Bauxite in Tanzsnia
Bauxite deposits in the Usambara Mountains of north eastern Tanzania occur as remnants of residual deposits on two geo-
morphologically related plateaus of Mabughai-Mlomboza and Kidundai at Magamba in Lushoto, Usambara Mountains. The
parent rocks for the deposits are mainly granulites and feldspathic gneisses of Neoproterozoic Mozambique belt. The plateaus
represent a preserved Late Cretaceous–Lower Tertiary old land surface (African surface). Other parts of the Usambara Mountains
and the neighbouring Pare Mountains are covered mostly by red–brown lateritic soils and impure reddish-brown kaolinitic clays.
The bauxite deposits contain mainly Al2 O3 (40–69 wt.%), Fe2 O3 (3–10 wt.%), SiO2 (0.16–7 wt.%) and other elements occur in
quantities not substantial to affect the quality or processing of the bauxite, and are attributed to the presence of relic minerals.
Gibbsite makes up to 98 vol.% of the bauxite ore in special cases. Gibbsite is accompanied by goethite in the ore. Boehmite occurs in
small amounts and is usually accompanied by hematite. Impurities include goethite, hematite, kaolinite, and minor relic quartz and
microcline. Kaolinite is the sole clay mineral encountered in the bauxite ore, suggesting mature soil profiles and a development of the
bauxite deposits on a well-drained peneplanation. Ore reserve estimates from the drilling data and surface geological mapping of the
deposits yielded bauxite reserves of about 37 million tonnes.
Ó 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
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358 M.K.D. Mutakyahwa et al. / Journal of African Earth Sciences 36 (2003) 357–369
Fig. 1. Geological overview of the northern area of the Usambara Mountains, indicating the localities of bauxite and related deposits in the area.
Fig. 2. Map showing the Mabughai-Mlomboza and Kidundai-Magamba plateaus bauxite in Lushoto District.
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3. Previous work
respectively. Monochronometer Cu-alpha rays were finally into a friable bauxite and kaolinitic–gibbsitic
employed in the analysis under the following conditions: saprolite (lithomarge) in deeper parts of the profiles.
Target: Cu, voltage 40 kV, current 20 mA, scanning These textural variations of the bauxite are similar to
speed 2 degrees per minute, scan range 2–70°, drive axis those described by Bardossy and Aleva (1990) and
2h. For oriented clay samples, the raw samples (sapro- Valeton et al. (1991) from other deposits.
lite) were soaked separately in distilled water and shaken
overnight to have all clay minerals in suspension. By 5.2. Ferricrete
using pipettes, suspensions from each sample containing
clay materials <2 lm were allowed to dry on glass The ferricrete horizon varies from a few centimeters
plates, from which the qualitative analyses of clay to 4 m in thickness. It is dark reddish-brown to reddish-
mineral composition was performed. Sixty five pulver- brown or yellowish brown. Usually this horizon is
ized samples were analysed for chemical composition massive and dense. In some places the ferricrete is
by X-ray fluorescence. Six hundred milligrams of nodular and brecciated or exhibits a porous (vuggy or
each sample were fused with 1000 mg of lithium tet- spongy) texture. With increasing depth, the ferricrete
raborate (flux) at 1200 °C to form glass beads which grades to the bauxite horizon. This horizon is not
were X-rayed using a PHILIPS 1410 Diffractometer. strictly typical ferricrete but rather a summital bauxite
About 60 samples of bauxite, ferricretes and saprolites crust with relatively high iron content by relative ac-
were thin sectioned for petrographic studies. The main cumulation process and loss of aluminium, resulting to
reason was to quantify the neoformed minerals: gibbsite, Fe–Al laterites. In this paper the term ferricrete has been
goethite, kaolinite and relic minerals. used following the definition by Aleva (1994).
A high-grade bauxite crust covers the Mabughai- The bauxite ore is pinkish white to brownish white. It
Mlomboza and Magamba-Kidundai plateaus. A thick is porous, hard to friable, and light in weight. Where
weathered mantle, which is over 100 m thick has de- porous bauxite exists, it has a vesicular (vuggy) texture.
veloped on these plateaus. Similar lateritic bauxite de- As pore size and porosity decrease with increasing
posits have been discussed elsewhere by Valeton (1983) depth, the bauxite becomes fine and friable, and acquires
and Bardossy and Aleva (1990). The mantle grades from a box-work texture. This bauxite crust grades down into
a ferricrete horizon into a bauxite horizon down to the the friable soft kaolinite–gibbsitic saprolite (Fig. 4A and
saprolite and B/C-horizons. These horizons differ in B). Conspicuous minerals in both ferricrete and bauxite
thickness from 4 to 40 m depending on the topography, include gibbsite, goethite, hematite and kaolinite.
which governs the groundwater table in the area. Fig. 5 Gibbsite has a shiny and platy structure in hand speci-
indicates the succession of different horizons developed men (using a hand lens). Goethite is usually yellowish
in the entire soil profile of the area. brown while hematite is red. Both minerals are the main
sources of bauxite colouration. Maghemite and mag-
5.1. Pisoliths netite were identified by their magnetic properties.
Sparsely distributed fractured quartz grains occur in the
The top surface of the bauxite deposit on these pla- bauxite.
