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NIH Public Access

Author Manuscript
Exp Neurol. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2011 May 1.
Published in final edited form as:
NIH-PA Author Manuscript

Exp Neurol. 2010 May ; 223(1): 77–85. doi:10.1016/j.expneurol.2009.03.031.

Management of nerve gaps: Autografts, allografts, nerve

transfers, and end-to-side neurorrhaphy

Wilson Z. Ray, MD1 and Susan E. Mackinnon, MD2

1 Department of Neurological Surgery, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO

2Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Washington University School of Medicine, St.
Louis, MO

Since its introduction in the late 1870’s, surgical restoration of function following peripheral
nerve injury has made significant progress (Naff and Ecklund, 2001). The development of the
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operating microscope, improved microsurgical techniques, and a greater understanding of the

internal topography of perpheral nerves has greatly improved functional outcomes. In addition,
advances in basic science and clinical research have furthered our understanding of the
pathophysiology of nerve injury, recovery, and repair.

There are several factors that influence recovery following a nerve injury: time elapsed, patient
age, mechanism, proximity of the lesion to distal targets, and associated soft tissue or vascular
injuries (Gilbert, et al., 2006, Hentz and Narakas, 1988, Slutsky, 2006). All these factors must
be carefully considered in order to optimize the operative approach used in each unique patient.
Prompt repair of nerve injuries leads to improved outcomes by allowing for earlier distal motor
end plate and sensory receptor reinnervation. In younger patients, the more robust regenerative
capacity typically results in better outcomes compared to the elderly. Mechanism of damage
is an important determinant of the longitudinal extent of the injury. More proximal lesions
must traverse longer distances to reinnervate the distal target. And finally, concomitant soft
tissue or vascular injuries can result in significant distortion and scarring, seriously
complicating exploration of the affected area.

The ultimate goal of any peripheral nerve reconstruction is the restoration of function as
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promptly and completely as possible, while minimizing donor site and systemic morbidity. In
cases where a tension-free primary end-to-end neurorrhaphy is not possible, several
alternatives exist. This review summarizes these options for repair including interpositional
nerve grafting, transfers and end-to-side neurorrhaphy (Fig. 1).

Timing of nerve repairs (Open vs. Closed)

The process of determining optimal timing for nerve repairs begins as soon as the patient
presents. Information regarding the mechanism of injury or onset of symptoms will guide the

Reprint Requests & Corresponding Author: Susan E. Mackinnon, MD, Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Washington
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clinician towards the most suitable treatment modality. Patients presenting with open injuries
and neurological deficit require early exploration (Figure 2). While concomitant vascular
injuries may necessitate emergency exploration, in general it is appropriate to wait to explore
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open injuries with neurological defects until appropriate expert surgical staff and operative
support is available. In cases that require intraoperative stimulation of distal nerves to identify
motor fascicles (e.g. distal facial nerve branches), exploration must be performed within 72
hours while residual neurotransmitters are still present in the distal nerve. In sharp transection
injuries, primary repair should be performed. With blunt or mangled injuries (e.g. table saw
injury), however, the proximal and distal ends of the nerve can be marked and approximated
in an initial exploratory procedure. Once scar tissue has helped to declare the full extent of the
injury approximately three weeks later, a secondary nerve grafting procedure is then usually
performed. Reapproximating the nerve ends during the primary procedure helps maintain
proper orientation and decreases the amount of retraction, ultimately minimizing the length of
the final nerve graft. Extremely severe injuries involving multiple tissues may occasionally
require the acute placement of a nerve graft if returning to the wound at a later date might
compromise ultimate recovery. In such cases, since the injury has not had sufficient time to
fully declare its true extent, it is imperative that nerve ends be trimmed back proximally and
distally to ensure that the nerve graft will be placed outside the zone of injury.

