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Chap 1 C

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Chapter 1



According to Tony Brown (2009) food processing is a set of method in

transforming raw materials into food or transforming of food into other forms for

consumption by humans or animal either in the home or by food processing

industry. It is usually came from harvested crops or other butchered animal

products and use these products by converting it into a new, attractive and

frequently long-life food products.

Seafood has different quality and appealing taste and customarily flavorful,

nutritious and readily available in all parts of the world. Fishing techniques,

processing and methods have surpassed the ability of the sea to produce more

while world governments have been left to regulate and stipulate the control of

reproduction. Although there are land-based sources of products that humans can

eat, people still need to return to the sea as an additional source of food for

salvation. One of the productsthat is available in the sea is squid. Squid inhabit all

of the world’s oceans and are caught at night using bright attracting lights. They

can be pumped onboard with large suction-like devices, or by trawlers. Squids are

high in protein, low in fat, and are at least 75 percent edible which is a high

percentage for a seafood type. Squid are usually sold in markets either in fresh or

dried, in rings or cleaned and sometimes frozen. From these availabilities of squid

in the market, consumers and buyers of squid prepared a simple, delicious but
quick squid recipe. In the Philippines, people are fond of eating different kind of

dishes made of squid like adobong posit sa gata, dried squid in coconut milk,

calamares, grilled calamari and some other dishes.

However, most of these simple and quick squid recipes can be easily

spoiled. Hence, the researcher come up with the study of acceptability and

development of squid in food processing. With this study, the consumers would

learn other dishes and recipes made of squid but are now food processed.

Background of the Study

Cooking different dishes are some of the habits that an individual would

love to do. Different types of cooking such as frying, baking, steaming, grilling,

smoking or sun drying are some from the lists. Food processing, however,

became well known in terms of long-life preservation of foods.

Preservation and food processing technology evolved in the 19th and 20th

century which eventually became significant because of its contribution in the

development of food industry. Although food preservation or processing is

somewhat expensive, many food industry became interested in producing

products which are food processed. Also, food processing enumerates some

benefits both to the food industry as well as to the consumers. All methods that

are used in preserving and processing foods are based on the principle of

preventing or retarding the causes of spoilage. To prolong the keeping quality of

food, microbial development must be prevented and delayed which will help in

preventing the food spoilage. From the nutrition viewpoint, food processing is
essential in improving the general health of a family by supplying it with a varied

and balanced diet. Protective foods should be provided in quantity and quality

needed by the body which lists some of the benefits of it. Some of these are, food

processing removes toxins, which prevents the body from intake of toxic materials

that can be found from foods even from natural products. Processed products are

easy to sell and distribute in the market because of its long-life characteristic.

Aside from the lists, processed foods are safe to eat since spoilage and other

pathogenic micro-organisms are deactivated which primarily helps those who

traveled or who usually transports delicate foods that are easily perished.

In the Philippines, embutido, tocino and longganisa are some of the favorite

Filipino dish. It is usually made of pork with sweet taste. Tocino is often reddish

with a sweet and savory taste. It is made from pork which quite similar in

preparing a ham or bacon. Beef and chicken can also be used as an alternative in

preparing tocino products. While Embutido, although made from pork some may

choose to use beef in producing it. It is often compared to a meatloaf but prepared

in a Filipino style. On the other hand, another Filipino favorite dish is longganisa

which is made from pork but can also be made from beef or chicken as an

alternative. Longganisa are Filipino sausages with a sweet and savory taste that

can be dipped in a vinegar or sauce.

From these different varieties of Filipino processed products that are often

made from pork, beef or chicken, the researcher would try to develop the

embutido, longganisa and tocino which is now made from squid. Also, less

susceptibility to early spoilage of food processing than fresh or natural foods as

one of its characteristics or benefits gave an idea and opportunity to the

researcher to come up with the study of acceptability and development of squid in

food processing. Squid as its direct material in producing the food processing has

its benefits as similar to other sea or water inhabitants as it contains vitamin B12,

calcium, phosphorus and the like. Thus, the study would become beneficial to the


Literature Review

Food Processing

Foods are all derived from living matter, making them subject to the natural

process of decomposition. Food not only decomposes but also is lost or spoiled

by being consumed by creatures other than humans. According to Brown (2011),

food spoilage is obvious and detectable due to changes in taste, texture, color

and odor that all affect eating quality. In contrast, food contamination, which can

also occur with food spoilage, is often undetectable.

In the study of Harris (2009), stated that refrigeration slows down the

biological, chemical, and physical reactions that shorten the shelf life of food. In

his study, all perishable goods should be refrigerated as soon as possible,

preferably during transport, to prevent spoilage and the bacteria from multiplying.

