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WowzaDynamicLoadBalancingAddOn UserGuide 4.5

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Wowza Streaming Engine™

Dynamic Load Balancing

Wowza Streaming Engine:
Dynamic Load Balancing AddOn

Version: 4.5


Copyright © 2007–2018 Wowza Media Systems™, LLC. All rights reserved.

W O W Z A S T R E A M I N G E N G I N E 4 . 5 D Y N A M I C L O A D B A L A N C I N G

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W O W Z A S T R E A M I N G E N G I N E 4 . 5 D Y N A M I C L O A D B A L A N C I N G

Document History

Version Description Date

Doc v4.5 Document initial release of the Dynamic Load Balancing 12-08-2017
AddOn 4.5 for Wowza Streaming Engine
Doc v4.5 Update the privateSpace.txt file name throughout for accuracy 02-23-2018
Doc v4.5 Updating the privateAddressMap.txt file name. 10-08-2018

Copyright © 2007–2018 Wowza Media Systems™, LLC. All rights reserved.

W O W Z A S T R E A M I N G E N G I N E 4 . 5 D Y N A M I C L O A D B A L A N C I N G

Table of Contents

Overview ......................................................................................................6

Deployment architecture options................................................................8

Simple load balancing ..................................................................................................... 8
Geographic group load balancing ................................................................................... 8

Installing the Dynamic Load Balancing module .......................................10

Configuring the load balancing system.....................................................11

Server listener configuration .......................................................................................... 11
VHost listener configuration .......................................................................................... 11
Load Balancer property configuration............................................................................ 12
Server property configuration ........................................................................................ 16
HTTP interfaces ............................................................................................................ 21

HTTP redirection ........................................................................................................... 24
RTMP and RTSP redirection ......................................................................................... 27
Host-specific information ............................................................................................... 28
JSON and XML output .................................................................................................. 28

Wowza Player Integration..........................................................................30

Developer extension examples .................................................................33

Client data collection extension ..................................................................................... 33
Load Balancer decision processing extension .............................................................. 35
HTTP redirection extension ........................................................................................... 37

Example Server.xml file................................................................................................. 40
Example privateAddressMap.txt file (Load Balancer) .................................................... 40

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W O W Z A S T R E A M I N G E N G I N E 4 . 5 D Y N A M I C L O A D B A L A N C I N G

This document describes how to install and configure the Wowza Dynamic Load
Balancing AddOn to enable geographic, bandwidth, and connection-based system load
balancing between multiple servers running Wowza Streaming Engine software.

Wowza Dynamic Load Balancing AddOn 4.5 is for use with Wowza Streaming Engine™ software
version 4.7.3 and later. If you’re running Wowza Streaming Engine 4.0 to 4.7.2, you must use
Dynamic Load Balancing AddOn 4.0. If you're running Wowza Media Server™ software, you must
use Dynamic Load Balancing AddOn 2.0 to enable system load-balancing.

Dynamic Load Balancing AddOn for Wowza Streaming Engine has the following
• Decision-based chaining based on geography, bandwidth, connections, private
address space maps, and published stream locations can be specified in any
• Each criteria can be checked until a destination Server is selected
• Geographic load balancing provided by MaxMind GeoIP2 and GeoIP Legacy:
• Geographic Server grouping enables multiple Servers in the same
geographic region to be further balanced
• Bandwidth usage-based load balancing:
• Bandwidth usage across the entire Server with a resolution in kilobits per
second (kbps)
• Ability to exclude or include specific applications (case-sensitive)
• Connection-based load balancing:
• Connections across the entire Server are taken into account
• Ability to exclude or include specific applications (case-sensitive)
• Published stream location-based load balancing:
• Ability to exclude or include specific applications (case-sensitive)
• If not all edge Servers are used, only those to which the stream is
published are used to find a valid destination
• Private address space location-based load balancing:
• Custom address space map file (IPv4 only currently)
• Ability to support multiple private address space segments per Server

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• Client-based exclusions for direct connections to the Load Balancer server:

• The Load Balancer can accept direct connections from publishers such as
Adobe Flash Media Live Encoder, Telestream Wirecast, and so on
• Local connections, such as live repeaters, are excluded by default from
load balancing so that only client connections are used in decision making
• Soft shutdown of load-balancing Servers:
• Prevent clients from being redirected to specific load-balancing Servers
until they're restarted. Allows for connections to be dropped gracefully
without needing to shut down a Server
• Basic Web interface for removing load-balancing Servers
• Ability to change this behavior with the extensible HTTP interface for a
custom version
• Automatic re-registration of load-balancing Servers with the Load Balancer:
• If the Load Balancer server must be restarted, the load-balancing Servers
re-register automatically
• Support for specific server name/port, XML and RTMP redirect for live and VOD
• XML-based redirection for JW Player and Flowplayer
• HTTP redirection for HTTP-aware clients
• RTMP redirection for JW Player and other Flash-based clients
• RTSP redirection for VLC media player and other RTP-based clients
• MPEG-DASH redirection
• Specific hostname/port for integration elsewhere
• Generic JSON/XML server outputs
• Ability to implement custom processing using the extensible API
• Support for Apple HLS, Adobe HDS, Silverlight, MPEG-DASH, RTMP, and RTSP
• Ability to add HTTP protocols using the extensible API
• Secure communication between Load Balancer and load-balancing Servers
• Support for complete Server or VHost implementation
• Support for multiple load-balancing Server destinations for clients
• Support for private address space communication
• Automatic configuration of all HTTP, RTMP, and RTSP interfaces
• Ability to disable the automatic configuration of the interfaces

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W O W Z A S T R E A M I N G E N G I N E 4 . 5 D Y N A M I C L O A D B A L A N C I N G

Deployment architecture

Simple load balancing

The simplest load-balancing configuration is to have one Wowza server that acts as a load
balancer (the "Load Balancer" server) and then any number of other Wowza servers that
act as load-balancing edges (the load-balancing "Servers"). Requests to the Load Balancer
are redirected to one of the connected Servers. In this scenario, each load-balancing
Server has an equal chance of being redirected to.