An understanding of the classification of nerve injury (Table 1) is absolutely essential in the

management of nerve injuries. First, second, and third degree injuries will recover without the
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need for surgery, where fourth and fifth degree will require surgical intervention. Initial
management of closed injuries is expectant (Figure 3), with baseline electrodiagnostic
evaluation at six weeks. Fibrillations will appear approximately four to six weeks after injury,
while motor unit potentials (MUPs) and nascent units take several weeks to appear. MUPs
indicate reinnervation from collateral sprouting from nearby intact axons, while nascent units
represent direct reinnervation from the original injured axons. We frequently encounter cases
in which a closed nerve injury followed with electrical studies revealed MUPs or nascents, yet
the surgeon misinterpreted this as an indication for surgery, it is not. While fibrillations suggest
axonal injury, MUPS and nascent units indicate nerve regeneration and suggests a second or
third degree type of injury. With closed injuries, if clinical or electrical evidence of recovery
is not seen by three months post-injury, surgery may be recommended. Exploration of gunshot
wounds is delayed until four months, since these injuries rarely involve actual transection of
neural elements. The initial injury is often secondary to heat and stretch from the projectile
(Kline, 2009,Midha, 2008).

Management of Nerve Gaps

When tension free primary repair is not possible, a suitable alternative must be pursued. The
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surgical technique employed in these alternatives is similar, whether it be a nerve graft, conduit,
or nerve transfer. The proximal and distal nerve ends are trimmed until normal fascicular
structure is revealed (Fig. 4A–C), allowing the surgeon to achieve appropriate realignment.
While considerable attention to detail is typically devoted to the microsurgical technique of a
nerve repair, an understanding of the longitudinal extent or zone of injury is equally important.
We frequently encounter meticulously performed primary nerve repairs that have unfortunately
been performed within the zone of injury (Fig. 4A). “Bread-loafing” proximally and distally
reveals about one centimeter of scar tissue before a normal fascicular pattern is noted. In the
case of a failed primary repair, a 4cm nerve graft is typically needed to ensure that the graft is
placed completely outside the zone of injury, and to minimize tension on the repair throughout
a full range of motion at the joint.

A thorough understanding of nerve topography is also critical for any successful nerve repair.
For example, at the wrist the ulnar nerve consists of 40% motor and 60% sensory fibers.

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Therefore, improper realignment of the ulnar nerve during a repair could result in excellent
regeneration but poor functional recovery if motor and sensory fascicles are not properly
oriented. In addition, all nerve reconstructions should be performed in a tension-free manner
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to allow for early protected postoperative movement to minimize any scar adherence that could
affect recovery. Finally, as a nerve regenerates it will often “hold” or “stall” in an area of known
nerve compression, such as the carpal or cubital tunnels. Decompression or transposition of
nerves at these known areas of entrapment will frequently enhance functional recovery.

Autogenous Nerve Grafts

Autogenous nerve grafting has long been considered the “gold standard” for repair of
irreducible nerve gaps. Autogenous grafts act as immunogenically inert scaffolds, providing
appropriate neurotrophic factors and viable Schwann cells (SCs) for axonal regeneration. The
choice of autogenous graft is dependent on several factors: the size of the nerve gap, location
of proposed nerve repair, and associated donor-site morbidity. Although the sural nerve is the
most commonly used autograft, there are many other suitable nerves that can be used as
interposition grafts including: the medial and lateral cutaneous nerves of the forearm, dorsal
cutaneous branch of the ulnar nerve, superficial and deep peroneal nerves, intercostal nerves,
and the posterior and lateral cutaneous nerves of the thigh (Mackinnon, 1988, Norkus, et al.,
2005). As with all repair techniques, when utilizing an interposition graft it is critical to avoid
any tension at the repair site, for even minimal tension can negatively impact the functional
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outcome(Terzis, et al., 1975).

Our institution attempts to use noncritical portions of an injured nerve to provide graft material
in order to decrease morbidity from nerve grafting. For example, the third web space component
of the median nerve can be used as nerve graft material to reconstruct the more critical radial
portion of the median nerve. If grafting is performed within a few months of injury, the distal
nerve will still contain viable SCs. The proximal portion of the nerve will always contains
viable SCs. The anterior branch of the medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve provides an ideal
donor for upper extremity reconstruction; this technique limits scarring and donor-site
morbidity to the same extremity as the injured nerve. Leaving the posterior branch of the medial
antebrachial cutaneous nerve intact preserves sensibility in the ulnar border of the forearm. We
are always conscious of the distal end of the sensory nerve that we have not reinnervated such
as the distal donor nerve or the third web space component of the median nerve when we are
reinnervating just the radial side of the median nerve. The distal, uninnervated nerve is turned
end-to-side to a normal adjacent sensory nerve so that even minimum collateral sprouting from
the end-to-side repair will provide some sensation to the area and prevent deafferent pain(Dorsi,
• Pros - nonimmunogenic, bridge nerve gap
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• Cons - sensory loss, scarring, neuroma formation, second incision, limited supply,
inferior to tension free primary repair