Also, for safety purposes, refrigerators should be kept between just above

freezing to no more than 45˚F (4˚C). The study reported that one fifth of

household refrigerators surveyed were set at or above 50˚F (10˚C), whereas the

majority were set at about 45˚F (7˚c). Refrigerator storage times vary according
to the food. Hot foods can be cooled down by placing them in shallow containers

and setting the containers in cold water. Stirring during cooling distributes the heat

and speeds the cooling process.

In the article of Mercola (2015), said that processed food industry is usually

perceived by either renaming it or using other alternative but without negative

association because of its natural ingredients. However, in the present food

industry, the common term that is used is not the fresh ingredient but rather fresh-

like ingredient.

Park et.al. (2014), stated that food processing has four-fold functions. First,

through food processing, food life can be extended for a long period. Second, it

gives additional nutrients required for health. Third, it helps the person on diet and

last is that it gives additional value.

Soriano (2010), said that Nutritive value of seafood contains protein, fat,

vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates. Most of it contains 18-20% protein with

most of the essential amino acid, while its varieties are low in fat; others are rich in

vitamin A.

In the article of Orteza (2014), stated that squid dish is popular in the

Philippines as it is tasty and rich in flavor. However, squid should not be over cook

to keep the tender of the squid texture.

Stanton (2013), said that eighty seven percent (87%) of the respondents

said that food taste is the first priority in buying food products. The food

processing taste is the number one preference of the consumers. Also, he further
stated that the taste of a product should be considered first before measuring

other attributes in a product.

Schaschke (2014), said that taste and flavor in foods may be likened or not

by consumers. Flavors and tastes of foods can be sweetened, salted or may also

include some elements of acidity and bitterness while taste flavors are combined

with odors and usually associated with sweetness by using sugar or acidity using


In the study of Castillo (2010), stated that sixty seven percent (67%) of the

respondents agreed that tastes of food processed products are delicious and can

be kept for a long period of time compared to other perishable goods or products.

Sweetners (2009), said that fish and seafood are muscle foods, they do

have unique characteristics that distinguish the way they are processed for

freezing. Thus, changes in its flavor are the greatest concern in frozen fish and

seafood since they have different types of muscles and do not have the large

skeletal system and great amounts of connective tissue associated with other

animals. It is also expected to be firm but tender, and remain juicy and succulent.

While some other seafood changes in texture when in the freezing process, and

are often associated with protein denaturation and during out of the eat.

In an article issued in smile magazine written by Tan (2016), longganisa in

the Philippines have no standard recipe since the preparation of the food

processing longganisa has always been known to most Filipinos. Some were just

improving their recipes by adding some ingredients like sweets or spices to

enhance it flavors and aroma.

Mark Anthony, Ph.D (2005) aroma in food processing is the first cousin of

taste. And based on the author aroma is not only enhancing the flavor but also

enhancing the mood.

Smith (2015), stated that the odor of food processed products are

somewhat the same as fresh products because of the preservation process made

in producing and developing the processed food.

In the article of Victorino (2014), said that embutido are usually wrapped

with banana leaf resulting to a natural and unique taste and aroma.

Brookfield (2009), stated that the texture analysis in food processing,

properties of food products are tested as to its firmness, abilities, form of shape

and other parameters since it affects the perception and acceptance of the

consumers in a food product. Also, texture affects the physical properties of the

product design which will help in the selection of the equipment to be used in

packaging and transporting products.

In the study of Mendoza (2013), stated that the respondent’s perception on

the texture of different classes of squid in the Philippines differs from where it

came from. Thus, the firmness depends on the time of cooking which should not

be over cooked.

In the article of Lambert (2016), stated that the texture is used by

consumers in evaluating a product as well as the mouthfeel of a product. He also

stated that texture characteristics are important than the appearance or smell of

the product while mouthfeel is the perceived feeling of a person when eating.

Schaschke (2011), stated that texture is the physical and chemical property

in a food structure. In food processing, foods has different textures, it may be

hard or soft, brittle or chewy.

Swarup (2014), stated that good flavor and odor only means that the

product has the typical flavor and odor of the species and is free from rancidity,

bitterness, staleness, and off-flavors and off-odor of any kind. While in the study of

Shrivastava (2015), products with reasonably good flavor and odor means that the

product is lacking in good flavor and odor nut is free from objectionable off-flavors

and off-odors of any kind of cooked products.

In the study of Hartman (2015) said that in food processing color analysis,

the quality of food can be improved by enhancing its color. The study further

shows that seven (7) out of ten (10) parents are willing to purchase foods with

natural color than those with synthetic one.

Reyes (2011), stated that color depends on different factors either physical

or psychological factors. The colors of the food in food processing are weighed by

matching the standard colors and lighting conditions.

In the study of Trim (2007), said that color in food processing gives

customers something that does not only looks good but can also feel better about.