teaus consists of angular to sub-rounded bauxite, go-
ethitic–hematite and maghemite pisoliths which are up 5.4. Saprolite
to 15 cm in diameter (Fig. 3A and B). Small pisoliths,
which are less than 0.5 cm in diameter are mainly ma- The saprolite horizon consists mainly of kaolinite
ghemite or magnetite. The bigger pisoliths contain an that can be distinguished by its white colour. Gibbsite is
aluminous core, which is whitish composed mainly of seldom observed as shiny plate crystals, whereas go-
gibbsite and kaolinite. Alternate episodes of wet and dry ethite and hematite are recognized by their yellowish
conditions led to the formation of smooth pisoliths or brown and red colours respectively. Relic quartz in the
concretions of varying shapes. These concretions may saprolite is fractured, probably due to the dissolution
have their centers filled with gibbsite (bauxite core) process. The bauxitic profiles of the Usambara Moun-
surrounded by a goethite–hematite cortex or may be tains contain newly formed textures and structures as
entirely gibbsitic (bauxite) or iron oxide. The textures of well as newly formed minerals. Kidundai bauxite is an
such pisoliths indicate the polycylic nature of the profiles exceptionally high-grade massive ore. This bauxite
(Boulange, 1984; Aleva, 1994). The pisoliths overlie probably formed by a complete alteration of the peg-
ferricrete and vuggy bauxite. The vuggy bauxite layer matitic body. The alteration of the pegmatite seems to
changes downward into a hard and massive bauxite, and be isovolumetric, with all its relict textures preserved.
M.K.D. Mutakyahwa et al. / Journal of African Earth Sciences 36 (2003) 357–369 361
may or may not be present. In thin sections kaolinite encountered in most samples indicated high crystallinity,
worms or pseudomorphs after feldspars were seen. suggesting excellent drainage conditions in the area and
Whole rock powder mount XRD mineralogical analyses mature soil profiles. Kaolinite formation is an indicative
of selected samples are presented in Table 2. Two dif- of a leaching regime that is very effective in removing
ferent generations of kaolinite were observed. The first silicon. Under such conditions kaolinite slowly weathers,
generation, kaolinite (I), resulted from alteration of pri- resulting in decomposition of layer sheets into silicic acid
mary minerals like feldspars. The second generation, e.g. which is soluble and is removed by leaching, promoting
kaolinite (II), is considered to have crystallized from the formation of gibbsite (Foth, 1990). In ferricretes, the
aluminous solutions and allogenic kaolinite (Beissner, crystallinity of kaolinite is always poor because of the
1989). The latter type of kaolinite is restricted to pores Fe3þ substitution in the kaolinite structure (Mestdagh
and fissures in the Box-horizons (ferricrete and bauxite). et al., 1980; Bravard and Righi, 1988). The effect of gly-
In the Box-horizons kaolinite is commonly replaced by colation to kaolinite is noted by the shortening of peaks
gibbsite or in the presence of iron by goethite. The same by 30–50%. There is no emergence of other peaks after
has been reported from other areas (M€ uller and Bocqu- glycolation of samples. This proved that these are mature
ier, 1986). Although much of the formed kaolinite is soils lacking swelling clays. When the sample is heated to
dissolved leading to the formation of gibbsite in bauxite, 500 °C, the kaolinite, gibbsite and boehmite peaks dis-
fine kaolinite and even kaolinite worms, which have not appear. The bauxite ore in the Usambara Mountains is
suffered desilication can still be identified in the Box- characterized by the presence of gibbsite and boehmite as
horizons. This type of kaolinite is usually stained by main aluminium oxide minerals. Gibbsite which is a
goethite and spotted by hematite. Well crystallized gamma modification of Al(OH)3 , occurred in all samples
kaolinite usually shows all distinct peaks 7.19, 4.44, 4.35, from the Box-horizons and in the saprolites. Gibbsite
4.15 and 3.56 A . Good crystallinity reflects excellent ranges from 80 to 98 vol.% in bauxite ores, which is the
drainage conditions, which eventually leads to the alter- same trend as that of high water content (LOI) in the
ation of the kaolinite into gibbsite. The type of kaolinite samples (Table 1, Fig. 8A and B). In ferricrete samples it
Table 1
Major elements composition (wt.%) of bauxite ores and clay samples (Panel A); trace elements composition (ppm) for selected samples (Panel B)
Sample no. Al2 O3 Fe2 O3 SiO2 K2 O CaO MgO TiO2 H2 Oþ
Panel A
3a 60.62 10.50 1.25 n.d. 0.08 0.06 n.d. 27.49
3b 33.17 14.01 35.05 n.d. 0.06 0.06 n.d. n.d.
4b 56.44 3.39 13.18 0.07 0.72 0.09 n.d. n.d.