Nerve Transfers
Nerve transfers convert a proximal injury into a distal one by transferring “near by” redundant
nerve function to a distal denervated nerve close to the target. The concept of nerve transfer
itself is not new (Kotani, et al., 1971, Tuttle, 1913), but has gained significant momentum over
the past decade with many authors reporting good outcomes(Brandt and Mackinnon, 1993,
El-Gammal and Fathi, 2002, Samardzic, et al., 2002, Waikakul, et al., 1999). The use of nerve
transfers for proximal upper extremity and brachial plexus reconstruction is now well
established. Although there are no definitive guidelines for when to use nerve transfers, we
follow a general set of parameters to tailor each patient’s procedure. Indications include:
brachial plexus injuries or other proximal injuries, long distance from target motor end plates,

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delayed presentation, significant limb trauma resulting in segmental loss of nerve function, and
previous injury with significant scarring around vital bony or vascular structures. The use of
nerve transfers provides some indemnity for return of function in cases where use of nerve
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grafts or primary repair may prove unreliable. In a proximal radial nerve injury it is possible
to restore distal radial nerve function with redundant motor branches from the median nerve
(Figure 5A–D). A proximal ulnar nerve injury can be especially problematic, and even early
repair typically provides only protective sensation to the digits without returning meaningful
function to intrinsic hand muscles (Weber, 2006). In these cases, a distal nerve transfer of the
anterior interosseous nerve (AIN) can provide reinnervation prior to degeneration of the
neuromuscular junction. Novak et al. (Novak, 2002) described the use of the distal AIN to
pronator quadratus (Fig. 6A and C), and directed it to the distal ulnar motor fascicle (Fig. 6B
and D). Complex injuries may require even more novel reconstructive strategies (Figure 7A–
D). Table 2 shows the most common upper extremity transfers we currently utilize.

With all transfers, when selecting the appropriate donor nerves several criteria must be
considered: proximity of donor nerve to the recipient nerve motor end plates, availability of
redundant or expendable donor nerve, synergism of donor muscles to target muscles, similarity
in number of motor or sensory axons between donor and recipient nerves, and size matching
(Table 3).
• Pros - typically avoids donor autografts and associated morbidity, proximity of donor
nerves to target motor endplates provides earlier reinnervation
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• Cons – possible loss of function from donor nerve site, donor muscle is no longer an
acceptable donor for muscle transfer

End-to-Side Coaptation
Described over a century ago (Balance, 1903, Harris, 1903) end-to-side coaptation is an
alternative in cases where the proximal nerve stump is not available or inaccessible; instead,
the injured distal stump is coapted to the side of an uninjured donor nerve. In 1994, Viterbo et
al. sparked new interest in this technique by reporting axonal regeneration with the use of end-
to-side neurorrhaphy in a rat model (Viterbo, et al., 1994). This revitalized interest has given
rise to a substantial amount laboratory and clinical work investigating its application (Amr and
Moharram, 2005, Lundborg, et al., 1994, Luo, et al., 1997, Tham and Morrison, 1998, Yan, et
al., 2002, Zhao, et al., 1997). Although this technique continues to have many advocates, some
authors have reported disappointing results. Bertelli and Ghizoni reported their experience in
a rat facial nerve model, as well as several clinical cases involving brachial plexus, radial and
peroneal nerve lesions. Both experimentally and clinically, they found no evidence of
reinnervation from end-to-side coaptation (Bertelli and Ghizoni, 2003, Bertelli and Ghizoni,
2006). Despite these mixed reviews the controversy surrounding end-to-side has primarily
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focused on the requirement for donor nerve axotomy.

