Major Diseases of Horticultural Crops and This Management
Major Diseases of Horticultural Crops and This Management
Major Diseases of Horticultural Crops and This Management
Diseases of Mango and their management
1. Anthracnose :Colletotrichum gloeosporioides
Anthracnose symptoms occur on leaves, twigs, petioles, flower
clusters (panicles), and fruits. The incidence of this disease can reach almost
100% in fruit produced under wet or very humid conditions. On leaves,
lesions start as small, angular, brown to black spots and later enlarge to
form extensive dead areas. Panicles develop small black or dark-brown spots,
which can enlarge, coalesce, and kill the flowers .Petioles, twigs, and stems
are also susceptible and develop the typical black, expanding lesions. On the
lesions and dead portions, minute pink cushion shaped fructifications called
acervuli are seen under moist conditions. Fruits may also drop from trees
prematurely due to rotting. On immature fruits infections penetrate the
cuticle, but remain quiescent until ripening of the fruits begins. Green
fruit infections that take place at mature stage remain latent and invisible
until ripening and carry the fungus into storage.
Favorable conditions : Under favourable climatic conditions of high
humidity, frequent rains and a temperature of 24 - 32° C coinciding with
flowering favours anthracnose infections in the field. The pathogen
survives between seasons on infected and defoliated branch terminals and
mature leaves. Field infection in developing fruit leads to Quisecent
infection/Latent infection. Later once the ripening starts, lesions begin to
develop under post harvest conditions which affects fruit quality and
leads to enormous loss.
Proper sanitation of orchard by periodical removal of fallen plant debris
and pruning of trees eradicates the fungus and checks further spread of
the disease.
Maintaining tree vigour with proper irrigation and fertilization.
Fungicide sprays should begin when panicles first appear and continue at
the recommended intervals until fruits are picked.
Spraying the trees twice with Carbendazim (0.1%) or Mancozeb (0.2
%) or combination of Carbendazim 12 % + Mancozeb 63 % @ 0.1 %
at 15 days interval during flowering to control blossom infection and
twice during pea nut stage to prevent fruit infection.
Alternate sprayings of Carbendazim and Mancozeb to avoid
development of resistance in pathogen to fungicides .
Spraying five times with Pseudomonas fluorescens FP 7
(0.5%) from flowering until harvest at 3 weeks interval reduces
anthracnose incidence and improves fruit quality.
For post harvest anthrcanose, fruits are dipped in hot water at 50 C for
30 min. in combination with 0.05 % carbendazim.
Stem end rot appears as rotting from pedicel end of fruit during riening
until pathogen remains latent forming appressoria that remains quiescent
in the subcuticular layer in green fruits(Quisecent infection/Latent
Pruning of infected plant parts from 7- 10 cm below the infection site
and pasting the cut ends with Bordeaux paste .
Spraying the trees twice at 15 days interval with Carbendazim (0.1%)
or combination of Carbendazim 12 % + Mancozeb 63 % @ 0.1 %
during pea nut stage to prevent fruit infection.
Fruits should be harvested with stalk (5 cm), otherwise, the opening
must be sealed with wax.
Favorable conditions :Heavy infection is noticed during the monsoon
when the temperature is 20-25o C and high humidity Conidia survive
on mango leaves for over a year. Spreads through wind borne conidia
and rain splashes. Wound leads to more disease.;
Removal of infected plant parts. Spraying one time with Copper
oxychloride @ 0.25 % or Mancozeb @ 0.25% or Bordeaux mixture @
1.0% at the visual appearance of disease.
(1kg Starch/Maida in 5 litres of water. Boiled and dilute to 20 liters)
helps to control the disease as dried starch flakes removes the fungus.
Diseased plants should be destroyed
Use of disease free planting material
Incidence reduced by spraying 100-200ppm NAA during October.
Pruning of diseased parts along the basal 15-20 cm apparently healthy
portions followed by the spraying of Carbendazim (0.1%) or Captafol
8. Bacterial leaf black spot / canker (Xanthomonas campestris pv.
This disease that affects all the above ground parts of plant, i. e.,
leaves, petioles, twigs, branches and fruits . The disease causes fruit drop
(10-70%), yield loss (10-85%) and storage rot (5-100%). Many commercial
cultivars of mango are susceptible to this disease. Bacterial leaf spot is
noticed on the leaves as angular water soaked spots that become necrotic
and dark brown and viscous bacterial exudates deposit on these necrotic
portions that become corky and hard after drying. Sometimes, longitudinal
cracks also develop on the petioles. Cankerous lesions appear on petioles,
twigs and young fruits. The water soaked lesions also develop on fruits
which later turn dark brown to black. They often burst open, releasing a
highly contagious gummy ooze containing bacterial cells. The fresh lesions
on branches and twigs are water soaked which later become raised and dark
brown in colour with longitudinal cracks but without any ooze
Favorable conditions :The bacteria enters through natural openings such
as stomata, wax and oil glands, leaf and fruit abrasions, leaf scars, and at
the apex of branches in the panicle. Periods of high humidity, surface
wetness and wind accompanied with rain cause most rapid and maximum
dissemination of bacteria.Survives in infected plant parts and spread
through rain splashes and wind. Disease is rapid during rainy days.
