English - 20%
G.K - 80%
it includes Pak Affairs, Current Affairs, Everyday Science, Simple Arithmatic & Analogies
100 Marks and 100 mcsqs with a negative marking of 0.25 per incorrect answer.
Hyderabad : NeeronKot
Faisalabad : Lyallpur
Sahiwal : Montgomery
Lahore : Mahmoodpur
Swat : Rowdanya
Benazirabad : Nawabshah
Larkana : Chandka
Charsadda : Pushkalawati
Umerkot : Amarkot
Demographics of Pakistan
Co-ordinates : 30N,70E
Afghanistan: 2430 KM
Iran: 909 KM
India: 2900 KM ( approx )
China: 510 KM
Coastline: 700 Km
Population growth : 2%
Unemployment: 5.9%
The Following User Says Thank You to Mir Shahnawaz For This Useful Post:
Greenland (Saturday, October 13, 2018)
Saturday, October 13, 2018
Economics of Pakistan
GDP Expenditure:
Military 3.5%
Educat 2.7%
Health 0.9%
1. Abyssian = Ethopia
2. Angora = Ankara
3. Batavia = Jakarta
4. Burma = Myanmar
6. Christina = Oslo
7. Zaire = Congo
8. Constantipole = Istanbul
9. Dacca = Dhaka
1956 Constitution
4. The Constitution of 1956 was framed by the Constituent Assembly in the name of
A. Peoples
B. President
C. Prime Minister
7. Definition of the State was provided in Article ______, of the Constitution of 1956
A. 2
B. 3
C. 5
9. According to the Constitution of, 1956 there shall be _____ form of government in country
A. Parliamentary
B. Presidential
C. None of the above
10. According to the Constitution of 1956 ______ was the Head of State
A. President
B. Prime Minister
C. Governor General
11. Minimum age to become President was held _____, year in 1956 Constitution
A. 35
B. 40
C. 45
12. According to the Constitution of 1956 there shall be _____ legislature in country
A. Bi cameral
B. Uni Cameral
C. Tri Cameral
13. According to the Constitution of 1956 ______ was the highest Court of country
A. Supreme Court
B. Federal Court
C. High Court
14. According to the Constitution of 1956 _____ were declared as National Languages
A. Urdu and English
B. Urdu and Hindi
C. Urdu and Bengali
15. 1956 Constitution provided ______ form of government for the country
A. Unitary
B. Federal
C. Both (a) and (b)
16. The Constitution of 1956 was consisting ______ Articles, and ______, parts
A. 240 Articles 10 parts
B. 280 Articles 7 parts
C. 234 Articles 13 parts
17. Constitution of 1956 _____ part was dealing with Fundament Rights
A. Part one
B. Part two
C. Part three
20. The Constitution of 1956 was enacted by the assembly in the name of
A. In the name of Islam
B. In the name of Pakistan
C. In the name of peoples
23. Constitution of 1956 provided _____ citizenship of the citizens of the country
A. Single
B. Double
C. Both (a) and (b)
10. The Constitution of 1962, held ______ religion for Speaker of National Assembly
A. Islam
B. Non believer
C. No restriction upon
11. The Constitution of 1962, provided Federation consisting centre and ______ provinces
A. 2
B. 3
C. 1
12. Total strength of Members of National Assembly according to Constitution of 1962, was
A. 156 members
B. 218 members
C. 318 members
13. According to Constitution of 1962, Provincial Assemblies were consisting ______ members
A. 200
B. 218
C. 220
15. Through an amendment in ______ 1962, name of the State was declared Islamic Republic of
Pakistan instead of Republic of Pakistan
A. December
B. October
C. August
16. According to Constitution of 1962 ______ was the Chief Executive of the Country
A. President
B. Prime-Minister
17. Term and Tenure of President Office in Constitution of 1962, was
A. 4 years
B. 5 years
C. 6 years
18. According to Constitution of 1962, ______ was the highest Court of the country
A. Supreme Court
B. Federal Court
C. Federal Shariat Court
20. As per Constitution of 1962 age limit for Judge of Supreme Court was
A. Sixty years
B. Sixty two years
C. Sixty five years
21. As per Constitution of 1962 retiring age of High Court Judge was
A. Sixty years
B. Sixty two years
C. Sixty five years
25. Article 29 of the Constitution of 1962 empowered President in absence of National Assembly
to promulgate an ______ with the same powers and force as an Act of the Legislature
A. Ordinance
B. Instrument
C. Bill
26. By Article 226 of the Constitution of 1962 Field Marshal Ayub Khan was become the First
______ of Pakistan
A. Chief Executive
B. Martial Law Administrator
C. President
7. According to Objectives Resolution authority enjoyed by the peoples of Pakistan within limits