In the study, respondents read more about synthetic chemicals in foods and those
health problems that are associated. The study also stated that color is an

important attribute in buying foods.

Theoretical Framework

Food processing transforms the raw materials or ingredients into other

forms of product. Under the transformation theory by Dr. George Land, he

explained the structural change in its natural form. It further illustrates the change

by experimenting a new product which can be considered as phase I. With its new

product creation the change becomes successful from experimentation to

replication of success. The ideal growth in the change of the products creates

innovative change that accepts additional information and resources. The

transformation theory submits three different approaches to problem solving which

includes invention, innovation and improvement.

In food processing, basic drying theory is a method in preserving or

processing food. It is a practice wherein the meat and fish are dried under the

sun. At present, drying of meat and fish are still important and widely used in food

processing. As an advantage in drying foods, it can be stored without deterioration

for a long period of time since the microorganisms would die because of the

absence of sufficient water which changes the chemical composition of the dried


Another theory in relation to food processing is the heat transfer theory.

Heat transfer theory is an operation that usually occurs in food processing.

Although cooking, sterilizing or freezing, baking or drying are some ways in

processing food, in this theory, heat transfer is also part in food processing which

is commonly and widely used in almost every food. It is a process in which the

heat is transferred from one body into another body. Thus, the difference in the

temperature in a food, affects the rate of heat transfer.

Conceptual Framework

Figure 1 shows the conceptual paradigm of the study. It consists of three

boxes using the input, process and output. The first box contains the input box

such as the squid as food processed embutido, squid as food processed

longganisa and squid as food processed tocino. Second box indicates the process

which are the preparation and process of making a squid embutido, squid

longganisa and squid tocino. Lastly, the third box indicates the output which is the

acceptability and development of squid as food processing.

Conceptual Paradigm

Input Process Output

A. Preparation of
Squid as Food Squid Embutido, Squid Acceptability and
Processed Embutido Longganisa and Squid Development of Squid
Tocino as Food Processing in
terms of:
Squid as Food B. Process of Making
Processed Longganisa the Squid Embutido, -Taste
Squid Longganisa and -Aroma
Squid as Food Squid Tocino
Processed Tocino C. Evaluation

Figure 1. Research Paradigm of the Study

Statement of the Problem
The main purpose of the study was to determine the acceptability and

development of squid as food processing using local variety. Specifically, it sought

to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Age

1.2 Sex

1.3 Address

1.4 Occupation?

2. What is the level of acceptability of squid as food processing in terms of:

2.1 Taste

2.2 Aroma

2.3 Texture

2.4 Color?

3. What is the general acceptability of squid as food processing?

4. Is there any significant difference between the profile of the respondents

and level of acceptability of squid as food processing?

5. Is there any significant difference between the level of acceptability of squid

in food processing of the three products in terms of taste, aroma, texture

and color?

The following are the hypothesis of the study acceptability and

development of squid as food processing:

Ho1 There is no significant difference between the profile of the respondents

and the level of acceptability of squid in food processing in terms of taste,

aroma, texture and color.

Ho2 There is no significant difference between the level of acceptability of squid

in food processing of the three products in terms of taste, aroma, texture

and color

Significance of the Study

The acceptability and development of squid as food processing in the

municipality of Real, Quezon is significant to the following:

Municipality of Real, Quezon. As one of the municipalities with squid

resources, it would be helpful in gaining knowledge about different food products

that can be made using squid, thus, creating opportunities to the residents of the


University. This study would be significant to the university through the

result of the study as it could be a basis for the other related researches.

Faculty/Professor. To inform the benefits, other opportunities and new

creations that can be made from squid.

Community.This study is important to the community to make them easily

know and learn the other products that can be made using squid as food


Researcher.This study would help the researcher to better understand and

share new product ideas and creations that can be made using squid as food


Future Researcher. This study can be a basis for further study or future


Scope and Limitation of the Study

This study will be concerned mainly in the acceptability and development of

squid as food processing in terms of taste, aroma, texture and color and will only

be limited to the residents in the municipality of Real, Quezon consisting of thirty

(30) housewives, thirty (30) fishermen and thirty (30) fish vendor.

Definition of Terms

For better understanding of the study, the following terms are operationally


Acceptability. It is a state of accepting one’s needs.

Squid. Is a sea creature with a long soft body with tentacles that will be

used in the study squid as food processing.

Food processing. Is a technique used in transforming raw materials into

another improved product.

Taste.Sense organ of the respondent in the tongue used to detect the

sweetness, sourness, bitterness or salty flavors of the squid products.

Aroma. It is usually the perceived pleasant smell of the respondents to the

squid products as food processing.

Texture.It is the appearance, substance or surface of the squid products.

Color. Shade of the products made of squid as perceived by the

Chapter 2


This part of the research study included the method of research,

respondents of the study, sampling techniques, research procedure, research

instrument and statistical treatment of data.