Management :Field sanitation and removal of affected plant parts.
Three sprays of Streptocycline (200ppm) or Agrimycin-100 (100 ppm)
after first visual symptom at 10 days intervals. Monthly sprayings of
Copper oxychloride (0.3%) checks the further spread. Removal of
diseased fruits under storage.Dipping fruits in 200 ppm Agrimycin is
Diseases of Banana and their Management
Considering the long-term survival of F. oxysporum f. sp. cubense in
soil, proper field sanitation, use of disease free planting material/
tissue culture plants can reduce disease incidence
Severely affected plants should be uprooted and burnt. Highly infected
soil should not be replanted with banana at least for 3-4 years
An integrated approach for management of Fusarium wilt has to be
followed by use of pathogen free suckers, paiRing of suckers
(Sucker treatment with Carbofuran granules@ 40 g / sucker before
planting), Sucker dipping with 0.2 % carbendazim for 45 minutes at
the time of planting , corm injection with 2% Carbendazim
(3ml/plant) or capsule application with Carbendazim (50mg
/capsule)/ at 3rd, 5th and 7th month after planting will offer
protection to the wilt susceptible cultivars .
Application of Trichoderma viride or Pseudomonas fluorescens @
50g/ plant at the time of planting and at 4th , 6th and 8th month
reduces the disease incidence
Proper, wider spacing must be practised.
Severely infected plants and leaf blades should be removed and
destroyed periodically.
The orchard must be clean and free from weeds and grasses to avoid
humidity build up.
In the wet season, application of a protectant fungicide like Mancozeb
@0.2% or chlorothalonil @0.1% every three to four weeks is
recommended. During periods of high disease threat or extended
wet weather, propiconazole, a systemic fungicide, can be
substituted for Mancozeb.
Foliar spray any one of the following fungicides commencing from
October-November or mat months coinciding with rainfall at monthly
interval. Carbendazim 1 g / lit., Benomyl 1 g / lit., Mancozeb 2 g /
lit., Copper oxychloride 2.5 g / lit., Ziram 2 ml / lit, Chlorothalonil 2 g / lit.
Alternation of fungicides prevents fungicidal resistance. spray
Propiconazole 1 ml/lit or 0.5 ml/lit along with petroleum based mineral
oil 10ml / lit or Pseudomonas flourescens (0.5%),
3. Rhizome rot or soft rot or Tip over disease: Erwinia caratovora sub
sp. caratovora
Rhizome Rot, also known as Soft Rot or Tip Over Disease is commonly
observed during the first 3–4 months after planting under high
temperature conditions, especially during late summer and rainy
season.The heart leaves become shrivelled, brown and dried and the
adjacent leaves are reduced in size. Rotting of pseudostem base and
upper portion of corm accompanied with foul smell. Severely affected
plants show breaking of pseudostem at base leaving infected and rotted
corm in soil. Slimy fluid of bacteria oozes out from the cut portions of
corm and pseudostem .Young plants of 1-3 months are more susceptible
during summer months.
4. Moko wilt: Ralstonia solanacearum
5. Viral diseases of Banana
distorted leaves. The earliest symptoms appear on young leaves ass light
green or yellowish streaks and bands giving a mottled appearance.
Necrosis of emerging cigar leaves leading to varying degree of necrosis
in the unfurled leaf lamina..Internal tissues also show necrosis. Plants do
not produce bunches but act as a virus reservoir.Affected plants throw
small bunches with malformed fingers.uneven riening has been
associated with this virus.
increased virus synthesis. Sometimes necrosis of emerging leaves internal
necrosis of the pseudostem and plant death.
Favourable conditions: Soil and seed borne. Survives in soil for more than
10 years.Spreads through irrigation, farm implements.
Drenching with 1% Bordeaux mixture or Copper oxy chloride @ 2.5 g/lit.
Seed treatment with Pseudomonas fluorescens Pf1@ 10 g /kg of seed,
followed by nursery application of Pf1@ 20 g/m2 and seedling dip with
Pf1 @ 5g/ l along with soil application
of Pf1 @ 2.5 kg mixed with 50 kg FYM /ha at 30 days after transplanting.
Spot drench with Carbendazim @ 1g/lit for wilt affected plants
Leaf spots: Leaf spots caused by Cercospora sp., Septoria sp.,Alternaria sp.
and Botrytis sp occurs at all stages of the crop and leads to yield loss .