Figure 1 Diagram of simple load-balancing configuration.

Note that the Wowza server that's configured as the Load Balancer can also act as a

Geographic group load balancing

A more advanced load-balancing configuration option is to provide geographic load

balancing with geographic grouping. This enables you to load balance multiple Wowza
servers in different geographic regions.
The following diagram shows two geographic groups of load-balancing Servers, a group in
the United States (loadbalanceClientCountryList or loadbalanceClientGeoIP2CountryList
= US) and another group in United Kingdom and other countries
(loadbalanceClientCountryList or loadbalanceClientGeoIP2CountryList = GB,*). A client
in the United States that connects to the Load Balancer is redirected to the group of
Servers in the US geographical region for load balancing, and then a specific Server is
selected to fulfill the client request depending on the configuration. For example, if the
configuration is based on the number of connections, the Server with the most available
connections is selected to fulfill the client requests. Or if the configuration is based on
available bandwidth, the Server that has the most available bandwidth is selected.

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Figure 2 Diagram of geographic group load-balancing configuration.

All of the load-balancing Servers are registered with the Load Balancer and can be
removed individually. The Wowza server that's configured as the Load Balancer can also
act as a Server and can't be removed from the configuration.

To use geographic load balancing, you must download the GeoIP Legacy or GeoIP2 database(s)
from MaxMind, Inc., and then configure the loadbalanceClientCountryList,
loadbalanceClientGeoIP2CountryList, and/or loadbalanceClientGeoIP2CityList properties on
the Load Balancer. The legacy GeoIP Country and GeoIP2 Country and City databases are
available for one-time purchase or paid subscription. Less accurate versions of the legacy GeoIP
and GeoIP2 databases (the GeoLite Country and GeoLite2 databases) are available free-of-

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W O W Z A S T R E A M I N G E N G I N E 4 . 5 D Y N A M I C L O A D B A L A N C I N G

Installing the Dynamic Load

Balancing module
Before you can install the Dynamic Load Balancing module, you must change your
Wowza Streaming Engine software configuration. The changes are very simple. The
instructions in this section assume that the server software is installed at the following
location (depending on your operating system):
/Program Files (x86)/Wowza Media Systems/Wowza Streaming Engine [version]

The above Wowza Streaming Engine installation paths for all operating systems are
referred to as [install-dir] throughout this document.

Installation files
The installation files for the module are contained in a compressed (zipped) folder
(WowzaStreamingEngineLoadBalancer-[version].zip). Download the file to each Wowza
server that you plan to use in the load-balancing configuration, and then use the
following instructions to install:
1. Extract the files from the downloaded WowzaStreamingEngineLoadBalancer-
[version].zip file.
2. Copy the contents of the unzipped folders to the corresponding folders in [install-

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Configuring the load

balancing system
A load-balancing system running on Wowza Streaming Engine software has the following
• Server listener or VHost listener (required for Load Balancer and all Servers)
• Load Balancer Properties (required for Load Balancer)
• Server Properties (required for all Servers)
• HTTP interfaces (required for Load Balancer)

Server listener configuration

To configure the server listener for the Dynamic Load Balancing AddOn, open the [install-
dir]/conf/Server.xml file in a text editor and add the following server listener to the
<ServerListeners> section in the file. This must be done on the Load Balancer and all
Servers in the load-balancing topology:

The Examples section of this document shows sample Server.xml configurations for the Load
Balancer in a load-balancing deployment.

VHost listener configuration

To configure the VHost listener for the Dynamic Load Balancing AddOn, open the [install-
dir]/conf/Server.xml file in a text editor and add the following server listener to the
<VHostListener> section in the file. This must be done on the Load Balancer and all
servers in the load-balancing topology:

The Examples section of this document shows sample Server.xml configurations for the Load
Balancer in a load-balancing deployment.

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Load Balancer property configuration

You must specify properties in the Server.xml or VHost.xml file on the Load Balancer and
all servers to configure the desired load-balancing functionality. If you are using the
server listener, configure the properties in the Server.xml file. If you are using the VHost
listener, we recommend configuring the properties in the VHost.xml file; if you use the
Server.xml file, any identical properties in the VHost.xml file will override the Server.xml
To configure the properties, open the .xml file in a text editor and add the desired
properties to the <Properties> section at the end of the file. The properties that can be
set on the Load Balancer are described in the following table:

• The Examples section of this document shows sample Server.xml configurations for the Load
Balancer and Servers in a load-balancing deployment.

• Some of the properties in the following table require corresponding properties to be configured
on the Servers.

Property Name Description

loadbalanceType Specifies the server type in the load-balancing
configuration. The Load Balancer has the value
Server or, if it will perform both roles,
Server,Client. The load-balancing Servers have
the value Client.
loadbalanceServerListenIP IP address of the server listener on the Load
Balancer. The default value is the first VHost
configuration IP address. If a matching VHost IP
address is not found or the VHost IP address is
set to *, this property is not used.
loadbalanceServerListenPath The URL path used for communication between
the Load Balancer and the Servers. The value
must be the same as the
loadbalanceServerPath on all Servers in the
load balancing system. The default value is
loadbalanceServerListenPort The port the Load Balancer runs on. By default,
this value is set to 1935, but you can set it to any
other port that’s configured in your Server.xml
or VHost.xml file. If you’re using SSL, you must
set the value to 443. If the specified port isn’t
configured, the HTTP interfaces aren’t set up
automatically and a log message is shown.

