Potentiometric Titrations PDF
Potentiometric Titrations PDF
Potentiometric Titrations PDF
Manganometric titration of
iron(II) ions
C3.5.3.2 LD Chemistry Leaflets
LD Chemistry Leaflets C3.5.3.2
Evaluation of the experiment is done using CASSY Lab 2. To The slight deviation of about 2% shows that the titration is a
determine the exact point of equivalence using CASSY Lab, very precise measurement method.
click the right mouse button in the diagram and select the
Cleaning and disposal
Determine equivalence point sub-item in the Other eval-
uations in the context menu. Mark the curve range and the To dispose of the potassium permanganate, add glucose to the
equivalence point is provided by CASSy Lab. The value of the remaining solution. Potassium permanganate reduces to man-
equivalence point can be added to the diagram by making an- ganese dioxide through oxidation of the glucose and can then
other right click in the diagram and selecting Text under the be disposed of as heavy metal waste. This should also be done
Set mark point (see Fig. 2). to the solution in the beaker.
The concentration of the iron solution can be evaluated through The remaining iron(II) sulphate solution can be disposed of as
calculation from the volume of potassium permanganate deter- inorganic salt solution with heavy metals.
mined. In the process, be aware that a MnO4- ion can oxidise
5 Fe2+ ions.
Therefore, to determine the concentration of the Fe 2SO4 solu-
tion, use the following formula: