Aquifer Airlift Testing
Aquifer Airlift Testing
Aquifer Airlift Testing
by Hank Baski
Colorado Springs
January 12, 2008
Overview Aquifer Airlift Testing
air-water mixture
600 water level
Principles of Operation:
1. Aerated column is lighter than submergence
(think of a lake and then progress to a well)
2. Aerated column during pumping + friction loss = submergence
3. Empirical relationships are “state-of-the-art”. Probably, it’s
impossible to derive and/or calculate accurate formulas describing
requirements and performance of all air-lift operations.
Key Definitions: Example Specifications:
• Pumping Submergence • 8 inch borehole or well pipe I.D.
PS % = (APD - PWL) / APD • 2 inch air pipe I.D.
APD = Air Pipe Depth • 40% pumping submergence
PWL = Pumping Water Level • 1900 cfm air compressor delivery
• Static Submergence • 450 gpm air-lift pumping capacity
SS psi = APD - SWL
APD = Air Pipe Depth
SWL = Static Water Level
Sources: Why Air-lift Pumping Tests by Hank Baski (Feb’79), Baski Inc. Catalog #6
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Basics Aquifer Airlift Testing
• Maximize water production by using 1/3 of casing I.D for the air
pipe O.D.
• Calculate air compressor volume requirement for 6,000 feet/min.
velocity in annulus
• Pressure requirement for “unloading” is submergence (in PSI)
plus 10 to 20% more
600 water level
PVC piezometer pipe
(actual water level inside)
air-water mixture
orifice meter
Source: “Groundwater and Wells” by Fletcher G. Driscoll / Johnson Screen (Weatherford), Second Edition
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Step Pumping & Well Efficiency Aquifer Airlift Testing
10 100 1,000 C log time [min]
“Groundwater and Wells”
by Fletcher G. Driscoll /
Johnson Screen
Second Edition
Water Level Theoretical assuming
Actual (Extrapolated) well efficiency
Drawdown Drawdown remains the
Pumping same over
Water Level
Air-lift pumping proves the cheapest & most effective aquifer test
Evolution, Design, and Advantages
• Air-lift pumping was used before
• At least 80% of the aquifer tests that I
have conducted used air-lift pumping
• Advantages include: There are some disadvantages:
– Readily available equipment – Limited by minimum
(difficult to obtain conventional pumps submergence requirements
for well diameters < 4 inch or for – Not well understood
productions > 2,000 gpm) – Air compressor availability may
– Dependability (no moving parts so high be limited
sand pumping rates are no problem, no
expensive components to lose)
– Lower cost, normally. . .
Political Legal
(1990s) (1970s)
Dogmatic Beliefs
Environmental Economic
(1980s) (1970s)
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