2018 Leo Legislation
2018 Leo Legislation
2018 Leo Legislation
August 2018
If you are a Law Enforcement Officer (LEO) who is a member of the Local Governmental Employees’
Retirement System (LGERS) or the Teachers’ and State Employees’ Retirement System (TSERS), your
retirement benefits may be affected by the new “25-Year LEO Retirement Option” law (Session Law
This new law creates eligibility for some LEOs to retire at earlier dates, but the officer’s pension
may be reduced substantially and will not include any Special Separation Allowance (SSA)
monthly payments on account of the earlier retirement.
Each LEO should consider his or her circumstances carefully when deciding on a retirement date.
• The full (or “unreduced”) pension, payable for the LEO’s lifetime, is 1.85 percent (for LGERS) or
1.82 percent (for TSERS) times creditable service, times four-year average final compensation.
• LEOs can retire with a full pension at age 55 after five years of service as a LEO, or at any age
with 30 years of creditable service under TSERS or LGERS.
• LEOs retiring with an unreduced pension, before age 62, may also receive a benefit called the
Special Separation Allowance (SSA). In order for the SSA to be payable, at least 50 percent of
the LEO’s creditable service must be service as a LEO. The SSA is equal to 0.85 percent times
creditable service, times the most recent base pay rate. It is payable during the LEO’s retirement
until age 62.
• LEOs can also retire at age 50, after 15 years of service as a LEO. For those who retire before
age 55 under this provision, the pension is reduced to account for earlier retirement. For
example, a LEO retiring at age 50 with 15 years of creditable service can receive 80 percent of
the full pension. The SSA is not payable in this situation.
• The new law does not change the terms of any retiree medical benefits that may be available
under the State Health Plan or that may be funded by a local government employer, except that
some LEOs may choose to retire at different dates as a result of the new law. Supplemental
Retirement Plan benefits (such as the NC 401(k), 457 or 403(b)) are also not affected.
Effective July 1, 2019, LEOs may retire with a reduced benefit at any age, after 25 years of creditable
service (at least 15 years as a LEO). Note that before this change, LEOs in this group who are at least 50
years old already could retire with a reduced pension, and LEOs with at least 30 years of creditable
service could retire with a full pension at any age. What is new under this change is that LEOs younger
than 50, who have 25 years (but not 30 years) of creditable service, may retire with reduced pensions.
Since the benefit is reduced for early retirement, the SSA is not payable. (See Item 2 in this description
related to possible employer-funded buyouts.)
Here is an illustration of the percentage of the full pension that LEOs may receive under this rule, at each
retirement age up to 50. In addition to these reductions to the pension amount, officers retiring under the
25-year provision do not receive the monthly SSA. (Again, see Item 2 for more information.)
Table 1: Percentage of Full Pension Payable Under “25 Year” LEO Retirement
(Excludes SSA, Which Is Not Payable Under 25-Year Retirement)
Creditable 29 28 27 26 25
50 95% 90% 85% 80% 80%
49 91% 86% 81% 76% 76%
48 87% 82% 77% 72% 72%
A LEO retiring at age 48
47 83% 78% 73% 68% 68%
46 79% 74% 69% 64% 64% with 27 years of creditable
45 75% 70% 65% 60% 60% service could receive 77
44 71% 66% 61% 56% 56% percent of the full pension.
43 67% 62% 57% 52% 52%
If the same LEO worked
To assist officers in understanding the potential effect of forgoing three more years, until
the monthly SSA, we have prepared the following tables that age 51, he or she could
estimate the percentage reduction in the benefits payable before retire with 30 years of
and after age 62, if the officer were to retire immediately as service, receiving the full
compared to working until the 30-year service mark. The tables
are intended as simplified illustrations, and will not correspond to
each officer’s situation. For instance, they assume that the four- In addition, by working
year average final compensation (used for the pension
until age 51, this LEO
calculation) is equal to the final salary rate (used for the SSA
calculation), and disregard adjustments due to sick leave could receive the monthly
conversions. The tables were generated based on hypothetical Special Separation
LGERS members, but they would not be materially different Allowance, equal to 25.5
using TSERS members. percent of the final salary
rate (0.85 percent times
30 years of service),
payable for 11 years until
age 62.
Table 2: 25-Year LEO Retirement Pension, as an Approximate
Percentage of Total 30-Year Retirement Pension + SSA That
Would Have Been Payable Before Age 62
In Table 1, we considered a LEO retiring at age 48 with 27 years of service. Let’s assume that the officer
is an LGERS member, with a four-year average final compensation of $60,000 per year, or $5,000 per
month. The early retirement pension at age 48 under the new law is 1.85% x $5,000 x 27 x 77% (from
Table 1), or $1,923 per month.
After working three more years (until age 51), assuming no further increases in pay, the LEO could have
retired with a pension of 1.85% x $5,000 x 30, or $2,775 per month. In addition, upon age 51 retirement,
this LEO could have received a monthly SSA of 0.85% x $5,000 x 30, or $1,275 per month, for 11 years
until age 62.
Table 2 and Table 3 assume that by taking the 25-year retirement, the officer would forgo the value of the
SSA completely. “Item 2” of the new law, as described below, may cause this assumption to be
inaccurate in cases where an employer is offering a lump sum separation buyout.
Effective immediately, state and local government employers have discretionary authority to offer lump
sum separation buyouts to LEOs who have not yet become eligible for the SSA. This means that they
may offer such buyouts to LEOs who have not reached 30 years of creditable retirement service (with at
least 50 percent as a LEO), or have not reached age 55 with five years of creditable service, or do not
have five continuous years as a LEO before their separation. The maximum buyout amount that could be
offered is the total of the SSA payments that could have been made if the LEO had been eligible. For
example, for a LEO who is age 52 with 15 years of creditable service, with a salary rate of $60,000 per
year, the buyout could not exceed 0.85% x 15 years of creditable service x $60,000 x 10 years of
potential SSA payments (age 52 to 62), or a maximum buyout offer of $76,500.
The new law does not require employers to offer separation buyouts. Any buyouts would not be paid by
the Retirement System, but would be paid by the employer.
Additionally, effective July 1, 2019, the new law also allows employers to fund the “Transfer Benefit” for a
member of TSERS or LGERS.
Before this change, members could add a Transfer Benefit to their TSERS or LGERS retirement by
transferring funds from an outside retirement account (such as a NC 401(k) account). Any account funds
transferred became a set, guaranteed monthly benefit under TSERS or LGERS.
Under the new law, employers may now contribute funds directly to TSERS or LGERS on the LEO’s
behalf. As a result, it is possible that LEO separation buyouts offered under the new law might take the
form of employers purchasing a Transfer Benefit under TSERS or LGERS on the LEO’s behalf.
The provisions of the new “25-Year LEO Retirement Option” law are complex. We encourage all
members to review all aspects of their individual situations and consult with their employers before
deciding on a retirement date.
For general questions about eligibility and benefits, please read the LEO handbooks located on our
website at www.myncretirement.com.