Product (17) PDF PDF
Product (17) PDF PDF
Product (17) PDF PDF
I further declare that this report is based on the original report undertaken
by me and has not formed a basis for the award of any other
Degree/Diploma of RCU or any other University.
Man, has worked hard from the earliest times to develop synthetic materials Alchemists
tried to develop new materials which would offer benefits not found in the natural
products around him. PVC is one of the oldest synthetic materials with the longest
history in industrial production. Its early history is of multiple and accidental discovery
in different places at different times as well as unsuccessful quests for commercial
Henry Victor Renault discovered PVC Early researchers accidentally discovered PVC
on at least two occasions in the 19th century. The first, in 1838, was by the French
physicist and chemist Henri Victor Renault and the second in 1872 by the German
Eugen Baumann. On both occasions, the polymer appeared as a white solid inside flasks
of the newly discovered vinyl chloride gas that had been left exposed to sunlight. The
material was difficult to work with and no one mastered the challenge of commercial
In 1913, German inventor Friedrich Heinrich August Klatte took out a patent on PVC.
His method used polymerization of vinyl chloride with sunlight. The most significant
breakthrough occurred in the United States when the company BF Goodrich hired the
industrial scientist Waldo Semen to develop a synthetic replacement for the
increasingly costly natural rubber. His experiments again produced polyvinyl chloride.
However, the material was threatened by the recession in the 1920s and it was under
threat of abandonment that Semen conceived the idea of PVC as a water resistant
coating for fabrics. Sales took off quickly with a rapidly expanding product range.
Demand accelerated again during the Second World War, when PVC quickly replaced
traditional material to insulate wiring on military ships.
During the 1950's many more companies started to produce PVC and volumes
increased dramatically around the world. Developers quickly found further, innovative
uses through the decade and refined methods to enhance durability, opening the door
to applications in the building trades. By the middle of the 20th century, five companies
were producing PVC, and ground-breaking uses for PVC, or ‘vinyl’ as it is also known,
continued to be found during the 1960s. A vinyl-based latex was used on inflatable
structures and fabric coatings, and at the same time, methods for improving PVC's
durability were developed, allowing applications in the building industry.
PVC products rapidly became essential to the construction industry; the plastic's
resistance to light, chemicals and corrosion made it the best option for building
applications. Improvement made to the materials’ resistance to extreme temperatures,
allowed for PVC to be transporting water to thousands of homes and industries. By the
1980s, twenty companies were producing PVC. Today, PVC is the third largest-selling
commodity plastic in the world after polyethylene and polypropylene. PVC's low cost,
excellent durability and process ability, make it the material of choice for dozens of
industries such as health care, IT, transport, textiles and construction.
Background of study
1) It helps in a clean mix creation – Your marketing mix should have all the P’s
compatible with each other. The price should be compatible with the placement of the
product. The product should be compatible with the promotions. In general, all the P’s
are intrinsically linked to each other.
As a result, when you are making a marketing mix, it becomes a chain of strong bonds.
And these bonds then guide you forward in making the chain longer. Whenever you are
considering adding a new feature or changing existing things, you have to look at the
overall picture, which helps in creating a clean marketing mix for the product.
3) Marketing mix helps increase the product portfolio – Whenever you want to
increase the product depth or product line and length, you have to make minor changes
to the product. In essence, You are making minor changes in the marketing mix itself.
You are making changes to the product features, to its pricing and possible to its
promotions. As a result, by altering the marketing mix and certain features within it,
you can end up with an enlarged product portfolio.
The importance of marketing mix is evident in more than a single P. People and process
are important to the organization too and optimizing both can improve the overall
working of the organization. Hence, marketing mix is an excellent guide if someone
wants to improve their business and is doing gap analysis.
The competitor might have poor placement of products or he might have the wrong
process or the wrong people in place. All this can be improved upon giving you a better
marketing mix and therefore a competitive advantage in the market.
6) Finally, it helps you in being dynamic – A company which is well prepared is also
prepared when disaster strikes. During recession or during a poor business environment,
a company should be ready to respond. At such times, the company needs to be dynamic
in nature. Such a company needs to understand its product, processes, people,
promotions and all other P’s better. If it understands them, it will respond with a better
Thus, there are many ways that marketing mix may be important to an organization.
The best part is, analysing and understanding the marketing mix is not a lengthy
procedure and the ROI on the time spent is much higher.
The set of controllable tactical marketing tools-product, price, place and promotion
that the firm blends to produce the response it wants in the target market.