(i) Chillies:Cercospora capsisci
(ii) Tomato : Septoria lycopersici
(iii) Bhendi: Cercospora malayensis, C. abelmoschi
(iv)Brinjal: Cercospora solani –melongenae, C.solani, Alternaria
melongenae, A. Solani
(vi.) Onion leaf blight and Purple blotch : Botrytis sp.,Alternaria porri
(viii)Water melon: Alternaria cucumerina, Colletotrichum orbiculare
Leaf spots are brown and circular with small to large light grey centres and
dark brown margins or dark black irregular spots with concentric rings or
specks which coalese and cause drying and defoliation. Stem, petiole and pod
lesions also have light grey centres with dark borders.Severely infected leaves
drop off prematurely resulting in reduced yield.Favorable conditions: High
humidity , drizzling , wind favors disease development and spread. Survives
in infected crop debris.
Seed treatment with Carbendazim @2g/kg of seed.
Spraying Mancozeb @ 2 g/lit or Copper oxychloride @ 2.5 g/lit.
For purple blotch of onion,spray Tebuconazole @ 1.5 ml/lit. or Mancozeb @
2g/lit. or Zineb @ 2g/lit.
(refer previous page for damping off, wilt, Leaf spot and virus
1.Early blight : Alternaria solani
Symptoms: Small, black spots enlarge and concentric rings in a bull's
eye pattern can be seen in the center of the diseased area.Tissue
surrounding the spots may turn yellow. Lesions on the stems may occur
and girdle..On fruis, dark brown concentric rings are seen that affects the
market quality. Shedding of immature fruits occur
Fvaourable conditions: Survives in seeds and soil.High soil moisture
creates high humidity that favors disease development initially on lower
Removal of infected plant debris. Use of disease free seeds . Crop
rotation with non solanaceoues crops. Spraying Mancozeb @ 2g/lit. or
copper oxychloride @ 2.5 g/lit twice at 15 days interval.
2. Late blight: Phytophthora infestans
Symptoms: Leaves stem and fruits are attacked Lesions appear as
purplish to brown colour whicg leads to blighting under humid
conditions. Marbbled areas on green fruits which later becomes brown
and completely shriveled.
Favorable conditions: Pathogen survives in infected debris. Disease
occurs in rainfed crops unde irrigation where dew is frequent and
develops quickly in ariny season accompanied with high humidity.
Crop rotation
Over head irrigation to bre avoided. S[paryinmg with mancozeb 0.2%
or captafol @0.2% or Metalaxyl 0.2% or copper oxychloride @ 0.2%
Apply Carbofuran 3 G @1 kg a.i./ha in nursery at sowing and
second application at 1.25 kg a.i./ha 10 days after transplanting in
mainfield and 3 sprays of Dimethoate @1 ml/l or Methyl demeton
@1 ml/l or Phosphomidan @ 1.0 ml/l at 25, 40 and 55 days after
Spraying Pseudomonas fluorescens @ 5g/l at 25th and 45th day after
The affected plants should be periodically removed and destroyed.
Alternate or collateral hosts harboring the virus have to be removed.
Raise barrier crops – Sorghum, Maize, Bajra at 5-6 rows around the
field one month before planting
1.Fruit Rot and Die Back: Colletotrichum capsici (refer previous
page for damping off , wilt, leaf spot and virus diseases)
Symptoms: Necrosis of tender twigs from the tip backwards, profuse
shedding of flowers. Drying up spreads from the flower stalks to the stem
and subsequently causes die-back of the branches and stem which later
on wither. Partially affected plants bear few fruits of low quality. Fruits
rot appears on ripe fruits where small circular spost initially appear and
spreads as oblong black greenish colour or markedly delimited by a
black or straw colored area. Badly diseased fruits turn straw coloured
with less pungency. The diseased fruist later shrivels nad dries up.
Favorable conditions: Seed borne and secondary spread by wind during
[periods sof high humidity accompanied with rain.Disease appears after
rains has stopped nad when there is prolonged deposition of dew on
plant. \
Use disease free seeds
Seed treatment with Thiram or Captan @ 4g/kg
Spray Mancozeb @ 2 g/lit or Copper oxychloride @ 2.5 g/lit
thrice at 15 days interval starting from noticing the die-back
symptoms or at
60 days after planting .
l. DISEASES OF BRINJAL (refer previous page for damping off
,leaf spot diseases)
Bacterial wilt: Pseudomonas solanacearum
Symptoms: Lower leaves may droop, yellowing of the foliage, stunting
,wilting and finally collapse of the entire plant .The vascular system
becomes brown and bacterial ooze comes out from the affected parts.
Favourable conditions: Presence of root knot nematode Meloidogyne
incognita increases the disease incidence. Survives in soil and in infected
plant debris. . Spreads through irrigation water and farm implements.
Crop rotation with cruciferous vegetables such as cauliflower
Fields should be kept clean and affected parts are to be collected and
Spray 2% Bordeaux mixture or Spraying with Agrimycin-100 @ 100
ppm ( 0.1g/litre) thrice at 10 days intervals effectively controls the
Deep summer ploughing, crop rotation.
Spraying Carbendazim + Mancozeb @ 0.1% or copper oxychloride
@2 0.2
% or difolotan 0.2%
Use of disease free seed.
