Vehicle To Vehicle Communications
Vehicle To Vehicle Communications
Vehicle To Vehicle Communications
D. Zigbee Protocol
Zigbee modules possess UART interface that facilitates
microcontrollers or microprocessors to use the Zigbee
protocol. Uart Wifi is an embedded module relying on
the serial communication, in compliance with the WiFi
wireless WLAN standards, this is compatible with the
IEEE802.11 protocol stack and the TCP / IP protocol
stack and facilitates data transition between the serial user
and the wireless protocol stack.
The general time for ZigBee interfacing with an access
Fig. 2. Basic kinds of VANET’s[4] system is under 60ms, including arising time, looking
through time and associating time, which is soothing for
vehicle application. Be that as it may, the option of
utilizing ZigBee as a specialized apparatus, in reality, can The demand for connected cars will be extremely big in
be influenced by a few elements[6]. Even though ZigBee terms of the number of linked endpoints and the data
is not considered the best application for vehicles owing exchanged. Given time, all vehicles will have the
to restricted bandwidth and small connection distances ability to connect to everything smart, from people to
comparable to DSRC or LTE, we can still explore the material items, timely relevant data, and products of
possibilities of vehicle apps as writers in having all kinds, in a completely elastic and safe manner.[7]
effectively designed the IEEE 802.15.4 based hardware
program for vehicle applications. Still, in a campus setting
where driving velocity is usually below 30 km / h, it is The shift to 5G is due to existing courses, and it is widely
still worthwhile to design and execute a runtime believed that 5G cellular networks should solve
environment to confirm the effectiveness of enhancing challenges that are hard to address by 4G, namely
the forward-collision warning system[6] better capacity, more dependable data rate, lower End
to End latency, substantial device connectivity,
limited costs and coherent Quality of Experience
The ZigBee module is primarily concerned with managing provisioning.[7]
the transmission and reception of signals using the inner
kernel. Using equations the author designed a safe
distance model that was implemented using the ZigBee When operating at fast speeds, a car might warn adjacent
protocol. The written protocol includes ZigBee cars before shifting the roads or slowing down. From
information, CAN bus data and GPS information. To be the obtained warnings, neighboring cars alert drivers
more precise, the protocol guarantees that information is or even semi-automated driving in an urgent scenario
transmitted and received properly between the ZigBee so that they can respond more rapidly to decrease the
module, the CAN bus vehicle, the position control unit number of road mishaps.
and the computer controller.
[6] Yu Lei and Jian Wu, "Study of applying ZigBee technology into forward
collision warning system (FCWS) under low-speed circumstance,"
2016 25th Wireless and Optical Communication Conference (WOCC),
REFERENCES Chengdu, 2016, pp. 1-4
[7] D. Kombate and Wanglina, "The Internet of Vehicles Based on 5G
Communications," 2016 IEEE International Conference on Internet of
[1] Matolak D.W. (2013) V2V Communication Channels: State of
Things (iThings) and IEEE Green Computing and Communications
Knowledge, New Results, and What’s Next. In: Berbineau M. et al.
(GreenCom) and IEEE Cyber, Physical and Social Computing
(eds) Communication Technologies for Vehicles.
(CPSCom) and IEEE Smart Data (SmartData), Chengdu, 2016, pp.
Nets4Cars/Nets4Trains 2013. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol
7865. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg)