Assignment Nptel
Assignment Nptel
Assignment Nptel
6. How many constraints does the dual of the 5 x 5 assignment problem have?
Ans = 25
An n x n assignment problem, there are n2 variables and 2n constraints. A 5 x 5
problem has 25 variables and 10 constraints. Its dual will have 25 constraints and 10
8. Consider the assignment problem with 4 jobs and 3 machines. The job that is not
assigned to any machine is
1 1 4
6 7 2
8 4 3
5 6 7
Ans = Job 4
The problem is unbalanced and we add an extra column with zero costs. Initial
assignments are X34 = X11 = X23 = 1. We draw lines through rows 1, 2 and column 4.
Minimum θ = 1. The assignments are again X34 = X11 = X23 = 1. We draw lines through
row 1 and columns 3 and 4. Minimum θ = 2. The assignments are X23 = X44 = X11 = X32
= 1. Job 4 is assigned to the dummy column and does not get a machine.
12. Which of the following statements is not TRUE about the Assignment problem:
a) It is a transportation problem
b) The LP formulation will give binary solutions
c) When solving, the cost matrix is square
d) LP can give non integer solution sometimes
Ans = d
The LP solution to the assignment problem always gives a binary solution
14. Consider the following assignment problem. When you solve it by hand, the number
of assignments that you get in the first iterations is ____. Ans = 3
20 17 22 16
32 29 33 26
26 27 29 28
40 30 35 37
Ans = 3. The initial assignments are X14, X42 and X31.
16. In the dual to the assignment problem, the dual variables are
a) ≥ 0
b) ≤ 0
c) Unrestricted
Ans = c. The primal constraints are equations. The dual variables are unrestricted
in sign.