In an end-to-side repair, the term “collateral sprouting” refers to novel axonal regeneration into
the recipient stump originating from the donor nerve; the exact origin of these new axons is
disputed. Hayashi et al designed an end-to-side coaptation rat model that left the donor nerve
intact. Evidence of collateral sprouting was initially reported even in the absence of donor
nerve injury (Hayashi, et al., 2004). However, when repeated in a more sophisticated model,
it was shown that only sensory axons sprouted de novo without injury(Hayashi, et al., 2008).
Matsumoto et al also demonstrated that although collateral sprouting occurs in the absence of
donor nerve axotomy, only sensory reinnervation occurs (Matsumoto, et al., 1999). In our
laboratory, Brenner et al used a rodent model to demonstrate that donor nerve injury is required
for motor regeneration following end-to-side repair (Brenner, et al., 2007). Furthermore, in a
recent review by Dvali and Myckatyn on end-to-side repair, the authors concluded motor
sprouting following end-to-side repair relies upon donor nerve axotomy, while sensory

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sprouting does not (Dvali and Myckatyn, 2008). Therefore, we believe that in order for motor
fibers to regenerate, a donor nerve axotomy must be performed. Our current clinical practice
has yielded excellent results with low morbidity using well planned nerve transfers and we
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generally limit the use of end-to-side repairs to reconstruction of noncritical sensory deficits.
• Pros – useful when minimal sensory recovery is needed
• Cons - will not result in motor recovery without donor axonal injury

Nerve Conduits
A considerable amount of research has been devoted to the development of a viable synthetic
or biologic nerve conduit, and currently several commercially available options exist. The
authors limit their use of nerve conduits to the repair of noncritical small diameter sensory
nerves, gaps less than 3cm, and as a nerve repair wrap. We believe the concentration of
neurotrophic factors is critical to advancing nerve regeneration, and if the volume of a conduit
increases beyond a critical size (Fig. 8), regeneration is inhibited unless the length of the conduit
is dramatically shortened. As surgeons achieve clinical success with short-gap, small diameter
nerve injuries, the clinical front is being extended to include larger diameter nerves at longer
gaps, and we are beginning to see the failed results of such procedures (Fig. 9A–C)(Moore,
• Pros - Readily available, avoids donor site morbidity, bridges a nerve gap, barrier to
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scar tissue infiltration, may allow for accumulation of local neurotrophic factors
• Cons - Variable outcomes, lack of laminin scaffold and Schwann cells, limits its use
to short nerve gaps

Nerve Allografts
The use of donor related or cadaveric nerve allografts is reserved for devastating or segmental
nerve injuries. Like all tissue allotransplantation, nerve allografts require systemic
immunosuppression; the associated morbidity of immunomodulatory therapy limits the
widespread application of nerve allografting. Several techniques (e.g. cold preservation,
irradiation, lyophilization) to reduce nerve allograft antigenicity have been described
(Anderson and Turmaine, 1986, Campbell, et al., 1963, Evans, et al., 1995, Hiles, 1972, Lawson
and Glasby, 1995, Marmor, 1964, Martini, 1985, Singh and Lange, 1975, Wilhelm, 1972,
Wilhelm and Ross, 1972). Our clinical protocal is ABO matched donors, small diameter donor
nerves, cold preservation (4°–5° C for 7days), three days of pretreatment with FK506 and
continued immunosuppression until the tinel sign has crossed the distal graft site.

In contrast to autografts, the use of nerve allografts relies upon the viability of both host and
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donor SCs. The donor SCs play a dual role following nerve transplantation, acting as support
cells for remyelination and as facultative antigen presenting cells. This dual role prohibits a
complete removal of these presumed primary sources of major histocompatibility complex
(MHC) II molecules and simultaneously maintains the requirement for systemic
immunosuppression (Gulati, 1998, Gulati and Cole, 1990, Lassner, et al., 1989, Mackinnon,
et al., 1982, Pollard, et al., 1971, Trumble and Shon, 2000, Yu, et al., 1990).

Despite the morbidity associated with systemic immunosuppression, nerve allografting

remains an area of intense interest. Unlike solid organ transplantation, nerve allotransplantation
requires only temporary immunosuppression. Once adequate host SC migration has occurred
into the nerve allograft at approximately 24 months, systemic immunosuppression can be
withdrawn. Furthermore, despite the morbidity of immunosuppressive therapy, the commonly
utilized immunosuppressive agent FK-506 (Tacrolimus) has been demonstrated to augment
neuroregeneration (Feng, et al., 2001, Gold, et al., 1995, Mackinnon, et al., 2001). The

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combination of FK-506 with cold preservation of allografts has produced reliable, robust
clinical outcomes (Mackinnon, et al., 2001). Current research efforts are aimed at
understanding the host response to nerve allotransplantation and mechanisms to modify host
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and/or donor alloantigen recognition and presentation. This understanding may lead to further
refinement of the current immunomodulation strategies and may eventually provide an
unlimited supply of nerve graft material.

