IN1: Good morning, everyone. Today we’re gonna conduct an interview with?
RV: Uhm, Rey Vitto.
IN1: Uhm… So here’s our first question:
IN2: What is your gender identity?
RV: Uhm, I consider myself as a transgender. If I would explain it, it would be long, but a
transgender means you are not identifying yourself as what you are born in, or something like
IN1: So do you use she or her pronouns?
RV: Uhm, I actually don’t sometimes; I still prefer he or him.
IN1: Oh, okay. Thank you.
IN1: Uhm, are you part of any groups or organization?
RV: No, but a teacher here once acquired me to join one of the org., named “she”, but I didn’t
IN1: Uhm... What are some things that people might be surprise about you?
RV: Hmmm, I don’t know. Maybe it’s because I might look like I’m not really approachable, but
I am actually approachable.
IN2: Have you ever experienced any discrimination for being yourself?
RV: Actually, I think I did when I was in elementary, but that’s only according to my mom. Kasi
noong nag-turn ako ng high school, I, I knew how to defend myself.
(Actually, I think I did when I was in elementary, but that’s only according to my mom. Because
when I entered high school, I’ve already learned how to defend myself.)
IN1: So do you uhm… Have you ever felt any distress, uhm, from those discriminations?
RV: Not really, because if I’m gonna let them get to me, it would only make me feel insecure
and feel worthless, so I’d rather not.
IN1: Uhm, can you tell us some gay words or slangs and their meaning?
RV: Actually, I don’t know any gay words ‘cause I didn’t grow up here, but yeah.
IN1: Oh, it’s ok.
Interviewer: Do you also express yourself through body gestures aside from the words and your
RV: Hmmm, body gestures? Yes, sometimes.
IN1: Uhm… uhm… If you don’t mind me asking, uhm, how long have you known that you were
like this?
RV: Since I was a kid. Actually, uhm, my mom, not--noticed it when I was like around three to
four. Then, relatives would say I’m gay, but then she would defend. But then, when I turned in,
like seven, I confronted my parents and told them na I felt, and my dad accepted it.
(Since I was a kid. Actually, my mom noticed it when I was like around three to four. Then,
relatives would say I’m gay, but then she would defend. But then, when I turned in, like seven, I
confronted my parents and told them that I am not straight, and my dad accepted me.)
IN1: Okay, good. Uhm… uhm.. Why are you proud of being an l-- a member of the LGB--
LGBT community?
RV: I don’t know; I think, it’s because it is who I am, and there’s nothing to be ashamed of as
long as you’re not doing anything wrong.
IN1: uhm, and finally, our last question is, why do you consider yourself unique and different
from other people?
RV: Well, actually, everybody’s different. We all have our own special abilities and things that
not others can have, but for me, I think, it’s bec-- uhh my special ability or something is that I
can get comfortable with anyone easily.