Suspension of The Separate Civil Action GR: If The Civil Action Is Instituted Before The Institution of The Criminal Action, The Pending Civil Action, in Whatever
Suspension of The Separate Civil Action GR: If The Civil Action Is Instituted Before The Institution of The Criminal Action, The Pending Civil Action, in Whatever
Suspension of The Separate Civil Action GR: If The Civil Action Is Instituted Before The Institution of The Criminal Action, The Pending Civil Action, in Whatever
Criminal law is the branch of public law which defines crimes and threats of its nature and provides for its
Criminal Procedure it lays down the procedure by which an offender is made to answer for violation of the criminal
Rule 110, Section 2. The Complaint or information. – The complaint or information shall be in writing in the name
of People of the Philippines and against all persons who appear to be responsible for the offense involved.
Section 3. Complaint defined. – A complaint is a sworn written statement charging a person with an offense,
subscribed by the offended party, any peace officer, or other public officer charged with the enforcement of the law
Section 4. Information defined – An information is an accusation in writing charging a person with an offense,
subscribed by the prosecutor and filed with the court.
However, any amendment before plea, which downgrades the nature of the offense charged in or excludes any
accused from the complaint or information, can only be made only upon motion of the prosecutor, with notice to the
offended party and with leave of court. The court shall state the reasons in resolving the motion and copies of its
order shall be furnished all parties especially the offended party.
If it appears at any time before final judgment that a mistake has been made in charging the proper offense, the court
shall dismiss the original complaint or information upon the filing of a new one charging the proper offense in
accordance with section 19, Rule 119, provided the accused would not be placed in double jeopardy. The court may
require the witnesses to give bail for their appearance at the trial.
Section 2. Arrest how made, - An arrest is made by an actual restraint of a person to be arrested or by his submission
to the custody of the person making the arrest.
Section 4 – the head of the office to whom the warrant of arrest was delivered for execution shall cause the warrant
to be executed with 10 days from its receipt. Within 10 days after the expiration of the period, the officer to whom it
was assigned for execution shall make a report to the judge who issued the warrant. In case of his failure to execute
the warrant , he shall state the reasons therefor.
Arrest may be made on any day, at any time of the day or night. (Sec.6, Rule 113)
An officer may break into a building or enclosure to effect an arrest provided that:
1. The person to be arrested is or reasonably believed to be in the said building;
2. The officer has announced his authority and purpose for entering therein; and
3. He has requested and been denied admittance. (Sec. 11, Rule 113)
Section 12 Right to break out from the building or enclosure- whenever an officer has entered the building or
enclosure in accordance with the preceding section , he may break out therefrom when necessary to liberate himself.