The document contains repeated instructions to wash hands with soap by calling out phrases such as "AYO", "CUCI TANGAN", and "PAKAI SABUN" arranged in a rectangular pattern, emphasizing the importance of handwashing with soap.
The document contains repeated instructions to wash hands with soap by calling out phrases such as "AYO", "CUCI TANGAN", and "PAKAI SABUN" arranged in a rectangular pattern, emphasizing the importance of handwashing with soap.
The document contains repeated instructions to wash hands with soap by calling out phrases such as "AYO", "CUCI TANGAN", and "PAKAI SABUN" arranged in a rectangular pattern, emphasizing the importance of handwashing with soap.
The document contains repeated instructions to wash hands with soap by calling out phrases such as "AYO", "CUCI TANGAN", and "PAKAI SABUN" arranged in a rectangular pattern, emphasizing the importance of handwashing with soap.