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loadbalanceKey Enables encrypted communication between the

Load Balancer and Servers. The value must be
16 characters long and must be the same on all
servers in the configuration.
loadbalanceServerListenRedirectPath The path used for the HTTP interface and
redirection. The default value is redirect.
loadbalanceServerListenInfoPath The path used for the HTTP information
interface. The default value is loadbalanceinfo.
loadbalanceServerListenApplicationNames A comma-separated list of applications that are
automatically configured for RTMP/RTSP
redirection when they start. Application
redirection is used by default. Set the value to
an empty string to turn off auto-configuration.
Note: Listing an application name in this value
doesn’t create the application. You must create
the applications separately.
loadbalanceServerIgnoreClients A pipe-separated list of client identifiers that are
used to determine if an RTMP connection is a
publisher. Connections determined to be
publishers aren’t redirected. The default value
for Wowza Streaming Engine 4.5 and later is:
Note: Updates to Wowza Streaming Engine
media server software may result in changes to
this list. For more information, see Flash version
loadbalanceServerDecisionOrder Controls the order in which decision-making is
processed for load balancing. Some or all of the
following values can be entered as a comma-
separated list:
Geographic – Select load-balancing Servers
based on the geographic selector using the
legacy MaxMind GeoIP database format.
GeoIP2Country – Select load-balancing Servers
based on the geographic country selector using
the MaxMind GeoIP2 country database format.
GeoIP2City – Select load-balancing Servers
based on the geographic city selector using the
MaxMind GeoIP2 city database format.
PrivateAddressSpace – Select load-balancing
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Servers based on a custom address space map

selector using a text file address or tag format.
Connection – Select load-balancing Servers
based on the bandwidth selector.
Bandwidth – Select load-balancing Servers
based on the connection selector.
PublishedStreams – Select load-balancing
Servers based on the published stream location
For example, to specify bandwidth-based and
then connection-based load balancing, the value
is: Bandwidth,Connection
loadbalanceServerMaxMindDataFile The full path to the legacy MaxMind GeoIP
Country database (GeoIP.dat) that’s used for
Geographic balancing. The default value is
Note: You must download the legacy GeoIP
country database file from MaxMind, Inc. to use
geographic lad balancing.
loadbalanceServerMaxMindGeoIP2CountryFile The full path to the MaxMind GeoIP2 Country
database (GeoIP2-Country.mmdb or GeoLite2-
Country.mmdb) that’s used for country
balancing (GeoIP2Country). The default value is
Note: You must download the GeoIP2 or
GeoLite2 country database file from MaxMind,
Inc. to use country balancing. For more
information, see Geographic group load
loadbalanceServerMaxMindGeoIP2CityFile The full path to the MaxMind GeoIP2 City
database (GeoIP2-City.mmdb or GeoLite2-
City.mmdb) that’s used for city balancing
(GeoIP2City). The default value is [install-
Note: You must download the GeoIP2 or
GeoLite2 city database file from MaxMind, Inc.
to use city balancing. For more information, see
Geographic group load balancing.

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loadbalanceServerPrivateAddressMapFile The full path to the private address map file

(privateAddressMap.txt) that’s used for private
address space balancing. The default location is
Note: You must create a map file named
privateAddressMap.txt file to use private
address space balancing. For more information,
see Example privateAddressMap.txt.
loadbalanceServerProcessClasses A pipe-separated list of classes to load for server
decision-making. When this property is set, it
overrides all default decision classes. If any of
the classes are not found, it is reported but
won’t stop the Load Balancer from starting.
loadbalanceServerProcessAddClasses A pipe-separated list of classes to be loaded in
addition to the default list for decision making. If
any of the classes are not found, it is reported by
won’t stop the Load Balancer from starting.
loadbalanceHTTPOutputClasses A pipe-separated list of classes that are loaded
in addition to the default HTTP handling classes.
This allows you to change the way different
HTTP requests are handled.
loadbalanceDebugDecrypt (Optional) Controls decryption debug logging,
which helps you to see how content was
decrypted. This should be set to False unless
you’re having problems.
loadbalanceDebugEncrypt (Optional) Controls encryption debug logging,
which helps you to see how content was
encrypted. This should be set to False unless
you’re having problems.
loadbalanceDebugClientCommunications (Optional) Controls debug logging of all Server
communications with the Load Balancer. This
should be set to False unless you’re having
loadbalanceDebugHTTPExtensions (Optional) Controls debug logging of HTTP
requests through extensions. This should be set
to False unless you’re having problems.
loadbalanceDebugClientExtension (Optional) Controls Server extension activity
debug logging. This should be set to False unless
you’re having problems.
loadbalanceDebugServerExtension (Optional) Controls Load Balancer extension
activity debug logging. This should be set to
False unless you’re having problems.

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loadbalanceDebugServerDecision (Optional) Controls decision-making debug

logging, which helps you to see how the Load
Balancer obtained a result. Enabling this
property con produce a lot of log entries, which
can create very large log files. This should be set
to False unless you’re having problems.
loadbalanceDebugClientProcess (Optional) Controls client-processing debug
logging. This should be set to False unless you’re
having problems.
loadbalanceDebugURLRequest (Optional) Controls debug logging of HTTP
requests made from clients to the Load
Balancer. This should be set to False unless
you’re having problems.

