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NSFScholarshipNorms Approved PDF

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Norms have been framed to align with the mission, vision, core values and goals of the


Our Mission is to promote excellence in human endeavour, to develop human resources

and to help people achieve success by giving hope to those who may have none.


Encourage academic excellence among the poorest of the poor by providing college
scholarships in India regardless of religion, gender and geographic origin.

Encourage academic excellence among the school children in the areas of English
Spelling, Vocabulary, Maths, Science and Geography by focussing on contests.


To become an Equal Opportunity Fund by selecting one or more fresh students per
district each year among the poorest of the poor who demonstrate academic
excellence, despite persistent obstacles, have core values and are likely to be role


Excellence means excellence in academics every year, not just in entrance exam.
Merit Norms:

Under Graduate (Non diploma) courses & (B.Sc Nursing):

Students should have secured at least 85% marks in 10th and 12th standard
examinations, respectively.

Diploma courses:
In respect of students applying for scholarship to pursue Diploma course the student
must have secured a minimum of 80% marks in the 10th standard examination.
Past studies: The applicant should have preferably studied in a Government /Govt.
Aided school /College. Applications in respect of students who have studied in a private
school will also be considered provided the annual fees paid by them does not exceed
Rs.15,000/- for 10th class and Rs.30,000/- for 12th or +2.

Current studies:
Generally the scholarships are for students studying in government colleges.
Students studying in Private colleges may also be selected if for special reasons like
computers or electronics are available to a student in a private college but not in a
government college or the private college is located close to the home of the student
(Local Area) so that the student can seek admission as a day scholar and save on
boarding expenditure.

For the year 2018-19 we propose to entertain/accept applications for Engineering (both
fresh and lateral entry), Diploma in Engineering, Diploma in Agriculture, Medicine,
Dental, Veterinary Science, Engineering and B.Sc (Agri) provided the student secures
admission through a Common Entrance Test (CET) conducted by the respective state
governments or Entrance Tests conducted at the All India level.

There is a renewed demand from a few chapters to include B.Sc. (Nursing) also for the
award of scholarship. Keeping in view the growing demand for qualified Nurses and
increasing cost of expenditure for pursuing the said course we propose to accept
applications for B.Sc. (Nursing) for the academic year 2018-19.

B. Pharma / D. Pharma shall, however, be excluded from the list of eligible courses.

We would reiterate that 3 year degree courses viz., B.A., B.Com. B.Sc., etc shall not be

Entrance Exam Ranks:

A numerical rank up to 10,000 for Engineering and up to 5,000 for Lateral entry into
Engineering secured in CETs conducted by the respective State governments shall be
considered for award of scholarship. For students intending to pursue courses leading
to the award of Diploma in Engineering the POLYCET rank shall not exceed 5,000. The
maximum ceiling is to ensure quality of the candidates compared to the seats made
available simply because of the proliferation of private colleges indiscriminately in some

In respect of students appearing for and qualifying in the all India National Eligibility
Entrance Test (NEET) for Medicine a numerical rank up to 60,000 shall be considered.
Besides, all students who secure admission into the prestigious all India Medical
Institutes viz. AIIMS (currently at 9 centres) and JIPMER (currently at 2 centres), who
conduct Entrance Tests separately and are not included in the NEET pool, shall
become eligible for the award of scholarship.

In respect of students appearing for and qualifying in the Joint Engineering Entrance
Examination (JEE) the rank shall not exceed 70,000.

Only the all India rank shall be considered for awarding scholarship irrespective of the
state rank/category rank secured by the student.


Students whose family’s annual income does not exceed Rs.1,00,000/-(Rupees One
Lakh) per annum shall be eligible to apply for scholarship

Non – First Year Students:

In respect of students belonging to previous year batches it has been decided to accept
applications for the year 2018-19 also from students who have secured admission in the
previous year but could not apply for the scholarship, either due to lack of information or
warranting financial help for the remainder of the course due to certain unforeseen
developments in their family/other exigencies, on a highly selective basis upon
certification/recommendation by the Chapter Coordinator.

Applications from students who have joined 2 years prior to the current academic year
(i.e. 2016-17 Batch) and 1 year in respect of Lateral entry (i.e.2017-18 batch) shall be
considered subject, however, to the student complying with the eligibility criteria of NSF
as if he/she had applied at the beginning of the course i.e a year ago or two years ago
and passing the semester-wise examinations of previous years without any back-log in
one attempt. Scholarship shall be considered for the remainder of the course duration
and no scholarship would be admissible for the previous years.