Drenching / spraying with Mancozeb @ 2g/lit. to cover the affected
Downy mildew: Pseudoperonospora cubensis
Symptoms: Disease affects pumpkin, Snake gourd, Ribbed gourd, Bottle
gourd, Bitter gourd and Ash gourd.Whitish growth of fungus is seen on
lower surface of leaves and corresponding upper leaves show pale green
areas separated by dark green areas The entire leaf dries up quickly.
Favorable conditions: High humidity with drizzling , low temperature
of 15 to 25 ᵒC accompanied with drizzling and dew favours disease.
Seed treatment with Metalaxyl @ 2 g/kg.seeds
Spraying with Mancozeb @ 2g/lit. or Chlorothalonil @ 2 ml/lit. or
Metalaxyl + Mancozeb @ 1g/lit.
Powdery mildew: Erysiphe cichoracearum
Symptoms; Disease occurs in Pumpkin, Snake gourd, Ribbedgourd
,Bottle gourd, Bitter gourd and Ash gourd.White or brown growth on
upper and lower surfaces of leaves and stems and leads to drying
Favorable conditions: Dry season and high temperature. Favours
disease development. Survives in infected plant debris.
Spray Dinocap @1 ml/lit. or Carbendazim @ 0.5 g/lit.
Mosaic : Cucumber mosaic virus
Symptoms;Infected plants show cupping of leaves downward, severe
mottling with alternating light green and dark green patches.Plants are
stunted, and fruits are covered with bumpy protrusions. Severely affected
cucumber fruit may be almost entirely white.The virus is readily
transferred by aphids and survives on a wide variety of plants.
Removal of weed host.
Spray Dimethoate@ 2ml/lit.or Monocrotophos @1.5 ml/lit. or
Acephate @1g/lit. to control insect vectors.
Place yellow sticky traps @ 12/ ha .
Basal Rot: Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cepae
Symptoms: Leaves turn yellow and then drying of leaf tip
downwards.The bulb of the affected plant shows soft rotting and the roots
get rotted.Whitish mouldy growth on the scales may be seen.This disease
begins in the field and continues in storage.
Favorable conditions: Survives in soil in infected plant debris. Spreads
though irrigation water and farm. Stagnation of water and temperature of
28 to 32 C are favourable for disease development.
Treat bulbs with Trichoderma viride @ 4g/kg. and apply T. viride 2
2.5 kg/ha. basally along with VAM 12.5 kg/ha
Soil drenching with Copper oxychloride @2.5g.lit
Purple blotch of onion : Alternaria porri.
Symptoms:Occurs mainly on top of leaves. Infection starts with minute
white dots with irregular chlorotic spots on the tip of leaves which later
turn circular to oblong concentric balck velvety in the chlorotic area.
Later spots coalesce and dry from tip downwards nad hang down .
Infection is laso seen on outer scales of bulb. . Premature drying of
foliage results in poor development of bulbs.
Favorable conditions: Carried through seed bulbs collected from
infected area.. Spreads through air borne spores . Warm humid weather ,
rain and dew favors disease development.
Downy mildew: Peronospora destructor
Symptoms :White downy growth appears on the lower surface of the
leaves with chlorotic areas on upper surface.and finally the infected
leaves are dried. The flowers are affected , dried and drop off. Entire
plant is not killed only under sized bulbs are formed. Infected bulbs
reamin small and succulent. . Fungus invades flaoral parts and hence a
small portion of seeds are also affected .
Favorable conditions : Pathogen requires cool, moist nights and
moderate warm temperature with cloudy day for disease development.
Survives in infected bulbs and in soil as oospores.
Management : Three sprays with Mancozeb @ 2 g/lit.Spraying should
be started 20 days after transplanting and repeated at 10-12 days interval
Powdery mildew: Erysiphe cichoracearum
Symptoms: Greyish powdery growth occurs on the under as well as on
the upper surface of the leaf , leads to leaf drying causing severe
reduction in fruit yield.
Favorable conditions: Survives in infected crop debris. Dry weather
conditions with temperature of 15 to 30 ᵒC especially during September
to December favours disease.
Dust Sulphur @ 25 kg / ha or spray Dinocap @ 2 ml / lit. or
Tridemorph @ 0.5 ml / lit. or Carbendazim @ 1 g / lit. or Wettable
sulphur @ 2 g / lit. immediately after noticing the disease and repeat
after 15 days if necessary.
Bhendi vein clearing virus:
Symptoms: Yellowing of the entire network of veins in the leaf blade
and interveinal area becomes completely yellow or white. In severe
infections the younger leaves turn yellow, become reduced in size and
the plant becomes stunted.The affected plants produce fruits with
yellow or white colour and they are not fit for marketing.The virus
spreads by whitefly
Grow resistant/ tolerant varieties .Spraying Monocrotophos @ 1.5 ml/lit.
or Chlorpyriphos@ 2.5 ml + neem oil 2 ml/ lit. to control vector.Place
yellow sticky trap @12 nos./ha
fluorescens @
10 g /kg of seed 24 hours before sowing.