Research Design

This study was aimed to accept and develop squid as food processing in

the Municipality of Real, Province of Quezon.

The researcher would use the experimental research design. The design is

a problem solving approach that the study is described in the future on what

would be when the variables are carefully manipulated or controlled.

The study would use a questionnaire-checklist to determine the

acceptability and development of squid as food processing using different local

variety like embutido, tocino and longganisa made of squid.

Setting of the Study

The researcher would select the municipality of real, in the province of

Quezon since the town is known by its big fishes and other seafood being sold in

the place. With this, the respondents to be selected will learn new products that

can be made using a squid.

Subject of the Study

This study would involve ninety (90) selected respondents from Real,

Quezon which will include consumers, fishermen, and fish vendor. From ninety

(90) respondents, thirty (30) would come from consumers, thirty (30) from

fishermen, and thirty (30) from fish vendors.

GANTT chart

The conduct of the study will be carried out according to the Gantt chart

show below.

Feb March April May June July Aug Sept

for the
Title Defense

Chapter 1
Research for
the literature
chapter 2
Chapter 1
and 2
Conduct of
Chapter 3
and 4
Chapter 3
and 4 final
Oral Defense

Sampling Technique

The researcher would employ the quota sampling to determine the number

of respondents involve in the study. In quota sampling, the respondents will be

selected from a group of subjects in the study coming from a larger group.

Research Procedure

The research title would be presented and approved by the experts. After

the approval, the researcher would personally visit the municipality of Real,

Quezon to ask for some relevant information related to the study acceptability and

development of squid as food processing. Preparation of survey questionnaire

would be presented and checked by the researcher adviser, research coordinator

and other experts to ensure the validity and correctness of the instrument. Also,

the research instrument with letter would be duly signed by the research

coordinator and the Dean of the College of Hospitality Management and Tourism

that would accompany in gathering data from the selected respondents in Real,

Quezon. Initially, a total of ninety (90) respondents would be subjected to answer

the research made questionnaire. Lastly, all data and information gathered will be

analyzed, tabulated and interpreted.

Materials and Equipment

Squid Brown Sugar Soy Sauce Vinegar

Garlic Pineapple Juice Food Color Salt

Pepper Paprika Garlic Sausage Container

Egg Pickles Cheese Bell Pepper

Tomato Sauce Raisins Carrots Onion

Bread Crumbs

Electric Meat Grinder Knife Mixing Bowl Spatula

Wooden Spoon Strainer Measuring Cups Measuring

Spoon Weighing Scale Aluminum Foil

Research Instrument

The researcher would use a research questionnaire in gathering the

research data. The research instrument would then be given and distributed to the

randomly selected respondents in the municipality of Real, Quezon.

The research instrument would use the 5 likert-scale describes as follows:

Scale Range Interpretation

5 4.21-5.00 Extremely Acceptable

4 3.41-4.20 Highly Acceptable

3 2.61-3.40 Acceptable

2 1.81-2.60 Moderately Acceptable

1 1.00-1.80 Not Acceptable

Statistical Treatment of Data

Problem Statistical Tools

1. Profile of the respondents Frequency, Percentage,

In terms of: and Rank





2. Level of Acceptability and Mean and Rank

Development of Squid as

Food Processing in terms






3. General Acceptability of Squid Mean and Rank

as Food Processing

4. Significant difference between the ANOVA

profile of the respondents and

level of acceptability of squid as

food processing.

5. Significant difference between the ANOVA

level of acceptability of squid as food

processing of the three products in

terms of taste, aroma, texture and color.


Brown, Amy. (2011). Understanding Food: Preparation and Principles. University

of Hawaii at Manoa.

Harris, LJ. (2009). Food science. Freezing and Thawing. Fine cooking.

Mercola, Nathalie H. (2015). Food Processing Industry. Helsch Publishing House,


Swarup, Abha. 2014. Techniques in Food Preservation. Discovery Publishing

House PVT. LTD. Pg 191-260

Sweetners, Byrne M. (2009). A matter of taste. Food Engineering International

Soriano, Nora N. (2010). A Guide to Food Selection, Preparation and

Preservation. Rex Printing Company, Inc.






A Thesis Proposal
Presented to the Faculty of the
College of Hospitality Management and Tourism
Laguna State Polytechnic University
Siniloan, Laguna

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the degree
Bachelor of Science of Hotel and Restaurant Management


JUNE 2017

Page No.


Background of the Study
Literature Review
Theoretical Framework
Conceptual Framework
Statement of the Problem
Significance of the Study
Scope and Limitation
Definition of the Terms

Research Design
Setting of the Study
Subject of the Study
Sampling Technique
Research Procedure
Statistical Treatment of Data

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