Server property configuration

You must specify properties in the Server.xml or VHost.xml file on the Load Balancer and
all Servers to configure the desired load-balancing functionality. If you are using the
server listener, configure the properties in the Server.xml file. If you are using the VHost
listener, we recommend configuring the properties in the VHost.xml file; if you use the
Server.xml file, any identical properties in the VHost.xml file will override the Server.xml
To configure the properties, open the .xml file in a text editor and add the desired
properties to the <Properties> section at the end of the file. The properties that can be
set on the Servers are described in the following table:

Some of the properties in the following tables require corresponding properties to be configured on
the Load Balancer.

Property Name Description

loadbalanceType Specifies the server type in the load-
balancing configuration. The load-balancing
server has the value Client, or if it will
perform both roles, Server,Client.
loadbalanceServerIP IP address of the Load Balancer. To allow
the Server to connect to multiple Load
Balancers, use a comma-separated list. If
you’re using SSL, you must specify a
hostname; an IP address won’t work with an
SSL certificate.

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loadbalanceServerPath URL path used for communication between

the Load Balancer and the Servers. The
value must be the same on all load-
balancing Servers and must match the
loadbalanceServerListenPath on the Load
Balancer. To allow a Server to connect to
multiple Load Balancers, use a comma-
separated list.
loadbalanceServerPort The port the Server uses to connect to the
Load Balancer. The default value is 1935. To
allow a Server to connect to multiple ports,
use a comma-separated list. If you’re using
SSL, you must use port 443.
loadbalanceClientName Name of the Server. If a name isn’t
specified, a random name is created each
time the Server starts up.
loadbalanceKey Enables encrypted communication between
the Load Balancer and Servers. The value
must be at least 8 characters long and must
be the same on all servers in the
loadbalanceClientForceIP Controls the IP address to which playback
clients are redirected when this load-
balancing Server is used. This can be useful
when there are multiple interfaces on a
server and communications occurs over an
interface that should not be used for
playback traffic. If you’re using SSL, you
must set this to the name of the SSL
certificate installed on this load-balancing
loadbalanceClientForcePort Controls the port to which playback clients
are redirected when this load-balancing
Server is used. This can be useful if the load-
balancing Servers don’t use the same port
as the Load Balancer. If you’re using SSL,
you must configure this property.
loadbalanceClientForceScheme Controls the scheme that is returned to
playback clients. The default scheme is http.
If you’re using SSL, you must set this to
loadbalanceClientCommunicationScheme Controls the scheme that us used for
communication between the load-balancing

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Servers and the Load Balancer. The default

scheme is http. If you’re using SSL, you must
set this to https.
For Geographic balancing:
loadbalanceClientCountryEnable Controls legacy MaxMind GeoIP country
balancing. The default value is off. To enable
country balancing, set this value to on and
configure the loadbalanceCountryList
property on the load-balancing Servers.
loadbalanceClientCountryList A comma-separated list of the MaxMind ISO
3166 Country Codes that this Server
supports for legacy GeoIP country balancing.
At least one country code must be specified.
Use a * to specify that all country codes are
For GeoIP2Country balancing:
loadbalanceClientGeoIP2CountryEnable Controls MaxMind GeoIP2 country load
balancing. The default value is off. To enable
country load balancing, set this value to on
and configure the
property on the load-balancing Servers.
loadbalanceClientGeoIP2CountryList A comma-separated list of the MaxMind ISO
3166 Country Codes that this Server
supports for GeoIP2 country balancing. At
least one country code must be specified.
Use a * to specify that all country codes are
For GeoIP2City balancing:
loadbalanceClientGeoIP2CityEnable Controls MaxMind GeoIP2 city load
balancing. The default value is off. To enable
city load balancing, set this value to on and
configure the
loadbalanceClientGeoIP2CityList on the
load-balancing Servers.
loadbalanceClientGeoIP2CityList A comma-separated list of the cities that
this Server supports for GeoIP2 city load
balancing. At least one city must be
specified. Use a * to specify that all cities are
Note: When using GeoIP2City load
balancing, we recommend that you also use

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GeoIP2Country balancing because multiple

countries can contain cities with the same
For PrivateAddressSpace balancing:
loadbalanceClientPrivateAddressMapEnable Controls private address space load
balancing. The default value is off. To enable
private address space load balancing, set
this value to on and configure the
property on the load-balancing Servers.
loadbalanceClientPrivateAddressTagList A comma-separated list of tags that the
Server supports. At least one tag must be
Note: Tags are defined in the
privateAddressMap.txt file. See Example
privateAddressMap.txt for more
For Connection and Bandwidth balancing:
loadbalanceApplicationsExclude A comma-separated list of applications to
exclude from bandwidth and connection
load-balancing calculations. The application
names must match exactly; wildcards and
partial names aren’t supported. Applications
listed here override the same applications
listed in loadbalanceApplicationsInclude.
loadbalanceApplicationsInclude A comma-separated list of applications to
include in bandwidth and connection load-
balancing calculations. Leaving this value
blank includes all applications on the Server
automatically. The application names must
match exactly; wildcards and partial names
aren’t supported. Any applications specified
in loadbalanceApplicationsExclude override
this setting.
For Connection balancing:
loadbalanceClientConnectionEnable Controls connection balancing. The default
value is off. To enable connection balancing,
set this value to on and configure the
loadbalanceClientConnectionLimit property
on the load-balancing Servers.
loadbalanceClientConnectionLimit The limit for outgoing connections on this
Server when using connection load
balancing. To allow an unlimited number of

