Cultivation and Observation of Protozoa Through The Microscope
Cultivation and Observation of Protozoa Through The Microscope
Cultivation and Observation of Protozoa Through The Microscope
As you know, environmental conditions are not always stable; some resources may
be scarce or limited for living things in this case the protozoa, so your task will be to
determine: which of the culture media allow the proper growth of protozoa?
Lab's material
Optical microscope.
Slide / Coverslips
Lab coat
Rice paper
Small towel
Biological material
2 Glass bottles to
Cultivate the
Lettuce leaves
Vase water
(minimum 5 days)
Cling wrap or
Gauze and rubber
Rain water or
bottle water
Get vase water; if you do not have it, you should to place flowers in a
vase for 5 days.
Then, take one of the glass bottles and add bottled water or
rainwater to the middle of the glass bottle, let it stand for 3 days.
After three days, add the vase water that you have to fill the glass
Cover the bottle with the gauze or the cling wrap and secure it with
the rubber band.
Leave the jar in a cool place for 5 days.
Take the other glass bottle and add bottled water or rainwater to the
middle of the glass bottle, let it stand for 3 days.
After three days, place 1 or 2 leaves of MACERATED lettuce in the
bottom of the jar.
Cover the bottle with the gauze or the cling wrap and secure it with
the rubber band.
Leave the jar in a cool place for 5 days.
Carry the microscope with both hands to the microscope storage area and
properly transport one microscope to your working area.
Take a slide and place samples of the water in the glass with the dropper. Take
the samples near the surface of the water and in the middle area of the bottle,
always in the vicinity of the plant remains. Cover it with a cover slip.
Observe the microscope, first from the smallest 4x magnification, and then up
to 40x.
PROCEDURE III: In these drawings, different types of protozoa are
represented. Use them to identify the protozoa present in the samples.
C. Taking into account the information that you have collect it in the charts,
What can you identify in the results?