Types in product
I. Consumer products
II. Industrial products
Consumer products are those products which are bought by final consumer for
personal consumption
These are the consumer products that the consumer usually buys frequently,
immediately, and with minimum of comparison and buying effort
Ex: Toothpaste
Consumer goods that the customer, in the process of selection and purchase,
characteristically compares on such bases as suitability, quality, price, and
Ex: Furniture
Consumer product with unique characteristics or brand identification for
which a significant group of buyers is willing to make a special purchase
Ex: Rolex watches
Consumer product that the consumer either does not know about or knows
about but does not normally think of buying
Ex: Life insurance
Product bought by individuals and organization for further processing or for use in
conducting a business
Ex: Manufactured materials and parts consist of component materials (iron, yarn,
cement, wires) and component parts (small motors, tires, castings)
The amount of money charged for a product or service or sums of the values that
consumers exchange for the benefits of having or using the product or services.
Value-based pricing
Setting prices based on buyers perception of values rather than on the seller’s cost.
Here Price is considered along with the other marketing mix variables before the
marketing program is set.
Cost-based pricing
Setting prices based on the costs for producing distributing and selling the product
plus a fair rate of return for effort and risk.
Fixed cost
Variable cost
Total cost
Value-added pricing
Good-value pricing
Cost-plus pricing
Adding a standard mark-up to the cost of the product. Construction companies for
example submit job bids by estimating the total project cost and adding a standard
mark-up for profit.
Break-even pricing
Setting prices to break even on the costs of making and marketing a product; or
setting prices to make a target profit.
Pricing strategies usually change as the product passes through its life cycle.
1) Market-Skimming pricing
Setting a high price for a new product to skim maximum revenues layer by layer
from the segments willing to pay the high price; the company makes fewer but
more profitable sales.
2) Market-penetration pricing
Setting low price for a new product in order to attach a large number of and a
large market share
The strategies for setting a products price is often changed when the product is
part of product mix.
Place refers to the selection of a mix of different types of distribution channels for
transmitting the goods from producer to the final customer.
Distribution channel
A set of interdependent organizations that help make a product or service available for
use or consumption by the consumer or business user.
Retailer Retailer
Retailers Dealers
All activities involved in selling products or services directly to final consumers for
their personal, non-business use. Many institutions –manufactures wholesalers, and
retailers – do retailing.
A business whose sales come primarily from retailing. Most of the retailing is done by
the retailer.
Types of retailers
Specialty stores
A retail store that carries a narrow product line with a deep assortment within
that line
Ex: Furniture store
Department store
A retail organization that carries a wide variety of product lines-each line is
operated as a separate department managed by specialist buyers or
Ex: Big bazaar
Super market
Large, low-cost, low-margin, high-volume, self-service store that carries a
wide variety of grocery and house hold products.
Ex: Food bazaar
Convenience store
A small store, located near a residential area, that is open long hours seven
days a week and carries a limited line of high-turnover convenience goods.
Ex: Kiraana store
Super store
A store much larger than a regular super market that offers a large assortment
of routinely purchased food products, non-food items, and services.
Ex; super mart centre
Discount store
A retail operation that sells standard merchandise at lower prices by excepting
lower margins and selling at higher volumes.
Ex: Wal-Mart
Factory outlet
Off-price retailing operation that is owned and operated by a manufacturer that
normally carries the manufactures surplus, discontinued, or irregular goods.
All activities involved in selling goods and services to those buying for resale or
business use.
Advantages wholesaler
Types of wholesalers
Characteristics of promotion
Informing act: providing data into the consumer’s mindful and appreciative
thought process to ensure that promoted product is considered as an
attractive option in consumption.
Promotion mix
The specific blend of advertising, sales promotion, public relations, personal selling,
and direct-marketing tools that the company uses to persuasively communicate
costumer value and build costumer relationship.
IMC calls for recognizing all contact points where the costumer may encounter the
company and its brands. Each brand contact will deliver a massage, whether good,
bad, or indifferent. The company wants to deliver a consistent and positive massage
with each contact IMC leads to a total marketing communication strategy aimed at
building strong customer relationships by showing how the company and its products
can help costumers solve their problems.
IMC ties together all the company’s massage and images. The company’s television
and print advertisements have the same massage, look and feel has its E-mail and
personal selling communication.
The communicator must now select channels of communication. There are two broad
types of communication channels
Each promotion tool has unique characteristics and costs. Marketers must understand
these characteristics in shaping the promotion mix.