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connections, set to 0.
If all Servers in the connection load-
balancing deployment are servicing the
maximum number of connections,
redirections will fail and you must add an
additional load-balancing Server to increase
loadbalanceClientCountSourceClient Enables you to include connections made by
the Load Balancer, such as receiving streams
from an origin server or an IP camera, in the
connection count for connection load
balancing. The default value is False, which
excludes all remote connections from the
count. To include remote connections in the
count, set to True.
For Bandwidth balancing:
loadbalanceClientBandwidthEnable Controls bandwidth monitoring. The default
value is off. To enable bandwidth
monitoring, set this value to on and
configure the
loadbalanceClientBandwidthLimit property
on load-balancing Servers.
loadbalanceClientBandwidthLimit The bandwidth limit for the Server, in
kilobits per second (Kbps). For example, if
you want this Server to provide only 50
megabits per second (Mbps) of throughput,
set the value to 50000. To allow unlimited
bandwidth, set to 0.
If all Servers in the bandwidth load-
balancing deployment are saturated,
redirection will fail and you must add an
additional load-balancing Server to increase
loadbalanceClientBandwidthSourceClient Enables you to include connections made by
the Load Balancer, such as receiving streams
from an origin server or an IP camera, in the
bandwidth count for bandwidth load
balancing. The default value is False, which
excludes all remote connections from the
count. To include remote connection in the
bandwidth count, set to True.

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For PublishedStreams balancing:

loadbalanceClientPublishStreamsEnable Controls published stream load balancing.
The default value is off. To enable published
stream balancing, set this value to on.
loadbalanceApplicationInstanceNameInclude Enables the Server to include the application
instance name in the published stream data
sent to the Load Balancer. The default value
is False. To include the application instance
name, set this value to True.
loadbalanceServerPublishPrefixPassThrough Enables requests for stream names with the
SMIL, NGRP, or AMLST prefixes to be
excluded from published stream decision-
making. The default value is True. Setting
the value to False might cause responses to
fail when the appropriately-named stream
same group isn’t considered a published

HTTP interfaces

To enable communication between the Load Balancer and Servers, and to view Server
statistics in a web-based administration interface, HTTP Providers are automatically
• Statistics and control HTTP interface
• Redirection interface for XML and specific host information

Statistics and control HTTP interface

A statistics interface is configured automatically, and enables you to see connected

Servers and the bandwidth and countries allocated for them. It also enables you to shut
down Servers, removing them from the configuration while leaving other connected
Servers unaffected.
When the Load Balancer is on, you can view the connected Servers and their status in a
web browser using the loadbalanceServerListenerIP, loadbalanceServerListenerPort,
and the loadbalanceServerListenInfoPath properties in the following format:

For example, if the Load Balancer has the IP address of, the port 1935, and
the path loadbalanceinfo, you can open the following address in the browser:

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The web-based interface includes Pause Client and Remove Client buttons for each
Server entry.
Pause Client
When you click Pause Client, the Server is temporarily excluded from load balancing
decisions but it will continue to check in. The following is an example of the entry log
created when you click Pause Client:
INFO server comment – loadBalancer: Client: Pause: fa5bb359-8e1f-4fed-

After you click Pause Client, the button changes to Unpause, which immediately re-
includes the client in load balancing decision-making when clicked. The following is an
example of a log entry that is created when you click Unpause:
INFO server comment – loadBalancer: Client: Unpause: fa5bb359-8e1f-4fed-

Remove Client
When you click Remove Client, the Server is removed from the load-balancing
configuration without shutting it down. The following is an example of a log entry that is
created when you click Remove Client:
INFO server comment – loadBalancer: Client: Stopped: eabdcd97-3989-4622-

Clicking Remove Client immediately removed the client from load balancing decision-
making and stops the client from checking in, which eventually causes the Server to
expire. The following is an example of a log entry that is created when a Server expires:
INFO server comment – loadBalancer: Remove client: Expire Timeout:

Redirection interface for XML and specific host information

A redirection interface enables you to return load-balancing information that can be

integrated into well-known Flash clients (such as JW Player) or with your own application
returning only the IP/port that's used. This interface is configured automatically, and uses
the loadbalanceServerListenRedirectPath property.

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The load-balancing redirection interfaces on the Load Balancer enable you to provide a
single URL to clients in the following basic form:

The [load-balancer-ip-address] is the IP address of the Wowza Load Balancer. The type
URL query is used to specify the manifest file format in the redirect URL that's returned to
clients and is only used for HTTP redirection.
A client is then redirected to an available load-balancing Server via a URL that has the
following basic form:

Notice that the /redirect/ part of the request URL is removed in the resulting redirect
URL. You can configure your filter to be any name and it too will be removed
appropriately. The [load-balanced-server-ip-address] is either the IP address of the
Wowza Load Balancer or the IP address of a load-balancing Server, depending on the load
on the system.
If you use wget and use the –server-response and set max-redirect to 0 you can see the
headers returned. For example, this command:
wget --max-redirect 0 --server-response http://[wowza-ip-

returns the following information:

HTTP/1.1 302 Found
Access-Control-Expose-Headers: Date, Server, Content-Type, Content-
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Content-Type, User-Agent, If-Modified-
Since, Cache-Control, Range
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Location: http://[wowza-client-ip-
Access-Control-Allow-Methods: OPTIONS, GET, POST, HEAD
Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true
Content-Type: text/html
Connection: Keep-Alive
Server: WowzaStreamingEngine/
Cache-Control: no-cache
Content-Length: 0

You can see the request for the application vod and stream name stream.mp4 with the
type m3u8 this then generated a redirect of

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The address changes based on the load reported by each server and the configuration of
the decisions set.

