Copy Reading and Headline Writing
Copy Reading and Headline Writing
Copy Reading and Headline Writing
What is copyreading?
Style refers to the newspaper’s preferred manner of doing things – what to abbreviate, and
how, what to spell out and what to capitalize.
Copyreading also involves eliminating libelous and derogatory statements and opinions in
editorials and news stories and those contrary to laws and good taste.
Consistency in style ( e.g., U.S or US, Arroyo or Gloria Macapagal Arroyo or GMA
What is a Headline?
An assemblage of words written in bigger, bolder letters than the usual page text at the
beginning of the news, also known as the head, but not a title.
Write an easy to read headline. The simple declarative subject predicate sentence is easy to
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Give the main idea in the first line the “who-what” angle
In a head with two or more decks, make the top tell the most significant points of the story
and no other.