Equal Opportunity Commission
Equal Opportunity Commission
Equal Opportunity Commission
Address: ………………………………………….………………………………………………………………………………...
This box seeks data about the complainant (if the complainant is an individual) that will be
used for internal statistical purposes only. Please tick/ highlight as appropriate
This box is to be filled out if the complainant is being assisted/ represented by someone else,
for example an Attorney-at-Law, a Corporate Officer or Board Member, a Trade Union
representative, a Parent, Spouse or Child.
Organisation: …………….....……………………….……………………………………………………….
Address: …….........………………………..………………………………………………………….…..…
Equal Opportunity Commission Complaint Form – revised July 2012
Age group: � under 18, � 18-25, � 26-35, � 36-45, � 46-55, � 56- 66, � Over 66
Predominant race and/or ethnic origin: � African, � East Indian, � Caucasian, � Chinese/ Asian,
� Middle Eastern, � Mixed, � Other
Please identify the person/ organisation/ body about whom you are
complaining. (The Respondent)
1. Name 0f Person/Organisation:.................................................................................................
If you are complaining about two persons/ /organisations/ bodies please list the
second below.
If you are complaining about three or more persons/ organisations/ bodies please
continue listing them on an extra page (which you should attach to this form).
Equal Opportunity Commission Complaint Form – revised July 2012
[The Explanatory Notes in the square brackets are meant for general guidance only. Please contact us by
telephone or in writing by letter or e-mail if you want any assistance or clarification.]
(b) □ Victimisation [This applies where some sort of adverse action has been taken against
you because of one or more of the following:
(i.) You have made a complaint to the Commission or you have brought proceedings
under any other law (or you have indicated that you intend to do so);
(ii.) You have given evidence in any such proceedings (or you have indicated that you
intend to do so);
Equal Opportunity Commission Complaint Form – revised July 2012
(iii.) You have made an allegation or assertion which amounts to a contravention of the
Equal Opportunity Act or any other law (or you have indicated that you intend to
do so)]
(c) □ Offensive Behaviour [This applies where a person does an act outside of a private
place (for example, the act is done in a place to which the public have access, or in the
sight and hearing of persons in a public place, but this does not include a public place of
worship) which
(i) Is reasonably likely in all the circumstances to offend, insult, humiliate or
intimidate another person or group of persons;
(ii) Is done because of the gender, race, ethnicity, origin, or religion of the other person
or of some or all of the persons in the group; and
(iii) Is done with the intention of inciting, gender, racial or religious hatred.]
Equal Opportunity Commission Complaint Form – revised July 2012
If you need more space to write, please continue on an extra page.
Have you tried to resolve your complaint directly with the Respondent(s)?
(For example: through a report or through an internal grievance/ complaint process)
If you need more space to answer any of the questions in this section,
please continue on an extra page.
Equal Opportunity Commission Complaint Form – revised July 2012
Supporting evidence
Please attach copies of any documents that may help us investigate your complaint (for
example, letters, pay-slips, doctor’s certificates or references). If you cannot do this,
please tell us about the documents or other evidence and how this evidence can be
If you need more space to answer any of the questions in this section,
please continue on an extra page.
Equal Opportunity Commission Complaint Form – revised July 2012
Have you ever made a complaint or taken action against the Respondent(s),
prior to this with respect to any other matter or issue?
If so, please provide details of the date of the complaint(s), the details of the
matter/issue and the outcome of same.
Have you ever filed a complaint with the Equal Opportunity Commission
If so, please provide details of the date of the complaint(s), the Respondent(s), and the
outcome of same.
How did you find out about the Equal Opportunity Commission?
Please tick as appropriate:
□ Website □ Information Session □ Reference/ word-of-mouth
□ Billboard □ Brochure □ Other: ______________________
□ Newspaper □ Television □ Radio □ On-line
Could you indicate whether it was a:
□ Report □ Advertisement □ Interview
I certify that the information provided above is true and correct to the best of my
knowledge, information and belief.