• When the loadbalanceType property value is set to Server,Client on the Load Balancer, it's
also a load-balancing Server that can fulfill the client request if not overloaded. Setting this
property value to Server means that the Load Balancer redirects all client requests to
connected load-balancing Servers.
• When using a load-balancing system to deliver relative playlists, particularly with Apple HLS,
some playback clients may not follow the redirection correctly. Therefore, it is important to
configure absolute playlists for all load-balancing edge servers. For more information, see How
to switch between absolute and relative URLs in Apple HTTP Live Streaming playlists.

A Wowza load-balancing system running on Wowza Streaming Engine software supports

redirection over the following protocols:

HTTP redirection

The HTTP redirection interface enables you to provide a single URL that redirects client
requests to an available load-balancing Server. The HTTP redirection supports most
clients by enabling M3U8, F4M, Manifest, MPEG-DASH, and RTMP XML outputs to be
created. All of the redirection types work for live and VOD applications configured in
Wowza Streaming Engine software.
HTTP clients are redirected using the HTTP 302 response status code. Your client must
support the HTTP 302 code for load balancing to work. RTMP clients that use HTTP
requests must support the returned XML (see RTMP XML).

Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) headers are now supported by default on all HTTP
Providers used by Wowza Streaming Engine, and can’t be configured through the load balancer.

Apple HLS (M3U8)

The following is an example for generating an HTTP 302 (redirection) response with a
redirection URL in the Location header field for use in some iOS-based devices:

In this example, Apple HLS clients are redirected to:

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Adobe HDS (F4M)

The following is an example for generating an HTTP 302 (redirection) response with a
redirection URL in the Location header field for use in some Flash-based players:

In this example, Adobe HDS clients are redirected to:


Microsoft Smooth Streaming (Manifest)

The following is an example for generating an HTTP 302 (redirection) response with a
redirection URL in the Location header field for use in some Silverlight clients:

In this example, Silverlight clients are redirected to:



The following is an example for generating an HTTP 302 (redirection) response with a
redirection URL in the Location header field for use in some MPEG-DASH clients:

In this example, MPEG Dash clients are redirected to:


You can also change the manifest type by using the manifestType query parameter. The
default manifest type is manifest.mpd, but the the following types are also valid:
• manifest_mpm4sav_mvlist.mpd
• manifest_mvlist.mpd
• manifest_mpm4sav_mvtime.mpd
• manifest_mvtime.mpd
• manifest_mpm4sav_mvnumber.mpd

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• manifest_mvnumber.mpd.
In this example, MPEG Dash clients are redirected with a segment list manifest


The following is an example for generating XML output for use in some Flash-based

In this example, an RTMP client using HTTP requests gets XML returned similar to:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<meta base="rtmp://[load-balanced-server-ip-
address]:1935/[application-name]/" />
<video src="[stream-name]" />

In the above example, a client connects to the Load Balancer and the original URL
parameters are used to construct the application name and stream to be used. If you
specify a longer directory structure, this is added to the src element in the XML file.
You can also generate a multi-bitrate version of this output to allow redirection for
adaptive bitrate (ABR) streams. To do this, the URL requires additional query parameters
that describe the assets and bitrates. These should contain a comma-separated list of
assets and their corresponding bitrates. If the number of assets and bitrates doesn't
match, no output is returned.
The following is an example for generating XML output for use in some Flash-based

In this example, an RTMP client using HTTP requests gets XML returned similar to:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<meta base="rtmp://" />
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<video src="file1.mp4" system-bitrate="250000" />

<video src="file2.mp4" system-bitrate="350000" />
<video src="file3.mp4" system-bitrate="500000" />

Any additional query string parameters added to the HTTP request are also appended to
the file names presented in the XML file. This can be useful when using the SecureToken
feature in Wowza Streaming Engine (version 4.1 and later).

RTMP and RTSP redirection

To enable RTMP redirection functionality to the Load Balancer, configure the load-
balancing system and add an application named 'redirect'. By default, the Load Balancer
enables this application for RTMP and RTSP redirection. You can use the
loadbalanceServerListenApplicationNames property to disable the auto-configuration or
change the application(s).
When auto-configuration is enabled, no changes are made to the Application.xml file.
However, if you disable auto-configuration of RTMP and RTSP redirection, you must add
the Redirect module to the [install-dir]/conf/[application-name]/Application.xml file as
the last module in the <Modules> section. The following example shows the Redirect

This module returns an RTMP or RTSP redirect to clients that connect to the Load
Balancer, except for those that are configured to be ignored in the
loadbalanceServerIgnoreClients property in the Server.xml file. Wowza edge servers
that connect to a Load Balancer that's also an origin server in a live stream repeater
(origin/edge) configuration are also ignored.
The following are examples of the URLs used to redirect:
RTMP clients:

In this example, RTMP clients are redirected to:


RTSP clients:

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In this example, RTSP clients are redirected to:


Host-specific information

To determine the IP address and port of a load-balancing Server to use for any client
request, you can request this information by using the following URL:

You can use the IP query parameter to specify the IP address of a potential client to see
which load-balancing Server it would be redirected to. If you omit the query parameter,
the IP address of the local client is used.
This will return a text string with the IP address:port combination, for example:

You can also use the streamName query parameter to specify the name of a stream you
are looking for.

JSON and XML output

Additionally, you can request JSON and XML output when you query the load balancer
interface by adding the type query parameter to the queries.


To request JSON output, include the type query parameter with a value of json. For
example, the following query:

returns JSON output similar to the following:


The output includes the load balancer version, build number, and the load-balancing
Server. It also returns the IP address determined from the client request. However, you

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can override the IP address by using the IP query parameter; see Host-specific
information for more information.


To request XML output, include the type query parameter with a value of xml. For
example, the following query:

returns XML output similar to the following:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

The output includes the load balancer version, build number, and the load-balancing
Server. It also returns the IP address determined from the client request. However, you
can override the IP address by using the IP query parameter; see Host-specific
information for more information.