Public relations is very believable-news stories, features, sponsorships and
events seem more real and believable to readers than ads do. Public relations
can also reach many prospects who avoid sales people and advertisements- the
massage gets to the buyers as “news” rather than as a sales-directed
communication. And, as with advertising, public relations can dramatize a
company or product. Marketers tend to underuse public relations or to use it as
an afterthought.
Although there are many forms of direct marketing- direct mail and catalogs,
telephone marketing, online marketing, and others-they all share four
distinctive characteristics. Direct marketing is interactive; it allows a dialogue
between the marketing team and the customer, and massages can be altered
depending on the consumer’s response. Thus, direct marketing is well suited
to highly targeted marketing efforts and to building one-to-one customer
Marketers can choose from two basic promotion mix strategies there are
Push strategy
A promotion strategy that calls for using the sales force and trade promotion to
push the product through channels. The producer promotes the product to
channel members to induce them to carry the product and to promote it to final
activities activities
Pull strategy
A promotion strategy that calls for spending a lot on advertising and consumer
promotion to induce final consumer to buy the product if the pull strategy is
effective, consumers will then demand the product from channel members,
who will in turn demand it from producers.
Nature of data:
The nature of data collected for the study of the working capital management is
secondary data from the company. In order to draw meaningful inferences the
collected data are analysed with help of financial ratios.
Primary data
Secondary data
1) Primary data: -
Primary data is the one collected for the first time. It is very original in
characters. Here primary data is collected from the financial executive through
personal discussion and interaction.
2) Secondary data: -
Secondary data involves the data that have been already collected by someone
else for their own reference or study
Data sources:
Sample Designs:
Company Logo:
Serve water projects, construction activities and agriculture on global level to ensure
customer satisfaction.
Board meetings Monthly
Staff meeting Weekly
Vehicles 2
Number of employees
Official workers 30
Non-official workers 40
Capital details
Sadanand PVC Pvt Ltd is limited liability company with authorized capital Rs
1,00,00,00 Shareholders of Sadanand PVC Pvt Ltd can ‘not sell or transfer their
shares without offering them first to other shareholders for purchase in company.
1,00,00,000 1,00,00,000
Management Team
The modern plant at Siddapur, Jamkhandi, Bagalkot Dist. Karnataka State. Spread
over 4 acres of land to manufacture a wide range of high grade high performance,
rigid PVC pipes and fittings, with competitive costs and the expertise required to
satisfy customer demand across industries.
Advanced Technology:
The plant has installed the latest Kabra Extrusion machinery from Batten field with
German collaboration to manufacture rigid PVC pipes.
Commitment to quality:
Products manufactured at SPP are of industry standards and undergo strict quality
Policy of Quality:
We are committed to produce and supply products to meet our customer’s
We shall continually strive to improve the effective of our quality management
We shall train and motivate our employees for continual improvement.
We are conscious of our responsibility towards safety, health and environment.
Quality is what think, act and believe in.
To achieve customer satisfaction is the basic philosophy of the organization.
SWOT Analysis:
The company has good brand image among the customer.
Quality management team.
Good capacity of production.
Focuses on quality of the product.
Limited branches.
Advertisement are done through print media & Wall paint only.
Introduction its new production.
Agricultural promotion schemes by government and other agencies.
This chapter deals with PVC pipe industry from beginning of its an era and
various contains those are used for manufacturing of final production. This is
more to deal with competitors and SWOT analysis that helps to make future
developments in soft and hard planning of future plans. Sadanand PVC pipe
products which are more useful to save water in most of the north Karnataka areas
and products like drip pipes, Sprinkler.
Policy of Quality
We are committed to produce and supply products to meet our customer’s
We shall continually strive to improve the effect of our quality management
We shall train and motivate our employees for continual improvements.
We are conscious of our responsibility towards safety, health and
Quality is what we think , act and believe in it.
To achieve customer satisfaction is the basic philosophy of the organization.
The modern plant at Siddapur, Jamakhandi, Bagalkot Dist. Karnataka State. Spread
over 4 acres of land to manufacture a wide range of high grade high performance,
rigid PVC pipes and fittings, with competitive costs and the expertise required to
satisfy customer demand across industries.
Quality of Service
We are committed to produce and supply products to meet our customer’s needs.
Manufacturing section
Quality control
Maintenance department
2. Administration Department
Administration section
Security section
3. Finance Department
4. Marketing section
Sales Department
Store Department
5. H R Department
Finance is the life blood of the business one cannot imagine a business without finance
department because it is the central point of all business activities. Finance department
of SPPL factory plays a very important role as it is here that decision with so
procurement & utilization of funds are taken. Such decision includes the preparation of
the various budgets, allocation of funds for various activities or division of the firm as
well as distribution of the profits etc.