Drench with 1% Bordeaux mixture or Copper oxy chloride 2.5 g/lit for
damping off
Main field
Apply Pseudomonas fluorescens through soil @ 2.5 kg/ha mixed
with 50 kg of FYM as basal or at 30 th and 45th day after planting
Seedling dip with Pseudomonas fluorescens @5g/lit. for 10-15 the time of transplanting
Spray Mancozeb @ 2 g/lit or Copper oxychloride @ 2.5 g/lit. or
combination of a fungicide containing Mancozeb and Carbendazim @
3g/lit. to control leaf spot . Repeat spray at 10 days interval based on
Spot drench with Carbendazim @ 1g/lit. for wilt affected plants
Follow crop rotation to minimise the soil borne disease incidence
Keep yellow sticky traps @ 12/ha to trap /monitor the vectors
Raise barrier crops-cereals around the field to avoid entry of vectors
Spray Imidacloprid @ 0.5 ml/lit.% or Dimethoate @ 0.5 ml/lit. or
Monocrotophos @1.5 ml/lit. or Acephate @1g/lit. 15, 25, 45 days after
transplanting to control vector.
Removal of virus affected plants
Virus causing mosaic disease perpetuates in cucurbits, legumes,
tobacco, tomato, chilly and weed hosts so care should be taken.
Spray with Copper oxychloride @ 2.5 g/lit.or combination of a fungicide
containing Carbendazim and Mancozeb @ 3g/lit or Propiconazole @
1ml/ litre
Leaf blotch: Taphrina maculans
Symptoms :Small,oval, rectangular or irregular brown spots on either
side of the leaves which turn yellow and affect the rhizome yield.
Favorable conditions: Survives in infected plant debris Relative
humidity of 80 % and temperature of 21 to 23 ᵒC favors disease
Spraying Mancozeb @ 3gm / lit. or combination of a fungicide
containing Carbendazim and Mancozeb @ 2g/lit. or Propiconazole @
1ml/ lit.
Phytopthora foot rot/ Quick wilt : Phytopthora palmivora
Symptoms: Affected vines exhibit four types of symptoms. Symptoms
appear either individually or in combination.
Leaf infection: Water soaked lesion sstart from tip or from centre of leaf
or from margins. Lesions expand in concentric manner and affects spikes
that shed away.
Die back: Branches exhibit dark brown lesions that spreads up wards
resulting in die back of branches.
Foot rot / Collar rot: Wet water soaked lesions appear at the collar
regionand necrosisi progresses downwards to under ground stem .
Affected portion emits foul smell.
Root rot:Yellowing of foliage, drooping of leaves, lateral roots are
affected. Which progresses to main roots nad vines die.
Favorable conditions: Survives in soil and spreads through infected soil
and irrigation water and farm implements. Disease is prevalent during
rainy season in poor drainage soils. High humidity accompanied with rain
with shorter sun shine hours during July to August with temperature of
20 to 24ᵒ C favours disease
Adequate drainage facilities in high rainfall areas
Removal of dead shoots.
Nursery: Apply Trichoderma viride @ 1 g / kg of pot mixture. Mulch
the pot mixture with 150 gauge polythene sheet for 30 days
Main field : Any of the following formulation can be drenched in the soil
twice (May– June and October - November).Neem cake 1/2 kg per vine +
Swabbing of Bordeaux paste upto 1 m from the ground level. Or
viride @ 20 g/vine + FYM or Bordeaux mixture 1 % or Metalaxyl
@ 2 g / lit. or • Neem cake 2 kg per vine + 0.1% Metalaxyl (pre monsoon
foliar spray and soil application) or Pseudomonas fluorescens (50 g) (pre
and post monsoon) + neem cake (2 kg)(post monsoon) + metalaxyl 0.1 %.
Soil drenching with 1% Bordeaux mixture or copper oxy chloride 0..25 %
ormetalaxyl 0.25% Spraying with 1% Bordeaux mixture or copper oxy
chloride 0..25 % or metalaxyl 0.25% during premonsoon periods
Swabbing main stem up to 1 mtetre from ground level with Bordeaux
Anthracnose/ Pollu disease: Colletotrichum gloeosporioides
Symptoms: Symptoms are seen on leaves and stems as circular or
irregular grey spost on leaves. Spots expand in concentric rings which
kills the stem. The Rotting of tissues takes place in leaf axils that leads to
dropping of spikes. .Berries become hollow and get dried.
Favorable conditions: Disease normally occurs during July to August .
Rains wih slightly warm temperature of 22 to 25ᵒ C and high relative
humidity spreads the disease
Three rounds of spray with Bordeaux mixture 1% during June – July f
ollowed by June to late July , and late August reduces the disease.
The diseased and fallen leaves should be collected and burnt.
Four sprayings at 10 days interval with wettable sulphur 0.3 per cent
or dinocap 0.07 per cent or carbendazim 0.1 per cent or Azoxystrobin
@ 1ml/ litre controls the disease effectively.