prescribed by Almighty Allah as sacred _______
A. Trust
B. Right
C. Duty
D. None of above
8. Objectives Resolution provided that the State shall exercise its powers and authority through
A. Dictators
B. Elected representatives of peoples
C. Both (a) and (b)
D. None of above
9. Objectives Resolution stress that the Muslims of Pakistan shall enable to order their lives
A. Secular
B. As per teachings of Islam
C. Both (a) and (b)
D. None of above
16. Islam to be the State religion of Pakistan as provided in _____ of the Constitution of 1973
A. Article 1
B. Article 2
C. Article 2(A)
19. Loyalty to state and obedience to Constitution and law is basic duty of every citizen of
Pakistan and it is provided in
A. Article 5 of the Constitution
B. Article 5-A of the Constitution
C. Article 6 of the Constitution
D. None of above
20. Any person who abrogates or subverts or suspends or held in abeyance, or attempts or
conspires to abrogate or suspend or held in abeyance, the Constitution by use of force or show of
force or by any other unconstitutional means shall be guilty of
A. High treason
B. Felony
C. Sedition
21. As per Article 6(3) ______ is empowered to provide punishment of persons found guilty of
high treason
A. Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament)
B. Supreme Court
C. Law enforcement agencies
D. None of above
22. Definition of the State is provided in Article _____ of the Constitution of 1973
A. 7
B. 8
C. Both (a) and (b)
D. None of above
23. Articles ______ to _______ of The Constitution of 1973 are providing Principles of Policy
A. 18 to 28
B. 29 to 40
C. 28 to 38
D. None of above
24. Article 8 Constitution of 1973 describe any law inconsistent with or in derogation of
Fundamental rights
A. To be void
B. To be illegal
C. To be valid
25. No person shall be deprived of life or liberty save in accordance with law as provided in
A. Article 8 of the Constitution of 1973
B. Article 9 of the Constitution of 1973
C. Article 10 of the Constitution of 1973
26. Articles ______ to _______ of the Constitution deals with Fundamental Rights
A. 8 to 28
B. 8 to 30
C. 8 to 32
27. Any right which has been provided by the Constitution of 1973 is called
A. National right
B. Inherent right
C. Fundamental right
31. Slavery, forced labour, etc. are prohibited in Article ______, of the Constitution of 1973
A. 11
B. 11-A
C. None of above
34. No person shall be subjected to torture for the purpose of extracting evidence is provided in
Article _____, of the Constitution 1973
A. 14
B. 14(I)
C. 14(2)
35. Article 15, of the Constitution of 1973 provided freedom of
A. Speech
B. Movement
C. Schooling
39. Every citizen shall have the right to have access to information in all matters of public
importance subject to regulation and reasonable restrictions imposed by law is provided in
Article ______, of The Constitution of 1973
A. 18
B. 19
C. 19A
40. Article ______ of the Constitution, 1973 provided safeguard against taxation for the purpose
any particular religion
A. 20
B. 21
C. 22
ndian National Congress
All indian home rule league was strarted at lucknow session of 1916
First woman president Annie Besant 1917
Mahatma Gandhi presided over only one session held at Belgaun 1924
First President Sir Agha Khan anad Head Quarters was established at lucknow
Pact signed between AIML and INC ( indian national Congress ) in 1916
Mirza Abdul Rahim Khan Khanan annexed sindh on behalf of Mughal Empire
Qutub-ud-Din was the First Muslim independent ruler to be crowned on 24th june 1206 at
Sir syed Ahmed Khan was appointed to Imperial Legislative Council in 1878
Muhammadan Anglo Oriental high school was established by Sir Syed Ahmed khan on 24th
May, 1874
M.A.O School was transformed to College level and inaugrated by Lord Lytton in 1877
Islamia College Peshawar Founded by Nawabzada Abdul Qayum Khan & Sir George Keppel
in 1913
1. Page # 1
o Who is Who federal
o Old and New Names Pakistan
o Demographics of Pakistan
o Economics of Pakistan
o Old and New names of cities and countries
2. Page # 2
o Constitutions of 1956, 1962 & 1973
o About sindh
o Amendments to the constitution
o Indian Act 1935
3. Page # 3
o Indian National Congress
o All Indian Muslim League
o Pre-Partition part 1
o Pre-Partition part 2
o Pre-Partition part 3
o Pre-Partition part 4
o Rulers and Dynasties of Sindh