Digital Electronics 3 Exam/ECE/ETV/ECE-II/CSE/Comp/IT/EEE/0620/May'19 Duration: 3Hrs. M.Marks:75 Section-A Q1. Fill in The Blanks. 15x1 15
Digital Electronics 3 Exam/ECE/ETV/ECE-II/CSE/Comp/IT/EEE/0620/May'19 Duration: 3Hrs. M.Marks:75 Section-A Q1. Fill in The Blanks. 15x1 15
Digital Electronics 3 Exam/ECE/ETV/ECE-II/CSE/Comp/IT/EEE/0620/May'19 Duration: 3Hrs. M.Marks:75 Section-A Q1. Fill in The Blanks. 15x1 15
Roll No…………………………………………
3rd Exam/ECE/ETV/ECE-II/CSE/Comp/IT/EEE/0620/May’19
Duration: 3Hrs. M.Marks:75
Q1. Fill in the blanks. 15x1=15
a. Two's compliment of 110101 is_________.
b. Hexadecimal system uses digits from______________.
c. Hamming code is a one type of _______ code.
d. BCD stands for ______________.
e. Boolean rule (A+B) (A+C)=________________
f. Half adder is also known as ______.
g. Flip flop is not a _______ circuit.
h. Race around condition do not occur in _____________FF.
i. Data is said to be in serial form if the bits are available ___________
j. Analog to digital conversion is _____________ complex than digital to analog conversion.
k. LCD consumes ___________ power than LED display.
l. RAM stands for_______________.
m. A ___________ signal varies continuously with time.
n. For decade counter no. of Flip-Flop required will be_________.
o. A NAND gate acts as a ________ OR gate.
Q2. Attempt any five questions. 5x6=30
i. Explain the Laws related to Boolean algebra.
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ii. What do you mean by BCD codes? Explain.
iii. Explain operation of seven segment display.
vi. Differentiate between a multiplexer and a Demultiplexer.
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vii. Write down the application of A/D and D/A converter.
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viii. Explain briefly the functioning of a serial in parallel out shift register.
p e
Q3. Attempt any three questions.
a. Explain the working and construction of dual slope ADC.
p a 3x10=30
b. Discuss the OR, AND, NOT, NAND, NOR gates with their symbols and truth tables.
c. What is latch? Explain working principle of J-K master/slave flip flop and draw its truth table.
d. Write short note on the following. (any two) i) Hamming Code ii)Parity iii) Ring counter
e. Minimize and realize following logic functions using K-map
f ( A,B,C,D) = ∑m (0,1,2,5,8,9,10)