Marketing department
Objectives of marketing department
To analyse the demand
To conduct the sales promotional activities
To setup distribution channels
To identify target and potential market
Market research
The Human Resource Department refers to the systematic approach to the problem of
selection, training motivating and retaining personnel in any organization. It also
considers with planning, organizing, directing, controlling the personnel functions in
the organization.
Moulded Fittings:
Manufactured as per IS: 4985:2000 standard and available in different pressure class
2.5kg/cm2, 4kg/cm2, 6kg/cm2, 8kg/cm2, and 10kg/cm2 which are used in a variety of
applications like
Water supply
Sewage system
Domestic use
Water connection for buildings. Places, kitchens and Toilets in the residential
Tube well connections
Pipe lines for chemicals
As per IS Standards
PVC pipes are created by starting with molten mixture of materials and shaping
them around a cast. The cats are made to be the exact width of the pipe. The mixture
is poured into a cast and surrounded by outer shell. The complete set is then placed
into an oven to be cooked. Once the pipe has solidified, it is cooled and moved into
Sections of the pipe are then cut based on common sizes and needs. The sections are
then coated in a chlorine solution to prevent harmful bacteria from growing during
shipping and use. Once the coating is dried the ends of each section are finished. If
the pipe is a smooth connection the top of the pipe is sanded down to ensure a
perfectly flat surface for fitted pipes, a machine engraves a series of grooves into the
pipe. As the grooves on the pipe to remove excess PVC fragments. After the grooves
are added, the ends are smooth and the sections are sent into testing.
Raw material
purchase Accounts dept
Raw material Stores
Issues of
Mixed chemicals
Issues to Machine
Die Head
Proces e system
s Pipe cooling
Haul off
Auto rotary cuter
Crushing and adding Auto socketing
5% of quantity to the
original chemicals of
Quality Check
Reject Accept
Finished Goods
Production Process:
1. Raw material purchase:
On demand and capacity of production, finance department finances the
factory to purchase raw materials as per third party’s quotation.
3. Mixed compounding:
As there requires more than one chemical to be compounded for a
homogeneous of mixtures. Store keeper issues the chemicals using fixed
formula for the production of PVC pipes.
5.Quality Check:
Quality checking department is one of the important departments to any
manufacturing units. This helps the organization to acquire market shares,
moreover retention of their valuable customers. Quality inspection should be
made very keenly. Here after such keen inspection either product is accepted
or rejected for the failure in the quality.
After accepting and matching with the quality the very next step is to
record the unit by shift in-charge.
When there is a reject of a particular product in manufacturing is
because the lack of quality or damages (minor/ major) been found at
shifts. So such rejected pieces are again recycled through extruder
process where 5% of the rejected piece being added to the fresh raw
As per demand by customers, loading is the responsibility of manufacturing
units they should take proper care while loading and transportation. Facilities
affiliated to loading and transportation are:
a. Vehicle facility.
b. Insurance facility.
c. Minimum transportation cost.
d. Bear of uncertainties (fire, accidents etc).
Pipe is a tube or hollow cylinder for the conveyance of fluid. The terms "pipe" and
"tubing" are almost interchangeable. "Tube" is often made to custom sizes and may
have more specific sizes and tolerances than pipe, depending on the application. The
term "tubing" can also be applied to tubes of a non-cylindrical nature (i.e. square
tubing). The term "tubing" is more widely used in the USA and "pipe" elsewhere in the
Pipe may be specified by standard pipe size designations, such as Nominal Pipe Size
(in the US), or by nominal, outside, or inside diameter and wall thickness. Many
industrial and government standards exist for the production of pipe and tubing.
Most pipes are made through extrusion, in-line with the direction of extrusion, die,
sizing or calibrating device or tank, water cooling tank, conveyor, and cutter, if needed,
and take off equipment at the end of the line. The line could include a marking device
or a testing device. An important requirement is to cool the extruder rather fast near the
die while keeping control of dimensions and properties.
Included in the processes are various techniques to control the dimensions/sizes that are
either free drawn melts (usually for the small diameter tubes) or sizing features. The
total cost of producing the pipe could include material costs of up to 80%. The goal is
always to get a tighter tolerance control to reduce material consumption. Dimensional
and/or thickness calibrating disks of different designs are used.