6 50.44 3.26 31.53 n.d. 0.06 0.07 n.d. n.d.
7a 58.20 5.64 10.53 n.d. 0.29 0.07 n.d. 25.27
7b 63.70 8.85 1.08 n.d. 0.27 0.07 n.d. 26.03
7c 60.34 10.89 1.65 n.d. 0.56 0.08 n.d. 26.40
MB12 42.90 22.90 3.15 0.06 0.01 0.04 1.24 n.d.
Table 1 (continued)
Sample no. Al2 O3 Fe2 O3 SiO2 K2 O CaO MgO TiO2 H2 Oþ
MB13 51.00 11.30 1.64 n.d. 0.01 n.d. 0.69 n.d.
MB14 54.20 5.59 4.44 n.d. n.d. 0.05 0.62 n.d.
MB15 54.70 7.66 0.44 0.03 n.d. n.d. 0.88 n.d.
MB16 51.10 7.19 0.52 n.d. n.d. 0.03 1.03 n.d.
MB17 39.80 16.90 11.10 n.d. n.d. 0.05 1.38 n.d.
Panel B
Sample 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 125 126 127 128 129
Table 2
Mineralogical composition as estimated from X-ray diffraction and normative calculations from chemical composition by XRF (methodology after
Beissner, 1989)
Sample no. Mineral composition
Gibbsite Boehmite Kaolinite Qtz/Fld Ght/Hm
3a xxxx n.d. n.d. traces traces
3b traces n.d. xxx traces traces
4b xxxx n.d. n.d x(F) n.d.
6 xxxx n.d. n.d. x(Q) n.d.
7a xxx n.d. x x n.d.
7b xxxx x n.d n.d. n.d.
7c xxxx traces n.d. n.d. traces
8b xxxx xx n.d. n.d. traces
11 traces n.d. xxxx x n.d.
12a xxx n.d. x n.d. x
12b xxxx n.d. x n.d. n.d.
116 xxxx n.d. x n.d. n.d.
112 xxxx n.d. x n.d. x
113 xxxx x n.d. n.d. n.d.
117 xxxx x n.d. n.d. n.d.
Note: The percentage of minerals is given in a symbol form as follows: xxxx ¼ >90%, xxx ¼ 75–90%, xx ¼ 10–20%, x ¼ 5–10%, Qtz ¼ quartz,
Fld ¼ feldspar, Ght ¼ goethite, Hm ¼ hematite, traces ¼ <5%, n.d. ¼ not detected.
366 M.K.D. Mutakyahwa et al. / Journal of African Earth Sciences 36 (2003) 357–369
Boehmite is a neoformed mineral detected by XRD sub-cluster (3b) comprise of the elements that have the
in small quantities. Though it is not common for this affinity to manganese oxides. Manganese oxides are
mineral to occur in lateritic bauxites, it is likely that known to be scavengers for trace elements. However,
some gibbsite may be incipiently transformed into bo- relic minerals like sillimanite, monazite and opaques
ehmite by dehydration as it has been described else- may play an important role on the sub-cluster (3b).
where by Chesworth (1975), Trolard and Tardy (1987, K2 O–Rb–Co–TiO2 –Cr cluster (3c) comprise of ele-
1989). Tardy and Nahon (1985), Trolard and Tardy ments which are known to have affinity to neoformed
(1989) experimentally demonstrated the formation of titanium minerals like leucoxene and anatase. These
such minerals by means of thermodynamic conditions elements are as well associated with relic rutile, ilmenite
under which they crystallize, that is the variation of and magnetite. The affinity of bauxitophilic elements
temperature and moisture. The first cluster of elements like Ti or Al to strongly depleted elements like K, Sr,
SiO2 , CaO and MgO can be explained by the presence Ba, Na and Ca has been discussed by Boski and
of kaolinite in the bauxite. Owing to high cation ex- Herbosch (1990). In the cluster 2 (Al2 O3 , H2 Oþ , Na2 O
change capacity of Ca and Mg, the two elements may and SO3 ), water is attributed to gibbsite structural
be fixed on kaolinite and gibbsite (Boski and Herbosch, water, while Na and S are strongly depleted in bauxite.
1990). Some amount of silica is due to residual relic Their small amounts in the bauxite indicate the affinity
quartz. Where the silica content rises above 12 wt.% in of these elements to gibbsite. The ternary plots SiO2 –
bauxitic ores, the presence of reactive silica in form of Al2 O3 –Fe2 O3 and SiO2 –H2 O–Fe2 O3 (Fig. 8A and B),
kaolinite is assumed. Sub-cluster (3a) reflects the ab- indicate that the lateritization process in the Usambara
sorption of V, Sr, and La on goethite and hematite. Mountains favoured the bauxitization through alu-
This group of elements is again highly correlatable with minium mobilization. This is in agreement with
group three and four (Fig. 7) MnO–Ba–P2 O5 –Ce–Cu Schellmann (1979, 1982) in the classification of laterites
as the ternary diagrams from the Usambara bauxite
ores provide the same trend.
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