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Wowza Player Integration

The Dynamic Load Balancing AddOn can be used to balance loads to Wowza Player,
which is an embeddable HTML5 player that plays Apple HLS streams sent from Wowza
Streaming Engine. For more information about Wowza Player, see How to get started
with Wowza Player.
An example demonstrating how to integrate the Dynamic Load Balancing AddOn with
Wowza Player is available in [install-dir]/documentation/WowzaPlayer. To use this
example, you must enter your Wowza Player license as well as information about your
Load Balancer, application, and asset.
Within the WowzaPlayer example, you must replace [PUT YOUR PLAYER LICENSE HERE]
with your license as shown below:


To find your Wowza Player license, do the following:

1. Open the Wowza Player portal in a web browser and log in with your Wowza
account credentials.
2. After logging in, enter a Stream source (HLS) URL. Note that this doesn’t have to
point to the Load Balancer at this time. In this case, it’s only required to generate
the Embed Code that contains your license.

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3. Next, click </>Get Embed Code, which is located above the video preview.
4. In the Wowza Player Embed Code pop up, your full license is displayed in the
third section, Embed the Wowza Player. Copy and paste the license into the
WowzaPlayer example.

You’ll also need to specify the loadBalancerHost, loadBalancerAppRequired, and

loadBalancerAssetRequired in the example. In most cases, these are the only properties
that must be changed. Optionally, you can also change the loadBalancerFilter and the

// This is the HTTP Client Handler Path: shown when the

// load balancer 4.5 starts up
var loadBalancerFilter = "redirect";

// This is the scheme to use for a connection. HTTP by default

// however it is preferable to change this
// to https://. Do remember the // is REQUIRED!
var scheme = "http://";

// This is the external IP address for the load balancer. By default

//port 1935 is used.
var loadBalancerHost = "[load balancer host]:1935";

// This is the application name to use.

var loadBalancerAppRequired = "vod";

// This is the asset name, it can be a VOD or live asset name

var loadBalancerAssetRequred = "mp4:sample.mp4";

In the example above, you must replace the following:

• [load balancer host] with the IP address of your Load Balancer.
• "vod" with the name of your application. The quotation marks are required.

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• "mp4:sample.mp4" with the media type prefix (such as mp4) and the name of
your video on demand file or the live source stream. The quotation marks are

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Developer extension
The Dynamic Load Balancing AddOn 4.5 enables customers to develop and deploy their
own extensions to provide functionality specific to their environment. There are four
types of extensions: client data collection, server decision processing, communication
encryption, and HTTP redirection.

Client data collection extension

The client data collection extension is defined by the ILoadBalancerClientDataExtension,

which is found in the com.wowza.wms.plugin.loadbalancer.client package. This
interface enables you to collect information you need, send this information to the load-
balancing Server, which in turn sends the information to the Load Balancer. The following
example shows a client data collection extension:
package my.domain.test.client.extension;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import com.wowza.wms.application.WMSProperties;
import com.wowza.wms.logging.WMSLoggerFactory;
import com.wowza.wms.plugin.loadbalancer.server.LoadBalancerServer;
import com.wowza.wms.plugin.loadbalancer.utils.Logger;
import com.wowza.wms.server.IServer;
import com.wowza.wms.vhost.IVHost;

public class LoadBalancerClientDummyExtension implements

// The COMPONENET_NAME must be unique, if an extension with the same
name is already loaded
// the extension is not loaded

private final String COMPONENT_NAME = "ClientExtensionDummy";

private boolean debug = false;
private boolean active = false;
private Logger logger = null;

public void init(WMSProperties props, IServer iServer, List<IVHost>

// The props contain the properties from the Server or VHost. This
allows you to use your own
// custom properties for your own extensions.

// The iServer value is null if running as a VHost listener

// A list of VHosts is passed into the List VHosts. If the server is

configured as
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// a VHost listener then only that VHost is present in the list.

// The init is called when the extension is loaded

Iterator<IVHost> useableVHosts = vHosts.iterator();

while (useableVHosts.hasNext())
IVHost thisVhost = useableVHosts.next();
if (getDebug() == true)
WMSLoggerFactory.getLogger(CLASS).info(CLASS + " Doing Vhost " +

public void setDebug(boolean debug)

this.debug = debug;

public boolean getDebug()

return this.debug;

public void setActive(boolean active)

this.active = active;

public boolean getActive()

return this.active;

public void setLogger(Logger log)

this.logger = log;

public Logger getLogger()

return this.logger;

public String getComponentName()


public Map<String, String> processClientInformation(WMSProperties

props, IServer iServer, List<IVHost> vHosts)
// This function is called each time the client is polls for
information. It must return a name/value map

Map<String, String> returnMap = new HashMap<String, String>();

// Do something here

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return returnMap;

The COMPONENT_NAME is used as a prefix for all of the names provided in the map as
they pass through the Server to the Load Balancer. This maintains unique entries for all
client extensions.
To use this extension, the loadbalanceClientProcessAddClasses property should be
added to the Server.xml or VHost.xml file. The following is an example for configuring
the property:

If you need to add multiple classes, use a pipe-separated ( | ) list.