A combination of the melt properties, rate of the line speed, internal air pressure, and
rate of cooling influences the size of the tube. The melt drawdown ratio from the die
into the water cooling trough is directly related to the final size of the tube. Depending
on the plastics being processed, the ratio ranges from 4/1 to 10/1. Using low ratios helps
to minimize extruded-in stresses, which can lead to problems related to shrinking and
stress cracking.
Depending on the characteristics of the plastics being processed, shrinkage can occur
within 24 hours period after leaving the processing line. The tube or pipe may also be
subjected to annealing and other post conditions that could affect the degree of
There are many different ways pipe and tube products used in moving liquids, gases,
solids, and so forth. They can be shaped to provide decorations, safety supports, and so
1) Operate to minimize outer diameter (OD) and internal diameter (ID) tolerances;
2) Improve in pipe quality and properties via studying gains with compounding
ingredients and blending procedures used;
HR Manager
Sr. Engineers
Security guards
PVC pipes are used in many housing, Irrigation and commercial construction
applications, it is important that each pipe is tested to ensure quality. To do so, the
pipes are tested for their seal, connection and strength. The seal tests are conducted
by adding a special cement to the pipe and allowing it to dry. Once this is complete,
a series of liquid are passed through the pipes at high pressure. If no leaks occur, the
cement is removed and the section is cleaned. For fitted pipes, a similar process
takes place without the cement the final test of the pipes is to ensure their strength.
This is completed by using several processes that push weight down on the pipe of
the selection does not break or show stress points, it is sent for packaging and
shipping. If a section files at any point in the process. It is sent back to be melted
down and reconstructed.
The SADANAND PVC PVT LTD has adopted cost based pricing methods which is
20 0.50
25 0.75
32 1.00
40 1.25 0.00 40.82 131 155
50 1.50 0.00 59.25 190 226
63 2.00 0.00 63.89 205 243 92.82 298 354
75 2.50 0.00 90.11 289 343 130.82 420 498
90 3.00 88.10 282.86 335.72 126.66 407 482 186.91 600 712
110 4.00 129.10 414.50 491.96 185.39 595 706 273.88 879 1044
140 5.00 194.50 624.47 741.17 305.37 980 1163 452.08 1451 1723
160 6.00 258.50 829.96 985.06 404.49 1299 1541 584.50 1877 2227
180 7.00 329.00 1056.31 1253.71 518.81 1666 1977 735.10 2360 2801
200 8.00 415.10 1332.75 1581.80 638.38 2050 2433 935.10 3002 3563
225 9.00 535.10 1718.03 2039.08 820.77 2635 3128 1175.10 3773 4478
250 10.00 657.00 2109.41 2503.60 1002.07 3217 3817 1465.90 4707 5586
10 kg
The SADANAND PVC PVT LTD is use the Direct and also the Indirect channel of
distribution to selling their products to the customers.
Retailer Retailer
The SADANAND PVC PVT LTD has good publicity that's why they adopt the
WORD OF MOUTH promotion activity, and they print attractive leaflets and
catalogues etc. And, the dealers are doing some other promotional activities.
The PVC Handbook pegged the worldwide consumption of PVC resin in 2002 to be
26.5 million Metric tonnes. The pie chart in Figure 1 apportions that consumption by
region, while the pie chart in Figure 2 does so by application.
Combined, the two pie charts offer a rough estimate of the PVC pipe and fittings
markets in North America and Western Europe. It is these two markets that will be
examined further for the remainder of the paper. For the North American PVC pipe and
fittings market, the pie charts would give a rough estimate of 2.7 million metric tonnes.
(Of the 26.5 million metric tonnes consumed globally, 25% - or 6.6 million metric
tonnes - went to North America. Of the 6.6
million metric tonnes of PVC resin going to
North America, 40% - or 2.7 million metric
tonnes - went into PVC pipe and fittings.)
For the Western European PVC pipe and fittings market, the pie charts would give a
rough estimate of 2.4 million metric tonnes. (Of the 26.5 million metric tonnes
consumed globally, 23% - or 6.1 million metric
tonnes - went to Western Europe. Of the 6.1
million metric tonnes of PVC resin going to
Western Europe, 40% - or 2.4 million metric
tonnes - went into PVC pipe and fittings.
PVC is one of the oldest synthetic materials which a longest history in industrial
production. Its early history is multiple discovers in different place at different times.
Early research defines PVC on at least two occasions in the 19th century. The first,
in 1838, was by the German Eugene Baumann.