Sulphur dust can be used at 25 kg/ha. Wettable sulphur or sulphur dust
should not be used when the temperature is above 30°C as it may
cause scorching.
Resistant Varieties like Aawliver, Abisharika, Adolf Morstman,
African Star, Ambika, Angeles, Anvil Sparks, American Pride, Apollo,
Arizona, Ashwini, Baby Masquerade, Banjaran-9, Barbara, Bewitched,
Blue Moon, Bon Soir, Bon Accord, Bonnie Scotland, Boque Dayal, Belle
Vue, Bovinchor, Bulls Red, Canasta, Careless Love, Carcusar,
Celebration, Crimson Glory, Dame De Cour, Deep Secret, Dutch Gold,
Dwarf Queen, Dearest Durina, Eiffel Tower, Priti, Paradise, Queen
Elizabeth, Royal Ascot, Red Master Piece, Red Dene, Rachel Grawshey,
Ranjana-1 0, Sonia, Spartan, Super Star, Summer Days, Starina can be
grown. Excess fertilization especially with nitrogenous fertilizers and
crowding of plants should be avoided.
Favourable conditions : The fungus persists in dead twigs and the stalks
of the withered blooms.Older plants and neglected and weak bushes are
more frequently attacked. Disease spread is faster at 30 to 32°C.
Pruning should be done so that the lesions on the shoots are
eliminated. Partially diseased twigs should be pruned atleast 3 to 5
cm below the visible symptoms of the disease. In all cases, the
pruned ends should be immediately coated with Chaubattia paint (4
parts of copper carbonate, 4 parts of red-lead and 5 parts of linseed
oil .
Application of fertiliser should be delayed atleast 10 days after
pruning. Spraying with copper oxychloride 0.2 per cent or difolatan
0.2 per cent or chlorothalonil 0.2 per cent or rnancozeb 0.2 per cent
once in early September and again in late October is recommended
for the control of this disease.
The varieties which are resistant include Bhim, Blue Moon, Red Gold,
Quebec, Summer Queen, Red, Ressolute, Samba, Velhiteen Sign
and Whitten Sign. Agnasius, Christian Doir, Confidence, Crimson
Glory, Fantal Blue, Faryentee, Kiss of Fire, Pascali, Royal Ascot,
Vienna Charm and White Chritmas
following season. On the stem the infected areas present a blackened,
blistered appearance, dotted with ustules.
Favourable conditions : The fungus survives in the infected leaves on
the plants.: The disease is favoured by high humidity and low
temperature (21°C). Winter frosts favour the disease.
As the fungus perpetuates on old diseased leaves and stems it is
necessary to collect and destroy them at the end of the season..
Diseased plants should be pruned carefully and should be burnt.
Spraying with tridemorph 0.025 per cent or captan 0.2 per cent or
or Azoxystrobin 0.1% ferbam or benomyl 0.1 per cent at weekly
intervals starting with the sprouting of the plants till the appearance
of the new foliage and continuing during humid weather effectively
controls the disease. Captan sprays at 15 days interval is effective
in the control of black spot.
Shade and excessive irrigation should be avoided.
Hybrid Rugosa rose, 'Martin Frobisher1 is immune to black spot. Rose
cultivars viz., Belaya (Rosa alba). John Cabot and Carefree Beauty
are resistant. Among the HT cultivars Show Girl, Buccaneer, Gold
Crown Mc-Gredy's Sunset and Perfecta are less susceptible.
turn yellow, deformed and fall prematurely to the ground.Some times
blossoms develop badly or not at all. The diseased bushes are greatly
weakened and may die back.
Favourable conditions : Maximum rust infection occurs at a
temperature which ranges from 18 to 21°C. Temperature between 20 and
25°C is favourable for uredospore production.
Teleutospores which are produced in autumn helps in overwintering and
causing fresh infection through basidiospore in the next spring. The
fungus also overwinters as perennial mycelium in the stem. Secondary
spread is through wind-borne uredospores.
Diseased, fallen leaves should be collected and burnt.
Stems harbouring perennial mycelium should be cut out and burnt.
Three sprayings during Mar-Apr at 15 days interval with mancozeb
0.2 per cent or carboxin 0.1 per cent.. The disease is controlled by
spraying with ferbam 0.2 per cent or wettable sulphur 0.3 per cent
or captan 0.2 per cent.
Botrytis bud and twig blight : : Botrytis cinerea
Symptoms: The disease is also known as petal fire or Botrytis mold.
Infection starts from the sepals as black-brown specks that cover the
flower in due course. The buds turn brown and decay. Sometimes
partially opened buds are attacked, and the individual petals turn brown
and shrivel.. In cool moist weather the flower is covered with greenish-
grey or darkish growth of the fungus.
Picking and destroying old blooms and overwintered canes help in
reducing the disease.
Avoiding excessive irrigation helps to check the disease.