Gap between the passing of Inter or +2 and the time of application:

Taking into consideration the keen competition across the country for professional
courses more particularly for Medical courses it has been decided to accept applications
with 2 years gap for Engineering and 3 years gap for Medicine after passing the
qualifying examination (i.e. Intermediate or +2) for 2018-19 also from students who have
secured a good rank in the Common Entrance Test but 2 years or 3 years after passing
the qualifying examination

However, the student’s merit in 10th class and 12th class should strictly be ensured.
Also if the applicant appeared at the CET more than once, result/rank card should be
submitted for each attempt separately.


Applications from SC/ST students shall not be considered as Central Govt. provides full
aid by statute.


We propose to accept applications from BC/OBC students during 2018-19 also. For the
information of the chapters it is clarified that NSF is the last resort and a student should
get a letter from the Principal that he/she is not getting any scholarship or financial aid
from any other source. If the student is in receipt of any scholarship/aid from any other
source/s the amount received by him/her should be clearly mentioned in the application.
Such amount received would be deducted while disbursing our scholarship amount.

Student should submit an affidavit stating that he/she applied for financial aid based on
BC/OBC status. Further, the student should furnish the outcome/status of the
application made to other agencies/Government.

• Medicine Rs.25,000/- per annum

• Engineering (Fresh and Lateral entry) Rs.20,000/- per annum.
• Dental, Veterinary Science and B.Sc. (Agri) Rs. 20,000/- per annum.
• Diploma in Engineering Rs. 8,000/- per annum.
• Diploma in Agriculture Rs.8,000/- per annum
• B.Sc Nursing Rs.8,000/- per annum
• For renewals, the scholarship amount shall remain the same as per original
sanction for the entire duration of the course.


1) Online registration of applications is a must and Chapter Coordinators shall

ensure100% compliance in respect of online registrations both for fresh and renewal
applications. Under no circumstances NSF, Hyderabad, would lend any support to
chapters as was done in the previous years. We repeat that, Applications which are
not registered online shall not be considered for grant of scholarships and
summarily rejected.

2) All relevant documents viz.

i) College Admission Card
ii) CET/JEE/NEET rank card
iii) Bonafide certificate from the college into which student secured admission
iv) Certificates showing marks secured from class 10th to 12th duly attested
v) Proof of tuition fees paid /payable annually duly certified by college
vi) Income Certificate issued by a Revenue Official or any other competent
vii) Ration card / Aadhar card
viii) Two passport size photographs
ix) One family photo with the family standing in front the house they live in,
x) Reservation Class card duly certified, if the entrance exam rank card does
not have the reservation class
must invariably be enclosed and submitted to respective chapters who will after due
verification forward to NSF, Hyderabad, along with hard copies of applications for all
fresh scholarships.

3) Applications not properly filled up and containing gaps shall be liable for rejection.


Bonafide certificate from the college, marks memo of the previous year/semesters,
conduct certificate and fees paid receipt/s for the current year should be obtained and
forwarded along with hard copies of renewal applications.

We have observed while scrutinizing renewal applications that in a large no. of cases
the appropriate form is not used and instead the Fresh application format is used.
Similarly the marks/grades secured semester-wise are not filled up with relevant
information in the boxes and are left blank. Renewal Applications not properly filled up
and containing gaps would lead to unnecessary delays in processing and sanction.

Chapter Coordinators are, therefore, requested, before forwarding hard copies of

renewal applications, to ensure that all the columns have been filled up correctly to
avoid delays in processing/sanction. Any application received with incomplete
information and gaps shall be liable for rejection.

Conduct certificates duly certified by the Principal and passing of all subjects in one
attempt without any backlog is a prerequisite for granting renewal scholarships.

If the student fails in one or more subjects in any semester he/she shall forfeit
scholarship for the remainder of the course.

During 2015-16, 2016-17 and 2017-18 we have stipulated that all the scholarship
recipients should spend 80 hours in serving the poor through a registered NGO. The
above stipulation would be applicable for 2018-19 also.

While forwarding renewal applications the students should enclose:

i) A certificate from the NGO that he/she had performed 80 hours of service to the poor
giving full details about what the student did during the 80 hours.

ii) The student should also submit a detailed report on the experience gained during the
Seva Programme of 80 hours.

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