Careful patient selection and cautious application of these techniques must be emphasized. The
senior author (S.E.M) has significant clinical experience with nerve allografts. Since 1988,
eleven patients have undergone major reconstructive procedures utilizing cadaveric nerve
allografts. Ten of the eleven patients experienced good functional recovery at 24 month follow-
up. One patient developed subacute rejection secondary to subtherapeutic immunosuppression
and the graft was promptly rejected.
• Pros - readily accessible, unlimited supply, bridge nerve gap, avoids donor site
• Cons – potential side effects of host immunosuppression

Rehabilitation following Nerve Repair/Graft/Transfer

Postoperative rehabilitation and re-education are critical following any nerve repair or transfer.
Early goals involve protected range of motion exercises to prevent adhesions at the nerve repair
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site and to avoid joint stiffness and contractures. Subsequent goals of rehabilitation include
sensory and motor re-education. It is well established that re-education is critical for optimizing
outcomes following nerve repair or transfer (Oud, et al., 2007). The capacity to re-establish
association networks and cortical plasticity facilitates motor and somatosensory reorganization
of function (Beaulieu, et al., 2006, Malessy, et al., 2003). This re-organization is dependent on
the patient’s active participation in sensory and motor rehabilitation.

Advances in laboratory and translational research will undoubtedly continue to shape current
clinical practices. While each repair strategy has its own advantages and disadvantages, careful
consideration of outcome goals and individual patient factors usually affords a directed surgical
approach. The appropriate intervention is ultimately determined by injury type, patient
characteristics, and surgeon preferences.

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Figure 1.
Summarizes the various options for nerve repair. Nerve allografts are utilized for large,
otherwise irreparable injuries. Nerve transfer use redundant nerve fibers for a proximal nerve
injury. The autograft is used to reconstruct a nerve gap. Direct repair is used when there is no
intervening nerve gap to create tension. Both end-to-side and nerve conduits are used for
noncritical sensory injuries.

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Figure 2.
Treatment algorithm for patients with open injuries.
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Figure 3.
Treatment alorithm for patients with closed injuries.

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Figure 4.
A) Photograph of resected neuroma with disruption of architecture. Sutures are evident from
a previous repair, B) Step-wise removal of scar tissue until healthy nerve fascicles are
encountered, C) Healthy nerve outside the zone of injury, depicting organized architecture with
healthy fascicles prior to nerve grafting. (Images courtesy of Allen Van Beek)
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Figure 5.
A and C) Illustration of the exposed median and ulnar nerve, the posterior interosseous nerve
(PIN) and extensor carpi radialis brevis (ECRB) are depicted in pink and the anterior
interosseous nerve (AIN) and flexor digitorum superficialis (FDS) are seen in green, B and D)
Median nerve (green) transfer to the radial nerve (pink). (Adapted by permission from Hand
Clinics; Elsevier. 2008 Nov; 24(4):319–340, Brown, JM, Mackinnon, SE. Nerve transfers of
the forearm and hand)

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Figure 6.
A and C) Illustration and photograph demonstrating the AIN in yellow and the deep motor
branch of the ulnar in pink, B and D) Transfer of the AIN (yellow) at the level of the pronator
quadratus to the motor branch of the ulnar nerve (pink) (Adapted by permission from Hand
Clinics; Elsevier. 2008 Nov; 24(4):319–340, Brown, JM, Mackinnon, SE. Nerve transfers of
the forearm and hand)
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Figure 7.
A) Large neuroma in continuity of the proximal median nerve, B) microdissection of the injury
and the distal branches, C and D) Illustration and photograph of the finished repair utilizing
the LABC as both nerve graft and nerve transfer to the sensory branch of the median nerve,
the ECRB was transferred to the PT and the supinator was directed to the AIN. The sensory
portion of the median nerve to the 3rd web space was not injuried and was protected.