Load Balancer decision processing extension

The Load Balancer decision processes extension is defined by the

ILoadBalancerServerDataExtension, which is found in the
com.wowza.wms.plugin.loadbalancer.server package. This interface enables you to
process any information you need as a decision parameter and select registered Servers.
The following example shows a Load Balancer decision process extension:
package my.domain.test.server.extension;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;

import com.wowza.wms.application.WMSProperties;
import com.wowza.wms.logging.WMSLoggerFactory;
import com.wowza.wms.plugin.loadbalancer.utils.Logger;

public class LoadBalancerServerDummyExtension implements

private boolean debug = false;
private boolean active = false;
private final String COMPONENT_NAME = "ServerExtensionBandwidth";
private Logger logger = null;

public void init(WMSProperties props)


public void setDebug(boolean debug)


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this.debug = debug;

public boolean getDebug()

return this.debug;

public void setLogger(Logger log)

this.logger = log;

public Logger getLogger()

return this.logger;

public void updateComponent(HashMap<String, String> data)


public void setActive(boolean active)

this.active = active;

public boolean getActive()

return this.active;

public String getComponentName()


public HashMap<String, ILoadBalancerServerClient>

processClientInformation(HashMap<String, ILoadBalancerServerClient>
clientList, Map<String, String> params)
// The processClientInformation function is run each time a client
request is made for
// load balancing.

// clientList contains the clients available to be checked

// params contains any custom parameters added by client requests

when a request is
// received.

if (!getActive())
return clientList;

HashMap<String, ILoadBalancerServerClient> outputClients = new

HashMap<String, ILoadBalancerServerClient>();

Iterator<String> clientI = clientList.keySet().iterator();

while (clientI.hasNext())

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String thisClient = clientI.next();
HashMap<String, String> thisClientAtt =
// The attribute list from the client contains ALL attributes
passed by ALL the client data collection extensions.
// Each client extension prefixes the name of the extension

if (thisClientAtt.containsKey("ClientExtensionDummy-dummyName"))
// Determine if this client matches criteria you are looking for
and add to the
// return list of clients. This list is passed to the next
extension for processing.
// outputClients.put(thisClient, clientList.get(thisClient));

return outputClients;

The COMPONENT_NAME must be unique for each extension loaded.

To use this extension, the loadbalanceServerProcessAddClasses property should be
added to the Server.xml or VHost.xml file. The following is an example for configuring
the property:

n </Value>

If you need to add multiple classes, use a pipe-separated ( | ) list.

HTTP redirection extension

The HTTP redirection extensions enable you to write your own extension to handle any
type of request you wish to redirect. The following is an example of an HTTP redirection
package my.domain.test.http.extension;

import com.wowza.wms.http.IHTTPRequest;
import com.wowza.wms.http.IHTTPResponse;
import com.wowza.wms.plugin.loadbalancer.server.ILoadBalancerServer;
import com.wowza.wms.vhost.IVHost;

public class LoadBalancerHTTPDummy implements ILoadBalancerHTTPExtension


private boolean debug = false;

private boolean active = true;

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private final String COMPONENT_NAME = "Dummy";

public void setDebug(boolean debug)

this.debug = debug;

public boolean getDebug()

return this.debug;

public void setActive(boolean active)

this.active = active;

public boolean getActive()

return this.active;

public String getComponentName()


public String processHTTPRequest(IVHost inVhost, IHTTPRequest req,

IHTTPResponse resp, String assetPath, ILoadBalancerServer
Map<String, List<String>> requestParams = req.getParameterMap();
String IP = req.getRemoteAddr();
HashMap<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>();
// If a decision is needed based on the source IP , add the IP to
the params list being sent
// to the decision logic. As this is for M3U8 type we do not need to
override the request.
params.put("ClientIP", IP);
ILoadBalancerServerClient foundClient =
String output = “”;
if (foundClient != null)
// foundClient.getClientHost() does all the work for client IP or
forced IP and also port
// removing the : if port 80 is provided
output = req.getType() + "://" + foundClient.getClientHost() +
assetPath + "/playlist.m3u8";

// You could set return headers for a redirect

// resp.setHeader("Location", output);
// If you want to return an output you do so here, or return null.
If redirecting returning null is important for some clients.
return output;

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To use this extension, the loadbalanceHTTPOutputClasses should be added to the

Server.xml or VHost.xml file:

If you need to add multiple classes, use a pipe-separated ( | ) list.

After creating the extension, there are two ways to access it:
You can use a type parameter. For example:

Or you can append a .[suffix] to the end of the URL. For example:

If Wowza Streaming Engine matches against an extension, such as m3u8, you must use the type

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Example Server.xml file

Server.xml files must be configured on the Load Balancer and all load-balancing Servers.
Examples are available in [install-dir]/documentation/exampleConfigurations for each
type of load balancing decision. Each example includes two files: Server.txt demonstrates
the Load Balancer configuration and Client.txt demonstrates the load-balancing Server

To use multiple types of load balancing, enter a comma-separated list of values for the
loadbalanceServerDecisionOrder in the Load Balancer Server.xml file, and then make sure the
properties for those types of load balancing are added to the Server.xml files on the Load Balancer
and load-balancing Servers. For more information, see Load Balancer property configuration
and Server property configuration.

Example privateAddressMap.txt file (Load Balancer)

To balance load based on a custom address space map, you must create a new text file
named privateAddressMap.txt that lists the private addresses and tags the Server should
be used for. Usually, this file is located in the [install-dir]/conf/, but you can use the
loadbalanceServerPrivateAddressMapFile property to specify an alternate path. This
map file should contain one entry per line and include a tag and the IP addresses.

IPv6 addresses are not supported. You must use IPv4 or CIDR notation.

To use IPv4 notation, each entry must be formatted as a comma-separated list and
contain a beginning IP address, an ending IP address, and a tag. For example:,,HOME,,WORK

To use the CIDR notation, each entry must contain the CIDR address and a tag, separated
by a comma. For example:,HOME,WORK

The tags listed in the privateAddressMap.txt file must correspond to the value of the
loadbalanceClientPrivateAddressTagList property on the Server.

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