Summer Training Project Report On: "Banking at HDFC Bank LTD."
Summer Training Project Report On: "Banking at HDFC Bank LTD."
Summer Training Project Report On: "Banking at HDFC Bank LTD."
A bank is a commercial or state institution that provides financial services, including issuing
money in form of coins, banknotes or debit cards, receiving deposits of money, lending
money and processing transactions.
A commercial bank accepts deposits from customers and in turn makes loans based on those
Some banks (called Banks of issue) issue banknotes as legal tender. Many banks offer
ancillary financial services to make additional profit.
Currently in most jurisdictions, commercial banks are regulated and require permission to
Operational authority is granted by bank regulatory authorities and provide rights to conduct
the most fundamental banking services such as accepting deposits and making loans.
A commercial bank is usually defined as an institution that both accepts deposits and makes
loans; there are also financial institutions that provide selected banking services without
meeting the legal definition of a bank (see banking institutions).
Banks have a long history, and have influenced economies and politics for centuries.
In history, the primary purpose of a bank was to provide liquidity to trading companies.
Banks advanced funds to allow businesses to purchase inventory, and collected those funds
back with interest when the goods were sold.
For centuries, the banking industry only dealt with businesses, not consumers.
Commercial lending today is a very intense activity, with banks carefully analysing the
financial condition of its business clients to determine the level of risk in each loan
Banking services have expanded to include services directed at individuals and risks in these
much smaller transactions are pooled.
A bank generates a profit from the differential between what level of interest it pays for
deposits and other sources of funds, and what level of interest it charges in its lending activity
However, lending activities still provide the bulk of a commercial bank's income. The name
bank derives from the Italian word banco.
In order to have a proper understanding of the service quality
of bank a depth study was done from the various sources such
as books, a lot of data is also collected from the official
websites of the banks and the articles from various search
engines like Google, yahoo search and
The research design is exploratory till identification of service
quality parameters. Later it becomes descriptive when it
comes to evaluating customer perception of service quality of
the banks.
Descriptive research, also known as statistical research,
describes data and characteristics about the population or
phenomenon being studied. Descriptive research answers the
questions who, what, where, when and how.
Kotler Philip, marketing management, (Pearson education,
12th edition) Malhotra K. Naresh, marketing research (An
applied orientation), Research design, (Prentice hall of India
pvt. 5th edition)