In 1913, German inventor Friedrich Heinrich August Kaltte took out patent on PVC.
The most breakthroughs occurred in the United states. However, the material was
threatened by the recession in the 1920's.
During the 1950's many more companies are started to produce PVC and volumes
increase around the world. Developer found further innovative uses and refined
methods to enhance durability. The middle 20th century, five companies were
producing PVC. PVC products rapidly became essential to the construction industry.
Improvement made to the materials resistances to allow for PVC to be transporting
water to thousands of homes and industries.
The main application of PVC in India is basically in pipes. India is eighth major
consumer of plastic in the world and the plastic industries are expected to grow
around 10-20% per annum for the next five years (if that was not banned). The
global PVC pipes demand is expected to grow around by 4% per annum. Further on-
going irrigations benefit program given in infrastructure developed in India.
As per latest estimation, global demand for PVC if growing at 4% per annum and the
Indian industry is expecting to grow at 10% in coming years. Considering the resent
government policy increasing private demand, requirement of PVC pipes is expected
to grow at about 20% over the next five years.
PVC and pipes more demanded in housing, rainwater harvesting and irrigation
projects along with domestic demand and other small scale industries. The micro
irrigation opportunity in the country around Rs.61,500 corer in the next decade and
more than 85% pipes requirement from PVC sector only.
Today PVC is the third largest-selling commodity plastic in the world after
polyethylene and polypropylene. PVC's low cost, excellent durability and process
ability, make it the material of choice for dozens of industries such as health care, IT,
transport textiles and constructions.
Worldwide, extruder lines are the largest converters of plastics and can be considered
the most important production machinery in the plastic industry. Commercially,
extrusion lines are target to give advantages with regard to operating cost (output per
hour). It is possible to produce throughout extrusion films, sheets, profiles, pipes,
tubes, rods, wire coverings, coatings, filaments, blown shapes and many others. Pipes
are one of the most important parts made by extrusion, and it has a wide range of
applications, especially in the industry. The two main reasons that make them
attractive to the processors and markets are their almost unlimited range of
applications and their continuous production capabilities to meet new market
The production of thermoplastic pipe systems is a major industry which accounts for a
significant volume of polymers. Use of plastics materials by the building industry
represents the second largest worldwide market for polymers. For pipe production this
amount to a total market demands of nearly 3 million tons in Europe for 2000's.
Plastic pipes started commercial production during the late 1930's. There are different
definitions that are usually associated with the different industries (plumbing, gas
transmission lines, beverages, medical, mining, etc.). The most known and acceptable
is that pipe is a rigid, hollow, long and larger piece in diameter than tubes. Tubing’s
are basically the same except they are flexible and smaller in diameter with thin walls
up to 6 in.
This paper covers the production of PVC pipes made by extrusion, a market study and
the machinery and equipment’s needed for a PVC extrusion line.
Market Study
Because of the nature of the building industry, demand for pipe products tends to be
cyclical, with reflections in the economy. Rapidly fluctuating polymer prices and
pressure on prices from the consumer end have led to an unstable environment with
producer margins being eroded. Many years of recession, notably in the construction
industry, have slowed the development of the market which is plagued with
overcapacity. The structure of the industry has thus been subject to considerable change
and upheaval in recent years.
Twenty per cent of all the resin sold in the world today, consists of PVC. It is the second
most used plastics material in the world. The PVC global market size in 2007 was
around 32.2 million tonnes, and the forecast for 2016 is about 45 million tonnes
according researched data The largest worldwide consumption market in 2007 was
mainly due to U.S. and Canada, responsible for 25% of all PVC resin consumption in
the world, while Brazilian market was responsible only for 2% of worldwide
consumption. Pipes and fittings constitute the largest volume application at 40% of the
global market with profiles at 17%.
The PVC consumption per capita in 2006 in Brazil was about 4 kg/habitants, a low
consumption when compared to North American consumption that was about 15 kg/
After many years of stagnation, Brazilian PVC market faces a very good moment,
especially due to building and construction industry. The credit for housing was
increased by Brazilian Government from $ 2,5 billion to $ 5,1 billion in order to reduce
the housing deficit, 350,000 houses were financed last year and 560,000 are expected
to be in 2016
Questionnaires have advantages over some other types of surveys in that they are
cheap, do not require as much effort from the questioner as verbal or telephone surveys,
and often have standardized answers that make it simple to compile data. However,
such standardized answers may frustrate users. Questionnaires are also sharply limited
by the fact that respondents must be able to read the questions and respond to them.
a. Practical
c. Can be carried out by the researcher or others who are directly or indirectly
related to the topics chosen.
f. When data has been quantified, it can be used to compare and contrast other
research and may be used to measure change.
g. Positivists believe that quantitative data can be used to create new theories and
test existing hypothesis etc.