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Figure 8.
Illustrates the importance of diameter in the volume of a nerve gap. The formula for volume
is V = Πr2L, thus doubling the radius (conduit B) requires a length ¼ of conduit A to maintain
an equal volume. (Symbols: V = volume, r = radius, Π =pi (~3.14), L = length). (Permission
for reproduction from Hand; Springerlink 2009 Jan 10, Epub, Moore, AM et al. Limitations
of conduits in peripheral nerve repairs.)
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Figure 9.
A) Photograph of a large neuroma in continuity following repair with a large PGA nerve
conduit, B) The affected segment of nerve was resected leaving a 6 cm nerve gap, C) A-
histology of the distal conduit revealed dense fibrinous scar tissue with no discernable nerve
structures, B -the mid-conduit section revealed disorganized architecture with no clear axonal
organization, C – proximally, normal nerve architecture was demonstrated, D) Photograph of
final repair with interposition graft. (Permission for Reproduction from Hand; Springerlink
2009 Jan 10, Epub, Moore, AM et al. Limitations of conduits in peripheral nerve repairs.)

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Table 1
Classification of Nerve Injury

EMG Nerve Conduction Studies

Degree of Injury Degree of Recovery Rate of Recovery Tinel Fib MUP’s

I Neurapraxia Complete Fast ≤ 4months − − N

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II Axonotmesis Complete Slow, 1″ per month (+) Advances + +

III Incomplete Slow, 1″ per month (+) Advances + +

IV Neuroma In-continuity None None Stationary + −

V Neurotmesis None None Stationary + −

VI Mixed Injury (I to V) Mixed Variable ¥ Depends on degree of injury (I–IV) + +

Recovery can vary from excellent to poor depending on the amount of scarring and the sensory versus motor axon misdirection to target receptors
Mackinnon injury where some fascicles may be injuried and others show varying degrees of injury

EMG= Electromyography, MUP’s = Motor unit potentials

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Table 2
Nerve Transfer Table

Injured Nerve Missing Function Donor Nerve Recipient Nerve

Suprascapular Shoulder abduction, external rotation Distal Spinal Accessory Suprascapular

Long thoracic Scapula stabilization, forward Medial pectoral, thoracodorsal, intercostal Long thoracic
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Axillary Shoulder abduction Triceps branch of radial nerve, medial pectoral Axillary

Musculocutaneous Elbow flexion Ulnar nerve fascicle to FCU; Median nerve fascicle to FCR, Brachialis branch; Biceps branch

Spinal Accessory Shoulder elevation and abduction Medial pectoral, C7 redundant fascicle Spinal Accessory

Ulnar Intrinsic hand Terminal AIN (branch to pronator quadratus) Ulnar nerve fascicles to deep motor branch

Median Thumb opposition Terminal AIN (branch to pronator quadratus) Median (recurrent) motor

Median Finger flexion FCU, Brachialis AIN

Median Pronation ECRB, FCU, FDS Pronator branch

Radial Wrist and finger extension FCR, FDS ± PL ECRB and PIN


Median sensory Thumb-index key pinch area sensation Ulnar common sensory branch to 4th web space Median common sensory branch to 1st web space

Median sensory Thumb-index key pinch area sensation Dorsal sensory branch of the ulnar nerve Median common sensory branch to 1st web space

Ulnar sensory Ring and small finger sensation Median common sensory branch to the 3rd web space Ulnar common sensory branch to the 4th web space; ulnar digital nerve
to the small finger

Ulnar sensory Ulnar border of the hand sensation Lateral antebrachial Dorsal sensory branch of the ulnar nerve

FCU = flexor carpi ulnaris, FCR = flexor carpi radialis, FDS = flexor digitorum superficialis, AIN = anterior interosseous nerve, ECRB = extensor carpi radialis brevis, PIN = posterior interosseous nerve, PL

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= Palmaris longus
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Table 3
Number of available fibers/axons
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C5 - 16,000 Suprascapular - 3500 Radial - 19,000

C6 - 27,000 Axillary - 6500 Spinal accessory - 1600

C7 - 23,000 Musculocutaneous - 14,000* Thoracodorsal - 2000

C8 - 30,000 Median - 18,000 ** Intercostal - 1000

T1 - 19,000 Ulnar - 16,000¥ Medial Pectoral - 1170–2140

½ motor and ½ sensory axons
AIN – 900 fibers at the elbow & 600 at the wrist
fibers at the level of intrinsics – 1200 fibers
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