Fungicidal spray with with ferbam 0,2 per cent or captan 0.2 per centor
benomyl 0.1 per cent or mancozeb 6.2 per cent or carbendazim 0.2
The following rose varieties viz., Anieval Sparks, Bonnienuit,
Chantare, Charleston, Devine, Elizabeth, Glimpses, Golden Giant,
Joseph's Coat, Picture, Purna, Rakat Gandha, Sharella, Spartan and
Zenium Mukhatis are free from the disease. Buds and twig blight
by Phomopsis gulabia from Uttar Pradesh has also been reported.
Leaf spots: Alternaria leaf blight : Alternaria jasmine
Alternaria leaf spot: Alternaria alternate
Cercospora leaf spot : Cercospora jasminicola
Symptoms: On the affected leaves dark brown spots in concentric rings
or circular to irregular reddish brown spots of 2 to 8 mm dia appear on
upper leaf surface. are noticed. During humid conditions, the spots in
each leaflet enlarge very quickly and coalesce. Later, blighted leaflets dry
and easily fall off. They are also brittle. In a severely affected, garden,
large number of fallenleaves can be easily seen on the ground near the
base of the diseased vine. Oval to elongated light brown spots develop on
petioles, stem, calyx and even on tubular corollas. In severe cases of
infection vegetative buds and young branches dry up. The disease
spreads through wind-borne conidia.
Favourable conditions : The disease is severe during winter months
(Oct - Dec). In certain areas the disease is noticed even u pto February.
High humidity, drzzling and low temperature favours disease
Diseased and fallen leaves should be collected and burnt.
Spraying mancozeb 0.2 % or Azoxystrobin 0.1% Spraying can be
repeated at 7 to 10 days interval covering all the foliage in the vines
Collar rot and Root rot – Sclerotium rolfsii
Symptoms : Plants at all stages are infected. First the older leaves
become yellow followed by younger leaves and finally death of the plant.
In the root black discoloration can be seen. On the infected tissues and
stem surface white strands of mycelia and mustard like sclerotia are seen.
Soil drenching with Trifloxystrobin + Tebuconazole @ 0.75 g / lit or
Difenoconazole @ 0.5 ml / lit.
Soil application of Pseudomonas fluorescens @ 25 g / m2 and foliar
application of P. fluorescens @ 5 g / lit at monthly intervals after
planting.Soil drenching with Copper oxychloride 0.25% or 1%
Bordeaux mixture or application of FYM with Trichoderma viride
@ 10 g + 100g FYM / plant
Phyllody: Phytoplasma
Symptoms: Leaves become small malformed and bushy. In the place of
flowers green leaf like malformed flowers are formed. The disease is
transmitted by grafting and whitefly, Dialeurodes kirkaldii.
Management : Selection of cuttings from healthy plants. Spraying
insecticide to control the vector.
Powdery mildew: Oidium jasmini
Symptoms: The disease appears as white powdery patches on the upper
surface of the leaves. Later, these patches coalesce and cover the entire
surface and blight the leaves.
Management : Spray with Weatble suplur 0.2 % or Chlorothlonil 0.1%
or Azoxystrobin @ 1ml / lit.
A.diathicola : Tan to dark brown lesions on sepals and petals . These
lesions are covered with dark brown powdery spores that are
disseminated by wind and rain. Extended wet periods with light night
rains favor outbreaks of this disease.
Management : spray with Mancozeb 0.2% or Copper oxy chloride@
0.2% or Propiconazole 0.1%
young stems. It is followed by eventual collapse of the whole plant.
When older plants are infected, similar symptoms are produced but the
older leaves may show chlorosis followed by an indistinct purple-red
discolouration. The vascular tissues of infected stems is stained dark
brown. Mature plants show wilt symptoms over a period of several
months before they die and eventually become straw coloured.
Favorable conditions: The pathogen is soil-borne and survives and
spreads through irrigation water.Warm temperature favours the disease.
Management: The diseased plants should be removed immediately after
noticing the disease. Soil drenching with Carbendazim @ 1 g / lit or
Difenoconazole@ 0.5 ml / lit at weekly intervals.Pseudomonas
fluorescens as soil application @ 15 g / m2 and foliar application @ 5 g /
lit at monthly intervals.Soil drenching with Bacillus amyloliquefaciens @
5 ml / lit atmonthly intervals Grafting of susceptible cultivars like Alice,
Fulvio Rosa, Gus Royalette and Johy. on to resistant rootstocks i.e.
Arancio 25D, Exquisite, Heidi and May Britt and growing in soil
naturally infested with fungus was also found to reduce the incidence of
2. Alternaria leaf spot: Alternaria dianthi
Symptoms: The chief symptom is blight or rot at leaf bases and around
nodes, which are girdled. Spots on leaves are ashy white. The centre of
old spots are covered with dark brown to black fungal growth. Leaves
may be constricted and twisted and the tip may be killed. Branches die-
back at the girdled area and black crusts of conidia are formed on the
Favorable conditions : Conidia are spread during watering or in rains..