0% 2%
Factory Wholesaler/ Retailers Not Spacific
The above graph represents that 68% of the dealers purchase PVC pipes from
wholesalers/ Distributors. And 30% of dealers purchase PVC pipes directly from the
factory, only 2% and are not specific and are buying according to their need and
20% 20%
Sadanand Finolex Kothari Jain
The above graph represents that 46% of the dealers’ preferences goes to Jain pipes,
next to that. 20% of each to Sadanand and Finolex and 14% preferences are with
Kothari pipes.
0% 0%
Yes No May be
The above graph represents all the respondents sell PVC pipes to wholesalers and
retailers, which shows 100% of result.
4. For which of the following purposes of sales do you purchase PVC pipes?
20% 14%
0% 0%
Agriculture Industry/Business Household others
The above graph represents 86% deals with Agriculture (i.e. B2C) and remaining 14%
which deals with the Industry and Business purpose,( i.e. B2B).
0% 0%
Yes No May be
The above graph represents the 100% and positive response of the customer price is
sensitive for Sadanand brand and the awareness of the company.
6. Out of the following sources, which source shall be your reference in purchasing
Sadanand Pipes (present/ future)?
Word of Advertisement/ Past track customers
Parameter mouth Marketing records Review
Respondents 12% 48% 22% 16%
50% 48%
20% 16%
Word of mouth Advertisment/ Past track records Existing customers
Marketing Review
The above graph represents about the reference made by dealers in selection of the
Brand Sadanand pipes (present and future). As 48% reference goes with their
advertisement and marketing, whereas only 12% dealers would choose by word of
90% 86%
10% 4%
Less than 50 51-100 101-150 151 and Above
The above graph, which represents about the purchase in units/ pieces monthly, the
highest number of dealers with 86% buy 151 units and above, whereas 4% of dealers
buy less than 50 units.
8. When it comes to the part of price negotiation, which of the Following brand is
convenient for you?
20% 20%
Sadanand Finolex Kothari Jain
The above graph represents about price negotiation and satisfaction. It is as same as
the brand preferences by dealers on the question No.6. 46% dealers satisfaction is
with jain pipes, 20% of each is with Sadanand and Finolex pipes remaining 14%
satisfaction is with Kothari pipes..
9. When talking about the brand name Sadanand, Which of the following comes to
your mind first?
50% 50%
0% 0%
Good quality roper supply Economical Price All the above
The above graph represents about the perception of all the dealers towards the brand
Sadanand pipes, as 50% of dealers talk about good quality and remaining 50% choose
the option No. 4 which includes Quality, Proper supply, Price.
10. Which of the following factors you consider most while purchasing from
Sadanand Company?
70% 68%
Only quality Only price Only brand name All the above
The above graph represents about the considering part in the selection of brand
Sadanand, where 68% of dealers are considering Quality, Price, Brand name. Only
Quality matters to 20% of dealers.
11. Do you want Sadanand's marketing team to come for approaching you every time
prior to the purchase?
Yes No May be
The above graph represents about the approach to dealers by sales representatives of
Sadanand company in purchasing their pipes that 40% of dealers asks each and every
time to be approached whereas, 26% of dealers don’t ask to be approached every
time, remaining 34% dealers says may be its of their mood which determines.
0% 0%
Yes No May be
The above graph represents about the customer relationship management by company
in retention of valuable dealers, to which 100% of dealers says its must to the
company to maintain CRM with everyone.
13. According to you, which of the following qualities are must to any company to
serve better?
TABLE No 5.13: Indicating the qualities that are must to any company.
Strong Excellent
Parameter Prestige Strategies team All the above
Respondents 10% 10% 50% 30%
Graph No 5.13: Representing the qualities that are must to any company
10% 10%
Prestige Strong Stratagies Excellent team All the above
The above graph represents about the qualities of the company to serve someone the
best, to which 50% of dealers asks the excellent team, 10% of each to the prestige and
strong strategies and 30% of dealers asks all the qualities to serve them the best.
14. Would you consider hiring from Sadanand, if they are rendering you Irrigation
Systems facilities?
Yes No May be
The above graph represents 92% of dealers may hire from Sadanand if they are
rendering the irrigation systems facilities like others, whereas 8% of dealers have
consent and will hire from Sadanand in future on such facilities.
