Ex No: 1 Date
Ex No: 1 Date
Ex No: 1 Date
1. To calculate GMR, GMD, Inductance and Capacitance of the given transmission line, manually.
2. To write MATLAB or C/C++ program to calculate the GMR, GMD, Inductance and Capacitance
of the line.
3. To verify the results using MiPower Software.
i. GMD for 3 phase Single Circuit
GMD = 3√ (Dab * Dbc * Dca) 6
Four parameters of a transmission line are i. Series Resistance ii. Series Reactance iii.
Shunt Admittance and iv Shunt Conductance. Shunt Conductance is usually neglected. Series
resistance result in power loss in transmission lines. Usually series resistance is very low.
Series Reactance X = L Ohms where L is the inductance in Henrys. Inductance of a
transmission line is defined as the flux linkage per unit current. Inductive reactance (X) is responsible
for Voltage Drop along the lines.
Shunt Admittance Y = C mho where C is the capacitance in Farads. Capacitance is the
charge per unit potential. Shunt Admittance is responsible for Ferranti Effect in lines which results in
voltage raise along the line.
In case of single phase lines, loop inductance which is the total inductance of line (go and
return) is calculated. In case of three phase lines, Inductance and Capacitance per phase is calculated.
Inductance and capacitance depend on radius of line and distance between lines. In three
phase unsymmetrical lines, double circuit and bundled conductor lines, the radius and distance
between the conductors are replaced by the terms GMD and GMR respectively.
GMR or self-GMD of stranded or bundled conductor is the radius of single conductor that
produces the same effect as that of the stranded or bundled conductor (or)
GMR of a conductor is the radius of a fictitious conductor with no internal flux linkage but
with the same inductance as the actual conductor with radius ‘r’.
GMR or Ds = re-1/4 = 0.7788r for single conductor.
GMD (or) mutual GMD is the geometrical mean of the distance between the conductors of
the same phase, in bundled conductors.
Bundled conductor is made up of two or more sub-conductors in each phase. Bundled
conductors are preferred due to the following reasons:
i) Reduced inductance.
ii) Reduced reactance.
iii) Reduced voltage gradient.
iv) Reduced corona and radio interference.
In bundled conductors, the conductors of same group are placed far apart whereas in standard
conductors, the conductors are close together.
The transmission line parameters are manually calculated for the given transmission line.
MATLAB program for the calculation of transmission line parameters is executed.
Method GMRL (m) GMRC (m) GMD (m)
(mH /km / ph) (µF / km / ph)
Observation (20)
Program ( 10 )
Viva (10)
Record (10)
Total (50)