The conidia are carried by on cuttings. The disease is widespread in
humid weather.
Management: To reduce the disease incidence, humidity may be kept
low by providing proper air circulation. Disease-free planting material
should be used. Spray Tebuconazole @ 2 ml / lit or Propiconazole @ 2
ml / lit.• Bacillus subtilis as soil application @ 15 g / m2 followed by
foliarapplication @ 5 g / lit at monthly intervals.
3. Cottony rot: Sclerotinia sclerotiorum
Symptoms: Stems rotted; flower rot is similar to gray mold. Cottony,
white fungal mass may occur on rotted tissues. Black sclerotia may form
inside or outside the stem.
Favorable conditions Survives in soil and in infected plant debris
.Favored by high humidity.
Management : Spray foliage with iprodione or thiophanate-methyl@
S.No Name of the Fungicide Dose
Captan 5 g/Seed
Thiram 5 g/ Seed
3. Carbendazim 5 g/Seed
4. Metalaxyl 5 g/ Seed
2.Damping off
S.No Comman Concerntration Trade name Dose
1. Bordeux 50 % WP
2. Copper 50 % WP Fytolan, Blue 1% of
oxy Copper 2.5 g/L
3. Metalaxyl 35 % WP Apron,Kiralaxyl 0.5 g/L
4. Metalaxyl 8%+ 64 % WP Apron,Kiralaxyl, 1% of
+Mancozeb Ridomil,Unilax, 2.5 g/L
6. Captan 50 % WP Kohicap 2 g/L
7. Difolatan 80 % WP Foltaf 2g/L
8. Carbendazim 12 %+63 % WP Campanion Sap 2g/L
9. Zineb 75 % WP Z78 (Indofil Z 2 g/L
10 . Ziram 27 % SL Cuman-L 2 g/L
11. Copper 77 % WP Kocide 101 1.5
Hydroxcide g/L
12. Propineb 70% WP Antracol 2 g/L
13. Hexaconazole 5 % EC Contaf 2 g/L
14. Iprodione + 25% WP+25% Quintol 2g/L
Carbendazim WP
15. Metiram 70%WG Polyram 2 g/L
16. Captan 70 % Taqat 2g/L
+Hexaconazole WP+5%WP
17. Fenomidone 10%+50%WP 60 WG 2g/L
+Mancozeb Sectin
18 Bittertanal 25%WP Baycor,daycor 1.5-
19. Triedimefon 25%WP Bayleon 1.5-
4.Leaf Blight
5.Late blight & Phythium, Phytophthora
S.No Comman Concerntrations Trade Name Dose
1. Wettable 80%WP Black Sulphur 3g/L
Sulphur ,Thiovit,Sultaf
2. Copper 77% WP Kocide 101 1.5 g/L
3. COC 50%WP Fytolan 2 g/L
Mancozeb +64%WP
3. Fosetyl -AL 80 %WP Aliette 1.5g/L
4. Dimethomorp 50%WP 50%WP 0.5g/L
8.Powdery Mildew
S.N Comman Concerntratio Trade Name Dose
o Name ns
1. Wettable 80%WP Black 2g/L
Sulphur Sulphur,Thiovot
2. Difenoconaz 25%EC Score 1.5ml/L
3. Dinocap 48% EC Karathene 1ml/L
4. Propiconazol 25%EC Tilt 1.5 ml/L
5. Penconazole 10%EC Topas 1.5ml/L
6. Tridemorph 80%EC Calixin 1.5 ml/L
7. Mycobutanil 10 %WP Systhene,Index 1.5 g/L
8. Tradimefon 25%WP Bayleton 1.5 g/L
9. Fenarimol 10%EC Rubigan 1.5 g/L
10. Flusilazole New Star 5 g/L
11. Tebuconazol 25.9% m/m Folicur 0.75-1
e EC ml/L
S.N Comman Concerntratio Trade Name Dose
o Name ns
1. Chlorothalanil 75%WP Kavach 2g/L
2. Wettable 80%WP Black 2g/L
Sulphur sulphur,Thiovot,
3. Difenaconazol 25%EC Score 1.5
e ml/L
4. Propiconazole 25%EC Tilt 1.5
5. Benomyl 75%WP Benomyte 1.5 g/L
6. Bitertanol 25%WP Baycor,Apple 2 g/L
7. Triadimefon 25%WP Bayleton 2g/L
S.No Comman Name Concerntrations Trade Dose
1. Thiram 75%WP 3g/1 kg of
2. Captan 50%WP 4g/seed
4. Triadimenol 2g/L
S.N Comman Concerntrati Trade Name Dose
o Name ons
1. Edifenphos 50%EC Hinosan 1.5 ml/L
12.Downy Mildew
S.N Comman Name Concerntrat Trade Name Dose
o ions
1. Bordeux Mixture 1%
S.N Comman Name Concerntration Trade Name Dose
o s
Bacterial Diseases
1.Bacterial Leaf Blight ,Canker , Scab& Soft Rot