15. Do you believe Sadanand is a good brand and serving good to its customers?
80% 74%
30% 24%
2% 0%
Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree
From the above graph, it can be interpreted that 74% of the dealers agree that
Sadanand is good company and serving the best in the market, 2% dealers strongly
agree to the above sentence, whereas 24% of the dealers are neutral with the above
From the survey conducted I came to know that marketing team selling PVC
pipes only to the dealers / traders.
From the survey conducted I came to know the demand for PVC pipes is
more from Agriculture background.
From the survey conducted I came to know that everyone at the region is well
aware of brand name Sadanand.
From the survey conducted I came to know that most of the purchases are
made through Wholesalers and Distributors. Company sells only to traders
From the survey conducted I came to know Jain pipes is the most preferred
brand among dealers because of price negotiations
From the survey conducted I came to know Advertisement/ Marketing is the
most referred source in purchase decision making.
From the survey conducted I came to know that all the dealers talk positively
about Sadanand’s Quality.
From the survey conducted I came to know that Quality, Price, Brand name
all the three matters much with the considering factors for present purchases.
From the survey conducted I came to know that marketing team must
approach dealers at difficulties of times before selling to them.
From the survey conducted I came to know “Customer Relationship
Management” is very much important in retention of each dealer.
From the survey conducted I came to know that excellent marketing team is
the main reason to serve them better.
From the survey conducted I came to know all dealers agree that Sadanand is
good brand and serving its best in the market.
Other than Agriculture purpose piping, Company should also concentrate on
household piping’s.
Company should start its dealings to other parts/ regions from existing ones to
acquire market shares.
Company should concentrate on price and negotiation part.
Company should also concentrate on “CRM” in retention of valuable
Company should build and invest little more on marketing team so that
communication will be so powerful to compete to the tough brands like Jain
and Finolex.
Company should improve its Advertisements methods to reach more number
of customers.
It is better for the company to have exclusive retail outlet
Consumer promotion tools like road shows and workshops need to be
conducted on regular intervals
They better have to Engineering department
In conclusion, I study on marketing mix used for SADANAND PVC pipes. In
addition, I came to know about Marketing mix strategies and production process of
SADANAND PVC PVT. Ltd, Siddapur. I got the reasons for the pros and cons of
dealers towards SADANAND pipes.
When compared with other brands like Jain pipes, Finolex pipes. Sadanand PVC is a
start-up company, which requires some time to stand for the tough competition with
tough brands. Al though it has acquired good share in the local market.
Even though it’s difficult but when it can concentrate on best quality and economical
price, people will definitely switch to Sadanand pipes from others.
It is has recently started but it earned good Name and Fame in a local market.
In today's competitive world, various competitive PVC pipes manufacturing
organisations are there, but the Sadanand PVC PVT LTD is equipped local market by
producing good quality products at cheap cost.
From these findings, I can conclude that SADANAND PVC PVT LTD has a
good co-ordination between the 4 P’s i.e. Marketing Mix.
I am MALLAPPA.H. HOSUR, pursuing MBA from Rani Channamma University,
I am conducting a research on “A STUDY ON MARKETING MIX STRATEGIES
SIDDAPUR. I would like to hear from you about your opinions towards framed
questions, which helps me to complete the project with your support.
We really appreciate your input!
Good Name:
4. For which of the following purposes of sales do you purchase PVC pipes?
a. Agriculture
b. Industry/ Business
c. Household
d. Others
5. Is the customer price is sensitive?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Maybe
6. Out of the following sources, which source shall be your reference in
purchasing Sadanand pipes (present and future)?
a. Word of mouth
b. Advertisement/ Marketing
c. Past track records
d. Existing customers review
e. Website/ Internet
10. Which of the following factors you consider most while purchasing from
Sadanand Company?
a. Only quality
b. Only price
c. Only brand name
d. All the above
11. Do you want Sadanand's marketing team to come for approaching you every
time prior to the purchase?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Maybe
12. Do you think "Customer Relationship Management" is Very much important to
company in retention of customers like you?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Maybe
13. According to you, which of the following qualities are must to any company to
serve better?
a. Prestige
b. Strong strategies
c. Excellent team
d. All the above
14. Would you consider hiring from Sadanand, if they are rendering you Irrigation
Systems facilities?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Maybe
15. Do you believe Sadanand is a good brand and serving good to its customers?
a. Strongly agree
b. Agree
c. Neutral
d. Disagree
e. Strongly disagree